
Whoopie Pies!


I just tried out a book that’s all about Whoopie Pies. One of the writers of the book (Amy) is also the editor of my book, Cake Pops. Amy sent me a copy to check out and I couldn’t be more excited for her.

I made and fell in love with these sugar-filled sandwiches. They are delish! They’re like little cakes shaped like cookies… (but pie-like… not so much.)

It’s funny… when I gave these treats away, everyone loved them, but no one knew what to call them. Everyone asked “What are they?” It made me wonder how common they are in other places. Have you made whoopie pies? Heard of them? Seen one out in the wild?

No worries if you haven’t. Now you can make your very own. The book is organized for easy reading.


There’s a section devoted to cakes…


And a section devoted to fillings. Great for mixing and matching and making whoopies.


Lots and lots of whoopie.




I decided to make the classic chocolate whoopie (big surprise) and paired it with peanut butter filling. The recipe called for dark brown sugar. I used this dark muscovado sugar instead because that’s all I had on hand. It made them extra tasty.


After you mix up the batter, drop it by spoonfuls on a parchment covered baking sheet.


After they bake and cool for a few minutes carefully remove them from the parchment paper.


Place them flat side up on a cookie rack. Then you can spoon the filling on…


Or pipe it on.


I like piping it on. It’s much more fun.


And prettier to look at.


Sandwich the filling between two of the cakes.


And press gently. That’s it.


Whoo-hooo for whoopies. Now go make some.

Chocolate Whoopie Pies

Chocolate Whoopie Pies


Chocolate Whoopie Pies

  • 1-2/3 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 4 tablespoons vegetable shortening
  • 1 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 cup milk

Salty Peanut Butter Filling

  • 3/4 cup creamy peanut butter (or crunchy)
  • 3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 3/4 cup confectioners' sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt


  1. Whoopie Pies: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a bowl, sift together, flour, cocoa, baking soda, and salt.
  3. In another bowl, beat butter, shortening and sugar with a mixer on low until just combined. Increase speed to medium and beat for about 3 minutes.
  4. Add egg and vanilla and beat for two more minutes.
  5. Add half of the flour mixture and half of the milk and beat on low until incorporated. Repeat with remaining flour and milk and beat until combined.
  6. Using a tablespoon, drop batter on baking sheet two inches apart. Bake for about 10 minutes each or until pies spring back when pressed gently.
  7. Remove from oven and cool for about five minutes before transferring them to a rack to cool completely.
  8. Peanut Butter Filling: Beat peanut butter and butter on low until creamy using a mixer. Add sugar and salt and beat on low to incorporate. Increase speed to medium and beat for about four minutes until the filling is light and fluffy. Spread filling on flat side on one cooled cake. Top it with a second cake and press gently.
  9. Store whoopie pies in an airtight container.


1 Tbsp of batter should make about 48 two-inch cakes or 24 pies.
2 Tbsp of batter should make about 30 four-inch cakes or 15 pies.

Recipe from Whoopie Pies

You can also roll the edges in sprinkles, chopped chocolate, nuts, etc. or in this case, peanut butter morsels.

Ummm… can I say these are just about the most fun things to eat. They’re so good you kinda feel like you’re being bad when you sink your teeth into them.


Want to make some whoopies?

Amy sent me a second copy to do with what I want. And I want to give it to one of you. Want it?

  • Leave a comment on this post and tell me if you’ve ever made whoopies… Heard of them?… Know the best place to get them? Or just want to learn more about them.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, July 12 at 5:00 p.m. ET Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

Whoopie!!! We have a winner and boy are they in for a treat.

Congratulations Neddy (# 1413). Now you can try lots and lots of whoopie pies.


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3,735 comments on “Whoopie Pies!”

  1. I have had the packaged kind but they did not taste good. They are pretty looking though!

  2. I have heard of them, but never made them or ate one. Would love this book – I could make them for my church bazaar!

  3. Yup! I’m not really sure where they are from, but I’ve had them homemade before!

  4. I have never made them.. and can’t say I have heard of them either! Not here in Australia anyway! They do look delicious though!

