
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell POP!

It’s the right time to dip the night away don’t you think.

Cake Pops Holidays Cover

It’s here! It’s here! And I’m super excited Cake Pops Holidays is available online and in stores and even at scholastic book fairs, too I hear.… just in time for some fun holiday cake popping!

And I know you guys are gonna bring some serious cuteness this Christmas. I’m constantly blown away by the cake pops you all share on the Bakerella Facebook page. I mean super, super, super stuff. I often find my jaw dropping.

I hope the book continues to inspire you to make lots of people happy this holiday season. Lots of sweet smiles.

Christmas Cake Pops

The book is full of cute winter holiday cake pop projects just like these.

Elves, Santas, stockings, presents … and  gingerbread houses, Christmas lights, dreidels, wreaths and more.

Cake Pops Holidays

It has a wiro-binding like the first book.

Cake Pops Holidays

So you can lay it flat while you dip.

And to celebrate I’m giving away five (5) copies of the book.… Signed if you’d like.

(The book is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and Target, too.)

But that’s not all.

Each of the five winners will also be getting something else.

Something fun!

And something to have fun with!

The Cake Pops Toy that’s available at Toys R US…

Cake Pops by Bakerella Toy

Cake Pops Toy

It comes with all this cute stuff to play with. And help little ones make real cake pops with.

Cake Pops Toy

A toy for tiny treats.


Enter for a chance to win Cake Pops Holidays and the Cake Pops Toy

  • To enter the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions.
  • How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s up! Winners announced below.
  • Five (5) winners will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Please note: The toy manufacturer is currently only shipping to the US and Canada. If a winner is chosen outside those countries, the winner will receive two signed Cake Pops Holidays books instead.

Good Luck!

P.S. I had my first book signing earlier today in King of Prussia and I want to thank all of you that came out to say hi. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoy your books. The first two signings were supposed to be in New York and New Jersey, but with the devastation from Sandy, we are going to try and reschedule. I hope all of you in those areas affected are safe.

Here’s the remaining Cake Pops Holidays Book Signing Dates. I’d love to see you.

P.P.S. I know there’s been a lot of cake pops on the site lately, but I’ll be back to regular baking too soon. I need a brownie or a cookie or 12.


It’s time to pick winners from all the comments? These were some of the best, feel good responses and oh my goodness can I come over on Christmas Eve? So many wonderful memories are going to be happening this year too. Hope you all have happy holidays!

And now for the winners…

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3,590 comments on “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …”

  1. My family gets together on Christmas eve to exchange gifts since Christmas day has gotten so busy with other family gatherings. This year though, I’m going to suggest we skip the gifts and volunteer at a soup kitchen!

  2. Decorating gingerbread men with my family! :)

  3. We usually spend Christmas Eve having a cozy dinner as a family of 4, going to the candlelight service at our church (and me crying during Silent Night as usual) and then having cookies and milk before bed after spreading reindeer food on the front lawn.

  4. I love the cold weather…while the cooler weather here in San Antonio, Texas! And I love seeing the way people decorate their homes for the holiday season.

  5. Christmas Eve is always tricky. I’m Christian, my hubby’s a non-practicing Jew. His birthday is Christmas Even. Soooo….there is no how we “usually” spend Christmas Eve. I always make his favorite meal (stuffed cabbage), there’s always presents (for him), cookies and milk for Santa, special Christmas stories for the kids…church, sadly, is a dilemma every year.

  6. My favorite part of the holiday season is spending time with family! There is really nothing like it!

  7. Christmas Eve is spent watching “Christmas Vacation” with the family and convincing my boys that they NEED to get to bed in order for Santa to come visit. :)

  8. My family spends Christmas Eve doing last minute wrapping and eating chinese food. It’s an old family tradition that started when my sisters and I were young, and the only restaurant near our home served Chinese. While we were out at dinner, my father would sneak home and play Santa, putting presents under the Christmas tree. While we are all grown now, we still like to relive with some kung pao chicken and crab rangoon :)

  9. My favorite part of the Holiday Season is great food, great desserts and family and the lights.

  10. On Christmas Eve, we bake and decorate cookies all day. In the late afternoon, we go to mass and then to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant. At home, the kids get to open each other’s presents before bed. Just the five of us – we save all the extended family visits for other days :)

  11. My favorite part about the holiday season is simply spending time with family. I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful five year old daughter and this year we have a new baby girl to celebrate with! Our favorite tradition is baking and decorating sugar cookies for Santa, this year we might add cake balls or pops! I enjoy baking, my daughter loves to get in the kitchen with me to help. She especially loves making cake pops and decorating them with sprinkles! We love giving them as gifts! My husband and I also spend our holidays playing with an elf, lol!. You know the one who flys back every night to tell Santa if my daughter was naughty or nice! Last year her elf was caught eating a red velvet cake cop! We love making the holidays fun for her. It is also a time to be thankful and remember why we celebrate the season. I love all the memories my husband and I are creating for our children, and I hope that they continue these traditions with their little families!

