
Utah & Chicago

I had something planned to go up today (a quick, cute giveaway), but I absolutely had to get the photo recaps up from Utah and Chicago for all the sweet folks that came out to get a book and get it signed. So sorry – it took me longer than I had planned, but they are finally cropped and ready to view.

Below are some from Salt Lake City, Chicago and Oakbrook … at the end of the post are links to slideshows with more fun photos from each. If you were at one of the signings and see a pic of yourself, feel free to grab your photo from my flickr page.

First up… Salt Lake City


Look at those faces.


And these. Hi Maria. And thanks girls for the fun treats. And also for saving me a trip to The Sweet Tooth Fairy’s shop. I don’t think I would have had time to drive there.


Speaking of faces. Look at this little guy. A George Clooney in the making.


And these girls. Cute and colorful.


Cupcake Bum. Adorable.


Lots of in depth conversation about the best way to get chocolate coating smooth.


Fingertip fashion. Who knew.


Great bangs.


Smiles for miles.


See what I mean.


My new friend Robyn from the Cupcake Camp I attended in Oregon a few weeks ago … and a couple of her sisters. She has two more just as pretty.


Then came Chicago with the same enthusiasm and great smiles.




and hey!


Frankenstein pops.


More boys… Big…


and little.

Okay … Check this out.


Cute shirt.

And it gets better.

Wait for it.


You chuckled didn’t you. I did.


Then came Oakbrook.


And so stylish. ; )


And creative, too. Look at this flower ring she brought. It’s made of pink and green pipe cleaners. Fun. fun.


It would look good with your top, too.


An unexpected treat. Meeting all the young kids and teens that are already into baking and loving it.

Everyone I’ve met has just been a pleasure to talk with.








And of course the Williams-Sonoma folks, too.


P.S. – I’ll be in Dallas this Thursday if you want to come say Hi.

P.S.S. – Stay tuned for a quick giveaway.

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89 comments on “Utah & Chicago”

  1. i love to see your pictures of your signings and trips, it is fun to share in the adventures. thank you

  2. can you please come to cleveland? :)

  3. Really LOVE your gray dress w/ the short gathered sleeves that you wore in Chicago. Mind sharing where it’s from?

  4. HOUSTON would love to meet you!!

  5. Come to Cleveland!! PLEASE:))

  6. BOSTON! Please come to Boston!

  7. I´m so thrilled for you.I think you deserve all the best in the world.I actually got into baking,because of you.It actually made me cry to see how amazingly well you are doing and people really do love you.Keep up the AMAZING work that you do.I´m from Brazil and Im wondering how can I get your book? thank you!
    xoxo, Mel

  8. How fun! Love seeing all those smiling faces. And those halloween nails are awesome!

  9. From the Dallas girls…Thank you so much for letting us squeal and giggle and get all giddy about the Owl pop page…I’m so happy to have your autograph there! It was so fun to meet you…and we are planning a cake pop day to try out some of the ideas in your book! Totally fun day for us…loved it!

  10. Thank you so much for your blog. My daughter’s 5th birthday is coming up soon and I wanted to have something DIFFERENT for her party and sleepover…i thought cupcakes at first…but after a nice little internet search, i stumbled on CAKE POPS instead! Needless to say, I am making my first batch as I type.

    stay sweet

  11. Hi Bakerella! I saw this today and I immediately thought of you! You need this to display your Cake Pops!

  12. What an amazing recap of your Utah and Chicago trips… Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful photos! Can’t wait to see more from where you’re headed next!

  13. I am very jealous right now LOL You guys look like y’all had a ball! If you ever visit close to Panama City, FL I would SO be there. Congrats on all your success & extra smiles! ?

  14. Ok- gotta have directions on those Frankenstein pops-they were waaaay too cute!! If the person who made them is reading this, could you please send me directions at

  15. Oh, I wished I had kept up to date so that I could have seen you when you came to SLC I love your stuff.

    YOu Rock!!!

  16. I’ll be seeing you in Dallas, wearing a cute shirt and my cupcake jewelry made by my friend & your fellow blogger Pamela Susan & accompanied by a the most adorable lil girl wearing some pink boots!!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!!!!! :)

  17. OMG! I know that Clooney in the making! And he’s every bit as charming as the grown up version seems to be.
    Congrats on your success. So happy for you.

  18. So many happy people! Come to Toronto, there’s a WS a block from my work, it would suit me very nicely :)

  19. I wish you were coming to DC!! I already put your book on my Amazon wishlist :) That said, I attempted to make some brownie-bite pops this morning – and utter failure. They all fell off the sticks and the chocolate (Wilton candy melts) seemed all the wrong texture to “coat” – so thick :( I’m sad, but guess now I just really need the book for tips!

  20. Please come to St. Louis!

  21. I’m so sad–I didn’t know you’d be in the Chicago area!
    It’s gotten so hard to follow my favorites food blogs after coming to college! /:

  22. Love your book, it is soo cute. I have a quick question, that i’m hoping anyone can answer. When using the pens to draw faces on cakepops, if you put them back into the refriderator after drawing on faces will the pen run when they return to room temp. Hope this question makes sense. Thanks

  23. Oh boy ! Looks like a ton of fun ! Candy corn nails, flower rings, cute tshirts on cute kids…..I’m sure this tour is very tiring for you but also one you will never forget !

