
The San Francisco Signing

I thought I would do a little spring cleaning. I have a few posts I have been wanting to share for a while now and this seems like just as good a time as any to start. This is actually one of the more recent ones. And, it’s from back right before I went in the hospital, when I was in San Francisco. I flew out there for  two main reasons.

This was one of them.


A super fun book signing at one of my publisher’s retail stores.


Chronicle Books of course.


Hi cutie. I love how you came in Chronicle matching colors.


These two were fun. Completely dedicated cake pop makers. Seriously, check out all their color-coded bookmarks. They had a game plan.


I’m gushing here. He was so sweet. We had just had the best exchange of hugs. You can see more in the slideshow below.


Hi Parisa and your friend from Australia, if I remember correctly. Parisa makes awesome Google Android Cake Pops.


I want to thank everyone that came out that Saturday afternoon. It was rainy and miserable, but you wouldn’t know it by all your happy faces.


Cutie pie here in the middle makes make cake pops, too … and all by herself. I think she was 10 or 11. Impressive.


I made new friends in San Fran and I have a new bracelet to prove it. Thank you sweetie.


Here’s Kaye and Lulu from Clout and About.

They put together a great recap and interview from the day. Check it out here.



This is Paul (brother of Mike) Myers and his beautiful wife, Liza.

Liza works at Chronicle.

And Paul, well Paul really is Mike Myers’ brother. Just imagine him with brown hair and they are almost like twins. Paul might be cuter though.


This is just a bunch of books.

On a table.

Stacked and standing.

I’m sorry, but I’ll never get tired of seeing that.


Thanks Terri, Kevin, Peter, Liza and Leigh! It was such a fun day.


Click on the graphic link above if you were at the signing and would like to see your photo. And thanks again for coming.


Sorry. I forgot my side smile … and wave.

Kidney Update: Mom gets her testing this week. I still have to meet with a couple of doctors and I think that’s it. If we both pass, I guess I could be looking at another hospital stay soon. On another positive note, I’ve lost ten pounds since these photos. I guess dialysis has it’s perks. Well, not really dialysis, but the diet I’m on because of dialysis. I’m estranged from my dear friend, chocolate. Unfortunately, we haven’t spoken in a while. And I rarely get to talk to my dairy friends either. But soon we will make amends I know it.

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250 comments on “The San Francisco Signing”

  1. We are so waiting for you in Miami!!! =)

  2. LOVE the picture of you in the window! ?

    And chocolate will just taste *that* much sweeter when you have it again!

  3. No chocolate???? :-0 This *IS* serious!!!! Obviously I have to double up on my prayer campaign!!!!! You’re in them every day….
    Hugs to you!

  4. Loved the slideshow!!! You are have a beautiful smile :)

  5. Thanks for another update, and glad to hear your health update. It’s school holidays in Australia which means cake pop making in our house. Your Easter chicks are adorable!

    Keep well and praying for you.

  6. Miss you so very much, beautiful lady. Am keeping you close to my heart in thoughts and prayers. Peace and health to you.

  7. I hope everything works out well for you and your mum, and you can go back to eating chocolate! I just wanted to thank you for your fabulous website and the inspiration you provide. It is a real ray of sunshine in my life when times are hard! Wishing you a speeding recovery (: Lots of love from England!

  8. So good to see you well enough to travel Bakerella! I hope are feeling better and that you and your mom are a match. Congrats again on the book!

  9. We love you, sweet Bakerella! God bless you and your mom! We are praying for both of you, and your family.

    And I have to say, that while I was enjoying the great SF photos, I was saying to myself, “Hmmm….how does she eat so many goodies and stay so slim?”…and you say you’ve lost ten pounds since then? Wow Honey! Don’t lose any more, or when you do the side wave, you’ll disappear until you turn frontways again!

    Anyhow, you’re a gorgeous woman and a lovely person, through thick and thin, and we love you, just the way you are! We’re all sending you tremendous amounts of love and support! Holding your hand, across the internets, and sending warm hugs!

  10. Waiting for your book signing in france!!! Hope you’ll get better with your kidney!

  11. Great to see a post…and such a positive one! We miss you so much when yoiu’re away. Know that prayers are always coming your way. God Bless You (even more than He already has-blessed you with tremendous talent!)

