
Easy Apple Cake




I know. You must be wondering what’s wrong with me.

Me too, but don’t worry. Wait til you see how this recipe ends up.

I got it from a friend who got it from his wife who got it from someone at church who got it from …… someone who likes apples I guess.

Anyway, it sounded pretty yummy and easy. Easy being the key word here because I spent most of the weekend trying to get everything together that I’m going to need for the upcoming Cupcake Camp and Cake Pops Book Tour. Yeah, they’re both right around the corner. Like next weekend around the corner. Hope you guys come by and say hi!

Please forgive me for the following if you do.


The main characters are chopped apples, walnuts and dates. Innocent enough. Good for you even.


After you mix up the cake batter, stir in the chopped walnuts. (I like mine on the small side.)


Chopped dates tossed in flour.


And diced apples. Stir them all together and then bake in a 13 X 9 pan for about 40-45 minutes at 350.


Take it out of the oven and when cool, poke holes in the cake so the topping you are about to add can seep inside and keep it cozy.

P.S. Remember how the cake looks here. I should have tasted it at this stage. I’m sure it was already yummy.

But then I added the topping.


Butter, brown sugar and milk… oh dear.


Heat it on the stove until it starts to bubble.


Remove and pour some over the cooled cake.


Here we go.


Hey … I said some…………


Not a waterfall. Yikes. I don’t know what happened.

Yes I do. I was trying so hard to get a good pouring shot… taking pictures and balancing and pouring at the same time, I didn’t notice that I bathed the cake in brown sugar.


Bathed … as in drenched.


But maybe that’s okay with you.

It is with me. I just need to make a dentist appointment right away : )

Seriously though, pull back on the pouring. You shouldn’t need all the topping and maybe not any. I guess I’ll have to make it again to know for sure.

Apple Cake

Easy Apple Cake

Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Additional Time 15 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes


Apple Cake

  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1-1/2 cups oil
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 3 cups diced apples
  • 1 cup chopped dates rolled in flour
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts


  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 1/4 cup milk


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking soda and cinnamon with a wire whisk and set aside.
  3. Combine sugar and oil using a mixer until blended. Add eggs and vanilla, mixing until combined. Add flour mixture and mix well.
  4. Stir in nuts, dates and apples. The batter will be very thick.
  5. Pour into a greased and floured 9 X 13 pan and bake for 40-45 minutes or until done.
  6. Cool cake and using a skewer, poke holes in cake.
  7. Cook topping ingredients on stove until mixture bubbles. Pour topping over cake letting some (ha… more if you like) seep into the cake.

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236 comments on “Easy Apple Cake”

  1. I have made this many times already since reading this post and It is a huge hit in my family!!! Thanks for the great receipe!

  2. I made this for thanksgiving and everyone loved it. The topping makes it super yummy. It is super easy to make but soooooooooooooo good. I can’t wait to make this again.

  3. My apple cake is in the oven right now! I can’t wait to drench it and have a piece!! (We had a spatula fatality due to the thickness of the batter… A moment of silence, please, for the kitchen utensil that gave it’s life for my dessert)


  4. I made this for the first time today (I’ve been wanting an excuse to make it since you first posted it.)
    Soooooo good! :-9 At least five people at the event sought me out to comment and ask for the recipe!
    I’m trying to figure out what engagements and family gatherings over Christmas I can take it to now! ;-) Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Bakerella – The apple cake looks delicious. I have an apple tree in my backyard and we just harvested a big bag of apples. I had a question regarding the recipe. did you use cinnamon or cinnamon sugar for this recipe? Is there a difference if you use either one? Thanks in advance

  6. I made two of these, one with streusel topping and they were both awesome and SO easy!!

  7. I just made this cake again last night and 4 of us ate half of it in once sitting. This is the most amazingly easy, scrumptious cake ever.

  8. I made this apple cake for a friend’s birthday, and it is delicious! Thanks for sharing!!

  9. I made this last night for my sister-in-law’s birthday. It was fabulous and everyone loved it. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Made this last night for the second time … the first time I was date-less so I used raisins and hazelnuts but it wasn’t as good as this version with dates and cashews (hubby has an aversion to walnuts).

    Hope you don’t mind me blogging about it!