  12. My favorite part of the holiday season is finding the perfect gifts for friends and family and of course all the baking and decorating. I love to come up with new treats to give out at work and to family. Such a wonderful season of giving!!

  13. My family drives around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve looking at Christmas lights and come back to open presents and spend time together. I love it. :)

  14. Usually I spend Christmas Eve with my family. There always are 12 dishes (as the tradition says) on the table which are always made by me and my mom. I love everything about it and especially the spirit and the peace on Christmas Eve.

  15. I love the holiday season because I get to buy gifts for all of the people I care about. It’s my favorite time of year, snow and all.

  16. On Christmas Eve, we have a nice supper and then go to the Christmas Eve Service at our country church. Afterwards, we come home and sit by the fire and drink egg nog.

  17. Christmass eve i spend it with the family watching xmas movies and making tamales or food in genereal for the next day. And right at 12 we open the presents with the kids and fam. Thank you for the giveaway. :)

  18. I think one of my favorite parts of Christmas is the big Christmas day dinner my husband and I make for our families. Everything is made from scratch. We make a turkey, a beef dish and usually one other. Several sides and 2-3 desserts. I think this year my daughter and I will have to make cake pops as one of the desserts!

  19. My favorite part of the holidays is opening 1 gift on Christmas Eve, it’s usually new pajamas, and then everyone in my family sits around in the soft flannel and watches movies and eats pizza and cookies. Some years we go to my grandma’s and sit by her fire. Very happy memories.

  20. my favorite part is the food and movies!

  21. hand around fire place watching a movie:)

  22. We spend Christmas Eve surrounded by family and good food! My husband always reads the Christmas Story out of the book of Luke in the Bible. It’s always a wonderful night!

  23. With my family enjoying a seafood feast we all help prepare.

  24. my faveourite part is… well i can’t chose one, there are so many!
    I love wrapping up warm in loads of layers and going for a walk with my entire family. I love seeing everyone and being able to meet old friends and family. and of course the atmosphere, its just impossible to be in a bad mood during christmas:) xx

  25. Favorite part of the holiday season would have to be listening to Christmas music and decorating the house.
    I always enjoy seeing the houses lit up at night.

  26. We spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with both sides of the family. We feel so blessed to live close to our families to celebrate the holiday season together.

  27. Christmas Eve is always spent with my husbands family. The kids get new Christmas jammies too.

  28. i usually spend Christmas Eve with my immediate family. We go to church and then have a family dinner and open presents from each other.

  29. We always spend Christmas Eve watching “It’s a Wonderful LIfe” and eating the Christmas candy we started making after Thanksgiving.

  30. The best part of the holiday season is the warmth. Everybody seems so much happier, the Christmas lights look beautiful, and the cozy blankets are out. Love it!

  31. We’ve always spent Christmas Eve eating hors d’oeuvres and watching a Christmas movie – probably my favorite night of the year!

  32. Christmas Eve is my mom’s birthday so we all get together at her place for a big dinner party. We also do a white elephant exchange for the adults & crafts for the kids.

  33. I love getting together with my friends and baking all day long and then making up gift baskets of goodies to give to neighbors and friends:)

  34. We always have baked potatoes for supper on Christmas Eve. The tradition began over 30 years ago when we needed a quick meal after the 5:00 Vespers service at church. It has evolved into a potato bar with many topping choices, but it still doesn’t feel “official” until we have our Christmas Eve tater! <

  35. We always spend Christmas Eve at my parent’s house, eating finger foods and yummy dips and desserts of course! :)

  36. My Mother in law holds a Christmas Eve party every year, we play games eat dinner and give white elephant gifts. It’s so much fun.

  37. Christmas Eve is usually spent enjoying time with my family and making a big meal (including homemade apple pie from scratch!) and playing games/watching Christmas movies.

  38. We spend Christmas Eve with our family. We attend church and then have an appetizer party and open presents with my husbands family. It is always loud and always fun!

  39. My Christmas Eve is spent either with family at a church candelight service or at home with my hubby and our pups. Perfect calm before all the hustle of the holidays!

  40. what a lovely giveaway!! We always spend Christmas eve with our family. We enjoy a real Swedish smorgasbord=) with a lot of food. It´s really nice.

  41. My favorite part is the entire month, I feel happines everywhere, is like a dream, I love, love Christmas season.

  42. Christmas eve is spent together as a family. The children get the cookies made and ready for Santa and food for the Reindeer. We spent the early evening with family and friends ice skating and then home to read “the Night Before Christmas” into PJ’s a cookie and milk and then to dream land.

