


Okay, raise your hand if you’ve made s’mores before. By fire, not microwave. Well, before a few days ago, I hadn’t. I know. I can’t believe it either. I feel like I’m the only one who’s never made these campfire treats.

S’mores. Melty marshmallows and chocolate sandwiched between graham crackers. Mmmmmm.

They are extremely difficult to make so I thought I should document the process for you.

Okay, so that’s not true. I know you don’t need me to show you how to make s’mores, but since I blog about the things I make, I hope you’ll enjoy these marshmallowy photos.


You just need three things.


Four, actually. Fire comes in handy.

Five. Friends to share them with are good, too.


Skewers don’t hurt either.


Heat the marshmallows over a fire until the surface starts to get brown and the inside gets all melty.

It’s very scientific.


I like my marshmallows a bit on the burnt side.


Remove the ooey gooey goodness from the skewer …


… and sandwich in between two graham crackers. The heated marshmallow will start to melt your chocolate.

That is all. But, that isn’t enough.


Because, then you get to go again.


This one was warmed just enough without burning the edges. This photo makes me want another one pronto.

By the way, you might not be able to tell by the pictures, but these were mega marshmallows. Huge. Practically the size of the crackers.

I wish I could remember the name of them for you. But I can’t. Forgive me for teasing you.


Be glad it’s dark if you decide to use gigantic marshmallows. Let’s just say I would have made a good photo for a new “Got Marshmallow” campaign.


So here’s the fun part. Well, the more fun part. We made s’mores with a few kinds of chocolate.


Hershey’s, Reese’s and Caramello candy to name a few.


We made a little s’moregasbord of chocolate and peanut butter and caramel… oh my!

And I have to tell you the Caramello candy bars ended up being my favorite.


Yep. this one. I think I will dream about you tonight.

Hope you enjoyed the pics.

Please tell me a that few of you have never made these either. Anyone?

Or if you’re a pro at them, do you have any suggestions for s’more kinds of combos? I’m thinking nutella would be delish.

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440 comments on “S’moregasbord”

  1. We rarely use regular chocolate anymore…I prefer Reese’s cups, my dad likes the dark chocolate PB cups. Mmmm.

  2. Oh, how I love S’mores!! I am glad you loved them, too. :)

  3. I know this is way off subject, but I LOVE your nail color. Is it by OPI by any chance? It looks a lot like “You don’t know Jacques” by them, which is probably one of my favorite colors.

    The S’mores look DELISH by the way :)

  4. Well, I never made a S’more in my life either! :) I have one few years ago and now… I want one! :)
    thanks for sharing !

  5. S’mores were just never worth the work for me … until my husband introduced me to his version: squish a toasted marshmallow in between two Keebler Fudge Stripes cookies. (The kind with the hole in the middle, chocolate stripes on one side, and coated chocolate on the bottom.) Delish!

  6. I’ve never even hade S’mores, they’re not very common in Germany. I would like to try them, though, but before I can do so, I need to experiment with making my own marshmallows that don’t contain gelatin. Anyone ever tried that?

  7. Giant marshmallows are also perfect between two cookies- chocolate chip w/ m&m’s are my favorite!

  8. What about a funsize snickers?? Never tried it but now i may have to………

  9. O My Goodness! I love Love LOVE that you got to expierence the joy of s’mores making!

    In my house we call any s’more done up all fancy pants “goumet s’mores”. There is a long standing tie for house favorite, stale peeps instead of marshmallows OR reese’s peanutbutter cups inplace of hershey’s chocolate.

    Usually for my birthday , we have gourmet s’mores at a beach bonfire instead of -gasp- a cake.

  10. I really like making them with the little wrapped Lindt dark chocolate squares. Perfect size, and so much better than milk chocolate!

  11. We love making them with Reese’s at our house, but Keebler Fudge Stripe cookies are also great – crunchy cookie and chocolate all in one!

  12. i have to say that just within the past year i have been eating my s’mores with only reeces! i find the sweet, salty, creamy, nutty texture the best!

  13. I’m a big fan of making s’mores using the broiler. I place a graham cracker, piece of chocolate and the marshmallow under the broiler til the marshmallow gets toasty, then take it out and top it with the other graham. Gets the nice toast without having a fire.

    I also LOVE making the open-faced version popularized at Disney’s 50’s Primetime Cafe. Lay out one full graham cracker and top with chocolate pieces. Take 4 larger marshmallows and cut in half, then place them on top of the chocolate. Toss it under the broiler til the marshmallows are toasty and drizzle with chocolate syrup.

    Disney’s original:

    My 1st attempt a while back:

  14. I like to put the cracker with the chocolate by the fire so it melts. Just the warm mallow is not often enough. Or quote the movie “Sandlot” as I make them. :)

  15. I bet they would taste amazing with milky ways!

  16. Oh my! I love smores but have never thought of using Reese’s cups, which are my favorite candy! But Nutella…that’s a whole different dimension…this does not bode well for diet!

