
Mr. Sprinkles, why do you make me so sad?

Mr. Sprinkles

If you’re not familiar with this brand, these are the sprinkles I used for the pink cupcake pops when I was on the Martha Stewart Show. And as seen here…

Cupcake Pops

I love them. The colors are pretty and their petite size is perfect for my pops. Not to mention, they come in the super cutest container ever!

Just one problem. Right after the show, they changed the formula. Now, Mr. Sprinkles uses no-artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. BUMMER! Yeah, I said bummer. Because now they may be better, but they just aren’t as cute. Going all-natural caused the colors to go from lovely to shall I say a little drab. See…

Mr. Sprinkles

Okay, okay! I know, I’m the only one that will care about the color change. So, for everyone else, these are great. Anytime you can make a product better, it’s a good thing. Look for them in the ice cream condiment section of your grocery store or you can buy a whole bunch of Rainbow Mr. Sprinkles from Amazon. (These may be the original kind though. The picture doesn’t have the All-Natural Green label.)

And, If you care, I hear Mr. Sprinkles is looking in to ways to make the all-natural formula colors more fun. YAY! But, in the meantime I’m saving my last “regular” bottle of Mr. Sprinkles for a special occasion.

Keep scrolling to see what happens when sprinkles attack and how you can WIN your own set of All-Natural Mr. Sprinkles .

And the battle begins…

Mr. Sprinkles

It’s a fight to the finish.

Mr. Sprinkles

And the green corner wins in a sprinkles smackdown!

Mr. Sprinkles

Now for the good news…
It’s a super sprinkles giveaway!

Mr. Sprinkles sent me some samples for using their product on the Martha Stewart show and I can’t possibly make my way through them all, so I thought I would share them with you. I have three sets of All-Natural Rainbow and Chocolate Sprinkles to give away. Don’t worry I’m keeping some for myself.

Super Sprinkles Giveaway

Here’s how you can enter:

  1. Leave a comment. (Easy, huh!)
  2. Make sure you leave it in a way that I can contact you. (Either link back to your blog or leave your email address.)
  3. And if you want, let me know if you like your sprinkles good or good (for you).

Sprinkles, side by side

Three winners will be picked at random using integer generator. (Thanks, Mandy for turning me on to this site during the last giveaway. Sure makes things easier.)

The cutoff is Friday, July 25th at midnight. Winners will be announced sometime Saturday. Thanks for playing.

The giveaway is over. Here are the winners.

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924 comments on “Mr. Sprinkles, why do you make me so sad?”

  1. I’ve never been the type to prefer good-for-you when they just aren’t as good! So my choice is GOOD!

  2. Oh how sad :( I can only find the naturally colored sprinkles here in town. I feel your pain, Bakerella…cuteness ALWAYS matters.

  3. I love the pretty rainbow ones! (or did I see chocolate ones in there too?) Love your blog! You are so dang creative it’s amazing!

  4. I agree that the “Good” is prettier and, really, how many sprinkles does one eat? A few sprinkles-worth of artificial color and flavor isn’t going to kill anyone! That said, I normally prefer “Good For You”, all-natural ingredients, but there are some items where it really doesn’t matter!

  5. I definitely have to go with the good sprinkles. Who wants drab colors bringing down their cupcakes?

  6. I choose good, they are so much prettier, and used in such a small amount I don’t think the good for you question should be an issue. Love your blog!

  7. Wow! Can you believe 404… make that 405 people want sprinkles??? “Good for you” look nice and subtle.

  8. I prefer good sprinkles vs good for me sprinkles, what good are sprinkles if they arent pretty!?

  9. I would probably choose the “good” over the “good for you” at least until the colors change! I’m all about colors!

  10. I have to admit, the color change is a bit disappointing. However, I think I would prefer the good for you over the good. I’m thinking big picture here. Do they taste the same?

  11. I would like my sprinkles good and pretty, please!

  12. I’m a cupcake pop fanatic…I NEED some of these!

  13. I would have to side with you on this one…the colors of the “good” one’s are so fun! I wish I were as creative and talented as you. Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. mmmm, Sprinkles! I love your “cupcakes” and have been looking for any excuse to make them – I have been having the hardest time finding these sprinkles tho!

    Oh, and I pick good (a good for you just doesn’t seem to mesh with sweets in my head!)

