
Too funny!

This is good for a giggle and another reason why Chronicle Books (my publisher) has been so much fun to work with. Besides their people, their super fun books and great design … they do crazy stuff like this. Check out what Liz and Anna dressed up as for their office Halloween festivities on Friday. I’m still laughing about it  …


… and I thought you guys might get a chuckle, too.

Now, since we’re talking costumes… any plans on dressing up this Halloween?

What are you … or your kids gonna be? I’d love to hear.

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172 comments on “Too funny!”

  1. My 2 kids were a geisha, the Queen of Hearts….

  2. my new halloween costume!

  3. I love the costumes, and i am making cake pops for mothers day, and christmas, and my moms birthday, oh and fathers day:) I went as Batman for Halloween, look out Rachel!!! :)

  4. That’s just too funny!! I can’t stop laughing. What a crazy picture!

  5. very funnnnnnnnnnny! thanx :D bekerella

  6. i just die everytime i look at this photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    hahahhahaah love u bakerella! and asher
    i love that lowfat goats gota u make! yum!

  7. Howdy Bakerella! My little one dressed up as a cowgirl for her first Halloween. This Saturday is her Ballerina Piggy themed b-day party and I went all out. I’m making you’re signature pink red velvet pops for all my guests along with an amazing piggy 2-tier Marble & Bavarian Creme Cake, tutu and all! Wish you could see all the decor & details Mommy put together. Hope your Halloween was Boootiful! btw it was great meeting you at the Costa Mesa Book Signing! You signed my book: “Happy 1st Birthday Alexa!” What a lucky gal my daughter is. xoxo

  8. I was going to be a devil but then I got lazy and just used an old nametag from my job and wrote the devil on it.

  9. My daughter was a cupcake! I made the costume myself and it was a huge hit! My husband joked that it was like walking around with a movie star. Theres a picture on my site if you want to check it out!

  10. Great costumes! My 6 year old daughter went as a giant cupcake, my 20 month old went as a chocolate chip cookie and my 2 month old was a baker. They all looked super cute!!

  11. My 16-month-old daughter was the cutest giraffe you’ve ever seen, & my husband & I were Ellie & Awesome from the NBC TV show “Chuck.” Unfortunately, only 3 people at our church Halloween party knew who we were. Oh well.

  12. This CRACKS me up! How fun! My 7 year old daughter was a pink-haired vampire. She was so excited about wearing a pink wig. Oh to be 7 years old again ;)

  13. I am a little late in posting but…..our whole family went as the Chipmunks and Chipettes. My 4 yr old wanted to be Jeanette and convinced the rest of the family (including Grandpa and Grandma) to go as the rest of the clan!

  14. My daughter was Snow White and I was the evil queen and I was trying to get our little fiesty 3 year old to be grumpy but decided against how much work it would be to get that kind of a costume. Fun stuff!!

  15. My girls and I each went as a banana. Together we were a bunch. I’ve never heard so many comments from people while we were out Trick or Treating. Too funny!

  16. I went as a cupcake! Your blog actually inspired my costume, which I made myself. The best part was that all night long my “sprinkles” (cut out pieces of glittery foam with adhesive backing) kept coming off of my costume and sticking to people around me. I kept accusing people of being “sprinkle snatchers” haha

  17. My husband’s suggestion – we went to the Halloween party as “Mr. and Mrs. Cake Pop”! We arrived fully costumed as pops and each carrying a tray of 50 Halloween pops that were: Frankensteins, Wart Witches, Wiskered Kitty
    ies, Jacks (the Pumpkin King), Mummies and Spiders on Webs……we left the party with empty trays!

  18. Awesome costumes! My son is Bowser (think Super Mario Brothers, not ShaNaNa) and my daughter is Tiana from the Princess and the Frog. We had a blast last night!

  19. I went to a Halloween party as Where’s Waldo and brought along ghost cake pops, since I’ve become queen of cake pops around here thanks to this site. They came out adorable!