  43. I love Christmas fever! I always spend time with all my family On Xmas day but my favourite part of all is when everyone opens their secret Santa presents:) it’s good to have quality time together.

  44. Thanks for the opportunity! Would love to win this for my niece. My favorite part of the holidays is getting to spend time with my family. What is yours? <3

  45. I spend Christmas Eve with the extended family. We spend time together eating a lot of polish food, drinking, catching up on life – lots of fun & laughter.

  46. My favorite part of Christmas is getting to see it through my children’s eyes. Their joy and the excitement makes me feel like a kids again. This year we are introducing the Elf on the Shelf to our family traditions. I can’t wait! :)

  47. Back in Brazil we celebrate Christmas on mid night so it is a big celebration, but here in US we usually wrap presents and bake cookies.

  48. Dear Bakerella, I love spending Christmas Eve with my siblings. We are all grown up and each have other obiligations on Christmas Day, so we have all set aside Christmas Eve and we love to see one another, eat, and just have fun! I read a story to all the nieces and nephews, we open up gifts early to let everyone get on the road, and we just share a brief moment together as a family. I LOVE Christmas time!

  49. my favorite part: GIFTS :D

  50. I always spend Christmas Eve at my parents’ house; we all play board games and hang out by the fire. It’ll never get old.

  51. My absolute favorite time is cooking and baking with my three daughters.

  52. When I was a child growing up we always went to my aunt and uncle’s houses. I love family!! When my kids were growing up we always went to my husbands side of the family to spend the evening with them, have supper and open gifts. I loved it!
    Now, my kids are all grown up and spend time with their in-laws on Christmas eve so my husband and I are usually alone. We watch a christmas movie and have supper and wait for christmas morning to spend it with all of our grandchildren!! They are the best. Thank you for your great book. I hope I win a signed copy!!

  53. I really love the holiday season. We spend christmas eve with friends;our family is not here;but we make sure our kids don’t feel alone. I bake with my elder daughter; she is really fond of cooking.

  54. I spend my Christmas Eve at my grandma’s house, sitting around the tree, opening presents and eating peanut butter balls and haystacks :)

  55. Our family always spends Christmas at mom’s house. She cooks it all, from pernil and arroz con gandules to cheesecake and cookies. The one tradition we keep is making the gingerbread house with the little ones. I think being there with her make everything feel magical like being a kid all over again. She truly makes Christmas the reason we look forward to December.

  56. On Christmas eve we turn off all the lights except for the tree and some candles, put on a few carols and open one gift apiece. My sweetie and i sometimes take a favorite like Chestnuts roasting on an open fire as an excuse to dance around the living room, then we sing some carols and go to bed.

  57. Christmas Eve is spent having dinner with family, finishing wrapping presents and baking…baking…baking.

  58. Hanging out with my precious babies, reading stories, watching Polar Express and eating cookies!

  59. We go to my sister’s house and what I love the most is baking with her!

  60. We always open all our gifts on Christmas Eve and eat like crazy. The best part of the holidays is baking , baking and more baking. And then sharing all those baked goods with friends and family. On Christmas day we go to church and when we come home we eat some more . And then we diet!

  61. Decorating the house and baking cookies with my sister are my two favorite parts of the holiday season!

  62. My favorite part of the season is getting together with family and friends…and I actually enjoy wrapping presents!

  63. My favorite part of the holiday season is, of course, all the BAKING!!!!

  64. Christmas Eve is spent with the extended family – lots of food, family, kids, and presents at midnight! Christmas morning is with immedate family, and usually consists of opening gifts in our pajamas. :) So excited for the holidays!

  65. We spend Christmas Eve with family, and my favorite part of the holiday is seeing the holiday lights in the evenings. Thanks!

  66. We have always celebrated Christmas Eve with all of the family and had a pot luck spread. We do the traditional cheesy Yankee Swap and laugh. When my husband and I go home we all get into our Christmas PJ’s and we allow the kids to open one gift and then it’s bed for them and assemble time for us, which I love more and more every year. As my son gets older he gets more excited and his eyes just light up. That is the best gift anyone could ever have.

  67. Christmas Eve is my favorite part of Christmas! That is when my family puts up our Christmas tree. We put on Christmas music, make drinks, and nosh on antipasti while we go through all our old ornaments and reminisce. It is the best part of Christmas: everyone is happy and excited and grateful to be at home.

  68. I love spending time with my family during the holidays. On Christmas Eve we all go to my parents house and eat appetizers and desserts. Then my dad reads the Christmas story and we exchange gifts.