  15. I would go for the Good for you version. Colors are a little dull, but hey, it’ll make me feel better to eat something “good”. :-) *crossing fingers* pls pls pls pick me!

  16. I’m making the cupcake pops next month for a baby shower. This would be great!.

  17. I have never even SEEN those Mr. Sprinkles sprinkles in the stores around here before! How cute!!!

  18. If you are eating cake (which although we all love it) isn’t “good” for your you, what’s a little bit of preservative going to do!! all in moderation i say;0)

  19. I love the old colors too! I didn’t realize that with the change to all natural they changed the colors…I agree, slightly disappointing, but I guess I understand the need.

  20. Poor Mr. Sprinkles…My only love will still be the good ones¡

  21. I love sprinkles and they are so small, so unless they are made of arsenic, I can’t imagine it is a problem. Pretty but dangerous sounds pretty nice to me.

    I love pretty and unique sprinkles to the point that a friend is traveling to Amsterdam and my gift request was sprinkles.

  22. Good is the way to go…the brighter colors just make me smile more and that’s what sweets are all about!

  23. I am going to go with the GOOD kind. Come on, your eating a cupcake…and what is good for you in that? Why get only half way healthy on your treat?! :)

  24. I completely understand your quandary – but since people “eat with their eyes first…” seems to me that the colors make a pretty big difference.

  25. My kids love sprinkles! I always have them in the cupboard. I like the new colors! But I also love the bright fun colors too! Your prob. putting the sprinkles on not so good for you stuff anyways so I would prob. opt for the not so good ones! Love your blog!


  26. these are so cute. I haven’t seen anything like them here in canada. Our sprinkles come in boring little jars! I do think I like the colors of the ” good for you” though.


  27. I like my sprinles to ‘LOOK’ good – good for me or not :):):)

  28. I would have to say that when I am going to eat ice cream, or any other sweet treat that involves sprinkles, I am accepting the fact that I am going to indulge in something that is not really any good for me. I take into consideration that every little sprinkle added is another 15 minutes on the treadmill. So when I want to go “all out” and really indulge in a sweet treat that can take me back to my childhood give me the full color, non-artificially sweetened sprinkle!

  29. I have never seen these sprinkles in any of my stores. The container is so adorable! I would love some of the Good sprinkles…who wouldn’t! My three girls would have the BEST time making your cupcakes with them. Keep up the wonderful work. I LOVE your posts!


  30. I figure I’ll go for the “good” since they’ll probably end up on some “good” treat anyway!

  31. I like the GOOD sprinkles instead of the GOOD FOR YOU ones . . .

    Is it wrong to say that?

  32. Im NEW here and I Love your BLOG…everything you make is gorgeous, cant wait to try it on my own…. Love the good for you..that way we can have fun and goodness too!

  33. I would love some Mr. Sprinkles! The “good” sprinkles are definitely more fun, but there’s also something appealing about the color palette on the “good for you” sprinkles– sort of mod.

    I made the cupcake bites for a bbq yesterday and they were a HUGE hit! Thanks for the great ideas, keep ’em coming!

  34. Despite the muted colors I think I’m going to have to go with the Good (for you) sprinkles. I wonder what is the “Good” sprinkles that they felt the need to take out!

  35. Aw man! How many “not good” sprinkles do you eat anyway?!? Not a lot…that’s why they are called ‘sprinkles’! Blah, I like the GOOD sprinkles. Unless you just eat the sprinkles right out of the package… I can’t see why they made them “Good for you”
    Go GOOD sprinkles!

  36. My kids love sprinkles! I always have some in my cupboard! Of course good for you is the way to go but I would prob. end up getting the not so good because I like fun! And is the sweet stuff your putting it on good for you anyways?! I have to say I just came across your blog and I LOVE IT!!! I look forward to your future blogs!!

  37. I love the colors of the goog for you ones!

  38. If I was making something 100% “good for me” then I would want that, but anything that has sprinkles on it is probably not the best, so the good sprinkles aren’t going to hurt!

  39. They are sprinkles!!! Good for you is not a choice, good it the way to go!

  40. I don’t think we have Mr. Sprinkles here in Seattle. I will have to go looking now.
    I love your blog. I am always excited to see what you do next.