  24. I’m so sad I couldn’t come to the SLC one! Stupid work…requiring me to…be here and whatnot ;)

  25. Hi Bakerella,
    I can’t but congratulate you on your nice pix, they’re instant cheerfulness! :-D
    You are more than welcome to come for a book signing in Antwerp, Belgium, by the way :-)

  26. any chance you might come to the Williams Sonoma in Fort Lauderdale, Florida? Would give anything to come see you there.

  27. OH MY GOSH! Where have I been???? I didn’t know you were coming to SLC, I would have come to see you! I have been on a little hiatus, but I love your site and normally come here often! Sad I missed out :( Oh well, hope you had a great time, and that Sweet Tooth Fairy is yummy, I actually used to do boutiques with the girl in charge and she shared with me a couple times. Good stuff! Happy travelling :)

  28. aww looks like so much fun! with a name like sweet tooth fairy’s shop, i’ve got to get myself out there to try some goodies!

  29. Really upset that I was not in Chicago or Oakbrook area when you were there. Hubby works for a company there and i was at the Wilton school taking classes for two weeks in Sept. and then we are going to be back in the area in mid Nov. as we are flying out for a wedding I am shooting in the Bahamas. PLEASE come to Kansas City when i get home…after thanksgiving I promise I will be here. LOL

  30. I am so excited that I had the opportunity to meet you in person at the Oakbrook Mall in Illinois. You look Stunning!!! Loved your outfit and your mother is simply adorable… thanks for coming out, and enjoy the rest of your tour….. much success! Evelyn and Meilani…. =)

  31. wahhhh…had to cancel the trip to SLC…the hubs is still having surgeries/procedures…poor lil fella…I’ll try and refrain from making a kidney stone-shaped cake pop…have fun on the rest of your tour…catch ya’ next time! Oh, here’s something to freak out on: I just saw that there are only like 8 weeks ’till Christmas…I think I already know what I’m getting for all of the girls in my family…just hope Barnes & Noble has enough of your books in stock! Luuuuuhhhhvvvv!!!

  32. I can’t believe I missed your stop in Salt Lake!
    2 things are obvious about many of us that reside here.
    #1- We obviously love cupcakes.
    #2 We need an eyebrow intervention!
    Hope you enjoyed your visit:)

  33. I love your outfits! Especially the grey dress! Very cute (:

  34. what is that first purple dress???? please do tell!

  35. looks like you’re having so much fun………………..

    you seriously need to get down to australia………..down to melbourne !!!!!

  36. You are so fabulous!! I made smiley face cake pops for my daughter’s class for her birthday — what a hit! I sure wish you were coming to Colorado. We have a beautiful William-Sonoma in Colorado Springs ;)

  37. I wish you were doiong book signings in Australia. Hmmmm Maybe you could squeeze an overseas trip out of them hehehe :-)

  38. That department of spooky/skull shirt is awesome. I like the decorated nails also.

  39. You are the sweetest thing going – I love your style!

  40. I’m on your blog!! I guess that means I’m famous too. And my mom LOVES your book. Thanks.

  41. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. Love those nails and the cute little baby!

  42. The boy’s Halloween shirt …

    Is made by Wes and Willy and can be viewed online at their site.

    Isn’t it just the cutest thing?

  43. Angie, you are a rock star! You need a fancy tour bus filled with yummy treats and roadies to carry your bag and big security guys to keep the throngs of fans at bay.

    I marvel at your grace and energy. You must be ready for a couch and a blankie and room service! As wonderful as it must be to have zillions of admirers it must also be exhausting.

    Wishing you continues success! You are the best!

  44. Come visit Australia :)

  45. Bakerella we love you so so so much from Spain!
    Come to sign here your books!! :)
    We have add you to the “really cool sites you have to visit” list in our blog!

    You’re invited to come in:

    :) REGARDS! :)

  46. What an ADVENTURE! Congrats on all your deserved success. I heart you! :D

  47. More fun photo’s and that spooky top was too cute. Yup bet you get asked how to make the chocolate smooth so much it’s hart to keep that lovely smile on your face sometimes.

  48. Are you ever going to bake cake pops again?

  49. It’s so nice to see how far you have come. I’m missing the baking part of your blogs but will patiently wait for more greatness to come!

  50. Everyone looks like they are having such a great time! I have a confession to make…I have never been to a Williams-Sonoma shop *hangs head*. After seeing the pictures I have just GOT to go to one. Maybe some day you could come down to the Ham and do a signing.

  51. That little boy’s reversible shirt is just adorable! Looks like you had lots of fun!

  52. Will you be coming to Austin, TX? I sure hope so!

  53. Can I just say how much I love your Chicago dress?! You always look lovely but I especially love this one. I wish I could be at one of your book signings! If only you would be coming a little closer to Twin Falls, ID….

