
Oregon Coast

I’ll be visiting you soon. I’m heading out to the Oregon Coast for some cupcake fun at the beginning of October – right before the book tour gets going.

I’m attending my first cupcake camp. Have you heard of these or been to one before? They sound super fun. It seems like they’re all structured a little different though, so I don’t know what to expect. Lots of cupcakes I hope. But there will be cake, too. No complaints there.



Actually, it’s called the Oregon Coast Cake & Cupcake Camp. Celeste of Celestial Cupcakes in Newport, Oregon is organizing it all. And boy is she ambitious. Lots of events over two days. They’ll be classes and socializing, crafts and book signings. And cakes and cupcakes of course. And the proceeds will go to a good cause. Even better.

Celeste wanted to pick a charity that meant something to the people attending. I told her my vote would be for something related to organ transplants. That clicked for her since a couple of her friends have received transplants and she knows others still waiting. So Donate Life NW was chosen and I’m thrilled about it.

Live near the Oregon Coast? Want to come? Need more info?

Here’s who will be doing what:

Cake pop classes complete with book. YAY!

Michelle Bommarito
Fondant 101
Romantic Wedding Cake Design
Cupcakes Meet the Wedding Cake Designer

Cakespy finally we meet
Cupcake Watercolor Class

Cupcake Julie
How to Make Felt Cupcakes

Dianna Lopez, Carlo’s Bakery
Modelling Chocolate Sculptures
Hand Painting on Fondant
Hobby Cake Maker Turned Pro

Charity Pykles-George, Sweet Cheeks Baking Company
Sugar Art 101
Ocean-Themed Cakes
Baking for Allergy Sensitive

Plus…more fun stuff!

Here’s the full class/event schedule for Friday, October 1 and Saturday, October 2.

You can register here for Friday Events

You can register here for Saturday Events

Don’t want to attend a class on Friday? No problem. Just register for some of the cupcake or cake fun on Saturday.

Here’s where the Cake Pop Class will be. Celeste also owns this Nye Beach Market. Cute shop. Can’t wait.


P.S. Since I’ll be kicking things off in Oregon – Portland was just added to the tour. Yippee! Details here.

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124 comments on “Oregon Coast”

  1. Why must I live in Canada

  2. im so HAPPY !!
    i have 11 years old and i love your cooking !!
    (and im chinese)

  3. I was so glad to get to meet you today at Washington Square and get my book signed!! Also my phone wouldn’t take a good pic of us and you said you would emil me the one they took of us with your camera. I was so honored. Thanks so much. I hope to see my picture in my email soon. Thanks so much. Kathy

  4. Angie (AKA Bakerella),

    It was a pleasure to meet you this weekend! My Sis, Sis-In-Law, Mom, Baby Brandt and I all had a WONDERFUL time! You are so stinkin’ cute and I can’t believe this was the first class you have ever done a demonstration for. You are so modest and humble. (I think that’s part of what makes you so cute!) It was so fun and I feel so lucky to have had the privilege of being there! Your cake pops are so adorable and I just LOVE the design of the book. You are so incredibly talented! I love the style and graphics you chose for the book. I sat in the back seat of the car on the way home and looked at it for hours. When I arrived home and showed my daughters the cupcake cake pop they just oogled and oggled! We’re so excited to give them a try this week! I can’t wait for next year’s cupcake camp ;) (If they have one that is.)

  5. O_O OMG. I can’t believe this! You’re going to be TEN MINUTES AWAY from my Portland apartment, doing your book signings… and I’ll be downtown at work! D: Ahhhh! *distress*

  6. What a great cause! I wish I was closer so I could attend.

  7. ps. If you’re looking for an adorable place to eat while you’re there, check out La Maison. They also have the most AMAZING desserts!

  8. How funny! I’ll actually be in Newport those days as well — opening a new park! Newport is amazing … hope you enjoy your trip. :)

  9. When in Portland, dine at the Veritable Quandry and INSIST on the homemade truffles for dessert. Handmade with Belgium chocolate. You won’t regret this. Had them while there last week and can’t get the taste out of my head. Will be ordering your book – I’m from Alabama.