  11. I just made it and it is soooo yummy. My husband is from Morocco and Loves dates, so this is up his alley. Going to have some for dessert tonight. Hopefully he loves it too.

  12. I just made this and everyone loves it! It was a great hit. I highly recommend it, but definately not for someone who’s dieting for this cake is a heart attack waiting to happen, LOL. :) 5 stars!

  13. Great recipe!

    I didn’t have dates so I omitted those! I also doubled the cinnamon and added nutmeg to make it a little more flavorful. The end product was great! Lots of recipe requests.

    I had extra batter because I was using a smaller cake pan,so I made muffins (and didn’t pour the sugar mixture on top of them). They turned out great- perfect for breakfast!

  14. mmmmm I made this and it was DELICIOUS!
    Just a few things:
    the batter was very, very thick, but the recipe says that it should be so i wasn’t worried
    this made a looot of batter. I filled a 8×8 and a loaf pan and they were both almost overflowing by the end of baking time.
    i hade to add about 5 minutes to the cook time, making it 50 minutes.
    Otherwise, a superb recipe!

  15. There are so many things I love about your blog…in particular, that you have your step-by-step commentary with pics, and then the recipe in concise form for easy copy-and-paste action. One or the other won’t do; commentary + photos + recipe = awesome. Thank you.

    I also enjoy your sense of humor and the incredible photos you take of your creations.

    I just took my first attempt at your apple cake out of the oven; it’s for a gift tomorrow. I will do the sauce/topping in the morning, so it’s warm…but having tasted the cake without the topping, I can only say


    You’re a genius and I love you already.


  16. This is so super yummy! I can’t wait to try this at home. Thanks for sharing this one. I probably make this for our family reunion. My grandparents will surely love this one even the kids will surely do too.

  17. This looks AMAZing! I’ll be attempting a gluten free version for a dinner party I’m throwing soon… I’ll let you know how it goes!

  18. Can I come live with you????

  19. Making this right now!! Just took the cake out of the oven and am starting the sauce, yay! I can’t wait to try some. Thank you, oh and my Mom gave me your Cake Pops book on the weekend, I am so happy. :)

  20. Made this today yesterday for a Thanksgiving treat. Wow! Thank you Bakerella for this recipe! I tried it without the brown sugar buttery goodness and it was good. With the brown sugar butter mixture it was fantastic. 24 hours later, the entire pan is almost gone….. :-)

  21. Love the beautiful apples at the top, honestly that drew me in!
    I am an apple nut and have made a much loved recipe similar to this for ages. That topping though, oh man oh man that is seriously going to become part of our Thanksgiving time menu. Perfect to take with me to my Son and his new wife’s first Thanksgiving.

  22. Thanks for this great cake !!!
    Made it !
    Verdict : It’s a killer …everybody loves it !!!

  23. Those are perfect for my diet! Eating this kind of cake makes me really healthier and fresh with all the fresh apples you used. I should make this one by tomorrow. My kids will surely love it and ask for more apple snacks. More recipes please.

  24. My 5 year old son picked the apples with my stepdad while on a field trip and my mom baked this cake (after my son and stepdad googled “apple cake” and got this recipe) for my birthday. It was sweet- the cake and my day! Thank you!

  25. had it at a friend’s who I sent the recipe/blog to and it is delish……..everyone in her bridge group raved and all took some home and raved some more when they served it to family…..

  26. Oh also, I added a teaspoon of allspice! I thought it added just a little extra spicy zing!

  27. I made this last night for a get together and it was a HUGE hit and no one thought it was too sweet. I will DEFINITELY be saving this recipe!

  28. I just made this.
    Amazing! simply A-mazing!
    No words can describe the flavors, the textures the feelings you feel when you have that first bite.
    Dentist appointment totally worth it!
    Try it! Try it! Try it!
    Bakerella, thank you for sharing this recipe :)

  29. mmmmm I made this and it was DELICIOUS!
    Just a few things:
    the batter was very, very thick, but it does say that it should be so i wasn’t worried
    this made a looot of batter. I filled a 8×8 and a loaf pan and they were both almost overflowing by the end of baking
    i hade to add about 5 minutes to the cook time, making it about 50 minutes.
    Otherwise, a superb recipe!

  30. I saw this and had to make it…I made a double batch and it was loved by all. Two days later I read the note about not using all the topping…oops! Glad I missed it. This cake is very rich and yummy.

