
This is so cool.

At least to me it is. This month I received some sweet news. Three different magazines recently mentioned YAY! Here they are:

I Do for Brides

I Do for Brides
Winter 2009
You can get a copy in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Maryland and D.C.

Joy Magazine

October 2008
Joy is a food and wine magazine in Argentina. I have no idea what they say about the site, but I’m assuming it’s awesome.

Southern Weddings Magazine

Southern Weddings
Premiere Issue gets a mini mention in a big new magazine.

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180 comments on “This is so cool.”

  1. Hello
    Good day.i have a party and so do you have cupcakes and i will like to know if you accept credit card so if you have cupcakes in chocolate flavor buttercream icing i will be needing this information
    How much will 500 cupcakes regular size rose design will cost me ……
    your address for the private carrier coming for the pickup ………….
    and actually, i don’t have access to website because am not really good on computers so i will be waiting for the reply.
    so get to me with the following information below……
    Pickup Address:
    Total cost for the order:
    Personal cell #:
    Best Regards,
    Cupcakes Orders!!!

  2. Okay, this is very far out of date BUT! The magazine in Argentina says "brillante idea" and hey, Spanglish can get you there! Brilliant idea! Congrats on the wonderful reviews and mentions!

  3. Hey!!!! u know that one on the bottom right looks exactly like Mii!!!!! Love ur work!!!

  4. Welcome to the blog globetrottingbride

  5. Wow. What a great blog. My sister just told me about it. Congrats on all the great press. I’m gonna have to write you up on my blog soon.

  6. allison – I did! It’s magical.

    Tiffany – Thanks

    Isabelle – thanks for the recommendation

    Happy Heifer – Well, watch out because I have more Hello Kitty coming soon.

  7. I am so so so in love with the cupcakes. I just found your blog and I absolutely love it. The hello kitty cake makes me brain giggle with glee amazing.

  8. I’m guessing “C”, love your blog!

  9. I have to pick C ! What a nice giveaway!

  10. OMG I really wanted a WII for so long, no one got me one for Christmas…Maybe this is my chance give me luck bakerella!!

    I choose Letter B!

    BTW, your blog is so original!

  11. congrats on the magazine mentions, that’s totally awesome and exciting! I won’t choose a Mii because i already have a Wii, but i will say that the fit is really really great!

  12. I guess that you are Mii ‘C’.
    Cute stuff! You never cease to amaze me with your creativity.


  13. Congrats! That is awesome & you really deserve it. You have incredible ideas!

  14. I’ll go with C :)

  15. I guess C and love all your publicity. I made the reindeer and tree pops at Christmas – your instructions made things very easy (except trying to find pretzels for the reindeer antlers…ugh) and they came out perfect (in my 4 year olds eyes!). thanks.

  16. Totally not related to the matter at hand, but have you seen this cute little cupcake stop-motion animation video??

    I was going to send it to Cakespy also, but I don’t have a Google id and I couldn’t find a way to leave a message or send an email otherwise.

    So cute!!

  17. I am guessing C. I hope I win! A Wii would be amazing. Thanks for the oportunity.

  18. THREE magazines!! Congrats!! You totally deserve it!! WOW!!


  19. I’m thinking you use Mii letter H. The sweet yet sassy one :)

    Those are fantastic cupcakes, by the way!

  20. I think you use E.

  21. New to your site, LOVE IT!!!
    My guess is B

    Staci Raborn

  22. I hope its “C”! WIII!

  23. What a giveaway!!! I say you are choice C. Congrats on your success!

  24. Thanks again for all the congrats and sweet comments. Loved reading them!


    Thanks for the translations BeachMama and arwen and Cal.

    Rachelle – that site is beautiful!

    Anonymous Mary – the only way I knew I was in the mags for sure was by them contacting me.

    Lilo – thanks for the heads up!

    emsres – sounds like a great idea

    Sandy – Welcome back!

  25. Very cool cupcakes! I’m going to guess C is your Mii.

  26. How FUN! My girls and I are choosing C.

  27. Congrats! Way exciting!

    I haven’t been keeping up on your blog since I’ve been in Idaho taking care of my daughter, son-in-law and new addition: James Patrick! He was born December 28th! It’s good to be home and back to reading your blog!