  17. so i’m not a huge fan of s’mores (i’m odd like that :) but i absolutely LOVE this variation: ritz crackers, mini reese’s pb cups, and marshmallows…mmmm. can’t stop eating them! (i nicknamed them ‘s’mitz’ :)

  18. In order to get the chocolate to melt,
    1. put one marshmallow on each prong of the skewer, and toast them to golden brown.
    2. enlist a friend to help you make the sandwhich, by holding the graham crackers open for you, one in each hand.
    3. place the skewer and bottom marshmallow on the bottom graham cracker with one hand, and use your other hand to slip/squish the chocolate in between the two marshmallows.
    4. have your friend put the upper graham cracker on and press slightly to pull the whole delicious melting perfection off of the skewers.
    5. eat promptly, throwing caution to the wind. Part of s’mores is the mess. I’ve eaten s’more out of my hair hours later, still yummy! 8)

  19. Look how long all the posts are Bakerella! You can tell folks LOVE their S’mores. I was cracking up at your lovely painted nails in the photos. Usually we’re all outdoors here when it’s S’mores season and after building the fire, our hands are sooty and eventually sticky from all the melted goodness. Psst! For those of you who don’ t have a fireplace, an electric burner on high works just a great! No crackling fire, but oh my gosh, the same wonderfulness of a campfire s’mores, all winter long.

  20. I love smores and I’m so glad you finally tried them! I love just the traditional marshmallow, graham cracker, and plain, Hershey’s milk chocolate bar combo. Yum!

  21. Can’t wait to try one with a Caramello!! Genius!

  22. It’s great to see you posting cooking things again ;-) missed seeing it!

  23. I’ve never tried it with Caramello’s! My husband loves s’mores with Reeses but now I need to try them with my favorite chocolate bar. Oooh, maybe nutella too!! Yum!

  24. Those marshmallows are hilarious. I’ve never changed up the basic recipe, although peanut butter spread on one of the crackers is a nice addition, though the peanut butter cup accomplishes that as well.

  25. Oh my that looks wonderful.

  26. WOW; this comment stream is GREAT ….never thought of altering the ole’ Girl Scouts recipe…..S’mores are earning their name in a whole new way with all these terrific combos and cooking tips! Thanks for posting, Bakerella!

  27. Now I have to try making them with different chocolates… bet the bucket of mini bars from Halloween will make a fun experiment process. I wonder how a mini mars bar will taste :)

  28. Yum! I love s’mores! But I’m definitely a Reeses girl on this issue. Although I might have to try out the Snickers or Carmello combo, sounds delish!

  29. S’Mores with Reece’s that’s what I’m talking about!

  30. Don’t know if someone has mentioned this but if you don’t have a fire or proper ingredients, chocolate frosting (left over from a batch of cake balls) and marshmallow cream works quite well! Yummy and quick and easy. You can even microwave it for a few seconds to get it all gooey!

  31. oooh, I LOVE smores. My 6 year old found the JUMBO marshmallows the other day at Target. They will be a MUST HAVE for Thanksgiving at the ranch!!

  32. I’m a s’mores purist. Nothing but the graham cracker, marshmellow and Hershey’s chocolate for me. My friends who are much more adventurous love Reeses and Andes Mints though!

  33. Oh YUM!!!!!

  34. Smores are our favorite camping ‘dessert’. If you want something more simple (KISS), use chocolate coated cookies (like Peak Freans) to sandwich the ‘mallow…a little easier for the kiddies to handle but just as delicious.

  35. never tried that in my life ever.. looking yummy for the cold nights..^^

  36. Yummy! We’ve made traditional fire smores many times. But I also love microwave smores in a pinch. I take marshmallows and dip them in chocolate coating and let it harden. Keep them on hand for an “emergency”! Just stick one on a graham cracker and microwave 8 seconds. I like the way the marshmallow breaks free of the chocolate in the microwave and starts oozing out! Yummy, my mouth is watering!

  37. oh, i love the idea of using different kinds of candy bars… especially peanut butter cups!

    my sister sometimes make “goobersmacks”–instead of graham crackers you use Keebler’s chocolate covered grahams (i’m forgetting the name of them) and spread peanut butter on one side, then add a marshmallow. . delicious!

  38. Mmmm…smores are fantastic. When I lived in London I replaced the graham cracker for digestives – good, but just not the same!

    p.s. love that fabulous nail polish, where is it from?

  39. I have an awesome s’mores cupcake recipe. Very yummy :)

  40. We like to spread the graham cracker with peanut butter, then top with the chocolate and toasted marshmallow. It is so yummy!! Plus, it helps the chocolate and marshmallow actually stay on the graham cracker. :)

  41. Oh yeah, the variations are great. I did a blog post on this in July for the holiday. Vary the marshmallows, too for more variety and choices!

  42. This post is so bad for my new diet… I really want to try s’mores with those other candies now! OH MY GOODNESS.

  43. I’m so glad you’ve been introduced to this amazingness! My family camped on the beach at least 3 times each summer and smores were ALWAYS on the menu.

    Last summer we had a little campfire at the beach & brought along my cousin’s new girlfriend. She’s 30 and Jordanian. Her family had never even been to the beach and she’d never had smores so it was fun to introduce her to it. Fun and a little frightening…. her marshmallow caught on fire so she freaked out and started waving her skewer back & forth in the air, sending the flaming marshmallow flying!

  44. I had s’mores last night! But as a certified chocaholic, why have I NEVER thought about using PB cups or Caramilk in place of the plain stuff?! Brilliant!

    Totally unrelated, PLEASE tell me what nail polish colour/brand it is you’re wearing in this post. It’s gorgeous! Maybe it’s my screen but it looks like a grey/brown colour. Very chic.

