
S’more or less

Smore Ingredients

S’mores equal ooey and gooey and yummy. To make them, all you really need is some marshmallows and melted chocolate to sandwich between a couple of graham crackers for a quick and easy treat.

But, I wanted to make something more. Something s’more I guess you could say… by using the star players in this sweet treat and baking them into cupcakes.

I originally wanted to make cupcakes with a marshmallowy frosting that I could use a kitchen torch thingy on and toast the surface. However, I don’t have a kitchen torch and that’s probably a good thing. But I had to get these flavors out if my mind. And the only way I could do that is bake. So this is what I came up with instead.

Side view

Marshmallow stuffed graham cracker and chocolate cupcakes. Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Gooood.

Graham Cracker Batter

First, I added a little graham cracker cupcake batter in the bottom of the baking cups. And then I topped it with a butter, graham cracker and brown sugar mixture. Ohhhh yeah.

Marshmallow Centers

Then I cut some marshmallows in half and placed them right on top of that.

Cupcake Batter

Lastly cover the marshmallows and fill the baking cup about 3/4 full with the chocolate cupcake batter and more of the graham cracker crumb mixture.

Top View

When they bake, the marshmallow will mostly melt away into the cupcake, but a little will make it’s way to the surface and peek through the topping.


When you take them out of the oven, use a toothpick to separate any of the cake from the edge of the pan while they are still warm. They may stick a little from the marshmallows. But if you go ahead and do this carefully while they are still warm, then you can remove them without the cupcake tops tearing.

Side view

Then when you unwrap them, they will be perty! These looked too tempting right out of the oven so I may have had one or three while they were still warm. You could definitely stop here and serve them just like this.


But the chocolate lover in me, convinced me to make some ganache. It was a struggle, but the chocolate won as usual.


You can just use a spoon and pour it on randomly so you can still see some of the textured tops underneath. You can also dunk them for complete chocolate coverage.

Good Ganache

But, I like the messy look on these. The non-precise, shove in your face look.

Smore Cupcakes

And I also like them with the extra marshmallow look.


Not as easy to stuff in my face this way, but I managed.

S’more Cupcakes

S'more Cupcakes
Yield: 12-14 cupcakes

S'more Cupcakes



  • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 cup cocoa
  • 3/4 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 6 jumbo marshmallows cut in half, plus more for decorating

Graham Cracker Crumb topping

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
  • 1/4 cup butter, melted


  • 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup butter


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Cupcakes: In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and baking soda together with a wire whisk. Separate the mixture in half into two bowls.
  3. Stir cocoa into one bowl and the graham cracker crumbs into the other.
  4. Add 1/2 cup milk, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/4 cup oil to the cocoa mixture and beat on medium until combined.
  5. Repeat adding the same ingredients to the graham cracker crumb flour mixture.
  6. Prepare the graham cracker crumb topping. Add the brown sugar and crumbs in a small bowl and pour on the melted butter. Stir until combined.
  7. Assemble: Pour a little graham cracker cake batter into the bottom of your baking cups and then sprinkle the topping mixture lightly on the surface.
  8. Place a marshmallow half on top and then cover the marshmallow with the chocolate cake batter until it is about 3/4 full.
  9. Sprinkle with more topping mixture.
  10. Bake cupcakes for about 15 minutes. Place a cookie sheet underneath when you bake just in case. I had a little bit ooze over into the oven. Oops.
  11. Let cool and top with ganache.
  12. To make ganache: Heat the butter and cream on the stove. Heat until just before it boils. Remove and pour over chocolate. Stir until completely melted and smooth. Pour over cupcakes and add more marshmallows if you desire.


P.S. These are not gluten-free. But thank you so much everyone for all of the great gluten-free links and resources on the previous post. I do think I will give a go at a recipe sometime once I get my hands on the right ingredients.

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394 comments on “S’more or less”

  1. aesome stuff with harmonious activity

  2. Hey I made these yesterday and it wa my first time ever making cake from scratch and it was great!! they came out really delish even though the marshmallow kinda exploded through. I tried my first time my hand at ganahe for the first time and i kinda failed xD. Regardless they were great thank you!!

  3. OOOO, those look delicious!

  4. Dammit, mine were like… Weird. I live in Brazil, here we dont have Graham Crackers, so I had to use “Biscoito Maizena” and the result was kinda ugly… You know, the marshmallows started to rise (???) and they burned..

  5. Wow these look delicious!!!!!

  6. I’m an avid baker and really wanted to love these cupcakes but they were a complete disaster. From the cake batter that took double the 15 minutes to cook, to the then non-existent marshmallows after having to cook the batter so long, to the really unpleasant tasting cake, the greasy cupcake papers, the ganache that was runny like water. I have to wonder if the chef actually ever even made them herself. The proportions of this must have been way off because I followed it to the letter and none of it was good. And why fill with the graham topping which was undetectable and time consuming for no reason? I hope people get to read this so that they don’t waste their time and money like I did. The entire recipe, that I doubled, went in the trash. Why are there never reviews from people who have made these things to help the rest of us from wasting our time?

  7. I love to bake and I am so going to try it thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I made these yesterday for a friend’s birthday. They were fantastic! Instead of using the ganache, I placed a few pieces of Hershey bar on top and three toasted marshmallow halves on top of that. To toast, I placed the marshmallows under the broiler on low for about a minute. Delicious! Thanks for the recipe!

  9. So, I tried making these – twice! And both times they came out as a big, inedible mess!!!! I take that back – the parts that were edible were delicious, but stuck to the muffin pan. It seemed as if the marshmallow had exploded… Any thoughts on what went wrong?

  10. Ur S’more or less is the best dessert i ever ate it made me feel like going camping so thank u bakerale

  11. These taste fantastic! My only issue is that for some reason when i take them out of the oven they collapse. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. Any ideas or suggestions?

  12. I tried these yesterday. but mine didn’t work at all. the cupcake just totally sunk in. i have no idea what i did wrong! any tips?