  69. First off….oh my goodness! Those bells are flawless! So cute :) Love them. I think I am going to have to add this cake pop kit to my daughters christmas list. She really wants it…just doesn’t know it yet! lol! Anyway….christmas eve growing up we always would have home made soup and chili, read a christmas story together and then open presents from the family. Christmas morning was for santa presents only. My husbands family growing up only did one present christmas eve but made homemade sugar cookies that night. In the morning was gift time. So combining our households also included combining traditions to make them our own. We do either sugar cookies or a ginerbread house every year that the kids love to decorate, along with other goodies for gift baskets for people. We still try to do soup and chili that night and we open one present….normally new pajamas and watch a christmas movie. Christmas morning we open all the rest of the presents at the crack of dawn! and then go out for breakfast :) Love it all!!! I am so excited for the holiday season that is quickly approching :)

  70. My favorite part is spending time with family–and all of the good food!

  71. I usually spend Christmas Eve at home and let my children open up one gift. This is the one gift from mom and dad. The rest are from Santa :-)

  72. My favorite part about the holidays is baking! My grandma always did it with us and now I get to do it with my daughter!

  73. I spend Christmas Eve at my grandma’s house with all my family! We sit around the tree open presents and eat peanut butter balls and hay stacks :)

  74. i love the idea of white christmas. when you wake up on christmas, there’s a sort of hushed magical silence before all the mayhem starts. the best thing has to be sharing this special holiday with all your loved ones

  75. Making a ginger bread house!!

  76. for the past few years, christmas eve has been spent with the boyfriend. before that, it was always dinner with the whole family at my grandma’s house in hawaii. :)

  77. We spend Christmas Eve at my brother’s house with the whole family. Everyone brings a dish and we just eat all night, and play games.

  78. I usually spend it with my family. I help my baby sister make gingerbread cookies for Santa Claus. My family also opens one Christmas gift each as a Christmas teaser :)

  79. My favourite part is christmas dinner, the whole family comes over and it’s the one time of the year that i get to eat brussel sprouts and mashed swede, yum!

  80. I have so many favorites of the Christmas season! I love the decorations, music, and baking!

  81. My favorite part of the season is baking with my mother and daughters.

  82. Even though my family doesnt celebrate Christmas and we lived in a place where our only link of christmas was through media, i love everything about christmas.

    From mistletoes to hot cocoa, decorating christmas trees with pretty sparkly ornaments to hiding gifts, and who can forget all those catchy xmas songs playing everywhere??

  83. I usually spend Christmas Eve delivering goodies I make to family and friends. It’s lots of fun playing “Santa’s Helper” and it provides an opportunity to visit with people.

  84. I spend Christmas eve with my parents and we attend Mass together and then enjoy a big dinner!

  85. We spend Christmas eve opening one present (pajamas) taking pictures by the tree and reading the nativity story as a family. We also put out cookies and milk for santa and a carrot for the reindeer.

  86. We spend Christmas Eve with my inlaws having a fun German dinner, then we go to church at Midnight. It is a really great evening!

  87. On Christmas Eve we have family over for dinner and open up gifts at midnight. By the way, your Cake Pops Holidays book is in Canada’s Scholastic Book Club. My youngest son, Braden already told his teachers about the Snow Globes!

  88. love chistmas, I spend Christmas cooking for my family love to make a dessert table, cookies, cakes, candies and the at midnght we open presents!

  89. Christmas Eve means going to my mother’s church that evening, dinner at her house, and presents!

  90. Christmas Eve is my birthday! So we celebrate that and Christmas with a family party at my house. My mom bakes me cupcakes every year. :-)

  91. My favorite part about the holidays is when the family get to put up the tree. We have ornaments on there from that year and even some from when we were very young.

  92. I love the preparation for the holiday: baking goodies, making decorations, buying or making presents, even wrapping!

  93. Starting around 3:00 on Christmas Eve, we go to my side of the family to celebrate and then later that night we go to my in-laws to celebrate.

  94. What we do on Christmas Eve depends on where we are. If we are with the in-laws we go out to eat with the whole family. With my family we usually just hangout that night or we get together with friends when our families are elsewhere.

  95. Wow!!! Your cake pops are the sweetest perfection I´ve ever seen!!! :) They are all so cute <3

    My favourite parte of Christmas is when i bake cookies or cupcakes or cake pops for the family, they really enjoy it and makes me really happy!! Wish the sgnings were in Spain too!!


  96. Well, if Christmas Eve falls on a weekday then I am at work. :( But after that we spend the day celebrating with my mom’s side of the family. Lots of food, treats and even a visit from Santa! The kids love it!