  45. We like to make them with Girl Scout Samoas instead of graham crackers. I want one right now!

  46. I bought some of those giant marshmallows this summer in Pennsylvania. The ones I bought are just called EXTRA GIANT Marshmallows and are by a company named de la Rosa. They came in vanilla and strawberry flavors. I have never had a s’more, I now feel greatly deprived.

    Bakerella what can we do to bribe you to bring your awesome book tour to the Tampa Bay area? Shall I begin a petition at our William Sonoma? I think after all that traveling you have been doing a signing near St Pete Beach would be a just reward!
    Come see us soon!!

  47. LOVE them with Reese’s! They are soo good like that! YUM!!!!

  48. Oooh goodness…now we’re really jealous we don’t have a fireplace! And the Reese’s cups?! Genius lady…genius!

  49. York Peppermint Patties!! In fact I did it this past saturday night. I have the oversized marshmellows too although with kids they are just a little bit more on the messy side. We also made pies in our firepit in our backyard…brought back so many childhood memories. Glad that I don’t have to wait for camping to come around to be able to enjoy these goodies!!

  50. I used the ginormous marshmallows for the first time this past summer. I hated them. I couldn’t get my mouth around the whole thing — and believe me, I have a big mouth. It was just too much and made the whole thing unenjoyable.

    My favorite variation is just the addition of peanut butter. I don’t like using a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, though. I take the graham cracker, spread peanut butter over it, nestle the chocolate into the the gooey goodness, then put the roasted mallow on top, and finish it off with the other graham.

  51. Every summer I have them. Where I live you can have bonfires in your backyard.
    Try Peeps instead of marshmallows. They are good toasted.

  52. The Reese cups sound like an awesome idea. I was always too impatient to wait for the marshmallow to melt the chocolate, but I didn’t like having the hard candy bar in the smore (made things more messy). So I discovered you can use chocolate frosting. It is essentially premelted chocolate. It is delicious. Nutella sounds good too.

  53. You can buy Keebler brand, chocolate covered grahams or chocolate peanut butter covered grahams at the grocery store and use them, they are smaller, but work great too.

  54. Wow. They look awesome. I’d like to have some, now :P

  55. See now i was trying to find out about these the other week and as a result on Halloween or the night before i can’t remember we were dunking marshmallows in melted chocolate, lovely so i thought i’d try popping the marshmallow in the candle flame. The experiment was pretty short lived cause the browned burn’t bit didn’t go down well at all so i’ll pass but continue with the melted chocolate :)

  56. At Girl Scout camp we leaders called a s’more with a caramel in it a ‘shut ’em up’ because the girls had to chew extra long with the caramel in there so it shut them up – if only for a few minutes.

  57. i love my s’mores with nutella. i have never made s’mores over a camp fire but really want to

  58. When the kids were small my Mom would buy cookies that already had one side dipped in chocolate… Sometimes squishing the loose chocolate bar in the sandwich is a real balancing act for chubby fingers!!! I think they were digestive cookies she use to buy (can’t remember the name)

  59. Omg….I gained five pounds just reading this….yum!!!

  60. Been eating s’mores since I can remember! My favourite is the classic, with pieces of Jersey Milk bar. Yum. Sometimes we take the warm melty marshmallow and shove the chocolate inside of it, then put it on the crackers. Because the chocolate is totally enveloped it melts faster. Another time saver is to buy chocolate dipped graham crackers. Better for little kids and cheaper, but I find you don’t get as much chocolate and what you do get tastes kind of cheap. Caramilk is great too though!

  61. Dark chocolate is the way to go. If you don’t have a fireplace, the broiler on the oven makes a (passable) substitution.

  62. I’ll take a s’more with a reese PB cup! so so good!

  63. I love any kind of S’more! I definitely have to agree with you that Reese’s makes a fantastic S’more LOVE them! I went a little Sm’re crazy during the summer and made 3 different kinds including the S’more pop!

  64. We like to use Ritz crackers instead of the grahams. Spread the Ritz with peanut butter and proceed as usual. But oh, the different candy bars sound good…

  65. Love this post!!

    We had s’mores at my wedding–hershey’s and reese’s in little individual baggies–it was so cute! Except that it was the hottest day on record and they started melting before the fire got to them lol

    Still delicious!!

  66. The smores looks awesome but I also love your nail polish! What color is it!?

  67. We make smores in the microwave with nutella all the time. My daughter loves to watch as the fat marshmellow puffs up. It only takes a few seconds and is great in a pinch when you have a smores craving and no access to a fire.

  68. I’ve never even thought about using different kinds of chocolate! A carmello sounds amazing!

  69. Chocolate covered graham crackers or fudge stripe cookies work great, and using andes candies mints or york peppermint patties instead of the chocolate bars is equally yummy. the possibilities are end less!

  70. well ive never made em, i dont go camping often… and i cant find graham crackers in Uruguay… but ill try to make a copycat sometime!!!

  71. YUMMMOOO! Great now I want a smore, but when do I not?!?! I have never tried it with anyother chocolate bars! Reese Cups are my fav, I will def. try it next time!!!!!!!

  72. Never tried anything other than Hershey’s but Reese’s sounds like perfection. We had the giant marshmallows this summer, but weren’t big fans. We could never get them melted enough on the inside and not burnt on the outside.

