
Quick and Easy Creepy Cupcakes

Easy Creepy Cupcakes

I can’t believe Halloween is just around the corner. It always sneaks up on me before I get to make all the treats I have sketched out in my head. But since we’re just a few days away I thought I’d slip in a quick last minute treat I made Sunday that’s as much creepy as it is cute.

And it’s pretty easy to boot. There’s hardly any decorating, so you can whip them up super last minute.

Chocolate Cupcakes

Just bake up your favorite cupcakes. I used this easy chocolate cupcake recipe.

Orange frosting

You’ll totally need some frosting, too. Color it orange, purple, black, green or just leave it white.

Plastic Spiders

And then you’ll need the creepiest plastic spiders you can find.


I like these long-legged little guys a lot. Eeek!

I’ve been dying to use them on something since I bought them a while ago. Of course, Halloween cupcakes were perfect.

Unfortunately, I have no memory of where I picked them up, but if you’re looking for some plastic spiders – start with dollar stores or craft stores. Or any of those pop-up Halloween shops. They’d probably have something.

Chocolate cupcakes

Now you can make your cupcakes super easy by just frosting them with one color.

Spider Cupcake

And perching your creepy spider right on top.

I think they’d look pretty sharp in solid white frosting, too.

Easy Creepy Spiders

But I wanted them a little snazzier – so I made them with white sugared webs.

Decorating Cupcakes

Reserve some of your frosting before tinting it a color and use it to pipe three circles on top of the cupcake.

Just use a ziploc bag with the corner snipped off to pipe if you don’t have a decorator bag or icing tip.

A. Then drag a toothpick through the icing starting from the center and moving towards the edge of the cupcake to create the web.


B. Dip the top of the frosted and piped cupcake in a small bowl of white sanding sugar to coat and then drag a toothpick through. I think this makes them a little prettier and it flattens the web into the frosting so it doesn’t look like it’s sitting on top of it. If you need to adjust the web shape, you can do so easily by nudging the sprinkle coated surface a bit.

Spider Cupcakes

So cute!

I mean, so totally creepy.

I hope you guys have a happy and safe candy-filled Halloween!

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46 comments on “Quick and Easy Creepy Cupcakes”

  1. Love the webs! Absolutely adorable! We featured this recipe in our Featured Friday blog post last week for Halloween Desserts! I hope you can visit

  2. Oh My Goodness these Spider Cupcakes are seriously Lovely! I love the little spiders that you made! I just had to include them in my round up of super cute spider ideas for Halloween!

  3. Please………. want to make these. Can these be made the day before…….. OR — will the sugar melt into the icing???? Thank you………

  4. love the webs! Can these be made the day before – OR will the sugar melt into the icing?

  5. I have to say that the picture of the orange frosting made me incredibly hungry! I love frosting! :-D

  6. Those are awesome

  7. Hi there! First of all, I really like the design of your website it is simple yet attractive. I think no one can denied the ‘easy creepy cupcake’ you share to us is beyond creativity. It is so adorable and creative, even though I’m not really a cupcake person but this design just incredible! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I guess is time for me to learn something new. It’s really a great sharing especially Halloween is just around. Keep all the good stuff coming, keep up the good work! Have a nice day.

  8. These look awesome! I wish we celebrated halloween in NZ so I could join in on all the cool baking. Maybe next year

  9. These look soooo yummy, wish I’d have seen these yesterday lol :)

  10. Sooo spooky yet yummy – I want them <3

  11. Hope you have a happy Halloween Bakerella!


  12. These look great!! Love the sugar.

  13. You make even the simplest things look so wonderful! I tip my hat to you! :-)

  14. They look so tasty, I want them for halloween <3

  15. They look great dipped in the sugar – I am definitely going to do this for Halloween. Thanks for the tip

  16. Someone just told me of your blog and also “Cooking With Mr. C.” on Facebook, also a blog. I just “Liked” his Facebook page and came to your blog. It looks good. Denise

  17. Is white sanding sugar different that regular sugar? Could you use regular sugar if there is a difference?

  18. These are awesome and is perfectly easy for Halloween. Congratulations on winning the Craftsy Blogger Awards. You were the first baking blog that I was introduced to and helped turned my sugar hobby into a full fledged baking business. I read every single post and learned so much. Thank you!!

  19. I searched every store locally trying to find creepy crawlies for my cupcakes for the Girl Scout Halloween party. I couldn’t find anything! Not eve gummy worms! I guess next time I will have to shop earlier! Love your little spiders! Too cute!

  20. Simple and cute! : )

  21. Thanks for the info Greta – It’s highly possible I bought them there.

  22. Cute cupcakes Bakerella! We carry those spiders in our shop

  23. oh, so cute! i love the little spider and web!!

  24. Love the orange sparkly web and
    the long-legged spidies!

  25. So super cute! I am in charge of the class treat this year…just might have to copy this! As always thanks for sharing!

  26. Sooo cute … sorry, not spooky :) Love the sparkly sugar!

  27. So easy… I like these!! I may have to make some this week.

  28. Snazzy . . .love it. We need to use that word more often. :)

  29. Creepy, crawly and oh so cute! Love them!!! xo

  30. adorable!! can’t wait to make them!

  31. I love how you take an idea (that web) and make it extra special/pretty/fabulous.

  32. These are awesome! And what a great idea with the sugar on top, I love the look!

  33. Cute creepy and easy :D

  34. That added sparkle from the sugar makes these ‘ready to party’!

  35. They look amazing, so cute and creative!!

    Please check out my new baking blog, for recipes for sweet treats! xxx

  36. I for once I thought those spiders were made of chocolate! I love this idea. It’s so simple and easy to do. Must try! Thanks for sharing.

  37. Oh my gosh! You always seem to be able to make something so simple turn out so fancy and adorable! I think I could totally do these! Thanks tons!

  38. ADORABLE! I have to bring a goodie for a Halloween potluck and I think these will be perfect – love the little spideys! I’m sure I can find them where children’s costumes are sold, like at a big pharmacy store. THANKS – TOO CUTE!!!

  39. Long legged spiders… really? Brrr… LOL. Can’t handle them. I’m gonna use these tips to make pretty pink and white frostings with star bursts on them. Less menacing than spiders. *help*

  40. Simple and cute! … Though I always have such issues getting my frosting that shade of orange :/

  41. these are the cutest!

  42. Too cute and so easy to make! Great job!

  43. Umm. Love those spiders! so cute.

  44. Adorable and so creative! I love the way the cupcake looks dipped in white sugar :)

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