  10. I live in Portland and Im soooooo jealous of everyone thats going. I want to go oh so bad, unfortunately i work the night shift on friday, and I go to culinary school on Sat and Sun. I hope you have lots of fun and enjoy our coast. Hopefully next time I can go :(

  11. Hooray! You’re coming to Portland. I can’t wait. I will be at the book signing for sure. Work can wait…. Bakerella is in town. I’m sure my boss will understand.

  12. I love that you chose Organ Transplant as your focus. My sister-in-law has been blessed with a new kidney and it has been such a miracle! That cupcake camp sounds like the best thing ever! Have a great time! Wish you were stopping in Vegas, we’d LOVE to see you here! Any chance you could add a stop? :)

  13. If you are going to stop in Portland, you might as well go a little further to Cannon Beach, it’s just about 1 hour north of Portland. It’s called “Bruce’s Candy Kitchen.” They have the best salt water taffy, hands down, in the entire world. Their cute little shop is amazing and they make everything on site! You will regret it if you don’t stop.

  14. SOMEBODY PLEASE DO THIS IN GEORGIA!!! It just sounds fabulous!

  15. I got married in Newport, right on the beach! The sunsets are amazing and you have to stop for a bowl of clam chowder at errr… cant remember the name! Its a big blue fish processing place right on the bay. Don’t go to Mo’s!

  16. YAY! So excited you’re coming to Oregon!!

  17. Ooohhh! I live in Wilsonville (a Portland suburb) and my birthday is that weekend. I wonder if that could be my present…going to the cupcake camp!! I’m excited that you’re coming to Portland, but bummed that it’s during the day. :( I’m a schoolteacher and, unfortunately, our lunch breaks are a mere 30 minutes – no chance I could get there in time, let alone have time to actually get an autograph.

    Have a great time! Oregon is awesome and the coast is beautiful!

  18. OMG!!! yay, so excited I live in Salem, so I’m super close, can’t wai tto get my book signed!!

  19. I grew up on the Oregon Coast as my grandma had a home right on the beach in Florence. Newport is one of my favorite haunts still today. You have to go to Depot Bay to the candy store and see their original taffy pull machine & pick up some salt water taffy. Cupcake Julie will want to fill one of her jars up! Now that I live in Branson, MO, I am sending a good friend to your Portland book signing to snag me a book!

  20. Have fun and cupcake it up! Would love if they did one on the East coast…NY (wink-wink)

  21. I’m so excited about this!! I have a pizza parlor called cobblestone pizza co. about 7 miles from newport…so I’m going to try to make it to one of your classes!!! we’ll see if I can get away from the shop that day…and hope theres a spot left by the time I figure it out!!! lol…I just ran across all the information about this event tonight!!! If I had found it a little earlier I may have been brave and entered some cupcakes… maybe next year if they do it again!! anyways, wish me luck I get to go!!!

  22. this has made me ABSOLUTELY OVER-THE-MOON HAPPY! :D

  23. if any one is coming to Newport and needs a hotel, I have blocked out a special rate for the camp. You need to contact me at I need to get reservations in by Monday or tuesday. we are excited to have all of our wonderful guests!

  24. It’s great! I would give it to my daughter,who is a Pastry Chef.She can then give it to her daughter Lucy, when she is older.Lucy is turning one on Sept 22nd.

  25. I’m hippity hoppity about you coming to Bellevue since it is just a hippity hoppity away from us! Yay!

  26. OMG! I wish I could come! I live in Southern OR but will be in Portland the earlier that week for a conference. So wish I could hang out through the weekend. =(

  27. You will love Coastal Oregon! While in Portland, you have to eat at Mother’s Bistro!

  28. aww man these classes sound like so much fun. too bad im on the east coast :(

  29. I’m soooo excited!! The gods have smiled on me, my kids have the Friday off school, so we’re doing a family roadtrip down from Seattle so I can be there! I’ll see you Friday afternoon :-)

  30. Now this sounds like FUN. I am in California, but wishing I was in Oregon so I could go!

  31. Awesome! Funny I live in the same town where Cake Boss’ Carlo’s Bakery! The lines are soooo long from all the tourist! Long time fans have to wait in line too but the pastries are well worth it! Best BUTTERCREAM ever! Have fun!

