
You’ll Want to Gobble These Right Up!

Turkey Pops

I’ve been busy working on all kinds of cake pops lately. I think I’ve made close to 40 different variations so far. (Trying to put together a book.) But, since Thanksgiving is just around the corner, I wanted to make sure you don’t have dry turkey on the menu. So, choose a cake and frosting flavor and follow these directions for super moist cake pops. Then, use the following additions to turn them into Turkey Pops. You’ll need chocolate candy coating, almond bark or candy melts for the body. Use extra melted chocolate to “glue” the additions on.

Caramel Candy Corn
Turkey Feathers = Caramel Candy Corn
You can use the original flavor for brighter feathers.

Expresso Beans
Heads = Coated Expresso Beans
The brown ones. I found mine at the Fresh Market grocery chain.

Beaks = Orange chips from these Rainbow Candy Coated Chips
Wattle = Mini hearts from Casino Sprinkles.
They might be hard to find so try these.

ABC Pretzels
Legs = The “I”s from these ABC Pretzels. (Broken in half)
Found at the World Market Chain. But, you can also just use pretzel sticks.
These can also be inserted into the Turkey body while the chocolate is still wet.

Turkey Pops
Eyes = Americolor Edible Ink Pen

Hope you have a Happy Turkey Day!

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206 comments on “You’ll Want to Gobble These Right Up!”

  1. These are Adorable! How do you make them so well! I am trying right now but can not acomplish them right now i am not in the ryhtem but mine look like poop so far!

  2. These are so adorable. I’m going to pre-cook the pops and put the chocolate on them then have the little ones decorate them Thanksgiving Morning. What fun!

  3. I fell in love with this and ran to Target and bought your book. Making them Tuesday for my team at work. Using pumpkin bread for the “cake”part.

  4. My brother’s girlfriend is planning on making these cake pops for Thanksgiving so I tracked your post down so I could feature it on my Favorite Things for Thanksgiving blog post.

    Come check it out here: and grab a featured button if you’d like!

  5. Those are super cute!!

  6. This is fabulous, I can’t wait to do these!

  7. so cute……….

  8. One more delicious cake pop, I’ll DIE!!!! Too cute and I really want to make them!!

  9. I Love Your Turkeys! Gobble, Gobble!!!

  10. hi im 13 and a baking freak! today i went to joanns and saw your cake pops book. i almost died and begged my mom to get it for mee! i already started on the robots and so far they look awesome! and the turkeys… r to die for… <3

  11. I am so amazed what you can do with the left over cake. I am just starting out makeing cakes. And now i’m going to go and try and find your book here in Canada this will be an awsome addition to my web sight ty so much you a a very good teacher Berlynda.

  12. im sorry i hate you because you’re fat, obsessed with food and ARENT funny. you also have no life BAKERELLA

  13. Love these!! I spent 3 hours last night scavenging for supplies and making the turkeys. I used frozen cheesecake instead of regular cake, and Nips caramels instead of the espresso beans. A little wonky, but fun!

  14. How adorably cute! But isn’t it eSpresso beans instead of eXpresso?

  15. I HATE to bake, but whenever I see anything made by the SPECTACULAR Bakerella I start to wish I LOVED it! Everything you do is beyond my wildest when it comes to cake pops!! Love it all and the turkeys are perfect! Will be sharing this on my blog! Thank you!!!

  16. It is scary how creative you are :) I love it!

  17. Omg.. You continue to amaze me!!! These pops are to cute! I am so making these for my guests on Thanksgiving. You are such a baking idol. Truly! :)

  18. I have just made them and my family LOVES them.

  19. I am preparing to make these for my daughter’s preschool class snack on Monday (her birthday is Tuesday). I am going to go with pretzel sticks and use the new pretzel m&ms in brown for the faces…hoping it will turn out great. Any tip for the eyes since it will be on dark chocolate?

  20. As with everything of yours, these are amazingly adorable!! If I get time in the next week, these just might be my first cake pop making endeavor.
    I featured them in my terrific turkeys post here:

    P.S. You should come to AZ for a book signing! :)

  21. people have too much time on their hands!

  22. I’m going to try these with my kids and nieces/nephews this Thanksgiving. They range in age from 2-10. I don’t expect the 2 yr old will be much help, but the rest will enjoy it (my 4 yr old helped me with pumpkin pops for Halloween and was pretty darned good at it), and even if they aren’t cute, they will taste good. Thinking of using sugar babies as the heads b/c I’m not feeding the kids espresso beans!! I’ll let you know how it goes. :)

  23. too cute! Linking up to the Turkey Show at someday crafts on Nov. 12

  24. I just made some of these but didn’t have any cake, orange beak thingies, or espresso beans. So I used marshmallows, peanut butter whoppers, and an orange candy writing pen. They’re too stinkin’ cute! I wish I could take a picture, but my husband has the camera at work! Thanks for the inspiration, bakerella!

