
Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

Mini chocolate chip pancake muffins

… with chocolate chips I might add. Ever get a taste for pancakes, but don’t feel like flipping?

I do. Especially since I always seem to be the one still flipping while everyone else gets to eat the first ones off the pan. If I had a bigger griddle, it would probably be ok. But I have a little one and usually end up frying one pancake at a time to make sure they look decent… which takes for ever.

But not this way. Try these laborless baked pancake muffins. Hmmmmmm… Puffins anyone?

mini muffin tray

Generously grease a 24 cup mini muffin pan with non-stick spray.

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins
Yield: 24 mini pancake muffins

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup milk chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray a 24 count mini muffin pan with non-stick baking spray.
  2. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar in a medium bowl. Sift together with a wire whisk.
  3. In another bowl, stir buttermilk, egg, maple syrup and melted butter until just combined.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir with a spoon until combined.
  5. Stir in chocolate chips. Reserve a few chips to sprinkle on the tops. Bake for 8-9 minutes.
  6. Let cool slightly and remove from the pan. You may need to use a toothpick around the edges to separate the pancake muffins from the pan.
  7. Serve immediately with warmed butter if you like or even just with maple syrup. Freeze any leftover to microwave for a quick breakfast bite.
Mini Pancake Muffins

Using a small bowl to serve the syrup in makes it really convenient to coat the muffins in maple.

Pancake Maple Muffins

See. Just dunk them right in.

Wait, let’s look at that again…

Mini Maple Muffin Pancakes



But, they’re even tasty all by themselves.

chocolate chip mini pancake muffins

And, if you don’t want chocolate chips…

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

… just leave them out.


But, the chocolate lover in me prefers the chips.


One more thing… I’m hoping that sometime in the next week or so, you’ll get to see a new design for I’m planning on moving the site from blogger to self-hosting it on wordpress. I’ve loved being on Blogger, it’s super easy and user-friendly, but I’m hoping to offer more functionality with a different platform. There will be more ways to navigate around the site and search for instance – which many of you have asked for. We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully, smoothly. But, don’t be surprised if the site has a few hiccups along the way. Stay tuned … and if you already link to instead of – you’re already ahead of the game.

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475 comments on “Mini Maple Pancake Muffins”

  1. I just made these and they were simple and delicious! Thanks for the wonderful recipe!

  2. Just wondering can you make these with Bisquick pancake mix? That would be really fantastic!

  3. Wow, these look so fantastic. I love all of the step by step pictures.

  4. they came out great
    the only bad thing is that the chocolate chips went to the bottom and they kind of made a mess…
    but they taste really good and I had to put them more than 10 minutes… :)

  5. I’m trying this right know but i’m doing it with the aunt Jemima prepared flour.. hope it works… :S
    wish me luck :D

  6. I made these this weekend and they were great! I used a regular sized muffin tin (since I don’t have a mini muffin pan), so I had to bake them a bit longer. About 15-17 minutes I would say. They tasted delish, though not exactly like pancakes. (I think this was because I never have chocolate chips in my pancakes.) Next time I will try omitting the chocolate chips.

    Thanks Bakerella, love your site!

  7. Just made these (with blueberries instead of chocolate) for my 10 year old daughter who always wants something different at breakfast! The verdict is DELICIOUS!!

  8. Oh I just wanted to also mention for the past couple posters:

    I used boxed and it worked fine.

    Milk is what i normally put in pancakes not buttermilk so that should be just fine too.

    Also, these easily popped out of my mini muffin tin with zero coaxing. Just make sure you grease the pan first.

  9. Woah! Can I just say brilliant. I made these (using boxed pancake mix) and they turned out PERFECT. I Love love love love love them. I made chocolate chip ones and another batch with strawberry chunks, and a third batch with strawberries and chocolate chips.

