
Spring Bake Giveaway

YAY! It’s spring and I couldn’t be happier. And to celebrate the season, I’m having a sweet springy giveaway for a KitchenAid Mixer in one of the following colors.  The winner gets to pick, too… Fun! What’s it going to be? Crystal Blue? Ice? Pistachio? Who’s up for Majestic Yellow?

All of these colors are beautiful and put me in the baking mood.

I hope they do for you, too!

Enter the Spring Bake Giveaway for a chance to win a KitchenAid 5-quart Artisan Series Stand Mixer

  • To enter, just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite color and if you’re looking forward to any fun baking soon.
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, April 16, 2014 at 7:00 PM ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good luck guys!


I love reading what you guys are getting ready to bake and your favorite color mixer. And now I’m excited to announce the winner. I hope you enjoy the mixer and make lots of goodies with it. Okay, let’s see who it is.

It’s Joyce! Comment # 7138. Congratulations – ice is a great choice. One of my favorites.

Giveaway sponsored by me.

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10,227 comments on “Spring Bake Giveaway”

  1. I want the pink one so bad! it would make the best easter happies!

  2. I LOVE THE WHITE!!! I do a lot of baking with my daughter and my niece!

  3. I love the silver metallic! Looking forward to baking lots of goodies for Easter!

  4. Ice, ice baby! :D

  5. I love the pistachio mixer! I will be baking cupcakes and cookies for Easter!

  6. Pink to match my pastel pink kitchen. I’m always baking giant batches of cookies to send up to my college kids. Having a “pink” Kitchenaid Mixer would make it much easier.

  7. What fun Spring colors, Aqua Sky is my fav…
    Beary cute macarons are what I’m going to be making soon.

  8. Pink Pink Pink! so fun!!

  9. I looooooove the Pistachio one! I could make a fabulous rendition of my Nama’s Admonition Coconut Cake!!!

  10. Silver Metallic looks great- I could bake so much more!!

  11. I love the pink one – wouldn’t go great in my kitchen, but I don’t care!

    My husband’s birthday is this week, so I will be baking him a birthday cake.

  12. I love the colors, but majestic yellow would be my choice of color…yellow is a happy bright color to me.

    I would make lemon bars and divinity for my dad’s Birthday…so glad he has a sweet tooth and i love baking :)

    thanks for an opportunity to win!!

  13. Good Monday morning..I’ll go with majestic yellow to match my kitchen. Thanks … ya’ll have a great week.

  14. Pink is my favorite color always. I’m ready to start baking for Easter.

  15. I love the pink….I have started my own cake pop business and suffered a little with Tennis elbow because I have a hand mixer. Business had to be cut down to allow rest for my arm and I just don’t have enough business funds yet to purchase this great product, so I would love the chance to enjoy this great product…….

  16. I love the pink one! I hope to make cake pops for my family reunion this weekend!!

  17. I love the ice one! It would be perfect for making some Easter cupcakes.

  18. I’m all about Pink! I love Spring and love to decorate cookies for Easter.

  19. Love the Ice color. I’m trying to make shiny crackly chocolate cookies sometime this week. Yay!

  20. I love the pink one it’s my favorite color. I could make my grand baby a cake for her first birthday. :)

  21. Honestly, any of those colors would be fantastic. I’m not really all that picky. Although Majestic Yellow, Pistachio and Aqua Sky would be beautiful. I just love to bake and would love to have a brand new Kitchen Aid!!!!

  22. My daughter is majoring in baking and pastry arts and would love to have her own mixer. I’m sure she would love the pink, but any mixer would make her so happy! She has big dreams!

  23. Pink! I can’t wait to bake for Easter this week!!

  24. Love the bright yellow mixer! It reminds me of the bright spring sunshine! I will be baking on Friday…make a Bubble Guppie cake for a sweet girl turning 2!!

  25. Silver Metalic would fit in perfectly in my kitchen!

  26. PINK!! I baked Saturday and am baking some amazing cupcakes this coming Saturday for Easter! Thanks for the chance to win!