    I usually would choose the “Good For You” trying to do the right thing for my son’s nutrition but the designer in me screams “GOOD”! The colors are so pretty and it is such a small amount of artificial does it really make that big of a difference?

  41. I would love for sprinkles to be good for me… especially when they look GOOD to. :)

    joboogie at gmail dot com :)

  42. ooh tiny sprinkles! And chocolate ones- or as I’d call them, jimmies!

  43. I think that ALL sprinkles should be GOOD, not good for you! Where is the fun in “healthy” sprinkles?! I would love to have some of these!

  44. ooh, sprinkle me! i have not found these in Podunk, TX where I live! : )

  45. I say, good ones. Leave good for you for something else!!

  46. Good for you, they are still beautiful colors. I have never seen that brand before.

  47. the “Good for you” choice looks too Autumn themed… like something you would put on cupcakes for thanksgiving… Besides how many sprinkles do you consume? Considering the average person doesnt pour them into their mouth the “good” ones really arent that bad for you in normal portions. :3


  48. I’ve been meaning to buy more sprinkles…

  49. I actually like the natural sprinkles, they look pretty yummy.

  50. eGotta say I like them GOOD! But would try good for you in my own comparison study.

  51. Too funny. I too have never heard of “healthy” sprinkles. That said, I guess artificial stuff is bad, so I’ll be good (for you). Thanks!

  52. I vote Good. I’m sick and tired of things being made worse by attempting to make them better (for you). No one’s ever died from sprinkles, right?


  53. I LOOOOOOOVE SPRINKLES!! Any kind are fabulous!

  54. give me more sprinkles….nothing bad about sprinkles!

  55. What fun! I think the only thing that matters around here is that there are PINK sprinkles in the mix- very important to my daughter! As for natural or not…when you’re only eating 15 or so sprinkles at a time, does it really make a big difference? (Am I bad for thinking that? :)

  56. Battling clowns. Could there be anything better?

    Good for me good for me!

  57. If I happen to win the giveaway, would you please send it to Bangkok, Thailand? My kids would love the Good one. I can’t agree more than their colors are the cutest.

    My e-mails are and

    Thanks for sharing the giveaways!

  58. I’m down with any kind of sprinkle! I sprinkle everything!! LOL

  59. in general, i like things that are good for me, but in cake, i just like things that are good. i mean, it IS cake afterall. it’s not like cake is really all that good for your body, even if it IS good for your soul.

  60. My vote is for “good for you”!!

  61. I prefer my sprinkles good because the sheer happiness is good enough for me. :) Chrissie B

  62. I would love some sprinkles, because your cupcake pops have inspired me to do a cupcake themed party for my daughter’s first birthday in Oct.!

    Normally, I am all about healthy and natural colors and flavors, but since you consume such a small amount of sprinkles per cupcake, I think they have to be about the appearance.

  63. I would love these sprinkles!

  64. I guess I’m not sure if I like good or good for you. Both of the sets of colors would look cute for something different. But I do LOVE sprinkles and so does my hubby!

  65. Definitely good for me! Thanks!!!

  66. …enter me, please—one can NEVER have too many sprinkles! And I like the GOOD sprinkles, even if the others are good FOR one…

  67. This is so funny. I found the link to your blog and thought to myself “I’ve got to find those sprinkles!”. I haven’t found them yet, better hurry up my search! Hope I win!


  68. Isn’t everything fun in life good… not always good for you! I would love some sprinkles from the Martha show. What an honor!

  69. Why choose good for you sprinkles when you’re going to be putting them on a not so good for you treat? I would choose good colors any day!

  70. I’m a good for you nut all the way! They look a little retro.

  71. I go for the good for you ones. It’s the health of my family I’m concerned about and the less additives the better. Besides, I like the new colors, great for Halloween for a start. And they will come out with new colors, see if they don’t.

  72. If the rest of what you’re making isn’t so good for you (except for the endorphins, and the antioxidants from the chocolate)then why should the sprinkles be good for you?? All about Good, not Good For You

  73. Oh, I definately would go for the pretty sprinkles! I made the pops but just put them in mini cupcake papers,they were soooo good. :)

  74. If you can’t tell, I voted for “Good”

    I mean, how many sprinkles does one eat at a sitting?

