
Ice Cream Sunday


Happy Sunday! And Happy Father’s Day, too! I’m giving away something sweet to celebrate summer and of course ice cream.

You know, I think I could eat ice cream every day. It’s always my favorite go-to treat when I travel… but I never really get ice cream at restaurants. That just seems boring. Probably because it’s not as fun as going into a scoop shop and looking all the pretty creamy colors. And I always prefer eating ice cream out of a cup. I don’t like to eat it out of a cone because I’m way messy. So if I do get it in a cone, it’s just so I can snap a picture of it. Then I turn it upside down and dump it in a cup and eat it with a spoon – or better yet – I like to break up the waffle cone (never a sugar cone) and use it to scoop out the ice cream. I may be weird.

Okay, back to the giveaway.

Up for grabs is this Cuisinart 2 Qt. Ice Cream Maker and one of my favorite scoop shops new book, Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream Desserts. Yum! If you have her first book, you’ll want to get your hands on this one, too. It’s divided up into sections like ice cream parlor, bakeshop and sundae bar. So fun!

Here’s the sweet scoop for a chance to win them both:

  • To enter leave a comment on this post and share your favorite ice cream flavor and how you like to enjoy it. Cone, cup, bowl… barrel ; ) ?
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 7:00 pm ET. SORRY, Time’s Up! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!

I’ve been reading all your favorites for the last couple of days and now I need all the flavors! and a big spoon of course.

Okiedokie – it’s ice cream maker winner time!

The winning comment is #1216. Congratulations Angela – I hope you love making your own mint chocolate chip and butter pecan. YAY!



This giveaway sponsored by me. 

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2,886 comments on “Ice Cream Sunday”

  1. I love Coffee with health bar, best in a dish.

  2. Forgot to include what I like to eat it in, a bowl usually, but if I’m feelin’ a cone then I’ll eat it in a cone.

  3. I <3 s'mores

  4. I <3 choclate

  5. I like mocha ice cream with toasted almonds.

  6. Coffee!! Doubles as a pick me up and a treat. I always prefer ice cream on a sugar cone. Yum!!!

  7. Blueberry butter cookie, just give me a spoon and a couple scoops of it in a cup and I am all set!

  8. I love mint cookies and cream in a cone!!!

  9. Basically it’s Mint Chocolate Chip, but I really love Jenni’s Buttermint or whatever it’s called. Anything peppermint or mint flavored basically.

  10. Coffee is my favorite! Preferably in a waffle cone. Mint chocolate chip is a close second. :)

  11. Savannah Buttermint. Straight out of our ice cream maker.

  12. Mint chocolate chip! I usually just have a bowlful of it. Yum!

  13. I love Ben & Jerry’s Americone Dream in a bowl!!

  14. Vanilla, in a cone if I can get it and sometimes dipped in that hard chocolate coating. Yum!

  15. Mint chocolate chip in an ice cream sandwich

  16. Is the giveaway open for non-US residents? I didn’t see anything about that …

    I’m pretty boring and love chocolate and lemon ice cream. In a cone, please!

  17. I love stracciatella ice Cream . From a bucket yum yum.

  18. My favorite ice cream flavor is Jeni’s Riesling Poached Pear sorbet, and I like to eat it paired with Queen City Cayenne from a Jeni’s scoop shop!

  19. I love waffle cones filled with some sort of Heath or toffee bits and chocolate. Yum. Great giveaway!

  20. Some variety of chocolate.

  21. I love mint chocolate chip ice cream in a waffle cone. Yum!

  22. I am lactose intolerant but I LOVE ice cream! Key lime ice cream with graham cracker crumble in it is by far the most delicious! I could eat it by the gallon – it doesn’t matter if it’s a cup or a cone!

  23. I recently made a cheesecake ice cream with homemade strawberry topping. I enjoyed it in a bowl.

  24. I love a company called Marrianes Ice Cream. They are based in Santa Cruz, but I can get their product in town where I live. I love a flavor called 10-20 in a cup!

  25. What a coincidence! My new favorite – Jeni’s Goat Cheese and Red Cherries – yum – in a bowl by itself so nothing else interferes with it’s awesomeness!

  26. I love walnuts ice cream made by myself with nuts from tree in my backyard… eaten straight from the box.

  27. Strawberry/banana with the graham cracker crusts mixed right in. Waffel bowl. This is perfect for today. Made ice cream for my dad, husband, and stepbdad today.

