
Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

Mini chocolate chip pancake muffins

… with chocolate chips I might add. Ever get a taste for pancakes, but don’t feel like flipping?

I do. Especially since I always seem to be the one still flipping while everyone else gets to eat the first ones off the pan. If I had a bigger griddle, it would probably be ok. But I have a little one and usually end up frying one pancake at a time to make sure they look decent… which takes for ever.

But not this way. Try these laborless baked pancake muffins. Hmmmmmm… Puffins anyone?

mini muffin tray

Generously grease a 24 cup mini muffin pan with non-stick spray.

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins
Yield: 24 mini pancake muffins

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes


  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2/3 cup buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons pure maple syrup
  • 2 tablespoons melted butter
  • 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup milk chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray a 24 count mini muffin pan with non-stick baking spray.
  2. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar in a medium bowl. Sift together with a wire whisk.
  3. In another bowl, stir buttermilk, egg, maple syrup and melted butter until just combined.
  4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir with a spoon until combined.
  5. Stir in chocolate chips. Reserve a few chips to sprinkle on the tops. Bake for 8-9 minutes.
  6. Let cool slightly and remove from the pan. You may need to use a toothpick around the edges to separate the pancake muffins from the pan.
  7. Serve immediately with warmed butter if you like or even just with maple syrup. Freeze any leftover to microwave for a quick breakfast bite.
Mini Pancake Muffins

Using a small bowl to serve the syrup in makes it really convenient to coat the muffins in maple.

Pancake Maple Muffins

See. Just dunk them right in.

Wait, let’s look at that again…

Mini Maple Muffin Pancakes



But, they’re even tasty all by themselves.

chocolate chip mini pancake muffins

And, if you don’t want chocolate chips…

Mini Maple Pancake Muffins

… just leave them out.


But, the chocolate lover in me prefers the chips.


One more thing… I’m hoping that sometime in the next week or so, you’ll get to see a new design for I’m planning on moving the site from blogger to self-hosting it on wordpress. I’ve loved being on Blogger, it’s super easy and user-friendly, but I’m hoping to offer more functionality with a different platform. There will be more ways to navigate around the site and search for instance – which many of you have asked for. We’ll see how it goes. Hopefully, smoothly. But, don’t be surprised if the site has a few hiccups along the way. Stay tuned … and if you already link to instead of – you’re already ahead of the game.

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475 comments on “Mini Maple Pancake Muffins”

  1. I just made these and they are terrific! Whole family is very happy right now. What a great idea.

  2. I just got your book for Christmas about cake pops and it helps so much.

  3. I made these when my cousin’s family came to visit. They make a dozen normal-sized muffins, and it’s easier to portion the batter with an ice cream scoop. They took about 15 minutes to bake. Yum!

  4. this looks amazin! does anyone know if i can use something else instead of buttermilk?, i don’t think i can find that where i live. thanks.
    love the website!

  5. I just made these and they are so tasty and cute! I cut down half of the sugar though, think the maple syrup and chocolate chips make up for the sweetness. :) And yes, you gave me the perfect excuse to buy a mini muffin pan! :)

  6. I’m definitely making these for my business grand opening, Big Mamaz Bake Shop. Think I will add bacon instead of chocolate.

  7. Yum. These look deliciuos, and easy. I’m gonna make them for the boys this weekend. Thanks!

  8. Chiple (chocolate chip maple) puffins.

    Chipple puffins!!:)

  9. you are a genious, Bakerella! I tried these with my own cinnamon pancakes recipe and they were really cute and tasty. I liked my pancakes better before though because this time, I had to substitute half of the milk in the pancakes for buttermilk. There is always next time, though!

  10. Just made these with my big sister! They’re baking now! Maybe add sausge? Yum-O.

  11. I have made these two different times since reading this post, and I have to say that they are a new family favorite! I love that I don’t have to stand over a hot stove and babysit pancakes! THANK YOU so much for posting this recipe!! It’s awesome!! And my little girls LOVED the chocolate ship ones.

