
Where I shop…

Cake Art Party Store! I started going here about two years ago when the baking and cake decorating bug bit me. When I first walked in, I was overwhelmed. Actually, I’m still overwhelmed. There’s so much stuff I don’t know… don’t even have a clue about… but I feel like I learn something new every single time I visit. Unfortunately, I can’t do that very often because this store makes me spend money.

Cake Art Party Store

Like on these things. I’m serious… this place is dangerous. I think I get a sugar high or something when I walk in … my heart starts racing … I start picking random stuff up. And when I get home, bags full… I’m like, what just happened.

Cake Art Party Store

But, when you see all these… in one place. You start thinking… do I have enough yellow sprinkles. I can’t remember. Okay, get some more and get some blue ones, and red ones while you’re at it.

Cake Art Party Store

And then, you start thinking that you can’t live without blue teddy bear sprinkles or green palm tree sprinkles, or pink pigs. And what if someone has a baby… I need those baby sprinkles or wait, boys like cupcakes… what about helmet and football sprinkles. You see where I’m going. Let’s just say that I have accumulated my fair share of sprinkles.

The funny thing is … I hardly ever use them on cupcakes or cakes. It just makes me feel good knowing I have them just in case. I know … weird! But, they do come in handy when it comes to decorating cake pops, so that’s how I justify it.

Cake Art Party Store

You can even buy them in bags!

Cake Art Party Store

Here’s something I’ve never tried… and I think I’ll leave for the pros… Airbrush! Pretty colors, though.

Cake Art Party Store

Speaking of colors… did you know you can buy rolled fondant that is already tinted?

I started doing this recently with red fondant because it is seriously a pain to tint it yourself and get it a deep red color.

Cake Art Party Store

Now, a lot of people don’t like the taste of fondant, they just like the look of it from a visual perspective. So, if you just want to experiment, then play around and buy it pre-made. Just don’t get this much. You can stick with the 1 pound packages.

Or if you really want, make some from scratch. I hear marshmallow fondant is pretty good.

Cake Art Party Store
Anyone need 25 lbs of buttercream frosting?

Cake Art Party Store

Or tinted buttercream?

Cake Art Party Store

Not me. I like to make my own buttercream and tint it myself. Yummy!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some petit four icing? Just snip the tip and go. Great for beginners.

Cake Art Party Store

Marzipan… I haven’t dabbled in this stuff yet, but I do like saying the name. Marzipan!

Cake Art Party Store

Check this out! This might just be the best part of the store. Pans! Round ones, oval ones, heart-shaped ones, square ones! And in graduated sizes, too! And different heights! Help me, please.

Cake Art Party Store

Tools. I love tools. Offset spatulas and flat spatulas. Thank you.

Cake Art Party Store

Inside these little trays are every decorating tip you can think of and some you can’t. Grab some disposable bags and couplers and you’re set.

Cake Art Party Store

There’s so much stuff in the store that you can miss little things like this. Petal dust and luster dust… I think I’m in love. Now, I just have to figure out what to do with it.

Cake Art Party Store

Need to stack a big cake? Sorry, I can’t help you… haven’t done that.

Cake Art Party Store

Mine are little and usually just end up on cake boards like these.

Cake Art Party Store

And sometimes, they get put in cake boxes. I love cake boxes. Especially the tiny ones.
Little cakes in little boxes are just the cutest!

Cake Art Party Store

Need some party supplies? They have that, too.

Cake Art Party Store

Baking cups for boys and girls.

Cake Art Party Store

Tons and tons of plastic cake toppers. I’ve never bought anything down this aisle…

Cake Art Party Store

But, this one made me laugh so hard, I almost bought it for a Mother’s Day cake. Then, I pictured myself on Cake Wrecks and stopped myself. :)

Cake Art Party Store

Father’s Day is around the corner, though…

Cake Art Party Store

Almost done… hang in there. Cookie cutters are always fun to have.

Cake Art Party Store

And so are these. I have this set of dual sided graduated cutters. I love them and they come in super handy when I make fondant covered cupcakes.

Cake Art Party Store

Gadgets galore! I can’t stand in this section too long because my pantry just isn’t big enough.

And guess what… that’s just the half of it. Actually, the 1/8th of it. I wish I could show you everything.
Coming soon… candy stuff!

Hope you guys liked looking at all that stuff and thanks Cake Art for letting me show everyone that there’s a much bigger cake world than the 9 inch cake pans I used to buy in the grocery store. And guess what guys… most of it’s easier than you think.
Cake Art Party Store
3744 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Tucker, GA 30084

And, because I made you scroll through all those pictures, how about a little giveaway for you sprinkle lovers!