  32. Cool and congratulations on your book! Too bad I live in Belgium and won’t be able to come. If you’re coming to Europe, please let me know ;-)

  33. Very cool! I am jealous for sure. We need to do this in The ATL and how awesome is it that Cupcake Julie is doing her thing too?! Way to represent, ladies.

  34. Nye Beach is 2 blocks from where I grew up! Oh, I hope I can come!

  35. I am coming to your class! I can’t wait! :)

  36. Sweet! I grew up near Newport, though I live in texas now. :) You have to go about 15 minutes south and eat at the Drift Inn, in Yachats!! You won’t be let down. Wonderful food. Have fun!!

  37. My book arrived today and it is gorgeous.

    The pirate pops are too , too, too cute !

  38. I would so be there. I am only an hour away, but alas my silly sister is having her wedding reception that weekend, and well it might be worth it to skip, I think that would probably be a mistake on my part. Hopefully I can come next time.

  39. Bakerella – your pops are gorgeous! I went to William Sononma in NYC, and they didn’t have lollipop sticks! I told them you were coming in Nov, and they better get some then. Can you believe that, NYC, and no lollipop sticks. So I ordered them on-line. : )

  40. Wow, I’d give anything to be there. I love to make these things beautiful and tasty. I discovered this when I was about 10 years old. Love to work with all this wonderful world of cakes, cup cakes, doces.Sempre try to make things hot, to see if it turns my business, but not yet deu.Sei that my day will come, do not give up. Kisses
    I’m from Brazil.

  41. Wish I could go to a cupcake camp! Have fun!

  42. I’m sooooo totally happy you added PORTLAND to the tour – i was soooo bummed to see you were going to be in Seattle and not Portland.. ANDDD its my Birthday that day, so its the best day ever!!! i look forward to seeing you and getting and autograph!!!!

  43. I’m so glad you added Portland! I was almost offended that we were left out:-) Tigard, where the W-S store is located, is pretty suburban, so I hope you’re able to get to the actual city of Portland. The farmer’s market at Pioneer Square is on that Monday 10am-2pm, in case you want to see it before your signing starts that day. Thank you for including our wonderful city in your tour! Looking forward to seeing you and your book in person!

  44. I’m going to be attending the Cupcake Camp in New Haven, CT on Saturday! YAY SO EXCITED!!!

  45. How I wish I could go or they had one of them in Colorado. How fun!! Enjoy all who get to go!! Can’t wait to see pictures!!

  46. I’m signed up for the afternoon class! My sweet husband is even taking a half day off of work to be with the kids so I can go.

  47. I would love to go! I am letting my husband know that it would make a great birthday gift!

  48. I signed up for the Friday afternoon class…..can’t wait! More geeked out right now than should even be possible! :)

  49. How fun for you & everyone who gets to attend!!! Jealous;)

  50. Congratulations Bakerella ! Enjoy God’s blessings in store for you.God Bless.

  51. I hope you make it to Austin, TX or somewhere close to use. Your Texas fans would love to meet you.

  52. I’m so bummed! Although I live in Portland, I’ll be in San Francisco from the 1-5 so I’ll miss both the camp and your book signing. Your blog is one of my favorites and your creativity never ceases to amaze me.

  53. I wish the Cake Pop class was also on Saturday, since I can’t get the Friday off. :( Thankfully I can make it to the book signing!

  54. I’m jealous! I’m from Oregon but currently living in Georgia. Oregon is one of the best places in the world…although the coastal climates are a bit different from the rest of the state. Enjoy Portland, it’s weird…and amazing! Hopefully I’ll get to see you in Atlanta on your book tour.


  55. I’m so jealous you’re going to the coast. It is truly one of the most beautiful places in the country. Be sure to bring warm clothes because it is windy and chilly out on the beach. You’re going to have a great time!

  56. wish they had this in New Orleans!

  57. I LOVE that you’re coming to Oregon its the best place on earth! Make sure you hit up Voodoo Doughnuts and for a unique and delicious moroccan dinner experience go to Marakesh :) both are in portland. Ooo and the saturday market, if its still going.

    The weather at the coast can get pretty cold so make sure you bring a warm jacket, and for Portland have your raincoat handy!

    Have fun!! People in portland are quirky but really nice. I love it.