  12. I actually made these and they totally looked like the picture (obviously that doesn’t happen very often for me). :o) Anyway, we popped them in our mouths like cookies or candy all weekend long. No syrup required! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

  13. Mmmm….I can’t wait to try these Saturday. I’ll be making them for my family. Thanks for the great idea

  14. Im an aspiring baker and Ive been looking around for blogs on the internet to read when im bored at work. Your blog is WONDERFUL! and these look just wonderful too!!!

  15. oooh i was wonder what to do with my blueberries,,YUM!

  16. What if you don’t have mini muffin pan, will they work in regular muffin tins, and how much to increase the cooking time?

  17. looks so good! !
    i wonder if i could make one with strawberry cream cheese…

  18. YUM! How about Puffin Pops? I can’t wait to make these!

  19. My daughter and I made these in her babycakes cupcake maker and they are our new favorite breakfast. Thanks for the recipe. Nice in the summer not to have to use the stove.

  20. These are in the oven right now… going to surprise my dad for Father’s Day!

  21. Mini Maple Chip Puffins….

  22. maybe “Maple Chip Puffins”?

  23. i´ll try this ones the next sunday for father´s day breakfast…. i ? the puffins

  24. i am a chocolate and pancake freak !!and you my friend combiend 2 of the best !i really thank you for that!

  25. Puffins. It’s the perfect name :)

  26. I am definitely having these for breakfast!!!! They look AMAZING!!!!

  27. I love it

  28. I tried this recipe today (but used 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp brown sugar) and it is ridiculously delicious. Better, faster and fluffier than any stove top pancake I’ve made. Thanks for the great recipe :)

  29. hay alguna manera de recibirlo en español

  30. Just got done making these for dinner for my boyfriend and I. We did 8 chocolate chip, 8 bacon, and 8 sausage ones. We LOVED them, soooo delicious! His favorite was the sausage but I prefer the chocolate chip and bacon. Thanks so much for posting this recipe!! :]

  31. These look absolutely tasty!

  32. These looks amazing!! Pancake/muffin fusion. Genius! I am so making these!

  33. Me and my friend just made these with bacon pieces in them. YuMmMmMmmMmM

  34. You don’t happen to have a calorie count on these do you?

  35. I am so glad I skimmed over the posts before I posted!!! These would be sooo sooo good with sausages bits mixed in! The kids loved them!

  36. I, personally, LOVE Puffins!! :) It’s an awesome name :) :) :)

  37. shorter name? Chocolaty Maple Pancake Minis is my choice. Puffins makes me think either of the bird or the cereal. they look great, I can’t wait to try them!

  38. I saw these today and I am so excited to make them tomorrow for my family! For me, breakfast is popping a few slices of bread in the toaster – but these look so simple and fun to make! Thanks for spicing up my breakfast life lol

  39. Just made these for Easter breakfast. Holy dee-licious! (And I hate pancakes, btw…)
    My 4yo son ate 6. :)

  40. OMG, I cannot even tell you how excited I am to make these! Thank you so much, you’re my new ‘go to’ for sweet treats! <3

  41. I love them. :)

  42. could you do these with blueberries???

  43. Oh my goodness! I made these and they were delicious! I have never made pancakes before (the flipping part always scared me off) so these were absolutely perfect! I have posted pictures of the ones I made (along with a link to your fabulous blog) along with the recipe. Is that okay? Otherwise I would be more than to remove it.
    Thanks so much for your fabulous ideas and inspiration.