  73. If you leave off the chocolate and put sliced bananas in there instead, it tastes like banana pudding. Aaaahhhhh :)

  74. Nutella is amazing on a smore! Thats how we do it at our house!!

  75. Cinnamon graham crackers & Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate!

  76. I’ve had the Hershey bars (who hasn’t?? Really, Bakerella?? :P ) and I’ve had the Reese’s which weren’t bad. But Caramello?!?! That’s BRILLIANT!! :O Caramel is my absolute favorite and I’ve never had these! :( I can’t wait to try them and am very sad that camping season in Iowa has already come to an end. I will be buying a large quantity before our first trip next season!! Thanks!!

  77. Sometimes we make “bearly there” S’Mores using Teddy Graham crackers, mini marshmallows and chocolate chips. You hear them over a candle instead of a campfire. It’s VERY cute and makes for adorable pictures!

    My daughters also love putting a couple of M&Ms inside the marshmallow before you roast it. The M&M gets all melty and amazing and… mmmm….

  78. The Caramello look wonderful! We had a fire Sat, but no one had the ingredients to make smores :(

    I’m so excited that my cousin is going to go to your book signing this weekend & get one for me! It was on my Xmas list & I’m even more excited to have a signed one. Hope you have a great time in NYC.

  79. Love all of these! We like to use different grahm crackers too, Chocolate, and cinnamon with white chocolate. Your pictures make it all look very romantic. Where are the kids dropping the melted marshmellows all over the place? Just kidding. :)

  80. we started camping this summer with the kids and every trip we had to have s’mores. The kids each picked out bars and we ended up with mint chocolate, cookies and cream, toffee bits, dark, Caramilk, and of course milk chocolate. MMMMMMMMMMM

  81. Ha ha, I just had my first s’more last weekend and I’ll have to say, yum, but mega messy!

  82. I have definitely made s’mores in the microwave since I was a kid. I actually made my first s’more over a fire just this past Saturday! LOVED it! I’ll have to try different chocolates, too.

  83. We gave little boxes of s’mores as favors for our wedding (10/02/2010), and we provided the fixings to make four kinds of gourmet s’mores. The details got posted on the Offbeat Bride Blog! See

  84. haha, my mom and i were just toasting marshmallows last night! my mom is crazy and doesn’t like chocolate, and i don’t like graham crackers, so we didn’t bother with those.

  85. I must admit that i’ve never made smore’s either! I ishould probably get with the program and try them out…or my kids will grow up without the joy of them as well! Thanks for the fun ideas :)

  86. I really can’t believe you’ve never made these. No Girl Scouts for you? Man do I love s’mores.

  87. add a slice of granny smith apple and you’ll have perfection!

  88. I have the best receipe for INDOOR SMORE’S! Let me know if you would like me to post it for you. Being a Girl Scout Advisor, this is a huge hit no matter where we are.

  89. We ordered a Smore dessert at a coffee/sandwich shop called Cosi. You get a hibachi grill with a platter of graham crackers, Hershey bars, and marshmallows–you grill your own at your table. I bought a hibachi grill and now do this dessert at home. By the way, be careful with children and large marshmallows–choking hazard.

  90. We just had a girls weekend at the lake and we did s’mores in the fireplace and they were sooo good. Wish I would have seen this post I would have gotten the giant marshmallows and different candy! I read a recipe recently about doing s’mores on the grill. You put graham cracker, chocolate, marshmallow and cracker on foil and make several and wrap them in foil and put them on the grill and close the lid. It doesn’t take long before it’s warm and gooey. No char to these though and that’s part of the fun!

  91. Hershey’s miniature chocolates! Mmmmm. Crunchy smores.

  92. I am SO happy that you got to make these for your first time. Life changing, eh??

  93. Always start with a stick that you’ve peeled the bark off of one end ! that is the best way! and there is no washing up afterwards! Just throw the stick into the fire when you are done! We roasted marshmallows on the beach campfire each night during the summer. We had no graham crackers or chocolate then but the marshmallows were so good roasted black and eaten off that stick. At Girl Scout Camp, we did have the s’mores and they were SO good! Have fun!

  94. My boyfriend makes Smoreos – using an oreo cookie in place of the graham cracker. I’m a traditionalist but even I had to admit it was pretty incredible.

  95. This summer, my sister introduced us to S’moreos. You replace the Graham Cracker with 2 Oreos. So delicious. You can even leave out the chocolate…or not. :)

  96. i can’t believe you have never made s’mores that way before, and i can’t believe i’ve never made s’mores with a peanut butter cup! YUM

  97. Oh Bakerella! S’mores are my favorite indulgence. I hope you don’t mind a little mention for my company. It’s called Daybreak Farms, and we make Gourmet Marshmallows. We have flavors such as – Chocolate Covered Cherry, Cappuccino, Gingerbread, Mexican Hot Chocolate, and Peanut Butter Bliss.These make insanely good s’mores, as well as great hot cocoa. I would love to send you some to try. Contact me at my email, or see the website @ www,

  98. Excellent idea!! S’mores is my favorite flavor combo!

  99. All the fabulous ideas are making me crave S’mores! So many new ideas to try out. I think I will host a girl’s night out and light the firepit in the back yard and gather up all the goodies mentioned here and let everyone experiment. A previous post asked what kind of wine to serve, any beverage suggestions everyone? Great pictures BTW. You are our inspiration :)

  100. Ok, so here in oz we’ve heard about these yummy treats on all the American sitcoms but they haven’t taken off here. Oh but I wish they would! Can you explain to me what graham crackers are like so I can purchase something similar? Appreciated!

  101. I can’t believe I never thought about making S’Mores with anything but a Hershey’s bar. I just happen to have ajar of Nutella in the cabinet –sounds like dessert tonight to me!

