
Pick Mii out and Wii-n!

Wii Cupcake

I’m sure most of you guys have heard of the Nintendo Wii by now. But, before Christmas rolled around, I had never even seen the Wii and had no desire to play one. (Not a big video gamer.) I had heard all about it though. How you can create characters (Miis) to resemble yourself and play games like bowling and golf and tennis… all with a remote. You’ve seen the commercials, with everyone looking silly in front of their TV, punching at invisible objects. (That’s the boxing game, by the way.)

Then, for Christmas, my sister got one, my best friend got one and my aunt won one at her Christmas Party. Everywhere I went, I was surrounded by cartoon versions of my friends and family bowling and playing tennis. All of the sudden, I had to have one. So, a few days and five stores later, I too was the proud owner of a shiny white box of fun.

And it is fun! On New Year’s Eve, we bowled for almost eight hours straight. We couldn’t stop. I’m sure there’s a bunch of you that know exactly what I’m talking about. And for the record, my niece rocks at bowling. She has a high score of 254 and she’s only seven. I’m… well…I’m not seven, but I can’t beat her for the life of me. (She likes to remind me of it, too.)

Anyway, we’ve had such a great time playing this thing, that I wanted to spread the fun. So here’s a little giveaway with a big prize.

The Wii:
Includes the Wii console, Wii remote, Nunchuk controller, disk of sports games and wires and stuff.

Win a Wii

Keep reading to see how you could win it.


Here are a bunch of Miis I made on the Wii for this giveaway.

Mii Cupcakes

And, here are a bunch of Mii cupcakes.

All you have to do to enter for a chance to win is…

Pick Mii Out & Wii-n!

Pick Mii Out and Wii-n Giveaway:

  • To enter for a chance to win a Wii, just pick mii out.
  • Guess the letter above that corresponds to the Mii character you think I use and leave your choice in your comments section below. Choose only one.
  • Make sure to leave a way for me to contact you (by blog or email) if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Saturday, January 24, 2009 at midnight.
  • Winner will be announced sometime Sunday, January 25th.

Note: The winner will be chosen at random using the integer generator. To win, you must pick Mii out correctly. If the winning comment does not pick Mii out correctly, I’ll choose another comment at random until one does.

Have fun and good luck!

Want to know more:
Nintendo Wii
Wii Games
Wii Accessories
Wii Fit (Curious… does anyone recommend this?)

Also, the cupcakes I made were from the February 2009 issue of Martha Stewart Living Magazine… (a Christmas gift subscription from my mom.) I used the one bowl chocolate cupcake recipe… super easy and yummy. Thanks Mom and Martha!

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4,993 comments on “Pick Mii out and Wii-n!”

  1. I think you are C!

    And yes, the Wii Fit is SO fun! The board is great. There’s an aerobics game that’s really good, and lots of other games that even my 3 yr old could play. Using the board was much more natural for him than the hand controllers.

    I don’t have a set yet, so I’m really hoping to win this! Yay!

  2. If you can find the wii fit – get it!

    I think your mii is C (if it’s not her then it’s G but C is my final answer)

  3. Oh, it must be D! I hope I win! I love the Wii.

  4. I suppose it’s C?

  5. You are letter D


  6. I’m guessing G. And yes, the bowling is addictive!

  7. I say – C.

  8. I say D!

  9. I say D. I love Wii

  10. Um, Wii Fit is SO fun. It takes the awesomeness of the Wii to a whole new level.

    As for the contest, I think you are for sure C! It looks just like your hot self!

    Now I hope I win SO MUCH!!

  11. They all look great! But I pick D!

  12. My vote is H! Awesome cupcakes!

  13. Those cupcakes are so cute. I pick B.

    I actually got to play on wii at my nieces house at Christmas. We played Rock Guitar and American Idol karaoke. We had a blast!

  14. I choose “A”!

    These are the coolest cupcakes EVER!