  44. just made them they are scummy xxxxx

  45. I think you should call them Breakfast in Bed Muffins

  46. mmm, Maple Chip Puffins! I look forward to trying these, I am sure they will be a huge hit with the kids

  47. how about “sweet spot”

  48. I just made these this morning. Mixed them up, threw them in the oven, then my poor husband was the one standing in the kitchen flipping…bacon! Which made me think…I bet these little buddies would be amazingly delish without choco. chips and with crumbled bacon in them. I think I will have to try them that way. Not that the choco. chip ones weren’t amazing. We all scarfed them right up!! Will definitely need to do a double batch next time! :)

  49. I made them the other day. Didn’t quite look likes yours and the chocolate chips where a bit tricky. However, everybody loved them. Made some with coca powder which was also yummy. Thanks for the recipe.

  50. This is perfect for my daughter on those school mornings where we need something fast. I think I’ll whip up a batch tonight for the rest of the school week mornings.
    Hope your feeling better and just know that your in my prayers.

  51. M squared C squared Pancake Muffins.

  52. will definitely give this a try, looks yummylicious! thanks for sharing! definitely with choc chips and lots of it!

  53. I made a very quick DAIRY-FREE recipe based on your idea. The kids just LOVED it. Thanks for the idea!

  54. OMG…seriously too good. Perfect texture, perfect size, perfect taste! Thank you!

  55. WOW!!!! This is yumtastic!!! :)

  56. I tried these about a month ago- amazing! Thank you so much for this recipe! It was lovely treat for my family (and definitely for me :) )

  57. You are dead-on with calling them “puffins”… maybe choco-maple puffins? I made these a couple weeks ago, and they were amazing! A great quick breakfast when you feel like making something without the big efforts! Thanks so much for the idea!

  58. Delicious perfection in a muffin pan. Can’t wait to try!

  59. wow~that look really nice!~ its simple and seems to be tasty!~ I definitely will try it ! thx for sharing !~
    I just updated a post about classic French dessert- Chocolate Fondant~ have a look and leave me comments there~


  60. If i dnt want 2 add egg thn wht is option

  61. These look amazing!! I am also that mom standing there still flipping more pancakes while the husband and kids are eating up every one as they come off the griddle. This will be a great way to actually get to sit down, thank you!!

  62. I made these last week and they were de-lish! My mom and brother LOVED them, but preferred them without being dipped in syrup (I, however, preferred them WITH syrup!).

    In fact, I am getting ready to make them again so my dad can try them!

  63. These pancake muffins look fantastic. Can’t wait to try them out tomorrow morning!

  64. Delicious! I made these for my family last night, and they have eaten them all! :)

  65. I made these this morning. Oh. Em. Gee. They were so super delicious and easy to boot. Pure maple syrup is a little more expensive, but so worth it and it tastes way better than regular syrup. It’s not nearly as sweet and doesn’t coat your mouth all gross-like.

    I heart you so super hard for posting this recipe, even if it took me til now to try it. <3

  66. MmmMmm chip puffins

  67. So Fantastic! If I can bake it, I’ll make it. My griddle pancakes NEVER turn out. These were perfect, easy, not messy and will now be my go-to brunch item. Not to mention a fab jumping off point for some new cupcake flavors. Thanks!!!

  68. I made these for my daughters sleep over party last weekend and it was a hit. Thank you!

  69. Baby Cakes !

  70. As a college student, I found these very simple, cheap, and fun to make. These served as a great quick breakfast to make the night before my morning classes. Thanks for sharing!

  71. Every Saturday, my husband makes whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes. I eat mine with powdered sugar; he does peanut butter and syrup on top. For us non-Bakerellas, would the “basic” recipe be the one above, just w/o maple? Does it have to be adjusted any other way? (See? I know nothing.) With a “basic”, readers could customize with pb & choc, maple & bacon, etc. Thanks!

  72. yum cant wait to make these

  73. YUM! We made these today and my kids loved them.
    We made some healthier twists however.
    Substituted half the flour for wheat flour and added 1 tbslp of wheat germ and 1 tbsp of ground flaxseed.
    tasty! Thank you!

  74. These are fabulous! Made with blueberries and cinnamon and both of my toddlers tore them up. There were even more to freeze- you are brilliant!