    I find these to be particularly great for their storage-ability. I froze a batch and stored the rest in the fridge for easy morning breakfast consumption. They dont go all weird like left-over pancakes do and microwave up in 30 seconds. for someone like me who doesnt want to cook in the mornings and is always in a rush this is a god-send.

    Thank you.

  10. Sorry to be a downer, but these were cute but so not worth it. If the idea is to have less effort, using a toothpick to loosen each one individually–not less effort than pancakes. And, in the final analysis, not that good. My toddler who loves chocolate chips and all things breakfast didn’t finish half of one of these.

  11. hi bakerella, i’m super impressed by all the things you bake here! (: esp your cake pops(i def have to try them soon). anw, i’m from Singapore and buttermilk is not as easily available as I’ve hoped =/. can I replace with regular fresh milk instead?

  12. these look yummy! my son would love this, he just loves pancakes. one question, though: can you make these with store bought/ready made pancake mix?

  13. Just baked these! They were easy and the whole family loved them (Much easier than waffles/pancakes) . I hate recipes with little instruction so these step by step instructions with pictures help out a lot :) Thanks for the recipe!

  14. These are really nice C: I used to make them all the time when I was little because I couldn’t make them regularly. Luckily my kid logic worked and I didn’t end up making a mess C:

  15. We made these today with the shake-n-pour mix. I added cinnamon sugar, nutmeg and ginger. THEY WERE SO GOOD. Thank you!!

  16. OMG I just make these with my 4 yr old and they are YUMMY!!! I used regular milk and standard syrup. Also baked them in jumbo free standing papers as that is what I had. It made 6 and WOW I wish I had more as I broke up one for us to try and I want to eat them all NOW!!! LOL

  17. I’ve made these mini puffins this weekend for breakfast and my 2 boys of 5 and 2 liked them al lot.

    They tast a lot like Poffertjes ( a dutch varaitie of mini pancake muffin) which we eat with butter and poudersugar

    They want these puffins as we call them, now every weekend for breakfast or as a morning snack.

    Guess I’ll be baking them tomorrow again…..

  18. Bakerella-
    I am 12 years old from Maryland and I made these this morning for my dad and brother and they LOVE them! They were sooooooo good! Also, they were very easy to make. I can’t wait to try them again soon!

    P.s. I love your blog and I’am a big fan of yours!


  19. I heart chocolate chip pancakes. These are adorable! I love the idea of reinventing food. I’m totally going to try these out. Perhaps this weekend. Thanks!

  20. omcheez!!!!!! sooooo cute!!!!!!!! =D

  21. Mmmm…muff cakes!

  22. I have had an itching to get a mini cupcake pan lately. Now I KNOW i need one! But in the mean time, is it possible to make these in regular cupcake size?

  23. I’m making these tomorrrow moring for my pre-superbowl brunch, so excited!

  24. Are these good if not served immediatley? I would like to serve them at a baby shower sweet buffet. The mom to be has craved and eaten chocolate chip pancakes her entire pregnancy! The only problem is I do not think I can serve right away. Are they still going to be yummy? Also can I make them the day before?

  25. i make these every other day for my home. my little girl calls them ‘pancups’. it’s kinda stuck with ’em.

  26. I just made these pancake muffins and they’re so fun! More interesting than a regular pancake, will definitely make them again.

  27. Mini Maple-chip Muffins! <3

  28. Very cute idea, might try it someday, but please don’t call them Puffins, it’s freaky. Puffins are cute birds, that would not want to be served with maple syrup.

  29. could we use a box mix of pancake for this recipe?

  30. Good Morning!!!! Mmmmm and it was, I just made these with blueberries and dipped them in syrup they were delicious!

  31. I would love to give this a go :-). It could be the american version of poffertjes (dutch cute pancakes).

  32. has anyone tried these with apples pcs. and cinnamon. Just a thought… leaving out the chips.

  33. I’m making these this morning for my family and even found a suggestion for making buttermilk, since I don’t have any on-hand. Can’t wait to try them!