  12. I just love to see how happy the people in the pix at all your book events look….pure fun. Hugs and Prayers from fans in Elk River, MN — Trish (35) and Sophia Rose (7)

  13. hi… i want your book with your sign on it… but im from Mexico soo… i think i dont have either soon :(… im still waiting that someday i bougth your book.. xD… xoxo

  14. I seriously sighed with relief after seeing that there was a new post. I’ve been worried!

  15. Bakerella, I would just like to say that this website of yours is AMAZING! I’ve always loved baking for my friends & family. I came across your website a few weeks ago and fell in love! Tried the red velvet cake balls & nutter butter balls, everyone keeps asking me to make more!! Your amazing, I look forward to your future posts! <3

  16. Sending good vibes your way. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Good Luck with everything!

  17. Still thinking of you, wishing you and your mom well as you go through this journey.

  18. As someone said in an earlier post, life without you is like cake without frosting. You bring so many smiles to so many people! Hope you’re soon on the road to recovery with lots of chocolate! Take care of yourself!

  19. OMG!! I am your newest fan, And I must say that I am obsessed!! Your are so amazing words can’t express how impressed I am with all of your creative ideas! Your like a cake goddess or more like a sweet goddess. I am going to try about 10 things I have seen on your blog. Plus I have to go and get a few copies of your book, because my family is going to go crazy for this stuff. I was also wondering if you could show something Dr.Suess related in cake pops? Good luck and tons of well wishes you are amazing!

  20. You are beautiful. Best wishes. xx

  21. So good to see your cute face again…even it is minus the side smile and wave :) prayers for your recovery

  22. I just bought your cake pops book. It looks SO easy. I can’t wait to do this with my daughter. :)

  23. Hello! I’m sending you warm thoughts & prayers for a complete recovery. I’m making BUNNY POPS tonight for very special kids in class. God bless you.

  24. Thanks for the update. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

  25. Hey bakerella,i’ve missed all your lovely cake pops!:) God bless you,you are gonna do just fine!:D

  26. I check every day to see if you have written. You sound so much better. I hope and pray your Mom is a match. Be well.

  27. Who knew looking at pictures of random people could be so fun. I’m always so impressed by how you seem to get to know the people who come to your signing. That says a lot about you, and it’s no surprise you have so many fans. :)

  28. I was so sad to miss that signing (I had it on my calendar and was looking forward to it for the longest time), but I was sick that weekend and had to stay home! Here’s hoping you’re back on your feet soon and feeling 110-percent! Sending lots of hugs your way… xo

  29. Thinking of you and hoping you get good news soon. So sorry that you have to go through all of this. It’s inspiring that you are keeping your spirits up and posting with smiling, happy photos. You will be back with chocolate soon I hope!

    Cake pops are everywhere, and they always make me smile.

  30. Happy to hear you’re doing well and that the testing phase is almost done! Boo to no chocolate or cheese or milk or cream or butter. But Yay to weight loss! Good luck. Lots of Aloha and blessings from Hawaii!

  31. i really hope you get better ,i miss you! and i always check the site for see if you are better i send you all my preyers .i hope you are going to be so happy like always after this:) i really need see you smile !!!! I’m going to be happy when everything goes ok whit you and your mother:) kiss ^.^

  32. I adore your website/blog and you are the most endearingly sweet celebrity out there! Good wishes to you and your mom for positive results and speedy recoveries! Can’t wait to see more posts — and maybe I’ll get to catch you at a future book signing. Take good care of yourself…

  33. You Go Girl! Keep smiling….Many Blessings…to you and your Mother…

  34. I hope to hear some good news soon!!! My prayers and thoughts are with you!

    BTW – Paul Myers and Mike Myers look EXACTLY alike. Makes me wonder if he was ever a understudy in one of MIke’s Austin Powers movies. lol.

  35. It’s amazing to me that you were in the hospital shortly after these photos were taken. You have such a beautiful, soft presence about you–it’s not just the cake pops-it’s YOU- that draws people to your signings/website/etc. Thanks for keeping us updated on how you’re doing-hopefully the appt will go well this week. I remember when my family got tests to see if we were bone marrow matches for my sisters bone marrow transplant-stressful and emotionally can be draining. You are in my prayers. p.s. I’ll be sure to have an extra piece of chocolate in your honor ;)

  36. I *love* that jacket you have on, where is it from, pray tell?!

  37. Wow, looks like you had a great time! You’re looking well – but no chocolate? Boo… I’m glad to hear it isn’t permanent! If you’re off dairy as well I recommend Soya Dessert as comfort food. And I hope you and your mother are in tip-top condition soon!