  27. I would choose the white one. This weekend, I am going make lemon meringue cupcakes with my family.

  28. I like the Blue one!

    Looking forward to cooking some batches of banana bread.

  29. Majestic Yellow! Getting ready to whip up a batch of butter cream.

  30. I love the silver metallic and the white! They would look so lovely in my kitchen! I just made some awesome peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip cookies this past weekend and I’ll be making coconut cake for Easter!

  31. All so pretty! I love th he blue ine , green is a close second.

  32. love the classic white :)
    i’m baking cakes nearly every week and a new kitchen aid would be so very handy!

  33. I’m pretty sure I NEED this mixer in Aqua Sky, although it would match pretty much nothing in my kitchen. I have been eyeing the silver one for awhile now, but I think I’d have to choose Aqua Sky if I won. It’s so pretty!

  34. Aqua Sky- Too Pretty!

  35. My husband makes cakes for all birthdays and i make cakepops for holidays and special occasions. And this would allow my kids to help more.

  36. Love the Cyrstal Blue! Such a pretty color. I’m looking forward to baking some mini funfetti cupcakes for a friend’s birthday next weekend. :)

  37. Silver Metallic for sure!! Love it :-)
    Looking forward to making my first batch of Gluten Free Chocolate Chip cookies

  38. Aqua Sky!! Chocolate stout cake with a chocolate bourbon buttercream! :)

  39. Aqua Sky because it reminds me of my mothers kitchen and growing up watching her bake.

  40. I LOVE the silver mixer and the Ice color too!! I am looking forward to my sons coming home from college for a few weeks and will bake them anything they want :-) Thanks!!

  41. I have a lust for the silver metallic! It is just so rich looking to me. Thanks for all the enabling that you do!! I am so happy that you are healthy and are sharing your smile where ever you are! I am now gluten free but am adapting your recipes to the “new” baking I am doing.

  42. I love either the aqua sky or silver metallic. We leave for Germany in 2 days (!!!!!) so I won’t be baking anything myself, but I’m looking forward to trying all sorts of new treats!

  43. Silver metallic. It’s classy, timeless and will last a lifetime!

  44. I like crystql blue color. It would become the center piece of my kitchen. I love baking with my child bananas cupcakes.

  45. Last year at my house I had a Easter dinner with my older sister Tonya and our mother over. Earlier that year we found out that Tonya had stage 4 cancer and I had faith that all would be fine. But it wasn’t she passed away at home six months ago October 21, 2013. If I had my choice I’d choose the pink one and bake her a cake shaped like lips giving her all the kisses that I’m missing now.

  46. Silver metallic is awesome. I’m ready to bake Easter bunny cakes and cupcakes.

  47. I love all the blue colors – Crystal Blue, Aqua Sky, and Ice. I’m baking my birthday cake tonight! Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  48. I would love to have a pink colored srand mixer..cant wait to make custard cake ????

  49. Is this an international giveaway? If yes, love the pistachio! Would love to make cakes with it! :D

  50. Silver….my son is asking me to make him a “boob” cake for his 17th birhtday! This mixer would really do the trick!

  51. Majestic Yellow is so pretty!
    Looking forward to making cookies with it!

  52. I’d choose pistachio. My boys are wanting me to bake up another batch of chocolate chip cookies made with coconut oil-so yummy!

  53. I love the Ice color! I have been baking like crazy for my little man’s first birthday party! :)

  54. Crystal blue would match my kitchen walls! I’m thinking maybe some homemade oreos!

  55. Pink……….so pretty

  56. Ohhhh, I LOVE the pink and the ice…and the majestic yellow! Beautiful colors! I will be making several desserts for Easter dinner, including a derby pie and some cake mix cookies. Yummy!! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  57. Pink to match my pastel pink kitchen!!!! I’m always baking for the college kids. Having a “pink” Kitchenaid Mixer would make those batches of cookies a lot easier.