  13. @Bakerella please answer

  14. My friends and I were so excited to make these cupcakes, so we planned a girls’ night to bake them! We had lots of fun making the cupcakes… until the ganache. It did not work out so well for us :( It was very thin and buttery. The cupcakes are still in the oven as I speak because the bottoms are still very liquidy. If you have any advice for us about how to correct these problems, please comment back! Thank you so much!

  15. you are amazing girl!!!keep it day i would love to do what you do!!

  16. Bakerella! I just made this recipe for my catering and they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo wonderful. Your recipes are bulletproof! Thank you for being such a magnificent Pastry Chef. I find your recipes to be far more reliable and fabulous than any other baking and pastry site.

    Keep up the good work and know that I am a loving fan.

  17. These are AmaZing!! I made them for my husband’s birthday last night and they turned out fantastic. They are SO delicious and a lot of fun to make! The perfect smore cupcake recipe that I was looking for!

  18. I tried to make these, and I didn’t like how the center would sink in. Other than that, they were good!

  19. My sister doesn’t like pie, so this is what I’m making to knock her socks off for Thanksgiving dessert. I haven’t had much luck with the marshmallows, and I’m lazy (well, otherwise occupied in the kitchen) so I’m just doing the graham cracker/chocolate cupcake with whipped cream on top.

  20. i tried making these cupcakes because they looked super awesome but when I did, they turned out horrible! I also noticed that when you said it would be a cake batter, we followed the instructions like you said but it turned out like a dough instead of a batter. i think you forgot to mention to add water. then in the end, they tasted more bitter than sweet and more breadlike than cakelike. i don’t know what i did wrong, but i think your recipe was a little off. i don’t know who else tried to make the cupcakes like me, and i wonder if they had the same problem?

  21. Last weekend I made these for my daughter’s fourth birthday – it was a camping theme. These were perfect. I discovered some things as I made test batches.
    The first time I accidentally only used 1/4C of cocoa, and the result was a batch of very smooth, consistently moist cupcakes. The second time I used the recipe’s 3/4C, and ended up with that wonderfully decadent, fudgy top layer. And the third time I used 1/2C for a perfect-for-kids mutant cupcake/brownie texture. All three batches were awesome.
    Also, because they were for kids we didn’t use the ganache to avoid mess. We piped chocolate icing in a small dollop right in the middle of each cupcake. (This was nice because it was able to fill in the chasms made in some of the cupcakes when the marshmallows melted.) Then we topped with three mini marshmallows and a teddy graham. Way cool. Thanks so much!

  22. Ok, so I didn’t read all of the comments before my first post, but if at least half of people are having problems could there be some tweaking done to the official recipe? Please Bakerella!

  23. I just tried this amazing looking recipe and had some troubles. When I took them out after 15 minutes they were not even close to done, and I didn’t feel like I over filled them (they didn’t even overflow!) I put them back in for another 15 minutes and they still don’t look done! Many have collapsed much more than expected :(

    Does anyone have any suggestions? Or has anyone else experienced this?

  24. I figured out what I did wrong. I put too much butter in the crumb mixture. Darnit!!!! I’m still bringing them to a party, they’re delicious.

  25. I’m making these now and they seem very raw and gooey, even after 20 minutes. Hopefully this story will have a happy ending!

  26. Mine caved in the centers :(

    Any suggestions on how to prevent this on my next attempt, because trust me, I will be making these again!! :)

  27. looks so Delicious i feel like eating them right now ! i am going to make these tommorow

  28. i luv smores and made into a cupcake even better i actually just made these and i m eating them i have got to make these another time deliciousness.

  29. For the crumb topping, is the brown sugar light or dark, or does it matter? These look amazing and I can’t wait to make them!

  30. These look absolutely delicious! I LOVE s’mores recipes, and can’t wait to try this one out!

  31. hi bakerella!
    this is my first time on your website and I luv it! I made your chocolate crackle cookies and they were delish!

    I am probly going to make these a back to school treat. can’t wait!

    p.s I am twelve and love to bake and cook!

  32. Me and my friend made these and they EXPLODED it was so sad ): we are planing on a remake though (:

  33. Those look sooooo good…! Here’s a video on how we have been making regular s’mores this summer in Texas:

  34. These are really good, and everyone who ate them raved about them. However, the 15 minute bake time wasnt long enough in my case, and the first batch all went in the trash. 20 minutes seemed just right!

  35. after going through pages and pages to find a review, I decided to post one of my own (found plenty of people saying that these looked good, but nobody saying that they TASTED good. which is important when you have to compare recipes).
    They’re really good! The chocolate cake could be a little more chocolatey, and the graham cracker cake could easily be passed off for yellow, but the presentation just adds to the already great taste, so it doesn’t matter. The graham cracker topping really makes the cupcake and adds texture.
    The marshmallow kind of dissolves into the cupcake and leaves a big hole in it, so i would suggest sticking the second half of the marshmallow into the pit in the cupcake and stick it int he oven for a minute or two so that the eater can have the ‘gooey marshmallow’ experience. Or you could torch it to make it even more smore like.

    And they taste great without the addition of the marshmallow on top and the chocolate ganache. I didn’t add those and people still loved them :]

    thanks for the recipe :] i’ll definitely be coming back!

  36. These cupcakes looked great so of course I had to give them a shot! Unfortunately, the bake time for these suckers was totally off! These cupcakes were only 1/2 way baked through after 15 minutes yet my toothpick came out clean.. didn’t even realize until I came back a few minutes later and there was a crater size hole in the middle of my cupcakes. I threw them back in the oven but the damage was already done. These cupcakes need to bake for at least a half an hour… I was so disappointed because I was so excited to share this recipe with my fellow cupcake club members. :(

  37. I just made these today and they were just perfect! :) Super messy but perfect! Thank you!!!

  38. Yum! These are soooo good. For me this recipe made 16 very large cupcakes. I used vegan marshmallows in this recipe. I loved how ooey gooey these look. I toasted the marshmallow on top on the cupcakes for a nice finish. For some reason the middle sank, but no one could notice after the ganach was one. Thanks for the great recipe!