  38. Lovely photos! And I really love your haircut!!! Prayers going up for you about the kidney tests. I’m so glad you are staying positive — only a glass-half-full girl could see the upside of dialysis! :)

  39. So glad to hear from you! I ‘ m looking forward to making your chick cake pops for Easter. I hope to bring smiles just as you bring me with your amazing creations. Take care and we are all sending wishes of good health your way.

  40. So, I’m flipping through the Cambria Cove catalog and what do I see? Your cake pop book! How awesome!! Congratulations!

  41. I recently saw your book at my local Target, and I literally gasped I was so excited. Had I not been several days out from payday, I would’ve bought it then, but I promise, I’m going back to buy it!

    And wow, you didn’t have to say that we could imagine Paul with brown hair. When I read it, I looked at the pic and was like, “Wow, no kidding. He looks just like Mike.” I bet you had a great time being with Paul & Liza. It looks like SO much fun!

    Hoping your mom is a great match for you. <3

  42. I’ve been thinking of you. i

  43. Good luck: I hope all goes well, and we’ll see you posting again soon!

  44. I’ve been checking in here like a loon, hoping for an update on how you’re feeling! Sending good vibes your way and happy belated birthday!

  45. I hope everything works out! Keeping happy thoughts for you! ^_^

  46. Glad to see you are posting again and so happy things are looking good for you and your mom! Keeping you in my prayers!

  47. Wow! Looks like San Fran signing was lots of fun! First time I’ve posted but long time reader of your blog. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your site. I’m sending best wishes your way. Steph

  48. Love u B’rella!!
    U r in my prayers!

  49. I am continually inspired by your creative ability and now your strength and upbeat outlook during such a difficult time. Sending lots of good thoughts your way and praying everything goes well for the final testing and your mom is the match that you need. Thanks for the update I was wondering about you.

  50. i hope it all goes well with you and your mum. the book signings look like fun . I live in New Zealand and got my book through amazon , my friends all want to burrow it but it’s just my fave and direct them to amazon lol. So when you are better you need to make your way down under it would be huge !
    Take care.

  51. I just got your book shipped ALL the way to Denmark (Scandinavia) and I’ll just say that it is super fantastic awesome! I love it. Whishing you and your mom the best of luck. Big big hugs!
    – Julie

  52. SO glad to hear from you, praying for ya Lady!!!!
    Made chocolate chocolate cake balls last weekend, I think I’ll eat one now! =)

  53. Too, will you be in KC anytime in the future?

  54. Praying for you and your mom and that everything goes well for you both. I’m in your same boat with chocolate, gotta lay off of that and caffeine from now on. I had surgery recently and come to find out that is what causes what I had. Oh how I miss chocolate :)

  55. You’re always in my prayers. I work for a dialysis company for over 10 years on the island of Oahu. I understand. Get well soon. Aloha!

  56. I LOVE YOUR CAKE POPS!! You make baking fun haha! Thats so nice of you to sign books and meet everyone like that! Your truely one of my role models. :)

  57. dear bakerella,
    my friends and i (in 8th grade) REALLY want to make you cake pops!!!! we are baking for a class project and we are going to make fish cake pops. :-)
    <3, XOXOXO

  58. Wishing you and chocolate reunite soon! Dairy can stop by for a visit too since they make a good pair.

    Hugs and well wishes for a match and a speedy recovery!

  59. I’m so happy that you’re mom might be a fit for a kidney. Many prayers and thoughts are always headed your way whenever I click on your link in my favourites. (Which is several times a week or more!!) Take good care of yourself! {hug}

  60. It’s nice to know that you’re back and are alright, and healthy ;) recover soon, won’t you? ^^

  61. Hi! Fairly new to your site but have loved it since and it is a great inspiration to me. I have never posted anything before but I just wanted to wish you the BEST and can’t wait for you to reunite with The Chocolates and The Dairy’s to see what other deliciousness you come up with next ; )
    P.S. Loved all your pictures, looked like lots of fun.

  62. so happy to hear you’re doing well. wishing you much luck in your transplant endeavor.