  5. I’ve seen them on the Food Network, and just recently in a grocery store! I’m from GA and I think they’re a northern thing, but I’ve been wanting to try them out!!

  6. I have never made them but this looks like something I would like to make. I hope I win!!!

  7. I’ve never made them but now I want to. They look like home made oreos and I have made them. Yummy!

  8. ahh these look amazingg o:
    i’ve never heard of them before..
    and that concludes that
    i’ve never them before either ^^;
    they look really funn thoughh :D
    i wanna learn more about themm :3
    have fun with your whoopie pie book (:

  9. Wow! I’ve made them once, but those look so much better!!

  10. I just made Whoopie Pies last week (first time making or eating!). Even after the cakes had completely cooled, I found that the cream filling spread too much–I ended up with what looked like a waterfall over the bottom layer! They were still tremendously yummy!

  11. I have heard of and even made lemon ones. I would love a book with more flavors/combinations!

  12. I’ve never heard of whoopies. :( I wanna try some!

  13. I tried…once…and they were a huge hit. Now I’m wondering why I haven’t made them since!?

    That books looks *dangerously* good! :)


  14. Wow.. I’ve never heard of woopies before but they look delicious!

  15. I am not sure if they are technically whoopie pies but the closest thing to them would be the red velvet (cake) cookies sandwiched with cream cheese frosting….sound familiar? I got the recipe from your site~ :D

  16. there’s someone who makes them and sells them at the farmer’s market where I live in louisiana. I’ve never gotten to try them though but they look amazing!

  17. A guest brought some to a recent party and that was my first exposure to these little treats. I can’t wait to try them out for myself.

  18. I have heard of whoopie pies and seen them around the blog world, but I’ve never eaten one or made one. The salty peanut butter filling sounds sooo good!

  19. I love whoopie pies, I was in Sweeney Todd and during the scene, “More Hot Pies” we handed them out to the audience so they could eat them, plus we ate them back stage. By far the best place to eat them!

  20. Does using a cake mix and bake it into a fluffy pillowy cookies and sandwiched it with mint buttercream frosting (from scratch of course!) Counts as whoopie pies?
    If the answer is yes, than yes! I’ve made a whoopie pie :p

    Ahhh I want the book so much! I’ve added it to my amazon wishlist from a while ago :D

  21. Haha…you can see that I didn’t read the question…I have never tried a whoopie, but they sound super yummy. I’m gonna have to try the recipe you posted

  22. I have never made them, but I want to for my mom’s up coming birthday party. They look fantastic!

  23. I have never made them, but now I MUST give it a try. They all look delicious!

  24. YUMMY! I used to buy these from the Amish ladies back home and mmmmmmm! I’ve never made them, myself, but now I really want to!

  25. I’ve never heard of it, never touched one, never tasted one and never made one! I’m a bit young to do what I want in the kitchen, my mum would yell at me because the kitchen would be dirty and messy after I’ve baked something.

  26. I am dying to try making Whoopie Pies! This book would really help :)

  27. I think we know them as moon pies. The store-bough banana ones are my fave. I hade a homemade one once from someone at work. It was chocolate and good!

  28. I’ve never had a whoopie pie, but I think this pregnant girl NEEDS to make these :)

  29. I’ve never heard of them before, but the look delicious! Chocolate and peanut butter is definitely a favourite combo of mine and my mouth as watering looking at those pictures

  30. I love your blog and recipes! You are amazing :) I’d love this book

  31. I made red velvet whoopie pies once with a cream cheese icing filling inside. I did them for Valentine’s day and they were quite festive! I’d love to make more so this recipe book would be perfect!

  32. I’ve never had a whoopie pie before. The first time I ever heard about them was on the Martha Stewart Show a few years ago.

  33. Love whoopie pies! I made some a while back. They’re delicious when filled with ice cream, too. The book looks beautiful :)

  34. I first had whoopie pies when I worked at a deli and the owner’s mom made them sometimes to sell. I LOVED them. I tried making them once and they came out OK, but nothing like the first ones I had. I would love a chance to win this book!