  39. Looks great, what kind of “oil” did you use?

  40. HI! I tried making these tonight! Haven’t tasted them but figured I’d give you a tip, do NOT reverse these (putting the chocolate on the bottom and graham cracker on top). The Denseness of the chocolate keeps everything ‘together’ my second batch (done in reverse) allowed the marshmallow to ‘blow up’ and the graham gracker batter went everywhere. :) Thanks for the recipe!

  41. this site made me cry ;D
    it looks i looks soooooooooooooooooooooo delicious!!!
    cant w8 to make these!
    i love you <3

  42. I made these this weekend and the center collapsed and I don’t understand why. Frustrating…
    I covered the hole in the middle with a marshmallow on top. They tasted pretty good though, so that was alright.

  43. gonna have to try these for sure. I know they are going to be wonderful! thanks

  44. Thanks a million for this awesome recipe!

    My modifications:

    1.) I made extra of the crumb topping and pressed some into the bottom of the cupcake pan first. Makes a nice little crust on the bottom and looks gorgeous when it comes out (like three layers)

    2.) I used cake mixes. for the bottom I used yellow cake mix and added graham cracker crumbs to the mix.

    3.) When I put the 1/2 marshmallow in the center I also sprinkled some semi sweet chips.

    3.) I filled them with marshmallow filling. I adore filled cupcakes!

    4.) I used 1/2 a marshmallow on top and the filling poking out the top held them nicely in place.

    These cupcakes are as gorgeous to look at as they are delicious to eat!!!!

  45. So I made these insane cupcakes for me and my boyfriends anniversary and…they didn’t turn out on the first try. First off, it may just be my oven but the 15 minutes suggested was way too short. Secondly, the jumbo marshmallow in the middle made the cupcakes almost…. implode and then they lost all shape and flopped completely flat. I threw the first batch away and replaced the marshmallow in the middle with marshmallow creme and then baked mini marshmallows into the cupcake. Oh my goodness, so delicious!! Top it with that wonderful ganache and some more marshmallows and its just sugary-perfection! Thank you so much for this awesome recipe!!!

  46. I just made these and they are to die for. I’m in love. <3

  47. Well I read through all the comments and figured that everyone was doing something wrong, and that I wouldn’t! Well, I was wrong because I had the case of the exploding cupcake too. I also did a couple of changes, one on purpose and one by accident. I subbed almond milk for the milk. And I accidentally added all the milk to the graham. Weighing my options, I decided just to mix the two batters together and it was very tasty! Albeit messy. Fresh out of the oven I scraped the exploded cupcake into a bowl, and served it with chocolate brownie ice cream. I got two marriage proposals.

  48. I am not a great baker and these took me a full morning to make, but it was worth it! I LOVED the way the graham crackers baked into the cupcake. YUM! I made 3 dozen for a dinner at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance–I know they will love it. Thanks for a great recipe!

  49. i love your idea

  50. My best friend introduced me to your blog and the pioneer woman’s blog, and even though the extent of my cooking goes no further than whatever i can microwave, you’ve inspired me to cook.. i’ll be trying these out tonight!

  51. My little sister made these for a party. They were literally the best baked good I have ever had in my entire life. And let me assure you I have had a LOT of delicious baked things! Thanks for an amazing recipe!!

  52. Those cupcakes look so yummy! I love s’mores so much that I made my own homemade ones. Here’s a link to it.

    Jason & Steve

  53. o..m..g.. I made these for an event and people went nuts over them!! I’ll make these again for sure!! They’re so yummy!

  54. this looks great i am going to make this thank u for putting this on here

  55. Tried it tonight. Filled the baking cups wayyy too much haha. Mama saved them. :)

  56. THESE are on my list for today!!! Can’t wait to try ’em!

  57. Ok, so I decided to foray into the world of S’mores cupcakes last night with a distinct FAIL and a certain win. My first 12 were done in baking cups in metal baking pans. The overflow from the first batch ended up being 4 extra cupcakes so those I cooked in my silicone pan (in the baking cups). The first 12 were soggy and collapsed horribly in the middle after they cooled. I guess they just didn’t cook enough but it was really hard to tell as the tops seemed cooked. I cooked those for 20 minutes. The silicone 4 (cooked the same amount of time) came out cooked all the way through and only sank a tiny tiny bit on some of them after they cooled. I drizzled ganache on them (after I added about 1/2 a Tbsp of powdered sugar because I thought the ganache was too bitter) and then topped them with half a marshmallow that was dipped in ganache and then covered in graham cracker crumbs. Then I drizzled a little more ganache on the marshmallow. Perfection. Actually, the next time I make them I will probably cut back the baking 3 minutes or so just to see if I can keep them slightly more moist. But everyone loved them (I made a full second batch all cooked in silicone bakeware… mental note to get another silicone muffin pan). I would like to try them with marshmallow creme in the middle next time. Or make it like a cake… But honestly the half done ones were DELICIOUS… just really ugly.

  58. Hey, I am a big fan and was trying this recipe, and ran into a few road bumps. Do you have a solution to the holes in the cupcakes? Some of my cupcakes ended up with giant holes in them from where the marshmallow was placed. Is there a remedy to that?

  59. Hello! My girlfriend and I have been looking through your site recently and were extremely excited to make these. So, we went and bought all the needed supplies and quickly whipped up a batch. We are vegetarians so we substituted Fluff for the marshmallows. After 15 minutes cooking, they were a boiling mess so we left them in longer. After about 10 mins we decided to take them out in fear of sending the building in a mad panic from the burning smell. Even after 25 mins in the oven, they were extremely oily and barely cooked. So… we took the leftover batter and decided to make some more without the Fluff. They too turned out terrible: sunken in the middle (without the marshmallow), oily, and barely cooked. I think this may need to be tweaked. We both have experience with baking and followed everything to a T. I’d love to hear what you think the problem was and can’t wait to try a possibly updated recipe!

  60. I’ve made these SEVERAL TIMES. It’s quite a lengthy process but they are worth every minute.

    so delicious!

  61. Hello! I’m from the UK and I’m not sure if Graham Crackers are sold here… Could anyone tell me a possible replacement that can be found in english supermarkets?

  62. I made this tonight and they were a hit! I used mini marshmallows instead of big ones and it looked so cute! I also used Splenda instead of sugar/brown sugar and no one could tell! Thank you for the inspiration!