    Also, you could call them “Puffin Cakes!” I think that’s what we’ll call them at our house. :-)

  34. How’s about “Mini Chip Maple Dip” for a shorter name? :) LOVE this idea! It’s perfect for an on-the-go breakfast in the morning! Thanks for thinking it up!

  35. I tried these with your recepie and they were great but, for an even faster on the go breakfest I used a pancake mix and added chocolate chips and maple syrup. Thanks for all the great Ideas!

  36. I finally tried these on my family and they absolutely adored them! I have to tell them that you’re my little secret. :) In due time, Bakerella. Haha. Let me bask in the lime light. I’ll reveal my secret soon. Hehe. Thank you!

  37. nothing could be cuter or more delicious. i’m officially in LOVE with these. i used peanut butter and chocolate chips. thank you a thousand times!

  38. Sweet Mini Breakfast?

  39. Hi, I was curious,

    I wanted to make these for xmas morning, we do a family brunch, my cousin Sean does the cooking…Eggs and meats… and we bring the rest of the fixings…I don’t think dipping in syrup will be do-able.

    I was wondering if you think topping these with a glaze would be possible…
    I have a:

    Maple-Cinnamon Glaze:
    Mix 2 cups powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon maple extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and ½ teaspoon cinnamon with enough water to make a thick glaze, about 3 tablespoons. Mix all ingredients together until smooth and creamy. If lumpy, use a whisk.

    this is from a cookie recipe. or maybe maple sugar, or maple granules sprinkled on top?

    Thanks in advance…

  40. …choc.chip cancakes!

  41. Just tried these (substituted with whole wheat pastry flour) and they are to -die- for!! Love love love!! Thanks for sharing!!

    …When is your cookbook coming out? :)

  42. Love to bake – go for it.

  43. 1. I’m SO making these for the father-in-law this weekend.

    2. My name suggestion: Petite Puffins, which provides you will the opportunity to vareit-ize them. Pretty sure variet-ize isn’t a word, but roll with it, k? There can be Choc Chip Petite Puffins, Blueberry Petite Puffins, Banana Petite Puffins, Strawberry Petite Puffins, Almond Petite Puffins…so may options!

  44. Can these be made with skim milk or 2percent instead of buttermilk?

  45. My husband surprised me with a mini muffin pan and I was like… what am I going to do with this?! Nothing I make comes out cute, I tried the cake balls and those weren’t so good.. haha.

    I decided to make these and not only do they look cute, they taste good. I’m using all my willpower not to eat them all.

  46. i made these gluten-free yesterday using pamela’s gf pancake mix. they were so good. nobody had any idea they were gf! thanks for the great idea, bakerella! :)

  47. I tried these this morning, and WOW! the kids went crazy! I found they used less syrup and enjoyed the good stuff more~ I tried adding a little crumbled breakfast sausage in them, and mini blueberries, and they were the best! thanks for the great ideas and some wonderful inspiration!

  48. these look fantastic! this might be a way to get my husband to eat pancakes! I love them and love making them for my toddler, useing the mini-muffin tin will be so much easier for her to pick them up. I LOVE IT!

  49. aaah i love your website!!!
    i have loads of inspiration for my cupcakes and im inspired to make maple syrup cupcakes next week…YUM!!
    thank you soooo much!!! YOU ROCK!!
    Bella x
    p.s. you already thought of half of my shorter name for them…maple puffins!!

  50. My husband calls them muffcakes!!!!!

  51. looks great I have to make them soon

  52. I thought these would be the cats pajamas… but alas, I must have gone wrong somewhere in the recipe. While it wasn’t a complete loss… they were more bland corn muffin than maple deliciousness.

    Love the blog!

  53. Faaantastic idea :)
    Do extras need to be refrigerated? Or just kept in a container?

  54. Those are incredible! I even doubled the recipe for my greedy family of five and we had them polished off within two days! Thanks, Bakerella!