  35. i’ve heard of them and have a recipe i’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten to it yet!

  36. What have I been missing all these years?!?! I have never heard of these or tasted these. I can’t wait to try them out!

  37. These look amazing!! I can’t wait to try them. I’ve also seen them once on unwrapped! Gotta love Food Network!

  38. Never made them, tho they’re on my list to try! Have seen them most recently at corner bakery.

  39. I haven’t, but my old manager made them and they were oh so yummy!

  40. I’ve heard of them, but I’ve never made them. I don’t even think I’ve tried one and, clearly, I’m missing out. Look likes there’s a whoopie-making marathon in my near future. :P

  41. I made Whoppie Pies once, years ago, the recipe was in an Amish Cookbook. They were pretty yummy, but also pretty time consuming. (though I don’t remember why). I’m thinking I need to try them again, they would probably be good sellers for my small baking business. Thanks for all your FUN and AWESOME posts!

  42. I’ve never had one! Can’t wait to try them out.

  43. i’ve never made them before but they sure look delish!

  44. I made some recently for the first time! When I told people about them, no one knew what they were until I explained. And some of them still didn’t understand. But they certainly were delicious!

    I’d love to have this book! I’ve peeked at it online. It looks so fun! And yummy!

  45. Heard of them but never made them or even tried them before. I must say though that the chocolate peanut butter combo definitely speaks to me and I’ll be trying these out! Thanks!

  46. Never heard of them. Ever. Would absolutely love to try them tho.

  47. Never made them but WOW do they look good. Will have to try these out for sure!!!!!

  48. I’ve heard of them but I’ve never made or eaten, but they look so yummy!!

  49. The first time I ever heard of them was when my mother in law sent us some.

    Never made any of them, but that book looks really cool.

  50. Yum! I’ve heard of them, but only through other blogs. Never had one before but would love to try them.

  51. funny you mentioned these…. we had them as the “cake” at a baby shower i hosted back in April!! the worked perfect with the brown/pink western theme! just looking at the photos makes my mouth water!

  52. I’ve heard of them and know what they are…and they look pretty easy to make! I’m more interested in eating them though. :p

  53. I’ve never made whoopie pies, but after this I will have to. Those look delish!!!

  54. Nope… never made Whoopie, but I’d sure love to try :)

  55. My grandmother and I use to make these together! It was great being with her making these sweet treats. It would be awesome to have a book filled with lots of different flavors. We always made chocolate only.

  56. Now that I think about it, I’ve actually never had Whoopie Pies. They look so good tho! I can only imagine the endless mixing possibilities.

  57. I’ve never heard of whoopies! But they look delicious! Can’t wait to try them!

  58. I’ve heard of them and have always wanted to try :) awesome giveaway!

  59. I’m sure I’ve never met a whoopie pie I did not LOVE! The best ones are near my Mom’s house in Tennessee at a little Amish Sandwich shop we sit on the front porch on the rocking chairs looking out at the amazing pastures and…. YUM.. Ok now I want to go visit my Mom!

  60. have never made them, but have tried some interesting flavors besides chocolate like root beer and neopolitan from local bakeries!

  61. I’ve heard of them but never made them. They sound delish!

  62. I feel like I have made them before, but can’t remember! (Maybe that means I haven’t made them??)

  63. Absolutely adorable and simply scrumptious-looking! :) I’ve never ever heard of “whoopies!” Actually, I think the only “whoopie” I ever heard of it Whoopi Goldberg :D! But anyways, I think I might make some of these for our next potluck. Thanks for the idea!

  64. I want!!!!! I have had the cookies before….but never had a name for them. They were ridiculously good tho, i wanttttttttttttt.

  65. I’ve never heard of nor eaten these but boy do the peanut butter ones look delicious!!! omg I need to try those!!


  66. I live in Australia and I’ve definitely never heard of whoopie pies! Even though they look like something that I’d eat til I couldn’t walk, thank you for spreading the whoopie word internationally!!