  28. Mint chip in a bowl! Cones aren’t my thing…they just get in the way!

  29. I love peanut butter ice cream cones!

  30. jamoca almond fudge. single scoop in a sugar cone.

  31. I love some homemade banana ice cream! Just stick a big scoop right in a bowl for me!

  32. Pistacchio and moka with nut chunks!!!Love them both.

  33. I love mint chocolate chip in a cone!

  34. Best ice cream I ever ate was, a rice pudding ice cream while in Madrid. It was so light and creamy. It was heavenly!

  35. Forest fruit ice cream in a bowl :-)

  36. Any variation of chocolate works for me! Always in a bowl, and sprinkles are a bonus!

  37. I love Welsh cake flavour icecream by Cadwaladers Icecream, a family-run business based in Wales – in a traditional cone!

  38. Chocolate chip, the bigger the chips the better! And I prefer a cup to a cone.

  39. Best flavor I’ve ever had….rice pudding ice cream on a waffle cone. Had it in Madrid years ago and I can still remember that creamy goodness!!

  40. Tillamook mudslide is pretty much ice cream perfection in my book. It’s only available in certain states, and Texas isn’t one of them, so I only get it every few years. Thankfully, I have Bluebell Strawberries and Homemade Vanilla to make up for it. And I’ll take my ice cream any way I can get it, cup, cone, or bowl.

  41. I live for chocolate chip cookie dough, caramel sauce and white chocolate. In eight bowls, please :)

  42. My favorite flavor is cookies n cream. Thanks for the giveaway! It’s really sweet of you (pun intended).

  43. Cookies and cream, on cones :)

  44. I love ice creamwith nuts and chocolate. But everyone else has to have good old vanilla

  45. I could eat Dreyer’s rocky road all day long straight out of the carton.

  46. Rocky road in a cone!

  47. I looooooove coffee ice cream in a bowl!!!

  48. Ben and Jerrys cookie dough in a waffle cone!

  49. Mint chocolate chip in bowl.

  50. Love chocolate (dark) in cup the most!

  51. When I go to an ice cream shop, I like cookies ‘n’ cream, but if I’m just eating at my house, I like Phish Food by Ben & Jerry’s.

  52. Chocolate chip cookie dough in a bowl =)

  53. Chocolate ice cream in milkshake form. :)

  54. I love mint chocolate chip in a cone. Thanks for the chance! Blessings.

  55. I love cookies and cream… IN A BARREL!!!!!

  56. I love Black Cherry ice cream…. in a barrel!! (ha ha)

  57. strawberry ice cream in a waffle cone

  58. BrambleBerry in a waffle cone

  59. Chocolate. Bowl or waffle bowl

  60. My favorite ice cream is Jeni’s dark chocolate and black coffee, in a cup with a waffle wedge!

  61. Gotta love salted caramel in a cone with hot fudge. Messy but WORTH IT.

  62. I birthday cake ice cream in a waffle cone.

  63. I love coffee ice cream with oreo cookie bits. Just one scoop of heaven on a sugar cone.

  64. If I am at home, I like vanilla ice cream with a spoonful of peanut butter in a bowl.
    If I can, my favourite is a blizzard (or whatever that shop calls it). Usually something with chocolate.
    If it is hard coop ice scream, then I like to try unique flavors offered by that shop. Otherwise I stick to mint chocolate chip. In a cone.

  65. Butter Pecan! In a sugar cone!

  66. I love Black Raspberry Chip from my favorite local ice cream shop – Graeter’s!

  67. I like dark chocolate espresso ice cream & it has to be in a rainbow sprinkle waffle cone. I a bit picky!

  68. Does Gelato count? Right now I am obsessing over Pistachio gelato. Honorable mentions would be Chocolate anything or Coconut.

  69. cookies & cream… makes me very happy :)

  70. Pistachio has always been my fav. As for method of consuming, as long as I get my Icecream, I’m good to go ;)

  71. My favorite thing is a scoop of butter pecan on top of a glazed doughnut. In a bowl with spoon of course, because I am messy too :)

  72. Mint chocolate chip ice cream in a large bowl…yum!

  73. my favorite is black raspberry in a waffle cone!