  55. jamie – I don’t know what happened. sounds like something went wrong somewhere though. Double-check the recipe. Maybe something was left out or amounts were off.

    lana – sure. just use that and add the chips. You can even add a little sugar.

  56. I’m falling in love with baking. BIG thanks to you!! :)

    i got one quetion for these puffins though..can you use ready made pancake flour in making these? like pillsburry?? :)

    Xoxo, LANA

  57. Suzanne: Oohhhhhhhh Bacon in them….hmmmmmmmmm.. Now that sounds yummy! I’m going for it!

  58. I made these on Sunday for a breakfast with friends. They were awesome! In fact, I had some extras (that I kept at home…ahem) and just had two for dessert after lunch today. Yum! I made one batch with mini chocolate chips and another with cooked, chopped bacon. They were both really delicious. Thanks for the great recipe!

  59. I’m going on a bus ride with friends and a batch or two of these will be perfect to share in the early hour of our departure.

  60. These were so GREAT! My kids devoured them. Here’s a suggestion for variation that is DIVINE. Crumble up some crispy bacon and fold that in to the batter in place of chocolate chips. The bacon is a perfect companion to the maple syrup.

    Thanks again!

  61. THese look delicious! cant wait till there done being cooked!

  62. i stumbled upon your site one day qute by accident and boy I am happy I did. Your ideas are amazing!
    I am goind to try this for my daughter school mornings and quick good breakfast
    And the mini pumpkin bites cant wait to try those

  63. I love it! My kids will love these. I like the word you used “puffin” You could call them “mini maple-chip puffins”. Can’t wait to make these!

  64. These were so delicious! I’ll be making them when we have guests, so that we can all eat at the same time!

    Question- when I made them, the chocolate chips all sunk to the bottom, and when I took the muffins out of the pan, they stayed there when the muffin came out. Ideas?

  65. I just used this idea tonight! My little boy has a lot of food allergies and wheat, egg, dairy free pancakes are nearly impossible to flip. So after a few sad attempts I remembered this recipe of yours and baked the remainder of the batter in a regular cupcake pan with liners. They baked up nice and fluffy and the liners solved the sticky problem! Thanks! :)

  66. I just made these and they are delicious, but just a warning to everyone, do not use cupcake liners for these, it doesn’t work. The top of the muffin comes out, but the bottom sticks to the paper. Other then that, they are delicious

    Oh, and i didn’t have pure maple syrup, so i just added double the syrup, and then made a nice maple buttercream icing ( i LOVE maple, what can i say, im Canadian!)

  67. these are so delicious!

    My 12 yr old son’s favorite brekkie in the world is pancakes. Well, needless to say, on a busy school morning, there is little time to make them. For years I’ve been buying him yucky frozen cakes, which he likes “OK”.

    Now, I whip up a batch of these on Sunday, bag them up for each day, then pop them in the micro for just a few seconds, and boom! Instant tastiness.

    The bonuses? No preservative nastiness, home cooked taste, and cheap, cheap, cheaper!


  68. My kids loved these!!! I didn’t have maple syrup, so I added a bit of vanilla and cinammon instead. They were fabulous and so easy!! I’ll definitely try adding other things, like Craisins.

  69. I made these last weekend and my daughter loved them!! She actually said they were better than regular chocolate chip pancakes. Thanks for another great idea!!

  70. These look amazing. I am going to make them for our UC football tailgate party on Saturday!!

    You could call them Puffin’s. The Pancake muffin.

  71. Mippins! Somehow that’s the name those cuties cry to me.

    Just stumbled upon you via epicute food blog. This whole place is adorable! It’s also fantastic to have recipes to go with the drool-worthy photos. Now I have another place to waste time I should be spending on Uni work ;-)

  72. Can I tell you how you’ve just made my night with these little “puffins”!!! Oh my word! What a genius idea!!! I keep a recipe sharing blog…is there any chance that I could credit you of course, link to your site AND post this very exciting recipe to my site??? Let me know if you get a chance.!