  67. I’ve never made them or eaten them, but I kind of feel compelled to now. They look delicious!

  68. I’d never heard of them before, but have seen them popping up on blogs all over the place. They speak right to my (very) sweet tooth!

  69. they look so good! but ive never tried them. ive heard of them. the name is a bit silly.
    ive seen them prepackaged in convenience stores. but i am not one for prepackaged food.

  70. I’ve only heard of people making whoopie, but not in the kitchen! :) I’ve never made them, but am going to try this week! They look delish!

  71. They look so fun and tasty! My kids would love them!

  72. The grocery store near my house sells the best whoopie pies! They have these red velvet cake ones with strawberry cream inside for valentines day. I think that whoopie pies are kinda local to Pennsylvania. I’ve never found them anywhere else.

  73. I love making Whoopie pies! They remind me of oreos but taste even better to me!

  74. What an adorable book! I love whoopie pies, but have never made one. I would loooove to give it a shot, though!

  75. I don’t know why, but they are really big in Pennsylvania. I love ’em!!

  76. I’ve never had one before but I’d love to give them a try!

  77. I have n ever had Whoopie pies. I would love to make some!

  78. I’ve never heard of whoopie pies, but I’d love to try making/eating some!

  79. Wow, thanks for sharing these! I have never had a Whoopie Pie but I have heard my mom talk about how much she loved them when she was young. I guess I know what I should get her for Christmas. :) She also loved moon pies so maybe you might have a friend who would write a book on them as well.

  80. I’ve eaten them before, but never made any.

    However, if I were to get this book, that would change. ;)

  81. These look DELICIOUSLY crazy. Would love to make some for my Alice in Wonderland bridal shower!

  82. I have heard of them but I couldn’t remember what they were. I am glad there is a book out there for everyone to enjoy though!

  83. I’ve had my eye on Red Velvet Whoopie pie recipe forever, and I have yet to make them! I’m for sure going to make them now! Yours look delish :)

  84. I would love to try and make my own – I know my husband would love these treats. I’ve always known of whoopie pies but I’m not sure if I’ve ever actually had one. I think I need to change that…asap!

  85. I’m an Aussie and I’ve never heard of them, let alone made them or tried them. They look rather delicious!

  86. My Mom grew up on these things! She lived in Maine and had them ALL the time as a little girl. Since she moved here to Utah though (20 years ago), not a single one. I would LOVE to make these for her and bring back a piece of her childhood.

  87. i have heard of them but never made them, i have made homemade oreos though and they are similar! has been making these very cute.
    they look delish!

  88. I have heard of them and eaten the packaged kind but never made them,

  89. I’ve wanted to make them for a while, but haven’t had a chance to!

  90. i’ve always been curious as to how they taste, but never have made them before

  91. Made them, but the best ones come from Mike’s Pastry in Boston!

  92. I have never had a whoopie pie but have heard of them on some foodie blogs. I am in Canada so I think they must be an American thing? I have 13 year old and 10 year old sons and know that they would LOVE these!

  93. I have heard of them, but I have never seen or eaten them. They look like they would be really fun to make and even more fun to eat!

  94. i’ve never heard of these but I have made a similar pie using cake mix as the base. these look delicious!

  95. I made red velvet whoopie pies for Valentine’s Day. They were so cute!

  96. Heard of them, made something like them, but haven’t had a ‘real’ whoopie. I basically love the name more than anything though :)

  97. i DEFINITELY want to make some whoopie(s)! ;)

    gorgeous shots as always, B!

  98. I’ve never attempted them before because I’m worried I may eat the entire batch. My mother-in-law makes glorious Whoopies, but I think I may be adventurous and make yours this week for my book club.

    P.S. I make your lemon bars almost weekly. My family LOVES them! Thanks for the recipe!

  99. Heard of ’em. Never made ’em. Eaten them… yum! Might have to be careful how many I decide to make… eh, eat… since I am starting Weight Watchers in the morning. :)

  100. I love whoopie pies but have never ventured out of classic chocolate/fluffy white filling – yours looked and sounded so yummy …..thank you – i will be trying tonight!!