  63. horrible idea

  64. ok, the second time I made these I still put an extra 1/2 marshmallow on top (after 12 mins. in the oven) and added ganache after they cooled. I baked them for about 24 minutes and they turned out great.

  65. My friend and I made these today and found the chocolate too overpowering and thus you couldnt really taste any other aspect of the s’more cupcake.

  66. p.s. I put 1/2 marshmallow on the top of each cupcake after they’d been in the oven for about 15 mins. They look AMAZING, but do you think it slowed the cooking down? please help, I’d like to try these again.

  67. I baked these for 15 mins., per the instructions and they were soup. I then put them back in for 4 1/2 mins and they were still soup. I put them back in again for 10 minutes and am hoping that they will be done when they cool. A little frustrating…??? Any ideas????

  68. I made these a few weeks ago and they turned out perfectly! I did them per the recipe and they turned out really well. However, you are left with a hole in the middle from the marshmallow but you can pour ganache and have a chocolate center, which people seemed to really enjoy. Like others, I covered the whole with half a marshmallow.

    FYI – Please don’t double up this recipe. It’s great as is. I tried to double up the ingredients and chemistry worked against me. They came out incredibly dense. :( Otherwise, GREAT recipe!

  69. Just made them for a party this weekend! I’m very excited about bringing something unique to the table. My only “gripe” is that the cupcakes did not fully cook in 15 minutes, and when i took them out the centers deflated like a soufle – there are big depressions in the centers. Boo, i’ll cover with marshmellows… hopefully the center will harden and my guests won’t notice. :-) Thanks for the recipe!

  70. Absolutely deeeeelicious! THANK YOU so much for the recipe. They turned out perfectly and excited to bring them to work tomorrow! :)

  71. I made these last night in 1 cup cupcake pan and used a whole marshmallow. Baked at 325 for 26 min. Wow, they are so good. We ate them warm with the ganache. It was hard to stop at one.

  72. I wanted to try making these, but when I made them and they came out of the oven, they had exploded and the graham cracker cake hadn’t fully cooked yet. Please help!

  73. I am a baker in a small corporate dining facility and baked these cupcakes today. After they were baked, I melted down some marshmallows, milk, and butter and dipped the tops for a super thin, gooey marshmallow topping. Then I drizzled ganache over that and garnished with 3 mini marshmallows. They were DELICIOUS! Thanks for sharing!

  74. looks good…

  75. Oh my gosh, I want to make everything on this site!!! I’m going to suggest a potluck at work soon, so I can do some testing! :)

  76. Is it unsweetened cocoa?

  77. Is it unsweetened cocoa?

  78. I like Hannah baked these and when I took them out and they cooled they sunk but, also they didn’t cook all the way. On the directions you said about 15 minutes? Would that be 15 minutes or more. They were delicious and we are enjoying them even though they are not fully baked. Want to try them again when I have time, since they take a little time to make.

  79. Dear Bakerella,

    My name is Hannah. I’m 11 years old. I love baking and I want to be a chef when I grow up. I searched recipes for a week and my birthday is tomorrow so today, my mom and I tried baking your recipe for S’more cupcakes. They were really fun to make and we read your instructions very carefully. When we took them out of the oven they were perfect and then while they were cooling, they completely sunk! But, I tasted one and….boy! Were they delicious! If you get back to me… that would be great! If you give me advice then I will be willing to try them again.

    from, Hannah

  80. Bakerella- I made these cupcakes last weekend and they were delicious! I put a bit too much batter in (way too much) and so they kind of toppled over. Delightful otherwise!!

  81. I made these just a few weeks ago for a shared birthday party for my daughter and her little friend. HUGE hit and they were actually pretty easy. Which is a good thing since baking is not my strong point. The only change I made was that I used mini-marshmallows instead of the big ones. I put three mini marshmallows in the middle of each cupcake and then topped each finished cupcake with three more mini marshmallows. The mini ones are a little easier for my 3 year old to eat!

  82. A co-worker has been trying to get me to make a s’mores dessert for weeks. Found your website for the first time last week and made this today. They came out amazing and look great!

  83. I am sooo disappointed… I tried to make these and they fell apart! I don’t know what i did wrong. I got maybe 2 good ones. They all taste great but they kind of sank in on me. Big holes in the middle of a bunch…. What did I do? I had a hard time telling if they where fully cooked or not…. :( Im eating the broken ones as we speak. SO GOOD!

  84. Yep, mine came out sunken, runny and oily too. I am soooo disappointed. They looked great when they came out of the oven. Then sank to the bottom.

  85. Made them again, no marshmallows.
    Still sunk like the Titanic :(

  86. Wow…I normally never eat what I make because I like to bake for my loved ones, but these look so-o-o-o-o-o heavenly good, I just might make them for and eat them all myself!!!!

    Does it make a difference whether I use regular whole milk or 2% milk?

    I’ve only recently stumbled across your site, and just love it and your photography.

    thank you.

  87. Came out looking PHENOMENAL… then sank into sadness :(

    I’m filling with mini-mallows and chocolate chips… but like others, I think next time I will skip the marshmallow and add a few minis toward the end of baking.

    Same issue with consistency of the two batters as well.

  88. i am not eat use marshmallow but i try make it then i eat it so delicious too… they are like order it

  89. Just made these as a thank you gift for a neighbor and a Valentine’s Day treat for my family.

    The first round they sunk horribly in the middle (which I ended up filling with half a “fresh” marshmallow before putting the ganache on top, so it worked out o.k. other than that they were quick to completely fall apart). I found that the second round worked much better—I just put a very thin layer of the graham batter and pushed the marshmallow half down into the graham batter a bit before covering it completely with the chocolate layer.

    It was completely worth the effort—absolutely delicious.

  90. Im with Shayna…mine sunk–I have a huge hole in each one…:(

  91. these cupcakes looks sooo yummy. i will have to try them. i love smores, and the just look awesome!