  58. I want to go to camp too! Have a wonderful time!

  59. I was so surprised when I read this because I am actually from Newport!!! It sounds so fun – I’ll see if I can come what with college starting up again the week before. But, I thought I should set the record straight. Mo’s is famous, but if you want the best chowder, us locals agree that the Chowder Bowl is better (and Nye Beach is a cute little area and then you would have an excuse to stop by Panini Bakery or Cafe Mundo!). Enjoy your trip out here! It will probably be overcast and rainy, but I hope you get a little sunshine!

  60. how exciting! i think this may be the best camp i’ve ever heard of! i have to know, where are you from in georgia? my hometown is marietta!

  61. I wish you could come to France too !!
    The cupcake frenzy is here too.
    Actually, we had our very first Cupcake Camp in Paris on the 4th of July.

  62. Pleaseeee come to Canada and do a cupcake camp!! (Ontario specifically) =)

  63. If only I wasn’t in Canada!

  64. I have never wanted to go to a camp more. My goodness.

  65. This sounds like so much fun – wish I could be there, but hopefully you’ll blog about it so I can live vicariously through you!

  66. I’m jealous, wish I could be there with you. Can’t wait to read the blog after the cupcake camp. Have fun. Hugs Paulette

  67. Damn, I dont see any tour dates for Melbourne, Australia – maybe next time? ;-) It looks like I will have to make do with the book and the web-site…….for now……..

  68. I’ve attended a cupcake camp before! It was in my home town of Christchurch, New Zealand earlier this year and it was SO much fun!

    I baked cupcakes and tasted lots of yummy ones, plus the organisers (and the bakers!) raised lots of money for cystic fibrosis.

    Good on you for doing it!!!

  69. It sounds like fun ! i wish i could go, You need to come down to New Zealand !! I just got your book in the post today from Amazon i just love it!! Baking tomorrow yay

  70. Cupcake Camp sure sounds like a whole lotta fun!

  71. Look forward to meeting you! I will be participating as a vendor and guest judge. See you soon!

  72. OMG! I just read about this cupcake camp in our local newspaper tonight. I live in Lincoln City, which is just north of Newport. That is so cool!!! I am headed over to the website to see about registering for your class RIGHT NOW!

  73. So excited to see you in SLC! The Aquarium out there is AWESOME! We love the coast and spend as much time as possible out there. If you have extra time, which I’m sure you do, that you’re not busy with anything at all, Seaside is such a cute place with excellent taffy. And the Tillamook Cheese Factory is not to be missed, it’s like Cheese Heaven with ice cream on the side! Enjoy!

  74. You should come to the Lexington KY Williams-Sonoma! We are getting ready to host the big World Equestrian Games, it would be fun!

  75. YEAH for cupcake camp oregon coast!!! I cannot wait to take your class and see you in action! I’ve been reading your blog forever!!! I’m even taking one of my (few) personal days off from my profession of teaching to come and enjoy my new found love for all things cake. Well, I’ve alwasy loved cake, but in the last 2 years have really started to love baking and decorating!!!

  76. I wish Dallas would do something like this! Oh well, you being here in October will definately make up for it! XOXO

  77. How unfortunate you will be in Portland in the afternoon when I’m at school! You will be 10 mins away from me and I won’t be able to go!
    But enjoy the wonders of the Portland/Beaverton area! Although its a 20min+ drive from Washington Square, I really, really recommend going to Voodoo Doughnuts in Portland. Its absolutely fantastic!
    Enjoy Oregon! Its a wonderful place to be!

  78. Bakerella, I’m sitting in a lovely hotel on the Oregon coast right now! Have fun in October- it is really beautiful out here! My vacation will be over by the time you are here, but what cupcake fun you will have!

  79. We are so excited about having Bakerella and Cupcake Julie here in Newport for the camp! the link for registration and classes show the times for the “cake pops” class with Bakerella, but when you go to register on eventbrite it doesn’t clarify the time. Eventbrite is working on fixing this. Just go ahead and sign up and send me a message on the “contact” tab all messages are coming to me just fine. There are still a few spaces for each class left. You can call me 541-961-4626 Thanks Celeste

  80. AHHH! I only live about an hour and a half away from Newport!!! AND YOU ADDED PORTLAND?!?

  81. This sounds awesome! I want to go so badly but I am a teacher and I have to work that day! BUMMER! I wish you were doing your class on Saturday too! It would make my LIFE to take your cake pop class!