  15. I am going to say “C”!

  16. I’m going to go with B. Great giveaway.

  17. G!!

    So fun! I made the cupcake pops for my daughters 4th birthday – preschool LOVED them. So did we, now I can’t stop thinking of when else I can make them :)

  18. I think you’re D. BTW-They are all adorable! Good job!

  19. I say letter H. Cool giveaway! Those cupcakes are so funny. :)

  20. Fabulous idea! Mii cupcakes. Too adorable. I pick “C.”

  21. Going for “D”

  22. I believe the answer is “C”! I’m so excited for this giveaway, hoping to get my hubby and I the Wii Fit going for the new year, but couldn’t get it for the holidays. I hope my guess is right! (And thanks for the great giveaway opportunity!)

  23. I’m going to guess C! So cute!

  24. Oh how I would love to win this! Based on the Martha Stewart Show appearance, I choose C!

    [crossing my fingers]

  25. I pick “H”…your so creative!

  26. We pick C!! (fingers crossed)

  27. I’m thinking “C”. She looks a fair amount like I think I remember you looking!

  28. I pick G!

  29. I think you’re G! :) They’re all so cute and I can’t believe what a generous prize this is!

  30. My vote is for “D”… please pick Mii… he he

  31. I choose B. Those cupcakes are awesome! And yes, the Wii fit is a lot of fun.

  32. I am going to guess H.

    Awesome cupcakes also.

  33. You are totally a C IMO!

  34. Such a crazy creative mind! I love it, I think you are……..H!!!!!!!!

  35. Those cupcakes are too cool! I need to get my lazy hiney back on the Wii Fit.

    I saw you on Martha, but I’m still not sure which one you are! I’m going with G. I think she has your cute cheeks.

  36. D is the one. Love your site!

  37. I’m going to say “C” because I saw you on Martha Stewart and I think you look like that one. They are all so cute though!

  38. I’m guessing your Mii is Cii…

  39. I am going to go with A..
    Totally awesome giveaway!
    :) Thanks! :)

  40. How cute! I can’t wait to show my husband (video game lover) these! I think that you are H!

  41. I pick ‘B’! What a fun idea for cupcakes!

  42. My guess is C.

  43. i think its “c” she looks like what a bakerella should look like, sweet but a little bit of sass under that sweet smile.

  44. I have to go with B. I hope I win! My husband would flip! These cupcakes are amazing. I don’t know how you find the time.

  45. I think C!

  46. D- I love the lips.

  47. I vote for D. The cupcakes are so cute!

  48. I’m going to guess “c”
    My seven year old tried the bowling game and the bean bag toss and beat a crowd full of adults!

  49. I pick “C”.

    I LOVE your site…you are so creative!

  50. I’m voting for C! Mii’s are so much fun!

  51. I think “C” is screaming your name!

  52. I’m thinking D – and congrats on your press mentions!

  53. I think you are H!

    What a super fun contest!!

  54. I have to go with choice C!
    The cupcakes look fantastic!

  55. Those are awesome! Great Job. My guess is C.

  56. My guess is ‘H’.

  57. My Pick is C.

    Thanks so much for doing this. I LOVE your blog and I also LOVE Wii!

    Thank you!

  58. I saw you on Martha… and it leads me to think H. Though I could have picked that one as it resembles Mii.

  59. I think little C looks just like you…from what I can remember from your star appearance on Martha! I guess it gives new meaning to the phrase “I could just eat you up!”

    Amy in Texas

  60. I pick H. I love the wii fit. It made me mii a little chubby…boo hoo.

  61. I think it’s B. And yes, I recommend Wii Fit. My kids love it… so does my sister and my neighbor!!

  62. I say H! They all look completely adorable though!

  63. C…they’re all so cute! i love these cupcakes. I’ve never seen you, but I’m going with C.

    thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with us!


  64. I’m going to guess C! Those cupcakes are fabulous!!! I’m so impressed.


  65. I am going to say C!!

  66. I’d have to go with C.

    Each “Mii” has quite the personality!