  63. So good to see a new post from you. Thinking of you. My husband is on dialysis so I understand how your days are.

  64. I am so happy to see you’re ok! My prayers are with you!!

  65. Still keeping you and your mom in my prayers! Glad to see you were up to posting!

  66. Hey Bakerella, under my friend Collette and her bro Joshua, you made a typo

    “Cutie pie here MAKES MAKE cake pops”


  67. Congratulations! So happy to hear this story, it inspires other food bloggers out there to keep blogging and do it because you can inspire other people to bake too :)

  68. Wishing you every bit of good luck over the coming months. You have such a lovely smile too – you deserve every bit of your success!

  69. I’m 10, and I love your blog and hope you get better soon so you can come to Minneapolis. It was sad there without you.

  70. It’s nice to see that you’re blogging again! I’ve missed your updates, but completely understand your absence. Wishing you the best with your health!

  71. Glad to see you back. Thinking of you. You are so positive and your smile is infectious!

  72. Bakerella you have been so generous and shared so much with all of us. May God bless you and your family with good health and a wonderful life for many more years!

  73. I don’t even know you and I have been SO worried about you! Thank you for posting an update! Your book signings look like fun! Where can we buy your book in Canada? :D

  74. Everybody sign your donor cards please. There is no reason for so many people to be waiting for a kidney. Much love to you and your mom, Bakerella! I’m glad your mom’s testing is going well.

  75. Continuing prayers!!!

  76. It’s so good to see new posts from you. Hope it’s a sign that you are feeling better. :) Good luck with the tests and the doctor visits. Congrats on the 10lbs! A win is a win! Take care.

  77. Ack!! I can’t believe I missed you coming here! I’m in Marin, just across the GGB from SF!! I totally would have gotten your John Hancock if I’d known. I’m sort of offended you didn’t send me a personal invite. How can you just dismiss blog reader #4379?!

    LOL!! I’m trapped in a hotel room in LA with a sick child and 3-day tix to Disneyland. I’m going a little stir crazy.

    I’m having all fingers and toes crossed on the whole Mom-kidney-dialysis deal. Yay for weightloss, silver lining? No? Seriously, this really sucks. I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this.

    Is it wrong that I want to make Kidney shaped Cake Pops in your honor?

    Get better very soon! Obviously my cake pop ideas are less than stellar. We need your brilliance back!

  78. So good to hear from you again! Hope all goes well with your Mom’s tests. This is a lousy way to lose 10 lbs!

  79. Sooo nice to see your lovely smile, & post! Have checked several times a day, just to see if maybe your up going a bit! Sooo in our hearts & prayers! Blessings!

  80. So glad to see you posting! We all miss you, but take care of yourself and you’ll be back to chocolate in no time. :)

  81. Prayers for you and your mom.

  82. Thank you for the “cake pop therapy session.” I was pouring out my cake pop woes to you, and I had no idea you were so sick, and you were so gracious. That’s a terrible pic of me, but of course, it was a rainy day, but it was such a thrill to meet you. God Bless you and yours!

  83. It’s always good to see a new post from you. I hope the tests turn out well, and you can get back to your chocolate-eating self in no time!

  84. You are in my prayers!

  85. Keeping you and your Mom in prayer, Love yah!

  86. Thinking of you and I hope for a speedy recovery!!

  87. Here’s hoping and believing for the best! You are a very talented woman and are a positive influence on a lot of people. Praying for complete healing.

  88. You are so amazing!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I sure hope and pray all goes wonderfully and that you and your mom will be safe!!! xoxox luv luvz!

  89. I’m glad you posted. You have been in my prayers! I pray everything goes well with you and your mom being a match!
    God Bless you and your complete recovery!!!!

  90. Hey there!
    I have to confess i´ve never done a cakepop, but reading your blog is so inspiring to me that i´m planning to do it as soon as I get married and have my own kitchen(so i can make some disasters in it hehe)
    Anyway, i´m commenting to tell you that from the Dominican Republic you have a fan that´s praying for you and your kidney and your mom, so that everything comes out ok and i get to learn more recipes from you.
    Much love and kisses!!

  91. Great photos…
    See how many people love you, dear!
    You do have a great book but it’s YOU that people are drawn to! Just remember that!
    Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you.. (isn’t that a song??)
    I am sending huge hugs, healing prayers and thoughts your way for this journey you are on!
    I live with a chronic illness too, which requires immuno suppressant drugs, also.
    Hugs and much love!

  92. Angie,

    Take care of yourself, get good rest and know that you have a multitude of people who care. Really. We mean it. You’re one sweet peach!