  75. Come on! They are sprinkles!! How ‘good’ can they be? I’d want them good and not good for me :-)

  76. I agree with you that the Good sprinkles are the best– isn’t half the fun getting to see all the wonderful colors on your treat before you eat it?!

    kelgirl105 at yahoo dot com

  77. We don’t have these sprinkles here in So Cal (that I have seen). I like the colors from the good ones. The good for you ones remind me of Halloween colors.

    Love your blog and check it daily. I’ve made the cakepops as well as cake and Oreo truffles. You make everything look sooo delicious. Keep up the great work!


  78. Oh, Mr. Sprinkles, what happened to CHOICE?

    You can’t go wrong w/ chocolate sprinkles though.

  79. I would love to win sprinkles (esp ones in a cute cute container) and although I ought to say good for me I am going with good

  80. I have to say I would love to have the “GOOD” Sprinkles vs the good for you. Who wants good for you a treat.

  81. How amazingly cute are those bottles?! Love them! You know, I’m not sure if I like ’em good or good for me! LOL! I’m thinking I’m liking them good! Pretty colors get me every time! LOL!

  82. I agree with you. I love the Good sprinkles for their bright colors!

  83. I like good!!

  84. How fun!! I would love the ones that are “good for you”!!

  85. I’d have to say that it depends upon the colors of the cupcake pop. I pick the sprinkles based on the party theme. I buy them by the color in 1 lb. packages and custom mix….

  86. i hate change :( but i guess it's for the bettery. i hope they still taste the same!


  87. I love the pictures of the sprinkles battling…I like the original colors best. But I wouldn’t complain either way :)

  88. OOOOOohh, chocolate sprinkles. I am just getting into the cupcake thing and would love the chocolate ones. Can’t get Mr. Sprinkles here.

  89. Well good for you is always best right (but I do really prefer the bright colors). The good for you sprinkles are pretty too though just a bit muted.

    I love your blog read it all the time keep doing what you are doing and inspiring us all!


  90. Good! Unless you’re putting sprinkles on your vegetables, it doesn’t matter if they are good for you! I do think the Good for You colors are pretty though.

  91. I like my Sprinkles GOOD, not nec. good for me! Love your site. I found it while watching you on Martha.

  92. I want to play!!! I really love the colors in Good (for you)!


  93. Those are super cute containers! I have never seen these so, I’m wondering if they are available in my area. Ummm…I didn’t know there were good for you sprinkles so, I guess I’d have to say I don’t mind the “bad” for me ones…

  94. yeah, i agree. i like the punch of color with the not so good for you sprinkles, but….it is nice to a good for you product out there. maybe the company will be able to improve the color soon.
    thanks for all the great ideas…
    your sight ROCKS!

  95. I love the colors of the Good! Can just a little bit be that bad for you? I am into organic and all natural these days, but either is fine. Thanks for the giveaway.

  96. I like the “Good”. You don’t eat sweets everyday, so the “Good 4 you” can wait.

    Queen Bee Designs by Amanda

  97. A girl can never have too many shoes…and it would appear: sprinkles!

  98. I’m with you, I’m sad about the colors changing. If I’m going to eat sprinkles and whatever it is that I’m putting them on, I’m probably not looking to be eating healthy at that moment, lol. It’s a nice gesture to be healthier though.

  99. When it comes to Sprinkles, I like my good! The more colorful they are the better!

  100. I prefer the sprinkles with the scary-not-found-in-nature colors. The natural ones could grow on me, though. At some point, crunchy sugary goodness is crunchy sugary goodness.

  101. I’d love to win these! the bottles alone are too cute!

    I am happy they are making the sprinkles better for you. But I agree the original colors pop. However the new sprinkles are a pretty pastel color too. I am of no assistence obviously!

    Thanks for the chance!

  102. I love my sprinkles when they are good, not good for me!

  103. Hi, there…. wow how many of us like sprinkles jajaja
    Hope to win this one!!!
    I love sprinkles and have two little girls that love color, so I will have to go with the GOOD… I am not against good for you, but color is always a plus when making goodies.
    Bakerella, I truly enjoy your Blog (it has becomed part of me already) and your new ideas…you are an artist! Great work and best wishes.

  104. I would love to try Mr. Springles! They are not available in my area…my daughter’s birthday is coming up in August and I plan on making some of your great cupcakes! Good for me?? Nah, color is what counts!