  67. I think H. They’re all so cute!

  68. I’m going for D also!

  69. I gotta go with C. Lovely & sporty.

  70. My guess is B!!

  71. I’m going to guess C :-D

  72. I PICK C

  73. I think H.

  74. I think it’s G. She is super cute w/ flare just like yourself!


  75. This is great! You are definitely “C”!

    Wii Wii!!

    How fun it would be to have a Wii!


  76. This would be perfect for my husband’s birthday in February! I think “C”.

  77. What a great contest! I choose D.

  78. D!
    How fun!

  79. I think you use C and I want a wii now lol.

  80. Too cute!! I’m taking a shot in the dark and guessing D, I’m loving the freckles :)

  81. I’ll say “D”! The cupcakes are oh, so pretty and yummy!

  82. I think C. I love all the little faces!

  83. I pick H

  84. I pick D!

  85. I’m going to guess C. She looks so sweet just like your cupcakes

  86. I think… C! :) those cupcakes are amazing! :)

  87. I’m going with C. It could be G but of the 2 cupcakes I think C is cuter so that’s where my vote goes!

  88. G! Definitely G!

  89. I will say C.
    Your cupcakes look GREAT!!

  90. I’m guessing C. Thanks! Jennie

  91. My vote is D! Thanks.

  92. I’m going with D! Those kissy lips are too cute!

  93. i think D

  94. I pick C. What a great giveaway! And I think Wii Fit is lots of fun.

  95. I hope you are cupcake C!

    What fun cupcake mii’s!

  96. C! I think it’s C!

  97. Definitely D! Love the lips on her. She looks like an intense bowler. I’ve never entered a blog contest before, but when there’s a Wii to be had, I’m all over it. Never been into video games, until I was introduced to the Wii. I recommend Wii tennis. Playing teams and having tournaments is a blast (and worth the sore arm for days after). P.S. AMAZING cupcakes!

  98. C looks like a glamerous bakerella!!!


  99. I’ll go with H!

  100. It’s D!! I loved the Martha video!!

  101. I am going to say H! Super cute! You are very talented by the way!

  102. I am going to pick “C” she is too cute.


  103. I guess it is H

    The cupcakes are so adorable by the way!

  104. I’m thinking D …you did a great job on them!

  105. I am going with C! Awesmoe cupcakes.

  106. My guess is B.
    So cute!!!

  107. Oh man! I would die to win this! haha, I pick C

  108. I pick C! I think you are incredible – everything you make is gorgeous!

    Vanessa (

  109. I pick A – I hope.

  110. I think H, those are so cute!

  111. i think it’s ‘A’!

    the cupcakes look a lot cuter than the actual miis. nintendo needs to step up their game.

  112. I choose H

  113. I love the Wii Mii Cupcakes. I think H.

  114. I’ll go with C..pick me!

  115. I am betting that letter H is your character.

    And what awesome cupcakes!

  116. Definitly D! She so cute! I too have never played the Wii but it does seem like everyone around me has one…I guess I need one…am I missing out on lots of fun?!?!

  117. I guess D.

    Have a great day.

  118. I’m going with “B”!!

    Great cupcakes!

  119. My guess is C. Those Mii cupcakes are adorable!

    (Sorry if this posts twice… there was an error when I just tried to leave a comment… I’m not trying to enter the contest twice, I promise!)

  120. I just guessed C in a previous post but forgot to leave my email as a contact. Sorry!

  121. I am going to say D! The cupcakes are adorable!

  122. I choose “G”.

    What a great give a way!!

  123. Hmm… I think C (and it may or may not be because that’s the one that looks most like me!).

  124. I’m gonna have to guess “C”!
    You are so talented!


  125. I think it’s C. Lovely, delicious C.

  126. You’ve got to be C! (Contact me by emailing to my name at hotmail–avoiding those spam-bots by not spelling it out…)

  127. C

    I hope.