  31. Yum. I made this cake and it was so super yummy. I can not wait to make it again. Thanks for the recipe

  32. Delicious and so easy to make! I brought this cake into work and one of my co-workers eyes lit up when she took a bite, with her mouth full she said, “OMG, this is goood cake!”

    I would suggest cutting the glaze recipe in half, I only used a very small amount of what I made. But, after trying a piece of cake without the glaze I definitely wouldn’t leave it out because it helps add moisture to the thick consistency of the baked cake.

    I’m so happy Thanksgiving (Canadian) is this weekend…it gives me another excuse to use this recipe!

  33. I wish you’d posted this before Rosh Hashana! Would have made a great dessert! Luckily, it’s never too late for apple cake and there’s always next year. :)

  34. I made this last night and just cut the syrup recipe in half. Worked perfectly and I have very happy coworkers! Thanks for the recipe

  35. wow that looks reeeeally sweet..

  36. I made this for my parents and in-laws. It was very much LOVED by all. I left out the dates and nuts and added dried cranberries soaked in rum. This was an absolute winner.

  37. Bakerellllllllllllllllllla GUESSSSSSSSSSS WAT

    I JUSTTTTTTT BAKEDDDD THE APPLE CAKE AND ATE FROM IT , IT TURNED OUT SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOD I LOVEEEEEEE U,,, but i have 2 tell you something I did not add dates or walnuts but i put CHOCLATE CHIPS YA CHOCLATE CHIPS lool :D i lovee you i cant wait until my brothers and sister try it tommorow :D i love youuuuuuuuuuu

  38. Mine is in the oven right now! Next up, High Hat Cupcakes!

  39. YAY I will be seeing you tmrw in Portland Oregon. Im so EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. I made this today. I can’t believe how good it is. I used frozen cranberries instead of dates and it came out wonderfully. I did take your advice and cut the amount of the topping a bit. For sure, I’ll be making this cake again. Great cake for Fall!

  41. This looks delish. Will see you in Dallas!

  42. Baked this dessert for dinner at my mother-in-laws last night. I substituted pears for the apples as my hubby is allergic to apples. Used pecans instead of walnuts because I already had them in the pantry. Added some salt to off-set all the sugar and fruit. It was wonderful! A great taste of fall on one of our first cool fall evenings here in Kansas. I will be making this one again soon.

  43. You had me with the very first photo. I plan to try this recipe for Halloween while we wait for trick or treaters! Thank you!

  44. I made this Thursday, and we’re still loving it today! I used pecans (because I already had some) and Macintosh apples. It’s really a wonderful fall cake. I thought it would be too sweet, with all the sugar in the cake AND in the glaze. But it’s just perfect! Thanks for the recipe!

  45. Dear dear Bakerella … or Angie as I found out when I ordered your book !! … I just picked up my copy of CakePops … you should be soooo proud !!! It is a beautiful book but also so well thought out & beautifully layed out … coil bindings for those of us who really want to use cookbooks … and at such a great price point. Amazing !!! I love it, my niece saw it and is headed out to get a copy too. Beautiful !!!
    Thanks from Nova Scotia !!

  46. This looks sensational. WOW!

  47. oh yes I am so making this. Thanks for sharing

  48. Tried my hand at this recipe–and it turned out great! I knew from the start that I couldn’t justify the topping, so I decided to do half brown sugar and half white sugar in the main part of the cake, since I didn’t want to lose out on the brown sugar goodness.
    Got rave reviews from all my family members. For the less adventurous ones I decided to reveal that dates were in the ingredient list after they’d already licked their plates. Mwahaha~

  49. you are my hero! i baked this cake and it was super delicious and easy. i did follow your suggestion of holding back from the syrup however i could not resist so i did add the syrup but only enough to make the cake super moist :D once again i absolutely adore your recipes and you inspire me so much thank you.

  50. My great-grandmother had an apple cake recipe (passed down, of course, to the rest of us) that is very similar, only without the nuts and dates! Any suggestions on how to (or whether it’s possible) to make this kind of cake in two 8-inch pans (like to make a layer cake?)?

  51. I just baked this cake thank you. I didn’t realise the apples you used were peeled as it doesn’t say this in the recipe but it seems fine still. It falls apart really easily and I don’t know if that’s how its meant to be but thank you for sharing.