  105. Though I love both of the sprinkle colors, I would have to say the “good” sprinkles are a wee bit cuter. Love the packaging!

  106. I would love to try Mr. Sprinkles! They are not available in my area and I plan on making some of your cupcakes for my daughter’s birthday coming up in August..Good for me?? Nah, color is what counts!!

  107. I would love some, good or good-for-you. I also just did a beach theme baby shower this weekend and used your cute little beach cupcake scene. It was a big hit, so thanks for the wonderful inspiration!

  108. Count me in! I love both kinds. The pale all natural looks like my colors. I’m a plain kinda person. Good luck to everyone!

  109. Wow! Thank you so much! I would love some of the Good sprinkles! You are so right, the good ones look so much prettier than the good for you kind! Yuck!

  110. we don’t have mr sprinkles.. and I do love the beautiful colors..and with autumn coming the good for you colors will also be great to use.. I would love to try mr sprinkles.. thank you so much

  111. I just love the cute sprinkles bottle! I think I would choose the GOOD option with all of the bright colors. My email address is

  112. I’m going with “GOOD” because “Good for You” is WAAAAYYY over-rated. The yummiest things are usually not good for you.

  113. Hmmm.. I vote for good for you! I kind of like the muted colors.

  114. oh i forgot to leave my link…

  115. rainbow sprinkles are my most favorite thing in the world! i would love to win.

  116. I’m going with the good. I don’t have sweets and sprinkles that often so when I go for it, I might as well go big!

  117. Howdy!
    I like everything good for me, except when it comes to dessert.
    That’s why dessert rules, and as a grown-up I sometimes eat it first.

  118. this is not my normal style, but I would choose the “good for you.” I like the new colors! :)

  119. Sprinkles would be so fun, sprinkle some fun for everyone. :-)

    Tracy D Portraits
    Tracy Dupaquier

  120. I choose PRETTY – when we are baking is “good for you” really what we’re thinking about?? I love this site – COPY EVERYTHING!! Keep your creative juices flowing … you inspire!! (

  121. I, personally, don’t think the colors for the All Natural sprinkles are that ugly. Kinda cute, actually.

  122. I tend to be a good for you type of person!

  123. Ooooh…. I’d love to try the ‘Good for you/me’ kind. ;D

  124. It’s hard to choose. For me, I see one as more spring, and one as more fall. I definitely couldn’t go with Good for you and get your original effect. But these are sprinkles…I don’t really think that sprinkles can be good for you. It’s not like they are put on veggies…they’re for cake and ice cream and cookies. FPS

  125. I would choose the GOOD!!! The good for you just aren’t as festive. Thanks!

  126. I’m totally a Good girl!
    Good for you is too boring ;)


  127. I say Good, not good for me. If I’m eating sprinkles, they’re probably donning something that isn’t good for me, either. So I should just go all the way, right?

  128. I think having good for you sprinkles is a little strange… I mean seriously when you’re already eating all that other stuff… go ahead and add a little color.

  129. I would love the good kind – usually good for you isn’t always good!!

  130. I have reading you since before Martha – and I am so happy that things are going so well for you and your site! I am going to vote “Good” – because if I really wanted “good for you” I wouldn’t be eating a cupcake pop. Bake on!

  131. I try to do everything all natural, so I guess the all natural sprinkles would be a winner for me! So cute!!

  132. What good is “good for you” when it comes to dessert? I want it – and I want it good!

  133. I like the “good” – love brighter colors. I’ve been making cupcake pops ever since seeing you on Martha Stewart. I now also make cupcake bites!

  134. You crack me up with your fight of the Mr. Sprinkles!

    I do like the brighter colors best, I think. For as little as they are how “not good” for you can the unnatural ones be? :)

  135. I’d say go for the Good vs. Good For You. They’re for dessert, something we shouldn’t eat all the time anyway, so why not splurge and go for the cuteness!

    This culinary student would love some new goodies to try out and wow her instructors with!!! –send me some love, Bakerella, you rock!!!

  136. I’m voting for “good.” You know they’re going on something not-very-good for you anyway, so why bother with healthy sprinkles?

    Oh, and I’m from the Philadelphia area…we call them “jimmies” here!

  137. Since I’m trying really hard to eat Very Healthy Foods I would pick the Good for you. And I do so think that sprinkles make desserts FUN!