  74. My favorite ice cream flavor is pumpkin and I prefer to eat it sandwiched between two snickerdoodle cookies :-)

  75. My all time favorite flavor is Heavenly Hash! I love it best in a bowl, no cones for me either.

  76. My favorite is fresh banana ice cream with Heath Bar bits eaten from a large mug.

  77. Strawberry in a cup!

  78. Cookies and cream in a big bowl :)

  79. I love fruit flavored ice cream, lately strawberry has been a favorite.

  80. I love any flavor that has chocolate in it. I love my ice cream in a bowl. then you can get more ice cream. more ice cream the better for me!!! :)

  81. I love Chocolate cookies and cream. Definitely a bowl!

  82. It’s a tie between chocolate peanut butter and mint chocolate chip (depends on my mood). I like it piled high in a waffle bowl.

  83. Pralines and Creme in a cone :) Thanks!

  84. Blue Bell pistachio ice cream is amazing…I could eat the whole half gallon:)

  85. dulce de leche or salted caramel in a cup with the cone on the side!

  86. If I go with vanilla I like it as a sundae covered in gooey and delicious sauces. If I’m going with straight ice cream I like a peanut butter ripple.

  87. French orange in a sugar cone.

  88. I love Rocky Road, but only the kind with mini marshmallows in it!

  89. Homemade vanilla ice cream is my favorite. I love a bunch of any vanilla ice cream in a big bowl either plain, or with frosted flakes or plain potato chips, or with caramel sauce and nuts. Thanks for the great giveaway. The book looks great, congrats to Jeni. Good luck everyone.

  90. I like an extra dark chocolate flavour with nuts and would like to eat it from a selffilling container! Yummie

  91. Mint chocolate chip in a bowl!

  92. Mint Chocolate Chip is heaven! It’s been my favourite flavour since forever. I love to eat it out of a bowl.

  93. Chocolate on a sugar cone!

  94. Love vanilla with chocolate chunks in a waffle cone.

  95. My absolute favorite is a cookie dough milkshake! When I was younger, my summer camp would take us to a Ben and Jerry’s shop. I could never bring myself to get anything else.

  96. I am currently in Germany where gelato seems to be the norm. After several taste-tests I discovered caramel + chocolate (or even banana) is the way to go! Most times I’ll get it in a cone for picture purposes.

  97. I am all for the classics….i like sweet cream ice cream….but then you mix in rasberries and oreos. And just in a simple bowl. Amazing

  98. I’d usually choose salted caramel in a cup. But when my local place has fresh rhubarb…..

  99. mint chip, by the pint

  100. coffee with sprinkle of chopped almonds and whipped cream from the can.

  101. Green Mint Chocolate Chip! In all forms really. Sometimes a shake, other times a waffle cone. In a cake – even better!

  102. I like coffee health bar crunch or pistachio. Anything that looks appetizing. I like eating it out of a bowl or out of the container.

  103. coffee ice cream with chocolate crunchy sprinkles in a sugar cone…on a beach…in the tropics.

  104. I’m going to cheat and say Neapolitan -3 in one! And always in a cup!

  105. My favorite is vanilla bean with chocolate sauce, whipped cream and cherries on top in a waffle bowl. I can’t ear ice cream all the time but when I do I make it count!!

  106. Good old vanilla and in a bowl!

  107. My favorite flavor of Jeni’s ice cream is the Buckeye State. It’s heaven for any peanut butter lover like myself! Of course anything with chocolate is the best as well! Can you go wrong with anything from Jeni’s?!?!

  108. Bramble berry crisp is my favorite jenni’s flavor. Mint chocolate chip is my go to flavor. Always enjoy in a waffle cone!

  109. My favorite Ice Cream flavor was a Lucky’s store brand(back before it was sold) Ice Cream. It was White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake(I think).

    I like cones but currently that is all my youngest son eats, so I eat the ice cream then hand over the cone.

  110. Coffee cookies and cream is my favorite…..this week. Love it in a bowl with thick deep dark chocolate sauce and whipped cream. Add a few chopped toasted nuts, heaven!!!

  111. Chocolate in a waffle cone!

  112. Mint chocolate-chip!!! Nobody ever understands how good it is… :(
    Well, could be because I live in Germany.
    We’re pretty boring, “our” favorite ice cream is vanilla. And lemon.

  113. Moose in the loose in a waffle cone:)

  114. I love cookies and cream ice cream in a waffle cone!

  115. My favorite ice cream (at this time) and served in a barrel is a difficult question to answer. Sometimes it is Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia. Other times it is Haagen Daz Vanilla, Chocolate and Strawberry all together like neopolitan. Depends if i want it chunky that day.