  73. Yeay! I used maple extract to bump the flavor potential. We didn’t even use the syrup when eating them. Fantastic – a must for hosting brunch! I’m going to buy a large mini-muffin pan just because of these!

  74. i love the idea.looks delicious too!can i add mashed bananas on the batter

  75. I am loving the new site/ layout, you can do a lot with wordpress!!!!

  76. I made these this morning and my family LOVED them. I forgot to pick up choc chips but I had some blueberries for something else so I did half plain for my son and hubby and half with blueberries for me and my daughter. I ended up having to make a second batch.

  77. What a fun and make ahead friendly idea for company! Oh you soooo rock!

  78. These scream pecans rather than chocolate chips to me. I'll just have to try both ways!

  79. Everything you do is so lovely!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful treats!!

  80. Thanks for the heads-up! Those are cute!

  81. Oh my gosh, call them Baby Cakes!

  82. I keep baking almost every post you have had since those darn pie pops and I will have you know that you are wreaking havoc on my girlish curves! Yet I still bake…hmm…

  83. I'm making these tomorrow morning for the kids "first day of school breakfast"! they're sure to be devoured! :)

  84. So cute!:D I love the muffin tin as well.

  85. I can generally ignore my stomach when I read your blog..your things are beautiful but many are above my "pay grade" in the kitchen so I'm content to just ooh and ahh..

    but these! these I could make! and I WANT to make! I am drooling. yum.

  86. Holy wow – these look amazing! Your photography is truly a joy to view! I love it.

  87. uh i totally have it! "Maple Chip Puffins" isnt it great surly shorter! they look delicious! cant wait to try!

  88. Mmmm…actual pancakes in muffins?! I must make these the next sunday brunch :D

  89. DELICIOUS AND EASY! How about Pancake Pops!

  90. I want those! Thanks so much for posting such yummy temptation all of the time, I love your site and the loli-cakes!

  91. Can't wait to see the new sight. Going to make these yummy little delights right now…
    thank you mrs. bakerella

  92. That looks so delicious! I'll have to try these for my 2 kiddies. They'll go "gaga" over these!

  93. What a great idea! I'm making them tonight so my daughter can have them as a quick breakfast before school.

  94. MMCCPM, kinda sounds code… or maybe mc2 muffins. good luck.

  95. Holy moly – I think I just drooled on my desk after seeing this…what a fantastic idea! I am definitely going to be trying this asap!

  96. I have WordPress and love it!!! I also have a new design and it's awesome!
    Thanks for sharing the yummy recipe!

  97. Okay, I just finished trying these and they are absolutely amazing. Well done. I labeled the recipe Coco Maple Puffins.

  98. Way to go gal. What an idea. You know I'll be using it. Thank You for a super idea.
    Marj M.

  99. We made them this morning and they were SOOO good! Toddler starts preschool tomorrow and she'll be having the leftovers for breakfast. Fantastic paired with applewood thick cut bacon! Thank you!

  100. That is so fantastic! Congrats. These look great!

  101. oh my gosh these look AMAZING- and I can never get the temperature right for pancakes ect. ect- I am SO making these for sunday breakfast next weekend- thanks! love it- and I'm putting in the chocolate chips;)

  102. Just tried this recipe and they came out great! Thank you!!

  103. These are a perfect treat for the kiddos lunch box. I think I'll make and freeze these so they'll be ready to go anytime. Thanks Bakerella!

  104. Those are really fun. I think you should call them Chocolate Chip Puffins, because that is much more simple and fun sounding.

    Also, you need to look into making Ebelskivers. I don't know if you've heard of them, but my brother in law made them for my husband and I and we LOVED them. He filled his with bananas and nutella, which is an amazing combination anyway, THEN he made this almost caramel-like syrup. Look them up. They are glorious.