  25. Thats such a good idea.

  26. how on earth do you transport these? i spent hours and hours and hours making 58 of these. In fact i made 2 other people sit and work with me. had them all finished and pretty stuck into their foam cores and loaded into a metal pan deep enough to support the foam. it was disaster. Turkey massacre! The first giggle had whole pieces of foam popping out of the pan and the ones that made it to the are giggled themselves off of their sticks with the vibrations from the cars motion. It was such a sad sad day. Out of 58 only 1 made it to its destination on its stick and still whole. :-(

  27. Thanks so much!! I made these for Thanksgiving as a part of the centerpiece!

  28. Michelle- I actually use 12-13 oz of icing (I weighed it), not the whole tub and it makes the cake firmer. Also, I pre-dip my sticks in whatever chocolate I’m using before I put them in the balls. After it hardens, they they won’t slide off.
    Make sure that the balls are not too cold before you coat them or the chocolate will crack. I use Merckens chocolate and I wouldn’t use anything else.

  29. These are so cute! My first attempt with cake pops I also took my first stab at homemade icing which I didn’t realize made 3 cups instead of the 2 that are in commercial icing. Luckily I had some chocolate cherry cupcakes sitting around to add in. I don’t like expresso beans, so I’m using Sugar Babies. Thanks for being so creative!

  30. rooster – that super stinks. I’m so sorry.

    Michelle – make sure the chocolate is thin enough before you start dipping and also that your balls are round and smooth before you start. The balls will need to be firm when you dip. Also don’t stir. Dip and remove in one motion making sure to cover the entire pop.

  31. A friend forwarded me your site a few days ago & I just had to try these cuuute turkeys! My 5 yr old son & I made them for his class & our Thanksgiving dinner. We used milk duds for the head & upside down red Christmas tree confetti for the waddle & they turned out really cute (for our first try – even with lumpy chocolate)! My son is so excited to give these away! Thanks for the great idea! We can’t wait to try more.

    Blurry phone pic:

  32. These are adorable. I attempted to make them however mine just made me say a lot of words that were not so nice. I think I may have put to much icing in the cake because once I dipped them in the chocolate the stick went out the top of the ball. I also had trouble with my chocolate not being smooth, I used almond bark. I ended up with lumpy frumpy turkeys. I will keep trying until I get it. Any hints will help and be greatly appreciated. Happy Thanksgiving.

  33. i am so upset! i was alomst done making these. The house i live in (my inlaws) is disgusting, full of junk and the freezer is disgusting. When i was trying to manuever things around to fit them in the freezer, they fell all on the floor. If it were any other floor, i may have been able to salvage them. Because my floor would be clean! but their floor is disgusting! I am just so mad. Oh well, guess i’ll try again.


  35. I just ordered some espresso beans from nuts online, and they also had some great malted milk balls in a nice color. I figure those will work for the little kids who may not be so pleased to bite into an espresso bean!

    The candy coated sprinkles I was able to find in the Wilton aisle at Michaels Craft store, but I’m still on the search for heart sprinkles (my daughter got hold of mine last year and sprinkled mine liberally on the loving room carpet!)

    I’m all geared up, and in true baking geek fashion am counting down the days until I cane make these little guys!

  36. I think some of the info has expired. I’ve been researching the ingredients to make these for Thanksgiving 2009.

    The choc covered espresso beans can be found at as NY Espresso Mix.

    The mini hearts and orange chips can be found at The mini hearts are in the “poker shapes” and the beak is the “rainbow candy coated chips”.

    The carmel candy corn can be found at RiteAid or probably any other chain pharmacy.

    I’m planning to use a pumpkin or spice cake to keep them in the season.

    Thanks Bakerella for making home cooks seem exotic!

  37. I can’t wait to try these today!! I will post pics to my blog once I finish! I am using a homemade pumpkin cake recipe w a buttercream cream cheese frosting! YUM!

  38. ahhh Bakerella! I just made these fantastic turkey cake pops (my first attempt at a cake pop) for Thanksgiving and they are sooo stinkin adorable! Thanks for the great inspiration :)

  39. umm…so im making these right now…haha umm lets just say…mine do not look like yours! getting the chocolate to spread around them and dry even is hard! mine are still really cold so they harden really fast…but i think that might not be a super good thing…they taste fantastic though. I made a cow too…with cut slices of mini marshmellows… lol he looks funny too.

  40. rebekah at ead living – I’m glad you did! Merry Christmas to you, too!

  41. Delurking to say Merry Christmas!

  42. Kim – I don’t even drink coffee. Guess that’s a good thing.

    creativecarryout – FANTASTIC!