    Here’s a S’More variation — a childhood treat: Place a marshmallow on top of a Saltine cracker, and broil until the marshmallow turns golden — yum — the salt, the sugar, the crunch, the gooey….

  102. here’s one to try –
    Chocolate graham crackers (or regular)
    white chocolate
    strawberry marshmallows


  103. Actually, I am not much of a camper, so have never ever made a smore.. They look delicious. Might have to either start camping, or find someone who has a wood burning fireplace to try them out. Thanks for the yummy idea

  104. I live in Denmark, so we don’t have graham crackers. I use Marie crackers instead. And then I’m a bit of a S’more freak. I like to spread the crackers with a little nutella, then put a slice of banana and finally mush the marshmallow in. It’s also good with peanut butter, banana and marshmallow.

  105. I made smores this past summer in our backyard yum! The only problem was i didn’t get the marshmallows hot enough to melt the chocolate :l
    Thanks for posting this!

  106. We love making s’mores when we’re camping, although often we’d omit the cracker and just eat the chocolate and marshmallows. Also, I’d usually place the graham cracker with the chocolate on it on the fire ring so the chocolate would start melting while the marshmallow was roasting. And definitely use the cracker to pull the marshmallow off the stick!

    Our teenage son would often snack on his own creation at home – break graham crackers into a giant cereal bowl, toss in some chocolate chips (whatever flavor you desire) and a handful of mini marshmallows. Stick in the microwave for a few seconds until the marshmallows melt, and eat it with a spooon. Yummy!

  107. Being from the UK, it took me a while to understand was a Smore was. A relative just came back from Canada with some Reese cups (even though we do have them over here) I may have to try it. I also have a jar of PBJ (after reading the bit about trying Nutella). Now to figure out was a Graham Cracker is. :) The pictures were a tasty treat.

  108. Well ma’am. As a former Girl Scout camp director, I can make a few pointers. First, the fire needs to be low. Low flames and ashy wood. Patience. An important ingredient. S’mores are the best, but another thing that you may want to try is to put a marshmallow on the fork and follow it with a caramel. When the marshmallow is toasted (not burned) pull the marshmallow off of the fork and the soft warm caramel should be nestled inside. Enjoy!

  109. Oooh for some reason I’ve never been all that bold and I’ve stuck with Hershey’s for the chocolate…but caramel sounds wonderful!

    You should definitely try using Nila Wafers instead of graham crackers! They are sort of tiny, but that just means you get to eat more…right???

  110. Never done it before – in the uk just toasting marshmallows at a bonfire is about as far as we go!! Looks lush! X

  111. Woah. I’ve never done that before because we don’t even know that here. Now I do. And I’m so gonna try it.

  112. Nope Never made them, but then I am not from the USA. I think I’ll have to try them one night where I can GET Marshmellows, as the ones you get here are not good.

  113. my children are seriously deprived! We’ve never made them – we need to do something about that! x

  114. I love reeses s’mores. I never thought about nutella, but OMMM! That would be good.

  115. Thanks so much for sharing! I’m in Australia and have heard so much about smores, but never knew exactly they are. They look yummy, and omg, how huge are those mega-mallows?! Reece’s are pretty hard to get hold of here, and they’re so expensive but oh so worth it mmmm…. :)

  116. Chocolate graham crackers and white chocolate. Like an inside out kind of s’more…Yum-e!

  117. Ok so this is going to sound really bizarre, but you add popcorn and m&ms. There’s actually a recipe for a think called M and P, which is marshmallows, popcorn and m&ms all melted together in the microwave for about 20 seconds and it’s like you just put heaven in your mouth and it’s throwing a party for your tastebuds. This can thus be adapted into s’mores, Just use popcorn and m&ms to accompany your marshmallowy cracker goodness.

  118. I’ve never made S’mores, that’s probably because I live in Holland, haha. They’ve come to my attention not so long ago though. Thanks for the write-up! I will be making these someday :D

  119. we just made some in the fireplace this weekend. We’re in France so no graham crackers available (what is WRONG with this place?). We used Specaloos instead and that turned out to be pretty darned good.
    I’ve just realized from looking at your photos that our marshmallows were undercooked! We didn’t get that lovely char that you have. I knew something was wrong!

  120. Okay… I don’t have a fire to make these with very often, so I make them on a cookie sheet under the broiler. They are FANTASTIC, and you can make a whole bunch at one time.

    1. Put as many graham cracker halves on your sheet as you’d like. Lots of them, right?

    2. Put the chocolate on them. I really like the Ghirardelli squares – they have filling! I like milk and caramel the best.

    3. Put these under the broiler for about 30 seconds. Just long enough to melt the chocolate a little bit.

    4. Pull them out and put a small handful of mini marshmallows on each one – they’ll stick really nicely because the chocolate will be melty..

    5. Pop them back into the oven but WATCH them closely – it will only take about 30 seconds… take them out before the marshmallows burn. They will puff up a little bit and turn a perfect brown just before it’s time.

    6. Serve them open-faced … they will squish all over the place if you try to put a top on. They are prettier this way, anyway!

    So there’s my tip for those of you that are fire-less like myself. :)


  121. i have never made them………..but my dear friend from the states sent me the “kit” to make them…….but someone ate my chocolate and marshmallows before i could make them !!!!!!