Cake Art Party Store

Enter for a chance to win:

I’m giving away 20 different kinds of sprinkles!
(picked out by me)
Want some?
  • Just leave a comment on this post and tell me your favorite baking or decorating item or tool or even some elusive sprinkles you’ve been looking for.
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, May 11th at 6:00 p.m. (recorded by the comment time stamp)
  • The winner will be chosen at random* and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

    * One winner will be chosen at random, using’s integer generator.

Good Luck!

Sorry, TIME’S UP!
The Sprinkle Winner is none other than Comment #936!
Yay Cam! Have any Sprinkle preferences?

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3,403 comments on “Where I shop…”

  1. I don’t think I could even make up 20 kinds of sprinkles… but I know my kids would think they’d died and gone to heaven if you sent them to us!

    Most of my fancy decorating falls into the pipe a Wilton pan cake….

  2. I can understand how you feel when you go in this store. I would be the same way! It is a good thing this store isn’t close enough to me to go very often! But I sure loved the “tour”. Thanks!!!!!!

  3. Can I claim my Kitchen Aid mixer as a tool? ‘Cause I can’t live without it!!!

  4. That store is amazing! I must go there sometime! My favorite baking tool is Williams Sonoma spoon shaped spatula.

  5. Love, love, love the teddy bear sprinkles!

  6. Best of all I love my family’s collection of recipe books, some of which are from my great-grandmother and were perfected by her over many years.

  7. The pastry bag is by far my favorite. I couldn’t do the little things that I do without it.

  8. I definitely love my giant cake lifter. I would not be able to move cakes without braking them if not for that tool.

    Beautiful post!

  9. Talk about a kid in a candy store! What a great place! We love your blog, my kids are always looking over my shoulder to see what new wonder you are creating! They despertly want a copy of the picture of all the pokemon figures you took to hang in their playroom! (hint hint)

  10. I seriously have a fetish for cookie cutters–I can’t stop buying them! But of course, I would always love some new sprinkles. :)

  11. Oh my gosh – I can only ever find regular rainbow colored sprinkles. I would LOVE some fun shapes or mini-chips!!

  12. My favorite tool is my Kitchen aid stand mixer! I couldn’t live without it!

  13. OMG – all those baking goodies makes me want to bake something – now! We don’t have anything that cool here at all! My favorite baking tool is my mini cupcake pan. Those itty bitty cupcakes are just adorable.

  14. Holy cow. I need to send my sister there when she visits GA next month!

    I love my baking rack. I use it for EVERYTHING. Cooking cookies, draining bacon, organizing the fridge. Everything, its really the best.

    xo! Jess

  15. OMG… My sister is a “spinkle” addict. This would leave her speechless and contently eating “spinkles” for quite some time.

  16. I love wax paper and a fondant smoother for making buttercream smooth, I’m impressed by it each time I do it.

  17. Ooh, that storee looks gooood. My favorite baking item are bake-even strips. If they were a man I would marry them.

  18. I am always looking for metallic looking sprinkles to dip my cupcakes in.

  19. I think if I found moose-shaped sprinkles, my life would be complete. Ah…

  20. I am dieing for a mini cheesecake pan. I love making cheesecake. I haven’t gotten too adventurous yet but I think mini cheesecakes are just as cute as cupcakes.

    Everything is SO cute small!

  21. My all time favorite – the spoon. Just a plain teaspoon. It does a wonderful job with pudding cakes in creating an overlapping shell pattern. It shapes balls of fondant and cookie dough. It can be used to make scales in fish. Flip it over and the handle can be used for fun imprints.

    I love inexpensive versatility, so the spoon will always be my favorite companion in baking.


  22. love your blog.

  23. Wow, I am seriously jealous! My favorite thing for baking is cupcake liners. Just the traditional pastel colors. Weird, huh? I think it’s because they remind me of my childhood and I just feel happy when I see them.

  24. My favorite baking too is my mixer. I would be so lost without it.

  25. You got me wondering about a store in my area! I love the pretty pink sugars and I recently saw glitter “dust?” and thought that might be fun!!

  26. Oops! forgot the @ in my e-mail. I was a little scatterbrained just thinking of that fabulous store!!

  27. What a store!!!! I could spend hours (and way to much $) in there. Thanks for the great giveaways :)

  28. I wish they had a store like that were I live… I think I would get lost in there for a couple of hours. And I love any baking gadget… I just wish my kitchen was twice as big so I could get more!

  29. I am really a cake decorating novice. I have only made and really decorated my daughters 3 birthday cakes. I was really impressed with gel food coloring rather than the liquid drops I had always used.

  30. I love my silicone spoonula. I absolutely love to bake.

  31. should have a ‘Bakerella Starter Kit’ I think they would sell like wildfire! I know I would pick one up, probably several so my co-workers could start making their own! LOL OH, and You Are A-MAZ-ING! I love your creativity!

