
Cupcakes and Cameras


It’s kinda funny to me that I started this baking blog last year to document my baking, and my most frequently asked question is, “What kind of camera do you use?” It’s especially amusing since I don’t really know what all the buttons are for. Actually, I keep the camera on automatic most of the time.

But, if you like my pictures and you’re interested in my camera, here’s what I use:

Canon Digital Rebel XTi 10MP
This is a great camera that comes with an EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 lens. (Sounds impressive – if I only knew what it meant. Maybe I should read the manual.) It took me a while to give in to buying a real camera. I had been using one that fit in my pocket and I didn’t want one that I couldn’t carry in my purse. But, I finally gave in last year with only one regret… that I didn’t buy it sooner.

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 lens
I use this lens 99% of the time. It gives my pictures what I call “the magic.” Actually, it’s some technical stuff about depth of field. But basically, it means things that are not in focus get really fuzzy. It’s a fixed lens, which means you can’t zoom, but it’s worth it for the effect.

Canon EF 12 II Extension Tube
Sometimes I’ll use this to get in really close on a subject. A friend gave it to me and it’s been great. Maybe one day I’ll step up to a real macro lens, but until then, this one is fine.

Lowel Ego Light
Since I like to take all my pics without a flash, that means I need good natural light to shoot by. And when that’s not available, I use this tabletop Lowel Ego Light. It’s really helpful for taking pictures at night. And it’s super portable so I can tuck it away when I’m not using it. One problem … I think I need two.

Camera Remote
This way I can actually be in some of my pictures.

Any basic one should be fine.

Camera Bag
This one is big enough for all my stuff and enough room if I buy another lens.

Other Camera choices:
Nikon D80 10.2 MP For the Nikon fans
Canon Digital Rebel XSi 12MP Upgraded version of my camera

Confetti Cupcakes

I originally bought the camera because I wanted to take better quality family photos. But lately, pictures of my friends and family have been replaced with of pictures of cupcakes. Character cupcakes, seasonal cupcakes, plain jane cupcakes, kids with cupcakes. I can’t stop. Sorry, guys. You know I still love you.

Here’s a few faves – and all with the 50 mm lens, of course.


Note: The first photo was taken with my Canon Powershot SD500.

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181 comments on “Cupcakes and Cameras”

  1. Thanks for the camera information! I am wondering about taking pictures of the food I bake with my cell phone which is not a fancy one! I do feel like saying “smile” at my baked goods but find myself smiling while I say “cheese”!

  2. Fantastic photo’s, it really make a difference when you have the right equipment.

  3. Thank you, Bakerella. I love this post. It is and easy to follow!
    Lifestyle Blog/Recipes/Crafts/Advice/How To

  4. Now I wont something sweet

  5. Ciao sono uno più bello dell’altro complimenti

  6. hello! You’re such an inspiration xo | One quick question: does your camera has a built in anti-shake thingymajiggy (:

  7. If you ever need a photographer I’m always here and ready. You can also easily bribe me with cupcakes.

  8. Looks awsome!!

  9. hi , i am from united arab emirates

  10. i loved the cute cupcake with the camera $.$

  11. no me salen -.-

  12. thanks for sharing your camera.

  13. On Amazon your camera was 759.99$!

  14. I use a digital but the pictures come out fantastic! I don’t know what it is but taking pictures of my creations is addicting! Thanks for your awesome ideas :D

  15. I love all your cake pop book and all the ideas in it!! I made the turkey pops and DELISH!! Thank you :)

  16. I use a Canon EOS 400D camera with a 18-55MM lens and find that can give some great pictures – especially the ‘depth of field’ shots which Bakerella does so well – this is where you need the objects in the background to be blured. To do this put the ‘F Stop’ as low as you can – around F4.0 and you should get some great shots – make sure you use a stand or tripod though!! You can also use patterened backgrounds, like this one, if you don’t have multiple objects to shoot, as you can still achieve a nice effect:

    Happy shooting!

  17. Long time reader thouh I think this is only my second post, thout I can’t say for sure.
    I’ve always loved your photos ae wondered what camera you used. They always come out perfectly lit and clear.
    I’ve been waiting yearsto get my DSLR. Tuesday is my birthday and my boyfried is planning to get me my dream camera. A Nikon D3100 with a 18-55mm Zoom Nikkor VR Stabilization Lens.
    Noidea how to us it yet but I’m goig to enjoy learning and I also hav advantage of being friends with a local photographer who agreed to teach me.

  18. you should all try out
    theyre a great company. i just bought my new camera from them. they have almost anything you would ever need. from cameras, ipads, they even have kitchen things!
    and they have free delivery! i always use them!

  19. My two loves, cake and photography! :)

  20. Hi Bakerella,
    I have a question, whenever i baked my cupcakes, the papercup then to become oily after baking. Do you have the same issue as well or is it just me?