  58. Silver metallic is awesome. I’m getting ready to bake Easter bunny cakes and cupcakes.

  59. The aqua sky! I love that color. Of course baking soon! Breads, cookies…. I just saw a recipe for a chocolate stout cake I need to try! :)

  60. Hmm, pink or ice. They are both such awesome colors!! I’d be happy with either of them. I just finished baking a bunch of pan cookies for an afterschool event for my son and also made my favorite chocolate cake receipe. Next up, I’m thinking sugar cookies for Easter.

  61. Wow! It’s difficult to pick…I would love one in EVERY color so I could just pick out the color that suits my mood! haha! But I will have to pick the silver metallic, so it will coordinate with my stove and toaster oven.
    I’m looking forward to baking Easter cookies and cakes with my granddaughter!

  62. My favorite color is definitely the pistachio. I have been using my KitchenAid mixer for years and would love to pass it on to my daughter and enjoy one of the new fun colors.

  63. I would LOVE to have any of these.Grateful for any color , you can choose for me my baking Goddess! Looking forward to many, many hours of cake pop making with this beauty!! Never had one!! Peace, Love, Baking

  64. Oooh that pistachio color is gorgeous. I’ve been meaning to make some brookies for my coworkers.

  65. The Silver metallic would be great.

  66. My favorite is yellow!

  67. I love all the colors. I think Ice is my favorite.

  68. I would pick Pink but the Ice one is pretty cool too. :) I need to get to baking some bread and some other items I’ve ‘pinned!’

  69. I love Pink!!!! and Easter is the kick off for me for spring baking. All the Easter goodies! Can’t wait!

  70. This week it’s all about those carrot cake pops….I need that silver metallic one to look slick in my kitchen!

  71. It would definitely have to be Majestic Yellow!

  72. I had a hard time choosing a color, ice it is. I’m going to be baking a lot for: my brother’s and mother’s birthday, mother’s day, and my sister’s graduation. Oh my I would LOVE this.

  73. My favorite is pistachio. Would love to have this to make some cookies and cupcakes.

  74. I love the ICE one. I currently have probably the first mixer ever made. It is very old, heavy and is rusting! AND the top part doesn’t move up for easy in and out access of the bowl. I love my mixer but it does not mix as fast anymore, I think the motor is dying. We found the mixer and my boyfriend helped me fix it as much as he could. And it has lasted enough but my poor baby seems as though it is about to go. I would LOVE the ice mixer. I don’t know what I would do if my mixer were to go.

  75. Favorite color – Silver Metallic! My youngest daughter recently got an ego boost when she brought some sugar cookies that she made and decorated herself (including using the oven as much as she could without help!) and everyone at school told her how delicious and pretty they were.. so now I’m looking forward to hearing about the friends reactions to the next day of baking! I’m so excited for her!

  76. Pink is my color of choice. This week I will be making shortbread cookies in shapes of eggs and bunnies. Have a wonderful Holy Week and Easter!

  77. I love the pistachio one! I am looking forward to making all things Easter themed!

  78. Oh my gosh, they’re all so pretty! I love the pink…but the crystal blue might match my kitchen better. Thank goodness I won’t have to decide!

  79. Gosh, they are all so pretty, but my eye keeps going back to the Majestic Yellow.
    It doesn’t match anything in my kitchen but it’s such a happy color.

    My next project is a 3 layer chocolate cake…just because :o)

  80. Oh… I just love the pistachio one. Always wanted to have a Kitchen Aid! <3 <3

  81. I love the pistachio color. I will be making some mini cupcakes this week for my kids teachers.

  82. Happy Spring! We so deserve it! WOW…. Thanks for the giveaway… Decisions, decisions. They’re all beautiful, but I’d go for pink or blue. I will be baking nonstop through the end of May- cake pops, cookies, cupcakes, cakes!

  83. I love the color silver metallic!! <3 :-)

  84. I love the ice one ! I am looking forward to making some cake balls and cookies this week for Easter and my friend’s birthday.
    :) thanks for the opportunity !