  97. I live in a split family, so Christmas Eve usually marks full Christmas celebration number one. But lately since being with my boyfriend and his split family, it could be Christmas number one or even two or three! :D

  98. my fave christmas eve tradition is that my daughter likes to wake up in the room I did when I was little and walk down the same steps I did… :) she is a crazy tradition loving girl!

  99. We spend Christmas Eve with my inlaws just eating/drinking and letting the kids open their gifts and play. They have a blast. I love Christmas morning, it was exciting when I was a kid and now I’m getting to enjoy it with my daughter.

  100. We spend Christmas Eve with family eating a big dinner, heading to church for candlelight service, and coming home to open presents. A late night but well worth it! :)

  101. At my parents’ house to eat dinner, and then for the past couple years, it’s off to my sister’s house to play Just Dance on the Wii with my four sisters while wearing our matching Christmas PJs.

    Best tradition ever.

  102. Christmas Eve is a very special day for us. We have a brunch for all family and friends that day. The last few years we have had everyone make a Christmas ornament to add to our homemade tree. Then in the evening we have a special meal. Since age 2-1/2, our son picked the meal and we went with whatever he picked. We’ve had quite an assortment of meals through the years.

  103. We watch the Polar Express, drink hot chocolate, and put on a new pair on pj’s.

  104. my family spends Christmas Eve at home together. We usually eat a nice evening meal and try to get the kids settled.

  105. My favorite part is actually Christmas Eve. Every year since I was 11 I go over to my grandpa’s house and help him prep the lasagna for the next day. My mom was one of 12 kids, so I literally have over 70 cousins, so we make over 70 pounds of lasagna for the entire family. The memories I make with my grandfather making this for our family are memories I will treasure forever. He has truly inspired my love for cooking and baking.

  106. Gotta read “the night before Christmas” and the Christmas story in Scripture!

  107. My favorite part about the holidays is when the family get to put up the tree. We have ornaments on there from that year and even some from when we were very young.

  108. Christmas Eve is spend at my BIL and SIL’s eating clam chowder with the family. Thanks for the give-away!

  109. My favorite thing about the holiday season is all the Christmas cookie baking sessions by myself and with my mom and nieces. Christmas Eve I spend by wrapping everyone’s baked goods in fun packages.

  110. We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with my family.

  111. My favorite part of the Holiday Season is just the anticipation. I love that feeling!

  112. In years past we would spend Christmas Eve by me saying good night to my kids and going to work at the hospital for 12 hours. I’m thrilled that from now on, we can start our own traditions! No more nights, weekends and holidays. I’m excited to put out the cookies and milk for Santa this year!

  113. My favorite is going home to my parent’s house and smelling the freshly made wassail (cider drink) that no matter how many times I try and make it on my own never turns out like my mom’s.

  114. Making Christmas cookies and cake pops to share with family, friends and coworkers!

  115. My favorite part of the holidays is to decorate the tree. I just got a white Christmas tree and I’m so excited and looking forward to decorate it.

  116. Christmas Eve is when mom family sit around the tree with all of our pets! We hand out the gifts to one another while we eat homemade cookies. As we all open our gifts ( even the dogs and cats) we play some Christmas music.

  117. Since I got married, I have been spending my Christmas Eve with my in-laws. That is when they open their presents.

  118. My favorite part of the season is the look on my kids’ faces Christmas morning. I know they won’t believe forever, so I cherish these moments now!

  119. Went to the movies and out for Chinese food! I grew up in a Jewish household that celebrated Chanukah on Christmas! Go figure. Now I celebrate both holidays with my own family.

  120. I usually spend Christmas Eve at my grandma’s house with the rest of my family! Spending time enjoying family around the holidays is always special!

  121. I would SO love to twin this!!! My favorite part of Christmas is the sights and sounds and smells. Decorating to the sound of the seasonal music and then settling in to appreciate it with a cup of wassail with family and friends!!!

  122. Christmas Eve used to be spent hanging out with my family. Then I started going to Seven Fishes at my Boyfriend’s house, but I think this year we are going to work at a soup kitchen.

  123. My absolute favorite part of the holidays is the baking and cardmaking which becomes everybody’s gift on Christmas Eve! Custom made treat baskets!

  124. My favorite part of the holiday season is seeing all my family member all together at my grandmothers house. I love how we all eat baked goodies with some hot chocolate my grandfather makes. We all sit down and catch up on whats new in each others life. Spend time with family is the best.

  125. The BEST part about Christmas Eve is the candlelight service at church, singing Christmas hymns and worshiping the Savior.

  126. On Christmas eve we have bagles and locks for dinner. Deliver goodies to friends. The we get matching pajamas. By the way I’m 27 and my sisters and I still can’t wait to get or matching pajamas. Last year we got footsies! The food and family time are my favorite parts of the holiday season.