  21. I LOVE the cat two and dog, I also like the diet cola one.
    You a really inspiration!!!!!!!!!

  22. Wow it’s amazing ,I want to know how do u make the butter cream, I tried to make it ,but it doesn’t wort I want to make flower by it,but it doesn’t fixed??

  23. I’m so glad I found this post, even though it was originally posted years ago, I really needed this. I’ve been trying to figure out how to take better pictures of my desserts especially since my decorating is improving and I’m getting more orders.

    I don’t have the best camera, it’s not a bad digital camera (Samsung), it works. I can take pretty good clear pictures with the it but sometimes the lighting isn’t good and making the adjustments on my camera don’t always help. Then setting up the shoots are something I’m not good at (yet).

    But I’m going to keep trying and see if these tips work for my little camera. Thanks for sharing!!

  24. I feel the same way about cupcakes and cameras! I have a long way to go to catch up with you. Take a look!

  25. what i would really like to know is HOW DO YOU MAKE THOSE CUPCAKES!? THEY LOOK SO GOOD!

  26. You just made my day. You just combined my 2 fave things. photographing and baking. You also gave me a great idea. thanks!!!

  27. i just read a little further up and see that someone already asked you the same question i no worries on responding to mine :)

  28. I Love Everything You Do!! I Love Your Photography..I Want to hang your photos in my kitchen….question for you: how do you get the background of your photo to be a certain colour…do you set up backdrops?

  29. one more thing now I am looking at the Canon that close to what you have?? and if I get it I should buy the 50mm lens and that is all I need to take fab pics?? lol I have no idea about cameras I know I just like great photos and I am so tired of my el cheapo camera that once i click it the “moment ” is gone, plus I want some great close ups like you get where it’s ‘fuzzy” in the background..what setting is that?? :)

  30. I love your blog I just found it! I am in the market to buy “grown up” camera :) so I can get the great photos of my 2 boys and the fun things we make.. seeing what you use is now what I want to buy!! the Canon Xsi the same as the Xti? And then if I buy the 50mm lens is that what I should use most of the time to get those great photos? thanks so much!! :)

  31. The 50mm f/1.8 is pure awesomeness for under $100. IMO, one of the best investments anyone getting started doing this type of photography can make.

  32. Your pictures really are amazing. We just bought a Nikon for my cupcake blog, and we are happy with it. I believe if we had a different lense our pictures would come out even better. Maybe that will be our next splurge!

  33. I have a shop of candy(candy store) in France in Lourdes and I would like to market your products. Can give me myself information?
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  34. Amazing!

  35. Had to come see the lady I’ve heard so much about lately. You are AMAZING! I’m the daughter of a cake baker and I’m so looking forward to sharing your site with her. So creative! And I’m also really into photography. You do a wonderful job of capturing your food. The scrapbook paper idea! Stealin’ that one.

  36. I have that camera only it has 15 megapixals. It’s fantasitc. Your lighting is great.

  37. You are really a great photogrpaher. I think your a very artistic person.

  38. Hello Bakerella – I just came across your website and love it. I wanted to say how thoughtful it is that you post replies to “all” that post here, that’s very nice and not always the norm in the Internet world.

    I just started on a cupcake craze about two months ago, I still can’t perfect my swirls though. I have the 1M, 2D, and 1G tips. I guess practice makes perfect.

    I have bookmarked your site and look forward ot my daily fix of your gorgeous cupcakes!

    My husband bought me a professional Sony DSLR camera with all the bells and whistles, but it was too overwhelming for me. I’m a point and shoot girl …LOL. But my cupcake photos certaintlyl don’t look anywhere as wonderful as yours!

    I will try the scrap paper tip.

    Question. How do you get the seamless effect if using scrap paper for the bottom and sides of the photo? It seems to be never ending (the paper)?

    Sorry for the long post, I’m cupcake (and photo) crazed!

    Off to make coconut cupcakes!

  39. I visit your blog because of very cute pictures and I think you are very talented food photographer and very creative blogger. I love photograph too and have both Nikon and Canon.

    It would be nice if you could write a few part of food photograph ,techniques,behind the scene shot sometime to inspire many people out here.

  40. Thanks for all this helpful tips! Just got the rebel for christmas and I love practicing with it, but I too want the magic feel so i may just go buy the fixed lens! Thanks so much! I love your website (actually my co-worker and I love it and practice on our colleagues!)..thanks again!

  41. Thank you SO MUCH for all that detail! I’m always wondering about “the magic” and you really lifted the veil on it! I can’t wait to get a “real” camera and get some pics like that. I ALSO want it for family pics so that additional tidbit was helpful too.

  42. hi bakerella!
    I LOVE you blog!! I’m a complete fan of yours. I was wondering if you could do a post about the “behind the scenes” of your photos. I mean ,showing how you take those pictures with the background, the settings etc… I’m completly amazed by them.

  43. so helpful – thank you!

  44. what i can say…
    i love u..
    really i liked u..
    i wanna learn from u..