  101. Heard of them, ate them, never made them!

  102. I’ve heard of them, but I’ve never eaten them or made them. I’d love to have that book though. They look wonderful!

  103. I’ve never made them before! But I’ve had some with ice cream centers! Delicious!!

  104. I have heard of them but have never mad any. They sure do look yummy!

  105. I’ve made whoopie pies before. They were delicious and cake like. However I accidentally made the scoops of dough too big so they turned out ginormous!

  106. I have never tasted whoopies before. This is a perfect opportunity to try them. Thanks for the recipe!

  107. I’ve heard of them but never made them. The book looks so fun.

  108. Oh yes. We like the chocolate ones, but my favorite is pumpkin whoopies with cream cheese filling. Yumm-o. I preserve pumpkin just for these!

  109. Heard of the but have never had a homemade one … saddly only packaged. I would love the book to learn more!

  110. YUMMO! these look oh so good!

  111. I have heard of them when I lived in Texas… also know about moon pies.. never had them though, thanks for the recipe… its a great start. Of course if there was only a cookbook dedicated to them…..(hinthint)

  112. I’ve never made them myself. When I lived in Japan, my neighbor (also American) would make them at Valentine’s. Those are the only time I’ve had them…but so good! Will have to give them a try!

  113. I love whoopie pies, got the pan at William Sonoma and just used there boxed red velvet wp mix. Cake was good, filling wouldn’t turn out fluffy but still good. Would love to have the book to make new kinds.

  114. I’ve heard of them, but I can’t remember ever having one. They look and sound delicious!

  115. I have not made them, but I have eaten them and I love the endless possibilities for flavor combinations! They’re on my list of things to bake. =)

  116. I have heard of them but don’t think I have ever had them.. They look delicious!

  117. I have never heard of whoopies before, they look delicious. I love peanut butter and chocolate together, I’m gonna have to try these!

  118. Heard of them. Love them. Cant wait to make them myself. Thanks for the recipe! Now, if I only had a whole cookbook of them…..

  119. I’ve heard of them, but never had one. I always assumed they were a Southern thing and that they were very similar to a moon pie. But the ones you made look soooooooooooo much more yummy than moon pies ever did. I’d love to do some experimenting with these :)

  120. Fun! I love me some whoopie pies. I’ve made the classic chocolate with marshmallow creme filling. I love the idea of making them mini! What a fun book that would be!

  121. Have heard about them, dreamt about them and made an Oreo version of them. Please let this be my lucky day!

  122. This is so random because I was just reading the review for this book online on Friday! I would LOVE a copy!

  123. Never heard of them, but now I’d like to make some!

  124. I’ve never made whoopie pies before but they look yummy! I would love to try the chocolate and peanut butter ones you made.

  125. I’d obviously NEVER heard of them because when I read the headline at first glance I thought it said Whopper, then I did a double take and thought, “what in the world is she talking about?”
    NOW I see what it is you are baking and am relieved to not have to cover my eyes!

  126. I’ve never heard of them, and I’m fairly certain that my Weight Watchers lady will NOT approve, but I’m going to give them a go this weekend!!!

  127. I actually saw an episode about these on Food Network. They look so easy to make and I’m thinking about making them for party favors for my daughter’s party. I would love a book on them.

  128. I have never made whoopie pies, never had a whoopie pie, never seen a whoopie pie. But after drooling over those pictures I would love to make and devour some whoopie pies!!!

  129. I made the red velvet sandwich cookies you posted for Valentine’s Day. Would those be considered whoopie pies?

  130. I’ve heard of them before, but have never had one! They look delicious and I would LOVE to have that baking book since I have time to bake now since it is summer!

  131. I have seen them on one other cooking blog not to long ago. Never made or tried them. Would love to have the book and do so :)

  132. Yes and they are fantastic! I cant wait to get the book and try all the great combos!

  133. I’ve heard of them but have never made them. Yours looks soo good I might have to this week!

  134. I never made Whoopies… but after this post, I will make them. Thanks!

  135. I made pumpkin spice whoopie pies with cinnamon cream cheese filling for Thanksgiving this year – they were fantastic!