  127. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my dad’s side of the family! I love baking and all of the preparations leading up to the holiday!

  128. my favorite part is stockings and fireplaces and lights and family.

  129. I usually spend Christmas eve at my Aunt’s house with the whole family. sooo much fun.

  130. I spend my christmas eve baking….

  131. Christmas Eve is spent with family…a soup dinner, Christmas Eve services at church, and then driving around looking at favorite Christmas lights and decorations. I cannot wait.

  132. We pack up the family (and necessary distractions for the kids) and head to a family friends for their annual party (about 2-2.5 hours away…hence the distractions for the kids). It’s always a wonderful time with lots of great people and great food, and the car ride back is wonderful because the kids are usually asleep before we are out of the driveway. :)

  133. We have Christmas day dinner for the entire family at my house so we are usually prepping for that, but we do put in a movie like Holiday Inn or White Christmas to watch while we are prepping!! Thanks for the chance to win!


  134. Christmas Eve is usually spent at my Mimi’s house for a small family get together for a little bit. Then the hubby, myself and our 4 year old daughter snuggle up and watch a Christmas movie. Usually Christmas Vacation or a Christmas Story – both a family tradition from my side of the family for years! :)

  135. Christmas Eve is usually spent at my Mimi’s house for a small family get together for a little bit. Then the hubby, myself and our 4 year old daughter snuggle up and watch a Christmas movie. Usually Christmas Vacation or a Christmas Story – both a family tradition from my side of the family for years! :)

  136. Some family friends have had a big do at their house for family and friends for many years, so Christmas Eve wouldn’t be the same without this. Then it’s back home for a quiet rest-of-the-evening to enjoy the Christmas tree all lighted up, Christmas music and scented candles.

  137. Christmas Eve is always a big fish dinner at my house- The best thing about the holidays is spending it with my family and seeing the joy and happiness of our children!

  138. Christmas eve is spent with family opening some presents (but not all of them!). We have some kind of dinner (it is never the same) and then we go around and look at christmas lights on houses! I LOVE all the food and decorations around the holiday season. it always makes me smile! :)

  139. a nice dinner and then the kids watch the polar espress

  140. My favourite part of the holidays is definitely the baking! Every year my mom and I set aside a Saturday in our busy schedules and get together and bake loads of lovely treats! We put on a good Christmas movie in the background, make yummy hot drinks, and share lots of laughs! I look forward to it every year :)

  141. On Christmas Eve we do a lot! We drive around and see Christmas lights, sing carols and bring treats to friends, read the Nativity story, drink egg nog and open up one present, which is always new pajamas.

  142. Growing up, we would wait until midnight to open presents with the family and it would turn into a whirling dervish of kids going CRAZY waiting for the clock to strike 12! I just remember a super high energy level and lots of screaming and my skinny uncle Mario finally showing up dressed like Santa and the mob scene that ensued. It was super fun when I was a kid but man does it sound like a nutty headache now…..

  143. My favorite part of the holidays is spending time with family.

  144. Christmas Eve is always at my house- I love cooking a big dinner for my family. My favorite part of the holiday is seeing the joy on my children’s faces- I love Christmas!

  145. Christmas Eve is always spent at my in-laws house. We have a big dinner together and open presents. I love the family I married into.

  146. We usually spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas Day with my husbands family. Usually our day begins by buying everything that we need for dinner. We are a hispanic family so we make lots of tamales that include sweet and savory and other American dishes as well. Basically we eat the whole night! :) At 12 o’clock everyone opens their gift and the kids play with their new toys for a few hours. I love the Holiday season its a great time to spend with family and close friends. Bakerella you are absolutely amazon!! Wish you could come to El Paso Texas and do book signing here!! Thank you for all your great ideas!! I hope I win this amazing prize! :)

  147. Christmas Eve is always celebrated by going to mass then off to my mom’s to eat. My mom buys all the grandchildren Pj’s and they open them that night. Christmas Eve is my favorite part of the holiday!

  148. Christmas Eve is spent @ my parents. everyone comes over to have homemade tamales that we helped made. when i was small we were always suppose to wait until midnight to open presents but my grandpa couldnt wait & would tell my grandma, mom& aunts to hurry up & finishing cleaning so we can open presents. he never let us wait until midnight, he was just excited as were. so we basically opened presents by 9pm or 10pm.
    my grandpa is gone & im grown up with my family of my own & we say to wait until midnight but we never do.
    & i love this time it just reminds me of when i met my husband. i met him right before thanksgiving 6 years ago & happily married for 3 year.

  149. Christmas eve is spent with my girls opening one present. They know what it will be, pj’s!!! Then they put them on and we all climb into the car and go look at Christmas lights.
    After the kids have been tucked into bed, my husband and I sit on the couch with no other lights on except from the tree and we reflect on how we have blessed that year.