  105. Wow those look AMAZING! The first thing I thought was mmmmmmmm and you asked for a shorter name? What about m.m.m. chip pancakes?! (Of course the m's are Mini Maple Muffins)

    Keep on Rockin' out amazing stuff Bakerella!

  106. M2C2 pancake mini muffins (m squared, squared mini pancake muffins! Okay… Not that great of a shorter name!

    I LOVE your blog!!! I still don't know how I came across it but I sure am happy about it!! Amazing is an understatement!!!

  107. These were fantastic! So quick and easy and taste just like pancakes! Thanks!

  108. ay ay ay! my sugar levels are so high now! this recipe is a must! i have totry it right away! lovely muffins!

    cheers from london,


  109. such a good idea. I know I am always the one left at the griddle too. :)

  110. Adorably delicious!!!
    : )

  111. YUM, I want some puffins right now! These look delicious.

  112. I have a big griddle, but I have a bigger family (I have to triple or quadruple pancake recipes before everyone feels full) and I get so tired of standing by the griddle. this is usually my fall-back recipe — oven pancakes —

    But I love the mini muffin idea too. I may try them as regular size muffins (since I have regular muffin pans but not minis) because the freeze-and-serve-another-day-on-the-run bit appeals to me.

  113. There are one lunch perfect for kids
    tnaks for the send

  114. Oops, Handcakes not hnadcakes.

  115. Looks like Breakfast Hnadcakes to me. good for little hands going out the door to school.

  116. whooops. I meant to say the muffin pan was a 12 holer. Apparently I have issues with numbers this am.

  117. Oh num. I need to get me a bigger mini muffin pan. Mine's only a 24 hole-er. I'll be calling these babies C.C. Puffins. Thanks for the rockin recipe.

  118. I wonder if you can add bacon to these? Maybe without the chocolate chips…. maybe with… hmmm!! Must experiment!

  119. Oh my! Those look so great! Yum-O!

  120. Oh my! droool!

  121. Holy jeez. We just made these this morning and my family wolfed them down. They were awesome!

  122. I read this recipe just as my 9 year old was waking up today – and she insisted on making these for breakfast – GREAT! And all I had to do was take them out of the oven and put them on a plate. The kids LOVED dipping them in syrup and esp. loved the chocolate chips! Thanks for another great idea!

  123. ohhh boy!! these are adorable and look soooo delicious!
    I think I'll make them for a special breakfast next week on my anniversay.
    Thanks for the great idea! :-)

  124. you could call them Maple Pancake Poppers?

    I just made them this morning and they were a hit with my family! and I was able to eat with them! Bonus! :)

  125. You're back! Yay!

    I have never regretted the move to self-hosting. It's just not that expensive ($6 a month?) and far, far, more flexible. Less likely to have problems, too.

  126. That dripping muffin picture did it for me. Oh, yum.

  127. Mouth-watering.

  128. Can't you just post in my morning paper? Would love to see you there EVERY morning!! Thank you for the wonderful puffins! I need a breakfast muffin for a 9/11 memorial and these will be perfect!

  129. it looks great and I bet it was awesome!!

  130. I want puffins !!!!!!

  131. I'm callin' 'em PANUFFINS! Puffins remind me of the bird and that freaks me out a little… I'm soooo making these for everyoneeee.

  132. Congratulations on :) The puffins sound soooo easy and soooo perfect :)

  133. Oh, delicious! I'm just missing the buttermilk… oh, and the mini muffin pan. Used to have one, need another! I may have to buy one just for this recipe. These are perfect for the Operation Yellow Ribbon that we do here at Aviano AB. I could bake these up and donate them. We provide food for the soldiers on their way down range, or on their way home from down range. they stop at our Base for a layover for a couple hours and they are only allowed to get off the plane, hang out in a hangar, then get back on the plane. Some homemade goodies really help their layover pass quickly and it reminds them that we are thinking of them. Oh, and I'll probably call them panuffins.