  52. ROCK IT!

    Even more than the awesome recipe, I LOVE your writing style and pix – I especially appreciate the comment about pouring too much topping on as a result of trying to get a good shot – it’s a serious challenge to try to do it all!!

    Really enjoyed it!

  53. Made this for a work potluck today, I am told it is FANTASTIC………….I’m not eating it because I can’t have it or I would know for sure. Usually cake just sits there, nobody tries it at all. I left a note on it that said it was swimming in a caramel sauce. 1 hour later around 9am I went into that area to see it had almost been abolished. Thanks for this great recipe.

  54. Mmmh, made the cake today, it tastes YUMMY!! Very strange texture, such a firm dough, reminds me of cookie dough, but its oh-so-delicious! Readers, if you didn’t try it yet, do bake it tomorrow. Its well worth a try!

  55. Success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I will be making this again, and again, and again!

  56. I made this and used half whole wheat flour and half regular, I skipped the brown sugar and butter part all together and it was still great. Good for breakfast too. Next time I’ll try subbing half the oil for apple sauce…hopefully it will add to the apple flavor!

  57. Dog-gone-you, Bakerella, those great photos made my mouth water. So I dug out my baking gear and got busy. I’m an experimenter by nature, so I played with the recipe just a little. My changes: 1) substituted craisins for the dates…I soaked them in apple juice for a couple hours, drained them well, then dusted with flour. 2) I washed the apples very well and didn’t peel them – I like the added texture. 3) I used 1 1/4 cup nuts and 1 cup Heath toffee bits – added texture and a lovely caramel-y flavor). 4) The batter was enough for two cakes……one I made in a bundt pan (I love the finished shape…..the slices are pretty) and the other I used a 9X5 loaf pan. 5) I drizzled the top of the bundt loaf with a new product from Duncan Heinz “Amazing Glaze”…..and, while it was hot from the oven, I topped the loaf liberally with cinnamon sugar. The results were AbFAB…..all scarfed up by family and friends…and requests for the recipe….for which I credited you (and me a little, too). All in all – I definitely will bake this again! Who knows what I’ll do in my kitchen/lab next time, ha, ha. Thanks for the continued inspiration!

  58. Oh my goodness. This is so awesome.
    I made one for work and one for a luncheon I am attending.
    Thank you so much!

  59. I made the cake last night! Let’s just say it was a huge hit. By the time I went to bed and hour and a half later the neighbors ate some, my kids ate some, I ate some, my husband packed some (ok a lot) for work. IT WAS AMAZING!! This is definately going to be on the Thanksgiving menu.

    Thanks for sharing!

  60. Made this tonight to take to our Sept. birthday work potluck tomorrow. I won’t know until then how it is………it looks and smells yummy

  61. This recipe came on the heels of our annual apple picking trip. The kids had a blast making this with me and we all had multiple helpings for snack. What an AMAZING recipe once again. Love Bakerella!!! We also make your Banana Yumberry muffins all the time.

  62. I made this tonight and OH EM GEE.

    I used chopped pecans instead of the dates. I made the topping, and it’s the most delectable thing I’ve tasted in a long time. It absolutely makes the cake!

  63. I love apple cake. I’ve never had it with the brown sugar & butter topping, though I will definitely be trying that next time I make apple cake.

  64. This looks gorgeous! I love apple recipes and haven’t seen one like this with a syrup before. I’m definately going to give it a try!

  65. This looks easy and delicious…I think the topping is a MUST! Do you think you have to use dates though? Could you use something else??

  66. Will try, with figs, but wil try.
    The sauce seems completely unnecessary to me by the way, is there something it actually adds I’m missing?

  67. I am now completely in love with your site. I just happened to stumble upon it while visiting a friend.
    This looks wonderful by the way and the pictures are lovely!

  68. Holy Hannah! My boys and I made this last night and MAN-oh-Man is it good! BTW, I did NOT use the topping. I brought some in for my coworkers and they all want the recipe!
    Thanks so much for sharing this. It’ll be a fall tradition from now on.

  69. oh my goodness, this cake looks SO GOOD. i love apple in desserts!