  92. These were phenomenal! They were described as magnificent, fantastic, etc. My only issue is that I made the chocolate mixture first and then the graham cracker mixture (as stated in directions). As I assembled my cupcake, the chocolate mixture became VERY thick and difficult to place on the marshmallow. I suggest you make the graham cracker mixture first and then make the chocolate mixture. Otherwise these were a great success!

  93. I just made these. They’re DELICIOUS, and the two batters were perfect for my three-year-old twin daughters who made them with me. I was glad that I made a trial cupcake to get an idea of how much batter to use. The marshmallow melted and spilled into the next cupcake well! I’d say I used 3 tsp of graham cracker batter and 2 tsp of chocolate for each cupcake.

    My husband says that I would win, hands down, if I entered this in a baking competition.

    One idea, for folks who don’t like the messy look, is to leave the marshmallow out of the center, and use marshmallow creme for icing. It’s not nearly as fun, though, as this recipe. :)

    I actually got 2 dozen cupcakes from the recipe, and the layers are just gorgeous.

  94. i actually made these into cake balls :)

    Baked them as 2 seperate cakes and made icing using Fluff (so yummy) for that marshmellow taste

    Then using a mini ice cream scoop made 2 halfs; rolled them both together…rolled in some extra graham cracker crumbs and covered in chocolate.

    They were by far the most favorit treat i’ve brought to work yet (i don’t think they lasted an hour). I didn’t have time to cover them all in chocolate but they were ALMOST as good without it!

  95. I think I need to make these again soon and see what’s up.

    Half successful and half not. Hmmm. Will investigate.

  96. Anything that I bake with my grandchildren whether pretty or not is special…but pretty does add to the fun!

  97. I just made brownies with marshmallows. Now I want to make the cupcakes they look soooooo delicious with a hidden surprise!

  98. I just made these today and they look fantastic! I made them for a friend’s birthday, so the taste test will have to wait, but the leftover batter and ganache sure were yummy! ;)

  99. For some reason mine collapsed in the middle. Any suggestions? Thanks

  100. These are by far the best thing I have ever made. I think my husband fell in love with me again while he was taste testing them. :)

    I did have to bake mine longer for a total of 25 minutes. They were the biggest mess I have ever made in the kitchen, but totally worth it!!!! Amazing, the flavor combination is just perfect!

  101. So tonight we were both in the mood for something sweet & we decided to bake this sweet treat. We bought all of the ingredients & measured & baked. When we opened the oven door.. “AW DANG IT.” The cupcakes had overflowed for some reason & the marshmallows looked like they exploded. In summery: one hot (yummy) mess.

    What did we do wrong? We were really excited for this but ultimately we failed.

  102. I’ve made 3 batches so far. The 1st was a yummy disaster, my kids “helped”. The 2nd, I gave most away. The 3rd is a double batch in the oven as I type, for my son’s birthday tomorrow. He said he HAD to have them, because he wanted to have s’mores as his school treat, but you can’t have a fire at school. All batches have had the hollow space where the marshmallow was, but the ganache fills the space up nicely ;) I love the ganache! It’s messy, just like fireside s’mores.Going to try a dollop of marshmallow fluff as the topping.

  103. I tried this recipe today and some of my cupcakes are hollow where the marshmallow was. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

  104. I made these last night! They were easier that I expected and oh sooo good!

  105. My first thought on for toasted marsh mellows would be to top them off when there is a minute or two left and let them broil or brown in the heated oven – I do that to brownies all the time. You are truly talented, thank you so much for sharing, nurturing & creating!

  106. So, the trick is to read the last comments! I read about 150 oooooh, aaahhhhs & love your sites before I got to the 20 someodd people who actually made these & saw most of them too had messy disasterous results like mine. Raw bottom, caving, burning marshmellow in oven smell over-chocolate tasting batter. Love the idea, but needs some serious tweaks. Gotta go take out the trash!

  107. I made this last Friday to bring to a friend’s kid’s birthday… I figured it would be easy and fast and it did! My only problem is almost the same as everyone…the graham batter was thinner and the chocolate was very thick (it was so thick and dry). I didn’t fret as I didn’t have the time, so I just added more liquid to the chocolate batter. I had been able to make 21 cupcakes out of this… after 15 mins. it seemed like the batter was still raw, so I baked it a little longer. After it cooled, the middle sank…I didn’t worry as I just put the ganache in it. It tasted good…my hubby liked it…but maybe next time I’ll try the mini marshmallow or use the fluff….
    Bakerella, it’s still a hit no matter what. Thanks for sharing….

  108. Ok, so I was SO excited to make these because I just got a new S’more themed stamp set and I was having visions of making cute little treat tags…
    The first batch was a bit hairy- I had a marshmellow mess in the oven!! So some reason my chocolate batter wasn’t so creamy and it didn’t spread easily over the marshmellow piece on the cupcake.. the marshmellow expanded and just pushed the chocolate out of hte way.. (silly marshmellow!)
    The second batch, I put a lot less of the first layer and used two mini-mellows instead.. but I still had the same problem with the chocolate not standing it’s ground.. Any suggestions? The only thing I can think of is that I used 1 % milk?!?!

  109. If anyone comes up with a gluten free version of this, PLEASE let me know! ALso, if anyone has ever heard of a marshmallow i can buy that doesn’t have corn syrup/starch in it. My Kids are allergic to milk, wheat, corn, strawberries, and peanuts! And I just really want to find some treats for them that are different then just plain cake etc.

  110. I’m not a fan of chocolate ganache at all, so how about simply frosting with some marshmallow fluff ?

  111. made these to day for my daughters birthday and they turned out perfect!!!! i did a double batch and thined my coco batter a little with milk.. the marsmallow came to the top and carmalized with the buttery crumb mix they where the hit of the party and so pretty i almost did not put the topping on them but the cholate won out in the end!!! thank you so much i turn to your web site at least twice a week to see what is new and what i can do next!!!

  112. Yep….made these for my sons 5th birthday……I think I am in a happy sugar coma…YUMMY!!

  113. i LOVE smores. i have to make these. it would be a sin not to!

  114. I tried to make these.. Taste so yummy.. But I made a hot mess.. they didn’t cook all the way… Ummm.. It didn’t help that my son poked his finger in the center of each cupcake.. LOL.. But mine didn’t look anything like cupcakes.. What is the secret to a perfect cupcake???