  134. Wow those look great!

  135. alright this looks scrumptious, but i think these require a maple butter cream frosting to turn them into an after breakfast dessert. me and mom say they could go by choco-pan-fins.

  136. Gah!!!!! Now I'll be horking back maple pancake muffins all the time!!!!!

    Mmmmm….have to make some tomorrow!

  137. How about calling them Maple pancake miracles? Cute and they look delicious!

  138. Wonderful and delicious {as always}! Vanessa (Australia)

  139. Yum! I can't wait to try these!

  140. OMG! That is THE best idea! School starts Tuesday and my son will love these. He's the only pancake eater in the house.

  141. You are so clever!

  142. Puffins! So cute! Kids would love those for a breakfast, makes it fun. I could see this for a brunch setting as well. Awesome idea!

  143. Puffins….fo sho my new favorite thing!!! THANK YOU!!

  144. they looks delicious! I can't wait to bake them!!

    Good luck on your transition, I'm sure it'll go smoothly!!

  145. wow those look amazing. such a creative recipe!

  146. You give me a reason to get up in the morning. Thank-you! Those look delicious!

  147. Thanks for another great recipe! I can't wait to make them! :)

  148. I too quickly tire of flipping. Puffins just make it to my next's weeks breakfast list.

  149. You should call them "Mupples"

  150. I made them! So incredibly simple, truly DELICIOUS! I was surprised how "pancakey" they tasted AND I am really impressed… they made EXACTLY 24. I have NEVER made just as many as the recipe promised.

    Thank you, thank you!!

  151. You should call them Puffers :)

    Do you think these would work with regular pancake mix?

  152. Another on the go breakfast idea for you is to scramble some eggs and put a spoonful in a crescent roll (strip still dough not cooked yet) and then put a breakfast sausage link and a piece of cheddar on top of the eggs then roll up the crescent roll and bake. I tuck in the ends to keep the eggs from falling out. I made these for church and they were gone in minutes. Delicious and portable! Thanks for the puffin idea my husband wants me to make them right now!

  153. These look awesome! I'm thinking breakfast tomorrow…Any thoughts on whether this would work in a regular sized muffin pan? I'm wondering if they would be too dense and not hold up….

  154. Great idea for fall, makes my mouth water!

  155. Yum!

    I discovered baked French toast this weekend; it's the same skip-the-flipping-and-get-to-the-eating philosophy.

  156. Mmmmm, gorgeous pics as usual! Thanks for another scrumptious recipe to try!
    Thanks for the heads-up to your new blog.. will have to change my link. Can't wait to see it!

  157. another genius idea!!!! gawsh those lil puffins look so adorable! <3 yum!

  158. These look great, I wonder if I could make them and leave out the maple syrup (not my thing) in the mix? Maybe substitute a dash for vanilla instead?

    I don't know, aside from the syrup they look perfect, and puffin is the perfect name for these little mini pancakes.

  159. these look great!! i love that picture w/the syrup drip…yum

    i think hubs would love these

  160. oh my goodie goodness!!!! these look sooo adorably delicious!!!

  161. You Genius! I've the idea of serving puffins to the kids in the morning, a bit twee for my husband though. Thank you for this!

  162. Would you please send me two dozen by Frisday? Yummmm….

  163. Oh Wow! My DD and DH are going to LOVE these! I can't wait to make them in the morning!

    My name idea is "Flipless Pancakes" and then you can add in the variations if you want! Ya know like – "flipless maple pancakes" or "flipless chocolate chip pancakes"

    whaddya think?