  70. Just made this cake last night from apples we picked at a local farm and OMG! It’s delicious!! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  71. Ooo, it looks delicious…

  72. i made this yesterday and it is yummy! my daughter’s friend said i can make this anytime! if you don’t want it too sweet cut the topping in half.

  73. I love it! My weekend recipe is changed to this :))

  74. Everything you make & post intrigues me and excites me about baking. this recipe is my goal for tomorrow.

    thank you!

  75. ok, some serious yum. and who says a little whipped cream and a drizzle of caramel would be all that bad on top, huh?

  76. Sounds amazing! I might have to add a few chocolate chips when I try it!

  77. That looks sooooo good! Going to go to the farmers market and get me some apples this weekend

  78. Just wondering if you plan on opening up shipping to Canada? We love you too and I have been dying for a Cupcake shit! :)

  79. This looks amazing! I would love to sit down with a pan of it. lol But unfortunately, I’m not going to make it how you have it written. I’m going to try to healthify the recipe today and I don’t want to know what I’m missing. As much as I would love it just as it is, my diet can’t afford a piece of almost 800 calorie dessert. :(

  80. Oh boy. This is soooo my kind of dessert. I’m with you on the drenching; it definitely works for me!

  81. Never had apple cake in my life. Looks really delish!

  82. I LOVE everything you make! I’m 17 and I just started baking last year all thanks to you :) I think I spend more of my allowance on flour and vanilla flavoring than on anything else! and I’ve just been looking for an apple cake recipe EVERYWHERE~! yay! I finally found one easy enough and with all the ingredients in stock~

  83. Oh. My God. this looks. amazing. The words “apple cake” never get me too excited, but this is a different story! :)

  84. Nice!!! yum!!!
    really like apple recipes!!! they have some tasty, comfortable and sweet taste combined with some cinnamon that make feel sooooo good!
    thank you a lot for this sinful and glorious cake!!..:)

  85. My heavens that looks good.

  86. I just made this and took it as thank you treats to two of my neighbors…both of whom called me within the hour for the recipe. So good!

  87. yum….thats all i can think of right now…..yum!

  88. Beautiful. I had to make it. So, I did. It was super yummy. I halved the topping recipe and it was just perfect. Not too sweet. Just needed a cup of coffee to go along with it. And, you can bet I will in the AM. Perfection. :) Thanks. Can’t wait to see you in Atlanta!

  89. Just so you know, Blake Lively mentioned that you were her homepage in the October 2010 edition of Allure. :)

  90. Oh my god, looks so good.

  91. hmmm, I should definitely try this recipe for fall… i bet it will also be good warm topped with vanilla ice cream…. yummm (i think my stomach just growled). thanks for sharing! :)

  92. this looks moist and delicious…the perfect fall dessert!

  93. Yummy! Tested this out last night–1/2 recipe (1/4 recipe for topping). It was best fresh out of the oven with the warm sauce.

  94. Ohhh it looks so good. I love the sauce you put on it.

  95. I made the cake this morning. It was SO good. I skipped the dates and nuts as well as the topping. I like it just as it is and a little warm. There may not be any left for me to share tomorrow.

  96. beautiful pictures! love your blog! ;)

  97. Ooooh. Nice! I’m on such a fall baking kick, after getting the Betty Crocker magazine with your cake pops.

  98. This looks so good!!! I just got some apples from my Mother-in-law’s trees, so I plan to make this cake — only I don’t really care for dates – so I’ll substitute raisins! Thanks for the wonderful blog!!! Next week I’m going to make the jack-o-lantern cake pops for my Granddaughter’s day care. I’ve had trouble with the edible ink markers in the past, not really showing up on the candy melt surface. I found some black candy melts, tho, so if the marker doesn’t work, I’ll just pipe the faces on with the black candy melts!!!

  99. Looks super good! I love the brown sugar part….. yummy! Although I think I got a toothache just looking at the pictures. Nonetheless I still want to try making this, thank u for sharing with us :)

  100. I think it looks delicious WITH all the sauce…so gooey and luscious. I will definitely have to try this.

  101. I made this tonight after reading your blog post. It was a big hit.
    I am so looking forward to meeting you at the signing in Costa Mesa!