  32. Goodness I would die in that store! I would not be able to stop myself from spending a whole heap of money. I think my favorite tool is my stand mixer – it gets used constantly for cupcakes, cakes and cookies. I love it!

  33. I love ramekins, but not necessarily for baking souffles or anything like that. Mostly I use them for frosting cookies. You can have eight different colors of frosting, all in small little bowls in front of you, just waiting to be spread on yummy sugar cookies. I love it!

  34. My grandmother was a caterer and I inherited her frosting tips so that’s by far my favorite tool and yes am I ever in need of sprinkles!

  35. My favorite baking tool is my scoop to measure out cupcake batter so that my cupcakes are somewhat the same size…

  36. My favorite tool is my Kitchen Aid Mixer. Don’t know how I lived with out one!!


    My favorite baking item of all time would have to be my dough scoop! It’s the greatest!

    Also, I looked into that “Better Than Sex Cake” thing… It’s a german chocolate poke cake… with chocolate syrup and caramel topping slathered all on top and then finished off with crushed up Heath bars on top! It’s tasty! =]

  38. Wow, I really had no idea such a place existed! I haven’t used many decorations, but I LOVE colorful sprinkles.

  39. That place is so cool. My twins are turning one next month and I am doing a cupcake theme. I am going to have a “make your own cupcake bar!” Looking for ideas if you have any for toppings to use. I need sprinkles for sure! :)

  40. I like cupcake liners. I always buy the cheapie Wilton ones so they’re never as pretty once there’s a cupcake in but I like to look at them.

  41. I like my mini batter scoop to do cookies and muffins. Not too decorative, but I’m working on it!

  42. Hey! Since I’m bearly starting my cooking skills, my favorite tool for cup caking is a plastic bag and to cut the tip off! Thanks for always sharing such wonderful recipes! (

  43. I probably couldn’t live without my kitchen aid mixer or my friend helping me!!

  44. I could not bake without my favorite heat-proof Rachel Ray scrapers!

  45. I could spend hours in that store! I love cookie cutters and bright colored sprinkles! I hope I will :)

  46. i love sprinkles! that store is amazinG!!

  47. I’ll be dreaming about that store tonight! :) I wish I could find a series of cookie cutters like the one you showed here and used at PW’s lodge.. I have a little set of round cookie cutters but they’re never quite the right size for my cupcakes.. :) Still, they’re indispensable!

  48. OMG! It’s a good thing I don’t live close to that store!
    I love my pastry bags and tips and umm sprinkles…love them all!
    Here is my info just in case…
    hoosierhomemade @ yahoo dot com
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  49. OOOO! Sprinkles how fun! I love your blog! I would love some cactus sprinkles. Do they have those? Or anything cute really! My blog is

  50. I live in North Alabama and have not been able to find any baking stores… I have to settle for whatever Michaels has… :( My favorite baking tool is my KitchenAid mixer that my husband got me. I guess I will have to make a road trip to that store!

  51. My favorite baking tool is my Pampered Chef pizza cutter — I use it for cutting lots more than pizza.

  52. I LOVE using sprinkles to decorate. I esp love using them when my nephew is “helping” me. LOL I have been wondering if they have Spiderman sprinkles. My nephew is really into Spiderman right now. :)

  53. My favorite baking tool is definitely my stand mixer- I would get nothing done without it!

  54. oh wow, Bakerella those pictures are heaven!! I just started taking cake decorating classes and I would be in serious trouble if I went in that store. My favorite item would be sprinkles, they make me so happy. I’d really like to put up a spice rack and display my sprinkles like you did.

  55. I wish I lived close to that store or one like it!

    I have a sprinkle addiction as well. I dumped out my spice rack and filled it with sprinkles, just so they could be seen on my counter!

  56. my cookie cutters. I love them! that store looks AHmazing! I’ve never seen anything like that!

  57. I love cupcake liners!

  58. That store is amazing! I would spend way too much money in there.

    My favorite baking tool is a standing mixer. I don’t own one myself yet, but I used a friend’s the other day and it is so much easier to bake with.

  59. That has got to be the coolest store ever! I wish there was one near me. I have a thing for sprinkles, too. I keep them around and let my daughter use them to decorate cookies and ice cream and gingerbread houses, etc.

  60. My favorite decorating tool is a paint brush. Mostly I use it to ice cookies but it came in handy last month when we tried your cake pops out around Easter.

  61. My favorite cake tool is plain old fondant. I don’t like cake with a mountain of icing I half the time just eat naked cake. But fondant leaves the perfect layer of frosting.

  62. As of last week, I just bought myself a 24 cupcake carrier and a cupcake tree. It’s not a baking tool, but makes the cupcakes easy to transport and look impressive! :) I would looooove some cool sprinkles!!!