  75. add cooked bacon bits instead of chocolate
    makes it even better.

  76. Sometimes people get fixed ideas about how things should be done. For instance, my mother used to make an oven-baked-pancake, sliced it and served it as “pancake”….and I never thought about doing it in mini size (which is also convenient if you want to freeze a couple of them for later), they look amazing and the choco-chips are an excellent addition.

  77. Can someone please tell me the measurements in Grams.

    Can’t wait to make these.


  78. This Is easy !!

  79. How about “CC Puffuns”

  80. mmm……….
    these look so great!

  81. i love it!

  82. perfect for the grandkids who make a mess with the fork still! FINGER FOODS!! Might try them with blueberries or bacon!

  83. ohhhhhhh Oh, that’s very beautiful
    nice i will make

  84. My kids love these. They ask for them all the time. I run daycare and they are a wonderful after school snack. Make ahead of time and then they are ready so the kids don’t have to wait to eat snack. Thanks so much for sharing them.

  85. I just had a great thought of a shorter name for these yummy puffins…how about MC2? (as in MC squared). Can’t wait to try these for my boys, o.k. and me too…

  86. Mini Maple-Chip Puffins!!!!

  87. OMG.OMG.OMG!!! I can’t wait to make these this weekend…i can taste them just looking a them!

  88. Hi I just wanted to say I LOVE this idea and I hope you don’t mind but I wanted to share it with my readers at The Family Meal Blog… I did link back to your post in the title and I also included a link at the top of the post to your site :)

  89. I made these this morning for my 4 year old. She loved that you could just dunk them. They turned out great!

  90. hi.. would this work with the box pancake batter?? like just add water stuff?

  91. Looks so good… So very good… Mhh!
    Pancakes and muffins? Seriously great material for almost anyone, anywhere, anytime, well, you get the point. Fantastic photography too. Mhh.

  92. mocolate chip puffins?

  93. i think you should name them MMCP muffins

  94. Puffcakes! Because they puff and they’re cakes! and they aren’t made in a pan… well, I guess I muffin tin is sortof a pan, but still. I vote Puffcakes.

  95. I’m new to your website and love everything! I just made these and I used 1 T of coconut oil (melted) and 1 T of veg oil instead of butter because I was out. I also “made” syrup with brown sugar and maple flavoring. These are delcious and will be a definite repeat. They turned out perfect.

  96. These are FANTASTIC!
    Yum :)

  97. These things are FREAKING awesome! Some scrambled eggs and sausage makes it even better! And because they are so small, any leftovers can be eaten as a snack. I will never have regular pancakes again! Thank you so much! XD

  98. i just made these and they came out llike pancakes and so i think a good name for them would be pancake puffin muffins!!!

  99. Omg I bought a mini muffin pan just to make these. Made some this morning and they were perfect! Super fluffy, So delicious! Everyone enjoyed them :)

  100. I just made these tonight and was pretty dissapointed. I was out of chocolate chips, so I made the plain ones- NO FLAVOR! Yikes! I’ll try them with the chocolate next time…

  101. Yummy!! Now I am hungry.

  102. Oh those look super dooper yummy and I’m sure they are, cant wait to try and make them!! :):)
    Could you make some more cute cupcakes so even kids aged 11 up can make them, i’ll email some inspiration to you
    Big Fan

  103. or Mini Mippins!

  104. These look delicious and I think you should call them Mippins!

  105. Maple Chip Puffins :)

  106. I added a little chunk of ripe banana before I baked them and dusted with Powdered Sugar and Cinnamon.

  107. Yummo! I just made these today for Christmas Eve breakfast! My three year old loved helping me. I think next time i’ll try with blueberries. Thanks for the nifty idea!