  115. I just made these today, breaking my faithful ritual of the Magnolia Bakery cookbook. I must add that I live in Colorado, so everything I make, particularly cake, turns to crumbs ten minutes after cooling. But these are perfect! They’re fantastically moist, even when fully cooked, and more than satisfy my sweet tooth. I must say, I think I’m turning to you for now on.

    – Hannah

  116. Wow, these photos are torturing me! I wish I could eat one of those cupcakes now. However, I recently found out I am allergic to chocolate so for now, looking will have to do…

  117. I made these tonight to bring in to our elementary faculty room tomorrow. They are delicious but I am wondering if there should be a pinch of salt in them. What do you think, Bakerella? I’m sure they’ll be a hit and I’ll proudly send everyone to your site for the recipe :)

  118. I just made these….OMG. I don’t even care that I forgot the drip pan and they made a mess in my oven. I skipped the ganache and when cool, I topped the cupcakes with a few extra mini marshmallows. I popped them under the broiler for a few minutes to toast the top marshmallows. YUM!

  119. just say the word s’more and I come running!
    …Although, I must say, this recipe looks a little more complicated than Ham’s explanation for s’mores to Smalls in The Sandlot ;)

  120. That’s what happened to 4 of mine – didn’t cook inside.

  121. I tried twice to make these and couldn’t get them to bake all the way through…any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong?

  122. I made these this past weekend for my Mom’s birthday dinner and they were awesome! Everyone loved them! I make a marshmallow frosting to go on top and then scorched it. DE-LIC-IOUS!!!!

  123. These were wonderful. I made some this weekend. Most of my marshmallows poked through the top and toasted, so it was as though I cooked them over an open flame. Perfection! I think next time, I’ll add a whole marshmallow to get more of that. And I will also add more of the “struesel” inside because it adds a lovely melty buttery taste to the middle.

    And, in case anyone is wondering, I doubled the recipe without any real problems. But I wouldn’t double the “struesel”. I had to throw too much of that away.

  124. Yum is right! Made these this weekend with my son.

    15 cupcakes….11 delicious successes, 4 failures. Everyone thought this was a fantastic combination of graham, chocolate, and marshmallow flavors. The center (over the marshmallow) puffed high while cooking, fell considerably once cooled. A nice depression for marshmallow pieces and ganache…

    I’m a novice baker to be sure, so the issue with 4 was likely mine. I followed the recipe as written, used half a Jet-Puffed marshmallow between layers. 4 cupcakes came out so soft as to fail to hold their shape at all when removed, becoming pancakes on the cooling rack. Essentially, they seemed to be uncooked where the layers met.

    Next time I’m going to acknowledge my novice status and try this as a two-layer cake, using marshmallow fluff between the layers and graham topping/ganache on top!

  125. Oh my goodness these look delicious! I’m going to try these right now!

  126. Made these tonight because they looked so yummy. They turned out great. I made some mini ones and some regular size cupcakes. They are so good. I, like Jesse, used mini marshmallows. Some of my mini ones caved in so I just improvised and placed a mini marshmallow in the space.

  127. I made these today. Unfortunately I didn’t have the jumbo sized marshmallows, so I just made do with my mini marshmallows ( I put 3 in place of the 1/2 jumbo one). These turned out amazing and was a major hit with my family! Next time though I will definitely have to use the larger marshmallow. I feel like it could have been more gooey. Other than that, AMAZING!! Hats off to you bakerella.

  128. I made these and the centers collapsed due to the marshmallow i think. any suggestions?

  129. I was so excited to try these out…I waited all week getting all twitchy and excitable about my newest baking find only to be horrified by the devastation once I opened my oven.

    Like a few others, my graham mixture was thinner than the cocoa, and once baked the bottom was an oily mess. On my next batch I omitted the graham crumb mixture and the paper liners (used a gallon of non stick spray instead). I also cooked for a longer period. The oil problem disappeared but then I got the marshmallow crater like several others (I used mini marshmallows).

    I think next time I’ll leave the marshmallows completely out of the mixture and wait until the cupcakes are baked to top with mallows and broil in the oven. Even though mine didn’t turn out as beautiful as Bakerella’s they still taste great! I brought them into work and got lots of giggles out of my co-workers from my mishap!

  130. Yum! Your friends and neighbors must love you! You probably always have a treat like this around and share it with whomever knocks at your door. Speaking of, where do you live?? Can’t wait to see the next treat you make!

  131. I just made a batch myself and they turned out absolutely great!

  132. Bakerella – I love all of your ideas! I was wondering when your book is coming out…I want to be first in line to get it!

  133. My seven year old made these yesterday for a little football soiree with neighborhood friends. She forbid me from doing anything (except explaining what 3/4 meant in the recipe and reaching for the ingredients). They were great, and the adults seemed to like them as much (more?) than the kids. A couple of thoughts from the sideline: buttering the TOP of the muffin tin will prevent the spillover stickiness; marshmallows should be shoved way down so they don’t bubble up and explode; you end up with less chocolate than graham mixture b’c of the way the cocoa absorbs, so I might make the split 2/3 to 1/3 at that step in the recipe; and be sure to save the left over ganache in the fridge…someone will definitely eat it! We got 16 from the recipe. Thanks Bakerella!

  134. My daughter turns 13 this month and does not want a traditional cake (Mom, pleeeessse-insert tweenager whine), but she’s a huge fan of s’mores. This might be just the ticket!

  135. Delicious!! These were so good that I had to make a second batch because the first one vanished so quickly.

  136. These look so good. This will be our next baking adventure. I thought you would like these peanut butter truffle brownies (see our blog). I plan to turn these into a cupcake. I will let you know how it goes :)

  137. My sister and I made these yesterday with a few changes. We didn’t have jumbo marshmellows, so we used mini ones. The first batch we followed the rest of the instructions exactly (4 mini marshmellows in each). They turned out okay but very very messy. So we didn’t put the graham cracker topping in the cupcake the second time and put more batter and fewer marshmellows in the second time and then put more topping on top. They turned out amazing!