  122. I work at a chocolate shop (worst job ever, right?) and we sell dark chocolate covered graham crackers. And gourmet marshmallows – giant peppermint, cookie dough, chocolate chip marshmallows.
    I also just moved into an apartment with a fireplace.
    I think you see where I’m going with this…

  123. I’ve SEEN those huge marshmallows in the store! i was shocked at their size!

    Oh, you’re making me WANT ONE SO BAAAD!!

  124. smores are a camping staple food for me! (x
    i actually put the marshmallows
    on branches we find lying around our campsitee :]
    just get a knife and take the outer layer off ^^
    and the best way not to have the marshmallows burn
    is to place the mashmallows near
    the embers not the fire o:
    this will make the marshmallows nice and fat
    and very ooey and gooey ;D
    i do not have any new flavor combinations
    but i hope my marshmallow tip helped! (:

  125. Love all these ideasI can’t wait to make some again!

  126. I can smell the fire burning in those pictures. What great photography. They look so yummy!

  127. P.S. Graham crackers don’t exist here… I’d have to use a different type of cookie—- hahaha!

  128. OMGosh Bakerella–

    I’m supposed to be on a ‘diet’ now.. hahahaa!!!! How is that possible?
    These all look fantastic and I honestly haven’t had a s’mores since I was a kid! Here in France, we have DELISH choco- if you buy a bar of dark Lindt or something- it always has an added flavour like chili or ginger or nougat pieces– I should try it!
    Also, we have some ‘American’ candie bars here, too– NO Hersey’s bars- just Mars, Snickers, KitKat… to name a few..
    Oh.. that’s making me hungry now..
    Have a nice week and thanks for this mouth-watering post…

  129. YUMMY! I’ve never heard of using anything but Hershey bars! Reese’s cups sounds SO good, will have to try that! I’m glad you’ve been informed not to remove the marshmallow with your fingers! It saves lots of mess and lots of burned fingers to use the two graham crackers as “tongs” to pull the marshmallow off the skewer, unbent hanger, grill fork, or stick–whatever is handy to hold the marshmallows over the fire! And yes, I’ve made them over both gas and electric stove burners–they don’t get tough like microwaved marshmallows can!

  130. Mmm, s’mores are a must-have for this farming family! We always roast ours on a sharpened willow stick over a bonfire. The secret trick? Use Nutella for the chocolate-sooooo good!

  131. ug, i’m SO jealous!! I’m a Canadian living in Australia. No graham crackers, no campfire marshmallows, no hershey’s, so no reece’s! Such a crying shame! BUT when I do get home to visit, we eat s’mores every time we go camping, and sometimes make fires in the yard just to eat them. Definitely use the top graham cracker to scrape the marshmallow off the stick, AND, we now either embed small bits of chocolate into the marshmallow and then roast, or set out our chocolate on the cracker, and place it on a log near the fire to get the chocolate nice and melted. To get the best ratio of melted marshmallow to crunchy shell, always roast near the hot coals, never use the flames, but watch very carefully; the marshmallow is known to slip of the stick into the fire if you let it.

  132. yummm! s’mores are one of my favorite things in the world. i can’t believe you had never tried it!

    p.s. nutella is delish in a s’more!

  133. I’ve had s’mores (over a campfire) as far back as I can remember…Cinnamon graham crackers, and chocolate graham crackers are also good Love the giant marshmallows!!

  134. I am sure someone has already mentioned this – but chocolate frosting works really super dooper good too…melts faster and is totally gooey.

    I LOVE camping.

  135. i have the giant marshmallows they are Jet Puffed brand. i use the giant marshmallows to make my fondant for details. 1 marshmallow makes a good amount for doing cutouts.

  136. Um, why is it that in my nearly 28 years of existence has the idea to use different types of chocolate treats/candy bars with s’mores not even so much as flittered across my brain waves? My hips refuse to thank you, but my heart strings will. :)

  137. I have provided s’mores materials for many a cub scout and boy scout campout. Reeses were definitely popular. We also used the Keebler version of the Girl’s Scout “Thin Mints” for the graham cracker and chocolate all rolled into one. We’ve also used chocolate covered graham crackers. Another favorite is the chocolate striped shortbread cookies – the round ones with a hole in the middle… so yum. We’ve also used chocolate chip cookies for the graham cracker. I’ve recently read the idea of spreading nutella on the graham cracker and I will definitely be trying that the next time. At cub scout day camp we made solar ovens with pizza boxes – and let me tell you that it produces the best s’mores I’ve ever had. The marshmallow is perfectly melted, the hershey bar soft and nothing is burned. Evil!

  138. You could make your own marshmallows!

    I’ve never even thought of making s’mores with anything other than Hershey bars! Sounds GREAT though!

  139. I love smores! How do you make them in the microwave? Carmel filled chocolate is yummy. I will have to tell my husband about the peanutbutter cups. He dosn’t like marshmallows (I know he’s weird) so he makes them with just chocolate & peanutbutter. We like to use a grill basket you would use to grill fish on the BBQ with a handel and line it with tin foil. We roast the marshmallows then make the smore sandwiches then roast the smores over the fire in the basket. It melts the chocolate & makes the graham wafers warm. They are good with peanutbutter too. Friend use the chocolate covered Graham cookies. They say that the chocolate melts easier. I havn’t tried it yet. I will have to try Nutella.