  116. Vanilla ice cream, adorning a fresh from the oven chocolate lava cake. Mmmmm

  117. My favorite is Pecan Praline.

  118. My favorite flavor of Jeni’s ice cream is the buckeye state. It’s heaven for any peanut butter lover like myself! Of course anything with chocolate is the best as well! Can you go wrong with anything from Jeni’s?!?!

  119. Mint Chocolate with chocolate chip, in a waffle cone.. :)

  120. Mint chip in a plain cone!

  121. My favorite flavor is one I just tried recently while on vacation at the beach: banana pudding. It was from a family owned shop called Scoops where everything is homemade. It was amazing and tasted like my mom’s homemade banana pudding except without the meringue. I guess I could’ve put whipped cream on top!

  122. My favorite flavor is vanilla in a bowl.

  123. B&J’s Coffee Heath Bar crunch is the absolute best. Straight out of the carton of course.

  124. Cookies and cream in a cake cone. YUM!

  125. Definitely mint cookies and cream, even if you can’t find it too often. I would definitely eat that from a barrel! Thanks for the chance to win!

  126. Rocky road in a cone. But the kid in me loves rainbow sherbet.

  127. Peanut butter and chocolate is my favourite, but only the kind that has actual ribbons of peanut butter in it, not pb-flavored ice cream. I, too, prefer a cup or bowl over a cone.

  128. Rocky road, dulce de leche, or tramontana (Argentine ice cream- sweet cream, dulce de leche swirls, and chocolate covered cake balls). Yum!

  129. I like cake batter flavor in a cup!

  130. There are too many good ice creams. I can´t choose!!! But some of my favourites are mint, cookie dough and everything with strawberries and rasberries. Definitely in a bowl and from the package :P :)

  131. Chocolate peanut butter cup, of course! In a cone…yum.

  132. My favourite is chocolate in a cone! Or Ben & Jerry’s Phish Food…that’s delicious too ??

    Emma x | Reverie Lane

  133. I like so many flavors, but I always go back to cookies and cream!

  134. vanilla and chocolate and i like it a bit melted. YUM!

  135. My very favorite is plain vanilla with caramel sauce and Oreos pieces. Yummy!

  136. I tend to favour raspberry frozen yogurt in a plain cone. It’s a light, but oh-so delicious frozen treat!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  137. Passion fruit ice cream in a cone is the absolute best!

  138. Love red velvet or anything cheesecake!

  139. I love mint chocolate chip in a waffle cone!

  140. My favourite ice cream is from marble slab: it’s coffee ice cream with maltesers mixed in!

  141. I love any kind of chocolate ice cream in a cone, bowl, shake, or whatever.

  142. My favorite is a good mint chip on a sugar cone. Yum!

  143. A barrel of strawberry blonde from Cold Stone for me!! :)

  144. Chocolate is my favorite, and I like it in a bowl. Mmmmm, although working at Baskin Robbins in high school cured me of the need to eat a lot of ice cream in one sitting. I can make a pint of ice cream last forever, so I don’t feel guilty about splurging on the good stuff!

  145. Vanilla is my favorite but I love the toppings just as much!!

  146. Pistachio & coconut ice cream… Yum! I love it in a waffle bowl :-)

  147. My favorite flavor is vanilla. I can remember all of my sisters sitting around my dad while he hand cranked the maker. He would let us turn part of the time but only while it was easy. Our eyes would grow big when he would pull out the paddle, each of us wanting some that stayed on. He always would clean it off, but also left enough to tease us when we reopened it after it settled some. Because my dad is no longer with me, I always feel him when someone brings up making ice cream. Happy Fathers Day, Dad

  148. I love cookies and cream ice cream in a waffle cone

  149. I loooooove Cheesecake ice cream and gummy bears in a waffle cone.

  150. Ooh! Strawberry in a waffle bowl. Or vanilla with fudge crackle.

  151. I am a simple chocolate lover… nothing added, just pure and on its own.

  152. Strawberry ice cream with crumbled golden oreos on top in a nice sized bowl!

  153. There are so many amazing flavours out there, it’s almost impossible to pick a favourite! If pressed, though, I’d probably ultimately choose a (big) bowl of decadently rich chocolate ice cream :)

  154. Yummy! My all time classic favorite is chocolate or mint chip. I like a bowl so I can eat more instead of eating the cone. :] // ?