  45. I just discovered your blog and my FIRST thought was “wow! she has really great images! I wonder hoe she takes them” I worked as a designer at a grocery store, and was exposed to lots of food photography, hehe I don’t know much about the technical stuff either but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your images!

  46. Ditto what everyone else has said. LOVE your photos. I’ll just toss out that if you end up with a macro that those lenses can be heavy and you might want to consider a heftier tripod…check how many pounds it’ll hold. I wore out two tripods before investing in a Bogan.

    And B&H is a great place to order equipment from:

    Thanks so much for your blog. I thoroughly enjoy it and am always happy to see an e-mail from you in my inbox. I always look forward to see what you’ve created now!

  47. You’ve done it. I am officially in the market for a 50 mm lens. After months of deliberating and trial runs, you have sealed the deal for me… a trip to the camera shop is in order I think!

  48. I’ve visited your site quite a bit, finally today, I was going to email you and ask if you are a professional photographer or where in the world do you get your pictures. Then, I stumbled across this post of yours. Pictures are amazing, as well as your ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  49. first of all, love your blog :) everything is amazing

    but do you use a special program to upload various sizes of your pictures and align them all creatively? maybe its a trick i never noticed with blogger.. but i keep trying to make mine look more like one of those picture frames with multiple size slots… and i fail :( lol

    anyway if you have time to reply please let me know.. thanks so much!!

    again.. your blog is such an inspiration :)

  50. colored papers

  51. I love your blog and all your baking creations. I love how your posts are so colorful…what do you use for backdrops? THANKS!

  52. it's just my kitchen table and some scrapbook paper. Not too exciting.

  53. I apologize if I missed this part, but now that we know your camera secrets, what about your sets? I'd love to see photos of your cupcake "studio" and how you create your eye-popping backdrops.

  54. Hello,

    OMG!!! I love the "Coke Drinder Cupcake! It's totally awesome!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  55. Hair – Adobe Photoshop for cropping/downsizing/color correcting.

    It's great!

  56. I actually am among those who e-mailed you with the same question, and really appreciated your reply! I MUST get me one of those lights you speak of – looks like that's the tool I need!
    Thanks for sharing this :)

  57. Bakerella can you adopt me? I love your blog!!! Perhaps you have answered this already. I tried to read through most of the comments: So no photo editing software program? All your pictures are camera/lens magic?

  58. LOVE this post! Thanks for all the great tips on photography!! I'm an amateur photographer and love to take shots of my food and others' as well! If you have time, check out – he has some great photography tips there and I've learned a lot from him.
    I love your site -THANK YOU!!! xo

  59. Aloha Bakerella! I just made a batch of cake bites and I have a new favorite treat! I used less frosting as it is so humid here in Hawaii, but other than that your step by step directions are fabulous!
    Love the site and all the gorgeous pictures. I was wondering if you ever thought about using a close up lens? (sorry if someone already suggested this, not sure I read all the comments) They are a super cheap alternative to buying a macro lens, costing about $30 for a kit with three different strength lenses, +1, +2, and +4. I don't even know what the numbers means, I just know they work really well for taking pics of food. They are about the same size as filters and screw on to your existing lens. You can even use 1,2 or all 3 lenses at the same time. Check out B&H Photo on line. Hopefully they can do your sweets justice!
    And I just have to say, mahalo for sharing all your talents! Just think, you are making people smile (and gain weight) all over the world!

  60. It-s pretty good. Especially for the price and ease of use. I wish I had two.

  61. Hi Bakerella, does that light you mentioned, is it a good substitute for natural light? See, my kitchen is smack dab in the middle of my house no windows anywhere close so I don't get any natural light in there so my pictures are always either yellow from light bulbs, overly light with the flash, or too dark… :/ So I am trying to find a good natural light substitute,

  62. Wow, I love the Mom tattoo style cupcake, really impressed with the quality of the photos. I have a nikon, but desparatley want to upgrade to the Nikon D90, the close up quality is amazing- however seeing your results with the canon for cake deocrating needs, might make me change my mind!
    cake decorator

  63. Thank you so much for sharing your camera and accessories with all of your fans! I am really in love with your creations and photography! Keep up the AWESOME work!

  64. i also ran across your blog when i was done posting mine…. i love the pops.. i saw you on martha on my way out the door to work one day and did not write it down… you are awesome and i am doing some cupcake pops for mothers day at the bistro i work at… doing blue velvet with lemon cream cheese. white chocolate bottoms and bright bold colored tops… will post photos for you on sunday… you r awesome and inspiring to me

  65. Hi Bakerella! :) I don't know how but I randomly came across your blog and I LOVE IT! Thank you so much for posting this info re: cameras. I've been debating for a while about whether to upgrade from my "small & fits-in-my-pocket" cam to a big "professional" cam. I'm leaning more towards Nikon, and maybe use the 50mm f/1.8 lens that you recommended… It's available for Nikon, right? I know very little about these big & intimidating cameras. LOL.