    I blogged about it if you want to see…

  102. I LOVE YOUR BOOK!!!!

  103. Oh my … I am TOTALLY making this! It looks so moist, and just simply PERFECT.

  104. I’ve been follow your blog a few times..and what a great hands u have. All the kitchen stuff becoming sweet. It’s a Magic!! Keep up a good work! Rejoice ?

  105. This sounds delicious! I think I’m going to try it tomorrow. I wonder if the oil can be subbed for apple sauce…hmm…

  106. Just made this and OH MY GOODNESS!!! It’s as good as it looks!! MY husband, who doesn’t like cake, decided he would be able to eat this one!

    Mary, I used regular vegetable oil and it worked just fine.

  107. My kind of apple cake! Yummy!

  108. I just wanted to tell you how impressed by you I am. I too share a great love for food and love creating! I feel like I’m overwhelmed a bit right now with 4 small kids and don’t get to do as much as I’d like to and you’re doing everything that I would love to do someday, you are very inspiring and I hope I can do great things in the food world someday too. My day will come right? thank you for sharing your talents with the world. You are amazing and give me lots to look forward too.

  109. oh my. I may or may NOT cool it on the topping…it looks soo yummy with it slathered all over! K, so hoping to make the trip up to SLC to get you to sign my book…and to see what Fall really looks like. In AZ, it looks kinda like summer…very brown.

  110. When are you going to be in Dallas? I want to meet you. Have been a fan for over two years

  111. I’m drooling all over my keyboard reading this. I wanted to lick the screen. Now I have a reason to buy more delicious apples. I’ll be amazed if I haven’t baked this by the weekend!

  112. YUM! Looks delicious! Have fun on your book tour! Wish you were coming to Mobile, AL on your tour!

  113. It’s yummy before poking and pouring. I can’t wait until it’s cool to finsih the cake! thanks

  114. ooooh looks amazing! I love apple cake! and this is like apple cake on steroids!

  115. Okay, this looks fantastic! I have apples in my fridge that I need to use up! I think I know what I’m doing tonight.

    Can anyone help me though? The ingredients call for oil… does it matter what type of oil I use?


    Mary xo

  116. Wow!! That looks like sticky toffee pudding gone apple-ie! I wonder if it would work without the nuts. My family is anti-nut, even though they themselves are nuts, ha ha!

  117. Looks absolutely delicious, I’m going to try it in my cast-iron skillet!

  118. Looks delish!! I just discovered your blog a couple of weeks ago — where have I been? Yes, under a rock! I already purchased my cake pops book, and have invited a friend over the weekend of October 16th to make our first batch!

  119. Oh gosh, must make this!! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  120. OhMyGoodness! That looks so delicious!

    I’m allergic to Walnuts…but oddly enough NOT to pecans. So I’m going to try this with Pecans instead.

    Goddess Jewelry

  121. I was just looking for an apple cake recipe to make for work but used an Applesauce-Spice cupcake recipe. It turned out great, but this looks delicious. Perfect for this time of year. It’s next on my to try list! Thanks!

  122. A friend just told me she has some apples she wants to give me. I think I just found the perfect recipe to use them in. Thanks!

  123. Claudia….en portugues, they are called
    (I think) :-)

  124. Eu não sei o que é datas, o que será isso aqui no Brasil???

  125. Well – I have 4 of these in the oven right now (I used 8 x 8 pans – I can’t have a 13 x 9 cake in my house) . One will stay here and 3 will be given away! The bus driver is getting one when she drops the kids home. The next door neighbor is getting one and my friend tomorrow is getting one!

  126. Hi again! well this cake is going to be at my table tonight!…i have a question…i made the minnie mouse cake pops this weekend and i really have a hard time trying to do the face piping it! and also they just melt and start to fall down and the melting get a lot of oil, omg that was a disaster and i was doing it for a family party! can you help me with this? i dont want to have the same trouble later thanks!

  127. This cake is totally delish without the glaze – My recipe doesn’t call for dates, but everything else is exactly the same – I don’t glaze – it’s moist enough already and disappears in a day.

  128. I’m so glad it’s apple season! I love anything apple and cinnamon!

  129. I’m totally trying this after my trip to the apple orchard!! Thanks for all the fabulous inspiration. You’re a regular feature on my blog!

  130. Likes look an easy recipe. I will definitely have to try it since I live in the state known for apples! Can’t wait to meet you in WA next week!