  93. Missed you and I hope all goes well for you.

  94. You look beautiful Angie, hope your birthday was a happy one. Sending you lovely thoughts and great hope.

  95. Wow, Paul & Mike Myers look like they are twins! Glad to hear you are doing well. I hope it all goes smoothly and you can have your dear friends, chocolate & dairy, back soon!

  96. Glad to see an update, hope you’re feeling okay.

  97. Angie: I send you heartfelt wishes. I know there your mom will be a match and you will be flying high sooner than expected. Your book signings look like so much fun and you look fantastic. When you’re ready to indulge in chocolate again I’ll send you my double dark chocolate macarons–on a stick of course!

  98. Glad to see your post and get the updates!! Sending you prayers and sunny thoughts!!

  99. I go to UC Berkeley and when I saw that you were coming to San Francisco, I freaked out and bought a copy of your book to get it signed when I met you. But, I had a computer science project due and and physics midterm approaching so I couldn’t go :[ But I’m glad you had fun in San Francisco and I hope you visit again soon!

    Also, I’m thrilled to hear that you’re hanging in there; I admire your strength and will to keep your blog going. Best of luck!

  100. So glad to “see” you again! And very happy to hear that things are progressing well with your transplant. Good luck!

  101. I hope you are coming somewhere near Orlando, FL soon for a book signing. I’ve bought 3 copies so far and as soon as I get them someone comes over who wants it and I end up giving it away to them. I know if I buy a book that you have signed , I’d have to say no. lol

  102. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Here’s hoping for a speedy reunion with chocolate and dairy. God Bless.

  103. I with you could come out to Melbourne, Australia! I’ve ordered my copy on Amazon and fingers crossed it doesn’t take the 30 days they say it does to get here!

    Good luck with everything!

  104. Good luck with the last tests. Dialysis really doesn’t sound fun at all. No dairy :-( Hope you can kick that habit soon!

  105. I have recently discovered cake pops, and I am such a fan. Way to be positive during dialysis process – that can’t be easy!

  106. I can’t even tell you how happy I am to see you again!!! Glad to have you back. And still keeping you in my prayers!!! Hugs to you and your mother!!!

  107. Great to see a post. I check everyday…keeping positive thoughts for you and your return to good health. I do hope all turns out well and that both you and your mom get positive news soon. As for the chocolate and dairy issue…that would be torture for me even if the result was ten pound weight loss!

  108. Morning to you! Love the positive outlook you’ve got. Please keep it up and many prayers and great thoughts to you and your Mom.

  109. Nice to see a new post and I am glad things are progressing well with the kidney. You are in our prayers everyday. Looks like that day was great fun! Giving up dairy would absolutely be the hardest thing. Chocolate would be hard, but milk is my BFF!!!! Hang in there and stay healthy.

  110. So glad to hear from you. I have been making cakepops recently and everyone loves them. I pray that you and your Mom will have great news soon and a speedy recovery. Hope to see you some day at a book signing!!

  111. Hoping that everything goes well & you are back at the book signings soon! We are sending out positive thoughts!

  112. Happy Wednesday! You’ve been on my heart so it’s good to see your positive post. :) Thank you for giving me a new creative outlet that’s easily shared! Wishing you good outcomes!

  113. Bakerella,
    So excited to receive your post. Have been thinking about you and hope things will go good for you and your Mother. Prayers still coming your way!!

  114. Your smile makes me smile. Your book makes me smile too!

  115. Hi Bakerella!

    So glad to see another post from you. I used to live in Northern Cal before I moved to England, so glad you got to go to SF!

    I hope everything goes well with your mom’s tests. Hoping you can be reunited with chocolate and dairy soon.

    Best wishes!


  116. Hope you get to feel better! sending lots of hugs and prayers your way (all the way from france!)

  117. So happy to see your upbeat post!
    Sure hope to see a “going into the hospital for a transplant soon-wish me luck” post from you one of these days. Meanwhile, keep up the good work staying away from those fair weather friends (chocolate and dairy), and know that I and so many others are thinking of you.

  118. It’s good to see an update from you! I hope all your procedures and testing go well for you and your mom. Big hugs.

    Also wanted to say that my sister and I made your bunny cake pops – our first cake pops ever – this past weekend and we had a blast. It was a long day of a blast, but a good one! Can’t wait to make more!