  20. My 2 yo son was a giraffe. Super cute!

  21. How clever…love it!

  22. haha I love it! My boyfriend and I went as the Red and Pink Power Rangers! We had so much fun and everyone loved it :) Success!

  23. LOVE THIS!!!

  24. They must love you as much as we do!!!!

  25. Two friends and I went as contestants on the ’90s Nickelodeon game show GUTS. and it was amazing. so many people recognized it. [:

  26. omg how cute!! is that

  27. I dress up as a witch to hand out candy–I love it!

  28. I went to work as the Paper Bag Princess…in an oversized yard-waste bag, striped tights and a tiara. So fun…so cumbersome. Ripped open as I sat down for lunch, but it was still worth it.

  29. I’m such a last minute Hallo-weenie…. but this year I went as ‘The Grinch’! Most people mistook me for a 12 year old little boy rather than a 23 year old female!

  30. This is so cute!!! :)

    I was an aerobics instructor for halloween. Hot pink leggings, black leg warmers, off-the-shoulder t-shirt and a sweatband.

  31. Will you be getting back to more regular posts about baking? I’m happy for your success with your book, really. But, I’d rather see baking ideas than I would info on your tours, etc…
    Please don’t be offended.

  32. Oh, wow! That is adorable!

  33. That is just plain fantastic! So creative, so appropriate. I cannot believe it, but I’m not dressing up this year. How boring is that? But my 5 and 3 year old are dressing up as the tooth fairy and a pumpkin fairy. My 10 month old is a pudgy little strawberry. :)

  34. My 10 year old son is dressing up as Guy Fieri :O)

  35. Awww, that is so sweet! :)
    I’m going as a frazzled mom of four, lol. My son is superman, my oldest daughter is a Barbie princess, and my 2 year old twin girls are both Eloise.

  36. Thanks for the giggle!
    My husband made an amazing Yoshi costume for our 9 year old son whose been smitten with Nintendo forever.

  37. Me a hippie, my 3 nieces will be a little mermaid, witch, & rock star, my sister is going to be a clown & my mom an alien : )

  38. A chuckle indeed! Very cute costumes! My son is going as “a Harley guy” and my daughter decided on a pirates wench (her bf is going as the pirate!

  39. That is why I love Chronicle!! Welcome to the family and good luck on book sales. (BTW made cake pops today see my site)

  40. i’m aoi nagisa from strawberry panic *-*

  41. Adorable! And how flattering that must be!

  42. Hi Angie

    I love your site and have been a big fan for months.

    Just wanted to share an image with you of my new design. Inspired by

    Keep up the fantabulous work :)


  43. So cute! I’m pretty sure, but I could be wrong, that giant cakepop is photo-shopped, but the idea is so original, it’s got to be the one and only first ever of you and your delicious pops!

    My 15 y/o daughter and her bf are Barbie & Ken, but my favorite of her was when she was 3 as a Cowgirl Clown Princess. A homemade costume she designed, I made, and she wore everyday for months!
    Happy Halloween everybody! ^.^

  44. Wow! Your publisher rocks! Great costume and a super idea. Thanks for sharing. Not dressing up as anything – just a very greatful woman celebrating life and enjoying the smiles of little ones.

  45. Wow Bakerella you’re most definitely a celebrity now! When I have kids one of them will most definitely be a cakepop and the other will be a cupcake. lol

  46. Me: Medusa
    hubby: a stone statue
    oldest son: headless horseman
    middle child: Grim Reaper
    baby girl: a fairy princess godmother ( her words)

  47. im 13 and me and my friends are going as farm animals

  48. I love the cake pop costume! Very clever.
    My boyfriend and I were Beetlejuice and Lydia! We had a lot of fun this year! I make a scarecrow out of cupcakes and he won first place at our party. :)

  49. I spent last night making jack-o-lantern cake pops. I have to say…I am addicted!! Thank you so much! I am already itching to make more!

  50. Too funny the cakepop outfit!

    I found a very cute little banana costume for my nine-month boy, so my big boy of four gonna make the monkey :-D He is very proud to hold his little banana brother!