    Oh and because of your blog… I created my own blog account and will hopefully get it up and running once I finalize my camera choice. (So I can take beautiful pics of my sweets just like you.) BTW Great Photos! I heart ur blog/site. :)

  66. I think cupcakes are my one of my favorite things to bake and frost. Do you have any tips for the perfect cupcake? I’m making jungle themed cupcakes for my son’s 1st birthday and I want the guests to be wowed!

  67. hello! i stumbled upon your site and i was glad i did. i love your baked goodies. by the way, i’m from the Philippines. a long way…i make chocolate lollipops as a small home business. i love your cake pop ideas. hopefully i can re-create what you do…wish me luck…keep up the good work and God Bless… Rima, Manila

  68. *Drool* Oh well, a girl can dream. Maybe if I try really hard to visualize the camera in my hand, the universe will align and zap me one! Until then, I’ll keep a napkin handy while I gawk at your site. Actually, its not so much gawking as smiling– happy rainbows and fond memories smiling– and then a little drool.

  69. Your cupcakes are really amazing!! I love your blog!
    I have a french blog and actually I organize a food envent about decorated cakes and cupcakes. I would be a pleasure for me I you want to participate!
    Excuse my bad english.

  70. Kelly – thanks Kelly. That’s sweet of you to say.

    Layla – Next time I use it I will try and give better details.

  71. I <3 your blog, you inspire me ALL the time. Each time you make something, I want to try it too! You have great unique and creative ideas, <3 it.

    I tried to play with the 2D but it didn't have the ruffle effect :( Do you have any additional how-to tips?

  72. Bakerella, your amazing!!!! Your work is divine! Your photography is inspiring, I adore your blog, I can’t get enough of your trip to PW’s and….you have time to reply to posted comments! You are a woman I look up to and can really learn from, thank you for all you offer freely on this blog, it truly is AWESOME!

  73. Lara – maybe, but I’m ususally holding a light in one hand and the camera in the other.

  74. Love the site and the gorgeous photos – who knew cupcakes could be so astoundingly pretty?!

    I was interested in your backgrounds/set-up for the cupcake photos. Neat to hear you use scrapbooking paper….now a request. Maybe sometime you could take a few steps back and take a picture of the setup of your photo shoots? Then I could get a better idea of how you accomplish these great pictures. I would really love to see it!

  75. Thanks for saying so.

  76. Wow! Not too many sites make me say this but “wow”. You have an artistic talent for hands on work and seeing things from that perspective. I have never heard of cake pops either and I have been around the baking block a few times. Always fun to learn something new! And you are so helpful and open to people. That is very nice of you. Really. :)

  77. emmasgemsvintage – congrats. you’ll love it

    ivgotahalo – Adobe photoshop. It’s pretty pricey.

    courtney – welcome and glad you like it.

  78. Bakerella – LOVE the blog!!! I stumbled across it on a message board when I was searching for “baby shower treats.” I have made cake balls before and always screw them up when I dip them in the chocolate. Seeing your beautiful creations is an inspiration to perfect my skill :) You’ve definitely gained another follower!

  79. Ok.. i have a different kind of questions. What kind of progam did you use to make the collage in the middle of this post? I love it! And…do you know how much it was?

  80. Because of your post I just bought the 50mm lens for my Canon too! I don’t know much about my camera at all. Thanks for helping me choose a lens that will make my photos even better!Thanks!

  81. Tip:
    I’m 99% sure it was the 2D. If not, it was the 1M. It’s a large tip, so you’ll need the larger coupler.

  82. What piping tip did you use for those cupcakes?

  83. slepre – the backgrounds are scrapbook paper and I use photoshop to color correct if needed.

    Kara – I use the 50 all the time. People, food , whatever. But it’s best for things closer.

    I learned what little I know about cameras by just playing around with it.

  84. With the 50 mm 1.8 fixed lens, do you use this even when you are taking pictures of your friends/family or just when taking close-ups shots like those of your baking?

    Also, is this 50 mm 1.8 fixed lens something that can be used for scenery shots? I am taking a trip down a portion of Route 66 in May and last year all I had was my little $100 digital and I’m looking for better quality shots this year.

    One more thing…did you learn all this on your own?

    Thanks so much! I am very impatiently waiting for my camera to get here!

  85. i always wondered how your pictures were so beautiful. See, most of my cupcake photos are taken by my husband with his digital slr nikons. He has a lot of lenses but no fixed 50 mm 1.8. I might have to get him to buy one so he can take pictures of my works.

    Now what do you use for the backgrounds and such for your pictures or do you photoshop it in somehow? and do you photoshop your photos [ theres no shame in it! =)]

  86. Kara – I don’t think it will dissapoint. I do suggest getting the 50 mm 1.8 fixed lens though. It’s pretty cheap and I use it 95% of the time.