  138. Just like your last picture shows… YUM !!!

    Cant’ wait to make them for my kids !

    Love your recipes !

    Pam :)

  139. Oh Lord. Bestill my heart.

  140. I made these this weekend and added 2 extra minutes to the baking time. After I let them cool, about half of them seriously sunk in the middle. I haven’t tried them yet, but they look pathetic. Are they just underbaked?

  141. I am making these now and am running into the same problem as a few others – I baked them for 15 mins and they were cooked on top but seemed totally raw on the inside and the bottom was really oily. I put them back in to cook so I hope that helps, but if not, I might have to throw them away. I used paper liners; maybe I should have used something thicker – I have no idea how I’m going to get them out of the muffin pan!

  142. OMG, seriously. I am totally making these….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  143. I made these yesterday and they were absolutely delicious! Thanks for the great recipe! Although I did have an issue with the marshmallows melting and the top of the cupcake collapsing in on itself, which made for a messy delivery. But I’m not complaining and neither did any of my friends. I received nothing but rave reviews! Thanks again!

  144. Made these yesterday and they were delicious! At the end of the baking time, I was afraid they might not be done; so I added two more minutes. That was enough to overcook the marshmallows and melt them completely. It left a big hole in the top of each cupcake where they caved in. It made a great place to pour the ganache, but they weren’t as pretty as Bakerella’s! Just a word of warning to those of you who make these. Stick to the prescribed baking time! :)

  145. OMG! These look delicious! I have been looking for some different things to make for the sports team snack bar…for sure I’ll try these as everyone loves smores. To switch it up, I may use a couple of the small marshmallows on top instead of the one large one. Thanks!

  146. Hi Bakerella,
    I made these last night: amazing! However, I ran into a slight problem. When the cupcakes were baked, some of them caved in, so the top of the cupcake had a hole. They were still awesome though.
    Thanks for the wonderful recipes!

  147. I made these cupcakes today, and they are DELICIOUS. I doubled the recipe because that’s kind of what I do when I make cupcakes because I tend to give them away to people that live in my apartment, and I made 24 cupcakes + I made the rest into a little 9 inch round cake. They are fantastic.

  148. Like a few others have said, I’m going to have to make these for Girl Scouts. If I make them for the girls, I’ll have to try them plain first. If they need an extra kick of chocolate, I’ll have to come up with something other than the ganche. I don’t want to even imagine the mess the girls could make eating that.
    I have made smores bars in the past and those were yummy too, I just can’t remember where that recipes came from.

  149. i made these tonight for my bible study group and had the same problem with the marshmallows. I covered the half marshmallow entirely with the (very thick!) chocolate batter and they came out looking BEAUTIFUL until the marshmallow cooled and sunk.

    They tasted delicious anyway, and I still took them. Most of the group is high school/college aged boys who didn’t particularly care what they looked like. :D

    I think if i made them again, I would try using mini marshmallows, or perhaps try the suggestion of putting a marshmallow in the crater and broiling the cupcakes until the marshmallow melts over the top.

  150. These really look amazing. S’mores happen to be my favorite food, so I am pretty sure I need to make these. Like, right now. At midnight.

    Okay, maybe I’ll wait till tomorrow :)

  151. Just a couple of notes. I too had a thick cocoa batter in comparison to my graham cracker batter, but ten extra minutes in the oven seemed to do the trick-even though they didn’t come out toothpick clean, I could tell they were done enough). I used foil, jumbo cupcake liners and that really helped keep them from sticking to the pan (though it was completely on accident, I was pleasantly surprised) and helped to contain all of the crumbs, etc… until people tore into them, which they literally did.

  152. I made these for my husband’s 30th birthday, yesterday. I did leave off the ganache and extra marshmallow since we would be serving in a beer garden and I thought it might be a bit too messy, but they were still delish! We had a couple of leftovers, which my nine-month pregnant self polished off today. They were so good and a nice change from the usual sugary cupcakes at birthday parties. They will definately be a repeat recipe. Yum, yum, yum!

  153. These are way too much for me. I love desserts and sweet snacks, but I’m not a marshmallow lover. Maybe it would be better withour the marshmallows on top.

  154. Your photos are absolutely mouthwatering! These looks so decadent, not to mention fun to make! I will definitely be trying these out in my own kitchen asap :)

  155. my darlign friend snt me a smores kit AGES ago……..9still haven’t made them) but might just have to try this recipe too……you have inspired me to make smores now….thanx bakerella

  156. I have loved your website since I found it over a year ago. I’ve made so many of your recipes and they always get rave reviews! Baking is one of my most favorite things to do….until lately…I’m in my first trimester of my first pregnancy. Sadly, the thought of baking makes my stomach turn and I don’t even know why. Then, I saw these cupcakes. My tummy jumped for joy! I may have to make these right away! Maybe you got me back in the saddle again!

  157. Oh yum! Thing 3 LOVES S’mores. She made something similar to this a couple of months ago. We’ll have to resurrect our S’more baking again! Thanks for the incentive and motivation!

  158. I came here from One Pretty Thing…and immediately had to print out this recipe. I’m making these as soon as I can. As in — I’m actually considering braving the grocery store on a Sunday to pick up the rest of the ingredients. These look absolutely decadent!

  159. Smores cupcakes are my favorite and I have made several attempts. my two favorites was to use a marshmallow fluff frosting mixed with a little meringue and toasted with a torch, but without a torch I just put the mallows ontop of the cupcake and broil it for a few… topped with a graham and hershey kiss its just like a smore

  160. I love smore anything. Give me more smore! These look absolutely delicious. I must try them! I want one! Do you ship overseas? :)

  161. You have my mouth watering. I am in the UK – what would I use instead of graham crackers?

  162. Hi Bakerella, I first saw you and your gorgeous cupcake pops on an episode of Martha Stewart (not sure how delayed it was as I love in Australia) and had lost track of you since then. I was so taken with your lovely little creations, and had always wondered what else you had created! I am so very happy to have stumbled across your blog:) I love your creativity and my three daughters will be very grateful too, once I deliver some more of your wonderful baking ideas. I really am not the best baker in the world, but you are such an inspiration and I just love your blog. Looking forward to following in 2010 :)- Tina :)

  163. lolololololol – clever & hilarious title! All I can say is, “There goes the diet!”