  63. Ever since you got me hooked on these cake-pops (or “Cake on a stick” as my coworkers call it), I have found that the cookie dough scoop is INVALUABLE! Ya know, the one that looks like a smaller sized ice cream scoop. It makes her perfect portioned ball for making just the round cake-ball that goes on the stick. Saves me a TON of work and time, and my hands are less messy…tho that is all part of the fun. LOL!

  64. I love to airbrush colors on cakes, it makes it so easy compared to tinting every color and piping it on. Now I can pipe on things airbrush and keep going. :)

  65. I love my cookie scoop. It makes cookies so easy.

  66. I recently bought a sugar craft gun. It’s quite a handy little gadget!

  67. I just recently found your blog and have already tried tons of your ideas. I love the cake balls that looked like animals. I am a school teacher and that is right up my alley!
    Crystal Spencer

  68. Looks like fun! I love my off-set spatula. I also love those flaky sugars that look like snow. I would love to visit that store!


  69. I love decorating cookies and cupcakes, so I like to use an offset spatula and of course sprinkles!

  70. I love the sucker sticks and mini cello bags to finish cake balls. they look fantastic!

  71. That store is AMAZING! My fav baking tool is my cookie scooper (which probably has a more professional name) .

  72. I can spend hours in a store like that! I sure miss not having one nearby. My favorite tool is my small angled spatula.

  73. We have a store just like this literally walking distance from my house! I try to avoid going in there – it’s just tooo tempting! My favorite decorating tool is the spatula: mini, big, offset and regular. I have them all!! :)

  74. I love using a lazy Susan when icing a cake.
    My husband would ban me from a store like that though, to much temptation.

  75. I love, love, love my cookie scoop! It’s the greatest thing ever!

  76. That store amazing! I love the Silpat Mats for baking. Non – stick and easy clean up. Hope you had a great Mother’s Day!

    lesashby at gmail dot com

  77. I love my mini spatula. Great for dishing up brownies.

  78. My favorite baking tool is my mini muffin tin. I use it all the time.

  79. My favorite baking tool is my spatulas, so I can get that last little morsel of delicious brownie mix.

  80. I will go crazy in this store too. Its like a baker’s paradise! I’ve never seen the teddy bear’s sprinklers before. Those are way too cute.

  81. I ordered from them online after I developed my addiction to cake pops! I only have about 15 or 20 kinds of sprinkles so am running low – lol.
    Thanks for the giveaway and the great ideas you share on your blog.

  82. ok….must win contest….need more sprinkles.
    Love sprinkles! any kind, shape, size. You can never have too many sprinkles!

  83. Oh I go crazy in the cake decorating aisle in Michaels, I would LOVE to see that store! I love my cake decorating tips but really anything to do with baking! I would LOVE those sprinkles!

  84. My husband was looking at your blog with me tonight and said that I could spend days at that store, LOL!

    My favorite baking tool is actually my cow-print spatula but I also love my cookie scoops and my cow shaped/colored sprinkles (I’ve never actually used them though, the’re in my cow collection).

  85. Sprinkles rock! And my birthday is tuesday!

    Awesome post!

  86. This post RULES! My dream sprinkles would be shaped like Hello Kitty’s head.

  87. I just started baking, so I am new new new to this all…but I got a wilton tip set (10)tips and I finally got to use them yesterday, I had a blast, and now addicted. I can’t wait to make another cake, I might make up a holiday just to make one!

  88. My favorite tool has to be the 1oz. cookie scooper. It makes baking cookies much more easier. That and the 1oz size is perfect, it makes the cookies big enough.

  89. That store looks amazing! My favorite baking tool is an off-set spatula. I have…lots of them. I think I buy one every time I see one. I just love them so much.

  90. Who knew there was a store like that!!

    Crazy!! It looks like a ton of fun!!

  91. I love finding funky sprinkles! They add a completely different spin on cakes/cupcakes/etc.
    droveaway (@)

  92. Wow! I would be in HEAVEN if I had a store like that near me. I may even have to do a road trip SOON I am in overload just looking at the pictures that you posted. I love the sprinkles and the cake pans would be o so lovely to have around. I think my favorite tool that I have is my bosh mixer. Just makes baking so easy. I love to do flooded cookies!

    thanks for sharing this with us as well as your fun stuff I am making the nutter butter cookie pops tonight!

  93. I love my Wilton racks for cooling cookies and nut roll.

  94. I love my spiffy cupcake liners.

  95. I never knew there were that many kinds of sprinkles. Neat! That store is amazing! I would go into overload. :) My tips, I love to experiment with them all.

    I tried your cupcake pops tonight for the first time. Not too cute, but delicious!