  119. It is lovely to see another post :) Your blog was the first I ever properly followed and I am so glad you are doing ok!

  120. I was so excited to see a new post! You’ve been missed! Continuing to pray for you and your mom as you walk through this time.

  121. Sending you lots of prayers and happy thoughts!! I hope you recover soon! I know I could not remain so positive looking at yummy photos of your cakepops and not being able to eat them – the cakepops, not the photos ;-). You are a true inspiration.

  122. I’m so happy to see you up and about. Many prayers and blessings for both you and your mom. Take the best of care!

  123. I simply MUST learn how to make Google Android cakepops!!!

  124. Hope you will get this all over with real soon…miss you in my inbox…=D

  125. Feel better soon :D (((hugs))) the dialysis diet-works everytime. Too bad about chocolate, i’ll eat your friend for you :D

  126. So happy to see your bright smile=)
    All the best to you and your mom!

  127. Im pretty happy to know about you, and love your post even when was a little time ago, but that help you to keep positive and visualize again doing the things you love soon,Im so glad to read such good news about you, still praying for you andyour mom, I know God Its at your side.So still standing. Hugz and zillions of blessings to you :)
    P.S btw the 10 pounds less is an asset next book sign you gonna look terrific!!!!

  128. You are an inspiration to all. Love the photos of your signing and hoping all goes well with you and your mom. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  129. All the best to you and your mom.

  130. positive energy flowing to you & wishing that all is a match for you & your mother.
    thinking of you dear bakerella!

  131. I, too, have missed your posts. Great to see you back!

  132. I was so pleased to see you post again, my thoughts are with you and your mum at what i can only imagine is a very difficult time. i wanted to thank you for the inspiration you have given me in your strength and determination and in the way you blog and your fantastic recipes and ideas, you seem like a wonderful lady and if you are ever in the UK doing book signings i will be there in a second! would love to meet you. I wish you all the best and am sending all my good luck your way. (i hope this isnt strange as my first post but i wanted to just say hello!)
    sending hugs Kate x

  133. Hi glad to see your post today. Sorry to hear you still need to spend time with your machine kidney. Keeping you in my prayers… stay postive… glad you are seeing the upside to your non choc diet.
    Sending you hugs from Perth, Australia

  134. I have my fingers crossed that your mom will be a perfect fit and that you will get to be all well again soon.

    Your San Francisco pictures look like a ton of fun. And Paul really does look like Mike Myers. I didn’t even need to imagine him with brown hair. It was in the nose and jaw line. Awesome!

  135. Hey Bakerella! I’m a fourteen year old who loves to bakes sweets, although it doesn’t match my reputation for being a sporty girl but I don’t care,I LOVE to bake sweets. This week one of the best things happened…I got your book! It was amazing because I got it from a book store in Dubai when I went there for the break! So now everyone in my family wants me to bake something from your book, and I will. The only challenge that I have is to find where to buy the lollipop sticks, but I’ll find some eventually!

  136. Hey Bakerella! I’m a fourteen year old who loves to bakes sweets, although it doesn’t match my reputation for being a sporty girl but I don’t care,I LOVE to bake sweets. This week one of the best things happened…I got your book! It was amazing because I got it from a book store in Dubai when I went there for the break! So now everyone in my family wants me to bake something from your book, and I will. The only challenge that I have is to find where to buy the lollipop sticks, but I’ll find some eventually!

  137. Hoping that your Mum’s testing goes as planned… my Mum has dealt with PKD since she was 8, dialysis in last twelve months (both PD and HD) and was blessed with a kidney transplant a fortnight and a half ago. We are so thankful to the donor (and their family) and can’t tell enough people about the importance of organ donorship.
    Sending prayers your way. xoxo

  138. awww loved this post! what a great way to integrate children’s creativity in the kitchen! :D I hope all goes well with your treatment~God bless ya and your mom! <3

  139. It is so nice to see you smile, but no matter what you always smile, keep that positive mind set. I know everything will go great with the surgery. Your in my prayers. Don’t feel bad for now I must say that dirty word diet. No chocolate or goodies for me for a while, till I learn the other dirty word MODERATION. God bless Paulette

  140. Please take very, very good care, Angie! Best of luck to you and your Mom (I’d love to see you feature her in an upcoming post!). Here’s hoping the match will be exactly right and you have a smooooooth path ahead! XOXOXO to you both.