  51. LOL this is so funny!! I went as Sally from NBC at yday’s dinner party. Sadly with work looming, had to have the party on Saturday. But in a way thats good as now I need to recover ;)

  52. I love those costumes!!! My husband and I went to a party last night as A Pair of Blue Jeans. We wore all denim and wore name tags printed in blue – he was “Gene” and I was “Jean”. Silly, yes, but very simple and finally a costume that my husband would agree to! LOL!!!

  53. I made a couple of cupcake costumes for the Canadian Cancer Society in Winnipeg. They have a cupcake drive on “confusion corner”. The cupcakes are sold by the box and sell out . Love that cakepop one. Would be interested in how to make it.

  54. My kiddo (who is 3) is a s’more this year! He’s wearing a pair of “graham cracker” pants with a “dark chocolate” sweater and a white “marshmallow” hat that I sewed about 3 rows of fluffy cotton “marshmallows” on. Very cute…we’re getting tons of compliments and since we had everything on hand, it cost us pretty much nothing. :)

    If I can get on the ball, we’re going to “reciprocal trick-or-treat” with some s’mores mallows (I dip marshmallows in tempered milk chocolate and then coarsely crushed graham crackers). I got some of the over-sized marshmallows to give – I think our friends and family are going to want us to come trick-or-treat every day! :)

    Happy Halloween!!

  55. I am going as a clown for the third year in a row. My friend is going as Mickey Mouse

  56. Haha! That’s awesome! But why isn’t she doing the trademark Bakerella one hand wave? ;)

  57. That’s adorable. My hubs aand I are going to be Dios De Los Muertos Skeletons, and my 7 yr old is a vampire, 4 yr old Ariel, and the baby is the aliens from the Toy Story Movie. “Ooooo the claw!”

  58. I love the costumes. I might have to copy those for next year.
    My kids are dressing up this year. My daughter who is 10, is dressing as half angel/half devil and my son who is 8 is going to be a dementor from harry potter. Very scary!!!

    Happy Halloween

  59. Having my friends kids and grandkids over for some Pizza and mummy dogs. Made some other goodies. House is decorated but I think I will wear my traditional witches hat to greet the kids. Happy Halloween. Paulette

  60. my lil boi went as lil version of hellboi…

  61. This is funny and cute! Thank you for sharing!

    My 3 yr old boy is gonna be Thomas the train (his favorite character). My 1 yr old girl is goona be a lady bug! :)

  62. Hah! Cute!

    I’m a mermaid and my daughter is tinkerbell. My crafty side got to come out a lot this year. I made my tutu-tail, crown, and bracelet for my costume, and my daughter a crown to match her costume. <3

  63. Incredible Cake Pop costumes… but the girl playing you forgot to smile and do the side turn hand wave thing, when her photo was taken! ; )

    My three sons are dressing up as Blocko from Blockland, an engineer that drives Thomas Tank Engine (that we built onto a wagon), and a soft baby hatchling Emperor Penguin! I will probably dress up as an old woman, or a wood nymph (depends upon my mood), and husband has talked about dressing as Dr. Who

    Happy Halloween, Angie!
    Hope it is super sweet!.

  64. Me and a couple friends are going to be NINJAS!!

  65. I was Pinkilicious for my 5 y/o daughter’s preschool party yesterday. All the kids in the class (even the little boys) screamed out in joy when they saw me. I made my daughter’s day. She was still talking about it today :o)

  66. My daughter and her best friend are dressing up as thing 1 and thing 2…..including the blue wigs :)

  67. LOL at first I thought he was just a cupcake, but no, he’s a CUPCAKE POP! :D

  68. How many times have you said, “pinch me,” this year? You’re not done yet. You rock!

    Can’t wait to meet you in K of P!