  136. I heard about whoopie pies on a show hosted by Paula Deen’s sons and then I saw them in the grocery store a few years later. I was OBSESSED with them but then my supply got cut off! I want them to become the next big bakery thing, like cupcake-level popularity.

  137. Hi!
    These remind me of an adult version of one of my favorite Little Debbie cakes we ate as a kid!

    I would love the chance to make some of my own! Whoooooooooooopieeeeee!!!

  138. I’ve heard of them, but didn’t really know what they were. I would LOVE to try them out!

  139. I’ve definitely had whoopie pies! I love them and love a chance to have this book :)

  140. I’ve made pumpkin with cream cheese filling whoopie pies. Oh, they were delicious.

  141. I have never made whoopie pies but I’ve always wanted to try…they just look so hard to make!

  142. I’ve never made them, but I’ve seen a pan for them several times. (I think it’s made by Wilton.) Every time I see the pan, I think about making them. They look so yummy :)

  143. I have never made them but I would love to!! They look so beautiful!

  144. My pregnant belly neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeds these!

  145. yum. I love to eat ’em, never made ’em. :)

  146. These look great! I’ve heard of them but have never tried them.

  147. I thought whoopie was an “old school”
    term for making out! Ha ha ha boy was I
    wrong! These whoopie pies look delish I
    must try!

  148. I have seen these before but have never tried them. I look forward to trying these.

  149. I have heard of whoopie pies but never had one. I’d love to make some, though, as it has been quite some time since I’ve baked anything “different” and I am longing to fix that! :) Looks like a great book (oh, and BTW, my 7 y/o dd just asked me to put Cake Pops on her Amazon Wish List!!) :) Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about whoopie pies.

  150. I’ve always wanted to make them but found them intimidating! This book looks fabulous though!

  151. I’ve never made them- but I sure want to now!!!

  152. I’ve never had them or made them but PB & Chocolate is my love language. I can’t wait to try this recipe.

  153. I have heard of them, but have not tried baking any yet. They sound delicious…looks like another great book to add to my wishlist!

  154. I’ve only made chocolate cakes with cream cheese filling. We’ve always called them homemade oreos, but I’m excited to try different varieties.

  155. I’m on a diet, so really getting this cookbook would totally justify me falling off the diet plan because really who would let a perfectly good cookbook full of yummy treats go to waste ;)

  156. I have had them many times, but never made them. Here in CA they are pretty common and every grocery store bakery section sells a version. They were also pretty common as I was growing up on the east coast.

  157. Ive heard of them but never tried one! This book looks amazing and YUMMY!

  158. Whoopie Pies were my absolute favorite growing up!! I haven’t attempted making my own, but this fabulous book would sure help me out! :)

  159. I have never made them, but they look good! I actually knew what they were, but did not know they were called that. My niece and nephew are in town so i might try this out for them. Thanks!

  160. Those look so delicious! I have always been curious about making them, I might have to give that recipe a try!

  161. Most of the mennonites I know (Old Order and Progressive alike) either know of them, make them, or sell them. I love them! They seem so simple and not much to look at, but are soooooo tasty! I haven’t had much more than your garden variety white cake whoopie with white cream filling, but that book looks like it is full of super exciting possibilities! :D

  162. They kind of remind me of oreo cakesters! But a thousand times better, I’ve never had either one but I’m determined to make some… along with ALL of your other recipes you’ve shared. It might take me a year but these look delish.

  163. Funnily enough, I just heard about them today. A blogger (based in Scotland) I read was talking about how wonderful they are and how a journalist in Britain was disparaging the American treat as being too sweet.

  164. I’ve never heard of whoopie pies, but they remind me of oreo cakesters–and i love those so i can’t wait to give these a try :)

  165. I’ve never had one but I have seen them at stores quite a bit recently. Maybe they’re the next big thing……

  166. I’ve never even heard of them, but now I must try them right away! :) They look like they could be related to macarons. Anyone know if that is the case? :)

  167. My mom used to make whoopie pies for us all the time as kids! Apparently, they are really popular on the East Coast (she is from Boston). So yummy!!