  96. I love the shimmer dust. My girls would like it, too. My boys would like lots of icing, though!

  97. My favorite baking tool is my Kitchenaid mixer. Boring, I know. Sprinkle-wise, I have a childhood memory of pearlescent beads and metallic teardrops that were totally edible… and super-duper fancy!

  98. my decorating experience has been limited to jimmies. i prefer the all-brown jimmie collection, but my husband and daughter like the colored ones.

    do they call them jimmies down by you? they’re just sprinkles.

    i made my very first batch of cake pops this weekend, and my 2 year old kept calling them cake cups. not cupcakes, but cake cups. she was VERY insistent that this is what they are called.

    but i had so much fun with them that i’d love some funky sprinkles to be able to play with making new pops…

  99. Oh my! I don’t know what I’d do with myself in a store like that. I’d probably have to lie down from sheer happiness before I could even think about shopping.

  100. My favorite baking tool is my cast iron skillet. It bakes an awesome big chocolate chip cookie.

    Thank you for sharing! I think I just added a new destination to my “must visit” list.

  101. Wow – that place looks like a bakers heaven. I’m not sure if it counts, but my favorite baking item is my kitchenaid stand mixer. That is heavenly!

  102. Love your pictures. I love my metal spatula. Its so cool to smooth icing with….as far as sprinkles – I love all kinds – just did some chocolate cupcakes with neon sprinkles – loved them.


  103. Who knew heaven really existed on earth? We love sprinkles!

  104. I am ridiculously jealous that you have access to that store. RIDICULOUSLY jealous. I so wish we had something like that around here.

    I love pretty much all of my Wilton supplies. I don’t know if I can choose a favorite! I love decorating cupcakes and cookies, and a lot of my decorating tips come in handy for that!

    roadtotheaisle at gmail dot com

  105. I need to find this store! Though I think I’d need to take out a loan beforehand!! :)


  106. Oooohh! Sprinkles make me so happy! That’s an awesome store. My favorite decorating tool is my offset spatula. I LOVE it!

  107. Wow I enjoyed this post. My favorite tool is my KitchenAid Mixer that I alway said I didn’t really need but my husband gave to me on my birthday and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  108. OHHHH why cant I have a store like that close! I am stuck buying what hobby lobby has, and thats not much! I think my favorite tool is my good set of bakeware! I lived with the cheapie walmart stuff so long, I was in heaven when I got a good set :)

  109. My favorite baking item would probably be parchment paper…it’s saved my creations numerous times :) As for sprinkles, I’d love to have some fun dogs :)

  110. I think my hubby would blow his top if I bought more baking supplies. Or have to build a new shelving system. I would love to get some decent decorating tips and practice.

  111. OMG. THANK YOU for posting about this store. I’m in the ATL area and didn’t even know the place existed. You can bet your sprinkles(all of them) I’ll be trekking over before I start my next cake.
    And also–my favorite tool is my small offset spatula. Not the big mamma jamma, the tiny one. Love it.

  112. My favorite baking tool is vanilla extract, I add to to everything!

    badobalee at gmail dot com :]

  113. Oh my!! I’m just starting to cook/bake, but I LOVE sprinkles! I think my favorite “tool” so far is a spatula. It’s just fun.

  114. My favorite tool?? Hmm..must be my cake icer tip – no cake too big or too small – and I certainly can’t “dump” icing and smooth, so this little bad boy is a life saver for me.

  115. Goodness Gracious! All that stuff is simply amazing!! Two of my favorite baking tools are from Pampered Chef, their small rolling pin, has two size rollers – one on each end and their pastry blender. That works wonderful for making my apple crisp topping!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  116. My favorite tool is my mini muffin tins. So much you can do with them!

  117. Impossible to name one favorite item… some favorites are: 1. My Kitchenaid Mixer, 2. My Americolor Colors, 3. My Wilton 1M tip 4. SPRINKLES (all shapes and sizes!).

  118. OMGoodness! I think I need to make a pilgrimage that store. I am so in love. This is kind of silly but I love my Wilton Wonder Mold pan (the one you use to make the doll cakes). I originally bought it just to make cakes for my daughter, but now have made cakes for several of my friend’s daughters. It’s just so fun to see a little girls eyes light up when they see their very own princess cake.

  119. Oh WOW! That place looks amazing! I'd lose my mind there for sure. Like Kristy I'm from Canada and I can't say I've ever seen a store like that.

    I have a pretty nice assortment of cookie cutters that I just love. They're actually from my mom who has collected them for ages. Using them still takes me back to my childhood <3

  120. I love my graduated oval and circular cookie cutters.

  121. I love sprinkles too!
    My favorite toy is my football-shaped cake pan. I’ve used it to make footballs (duh!), but also easter eggs. I guess I don’t have many fancy cake decorating tools beyond that, actually!