  69. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! I absolutely love your site. I first fell in love with it when I was inspired by one of my friends, the great woman behind, and ever since then I have been a slave to my kitchen. I started right in strong with a whopping 48 cake pops! I made them originally with my niece and nephew for starters just to gain a little experience. Then my second time making them I made them for my nephew’s 13th Halloween birthday party. I will post the pictures to my blog, which is also new, but I’m sure your too busy to look at them so maybe someone else will and maybe give me a little feedback on what else I could try =). Anyhow I love your book (yes I just had to get it as soon as I saw it, it was like love at first sight!) and I plan on trying everysingle one and even making cake pops a holiday tradition in my family!

  70. I love the costumes :)

    My boys (ages 9 and 6) are going to be a pirate and a shark. The pirate is store-bought, the shark is made by me.

    And my daughter, 3, is a bumblebee. There are some pics on my blog from my son’s Costume Birthday party a couple weeks ago. They were a hit!

  71. The cupcake pop is so cute!! I didn’t get a costume together this year, but my girls are going to be a sea otter and a duck. The only problem with the otter is that we made the flipper feet a little big, and she’s prone to tripping! It will make it a short trick-or-treating, I think.

  72. Great costumes, very funny! My nephew who is ten is going as a gangster with a pinstripe suit and a hat. I thought that one was funny:)

  73. They are so clever! Unfortunately, we are not dressing up this year, but my hubby and I have had some great costumes in the past, the favorite being Hooters girls! Just posted some pics the other day:

  74. That’s great!! My girls are going to be a candy corn fairy, a bag of skittles, and a lady bug.

  75. I was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz yesterday! I work with kindergartners and none of them knew who she was. Tragic.

  76. i went to work yesterday as a sumo wrestler…blow up costume and all….a bit awkward, but totally hilarious! haha

  77. so cute, my daughter is going to be a pretty bee, my son will be Luigi from Mario Bros. and my little one is going as a cupcake. I made it for her last year and it will work this year too, I put some beads on it today to make it look like it has sprinkles. Everyone thought she was cotton candy last year, so I hope people won’t be confused this year. I hope to get a good picture before she screams and wants it off, she’s 2, we will see.

  78. They look super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  79. Teeheehee, that’s funny…
    i guess for me, i’m Sunny side up egg by day and a pokemon trainer by night. :]
    there’s picture of me as an egg on my blog actually.. hahah :p

  80. that is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny !

  81. For our church fall festival, I dressed up as the old woman who lived in a shoe. I currently have 4 kids with one on the way. I put a pillow on to accentuate my already existing bump and then I put 3 baby dolls in my front carrying baby back pack and 3 more baby dolls in an actual back pack on the back

  82. I’m going as Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender :D

  83. What a great idea to dress up as Bakerella!
    My kids are going as something scary (as usual)
    I am going as MereDeath Grey (Basically dead Meredith Grey from Grey’s Anatomy) I am still trying to convince my husband to go as Dr. Mc Dead-y (dead Dr. McDreamy) but he is not buying it.
    Kiki your costumes are awesome! My husband and I talked about going as the same characters! Those Allstate commercials are funny!!

  84. Those costumes just make me sad…my bookstore is STILL waiting for our copies of CAKE POPS to come in. We’ve called four times and they keep telling us that the books shipped, and yet…no books. We have a long waiting list–so long that we’re going to have to place a second order BEFORE THE FIRST ORDER EVEN COMES. *sigh* I just want my cake pops!

  85. Love those costumes. I just finished making my 1 year old granddaughter a Pebbles costume (bone in her hair, of course!). Their last name is Stone so…what els could she be but a small stone…a pebble!?!?!? She looked ADORABLE in it!!!!

  86. I’m going as Megara from Hercules. I’m kind of wishing I’d thought to go as a cake pop now though. How fun is that?!

  87. My 4-year old nephew will be Spongebob and has convinced me to be Patrick. I’m 5’10” and 42 years old, but I love that kid! I think we’ll be a sight walking down the street!

  88. Haha. Life-size cake pop! I love it! I’m going to a party as a circus ringmaster and I’m packin my purse full of cake pops to hand out!

  89. That is an awesome costume.

  90. My boy is going to a baby shower as Charlie Brown and trick or treating as a sunny-side-up egg…both very inexpensive to put together!