  85. I think I like Ice the best. I’m looking forward to trying some new brownie recipes.

  86. Pistachio!!!!! Love it!

  87. The majestic yellow!
    And banana bread :)

  88. I love the Crystal Blue! I’ll be making Hot Cross Buns this week for Easter.

  89. Love the silver metallic or the pink :)) and I cant wait to bake some chessecake brownies ;) Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  90. That is such a difficult choice, but I think the pink one! I am hoping to make some lemon cake in time for Easter this year and I can’t wait to start baking!

  91. I think I love the pistachio most! It’d come in handy for our traditional Easter Lamb Cake!

  92. I love classic style, so my choice is white color, but also Aqua sky looks great.

  93. Pistachio or pink, hard to choose. Making brownies today for the staff at my dad’s assisted living facility.

  94. Ooh crystal blue! Made a weetbix slice today actually!

  95. Love love love the white!!

  96. That yellow one is super majestic!! And would sure be handy for some jalapeño cornbread muffins that I’m baking for a party tomorrow!

  97. Love all of the colors, but pink is my favorite!

  98. I love the ice color! I will be making macarons later this week for my daughter’s bridal shower.

  99. Wow these all look so cute! I would definitely want ice or yellow

  100. Love, love, LOVE the yellow! Would be perfect to make a pan of tiramisu brownies with.

  101. I love the ICE. It reminds me of the song by Vanilla Ice, which makes me want to bake something with vanilla tones … perhaps a double vanilla cake.

  102. Ice looks so cute!

  103. I want aqua sky!!! :)

  104. SILVER METALLIC!! I am going to bake some paleo apple pie soon! Can’t wait!

  105. aqua BLUE SO BEAUTIFUL but each of them is great I’ll take what ever!! love to make mom’s Christmas cookies!!

  106. I adore the Pistachio one! I’d definitely decorate my kitchen around it!

    Considering it’s Easter, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at an Easter bun!

  107. Pink – for the best baker I know!

  108. Pistachio! It’s such a pretty color. I think the first thing I’d make in this mixer is Nigella Lawson’s flourless chocolate cake. I love that cake! I’m crossing my fingers…

  109. My favorite color is pink. I’m looking forward to baking some sweet treats for Easter Sunday.

  110. Pink …. Pink …. Pink ……. Definately PINK :-)
    A pinata Easter cake is on my “To Bake” list for this week :-)

  111. i love the pistachio color. i’m hoping to make a black forest cake soon

  112. P I N K Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could make a special cake for my nephew.

  113. The baking never stops around here! This week is yellow chevron wedding shower. I would love the yellow one too,

  114. Pink would be a great gift for a Veteran to give to a friend. It would make her day!

  115. Wow, I cannot decide between the pink and the yellow. Either one, I will definitely have fresh baked cookies waiting for my children every day after school! Yippee for stay-at-home moms and Kitchenaid mixers :)

  116. ice or white <3

  117. I like crystql blue color. It would become the center piece of my kitchen. I love baking with my child bananas cupcakes.

  118. I love them all, but the Pistachio warms my heart!

  119. Majestic Yellow would be a huge help making my cake pops instead of my hand held mixer.

  120. I love the pink one for breast cancer awareness. It would be great to make treats for all breast cancer survivors. But especially for a friend who fought a hard fight. I would love to bake more like you.

  121. I would absolutely LOVE the stainless mixer to coordinate with my kitchen appliances. I may not bake like a professional, but my kitchen can attempt to look like it! My grandkids and I are looking forward to baking up some yummy goodies for Easter this week and this mixer would sure make our job easier!

  122. Love the pistachio color! I’ve been dying to mark greek cookies!

  123. Oh love love love! Ice or pistachio!

  124. My fav is Ice!! :). I’m going to make adorable bunny cake pops. :)

  125. I line the ice color. Looking forward to baking ny daughter’s college graduation cake

  126. Boy would this make my Easter baking easier! I would love to win the yellow one! It says “Spring!” to me and would make my kitchen brighter all year round!

  127. The silver metallic one is awesome.

    I definitely plan to do some baking soon; my husband’s birthday is Wednesday, and he’s requested a particular cake.

  128. I would love one in pistachio. How much fun against my new white backsplash!

  129. Silver Metallic is awesome! My son’s birthday party is in 2 weeks for which I am making Paw Patrol inspired cake and cupcakes. I would love this mixer to get it done more efficiently!