  108. How About MMCC Pancake Muffins?

  109. Just made them because I heard company was dropping in. They’re quick, easy and yummy. Thanx so much!!!

  110. I came across your cake pop book while roaming an urban outfitters store and decided to check out your website. I love baking so i soon plan to start trying your recipes seeing as i love sweets and i love mini things =]. I love this idea for the same reason you stated. I plan on trying it in the next few days, though one suggestion is that you should try white chocolate chips or even butterscotch chocolate chips only because regular ones tend to give a really dry flavor when mixed in the pancake mix. The vanilla and butterscotch ones give just enough sweetness you don’t have to add syrup at all unless you have a serious sweet tooth. I look forward to reading more wonderful recipes in your blog ^_^

  111. I made these for a 8am Monday morning meeting at work…. let me just say little muffins = big hit! Thanks for sharing!

  112. YOU ARE THE SMARTEST LADY EVER! At my house, every Sunday we eat pancakes and I always have chocolate chips in mine. I can’t wait to try these babies out instead. Love it!

  113. You are so awesome! Thanks for the great ideas!

  114. I tried them with blueberries, very good !!

  115. Chocolate chip Puffins?

  116. made 4 batches of these for my 6 year olds birthday party last weekend! they were a huge hit with the kids and the grownups. the party was outside in the freezing cold (we had a soccer game) and these went perfectly with hot chocolate and we even threw some on a skewer and toasted them a bit over the fire! thanks for a great recipe!

  117. Puffins. I love it. I am going to make these and call them that. Good idea :)

  118. oh. my. gosh.

    Just made these adorablethings and I was so happy that they made exactly 24 puffins! thanks bakerella. food should always be adorable.

    oh yeah, and I ate 12 of them in like 10 minutes >_> lol

  119. I made these today for my brothers and parents. They were SO good. We fell in love.
    THANK YOU! :)
    P.S. We call ’em “Mancakes”. ;)

  120. Mini Maple Chocolate Chip Pancake Muffins.
    (Someone please come up with a shorter name for these.)

    What about : Maple-Chocolate Chips Puffins!

  121. gosh looking at those make me crave banana nut puffins. Guess I need to add a mini muffin tin to my shopping list since I used the 2 I had when I made advent calendars last year for my boys! thanks for another amazing idea!

  122. Mini Chocolate Maple Puffins

  123. I want to make these for breakfast. :) i need supplies though. (the pan).

  124. Just whipped up a double batch of these for daycare kids and they are a huge hit and oh, so easy to make! Thank you!

  125. maybe you can call then MMCCPM

  126. picture perfect as so the recipe!!! thank you very much for sharing!

  127. YUMMY!!!!

  128. Yummm….Chocolate Chip Maple Puffinis

  129. I just made these! Only with mini chocolate chips instead of the regular sized ones. Delicious recipe! So quick and easy to make. They’re so cute. I’ll be making this for years to come.

  130. OMG, I just made these for my daughter and her friends who stayed for a sleepover!! Brilliant, just brilliant!!

  131. Pancake Puffins!

  132. I make these sugar free and in our home we like to call them Panuffins. I made 100 for a camping trip we went on, they keep just great.

  133. Why not also try the maple bacon muffins as well. Here’s the recipe:

  134. These are such a wonderful idea. has anyone every tried to add sausage or anything else a bit more savory? have a brunch to attend and would love ot make both – thanks!!

  135. I’ve been making these for like 6 months as a way to switch up breakfast. My boyfriend is really into the ones where i actually use sausage crumbles..breakfast on the go :)

  136. y – u – m – m – y…can’t get better than this for a wake er upper in the morning.

  137. “maple chip puffins!”

  138. Super tasty! We used white chocolate chips and the kids LOVED them!

  139. You should nickname them MMCCPuffins. It sound like a rapper. *nods seriously*

  140. I made these right after I saw them and may I say… AMAZING! They are so cute, and so much simpler and less time consuming than regular pancakes. I finally got to eat with everybody else for once, instead of spending the entire breakfast time making enough pancakes for everyone!