  91. that’s awesome and quite an endorsement. my husband I were little red ridinghood & the big bad wolf

  92. I went to a costume bachelorette party last night. The bride was a zombie bride and I was her zombie bridesmaid. It was too much fun!

  93. My little girl is going to be Barlie Mariposa :)

  94. How cool is that?! You know you’ve made it when people are dressing as you! I wonder if any little girls are going to be Bakerella tomorrow night. I’ll bet so!

  95. My boys are going as Darth Vader and Obi Wan Kenobi. They are naturally excited about going trick-or-treating. Then, the Rangers made it to the World Series and we got tickets for Sunday. Oops! The babysitter is now taking them trick-or-treating.

    P.S. I finally made some cake balls and they were delicious!!

  96. My daughter is going to be Belle. Easy peasy, bought it off of ebay, much easier than last year, she wanted to be a care bear, which I had to make!
    My son will be what ever I can get him to keep on, super man, a monkey or a boy scout!

  97. I’m not dressing up, but my four kids are. I originally wanted them to go as something that goes together, but what if Dorothy was sick and we just had the Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion? Or just two Kiss members? So, they got to choose, and I have a Peacock Princess, a Spider Monkey Ben 10 alien, Super Why the Super Reader, and a chubby little 7-month-old ladybug.

  98. That’s super rad!
    I’m going as a punk rocker. My hair is already hot pink so there will be a foot tall mohawk.
    My chef told me to come into the bakery I work at in full costume. He’s going to be Elvis.

  99. The Cake Pop is an exact replica of your original!!!!! So adorable!!

  100. I am going to work at my church’s Pumpkin Palooza tonight as Ouiser Boudreau from Steel Magnolias. The kids won’t have a clue, but the other workers definitely will!!

    I met you Thursday in Dallas at your book signing. (I was #5 in line) Thank you for doing a book signing in Texas. My friends and I took off 1 1/2 days of work, drove 4 hours to be in Dallas, and we LOVED every minute of it!!! WOW!! You are SO COOL!!! Thanks again — it was well worth taking vacation days to get to meet you!!!!!!

  101. I am 28 weeks pregnant so I am wearing a sign that says “Caution Wide Load”. And my husband is a truck driver. You can see a pic at
    Our kids are Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Not very original but it was their idea and they LOVE it.

  102. My husband was supposed to be a banana, me a bunch of grapes. The banana didn’t work out, but the grapes did and it was oh so funny to hear all the kids reactions at the carnival/trunk-or-treat we attended.

  103. OMG toooo cute

  104. Wait~ I didn’t mean that’s all I’m wearing! I mean that it’s the only part of my costume. The rest will be regular clothes!!


  105. My oldest (13) is too cool to be anything real, so she’s wearing warm PJ’s to trick or treat in; the next girl (10) is a pig in a blanket! (In all pink, hot glue pig ears to a headband, put a snout on a piece of elastic, and wrap a blanket around your shoulders!!). My son (9) is a chef!! He even has a chef’s hat, fake mustache, and wooden spoon. It’s fabulous. My youngest, 7, is Gabriella from High School Musical and looks like a princess.

    As for me, I am wearing a glittery mask and that’s all.

  106. My son is being a pirate. He decided I had to be a pirate’s mom. Guess who’s pulling on an eyepatch?

  107. My friends and I were cupcakes for senior dress up day at my school! It was a big hit, everyone loved our costumes!

  108. haha thats too cute. ^u^ well my husband and i are going to be Princess peach and Wario and my two little ones are going to be Mario and Luigi! <3 have fun this weekend!!!

  109. me and my best friend are going as Mrs and Mr Santa Claus hahah

  110. My girls are going as cupcakes. Man…i should have made myself into a cakepop! That is awesome!!

  111. that’s hilarious! what a super creative costume!

  112. I don’t dress up, but my 4 yr old daughter is Little Red Riding Hood and my 2 yr old son is the little cute wolf :)

  113. My 11 month old is going to be Charlie Brown :-)

  114. Love those costumes. I am a witch this year!

  115. That cake pop costume should be hanging in your front door!!! Not talking only for the Halloween but all year round, it’s awesome!!!