  141. Looks like you had a great time in San Francisco! I hope you get good news and your mom is a match. Don’t worry, chocolate and dairy will be waiting for you when you get out of the hospital. They miss you too.

  142. Your positive attitude is encouraging and astonishing considering everything you are going thru…your an inspiration and not only because of your creativity! I keep you in my prayers!

  143. Wish I could meet you once…..good to see your post.Take care love and Hugs:-)
    Durga(From Singapore)

  144. good to see you posting again, we all miss hearing from you. hope all goes well with the final doc visits !!!! and we get you back on here posting all your creations……….

    hugz from across the miles (australia)

  145. You look so happy and what a great event! I’m glad your health will soon get better…. :)

  146. nice pics, cre dear,..

  147. So glad for the update! Sending you healthy wishes and that you may be reunited with your friends chocolate and dairy soon. :)

    You have an amazing spirit.

  148. Hi Bakerella… its so finally good to see a new post from you. I hope that you are doing a lot better. Has I’am sure you are aware that I was the one who own the package from Kayle and Lulu at this book signing. I have to say it is so nice to see know that I was holding a book that you signed. I missed your book signing in Short Hills NJ last year and ever since then I been decorating cake pops since I was so inspired by you. So i’m so glad that your getting back on your feet. I wish you always the very best. God Bless You B

  149. So nice to know that your transplant process is moving forward.

    If your current plan doesn’t work out for you and your mom give me a holler. I’m sure I have a spare and you are welcome to it! What a wonderful life for a kidney – riding along on Bakerella adventures. I’m sure my kidneys think I am boring anyway! :)

    Wishing you strength as you tackle all of this.

  150. So gald you are feeling better : ) Looks like a great book singing & lots of happy moments!! I LOVE ur site & the things you make : ) Sending LOTS of BIG hugs & Happy thoughts your way!!!! <3

  151. Hi! I just like to say I just discovered your blog (and cake pops! i’ve never seen cakepops here in Australia) and I come here for baking and decorating inspiration. Your work is amazing! I’m going to try out making cake pops soon!

  152. Sending you lots of love and healthy wishes…. And a speedy return to the beloved chocolate.

  153. So glad to see a post from you! I love the photos of all the signings and the comments from you about everyone. So cute! And all these happy people making cake pops… Cake pops, the path to world peace! Hee.

    I hope testing and all go well. You are a bright spot on the internet. Keep shining.

  154. Fun! I so wish I could have been there. Love this!

  155. I just wanted to say, this is my favorite blog. Keep up the good work! :)

  156. Ahhhhh! I’m on your blog, I’m famous! Thanks for the shout out and next time you’re in San Francisco, I’ll take you on a chocolate factory tour to make up for lost time.

    I know you have more hospital time ahead, but you’re in our thought and we’re all rooting for you!!!

  157. Good to see you! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Congratulations on the 10 lbs!

  158. I’m glad you’re feeling well enough to post! I hope the kidney work-up goes well.

  159. As happy as I am to see a post make sure you take care of your self. We will be here when you get better but a life with out you would be like cake without frosting. Miserable.

  160. glad to see a post and an update! saying a prayer for you!!

  161. Glad to see you out and about. Keeping my fingers crossed your mom is a match!

  162. i really wish i could meet you bakerella! (:
    and hope that everything works out for you and your kidney! ^^d
    i mean it in the most sincere way i can express it.. online! :]
    we’ll all be here for you and ready to see more chocolately treats :D
    i love you bakerella!!

  163. So THAT’S why I’ve been craving (& consuming) so many cookies & milk… I must be trying to share… Hope everything works out. I love your positive upbeat attitude!! :)

  164. I am such a slacker, I need to get your book! I am so glad to hear that things are moving ahead for you and your mom. Sending warm wishes your way and keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  165. It was so good to see a new post, and I’m glad that things are going well for you. Hopefully your Mom will be a match for the kidney! My DIL & I made Easter cakepops over the weekend. We made the chicks, Easter eggs & bunnies. They all turned out so cute!!! My Granddaughter took some to day care, and my son & DIL took the rest to work! Thanks again for your inspiration! Whenever anyone asks me how to make them, I just direct them to your site!

  166. How cute!!!

    So that’s how to lose weight give up chocolate and dairy products? Maybe dairy but chocolate?