  141. Wow these look so cute and yummy! I’m 12 and I asked my mum if I could cook these today, can’t wait! :D

  142. I made these today for my moms group brunch and they are so good! I made four batches so I could freeze some for later. My 3 year old son ate like 5 of them and wanted more!

  143. It looks perfect!!!
    You are a genius!!!
    thank you for the receipies^^

  144. Made them this weekend. INSTANT hit! Thank you!

  145. Just.. Mini Maple Muffins. MMM :3

    They look cute, delicious, and mhm!
    Just dont have bakeform like that. >:

  146. So excited…just bought a mini muffin pan. How about MAPLE CHOCO PUFFIN BITES!

  147. questions.. 1. how to substitute buttermilk? my country doesnt sell buttermilk… 2. is silicone muffin pan yield the same result with tin pan? thanksssss

  148. I brought these in to work today (used the recipe in the Betty Crocker booklet!) Big hit. Thank you :)

  149. You are a lifesaver! My son is OBSESSED with double chocolate chip pancakes (melt some chocolate chips and add to the batter) with whipped cream on top. Like from IHOP. So I make them at home, but yes, it does take forever (Like you, I do one or two at a time). So, I will be making these now – and so much easier to grab on school mornings! WOO-HOO!

  150. Oh, and I keep calling them Mini Pancake Bites.
    The BF registers that one well, and knows it means treat! (Makes him sound like a dog, oops!)

  151. These are fantastic!! I made a batch yesterday and they turned out spectacularly! I am always wowed by your creative and tasty ideas!! Thanks for another big hit! :)

  152. omg, cant wait to make these! What a great idea… would be great for class parties and lunches! thanks!

  153. So delicious and good without the chocolate chips, too. My daughter is a super picky breakfast eater and these hit the spot for her. She asked for more!

  154. great idea

  155. These look absolutely delicious!!!! Another reason to use my mini muffin pan. And I think I will try blueberries as they are my favorite.

    And, I vote for Maple Pancake Bites or Maple Pancake Poppers as suggested by some.

    Thanks Bakerella!

  156. Do you think they would freeze well? It would be great to have some on hand when company comes.

  157. Make some bacon and crumble it in instead of the chocolate chips. Dip in maple syrup…yum!

  158. I call them Panuffins, and make them sugar free and they are just as yummy.

  159. These were great. I made them for my kids and coworkers. Everyone loved them. I made a powdered sugar, maple syrup and milk icing to drizzle over them. They are simple and quick.

  160. If you dusted them with some powdered sugar, they are almost like a chocolate chip donut. They have a nice, soft texture – yum!

  161. OMG…have to make these for my hubby! He LOVES chocolate chip pancakes!!!

  162. LOL. Just noticed you called them that too.

  163. My kids call them “Puffins”. I’ll have to try your version. They look great!

  164. What if you’d like to bake these the night before? I have a very early event on Saturday and would love to make them the night before. Advice on how they’ll keep? Thank you! :)

  165. I did not read all of the comments but the first thing I thought of was to try them in my new Redi Set Go Express muffin pan. I love this site and the wonderful ideas that I take away from it. Georgeann

  166. Now all you need to do is put them on a stick, dip them in chocolate ‘coating’ and call them “yummin’s on a stick”..”.yum-pops”…

  167. Just pulled these out of the oven ! My hunny and I split a toasty one with some maple syrup – delicious. Cannot wait to eat the rest for breakfast – thanks!!

  168. Just made a batch of these. Yum! My boys gobbled them up. I didn’t have buttermilk so I used half and half, and they were delicious. Making another batch now and made some of them with blueberries. I’ll let you know how they turn out.

  169. Thanks!! These were delicious and so fun to make! I filled the muffin batter all the way to the top of the pan to make them puff up a bit :) my family and coworkers enjoyed them very much,

  170. These are so easy and so incredibly delicious!! They are a huge hit every time I make them.

  171. I don’t know how I managed to forget the sugar, but I did. They are fine with maple syrup but sugar is needed in the recipe haha. I baked these in regular size cups and got 8 from this recipe. It took 16 minutes to cook them.