  140. We make our S’mores with the Chocolate Covered Graham Crackers. Easy and delicious.

  141. Ohh Bakerella, you MUST try sm’oreos! Split an oreo and use it instead of the graham crackers! The best.

  142. I am a purist, I guess because I have never tried a s’more with anything but a hershey bar. I love them though! Maybe one of these days I will venture out into more exciting recipes. :)

  143. You totally have to try s’mores with the filled Ghirardelli squares. They are the perfect size for the graham crackers. My 3 favorites are peanut butter, mint dark chocolate, and the caramel. So yummy!!

  144. LOVE s’mores!!! My 2 FAVE are chunky peanut butter spread on the graham with dark chocolate AND thinly sliced strawberries in the traditional s’more. yummmmmm….

  145. I’m always surprised to find people that have made it to adulthood without a s’more. Made my uncle his first one this summer! Myself, I grew up on the beach with them. One time I found chocolate marshmallows and that was treat. Have never made them with peanut butter cups, but you can bet I will now!

  146. People have mentioned fudge striped cookies, but try the “fancy” Shortbread cookies with chocolate I think called school boy made by Lu, I think.
    Also the Ghiradelli squares that are caramel filled are the perfect size with graham crackers. :-)

  147. I am thinking that somebody must do a S’mores experiment one day and collect as many chocolate/candy bars as possible and make smores with them. SMORES PARTY. It’ll be epic.

  148. i have never done it before but i would said i would love to try them with almond joy realllyyyyy what you guys think imagine marshmallow, cinammon, almond and chooocolate simplemente deliciosooooo

  149. TORTUREEEEEE. Man, I hate living in a country that doesn’t know what graham crackers are. :(

  150. Have you seen the toasted coconut marshmallows? Those are delicious!!!

  151. those smores looks sooo good right now! especially the ones with caramello, yum!

  152. The giant marshmellows are Campire Roasters. I saw them on the little end cap at Wal-Mart the other day and got really excited and bought them. So excited I forgot all the other important things to make smores so they are just sitting there hoping my husband doesn’t eat them all “raw”!

  153. Got to try this! I hear a lot about it from American friends!

  154. Andes mints are DELISH in s’mores!!

  155. is that nail polish color OPI’s “Over The Taupe”?

  156. Hmm- that basket would be a cool hostess gift for a party. What wine goes with Marshmallows?

  157. Try it with a Snickers bar – slice it so it’s more of a cross-section of the candy bar, and all the different flavors and textures make it fun. Never tried the Caramello but now it’s all I can think about.

    In college, we had a gas range in our apartment so we roasted marshmallows over that. Probably really dangerous, but we were young, stupid, and needed a snack between studying and more studying.

  158. The Reeses Cups have long been a favorite smore for my 13 yr old son!

    He’s a chocolate connoisseur , however, and his very fav is Godiva S’mores.

    A treat he gets not often at $4 a bar!

  159. Oh, also, when playing with candy and fire, roast a Starburst. It’s delicious! (and messy)

  160. – try chocolate graham crackers, chocolate marshmallows, and peanut butter

    – nestle crunch bars add a nice “crunch”

    – mini dark chocolate Reese’s cups

    – try graham cracker spread with peanut butter, add banana slices, chocolate, and marshamallow

  161. The giant marshmallows are called Campfire Marshmallows. Also, try using cinnamon graham crackers and Hershey’s with almonds. I PROMISE you won’t be sorry! Mmmm, now I want one.

  162. I love S’mores, but my comment is about your nail polish! Is that brown? What brand is it? Very cute!

  163. I don’t think there is any better combo in the world than caramel, chocolate and marshmallows. Yum!

  164. I hadn’t had s’mores in about 10 years since I became vegetarian (gelatin) and camping was never the same. This past summer I discovered Vegan marshmallows! And I must say, s’mores are even better than I remembered! I wasn’t sure how I lived that long without them…Thanks for bringing back memories :)

  165. as a former Girl Scout and now a leader, I have made lots of s’mores but I’ve never strayed from the traditional recipe. Can’t wait for our next campfire to try out all these new ideas! Love the chocolate covered cookie idea!

  166. One thing I really like to do is stick my chocolate pieces right INTO the hot marshmallow. I’ve been known to eat it like this w/o a graham cracker a time or two. That darn cracker just gets in the way of some chocolate-marshmallowy goodness! I love using Caramello also. Never tried Reeses but I will now, great idea.

  167. Might sound weird, but use a white chocolate crunch piece instead of the chocolate. Seriously, the best smore ever! Have you ever had a banana boat? I love those the best as any campfire treat. Yum! Great, now I need to go to the store to get some bananas! Get the fire started! :)

  168. I want some hershey’s with almonds on those smores, stat!

  169. S’mores are fabulous with any flavor you can grab out of the chocolate candy rack. For non chocolate lovers I was introduced to roasted Starburst this summer. Unwrap and slide a few onto the skewers and hold them over the fire until they bubble, let them cool, pull them off and they are an awesome side dish to the s’mores!!

  170. Skip the graham cracker and chocolate, and go straight for fudge-striped cookies (the kind that have fudge stripes on the top, and are covered in chocolate on the back.) The chocolate melts way faster than Hersheys, SO good!

  171. I am a freak about s’mores! I have made lists and names…for instance: chunky s’monkey (peanut butter, banana, hershey’s and the standard marshmallow with graham cracker), s’mints (andes mints, marshmallow, chocolate graham cracker), berry s’nutty (nutella, strawberries, marshmallows, graham cracker), s’moreo (hersheys and marshmallow between oreo cookies) and many many more! Once you think outside the box of a graham crackers (marshmallow has to be the staple of course) the possibilities are endless! Homemade chocolate chip cookies anyone (s’mookies :))? Oh, and I call the Reese’s option “re’morse” :). Sorry for the long comment…I’m kinda passionate about s’mores :).