  167. Blessings to you and your mom!

  168. Shall I eat some dairy and chocolate in your honour, then? Here’s to some brighter, delicious days ahead!

  169. Wow! That’s Collette and her brother Josua! Collette’s my Bff! She loves baking cake pops and shes so happy!

  170. always glad to see a post from you! wishing you and your mother well and praying that all works out for the best! san francisco sure looked like fun – it’s my favorite city to visit! i know you probably don’t like to ask for help but i’m sure many of us would be more than willing to help you out and eat chocolate for you, until you’re able to! ;O) just kidding… kind of… hee hee… :OP take care!

  171. Thanks for the update!! I hope all goes well with your mom. And the book signings always look so fun. :D

  172. And I’m still praying.

  173. It looks like such fun! Maybe one day I’ll get to attend one of your book signings….maybe your second or third book?

  174. Hi Bakerella! I really hope that things work out with the kidney!! Thinking of you.


  175. Woot, woot! All aboard the kidney train!

  176. When I was at Starbucks today I saw that they’re selling cake pops! AND when my sister was in London, she stopped by Harrods and THEY were selling cake pops too! Our dear Bakerella, you have created the most delightful treat – our thoughts and prayers are with you as you continue your dialysis and I hope you are reunited with your friend, chocolate, too…

  177. I think about you often! Hang in there! You’ve got a lot of people praying and sending you positive thoughts :)

  178. I’m only 13, but I love to bake! I’ll have to try cake pops soon. My mom said she’ll make some Easter cake pops with me from your book, for Easter with my family. I can’t wait to try one of your cake pops!

  179. Okay, I have to admit it. I love your Cake Pops book! I just got it on Tuesday, and I was jumping for joy when it came. I’ve been waiting for it about a week. I’m so happy I finally get it, though!

  180. Been missing you!!! Praying that EVERYTHING goes OK, and your mom will pass the tests… Glad you had a great time in San Fran… love the place!!! Went there for our honeymoon and I’m still dreaming of the great time we had :)

  181. I have missed you! Good to see you posting again :o) You are in my prayers.

  182. It is so nice to see a post from you again – I’ve missed you. I hope everything goes as planned with the doctors so you can go get this taken care of and get back to “normal” (and back to chocolate!).

  183. Here’s to praying both you and your Mom will PASS! So glad to see your new post :)

  184. I’m always so happy to see a post from you! I love all of the fun pictures from your book signing! Someday I am going to meet you!!!! That’s my goal :) Seriously. Get well soon! You’re a champion! My grandma went on Dialysis and it was a very difficult time for her. You are so positive and hopeful- I admire that!

  185. Thanks for sharing! I am glad things are going well for you so far.

    I love the last picture of you though the window! You look beautiful!

    Prayers and hugs for you and your mom!

  186. So happy to see you posting…I have been checking your blog regularly to check on you. If I was closer, I would check on you in person! I hope that all goes well for you and your mom in the next couple of weeks.

    Prayers and Hugs from Texas!


  187. So glad for the update! Hope all goes well…

  188. Don’t normally post, but so glad to see that you are up to posting that I just had to say hi, I love you blog, and hope that all your kidney woes are better soon!

  189. I am hoping everything works out for you and your mom. How blessed you are to have her. And how blessed I feel to have you! My kids, and their teachers, LOVE your cakepops!!!! I get so many compliments every time it is our turn for snack. Good luck! HUGS!!!

  190. Still sending positive thoughts your way. Hoping that you find a resolution and get feeling better soon!

  191. So happy to see a new post from you… I missed you.
    My best wishes to you.

  192. How cool! Mike’s brother looks just like him!

  193. I love to see your posts! So colorful and you are a beautiful soul! Good luck!

  194. Good to see you back in action, Bakerella! Blessings and healing to you!

  195. Angie, Chad and I have been sending good wishes your way! I hope things go well with your Mom’s testing. After all you’re going through. it’s even sadder that you have to refrain from chocolate and dairy too! Please let us know if there is anything we can do!

  196. Looks like San Fran was fun! I hope you come to VA sometime- I’d love to meet you. Still praying for you as you go through this tough time- I hope knowing how many people are praying for you is a huge encouragement!

  197. So glad to see another post from you, I’ve missed you, and your side smile and wave :)

  198. Wow, I get to be your first comment! Ususally I’m number 5472. It’s good to see you posting again, and good luck with dialysis and possible transplating! Would it be totally tacky to make kidney pops? I’ll answer that–yes. And maybe yuck.

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