  138. omg! i just LOVE mr sprinkles – although i’ve never seen him before today. i’ll have to check my local grocer. i would prefer Good [for you]. sweets are typically never good for you, so having ‘green’ sprinkles makes it guilt less :)

  139. Ooo, Those are so cute!. I’d have to pick the Good ones though!

  140. I would love to win the GOOD ones! I like my sprinkles with chemicals. :-)

  141. I like my sprinkles “GOOD” not Good for you….. because they’re SPRINKLES!!

  142. I *love* your blog. And I totally agree with you, I’d rather have good sprinkles, they are way cuter!

  143. I’m going to go with go because I’m a big fan of color and the bolder and brighter, the better

  144. Please enter me! I would love to win some sprinkles! Also, I’d probably have to pick “Good” over “Good for you”! Is dessert supposed to be good for you? :-)

  145. I’ve got to admit; when it comes to sprinkles, I prefer the good. Normally I would choose good for you, but these are cupcake sprinkles! Pretty wins with sprinkles!!

    Thank you for sharing!

    And for an update…I tried the flowers with some white chocolate chips (the only thing I could find that was safe for my daughter’s nut allergy) and they were just too soft. :(

    Any suggestions?

  146. Sometimes food doesn’t have to be “fuel”.
    I say live a little! Afterall, aesthetics really makes a difference.

  147. I would LOVE some sprinkles! I agree with you – I prefer GOOD sprinkles rather than good for you sprinkles!! :-) The colors are way cuter.

  148. Bakerella you sweet thing! Thank you for sharing these with us. I would love some please. Your ROCK!

  149. I’ll keep my fingers crossed!

  150. Forget about what the sprinkles look like! My kids saw the container and want the container! Everything is about looking good in this house. The more pink the better.

  151. Those are just the cutest pops. I like my sprinkes good. I think i am going to have to make those.

  152. I love sprinkles and contests! Such a fun container for them too. I love them mostly on ice cream and sugar cookies! :)

  153. Good – the blue and green just add a necessary punch of color!

  154. I enjoy both but in different ways. Not Good because they’re the classic, the original. The Good because, well, that way I can eat more of them in the name of my eating something good for me.

  155. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sprinkles, the good kind, not so much the good for you kind.

  156. Most definitly, without a doubt…GOOD, GOOD, GOOD!!

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your blog!! Subscribe to it and check daily for updates!!

    Thanks for sharing your creativity!


  157. I love your blog! I haven’t had the chance to make any of the cupcake pops, but I’m planning to soon. As for the good vs. the good for you question…. I don’t think it really matters if they are good for you when it comes to candy sprinkles. Unless you’re sitting there eating the entire bottle, it’s not something I would worry about. I like the old colors! :)

  158. I love your blog!
    The good for you’s are probably worth a try. At least they kept the fun container the same!

  159. I say if you want good for you— eat veggies, I choose Good for all things dessert, including sprinkles

  160. Since I’m not eating cupcakes for their nutritional value in the first place, I’d say just plain Good. The colors are so much happier!

  161. I’m pretty sure I could put any kind of sprinkles on everything I ever eat! Yum!

  162. nmi noticed the same exact thing yesterday when i went to go buy some!!!!! i didnt even realize they were now all natural…i just thought they were a new batch of colors! so sad the old, BRIGHT colors are gone!

  163. I love sprinkles. I would love either one. I do like the bright colors better but sometimes as long as you have sprinkles its still fun.

  164. I’m going with Good but would be thrilled to win the Good For You Sprinkles as well! Have a great day!

  165. I’d have to say Good for you, but I definitely like the Good colors better! They don’t sell these sprinkles at my grocery store, so I’d love to try them out! I’m addicted to sprinkles! :)

  166. I’m just having a hard time figuring out the point of healthier sprinkles. They’re sprinkles! It’s not as if you would use them on your bran muffins. The whole point of using sprinkles is that they are fun!

  167. Yum yum! I’d take sprinkles any way I could get them! – I don’t discriminate :)

  168. I like the brightly colored ones better. I LOVE this sprinkle container! I never seen this before. My kids would flip for those!

  169. Ooh…sprinkles! sprinkles make EVERYTHING better.

  170. I would prefer the “pretty” sprinkles. Let’s face it. We use sprinkles to make something look cute, not because they add nutritional value!!!