  150. Christmas Eve I attend mass.

  151. Christmas Eve has always been my family’s main celebration of the Christmas season. Nowadays we host it at my house with my side of the family. We eat wild rice soup for dinner and have bread and fancy cheese. We open the bulk of our presents Christmas Eve and just do stockings Christmas day. It’s always been my favorite day. :)

  152. We spend Christmas Eve having dinner and exchanging gifts with all of our family.

  153. We usually spend Christmas Eve at my grandparents house opening presents & then head home where we all open 1 small present! We stay up late listening to Christmas music, drinking hot chocolate, & talking!

  154. Church for a lovely celebration then opening just one present with family =)

  155. We spent Christmas Eve with the in-laws, eating pizza and opening gifts.

  156. My favorite part about the Christmas season is : 1. God, 2. Family and 3. Food. If any one of these were absent, it just wouldn’t be right. But I also love Christmas decorations, Christmas carols, Christmas movies, Christmas cards, snow covered landscapes, crackling fires, hot cocoa….

  157. Finishing wrapping present and putting them under the tree. Hot chocolate and go to bed early so Santa can come.

  158. My Christmas Eve is always spent with family. We attend Christmas Eve service at our church (depending on how we feel, either 7pm or the midnight service). For dinner, we always have what we like to call “snacks”… Cheese and crackers, wings, chips & salsa, cheese dip. Frozen appetizer types of things. Then, after everyone is home, our parents give us each a new pair of pajamas that all sort-of match. This tradition started so that we’d all be matching when our parents took photos of us opening gifts on Christmas morning and even now, when the children are ages 28, 22, and 21, we all still get a new pair of pajamas every year. (Oh, and my brother in law, too!)

  159. We spend Christmas Eve at my grandma’s house eating lots and lots of FOOD, opening a few presents, and laughing a LOT!!

  160. My favorite part of the holiday season, is it’s the only time of the year that me and my siblings (all seven of us!) are together!

  161. My favorite part is seeing all my children and grandchildren together.

  162. On Christmas Eve my whole family gets together at my parents house. We spend the night playing games and eating snacks and treats. My mother, sister, and myself started a tradition a few years ago where we take turns buying each other ornaments and on Christmas Eve we exchange them with each other. It has been a lot of fun!

  163. My favorite part of the holiday season is going to Disneyland when it’s all decked out for Christmas :) It’s so pretty!

  164. I spend my Christmas Eve watching all three (original) Star Wars movies consecutively up until midnight.

  165. My favorite party of the holidays is being together with family, baking sugar cookies like Grandma used to and remembering what the season is all about.

  166. Every Christmas Eve is spent going to my maternal grandfather’s house with all my aunts, uncles and cousins. My favorite part is sitting by the outdoor fireplace and getting a chance to quietly catch up with my family. I hope you are doing well and were not affected by the storm! Thank you for this opportunity!

  167. drinking hot cocoa, wrapping last minute gifts and getting a head start on some of the Christmas dinner cooking.

  168. my favorite part of the holiday season is that i get to wear festive socks and have an excuse to eat pie :)

  169. We have Christmas with our kiddos on Christmas Eve because Christmas Day is really hectic going between families all day. I love just having the whole day to relax and let them play with all their new stuff!

  170. The best part of winter holidays for me is taking a walk in cold winter nights with my dad, all packed up warm and cozy and the winter breeze slightly chilling my nose and cheeks. And to top it all up, eating an ice cream cone along the way. =D

  171. We don’t have any fun Christmas Eve traditions other than snuggling up to watch NORAD Santa Tracker and holiday specials before trying to get the kiddos in bed before Santa arrives.

    My favorite thing about the holiday season is seeing people give back and help others. I wish that carried throughout the year. I love having a special time of year to show others how much they mean to my family and me.

  172. Christmas Eve is spent with either side of my family, both sides usually gets together at grandmas house until midnight. All the kids get crazy as soon as the clock hits 1200am (the best part). The kids rip presents like a tornado has hit!!

  173. Christmas Eve is when the kids and I bake our cookies and then they get to pick out one present to open from under the tree. After they finally go to sleep….I get to eat some of the cookies ;) and go on a wrapping frenzy with the rest of the presents for Christmas morning!

  174. We spend Christmas eve at church attending a candlelight church service and singing carols. Then we go home and read the Christmas story from the Bible. It is a special time with the whole family

  175. we typically spend Christmas eve with my husband’s family. we order pizza and watch “it’s a wonderful life”.

  176. Lots of candles, a fire in the fireplace and all the kids coming for dinner. I never want Christmas Eve to end…it’s so magical!