  87. Ok, Bakerella…I’m trusting you on this one. I just took the plunge and bought this same camera. I know NOTHING about photography, and my boyfriend laughed at me when I told him “the Cupcake Lady” recommends it. (Plus I read all the rave reviews on Amazon.) I’ll post again once I’ve had time to play around with it. Thanks for the recommendation!

  88. Chere – My first, second and third digital cameras were canons. I love them, too.

    MommyDevan – It’s done with a program calle Adobe Photoshop.

  89. How do you make the collage prints and put text on the photos? do you have a special program?

  90. Oh Bakerella, I am so happy that you went with a Canon camera. You picked the best. I am a long time user of Canon products and love them. I say this because my best, dearest friend is a Nikon freak. They are both great products. I bought the Canon Xsi for my husband and he loves it. I use the 40D. Your sweet treat are wonderful. Love you site.

  91. No problem.

  92. Thank you so much! You’re pictures are fantastic!

  93. I use natural light whenever I can and then when that’s not available, I use the lowel ego light mentioned in the post. For the backgrounds, I just use colored papers.

  94. Thank you so much for the photography information. Your pictures are amazing. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you use to get such great lighting? Also what do you use for your coloured backgrounds? Thanks again!

  95. Wendy – you’ll be so happy you bought it! Promise.

    Dawn – congrats on getting started. I’m sure yours is fine. And it will get better with each post.

  96. Your blog is really great, and your photography is beautiful!
    I love the pics and all the great baking tips, and Camera tips.
    Thank you! I will be back and will let others know you are out there.
    I am just starting a blog and it is
    not very good, thank you for the inspiration to get it up to speed.
    Again, I really enjoyed yours.
    Loved the favorite celebs list…

  97. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge both in baking AND in photography!! :) I have been salivating over that XTi for months and months…I finally broke down and bought an XSi because I got a super good deal on it and I am SO excited about not having to let my creations go without getting a good photo of it!!! Yey!!!

    I enjoy your blog! Keep it coming! :)

  98. Provoking Puppet – you’re welcome

    riana – thanks and here’s a link to the reese’s post.

  99. great pictures!!! :D is there are recipe for the cupcakes with reese’s pieces on top? :)

  100. The rebel has been on my wish list forever, thanks for the equipment/photographing tips.

  101. baking away – congrats. You’ll love your pictures. It will be immediate. Sometimes family can tell us things over and over and we don’t listen until we hear it from someone on the outside. I’m glad to be the push to get you to better pics.

  102. First of all, I adore your blog. I want to grow up to be just like you! (Shhhh- I’m already 28!)

    Second, I come from a family of photographers. They are always trying to teach me and get me to get a dslr. It wasn’t until reading your post that I bit the bullet and did it. $838 later, I am now the proud owner of
    -the rebel body
    -the 1.8 lens
    -an 8gb sd card
    -the lowel light
    -a tripod
    -a remote control

    I can’t wait to have better pictures on my blog! I can’t wait for it all to arrive. So a big THANK YOU to you for your advice and for all of your beautiful creations on your blog.

  103. Thanks lyndsay! Welcome to the blog.

  104. thank you for sharing your camera tips! i just found your blog and i think it’s really incredible, very inspiring!

  105. Here't the cupcake info:

    I used the recipe from this post –
    Keep in mind that if you use this much icing on each cupcake, you'll probably need more than one batch.

    I'm 99% sure it was the 2D. If not, it was the 1M. It's a large tip, so you'll need the larger coupler.

    I started in the middle and swirled it around until the top of the cupcake was covered in a base of frosting. Then I started a second layer from the outside and swirled it around and up. At least that's what I think I did. I was experimenting with the large tips, so I did it a few ways.

    Baking cups:

    Confetti sprinkles:
    These should be equivalent to the ones I used.

    Happy Decorating!

  106. Love the blog!! Have gotten many ideas from you! What tip did you use for the cupcakes in this post?? The ones in the fuzzy and fuzzier pic??
    Thanks!!! You rock!!

  107. Kuzubambina – I’m sure they will!

  108. thanks alot bakerella for your advice, i am planning to make some cake pops for eid celebration after ramadhan and i will surely feature them in my blog.
    i hope the children will love them :D

  109. puglyfeet – I’m glad you like the lens. Try the lowel ego light, too. It can be helpful.

  110. I want to thank you again for sharing these photography tips. I’ve been wondering how people accomplished the very effects you described in this post. I’ve emailed several bloggers, asking for tips on how they accomplished their blurry backgrounds and not one responded. I bought a 50mm lens for my camera yesterday and I’m ever so pleased with my pictures now. Thank you thank you thank you.

    Now, for artificial sunlight…

  111. Shalum – thanks. I’ll try.

    Dayes – oh, I’m just glad you like the cupcakes. Thanks for saying so.