    Thank you for sharing!

  128. I will say C I love your blog too!

  129. H! These are so much fun.

    (I’m not sure if I just double posted. If I did, I apologize.)

  130. My guess is C!

  131. I’m going with H.

  132. I pick C. They all look great! Don’t you just love the Wii!! We play it all the time. Try the hula hooping on Wii fit.

  133. I like A!

  134. “C” is my guess!

  135. F! I love these!

  136. My answer is C. Stacy Davies –

  137. I pick C! What a generous giveaway! I have been wanting to get one of these for me and my son for quite some time! Hope I picked right!

  138. I’m going to guess C.

  139. C. It’s the only one with long-ish blonde hair!

  140. I’m going to vote for “H” – she looks like a nice lady. :)

    Those cupcakes rock!!

    And the Wii Fit is a LOT of fun. My 9-y-old LOVES it, too. I did a couple yoga moves and the hula hoop game – and could totally feel it! (Of course, I recently had a baby and am totally out of shape, but still…) I really recommend it!

  141. I pick H (they are all so cute!)

  142. I pick C. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway! Loved seeing you on Martha!

  143. I like F! Love it!

  144. I think it’s C!

  145. I have to vote for B! Those are adorable!

  146. I guess G. Cute cupcakes, as per usual :)
    pxilated at

  147. I vote for H!! And I know this is random but I am hoping my Jan. 24th b-day gets me some luck!

  148. I think H :)

  149. It’s absolutely C. And those are adorable!! valeriemarino(at)gmail(dot)com

  150. My vote goes to G!

    They’re all so adorable!

  151. I choose C! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  152. I’ll go with H.

  153. I’m gonna go with C… Those cupcakes are out of control cute!

  154. I say C! :)

  155. g. what a babe.

  156. C is super cute, that is my choice

  157. I’m picking C…she looks the most like “mii”!! They’re all sooo cute!!

  158. My guess is C!!

  159. Definitely C.

  160. D – definitely D!!
    Thanks – love your cupcakes!

  161. my guess is “c.” you are the most creative person ever!

  162. It has got to be C! Thanks for another great post-

  163. Those are adorable cupcakes… I say A.

  164. I think C
    You are so creative and my mouth waters every time I look at your blog, keep up the good work :)
    What a fun give away!

  165. I like H!

  166. I’m going to have to go with “B.”

  167. I guess letter C!!

  168. I’m going with H

  169. I pick C….thanks for sharing all your great ideas with us!

  170. Oh oh oh! Pick me, pick me! Sorry that was a Shrek moment :) I think “D”. She looks like fun!

  171. You are B! Just a guess! Your talent with baked goods is so amazing. It makes no sense at all! You are really good at what you do.

  172. our vote is H. i wish you were giving the cupcakes away… :)

  173. C, please!

  174. I think you are H. lol and I would suggest a wii fit, I don’t know how fit you get but it is LOTS of fun.

  175. Love the cupcakes! I pick H!

  176. definitely D! well, hopefully…:)

  177. I’m going with D. She’s sassy!

  178. I am torn between B and H but I think I will say H. What a cool idea!

  179. I pick C.. adorable cupcakes.. great giveaway!

  180. I think you are H!!

    I played Wii Fit at my brother’s house on Christmas. It was super fun, and I have been searching for one for weeks now! You should definitely buy it if you can ever find one in stores…

    And beautiful cupcakes! I also tore out all of those Martha Stewart cupcake recipes. Now I’ve got to get started baking!

  181. I’m going with B. You did a wonderful job turning those little characters into cupcakes.

  182. I’m going G. She’s cute!

  183. I’m going to say “C” but it’s a toss up between the 2 blondes. Isn’t the Wii so much fun?!

  184. I pick “G”!!

  185. I think it’s H. How cute are these cupcakes!

  186. I think C! And these cupcakes are all so cute!

  187. D please! She kinda looks like mii! LOL!


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