  116. A zombie rabbit! :D Haha

  117. their costumes are really fun :]
    who would have ever thought of
    dressing up as bakerella
    and a cupcake pop? :D
    people can walk around and ask
    “hey what are you supposed to be?”
    “a cupcake POP!” (;

  118. totally stole my ideaaaaa:

    posted in your Southern Cali entry…
    Katie said…

    my eyes bulged when i saw Joy was there too lol. this is one action packed post! i can’t wait for you to come to Jersey.

    btw.. i just thought of the best halloween costume ever (although i already have mine) – Bakerella!! with a styrofoam cakepop so that it doesnt get broken throughout the night!
    October 18, 2010 07:54 AM

    i like their version better though. well done!

  119. that is Hilarious!!!
    Love the hair ;-)

  120. My three year old son will be a pirate and my daughter will be a bee (a hand-me-down from my niece!). Not sure if we’ll be dressing up to take them trick-or-treating, but my husband likes any costume in which he can wear a fake mustache.

  121. Wow! In addition to halloween you could take those two with you on your book tour as live props at each stop, ha ha!

    I dressed up at work yesterday as the Piggy from the Geico commercial… wheeeeee wh-wheeeeeeee

  122. I’m going to try to be a cupcake! I have a brown pleated skirt, a fuzzy and slightly flowy pink sweater, a white “whipped cream” scarf, and a little net hat I sewed felt sprinkles and a cherry on top! I love cupcakes :D

  123. LOL! Love it!

  124. That is So cute!
    I’m going to be Antoine Dodson of youtube fame for H-ween, and boyfriend is going to be Kenny Powers from the show Eastbound & Down on HBO!

  125. That is AWESOME!!! I love it!!! I’m going as Max from the wild things :)

  126. Cute! The little stick was the perfect touch to let people know that this is no ordinary cupcake.

    I’m going to be the Black Hat Guy from xkcd, which means somehow conveying that I’m a stick figure. Hopefully everything goes well :/

  127. I am not dressing up, but my little guy is. My 9 month old is going as the Scarecrow and my best friends daughter is going as Dorthy. There are so cute together!

  128. Those costumes are adorable!

  129. I went as Dolly Parton circa 9 to 5!! It was a hit!

  130. What are a pirate’s favorite type of socks? Arrrrrrrrrrrgyle. :-) Our 3 year-old daughter will be a pirate, of course.

  131. Cute! I’m going to be Princess Tiana from Disney

  132. this is so great! love it!!!
    I’m going to be a cupcake!!!!! i’m very excited about that..

  133. Super cute and funny!

    My husband and I are dressing up as SUSHI!

  134. Wait a minute… is that you with the blonde wig? Hahaha this is hilarious. You have your own Halloween costume. Where can we buy this?! Target? Michaels? Or do we just need a wig and apron witht he cake pops book?

  135. I was a cupcake!!! Fabulous pink frosting and purple sprinkles :)

  136. i think that is hands down the best costumes i’ve seen so far!

    tonight, i will be cooking mama (video game character)! because i bake so much, my friends have dubbed me “cooking mama” haha. hopefully i live up to the nickname!

  137. I’m going as a jester, although I don’t think people will understand until I finish crocheting my jester hat, which… yeah….

    Reading all the comments about what children are dressing up as reminds of the story my mother always tells me about when I was two or three. Apparently I wanted to be a Dalmatian for Halloween, but she wanted me to be a pumpkin, I think because she already had the costume or something. Eventually I declared that I would simply NOT GO trick-or-treating if I wasn’t a Dalmatian. Oh, baby-self, you crack me up.