  172. I love the suggestion of using Peeps for the marshmallows! I’ve seen some make easy s’mores by using the Keebler cookies that are graham-like and drizzled with chocolate. Less messy! I can’t wait to try these with Reese’s and Caramello!

  173. Lou Ann – Thanks Lou Ann

    I knew you guys would be pros at this.

  174. We always buy the cookies that already have chocolate on them (on one side) then you don’t have to fiddle with making sure the chocolate stays on while handling hot marshmallow, plus you get chocolate on both sides of the marshmallow! they come in milk or dark chocolate!!! YUM

  175. We had a ‘campfire/chuckwagon’ rehearsal dinner for my son’s wedding two weeks ago. One thing I included was a “S’more Bar”. It was such a hit. I had the mega marshmallows. I had all kinds of flavors of marshmallows. We had 9 different kind of marshmallows and 9 different kinds of candy. Oh the goodness! (Oh and three different kinds of graham crackers!)
    It was great.
    As always, I love all your posts! Lori L

  176. SO yummo!! Side note question, what color nail polish are you wearing in these photos? It’s oh so pretty! =}

  177. I never made them on a campfire…
    I made them in the microwave…sad but I remember…christmas a weird shaped present it was this “can” it included graham crackers marshmallows and chocolate….
    and btw..great photos:)

  178. You have to try using Peeps for the marshamllows. There is something twisted about roasting the cute little chick but the crunch you get on the outside from the melted sugar and the smooth melted marshmallow on the inside…divine!!! I can’t use regular marshamallows anymore.

  179. Cheryl W – I like that chocolate chip idea.

  180. To consolidate while camping, you can use the Keebler Stripped Shortbread cookies instead of graham crackers and chocolate…. works great!

  181. If you want to make them but do not have a fire(place) you can also use a torch to make creme brullee creme brullee burner finally is more than only’s a creme-brullee-melting-marshmellow-torch!!

  182. ROLOS! I bet they would be awesome!!

  183. You’ve made me want S’mores!!!!!!! I learned of a new version this summer. Replace the chocolate with Starburst candies. I didn’t try them, but the kids making them loved ’em. Once, we had to use chocolate chips because we couldn’t find any chocolate bars. We discovered the best way was to stuff the chocolate chips inside the marshmellows and then face the ends that you stuffed face to face and then toast away.

  184. Speaking like the fat kid I am, Peanut Butter cups are awesome, so are Andes candies, Symphony bars with toffee and almonds, and Nutella is amazing :) So is Hershey bars with peanut butter spread on the graham cracker…then it gets all melty :) This chubby chick has tried it all lol :) chocolate graham crackers are good with strawberry marshmallows!! :)

  185. They’re called Campfire Giant Roasters Marshmallows. I know this because I spent the better part of my weekend sneaking those delicious things out of my sister’s pantry and into my tummy. Here’s a link, in case you want to buy a bag. Or, you know, 20.


  187. the absolute best smores are nutella smores. Spread a bit of nutella on a graham cracker and then top with a roasted marshmallow… yum. No unmelted chocolate here, just gooey goodness. Too bad I have kicked sugar for the next two months. :(


  189. Thanks for the tip Jasmine. Next time I will be less concerned about trying to get good photos, so that’s a great idea.

  190. How bad do I want a smore now!

  191. LOVE smores!!! Caramello will def be on my list next time we camp!! (HEY- thats this upcoming weekend!!!!) perfect! ;)

  192. Thanks Jenny-Penny. We did buy them at Wal-Mart, so I bet they are the same ones.

  193. I’ve never made or had campfire smores either! I’d love to one day. I love my smores with nutella, instead of using hershey’s chocolate. Nutella is so delicious! =)

  194. Oh wow, I’ve never tried with REESES!!! That sounds soooo good!! By the way, from your pic, it looked like you used your hands to get that marshmallow off. A non-messy, non-risking-burning-yourself way is to use the two crackers with chocolate to take it off. Or sandwich it off. :)

  195. Yes, nutella is the best.

  196. I have a bag of Giant Marshmallows.

    They’re “Campfire” brand, “Giant Roasters”. They are the only HUGE marshmallows I’ve ever seen. Hopefully that can help someone out who might be interested in finding them. I find my at the Super Wal-Mart near my home. But I’ve also seen them in the local Grocery Store…just not as often. They’re harder to find there.

    Looks like fun! I’ll have to try different forms of chocolate. Such a good idea. :)

  197. I love smores, with dark chocolate , coconut would be a great topper, I’ll have to try a mounds candy bar on mine next time! my kids love the strawberry marshmallows.

  198. At girl scout camp, we were all told to bring chocolate bars to make s’mores, and one of the girls brought Heath bars instead because she said that was all her mom could find. It ended up being a hit with all of us, because the toffee added a nice chewy/crunchy texture to it. Not that I was thinking about texture at 9 years old – the taste was the best part!

  199. We used to make them all the time when I was a kid! I love S’mores! I bet nutella would be delicious!

  200. Yes! Resse’s Cups are fantastic, but I’ve never tried Caramello- That’s now on the list for the next campfire!

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