  54. OH, I just love your fan pictures!! Such happy faces! And I LOVE the cardigan your were at your SLC signing… the red flower against the brown is stunning!

  55. Wow..great pics..lot and lots of smiles on that trip…gotta say, that little boys shirt is great..wonder where they got it…and the “George Clooney to be”,,you are right on target with that one! CUTE ! ! ! !

  56. Are you going to come to Colorado at all? Please tell me you haven’t already been here.

  57. I wish you could come to Washington DC.

  58. Oh, it’s too bad that you’re not in new york during next week! I’m from Sweden and it’s my first visit in the US. I’m totally going to buy your book;)
    Good luck with the booksigning bakerella!

  59. Everyone looks wonderful! Wish you were coming to our neck of the woods. Dallas is close, but not close enough :(. Enjoy the rest of your tour!

  60. yes canada please! it would be awesome to have you here. :)

  61. It looks like you’re having such a great time on tour and meeting a lot of great people! Stop by DC!

  62. Oh please please please come to the Sarasota, FL area. You know you want to soak up the sunshine. :)

  63. Will you by any chance going to come see us in Canada?
    Hove you do. We would love to see you up here.

  64. I second Andrea@Made With Pinks request for a signing in London! We love you over here too!!

  65. Hi Angie. It was great to see you in Salt Lake City. Thanks for visiting Utah. It was our pleasure to have you and your adorable mom! I am glad you enjoyed the treats from Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery. Come back and visit soon:)

  66. Wow! That flower ring is incredible! How fun :-)

  67. What about Minneapolis? Any chance you are heading to Mall of America?

  68. Book signing with a bunch of very cool people. So sweet. Have more fun! :D

  69. Er. Hours. Not Eight abouts. DO you see what your cupcakes do to me!?

  70. Ah!!!! Dallas is only about eight about from where I live!!! Is it wrong f me to consider packing up my four-year-old and skipping a few days of work just to meet you?

    Maybe if I try really hard I can pull it off….

  71. Looks like a blast! Wish I could be there..when I pass by the Williams Sanoma store near my house, I always have to go in!

  72. This post made me just a little sad. I’m from Salt Lake City, but just recently (in August) moved to the Dominican Republic with my hubby and three little girls. My girls LOVE your cake pops. I am certain they would have LOVED to meet you, almost as much as I would have. I’m glad you had fun. : ) Maybe I’ll be there for your next book signing. : )

  73. I’m glad you love your flower ring! It was so great meeting you in Oakbrook. It was like Christmas. Only better! I was so excited that I forgot to tell you that the clown pops are my absolute favorite!

    It was quite a treat for you to be in Oakbrook. Thank you!

  74. As much as I appreciate your need to show these pictures, I am dismayed by my waste of capped internet downloads. I do really want to read what you have to say and I would like to view your photos too, but once you get a few posts per page that are picture heavy, not only are they slow loading, but they’re costing me money to view. I know it’s hard to choose, sometimes really hard, but maybe you could put like 3 – 10 photos in a post like this one and then have the slide show images at the bottom seem tempting.

  75. It was so great to meet you! My excitement was just barely contained. Glad you liked the Frankenstein pops….you’re such an inspiration! Oh…and…I got my signed book from Pizzazzerie this weekend and it’s pesonalized too…so I think I have more than my fair share of Cake Pops copies in the house (that makes 3 now!) Maybe I’ll have to do a little giveaway of my own ;)

  76. Great pictures! Any chance you’ll be doing a UK book tour?? We love you in London!

  77. great pics! and that boy absolutely is a mini clooney!

  78. Great smiles! Bakerella you just plain make people happy. I love it!

  79. i’ve always wanted to try doing cakepops but its either i don’t have time or i don’t know how to start OR my cakepops will end up in the thrash bin. but i’ll definitely try doing this cakepops one day…if i have the guts to do it. :D

  80. where do you find the energy to tour and tour? i don’t suppose Australia is anywhere on the list?

  81. Ohhhh so sad! I have lived in Utah for almost a year, and have never went anywhere, so when my sister asked me to go home to Canada to help her with her first baby, the same time you were in SLC…. I went, but was so bummed to miss you! I haven’t even bought the book yet, I think I am trying to keep the pain fresh! BIG bummer, hope you come back!

  82. It was so fun meeting you…and your mom!

  83. When you visit Dallas you will only be 15 minutes from where I live, but I can’t come because I have class.
    Apparently my education and future career is more important than my cake pop obsession… though I think my future children will disagree.
    Have fun at Northpark– don’t forget to get some shopping in! :)

  84. come to australia?…please!!

  85. Oh thats my baby’s cute little cupcake bum!! So cute! Thanks for coming to Utah!

  86. These are the “good old days”!! Wonderful :)

  87. I am so jealous, would love to be able to attend a book signing, I am such a huge fan. Ordered my book from Barnes and Noble and it was backordered so I hopped in my car and drove to the nearest(63miles away) and got the first one off the shelf. ;)

  88. aww it looks like you’re having
    a really great time ^^
    and the little boy with the tshirt.. adorable :D

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