  138. I was ACTUALLY a cupcake for Halloween, and made matching cupcakes for the party I went to :)

    Here’s a link to a picture of me in my costume, with the cupcakes! Enjoy!!/photo.php?fbid=1318371739865&set=a.1318368019772.41820.1847933596

  139. My oldest daughter made a costume that looks like a Converse Tennis Shoe. It is so awesome. She included so much detail. If I get a pic online I will attach one for you ;)

  140. This is totally awesome!!! Very creative!!! I love it!!!!

  141. I love the cake pop costume! There are some really cute cupcake costumes out there this year.

    Check out our “Candyland” and “Soccer” Crazy Hair Designs !!!!

    Have a great weekend! :)

  142. i won’t be going as anything since we are beyond broke, but my mom made my son’s Mickey Mouse costume.

  143. Ali – love the zombie lunch lady idea

    Donna – Mrs. Cleaver – she’ll look fantastic

    Rachel – I want to go

    Andrea – perfect

  144. Oh that is fantastic!!

    We’re going out tonight and I am dressing as a “Pirate” although I think saying I’m dressed as “What Little Miss Muffet Would Look Like If She Was Kidnapped By Captain Jack Sparrow” gives people a better idea. The kiddo is dressing as a ninja! Complete with ninja mask and a sword that goes to a completely different costume.

    The pirate vs. ninja jokes are running rampant, let me tell you.

  145. Haha! That is adorably hilarious!

  146. ^_^ SO CUTE!!

  147. my daughter is going as Pinkalicious – a character from a book, who loves pink… she adds too much pink food coloring to her mother’s cupcakes and after eating wayyyy to many she turns pink!

  148. Love it! I want to know how they made that giant cakepop hat!!!! I am a pirate this year…Jane Sparrow :) My daughter is Katara from Avatar (the Nickelodeon show…not the movie) and my son insisted on being a mushroom!!! I don’t know what my 2 teenage sons wil be…..they always surprise us!!

  149. Tonight my husband and I are going to his organization’s Fall Ball. All of the advisors are dressing as Villains of Batman! I’m going as Harley Quinn and my husband is going as the Joker. The rest of our friends are going as Two-Face, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, Penguin, Cat Woman, & Bayne! Every costume was hand-made… no store bought costumes here! Can’t wait to walk in together :)

  150. My puppy is going to be Rhett Butler (Barkler?) and I, of course, am going to be Scarlett! :)

  151. What a fab costume! I wish I knew how she made the cupcake. I’m boring at Halloween, just your average green witch. My daughter, 14, however another story. She’s been everything from a Starbuck’s Barista, pizza delivery boy, pillow fight victim, to this year as Mrs. Cleaver, the Beaver’s mom. Pearls and all!!!

  152. My daughter (2) is going as a chef…and my son (1) is going as a sack of taters!! :) Wish I’D thought to go as Bakerella! I could have had an excuse to get one of those awesome shirts. ;)

  153. AHHH! Too funny! I love it!
    My kids are a Flower loving Hippie, a Pink Pirate, and Superman! So adorable, and not matchy at all!

  154. That’s too funny!!! Love their costumes!!! My 3 and 2 year old are going to be My Little Ponies for Halloween this year.

  155. So mad I didn’t think of this costume. ROFL. I’m a cupcake…100% from scratch just like everything I bake…(my boyfriend is going at the baker)

  156. That’s AWESOME!! See, everyone loves YOU!

  157. my 13 yr old son went to his school’s masquerade ball as The Dread Pirate Roberts from “The Princess Bride”

  158. That’s hilarious.

    I’m going to be a Zombie Lunchlady. Ladling up brains for the other partygoers.

  159. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest costume set. Did they make that cupcake? I’d love to know how they made that if they did. Very impressive.

  160. awesome costumes!!!

  161. hahahaha that is awesome! I wish I could be the clever.

  162. Cute! I’m going as Minnie Mouse as we just visited the magic kingdom a month ago!

  163. Ha! Very cute. We’re attempting some cake pops this weekend. Maybe we could have used those costumes to get in the spirit :)

  164. that is so awesome!!!!! bakerella love ftw!

  165. We had a party last night. I went at Flo, the Progressive Gal, and my dh went as “A hot babe out jogging” Mayhem. Go to my blog and see the picture.

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