    Kuzubambina – Are you posting through the blog software? I post my pics to flickr and then link them to the story from there. There’s a way to choose the size and then copy the code and paste it into your story. That way I can make them the size I want.

  112. Hello !

    thank you very much for sharing your camera information with us. i just started out my own food blog and i happen to have the same camera and lens as you do.
    your pictures are amazing and inspiring.
    i was wondering though, how come my pictures dimension seems to be smaller when i post them in the blog?

  113. Care Bears and Odie and daisies, oh my!!! all my favourites!!

    just wanted to let you know.. i love your blog. i know this comment isn’t camera related, but the cute cupcakes were just so irresistable, i had to say something. :-)

  114. nice post, thanks! and great blog! keep it up!

  115. Auuud – Thanks

    Liz – that’s sweet of you to say

  116. Your photography inspires me to experiment with my camera more, because we have the same camera. Like you, I have the “nifty fifty” lens which I love to use in food photography. I love your blog so much, that I’ve tagged it on my blog so I can check in often. Your blog is one of my guilty pleasures!

  117. Oh! Nice blog! I really love it! :) Great pics.

  118. Sure you can send pics. My email is in the blog profile. I’d love to see.

  119. HI Bakerella,
    I rolled the cupcake pops into balls and harden it in the fridge,I have yet to shape it with the flower cookie cutter. My kids cant wait to eat it so I inserted a toothpick and had some stars & heart shaped sparkles stuck onto it…
    Oohhh!!! You should see the kids faces after eating it. One, two, three is never enough> It was gone in seconds.

    Thank you so much for the lovely idea. Can I send you the photos? Give me sometime to download them. Just got a new iMac. this is my email) Love your puppies.
    Woof…. woof!!!

  120. You’re welcome!

  121. Thanks so much for the camera information. I’m new to blogging and have been researching cameras. Great advice and great recipes.

  122. hayleynichols88 – why thanks.

    Gilly – I’m glad my pics make you hungry. That means I’m doing a good job.

    Derick and Becky – various scrapbook papers.

    Jessica – so you understand me. I’m glad I’m not the only one.

  123. Thanks so much for sharing your camera info! I have to admit, I was cracking up when you said that your family pics have now somewhat been replaced by cupcake and baking pics! I am the same way! It is funny how that can happen, and it way to easy to become cupcake and baking obsessed! Your Blog is so amazing! I love your pics, and I always make a point to check it through out the week to see what you have posted. Thanks again!

  124. What do you use to make your little collages?

  125. I always get so hungry when ever I come on your site I want those cupcakes so bad

  126. Your photography (and of course your cupcakes) is always amazing. When I started my blog, that was the thing I found most difficult, other bloggers make their photos look so effortless!

    I think you have a great talent for taking photos, especially if you ‘keep the camera on automatic most of the time’!

  127. Trish Cupcake Momma Singapore – that’s what I need. A photographer. Maybe I can bribe someone with cupcakes.

    Anonymous – Yes, you can use less. You just need it moist enough to hold the shape when rolled.

    Lori – this camera is so good, it might just last that long.

    Patricia Scarpin – you are welcome!

    Lisa – glad to help.

    Tina – Yeah, shooting at night just isn’t the same.

    Lisa magicsprinkles – Thanks!!

    Sammy – you’re welcome.

    Janna – that’s nice of you to say.

    Becky – there you go. and no shopping necessary.

    Urmston Family – you’ll love that book!

  128. Thanks for sharing your camera secerts. I just made some cupcakes today using the “Hello Cupcake” book you sugested. I used the variations in the back of the book and made the chocolate frosting. THey were a hit. THanks you sharing. JIll

  129. Thanks Bakerella for the scrapebook paper tip, never thought of using all the paper I have!

  130. You are so talented. I don’t care what kind of camera you use. :)

  131. Wow!!! Thanks for the advise!!! You made my day, I’ll try to buy a new camera since mine is nottaking good pictures. Thanks a lot!!!

  132. I’ve had camera envy ever since I started browsing all the various food blog sites. I must say that your site, your creations and photos are among the very best I’ve seen. Garfield? Wow. Nailed it. Thanks for sharing your recipes, creativity and camera.

  133. I always have photo envy when I see your site. It makes your gorgeous cupcakes look even yummier and I wonder how I can do that. I also agree with the no flash which I get stuck having to do since I churn mostly at night. Might have to invest in your handy light. Thanks for the tips and keep baking and shooting!

  134. I really need to improve my pictures so this post was great for me to read. Your pictures are beautiful!

  135. Your photos are such an amazing inspiration, sweetie! Tks for sharing the info.

  136. Thanks so much for the camera information. I am lusting after a camera like yours with the 50mm lense. Perhaps I’ll get one for every Christmas and birthday present for the next 20 years!

  137. Hey bakerella,
    I just baked Devil’s Food and realised as I was messing the cake up, it was rather moist. Could I put lesser creme cheese frosting??
    Will it still hold the cake together?

    Need your expert advise.