  172. I’m making these now, but I’m topping them with a maple bacon icing.

  173. i really love your Food, but they taste like nothing :/

  174. I have a GREAT but simple name for these and a question. The name is chocolate chip puffins. My question is will it make a difference if I don’t have buttermilk ,and I just use regular reduced fat, two percent milk??????

  175. good for breafast

  176. This recipe looks awesome! However, I was wondering if the buttermilk could be substituted with regular milk? ‘Cuz, I don’t have any buttermilk, and I just bought a fresh carton of milk, so… is that any good? Thanks! :)

  177. I just found this website this weekend—love it!

    I didn’t read all of the comments, but I tried the puffins with instant “just add water” pancake mix. They came out great. I used the Krusteaz Buttermilk (10 lb bags are soo cheap at Costco), and they’re so fluffy and yummy. I will get some mini chocolate chips and do those too. My 2 1/2 year old loves them.

    I baked them at 350 degrees for 10 minutes (starting watching them at around 6 mins since it was my first try), and I think I could have left them for a minute or two longer, just to get them a little more golden.

    Here is a photo (if links are allowed).

  178. Mmmmmmm… mapley panuffins…..

  179. Can you make them using a mix? If so, how much?
    These look mouth-watering… mmm panuffins…….

  180. Thank you :) I had an idea to make these, but I wasn’t entirely sure how. I made little jelly filled ones just now. ^^ It’s easy for breakfast, especially using wheat flour and strawberries with orange jam. It’s like a little fruit basket in your mouth! XD Thanks again!

  181. another amazing recipe, you never lose with this site!!!!! i want to try these this weekend :D

  182. maple pancake pop-ups! I love them, have to try this recipe this very weekend.

  183. I absilutely love these. Maybe next time with blueberries. Or even bananas. I sooo need to teach my friends this. They’ll love it!!!

  184. Does the maple syrup make the top white?

  185. Heys.. does anyone know how to get the nice even tops on the pancake muffins? mine tends to looks like an overgrown shrub… nice tasting, but not very nice looking..

  186. i made this with my sister and mom and we loved them. im sooo going to show my relatives and friends.

  187. oh my goodness these are soooo good! next time im going to try them with blueberries. ooooooo…YUM!!!!

  188. I ran out of milk/buttermilk so I substituted chocolate milk. Delicious!!!!

  189. Hi! i´m from chile i´m chef and i´m totaly in love of your page…is amazing!


    see my blog!

  190. LOVE these! Just took them out of the oven. They smell SO good! I made half without the chips because my 6 year old daughter doesn’t like chocolate (weird, I know). I put cheese and sausage in the other half…kind of like pigs in a blanket. They sure look YUMMY!!

  191. Can i make them with big cupcake pans because i dont have the mini kind?

  192. I can’t wait to feed these to my family! I love it.

  193. I spotted these this morning. I have no idea how I missed these before. Annnnyway, I got up and made these straight away. Here is the result:

    Thank you for your wonderful and creative ideas that help us all through our daily trials and tribulations in the kitchen. ;)

  194. Oh haha managed to find buttermilk in cold storage in singapore. Will try again soon:)

  195. Oh yes we started calling them panuffins and my family loves it. They went for 2nds which doesn’t usually happen.. Thanks so much!!:)

  196. Hi bakerella, I’m from singapore and buttermilk isn’t easy to find so I substituted with milk, also I subst the melted butter for canola oil and it still tastes delicious. My boyfriend ate 6 in a row and wanted more. Question is that I don’t have a mini muffin tray so I used soufflé cups and filled them about 1/2 to 2/3 full. I managed to get about 20 but they really puffed up looking like muffins instead of the perfect ones u get. Any suggestions?

  197. I have a name
    mini ccpm muffinss.

  198. I’d love to try these with sauteed apples :)

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