  155. Homemade peach ice cream, the best.

  156. I like cherry and chocolate or gold medal ribbon so yummy! and always in a cone. I love Ice Cream in the summer, a perfect ending to a hot day.

  157. I really love a Rocky Road ice cream cone! Butter Pecan is a close second.

  158. My favourite ice cream flavour has to be Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia! (although it’s technically frozen yogurt). It’s just so sweet and I love the big pieces of Cherry and chocolate! I used to eat this by the tubload, but unfortunately supermarkets stopped stocking it, so now I only get it when I go to the cinema! (boo hoo)

  159. Butter pecan with caramel in a bowl

  160. <3 Peanut butter ice cream with hot fudge on a cone!!! <3

  161. Cookies and cream in a bowl!

  162. I like to keep it classic, mint chocolate chip in a cone, maybe throw some sprinkles on there for good measure.

  163. I’m a straight up vanilla gal. Rich and creamy, in a bowl or truly, just a large spoonful scooped straight from the container.

  164. A barrel of cookie dough would be great right now :)

  165. I love pretty much ANY flavor in a cone! ;) I’m an equal opportunity ice cream eater!

  166. Strawberry Shortcake ice cream in a (large) bowl.

  167. Swensen’s strawberry cheesecake ice cream with a passion. Oh and mangos as well… I like having it in a sundae, but without the chocolate

  168. I am still a huge mint chocolate chip fan… preferably in a sugar cone =)

  169. I prefer the old school vanilla. Again, old school, but i like it plain

  170. lemon sherbet is definitely my favorite. It’s so refreshing in the summer! Have it in a big glass bowl

  171. At the ice cream parlor I go old school: chocolate on a classic sugar cone. BUT, the best ice cream in the world is the vanilla that we make three times a year (memorial day, 4th of july, and labor day) at my husband’s mom’s house in their old White Mountain machine that you have to crank by hand. YUM!

  172. Vanilla ice cream with banana and chocolate peanut butter cups. In a cone. Always in a cone.

  173. I love mint choc! on one of those chocolate coated cones

  174. i absolutely love rum raisin ice cream! those plump fruits are just the best thing. I like mine with some ginger snaps :)

  175. Homemade Chocolate (either my own or Yarnell’s; their Homemade Vanilla rocks too) in a bowl, either plain or with some salted caramel and/or dark chocolate sauce.

  176. Creamy vanilla with fresh strawberries in a china bowl that has been in the freezer for a couple hours.

  177. Peach with sherbet sprinkled on top. It has to be in a cup. I love ice cream!

  178. I don’t even remember where I had it, but this one restaurant served cinnamon ice cream as a complimentary dessert…just a little scoop in a porcelain cup, SO GOOD!

  179. I love pralines and cream! And I love waffle cones.

  180. I love cookies n cream, in a pint! Yummy!

  181. I love Choc Chip Cookie Dough in a cone!

  182. My favourite flavor is milk tea flavored ice cream eaten in a bowl

  183. Chocolate Chip on a Sugar Cone – mmmmm. Nothing better.

  184. Chocolate Raspberry in a waffle cone

  185. My favorite is pink lemonade flavor in a waffle cone. So yummy!!

  186. vanilla ice cream brownie sundae!

  187. hazelnut chocolate on a waffle cone! ! yummy

  188. Mint chocolate chip in a cone!

  189. My favorite ice cream is chocolate chip and I like to eat it in a bowl on a really hot Texas day outside with my family. It reminds me of how I ate it as a kid!

  190. Oh definitely chocolate peanut butter ice cream in a sugar cone! Yum!!

  191. Salted caramel! In a waffle cone. *yum*

  192. I love icecream so much that I can’t pick one favourite ;) Pistachio, coconut, chocolate, and pear ice-cream are the best..
    And I don’t care whether it’s a cone or a bowl, it’s always delicious :)

  193. Chocolate chip mint in a cup is my favorite!!

  194. Lately, all I want is gelato, in a cup with one of those tiny plastic spoons. Last time, I got Nutella and cake batter flavors and pretty much lost it.

  195. I love everything chocolate in a bowl

  196. I LOVE melon ice cream with actual melon chunks in it which I could totally eat twenty bowls of!
    Not that good for the summer bikini body though..

  197. Good old chocolate in a wafflecone!!

  198. OOOH!! Can’t wait to make ice cream! All sorts of flavors but would love an Extreme Vanilla!

  199. Mint chocolate chip

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