  82. I wish I lived closer, and I wish I didn’t have a fully booked weekend on those dates!! I’m starting a cupcakery as soon as I get my public health certification and what a great kick-off that weekend would be. Are you going to do any more weekends like this along with your book signing tour? I’m planning on driving up from Canada for your NY signings and I’d love to attend and event like this one. You are rockin’ it!!! WTG!!

  83. WOW. I live in OR and I am so excited about this info. It sounds like so much fun!!!

    Thanks! And if I met you I think I would die!


  84. How fun! I hope it is the greatest trip!

  85. This sounds like an amazing event! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

  86. Oh I am jealous! I wish they would do a Cupcake Camp in Georgia!

  87. Sounds like it will be such a fun, fun, fun trip !

    I recognize Michelle’s name : I think she’s competed in at least a couple Food Network Cake challenges.

  88. Yay! I love Portland. I’m from there and my family is in Beaverton. I live in Seattle and our family rents a cabin on the coast almost every summer. YOu’ll love it! I’m excited that you added Portland to your cities – I will tell my sisters. I already plan to be at your Bellevue, WA signing! My husband works for the City of Bellevue so hopefully I can talk him into coming, too, to watch after our 15-mo-old. :)

  89. Thank you so much for chosing Donate Life NW as the charity! My wonderful husband is a kidney transplant recipient and we just celebrated the 3rd anniversary of his transplant. I love to take every opportunity to encourage people to become organ donors. My husband was lucky enough to have his sister be a match, but there are so many people waiting on dialysis to get a new kidney – if only more people would consider living donation! Love reading your blog and love to hear that you are doing well since your transplant!

  90. I soooo wish you were coming to AZ. I just got your book yesterday and I’m in love! I’m so glad I bought it because my cakepops just weren’t turning out right….like ever! Last nights were absolutley perfect!! I can’t wait for my family to eat them all so I can make some more!!!

  91. The Oregon Coast is beautiful, how exciting! Hope you have a great time and I hope we’ll see some pictures. :)

  92. When registering for class where do we pick the time we would like to attend? Me and my daughter want to do the class on Friday, although I know how to pay for them, I don’t know how to pick the time we would like to attend..The” contact us” link on the event page does not work…Angie

  93. Yay!! I’m so excited! How do I register for specifically the afternoon class? It looks like there are 2 different classes but only 1 option for registration.

  94. Greetings from Norway! I love the Oregon Coast. I lived in Eugene for a year, and went to the coast as often as I got the chance. Newport i beautiful! Wish I could join in on the fun :)

  95. This sounds amazing! I’d love to go, but unfortunately I’m in the Midwest.

    Be sure to let us know if you come across another event like this in a different part of the county :-)

  96. Cupcake Camps have been a huge success all over the world! If anyone living in the UK is reading this, Cupcake Camp London will be held on Oct 31 2010. As a blogger I’m an official sponsor for Cupcake Camp London and will be posting tons of cupcake idea for inspiration for all the bakers wishing to participate – or to just come along and eat!

    For more information you can check out my blog post here:

  97. This whole event sounds so incredible and all for a cause I really believe in. Only makes me wish I lived further up the coast, but maybe one day there will be one here in SoCal! :D

  98. I am coming all they way from Coos Bay. OK, its only 4 hrs south of Newport, but BOY! Am I excited!!

  99. Wow! How exciting!!! bet you cant sleep!!! Good for you! we are all behind you and love you!!!! Go Girl! I live in Vancouver, BC and hope to meet your humble self in Seattle! What an awesome experience you are going to have on the book tour! Blessings to you and have a great time! See u, I hope.

  100. That sounds like a ton of fun! I live on the Oregon Coast, but a few hours north. That is the weekend my baby is due or I’d try to come!

  101. So glad you are coming to Cupcake Camp. I really wish I could go. Still trying to figure out I can miss work and drive the 3hrs to Newport. I will be seeing you at Washington Square! I work right across the street and wouldn’t miss it for anything!!!!