  138. As you know, I love your designs and the best part is that you take real kick-ass fotos too! My sister is my “official photographer”, she uses Nikon D40 with other gizmos stuff. Natural lighting is the best :)

  139. I received a lot of inquiries about the cupcake in the first picture. So, here's what I used:

    I used the recipe from this post –
    Keep in mind that if you use this much icing on each cupcake, you'll probably need more than one batch.

    I'm 99% sure it was the 2D. If not, it was the 1M. It's a large tip, so you'll need the larger coupler.

    I started in the middle and swirled it around until the top of the cupcake was covered in a base of frosting. Then I started a second layer from the outside and swirled it around and up. At least that's what I think I did. I was experimenting with the large tips, so I did it a few ways.

    Baking cups:

    Confetti sprinkles:
    These should be equivalent to the ones I used.

    Happy Decorating!

    Sublime Photography – thanks sublime.

    emily – glad to accommodate

    Carly and Blair – sounds cool.

    Becky – I just use scrapbook or colored paper.

    Lisa Michelle – Funny… I told you that was my most frequently asked question. For the backgrounds, I just use scrapbook or colored paper. And I don't use a tent box.

    Stephanie – right on.

    cookienurse – see above.

    benson – you're welcome!

    Stella – See above.

    Ana and Savannah – Thanks Ana!

    Adrienne – that sounds great. thanks!

    Cammies mom and dad – thanks

    bleauregard – you're sweet.

    SarahHub – thank you!

    Shannon – I'd take the camera over the light.

    Lisa s- see above

    puglyfeet – thanks and that effect comes from the 50 mm lens I use.

    morgana – You'll love the camera if you decide to get one.

    Lindsey – I just set it on the table to the left or right of my subject and use a white board on the other side to help bounce light back on the subject.

    Brian, Liz, Benjamin, & Rose – Here's a easy way to make pretty cupcakes.

    Just frost them with a knife or offset spatula. It doesn't really matter what they look like because you will turn them upside down and twist the top in a bowl of clear sugar crystals. Look at the snowmen in this post. There are some blue ones with sugar crystals so you can see what I mean.

    Jill Scott – maybe a pro at being amateur.

    My Sweet & Saucy – no problem.

    Anonymous – teach me?

    Tasty Trends – great.

    candesintx – I think it's a guy. Either way it's a cutie!

    Atticelf – but don't you love digital?

    mumof3 – see above.

    KRISTIE – see above.

    twoveganboys – Thanks so much!

    Amber – Wow. thanks!

    Kendyl – see above.

    Kelsie – cool, I'll take a look.

  140. I wish I could get a camera like that! Your pictures really do look great!
    By the way, I picked your blog for the Arte y Pico award. I love reading about your cupcakes and recipes and all of that!

  141. LOVE the frosting look on that first picture, what frosting recipe and tip was used there? Any techniques to make it look like that. Those are also the exact sprinkles (confetti) I’ve been looking EVERYWHERE for in CA and they are no where to be found. Love your talent!

  142. Its safe to say that ALL of your cupcakes are amazing! And so are your pictures by the way!

  143. Congratulations on winning the Iron Cupcake Challenge. The cupcake you created looks and sounds beautiful.


  144. what is your frosting recipe for the frosting on the first cupcakes, it looks great!

  145. I just love that cake. What did you use to do the frosting on the top? Was it cream? Looks fabulous.

  146. I’m the “little camera in my pocket” girl. Heck, it was like pulling teeth for me to even go digital! That being said, I just had to say that I don’t know about all that lens chat, but your cupcakes are incredible creations – gorgeous! I just found you and am loving your blog.

  147. Excellent post! I LOVE the Cake Spy picture. I hadn’t seen it before. I love that guy. It is a guy, right? LOL

    Great stuff, I’m taking notes.

  148. i want a new camera for my birthday so your info helped out a lot! thanks so much!

  149. Have you ever tried manual mode?
    I promise after you use it you’ll never go back to automatic….
    Love your blog!

  150. Thanks so much for sharing!

  151. Thank you so much for doing this post. I was wondering how you got such great pictures. You’re a pro!

  152. You are so talented! Do you have any tips for those of us who can’t frost to save their lives. I can’t even do the basic decorating :( I think Martha is right, you should start a business.

  153. I love the D80 I use to take photos, and the sigma lens (not that I know ANYthing about it) is also fabulous for those low light depth of field pictures. One question, how do you use that light exactly? The one room in my apartment with low light is naturally my kitchen…

  154. Thank you for sharing. Your photos are amazing. The bad quality of my blog’s photos is something I must solve and I was thinking about buying a new camera. Now I have an idea… ;-) You are so kind! (k)

  155. Bakerella, how do you do that fuzzy effect?

  156. How serendipitous. I’ve just combed through your Flickr account, adding a bunch to my favorites and wondering, how does she do it?

    Thanks so much for this post.