  130. My two favoriote colors are the pink and the ice color. But they are all beautiful, very Chic!!!! I will be baking soon, with easter around the cornor. I would love to make a cheese cake…. mmmmm cheese cake. Best of Luck to everyone!!!

  131. The aqua sky is gorgeous. Next on my baking to-do list is actually your cookies n cream cupcakes!

  132. Oh love love love!!!! Ice or pistachio!!!

  133. For my daughter – SILVER METATALLIC.

    She will make brownies for her soon to be husband!

  134. So hard to choose!!! :) I’d have to go with sunny yellow! I’m baking 250 cupcakes for a non-profit function next month! Boy, could I use that mixer!

  135. I love the plain and simple white. My daughter will be coming home from college soon, so cookies will be on the schedule to bake!

  136. I love all of the colors, but I think Pistachio and Crystal Blue are my favorites!

  137. Hello
    I would really love the pink one because it would perfectly match my Mini Eggs for Easter that will be going on top of my Easter cake.
    Kate x

  138. My favorite is the Crystal Blue. I am really looking forward to baking for Easter next week as it’s the only time of year I make certain old family cookie recipes, to keep them special!

  139. The Majestic Yellow stands out and is such a happy color. I’m looking forward to baking and decorating a cake for my nephew’s wedding rehearsal dinner!

  140. Love the crystal blue. Will be baking quick breads and cookies for our brat fry this weekend

  141. I love the ice shade and I am looking forward to making some cake balls for my best friend’s birthday on Friday! Maybe some cupcakes or cookies also, I took off so I have plenty of time. :) thanks for the opportunity!

  142. Pistachio green! To match my daughter’s green eyes whose 6th birthday is tomorrow!

  143. Pistachio is my favorite color and my favorite nut.
    I am making marshmallows and I think I will make them pistachio green!
    Would love to hear my name called as WINNER!!! Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  144. I like all the colors but I really love the ICE and MAJESTIC YELLOW!!!

  145. Tough choice. But I’m favoring the Ice color.

  146. I guess I’m a little boring because I really like the metalic silver one! Ha! I’ll be baking a lot this week – breakfast baked goods and Easter desserts.

  147. I would pick the Metallic Silver – boring color but it would fit beautifully in my kitchen. Would love to perfect my icing/frosting skills with this!

  148. They are all beautiful! But white goes with everything!
    My best friend and I made chocolate&vanilla cake pops 3 days ago, so I think my next project should be red velvet cake! Yummy!!

  149. Aqua Sky is my favorite color and I am baking some strawberry shortcakes for Easter weekend!

  150. PINK of course. All kinds of Easter baking this week including cake pops.

  151. Loving the pink! And I always love to bake! Looking forward to making my Easter cakepops this week :)

  152. Love, love, lovvvveeeeee the pistachio! Would look great with my vintage jadeite collection! Looking forward to making sugar cookies for my sister’s baby shower this weekend!

  153. I would love to churn out spring cupcakes with the ice color Kitchenaid!!

  154. Love all the colors, especially the one in Ice. Looking forward to making lots of brownies :)

  155. Love the Ice color way.
    Currently am baking my Easter cutout cookies to bake, frost then send to our 3 adult children living in 3 different states. Luv to do these cookies.

  156. Ooh Aqua Sky. I’d bake a strawberry cake, like I’m doing for easter.

  157. Silver! I’m currently experimenting with spent grain from home brewin beer (husband’s hobby). I see a lot of bread in my future this spring!

  158. I love the pink Kitchen Aid! The first use would be for a Lemon Cake for Easter brunch.

  159. PISTACHIO !!!!!!!! So old school :)

  160. Love the pistachio! Gonna make chocolate chip cookies!

  161. I love the white. I have always wanted one of these! Thanks for the opportunity to maybe win!
    Karen x

  162. Silver Metallic is my favorite! Can’t wait to bake (and eat!) my Easter hit recipe: carrot cake :) :) :)

  163. I have a hard time picking a color, they are all so pretty! I think I am drawn to the Majestic Yellow the most tho. I recently started baking things with the kids and we have so much fun together!