  122. You lucky dog, I would love to live close to a store like that!! First I’d have to empty my bank account so I could buy everything in the store!
    One of my favorite decorating toy/tools is SPRINKLES!
    Glory (Flickr name GloriousTreats)

  123. Wozers!
    What a great store!
    OK, so many many years ago, my aunt bought POUNDS of course sugars in every color of the rainbow for our annual cookie decorating party. When the store was going out of business, she bought ever sugar they had left. We are down to the nitty gritty, here people. Cannot find them bulk,(or in any amount larger than a few tablespoonfuls) and cannot find them course like the ones we have always used. Looking for that crunch to add to our secret sugar cook recipe;)
    Anyone know of anywhere? Our fav colors are orange, yellow, pinks tealsand purples!

  124. I am new to baking and haven’t done it much with my son having an egg allergy I struggle to get things just right from scratch! I think my favorite item is my new Kitchen Aid Mixer…I never knew how nice it was to have my hands free! I am going to have to Google Map this place and see if I can make a stop there in July! Thanks!

  125. Whoa I am blown away by that store! I would be so overwhelmed I would probably just stand there & salivate all over myself! :) My favorite baking tool is my Pampered Chef Mini-Spatula. I have found SO many uses for this little guy & I find myself grabbing it everytime I bake. It is definitely my multi-purpose baking tool. Thanks for the giveaway!

  126. Wow, I was going to post a comment anyway, and then it ended up being a giveaway post! I just can’t believe that wonderful, amazing store! I think I could seriously go crazy in there. I don’t see how you could go in there and not buy anything!

    I haven’t done too much decorating. I love all the little sprinkles, colors, etc, though. My hubby just made me a birthday cake last weekend and totally surprised me with how creative he was – decorated the cake with a big sunflower that he made himself – even used chocolate jimmies for the middle of it. It was gorgeous and i was very surprised – he’s totally not the cake decorating type!

  127. I love my silicon cake pans! They make removal so much easier :)

  128. Oh, my. It is a very good thing that store is several states away from me!

  129. I love sprinkles! And my wife makes fun of me for it but they’re still great. You can use sprinkles on anything you want. Ice-cream, cake, whatever.

    I’m always looking for knight and dragon sprinkles but have never found any.

  130. I love my food processor.

  131. Ok, now I’m totally going to be on the hunt for a store like that somewhere nearby. I’m from Canada, and have never seen anything like that.
    It would be like heaven….

    I Love all my decorating tips. A must have for my amature cake decorating :)

  132. I LOVE my kitchen aid mixer, too, although I need to get a little more adventurous with it……oh, my gosh that store is to bakers what a great scrapbook store is to a scrapper! I could spend lots of money in both kinds of stores and then just want to LOOK at the stuff I bought…..danger, I tell you!
    Cool. I didn’t KNOW there were that many kinds of sprinkles!!!

  133. Goodness :O I need to visit that store!! My favorite baking item is my Rilakkuma cookie cutter set! I love bear shaped cookies :)


  134. My favorite baking tool is the luster dust. It’s so simple and makes everything so gorgeous.

  135. I am so jealous of your store. There is a pretty good one in New York but it doesn’t have nearly as much as yours does! Like the pre-tinted fondant, for example.

    I would say my fave tool is my X-Acto knife. I use it for so many things (fondant, etc).

  136. Oh goodness. That place looks like paradise come to life. Good thing I don’t live close enough to visit! Too bad for me it’s online though. Yikes!

    My favorite baking tool is my mixer. I just can’t imagine life without my kitchen aid – she’s beautiful.

    I love the colored sugar sprinkles best – they just add sparkle to everything!

    rebekah.dedrick@gmail .com

  137. I don’t bake much, but dream of making cute and yummy things. I love all the cute sprinkles you use, but can never find any like yours.


  138. I can’t, for the life of me, find a spice rack with clear jars that aren’t labeled, and aren’t already filled with spices. I haven’t gone to any specialty stores yet, but none of my grocery stores / bed bath n beyond / target / walmart have them.

    So aggravating!

  139. I am so glad I don’t have something like that down the street from my house. I would be in big trouble financially if I did : ) My new fav baking tool is my COOKS brand cupcake tins. I love it, it seems to cook everything so evenly. PS I also like to collect sprinkles for those just in case moments.

  140. We love to make key lime cake!! SO GOOD

  141. What a fun store! My favorite baking item is my stoneware baking stone. It makes perfect cookies!

  142. Whew. That sprinkle aisle made my jaw drop. My favorite decorating tool is probably my decorating tips – and no I can’t pick just one! They make decorating look so neat and professional. I’ve been on the look out for the heart shaped sprinkles that you use. Apparently they are more elusive in my town. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  143. I can’t believe there is a store that fantastic within driving distance for me…..Where in the world have I been hiding???