  164. So yummy, I have to start baking :D

  165. Oh great. Just what my butt needs. And a happy, jiggly new year to you, too.

  166. Land sakes…these look good!! Something I can’t resist!!

  167. I made these cupcakes last night. My graham batter was definitely thinner than my chocolate but I followed all the steps only after 15 min of baking, they were pretty much still like liquid. I let them cook for 10 minutes longer and that seemed to help. My problem came with the ganache – I followed your measurements and it came out like chocolate soup with a strong butter flavor. I was wondering if the ratios were off and if anyone else had trouble with this aspect of the recipe.

  168. Mkay, girrrl – YOU are the reason I get up every morning and hit the gym ;) Thank you!!! These were SOOOOOOO good! Keep ’em coming…

  169. I’m absolutely a drooling mess right now — these look completely incredible! I shared the link with a coworker, and she just informed me that I “must make these for the next potluck!”

    Oh, I’ll make them, all right… but I doubt a single one will actually make it into work! :)

  170. These look wonderful.

  171. While I read you all the time, I never comment! Shame on me. I had to write today because I love smores and as soon as I saw your post I naturally went home and made a batch. I wanted to offer my idea, which was to heat up a little fluff in a bowl and spread it on like icing. I’m not done yet! I then drizzled the chocolate ganache on top….AND I added some of the extra graham cracker topping! Delicious. I was also thinking that if these baked for about 5 minutes and then the marshmallows were stuffed inside maybe that would work? Or even if minis were toasted on top for the last couple of minutes. I had so much batter I made mini cupcakes with a mini marshmallow on top and drizzled in ganache. Thanks again for the recipe, yum!

  172. I love your site and ideas! These cupcakes look so scrumdiddlyumptious….I love the “extra marshmallow look”!!!!! Perfect! Reminds me of my Brownie (Girl Scouts) days…

  173. We made these tonight and they are amazing!! My fiance says they are the best cupcakes he’s ever had!!

  174. add me to those that don’t really like marshmallows, but i might have to give this a try for my husband!

  175. I am new to bakerella, but so excited to try all these recipes!!

  176. These look delicious!!!

  177. I am in Utah, so it would make perfect sense to me. We are pretty close.

    My liners were the aluminum ones with the paper liners. The oil baffles me on yours though.

    Here is my end result from my first try (minus the ganache):

  178. Brekke – i am sorry yours failed like mine. I wonder if altitude does effect it? I live in Idaho not sure how high i am tho.
    I think I will try them again with 1/3 of a jumbo mallow in the middle…and maybe more sturdy/thick liners.
    The one part that def turned me off was how my liners were just oozing with oil. Ick!
    But they look so dang good that I can’t just NOT make them again! lol!

  179. these look so mouth watering! i’ve been wanting to try making these, and the recipe i have also calls for torching the marshmallow frosting so i’ve always been hesitant. but i saw somewhere that you can just stick it in the broiler for a couple minutes too, if you dont have the torch.

  180. Oh. My. God. You are EVIL! The pregnant person in me wants one NOW, but the pregnant person in me does not feel like making them…. lol I can’t wait to try these!

  181. Bakerella – would you mind doing some valentine’s ideas a little early? I am hosting a Vday party Feb 2 – and I’m in major need of help!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Thank you!

  182. Wow those look absolutely amazing! I am so trying this recipe this weekend.. it will be a good present for my two friends who’s birthdays are coming up next week.. Thank you! `=O)

  183. So I have been drooling over these for days, bought the stuff I didn’t have and finally got to make them today. I took pictures of the steps and the end result… they failed like Shayna’s did.

    They looked great until it was time to take them out of the oven. The 1/2 marshmallow didn’t mix in, but swelled until I took them out, and then sunk into itself leaving a gaping hole in the middle.

    I am going to attempt them again, but I am going to use maybe a mini mallow or two, instead of the large 1/2 one.

    Not sure, maybe it’s the altitude and it could effect it differently?

  184. Wow, these things look awesome! I was thinking of making them in my Wilton Ice Cream Cone Cake pan. I would skip the marshmallow for the top half and use marshmallow frosting instead. Do you think this would work?

  185. I just made them and they are YUMMMYY!!!!
    The procedure was easy.. just a little puzzled on the dry mix separation because I worried it wont be even. Easy recipe!! The marshmallow popped out of the cupcake during baking. But still looked good and tasted super yummmmmy!!!

    Thanks! =D

  186. Bakerella – something another Kathleen said (post #67) made me wonder — do you have any recipes involving Girl Scout Cookies? Not that I can’t eat the entire box as is but it might be fun to try something creative :)

    Kathleen said…

    Oh, my goodness! You have my full attention. Now I “have” to make these for my Brownie Girl Scout Troop, right?

    January 11, 2010 08:27 AM

  187. Wow! Those look SO good! My friend and I were looking for a new dessert to bake for our family get-together tonight. I’m pretty sure we just found it! :)

  188. My friend Kim made these the other night and OMGoodness…my two girls and I loved them!! What a treat.

  189. Ive made smores cupcakes but do a chcolate cupcake with marshmellow frosting and graham cracker crumbs on top. Ive also seen them done with plain graham cracker cupcakes, chocolate bar in the middle after the cupcake is cut and then a toasted marshmellow on top so more like a actual smore.

  190. Hi,

    Love the recipe and your blog!. And you can easily make these cupcakes gluten free. You just have to replace the flour with gluten free flour and the crackers with gluteen free crackers. you may have to put a little more flour to have the same consistency, but otherwise it’s very easy. I’ve baked almost every kind of cakes and pies with gluten free flours and the consistensy is usually much more fluffier, softer and better. Breads and such are much more difficult to bake from gluteen free flour, so this does not apply on them. Hope this helps.
    Best regards,

  191. How in the world do you do it? Those look so gooey and warm! My husband is begging me to make these. I didn’t think anything could top your chocolate chip cookie pie, but this may take the cake.

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