  177. Christmas Eve in my family is spent relaxing and watching Christmas movies!

  178. My entire childhood, Christmas Eve was spent going to all of the church services since my entire family was in the choir. Now I work the early part of the day then attend one service, finish wrapping gifts (because I always wait until the last minute) and prep the breakfast dish that baked the next day while we open presents.

  179. Since my husband & I got married & started our own family, we’ve moved away from our families due to his career. A tradition we started is to open a present (or two or three ;) on Christmas Eve, while watching fun holiday movies. On Christmas Day we (try to! Hard with 2 under 2) sleep in, open presents and go eat Chinese food.

  180. I love the whole feeling of the season! The coziness, the snow, good food, good music, snow and most of all, family! What’s not to love? ?

  181. We celebrate Christmas eve by going to our church’s Christmas eve service, admiring all the decorations/lights on the ride home, and opening a few gifts before watching “Its A Wonderful Life”.

  182. Holidays are spend with both my family and my husbands families, sometimes separat, sometimes combined! Lots of holiday cheer to be had!

  183. We always spend the night at my brothers house with the family and santa comes to visit. Although it is hard to get everything done by then, I try,…. something I just don’t succeed.
    Thanks for the chance.

  184. I usually spend Christmas Eve at my parents house.

  185. My favorite part of the Christmas holiday is all the experiences I share with my family. The four of us love to look at holiday lights, go ice skating, decorate the house and tree. We just love to feel the Christmas spirit every December. Christmas day with all the gifts is just icing on the cake!

  186. Christmas Eve we usually have a big dinner and the kids get to open one gift. My favorite part of the holidays is the anticipation leading up to Christmas Day. I love the music and driving around the neighborhood watching the holiday decorations pop up. Our little tradition is bundling up, packing hot chocolate and cookies to go then head down to Candy Cane lane which is a cul-de-sac in town where every single house on the block gets decked out in a different holiday theme. The police block off the road and people come from all over to admire the fun decorations. Santa is usually there and people drop off canned food for a local charity. It just makes you smile.

  187. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my husband and my father. We have a nice dinner and a nice chat.

    Your cake pops always look PERFECT. I wonder how you do that – I could just look at your pictures all the time… :)

  188. Oh my goodness. There’s a Cake Pop toy?! So cool.

    We spend Christmas Eve with family. First, a candlelight service at my parents’ church, then back to their house for a little party. My favourite part of the Christmas season is baking.

  189. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting together with my girlfriends and baking for all our family and friends. We’ve done this for years and we always have a great time. Plus our family’s look forward to all the wonderful treats.

  190. I miss spending Christmas Eve at my stepmom’s family’s house for their huge gathering, before going home to my Dad’s house to open a present before bed (because he can’t wait!). This year, I’m probably going to stay home alone, but it’ll be nice to be stress-free for once, too :)

  191. My favorite part is spending time with family and all the food and decorations.

  192. Those are SO CUTE!!
    Christmas Eve at our house always involves going to church, singing carols, eating appetizers and goodies, and then… opening presents! (we still do stockings on Christmas morning)

  193. Sometimes my family and I will go to church on Christmas Eve, depending on how we feel, if not, Christmas morning! On Christmas Eve however, we usually have a big feast made by my mom. We just sit around, eating and having a good time! Oh! my brothers and I would watch Christmas movies. Our favorite? The Polar Express!

  194. We have always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. I spend it with my family and we have a meal before we exchange gifts.

  195. We always spend Christmas Eve with my inlaws. If our church is offering a service that night we go with them and open gifts at their house. It’s a nice trade off because with spend Christmas with my family.

  196. We spend part of Chritmas Eve at our church for a Christmas Eve service and then it is home to spend time with our family. We live so far from each other now that we spend that time just to enjoy each other. Since we now have a new child in our family it is such a blessing teaching her about the holidays and watching her experience it through 3 year old eyes!

  197. Christmas Eve is spent getting all ready for the following day! Making cookies for Santa, wrapping presents, etc. That evening, we go out looking at lights. Then we come home and everyone opens up 1 present…new jammies! Then, we read from the Bible before we settle down with our new jammies and a new movie until all the kiddos are asleep so we can help Santa unload the presents!

  198. Holiday favorites include: baking goodies with my daughter, cooking our Christmas meal, listening to Christmas music and all the sights and smells of Christmas!

  199. The food and goodies. You know those special ones that you only make one maybe twice a year

  200. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year! The five of us spend the entire day together playing board games, listening to Christmas music, making hot chocolate, and baking cookies for Santa. When the kids FINALLY go to bed, my husband and I finish wrapping up the last of the gifts and put them under the tree. It’s a short night’s sleep going to bed past midnight and then the kids are up at 5am :D

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