    My favorite baking gadget isn’t really a gadget, I guess…but I love my Kitchen Aid mixer.

    I would love to have some of the mini cookie cutters that you use to make your cupcake pops!

  144. Oh my! I’ve never been to GA, but I just found the perfect reason to go! My industrial cookie sheets are my favorite…they bake so evenly! All sprinkles are wonderful sprinkles! :D

  145. Awesome !! I guess my Kitchenaid mixer -since I use it for everything lol
    PS I want the blue bear sprinkles!! So Cute!!!

  146. Oh My Rainbow Star Sprinkles!! That store looks like heaven!!! My favorite tool is my 11″ Wilton Spatula.

  147. I am so happy I live in Atlanta too! I am definitely checking it out next week.
    Oh and I LOVE Sprinkles! I put them on everything. But my favorite tool is my icing spatula, which I use for everything.

  148. Oh, sorry.. I think I got some drool on your blog. Oh. My. Goodness. I am extremely sad (while at the same time grateful) that that store is not in my area. We have stores with a few sprinkles( I recently bought butterflies, cows, and flowers), and we have stores with a few pans(think Hobby Lobby decorating section), but we don't have THAT store. Wow. I will dream about that store. Um, I am not sure I can move past the sprinkles to tell you my fav tool. I think my favorite thing to use for baking ARE the sprinkles, or candles, or things like that. I love the baking, the pans, the tools, the frosting(wait, maybe frosting is my fav), but I do love sprinkles. Maybe it is the recipe. Sigh.. I have no favorite. I love it all! (especially my black & white cow sprinkles. Nope. Don't know where I will use those either. Just had to have them)

  149. My kids love decorating with sprinkles! It so easy and fun for the little ones!

  150. I am in awe of that store. They definitely don’t have anything like that up here in Vermont. !! Crisis!!

    Anyway, I’d have to say that my most favorite baking tool is the tiny-spatula that I have. Makes frosting cupcakes (and mini cupcakes), and weird shapes infinitely easier. :-D

  151. That's amazing! My favorite things are cupcake liners.. I love the different designs!!! They're great to put the cake balls I sell in! ->

  152. Wow! What a store!

    My favorite tools are decorating tips – there are just so many fun things you can do with them!

  153. I love cookie cutters.

  154. What a store! I’ll have to see if we have anything like that around here.

    My favorite baking item is round pans. I don’t know why, I just love them.

  155. Um, wow. That is a dangerous store. :) I love all the sprinkles! They are so much fun to work with.

    Thanks for all your ideas! I have enjoyed your blog so much.

  156. My cookie cutters. My kids are grown so looking forward to grandkids.

  157. AHHHH that store looks amazing! The baking aisle in Michael’s makes me go crazy, I don’t know what a whole store would do to me!!! My favorite decorating item is definitely sprinkles. I’m terrible at piping icing and whenever I try, I end up having to smooth it out and just decorate all my cakes with sprinkles.

  158. Oh.My I got GIDDY just looking at those pictures (and the only cakes I have decorated belong on cake wrecks).

    I could totally do something fun with those pink pig sprinkles though.

  159. Favorite is my pastry tips and over-sized bags….works for everything from cakes…to potatoes…to deviled eggs!

  160. I love my kitchen aid mixer. I can’t make a cake without it. Or my frosting for that matter.

  161. Sprinkles! :)

    That post seriously made me happy!

    Thank you!

  162. I love my kitchen aid mixer! My BFF and I have been making tons of cake pops. I would love to share sprinkles with her! I wish I had a store that cool near me.

  163. That is funny because that man has been on cake wrecks before!!!

    Lets see….I love baking cakes. Especially theme cakes for my kids birthdays. I like my cake pan wraps that you wet before putting it around the pan to keep the cake from rising in the middle, giving you that dome that makes it hard to stack unless you slice the top off. I love sprinkles too, they are so cute!

  164. Holy crud I’d be in big trouble at that store. I think I’d just hand them my credit card at the door! Looks like nirvana!

  165. I so want to go to that store! I don’t bake that often, mainly because I don’t have the time for it. My favorite tool right now is my angel food cake pan, it is my favorite cake, and homemade (separating egg whites and all) is the only way to go!

  166. I love my frosting spatula that came with my Wilton Cake decorating kit. I also love the whole box that it came with– love sprinkles… just in case :)


  167. i actually just love my cake carrier .. i transport cakes and desserts on a regular basis so it’s really great to have a way to get them there in their perfect form!