    Great blog!

  171. Ohh I’d prefer them good – rather than good for me! Loved your little story, so cute!

  172. Definitely good. They’re sprinkles; they’re not supposed to be good for you!

  173. Yeah, I’ll take the Good ones with all their beautiful artificial glory. Grin.

  174. ooh, I love sprinkles! I don’t think I can get this kind in my town either, I hope I win!!

  175. “healthy” sprinkles. Oh, brother! Aren’t we splitting hairs at this point. C’mon, we are talking about pressed sugary pieces that go on a cake. I say bring on the fabulous color of the original!!! Let’s leave the healthy stuff where it is more apt to make a real difference.

  176. Wow – you already have so many comments. You are one popular girl! Those sprinkles look yummy. And these days I am trying to cook and bake with more natural ingredients – though some of them don’t look as flashy fun as the old standby.
    Could me in for the sprinkles – I have made (not as nicely as you) the cupcake bites several times now – though for some reason my friends keep calling them “boobies!”

  177. Oh wow…sprinkles that are “good for you” is a concept new to me, so I would love to try these :)

  178. If I were using them for fall cupcakes, they would be beautiful, but please, they need MORE color. Maybe some beet juice to make them pink–maybe that wouldn’t be a popular flavor though!

  179. Good for you. Though… I am aware of the irony there. I mean, we’re putting sugar sprinkles on top of a cake with butter, eggs, more sugar. Haha. But I’d still rather stay away from artificial chemicals.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. Mmmm…sprinkles. I am always about good. I’m sure good for you is the better decision, but if I am eating something like sprinkles, I want it to be yummy. I’ll eat broccoli if I want something good for me!

  181. I like my sprinkles good, not good for me. And do you want to know my favorite way to eat sprinkles? On a peanut butter sandwich they’re delightful! Yum! Yum! Thanks for the chance to win!

  182. i like the bright colored ones! those pops are so cute my granddaughters would love these!

  183. i would love some! i’m planning on trying your mini-cupcakes soon.

  184. Oh, no, Mr. Sprinkles! They’re just decorations. How could you let your beautiful colors be dulled by peer pressure? *sob* I like my sprinkles good, not good for me.

  185. I actually like the all natural ones, they would look lovely on a girly cupcake. (for boys the rainbow ones are probably better…).


  186. Sprinkle me! Pretty please!!! Pretty pretty please with sprinkles on top!

  187. Ohh!! I love good sprinkles! If I’m baking treats they aren’t good for me anyway, so why should I care if the sprinkles are good for me?

    dellerbk at gmail dot com
    – Katie

  188. I would say I think they should be good…not good for you where is the fun in that!

  189. I would have to choose the “good” sprinkles — you can’t beat those nice colors! Your blog is great!

  190. I would love some sprinkles!! I am with you though…the color is very important so I want not so natural:-)

  191. I would love some of the sprinkles!

    And, either would be “good” for us!

    Thanks so much! I love reading along.

  192. Healthy sprinkles? Isn’t that an oxymoron? How can there be such a thing? Who/why would someone want healthy sprinkles? Certainly not me! Give me the real thing, please!

  193. me me me! :) been lurking for a while and i was asked a question that i thought maybe you can answer- have you ever made a low sugar frosting? how would that be possible!? and just posted on my site (under post pics of hot young pro) my lame attempt at those sunflower cupcakes.

  194. i love sprinkles that are pretty, not good for me. if i wanted good for me, i would put pinach on my cupcakes.

  195. oh man, i hate change!!!!

  196. Most definitely the GOOD sprinkles! They are so much cuter!

  197. Well, i have to vote for “good for you” because my daughter can’t tolerate food dyes. I’ll have to start looking for this brand in my area!

  198. good because as you say they look more delicious, but with how everything is going nowadays its gotta be the good for you ones for me!!!!!!!!! lol xxx
    cute container, we certainly dont get those over here!!! (UK)

  199. i like the artificial kind! they’re just sprinkles, how can anything artificial that’s that small be bad for you? :P

    i hope you ship to the philippines as that’s where i’m from. hehehehe.

    great pics in this post as always :)t

  200. I love sprinkles and your blog! Hope my number is generated!

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