  164. My favourite colour is the white- it’s so chic!! I’m looking forward to making a red velvet layer cake soon!! (as soon as I get these uni assessments out of the way!)

  165. LOVE that crystal blue.
    YES! I found the wilton peeps bunnies and chicks mold, and I’ll be making peep CAKE POPS!!! :0)

  166. I would loooooove the pink to make a tre leches jello cake mmm… hoping I win because I need a littlw motivation to start baking again.

  167. I LOVE the Aqua Sky and I would use it to make ‘zerts’ (as my 2 year old calls it) for his upcoming 3rd birthday (*sob*)!

  168. Ice, ice baby!!! I love making elaborate decorated sugar cookies for all occasions!!

  169. My house is all black and white and my kitchen has all stainless steal appliances, so I’d probably choose the Silver Metallic or the white or the Silver Metallic. Oh, choices!!

  170. Silver, plan on whipping up a cheesecake

  171. Pistachio would brighten up my new kitchen and bring the season of Spring into my home.
    I plan to make all sorts of baked goodies to bring to my daughter. She expecting her first baby and our first grandchild in 3 weeks!!!!!

  172. I like the silver. I have some cookies to bake soon but I’m also looking into a cake decorating class which means I’ll be baking cakes and cupcakes soon. :-)

  173. I love ICE!!!!! Can’t wait to bake some cookies!!! XOXOXO

  174. I love the crystal blue color. I am most looking forward to my daughter and I baking our way through a cake book. We’re baking one cake a month it’s quite an exciting and learning experience creating memories.

  175. I LOVE the pistachio color! I am getting ready to made some homemade marshmallows for Easter this week.

  176. Such lovely colors! I love the aqua the best!

  177. Love the yellow. Making carrot cake for the first time for Easter, wish me luck!

  178. The Silver mixer is my pick.
    It’s surely will do the trick.
    My cakes are voted number 1
    I also make a nice sweet bun !!!

  179. Majestic Yellow!!! Baking cookies & brownies for my oldest daughter’s wedding April 26! Can’t wait!! Thank You!

  180. Crystal Blue is beautiful! I plan to make a dulce de leche cheesecake for Easter

  181. ICE ICE Baby!! I’m a pastry chef who has yet to own a kitchen aid mixer! I need one and would use it to bake, bake, bake for my out of home business “For the Love of Cake”.

  182. I would love to have Sterling Silver and I plan to bake lemon cake, my favorite cake!!

  183. I really like the yellow one. It looks like sunshine. I’ve got a new baby so I’m looking forward to baking and decorating sweet birthday cakes for him.

  184. The pistachio is a gorgeous color!

    I think a Lemon tart is in my near future. So Spring!

  185. I love the ice one! Looking forward to baking some chocolate cupcakes this Easter weekend! :)

  186. I would like to have Silver Metallic and I plan to bake Easter Sugar cookies and top it off with icing!! Yum!

  187. I love the silver metalic one to make whip up some spring time cupcakes with buttercream icing!!!

  188. I would LOVE the aqua sky!!! My favorite color! Would look great in my kitchen, especially with all the Easter cookies I’m about to start making! :)

  189. Silver metallic :) happy Easter!!!

  190. The pink one is so cute! I would love to win the pink one :)

  191. Aqua Sky is very nice. Coffee cake baking going on for Easter preparation.

  192. Pistachio or Majestic Yellow – not sure which would add the most pop in the kitchen. Next baking project will be a carrot cake for Easter, then cakes to celebrate teacher birthdays at my kids school.

  193. Baking is my favorite thing to do. My Granny’s coconut cake with seven minute icing is the best! I love how beautiful the icing is especially with the aid of a Kitchenade!! Typically I am practical but the blue is beautiful.

  194. Majestic yellow! Baking chocolate cake this week.

  195. I would love to have a yellow one, it’s my birthday soon so I am going to bake a birthday cake.

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