  157. Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all our questions in such great detail! Love your photos and would love your camera, too! Such great shots..Thanks for the info and the creativity!

    BTW, what type of pastry tip did you use for the photo of the vanilla cupcake with the sprinkles? (the one starting off your most recent entry) Thanks!

  158. Oooh, I have been looking for something similar to the Lowel Ego light, I just wasn’t sure what to call it. I’ll have to look into that! Now if I could just afford a nice camera…

  159. Love the photos! As usual!

  160. Seriously, your design/decorating skills are tremendous. Teach me!

  161. I have a Canon Rebel too and absolutely love it. I love your pics! Always makes me hungry.

  162. you can get them (depending on how nice the lens is) for relatively cheap. I’ve been renting the 50 mm 1.4 fixed for $45 for a 4 week increment. I rent them from, and the next one I’ll be trying is a macro myself. I can’t decide between the 60mm or the 100mm so I’ll let you know which one I end up oging with!

  163. You are an amazing artist..whether the medium is cupcakes or photography! I am grateful to have found your blog!

    Ana and Savannah (Warrior Princess!)

  164. Thanks for the camera advice, I’ve been considering a new one!!

    Please share about the cupcakes….frosting type and tip? :)

  165. thank you for the advice! I’m in the same boat..don’t know too much and this is actually wonderful to learn from someone that is sharing the oars :)

  166. The cupcakes are great looking!
    May I ask what kind of frosting and tip did you use to decorate?
    Thanks, I enjoy your blog!

  167. And you do take such awesome pictures! Some day I’ll have one of those big fancy cameras with all the bells and whistles, and I’ll probably keep it on automatic too! :-)

  168. Oh wow, talk about ‘coinky dinks’, I was about to email you asking about your camera, equipment et al, and then this entry ‘magically’ appears! I happen to have the same camera (just got it, and still learning as I go along) and most everything else except the Lowel Ego Light, though I’ve been campaigning for it, as I hate having to take my dishes and baked goods outdoors -waiting for the right light etc..), and the extension tube for closeups (I want the macro lens too, but $256 is a tad steep for now).

    Having said all that, a question or two. Do you ever use any kind of light tent/box and what do you use for such pretty colored backgrounds? I cannot seem to find poster board or construction paper that isn’t black, white, red, dark blue or green!

    Again, thanks so much for letting us in on the equipment you use to get such perfect and gorgeous photographs, but remember, most of that is YOU :) It’s not always the equipment, it’s the person, and you’ve got the knack, and most importantly, the eye!:D

  169. Love all your yummy looking photos, even made some of the yummy recipes, but what I would like to know is what do you use for your backgrounds that compliment your cupcakes so well?

  170. We love your ideas. They are ah-dorable! We have a blog and we have a Hitting the Streets…Ingredients where we give an ingredient and people have to make something using it and I was wondering some good ideas. If you have any…comment on a post of ours on our blog. Thanks!

  171. LOVE this post! I’m a photog-camera lover too, as well as cupcake junkie, so this was basically like THE PERFECT POST.

    I ? bakerella.

  172. The 50 is great, isn’t it? You might also want to try the Canon 100 macro. It’s another good lens for this type of work.

  173. gingela5 – glad to help

    adrienne – I didn’t know you could rent lenses. Maybe I’ll rent a macro to test.

    dusti – That lens is the best.

    jennycno.3 – I get them at

    faith, the authoress – it’s changed my life. Now I don’t have to bake around when the sun is going to set.

    nillawafer – lensababy – i’ll have to check that out.

    anonymous – thanks. those are cute bags, too!

  174. For not knowing what all the “techy” things are about your camera, you’re doing a great job with your photos. Check out these cool camera bags!!

  175. I am happy that you posted your tech specs. I have been wondering what you used to get your main item in focus while everything else blurs out. I recently came across a Lensbaby and was wondering if that was what you were using but now I know. :)

  176. I just purchased the Lowel EGO after Steamy Kitchen advised it, and I love it! Makes such a difference.

  177. Awesome advice! Thanks as always. Another ‘supply’ type question for you (I apologize if you’ve already addressed this before …) … where do you purchase those lovely dark brown cupcake liners? I can’t stand when my liners change colors after baking :P

  178. Hey Angie, that is what I usually look like in photos too…behind the camera! I always use my 50mm 1.8 lens too excpet I have a Nikon. Your photos are great!

    ~Dusti (aka “queenofthecupcakes”)

  179. I’ve been saving all year and just bought the Canon Xsi. I LOVE it! I could only afford the body though so I’ve been renting lenses online and have loved trying them out to learn which ones I like and can justify purchasing. I agree though, I only had wish I had bought it sooner, this camera is spectacular. It’s the only camera I’ve ever owned and I probably won’t ever upgrade because I love it so much. Thanks for the post, you were the first one I asked way back in November!

  180. I’m in the market for a new camera so thanks for the advice and as always thanks for the great pics!

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