  164. Oh my word those look delicious!! Thanks for sharing! I've got blueberries thawing right now too — I'm going to try it with those :)

  165. These look delicious– just like everything you make! I found your blog a few weeks ago and have been IN LOVE ever since. I had to comment on this one because my husband has taken to making pancake muffins of late and it's breakfast perfection. He's not a baker, so it cracks me up. He does love to make pancakes, but they are time intensive. We refer to them as MuffinCakes, but Puffins are great, too! Can't wait to try this variation.

  166. When i make these for dh's friends at work, i will be calling them puffins. I think i might have to make them for the girl scout leaders when we do our leader encampment in october. i think i'm going to try them with blueberries too.

  167. Yumm!!! These sound delicious! Of course you have to post something as delicious as this when I'm detoxing and can't eat for another week! Haha…great idea for once I can tho! Thanks!

  168. Maple Pancake Bites….at least it's a shorter name. I am making these tomorrow for breakfast! Can't wait.

  169. Everything you make is yum and I'm sure these are no exception.

    I like how you called them Puffins!! So cute!

  170. I'm too lazy to even make the pancake mix, I cheat and get the 'just add water' bottle. Do you think it would make decent puffins or that the universe would frown upon me for trying to avoid doing any work at all?

  171. I'm thinking breakfast for dinner now that I've seen these! My weeone is going to flip – a blend of all her faves – mini muffins, pancakes and chocolate!!!

  172. Those look delicious!

    I am thinking MC2 (squared) Puffins.

  173. oh my.. .you just gave me a reason to buy a mini muffin pan :D

  174. Yummy. I'm going to try making these with chopped bits of sausage in it for a savory pancake muffin.

  175. how yummy! I have one of those pancake puff pans, but this looks even easier! What kind of photo editing software do you use?

  176. Nida Rasheed – I did make some without maple and also without chips and they work but I think they tasted better with the maple. Once you dip them in syrup, you probably won't care.

    Rachel – I've done that trick too. Although I have to admit only recently thanks to a tip from Martha Stewart's blueberry pancake recipe. But still – it takes me soooo long. I need a big griddle.

  177. I hate the pancake making problem. So I turn my oven on to the warm setting and throw all the cooked pancakes on a cookie sheet in the oven until I am done. They taste the same, stay warm, and we all can eat together.

  178. What if I made these without pure maple syrup? I don't have any and I must have these NOW :D

  179. Yummy.. those look delicious! Good luck with Word Press, I would like to take the plunge as well, but am a bit chicken!

  180. OH MY! These look delicious!!!!

  181. yum! your blog always makes me sooo hungry :)

  182. …Oh girl, you hit the nail on the head with the name "Puffins"! Perfect! :o)

    …And perfect describes this recipe – I love it and will try this very soon…

    …Thanks Bakerella!

    …Blessings… :o)

  183. WOW these are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

  184. Portable pancake perfection! :)

  185. This is perfect!! I woke up this morning CRAVING pancakes, and did not feel like actually making them!! We'll be having this tomorrow!

  186. yuuuuuum these look real good! a real treat for all of us flipping while the others munch on their ready pancakes!

    congratulations on self hosting your blog! good luck! :)

  187. How about "Chocolate Chip Baby Puffins"?

  188. Oh My! I am so making these! Thank you!

  189. M to the 3rd, C to the 2nd (Said M Cubed, C Squared)

  190. these are perfect for an on-the-run breakfast for my always-late-to-school-in-the-morning teenage sons! thanks!

  191. OOOOOH I love these! Love the blueberry idea. maybe for BigBoy's lunch. super fun!

  192. These look amazing! Puffins… I love it!

  193. These look amazing! I am headed to the grocery store today and I might just try these myself. Thanks!

  194. I seriously think I will make these for my kids next weekend!! thanks! :)

  195. What an absolutely wonderful idea! Christmas (or any!) brunch keeps getting easier and easier! Can someone say 'thaw and serve'?!?

  196. oh yum. I'm making these with blueberries this week! YUM YUM! thank you!

  197. UH…. Yum! Thanks for another Great idea…

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