  131. I think I’m going to try this recipe with apples first and then pears next. YUM!!!

  132. thanks for the recipe! i have tons of apples from my tree and was looking for different ways to use my apples!

  133. I just made this recipe. My house smells wonderful. My stomach is growling. And you are my new best friend.
    I posted it on my blog and linked to you.

  134. The cake looks so yummy. I can’t wait ti try it but probably wil half the glaze recipe.
    Good luck as you head out on your adventures. I so wish you would make a stop in the Boston area. Maybe you will later in the year…I am hoping!

  135. Drenching good……yummy and I happen to have apples, pecans, not walnuts and dates in da house… good luck with the book tour, so happy for you!!

  136. drench away!!! the more the better…and if you let the cake (with ALL the drenching) sit for at least a day…the mo’ better!!!!

  137. Sounds yummy and so perfect for fall. But yikes that is a lot of liquid to pour on top! Maybe half of that wouldn’t be so scary?

  138. It sounds delicious and nothing is stopping any of us from replacing the nuts with chocolate chunks (for those of us that need the chocolate fix) or better yet, chocolate covered craisins!

  139. Looks yummy. I just made an apple cake in the crock pot last week. Was my first time making a dessert in my crock pot.

  140. looks great to me. and i figure the more brown sugar, the better!

  141. I know what I am taking to bible study on Tuesday for the treat table…looks delish!

  142. Wow..deliciously yummy looking. Thank you for the recipe!

  143. Yummy, with or without the drenching! Love the photos (red apples with blue background); your blog is a feast for the eyes! ~Heidi

  144. Thanks, Bakerella; your recipes inspire me to try things…..I think I’ll make this cake recipe with a few changes just for fun and see what happens. ….I’m gonna soak some craisins in apple juice ’til they plump up (to substitute them for the dates, which I don’t have in my pantry), then toss ’em lightly in flour….then add some toffee chips to the nuts. Might be a flop, but if that’s the worst thing that happens it’ll be a great day, ’cause I don’t mind eating mistakes, lol

  145. Holy cow I am so making this!!! We have a bucket of apples from the apple tree from our farm just begging to be made into something glorious.

  146. Just took the kids apple picking, and have lots of apples to bake with. I guess I’ll just HAVE to try it!

  147. Thanks Bakerella..we just got home from Barber’s Orchard with a bushel of yummy apples! I believe i know what will become of a few of them :)

  148. Sad you won’t be coming to Houston :( I know you’ll be in Dallas but I’m 8 months pregnant right now and well,… that drive just isn’t going to happen. Maybe next time :)

  149. This cake looks so tasty! I love how easy it is. Mmm.

  150. looks wonderful but I can only admire as I have a nut free home I have two allergic to nuts here in the house. but it looks so yummy!! will be missing you on your tour as you are not coming by baltimore so wish you would love to have my book signed!! good luck!!

  151. can’t wait to try this cake
    for our fall festival

  152. That looks and sounds absolutely amazing!

  153. This looks too good – I love good apple desserts!

  154. Holy sweet-tooth Batman! That sounds indulgent! I have a really easy (and very similar) apple cake, but you just sprinkle cinnamon sugar on it when it’s still hot, and it makes a delicious crust on top of the cake. Something like that might be a good alternative if you wanted to make it less decadent!

    Great pics as always! :)

    Here’s my apple cake:

  155. Darn…now I have to wait to start my diet after I make this…lol

  156. That looks absolutely amazing!!! I can’t wait to make it :)

  157. That looks amazing! Too bag I have a humongous zucchini that will be taking up all of my baking time here in the near future.

  158. Your photographs are amazing! I can’t wait to try out your apple cake….perfect for fall!

  159. Yummm! I love, love, love apples and apple desserts! This looks delicious and I definitely couldn’t resist the drenching!!

    Plus, I have an easy apple breakfast today to go with your easy apple cake! Who says it should only be one apple a day?? :)

  160. oh my word…my jaw kept dropping and dropping and dropping…and i know what i’m making for the office treats this week!

  161. Looks excellent!! Going apple picking this weekend just to make this :o)

  162. I love apple cake! I’ve been dying to make it. Thanks for the recipe!

  163. mmmm…. I wonder if I could make this for breakfast? It’s got apples in it which makes it healthy, right? :)

  164. yum looks like it would melt in your mouth!