  28. Congratulations! 3 magazines- and wedding magazines at that! It’s too bad I won’t get to see any of them since I live in the Northwest.

  29. My guess is C. Oooh I hope I’m right

  30. I say C, but all of them are adorable. I’m thinking of making these as gifts for our wedding party. Too cute!

  31. I think your Mii is “H.”

    Hope I’m right, my nephews and niece would flip if I brought this home!

  32. My pick H, You are amazing, love them!

  33. wow, that is so exciting and very well deserved!

  34. My guess is Mii ‘B’

  35. Yay!!! You SO deserve recognition in every magazine out there! You are so awesome!! :)

  36. I think you are “D”, I love your blog!!

  37. I love them! I think your E

  38. You are C. pick me.

  39. I think you would be B…
    your blog is great!!


  40. I love your blog. My guess is C!

  41. My pick is C. Love your cupcakes and post! So cute.

  42. A big congratulations! Word is spreading, Bakerella :)

  43. Congratulations!! How wonderful for you!

  44. thats awesome!

  45. Forgot to add—these cake pops are such a fun thing to do with kids. Have you thought of submitting them to Family Fun magazine? They LOVE things like this.

  46. congrats! you deserve it! =)

  47. I love those cupcakes! Adorable! I choose G.
    You are becoming famous!

  48. I know your blonde but not sure of the eye color. I’m going with C!

  49. how very very very cool! congrats!

  50. I think that “C” is your MII. Love the beauty mark. Thanks for the chance to enter such a fabulous giveaway!!

    Congrats on all the mentions in the magazines. Can’t wait to make some of your cake-pops with my kids for Valentines treats!

  51. hi, I just wanted to let you know there is a little recipe book in Costa Rica that a super market gives to their clients with your cupcakes and they put the link to your site :D

  52. I’m going to go with “B”.
    Super cute cupcakes!


  53. Congrats… I am going to guess c!

  54. Congratulations! I am delighted that you’ve been featured… So chic!

  55. I choose G

  56. I pick D.

    Congratulations on being famou~Cristina

  57. As always…cute! I am really wavering between C and G. I’m going to bite the bullet and go with C!

  58. I don’t know if I’m a wii fan, but I do know I’m a bakerella fan. I’m going to guess letter D.

  59. I say you are “F”….you are so very talented! I love all the different cupcakes…those are too cute.

  60. Congratulations! That is wonderful!

  61. Congrats!!

  62. Congratulations! I love your blog. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  63. I was going to translate for you but someone beat me to it, but I would say the translation is right on point. I am in love with your blog and cannot wait to try more of these recipes and ideas out. My guess would be D, I hope I am right. Thanks and good luck.

  64. you rule! that is so awesome. even though i don’t know you personally, i feel like i do know you, so it makes me so happy that one of my friends is so famous! :O)

  65. Wowzers! That is so awesome in 3 mags – you deserve it too, love your creations and your blog makes me want to reach in and eat, eat, eat. I imagine you with dark hair (sorry if I’m wrong:) so I will go with D – what a great prize! Courtney (

  66. I say choice D. I just recently came across your website and I can’t say enough good things. Congrats on the mentions.

  67. Congrats on the mentions in the magazines. Big time stuff!!

  68. wow that IS awesome! congrats!

  69. Is that a C?

    Those are so stinking cute!

  70. That is so wonderful for you!!

  71. Congrats it is well deserved you are amazing and everyone should know it. Have a great day.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  72. Congratulations! It’s all well-deserved recognition. :)

  73. You have to use C because you are blonde and cute!f

  74. Wow, congratulations. Great exposure for an even better blog.

  75. That is so exciting! I love it! We’ve all known how awesome bakerella is, now all these magazine readers can know about it, too!

  76. these mii’s are SO neat! I think you use C!
    *fingers crossed*

  77. I have to say you get me started baking and l love it so much thanks so much . I swear the first thing I do when i’m on the computer is to check what cool stuff you made so i can try and make it too thanks for giving this stay home mom my own special time to look forward to everyday

  78. congrats! thats some accomplishment. Way to go.