  168. They look a lot like French “macarons” which I absolutely adore but have yet to attempt on my own. I’d like to try making these and see how they compare!

  169. I believe whoopie pies are an east coast thing. A popular company makes them that been featured on the Food Network show Unwrapped. I’ve had chocolate whoopie pie with the vanilla filling, so good.. reminded me of an upscale oreo!

  170. Mmmm they look so yummy! I have never made them before though

  171. OMG, I’ve been eyeing this book all week!! I make red velvet whoopie pies with cream cheese filling and EVERYONE loves them. I want this book so bad!!

  172. I have never made whoopie pies before! but would love to try…i bet they are way better than the prepackaged ones. yum!!

  173. My husband grew up in New England and is very familiar with whoopie pies. They are his dad’s favorite dessert and so of course hubby loves them too! My sister-in-law makes them whenever her dad comes to town, but I don’t think I’ve ever tasted one. I’d love to have the book!

  174. I have actually never had one! But I see them on your site and they look soooooo delish!! I’m gonna have to make them sooner or later.

  175. Wow. That looks delicious. I need to make some of these!!

  176. I’ve never made ’em but i’ve eaten them! And if I get the book I will make ’em for sure!

  177. I’ve never made them but it looks like they’re going to be the next cupcake.

  178. I may have heard of them in passing but i’ve never had one! Looks very yummy though!

  179. i’ve been dying to make whoopie pies but haven’t had the time to do it yet!

  180. I wanna make whoopie pies!! Thess look amazing! Love pb and chocolate.

  181. I have seen them my whole life, never tried them! I guess I better now!!! YUM-O

  182. I love making red velvet whoopie pies… who doesn’t love bright chocolate cakes filled delicious ooey gooey cream cheese frosting??

  183. I have never heard of them before! They look fantasticly evil!

  184. I’ve heard of them but never eaten one and never made one. Love that you can mix and match cake and filling!!! Looks like you’ve got yourself an awesome editor, too! Can’t wait to see your book!

  185. My grandma used to make these and she/we called them Whoopie Pies. They were so very good :) I’d love to make some myself :)

  186. I think these might be similar to moonpies? In any case they look like so much fun to make, and even more fun to eat!

  187. I’ve never had whoopie pies before, but I have come across them in cookbooks, and I even came across this particular book at a bookstore once. It’s a very cute book :)

  188. i’ve always wanted to try to bake whoopie pies! you’ve just inspired me to finally try it.

  189. I’ve heard of them and have had them, but never made them. I’d sure like to try though :)

  190. Today must be a day for whoopie pies, because I had my first attempt at them this morning! My sister and I ate our first whoopie pies on Friday and so the attempt to recreate them began. It was a…moderate success. It ended up more like a cookie than a cake, but it was still yummy!

  191. i have heard of them but never had any. kinda reminds me of those oatmeal pies. I would really like to try to make them. I have been looking at all the recipes on your website. they look totally awesome!!!

  192. they remind me of oreo cakesters! which i loveeee (despite how bad they are)

  193. I love sandwiches and I love cookies…these look like the perfect combination. I’ve never had whoopie pies but I’ve seen them a lot lately and would LOVE to make some! Yum!!

  194. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them before, but I can tell by the pictures that I would probably eat them until I exploded!

  195. I love Whoopie pies!!! The first ones I made were Red Velvet cake ones!!!! First one I tasted was from the Tea Cake Bakery in Emeryville Ca.

  196. I’ve never made them before but I would love to! :D I’ve heard of them on Unwrapped before ^_^ In SF there’s a whoppie pie truck I may have to try out now… ^_^

  197. they look really good! i wish i win! Never won anything in my life!

  198. I attempted to make them once. They’re very popular in Maine, where I live, so I figured I’d give it a try. I did not use parchment paper, and managed to burn them and stain my brand-new cookie sheets. I’ve been terrified to try again since then!

  199. i’ve never heard about it! but it looks awesome! i would love to make some :)

  200. I’ve never made them but they look fun to make & delicious to enjoy. I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance

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