  165. Perfect timing! I just received 2 bushels of Vermont Macs and have been looking for things to do with them!

  166. That looks like something I could make for thanksgiving dessert. Yummy

  167. OH yumm. I’m going to make this, though not with all that drenching!!

  168. this looks awesome!! i can’t wait to try it!
    for Brooke, stay on the diet! here’s a way to convert the recipe! in a 3:2:1 mix wht. rice flour, potato starch and tapioca starch. mix well (put lid on container and shake like crazy!) it is a 1:1 equivalent to the wheat flour :) so, 3 cups of the mix and add 1 and 1/2 t xanthan gum. you shouldn’t experience any grittyness or anything b/c it’s baked :) hope this helps!

  169. Oooh – goodness! Brown sugar and butter, mmmm.
    Still, it has dates and nuts and apples, right?
    They’re good for me, right?

  170. That look’s delicious ! I am going to have make it tomorrow ,not good for my weight watchers weigh in this week !!

  171. Bathed, drenched, WHO CARES? It’s delicious. :D

  172. Oooh…that’s such a beautiful cake. Would be great with a cup of tea. I have dates and apples. Should be making this.

  173. Oh my this looks delicious, I almost wish I didn’t see it cause now I HAVE to make it! Oh my poor hips….

  174. that looks so delicious. I can’t wait to head out to the store in the morning to grab some apples. Apple cakes it is today! Thanks for sharing:)

  175. Although i am so bummed that I didnt order a “bakerella” t-shirt to wear for the class :(


  176. Looks sinfully rich! :0) I think you need to make a trip to Eastern Europe and let me show you all the wonderful edibles here.

    btw, I’m thinking someone could really use a tripod for their camera. ;0)

  177. I so am gonna do this recipe!!!! How yummy does that look!!!!
    And yes, I will see you in Newport oregon nexy weekend :) and I am also taking your cake pop class…………I am so stoked!!!!!!


  178. i like a nice and easy recipe……….tfs……..good luck with the tour……wish your were coming to australia……..

    p.s if you ever do….make sure it’s to melbourne !!!!!!!

  179. Angie
    That reminds me of an apple cake that I found on Martha Stewart’s site a long time ago…of course I can’t find it now.
    Very similar to the one that you made, but used an apple brandy to flavor it, I believe.
    The topping (poking the holes in the top then pouring in a sweet flavored syrup) is something that my grandmother use to do, to keep cakes moist. They would drip with liquid (like a Tres Leches cake), the trick is to chill it or keep it cool and let it set up, before serving!

  180. Anything with that much butter is yummy no questions asked!

  181. Oh too perfect, I accidentally bought too many dates and this looks like a super yummy way to use them up.

  182. My husband loves apple pie! I should definitely try this recipe!!!

  183. This sounds great. Like one I’ve made, only mine was in a tube pan.

  184. Mmmmm!! I’ve been looking for a new apple cake recipe. My Mom overloads me with apples this time of year and it’s great to thank her with one of her favorite desserts… apple cake. This year I’ll surprise her with this one. Thanks Bakerella!!

  185. Oh my goodness – that looks to-die-for! My favourite cake recipe growing up was a dark chocolate date cake that was finished just like this with the butter/brown sugar mix poured on top.

  186. Apple desserts are so wonderful and this certainly looks delicious!

  187. That looks heavenly…

  188. Thanks for sharing… love those red apple shots :D

  189. oh my gosh.. o:
    that looks delicious! x]
    and i like your first picture (:
    looks fresh and deicious! :3

  190. Delicious! Can’t wait to try it.

  191. pretty sure that tempts the gluten free me to try a slice of that! the last gooey picture makes me feel all warm & cozy and all of my memories of fall while I was a little girl come back. Thank you for posting this. I may need to go off program to try this.

  192. Sounds and looks yummy

  193. Oh yum!! I can’t wait for you to come to Dallas! I’ll be there!! Will you have books at the signing or do I need to bring one along? I’m pretty sure you would have them there,antediluvian just wanted to check. Can’t wait to get your book!! And I can’t wait to meet you! Been a long time fan. ;)


  194. Two of my favorite food/baking blogs posted apple recipes tonight. I’m pretty sure that’s a sign for me to make something apple related this week.

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