  79. I’m voting for C. I love your cupcakes! They are so cute!

  80. Yay!! I love the Wi! You look like “C” to me.

  81. Congrats! Of course well deserved.

  82. Wow, that’s fantastic! Congrats :-)

  83. Lady you rock! You deserve to be in these mags :-)

  84. Hoooooray!

  85. That is so awesome for you. Congrats!!!!!
    I have a quick question for you…. How do you know that you are in a magazine?? Does the magazine contact you? Do you just have to look everywhere? or rely on people who see it to tell you ?
    Thanks, Mary

  86. I am sOOOO “D”!!

  87. I pick D

  88. Congrats on the coverage!

  89. I “C” you! :)

  90. Congrats! I’m going to attempt your cupcake pops for my daughter’s first birthday party. We’re going to do a “cupcake” theme!

  91. Congratulations on your Bakerella honors! That is awesome that you were mentioned in some pretty popular mags. You rock! :)

  92. Congrats! You so deserve the recognition.

  93. Congrats! You are definitely worth the mentions!!

  94. I’m going to pick B. Love your posts.

  95. Wow, this is a good one. I hope you are C.

  96. I’d say G!

  97. Wow! That’s awesome!!!

  98. So cute!! I will say C

  99. Awesome job!

  100. I am going to guess C

  101. Wow! Great giveaway!! I do believe you are choice C. Pick me! Pick me!!

  102. Hi Bakerella!
    I was going to translate for you the article from the Argentinian magazine, but two other readers beat me to it.
    I’m a newly-wed translator from Argentina and I’ve been silently reading your blog for many many months now, and I just wanted to say that everything here is wonderful and yummy!!
    I love all those cupcake recipes and I’m starting to try some of them myself… pity that many of the ingredients you often recommend are not available here in Buenos Aires.
    Congratulations on those mentions and let’s home there are many more to come!!
    Regards from the South Cone!!

  103. Cool I think you are E!

  104. Wow Bakarella, that’s too cool! So nice to see the pops getting famous! Congratulations!

  105. I’d say by the end of the year you’ll be listed in TONS of articles and will do a few guest spots on tv, as well. I’m surprised the craft stores aren’t beating your door down to do demos! Your work is as smooth as glass!

  106. Congrats! How neat is that!
    You know, another fellow food blogger, Aran, cannelle et vanille is featured in the Southern Weddings one as well!

  107. I think D! hope I’m right, I love Wii!!!

  108. Congrats that is really fun to see in a magazine.

  109. Congratulations!! I love your creations, so it’s no wonder you’ve been mentioned so many times… I’m surprised it’s not more!

    Thanks for keeping me experimenting!

  110. That is VERY cool! Congrats!


  111. this is fantastic! i think you are g :]

  112. definately C. saw you on martha and i have been hooked ever since. maybe if i butter you up that will increase my odds?? either way you are fantastic and these cupcakes are unreal.

  113. I’m guessing you are Mii G! :) Love the cupcakes and your blog!

  114. that is just fantastic! congratulations and it’s well deserved!

  115. My guess is “B” – love the blog! I have passed your site along to all my nieces, realtives and friends around the world.

  116. totally awesome!

  117. That is totally awesome- Congratulations!

  118. Congrats!! that’s really awesome :D

  119. Super Cute! I say *H*

  120. Those cupcakes are so cute! My guess is “D”.

  121. How exciting! Congratulations on being the “pop” queen.

  122. Angie I pick C!

  123. I think you are Mii – “H” :)

    jenfdykstra (a)

  124. Wow, that is awesome! The Spanish one basically says who you are and that your pops are explained in detail on your website, so go and make some ;).

  125. Congratulations!!

  126. Thanks for all the sweet congrats everyone.

    And, I guess I shouldn't have posted two posts on the same day. For everyone that accidentally left/leaves their comment here for the giveaway, I will add it to the correct place before I draw the winner.

    Janelle & Mrs. K – Thanks for the translation!!!

  127. Congratulations!!! I only wish I could make mine as pretty as you do. They taste yummy never the less.

  128. Congratulations on your magazine fame!
    I pick C.
    You pick me. (please…)

  129. C

    As always your fondant work is impressive. Those cupcakes are precious!