    PS–I’m going to try and make your Sesame Street cake pops for my daughter’s 2nd birthday. We are doing a Sesame Street theme and these will be perfect!

  102. I will come out to Washington Square on my lunch break that day! So excited! I hope the weather is nice at the coast while you are there. Bundle up and wear a hat if you go out to the beach. It’s beautiful, but usually pretty windy.

  103. Okay, cupcake camp…doesn’t that sound like the most delicious and wonderful getaway? I’d love to be camper at that camp…do they hold classes in the NYC metro area?

  104. How exciting…if only they had something like this in Southern California!! Have fun!! I was at the grocery store yesterday and saw the Betty Crocker Fall recipe book with you on the cover…so I had to get it!! I love all those little books they release, you can get some great ideas from them!! Have fun in Oregon and can’t wait to see you here in Cali for your book signing in October!

  105. enjoy the oregon coast!! go to depoe bay if you get a chance, adorable little town north of newport, cute cute cute

    i am going to try to sign up for friday classes, thanks for sharing!! and i’m going to try and make it to your book signing here!! woohooo! i’m in the columbia gorge (you have to try and sight see this way if you get time) so i’m so happy you are coming to oregon!

  106. How cool is this! I just shot a note to lots of my Portland baking buddies…not sure if they’ll be able to go, but there will be a bunch of us at Washington Square to meet you on Oct. 6th!

    Enjoy–LOVE the Oregon Coast…no place I’d rather be!

  107. I’m doing Cupcake Camp DC this weekend! Yours is much more involved that the one I’m doing – the DC one doesn’t have classes. Looks like fun!

  108. I have to admit that I’m a bit jealous. I’ve made wedding cakes and cupcake towers for anniversaries, and I miss the frenetic pace at times. It’s one of those things that I would love to get better at, so your class list makes me want to hop on a plane and camp out!

    Of course, I’m attending a wedding that weekend, so it is a no go even if I were able to fly out to Oregon.

  109. eat at the chowder bowl. it’s right there at nye beach! :)

  110. No Minneapolis??! Your book should arrive today! WOOHOO!!

  111. I can’t believe I didn’t know about this! I wonder if I can find a way to make it work…I would love to go!

  112. Dang, I’m from Portland, but don’t live up there any more. I would’ve totally loved this event!

  113. You will LOVE the Oregon Coast!! I grew up in Eugene so most of my summers were filled with trips to the coast. If you love clam chowder, you HAVE to go to Mo’s. They have the best chowder hands down. My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  114. wow this sounds like so much fun…

  115. Nice! Michelle Bommarito is an awesome fellow Detroiter – you’ll be in good company! If I weren’t in the thick of wedding planning craziness I’d definitely make that trip!

  116. Please let us know if you’re coming out here to the DC area! Have fun in Oregon!

  117. Enjoy Newport Bakerella! I live in Oregon and would love to attend but will be in Maui-poor me! If I had know early, I may have planned my vacation around this! Also bummed because I will be flying back to Portland Monday the 4th, but too late to hit the book signing. Going to see if I can get a friend to go for me! Have a great time! Love the website, by the way! =)

  118. oh you are going to have so much fun! not only is the oregon coast one of my faves but i went to the cupcake camp here in seattle and it was so much fun! lots and lots of cupcakes! cant wait to hear about your trip and wish i lived closer to attend that one too! :)

  119. Sooo exciting – can you come to Toronto Canada for a cupcake camp!!!

  120. oh my gosh, i would love to go to cupcake camp.

    i’d eat that up…pun intended :)

  121. oh that sounds awesome, i wish i could go!

  122. Dear Going Coastal,
    I am so jealous on SO many levels! The camp sounds awesome, I lOVE the cakespy, and attending your class would be amazing!

    I can’t be there — I’m going to be here in NE at my brother’s 15th b-day party… that’s important too, I guess… maybe I’ll make cake-pops in your honor…

    Good luck with your tour, drink lots of water and get a few winks of sleep. Oh, and treat yourself to a mani and a good hand massage, your hands are gonna be busywith all that signing and they deserve it!

    My Tastebuds Will Be thinking of You All (Even in NE)

  123. Newport is beautiful. I ran a marathon there. Don’t miss the aquarium.

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