  168. Can’t cook or bake without parchment paper! My kids would go crazy for all those sprinkles…

  169. OMG – I can’t believe this is in the Atlanta metro area! I must go there very soon! Thanks for sharing. My favorite baking supply are the cake pans with a removable bottom. They are wonderful!

  170. I only have hundreds & thousands to use for sprinkles. Good on fairy bread, though. Otherwise…I got nothin'.

  171. OMG I wish we had that store in NY… wait a minute… maybe not, I’d spend all my money there and my honey would kill me. My fav kitchen tool is honestly my KA Mixer, I can’t live without it. I use it at least three times a week (we have a lot of the attachments too).

  172. I could spend all day in that store. Bet I could find soft pink sprinkles there.

  173. Oh wow! I had no idea this sort of store was on 29! I'll have to make a trip over there sometime~

    I'd have to say my favorite tool would be… I guess my cupcake carrier! I have one that's bottom doubles as a pan as well~ The top layer sits on top of it, but it can all collapse into itself for easy storage- so useful <3

  174. I love disposable piping bags, and I am also very fond of my small off-set spatula.

  175. Wow. I could spend a fortune in there just to stock up my pantry. Everything is so cute!

  176. Hm. I don’t think I have a favorite..I guess my flower silicone baking cups??

  177. Very cool! I’m just beginning to get into decorating so I don’t really have any favorites…yet.

  178. Fun place. Very overwhelming, but fun! I love the pastry bag and tips. I love to experiment with different frosting tops on cuppies. So fun!

  179. My favorite baking tool is my mini muffin tin. I know it sounds cheesy, but just start putting stuff in one. You can make totally cute mini cupcakes and my favorite is tiny brownies made in the mini muffin tin. I also do a half a cherry and a little crushed pineapple, then cake and you have the tee-tiniest pineapple upside down cakes ever!!

  180. I think I just peed my pants looking at that store. I live in Canada and there isn’t anything even close to that. I LOVE pans. I don’t know what it is about them, but that selection was awesome!!

  181. Woo Hoo – sprinkles! The more the merrier!! That store is amazing…I would like to live there!

    I love using my offset spatula to frost and spread stuff!

  182. That store is a dream! I can see how you could drop a large fortune in there!

    I would say my KitchenAid mixer, but that is probably what everyone would say. Actually, it’s the Wilton cake decorating kit I got last year. It came with all kinds of fun gadgets and was a great way for me to get started as a beginner.

  183. oh my goodness, who knew there was so many sprinkles. my fav baking tool is silicone cupcake cups. i love them.

  184. I just gasped so loud I scared the cat. I got to the bottom of your post and saw Tucker, GA. You mean this fantastic shop is 15 miles from me and I never knew it? *gasp* Will it be possible to keep myself from going there tomorrow? I doubt it. :)

  185. Wow-I love that store-instead of chocolate lovers in Wonkaland it’s the equal for cake-lovers, awesome! macjamin (at) gmail

  186. I LOVE sprinkles! I remember as a child, my mother always used those silver bullet looking sprinkles! Haven’t seen those in ages!!!

  187. (omg!) i LOVE the red/white bakers twine!!! (and cany molds so i can make my own pb cups easily).

  188. Oh good gracious me! That store is AWESOME!!! I looked at a store near me and saw about three jars of sprinkles…I think I’d like to just go stand and ooh and aah at your store!!!

  189. That store looks fabulous!!! I wish I could find cotton candy sprinkles, my little guy loves them!

  190. My favorite is definitely my silicone mat. Cookies would be much harder without

  191. I loved all the pictures…all those sprinkles would be hard to pass up!! I would have to say that my small icing spatula is something I absolutely LOVE…and sprinkling any of these sprinkles on a cupcake would be great!!


  192. I think I like my mini cookie cutters best!

  193. That place is amazing! One of my favorite cake decorating tools is using a zip-top plastic bag as a piping bag. I LOVE that it doesn’t spill out all over me!

  194. Oh my, What a cool store!

    I love my off-set spatula. It has changed my life.

  195. Sorry I forgot my email.

  196. I don’t bake very often but I love brownies. I guess if I had to choose one item I love my stonewear. As far as sprinkles I Would love to find some basketballs, footballs, or soccer balls. I am a huge sports fan.

    PS I would love to have a store like that nearby.

  197. Oh my goodness, that is the most amazing store! I LOVE my Witon 1M decorating tip. It’s the most beautiful tip to use for decorating cupcakes (which I love to bake)!
    Carrie from

  198. Oh man, that store looks like so much fun!! My favorite baking tool is probably my mini batter scoop that I use for cookies and truffles, it makes everything so much easier!

  199. Holy Crap. I must meet you there sometime. I’ve only been once. I love it!
    Funny, I need sprinkles. Dont have any. *LOL*

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