  130. I’m gonna say D. They are all so dang cute, but I think D looks most like you!

  131. I am going to guess…D

  132. Congratulations on all the magazine mentions. I will guess C as your Mii.

  133. That is fantastic, I am so glad that you are being recognized!

  134. I am going to guess C. I am pretty sure I can guess your niece too…

  135. Wowie Zowie!! What a give away!! Well, when I saw you on Martha, I think you look mostly like “C.” Who knows? Maybe you like to use a Mii that doesn’t look like you…?

    PS – Love your amazing ideas!

  136. The Spanish one says that you are a lady from Georgia, who’s had the brilliant idea of inventing (yes, inventing) the cake lollipop and then it says to go to your site for instructions on how to’s and the pictures are mouth watering.

    How exciting!

  137. CONGRATS!

    I’m still debating on whether or not to do the pops for my own wedding, I think I might just do them for our tiny reception after our huge one. Especially since we’re doing the cake and cupcakes at the first one.

  138. that’s really neat that you were featured in some magazines…can’t say I’m surprised though, you’re incredibly talented! : )

  139. I chose “C……
    By the way, you are awesome.

  140. i’m guessing H…and i’m inspired by your site!!! baked all weekend long during our “arctic” spell here in ohio and loved every minute of it…love the mini cakes!!!

  141. How fun (and adorable Mii cupcakes)! I’m going to guess “C”.

  142. These are so awesome!!

    Okay I’m guessing C.

    There were two I thought could be right!

  143. That’s awesome!

  144. Yay! What a great giveaway. I’m going to guess H but they’re all cute. :)

  145. You are amazing! See, you’re addictive!

  146. I’ma gonna guess H!

    I would totally recommend the Wii fit! The balance board works with other games as well. Be warned though: it is a little spendy, and I got bored with it after a few months. If there’s an expansion pack for the game I would totally get it just so I don’t have to do the same workouts over and over again.

  147. Congratulaions!!

  148. I am going to guess D. I love your site and wish you much continued success.

  149. Man, that was a hard choice. I’m going with C though.

  150. My pick is letter C!!

    Hope I win…it would be a cool graduation present for my son, Gavin :)

  151. Awesome! I say you are G.

  152. That is awesome, congratulations! Your creations are all so cute, you deserve to be in the magazines. And when you have your own show on the Food Network, I will watch it everyday!

  153. How awesome!

    All your fun and hard work is really paying off!

  154. This is so much fun. I love your ideas. I say you are G.

  155. I’m going to guess “C”

  156. That is VERY cool – congrats !

  157. Wow! That’s so AWESOME! Especially since I recently re-read your profile, and you really only got into this 2 years ago?!

    That’s neat! Way to go, Bakerella!

  158. Sweet! Make sure you get a copy of all of them =) Congrats!

  159. congratulations! each feature looks beautiful!

  160. That’s fantastic! Congrats to you!!!

  161. That is awesome! I am going to pick “H”!

  162. That is far to cool! :)
    I’m trying out your brownie/cookie combo for my sons dessert banquet for Cub Scouts! :) Thanks I love your site!

  163. I have been watching your blog one hour and I like all your posts, I love cupcake and fondant, I´m just starting in this world of fondant and I love it
    A kiss for you

  164. The Spanish one basically says that you are a woman from Georgia who had the brilliant idea to make suckers out of cake. Your blog gives instructions on how to make them with whatever flavor/color/design/topping one wants, and the photos are mouthwatering to anyone who likes cake.

  165. congrats, that is awesome

  166. so pleased for you – you deserve recognition for the incredible things you create!

  167. My Son chose “C”.

  168. I, too, am going to try the cookie/brownie treats! They look AMAZING… as do ALL of the things you post. I actually got inspiration for “reindeer pops” from your blog (pics in my blog). They were a huge hit… totally stole the show!

  169. Bakerella-

    Not only are your posts filled with yummy looking cakes and treats… I’m going to try the brownie/cookie combo this week to take to a friends house… but your photography is AMAZING!!! It looks like you can just eat them off the screen!

  170. OMG..what great cupcakes!! (and fabulous contest!

    I am thinking you use H as your character. :)

  171. How fun! I’m going to say D. It is so exciting that you were mentioned in a magazine! How great!

  172. Another great giveaway, I’ll say you are choice C. *crossing fingers*

  173. Great!!

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