  43. Thanks for the tips on candy melts…. as soon as I read your response I realized that I must have been overheating them. I made a batch today and they turned out perfectly. :) Finally, sweet success….literally!
    Thanks again for the help!

  44. I wouldn’t be safe around them either. Love everything coffee!!

  45. Thanks Kim

    I had never really had expresso beans before and I amost didn’t have enough to decorate with because I kept sneaking them.

  46. These are totally adorable! When I first saw them I thought the heads were made from Sugar Babies. Espresso beans are wonderful, too! You inspired me!

  47. Thanks!

  48. You rock the pops!

  49. ~moe~ – you know I do. And Rudolph works. I’ll show you soon.

    Cheryl Wray – thanks!

    Panya – Man, you’re dedicated. That must have been difficult.
    Super Awesome job!
    Even if your hands weren’t burned.

    bon-bon-bun – thanks a bunch, but I’m a beginner too.

    Maomie – thank you

    Anisah – They are great. Love the use of the almonds!

    suzinoz – Thanks and I’ll have it soon.

    Lisa M. – thanks a bunch

    SarahB – hope you have fun doing it.

    creativecarryout – what brand are you using? Also, make sure you don’t get any water in the chocolate. If it’s too thick, add a few drops of veg oil to help thin it out. And, are you doing it in the microwave at 30 sec intervals stirring in between? Because it can overheat. Let me know if this helps any.

  50. I am having some major candy melt issues!
    I’ve tried making your cake bites numerous times, but the candy melt only worked about half the time. I’ve used both the microwave melting method and the double boiler method with mixed results. The most common problem is that instead of the coating turning shiny and hard, it gets mottled and ashy looking, and doesn’t harden up properly.
    Any help would be really appreciated!

  51. Just found your blog today! Yummy! Such great ideas and I’m definitely going to try out some fun new things!

  52. BTW – FYI

    Andes Candies, baking chips, work wonders for truffles – I made mint flavored ones a few years back and I am sure they would work for a nice minty flavored candy coating for holiday pops :)

  53. These turkeys are gorgeous. Found your site over at Pioneer Woman. So glad I did. I can’t wait to try my hand at these cake pops. I just hope I can find all the necessary ingredients here in Australia. We’ll see. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for Christmas!

  54. Thank you for this great idea! I tried it out for thanksgiving and although my chocolate coating technique needs improvement, it was lots of fun! You can see how they turned out here:

  55. Wow, can get very very nice and creative ideas from those pics. Lovely!!

  56. Your creations are absolutely brilliant. I have been coming to this blog for a while now, and every time I’m rather surprised with what I find here. You are definitely a creative one!

    My sister sent me the link telling me I’d be interested, I’ve been cake decorating for a year now and making desserts really interests me. I’m thinking of making some of these desserts as soon as I’m done this semester of university. Thank you for putting all these recipes up so some of us beginners can give it a shot! =]

    P.S – Lovely photography!

  57. I discovered your site through The Pioneer Woman, and as soon as I saw these turkey pops, I just had to make them, even though I don't celebrate Thanksgiving myself. I made them for my family yesterday, despite having second degree burns on both of my hands — the entire process took me eight hours! I used big M&Ms for the heads, and pumpkin [!] candies for the wattles, since that's what I had on hand. They turned out looking really awesome, but I also had the gooey-ness problem others have mentioned. I'll definitely make these again [have to come up with something for Hanukkah…], but I'll add much less frosting next time.

    If you want to check out my pops:
    An earlier attempt =

    One of the later attempts =

  58. BEYOND cute!

  59. I tried these tonight and they are nowhere near as cute as yours (of course I had to alter some ingredients since I couldn’t find everything you used).

    I’m hoping you have some ideas rolling in your creative brain for Christmas? I have a Rudolph idea but not sure it’ll work or not.

    And I love your blog. Thanks for all these great ideas!

  60. Suzanne – thanks

    Lisa M. – they’re super cute and creative use for the heads! – love em! so cute christine.

    Christy – I’ve done some that I’ll post soon.

  61. Needed ASAP – Christmas Pops:-)

  62. I can’t believe I just found your blog! You are my instant favorite. I was inspired by your Turkey pops and flowered cupcakes from May to make candy turkeys as cupcake toppers. If you want to take a look, you can see my photoblog (it is mostly of my daughter, not my baking). Here they are if you want to take a look.

  63. Thanks Bakerella!! I tried my hand at your cake pops finally :) Not as good as yours, but they certainly are cute and yummy!! Thank you!!

    My version

  64. your creativity knows no bounds! so cute!

  65. These are soooo cute…going to make them today!

  66. maybe strawberry – thanks bunches!

    Anonymous – hope it meets your expectations!

  67. Bakerella:

    You do some amazing things in the kitchen! I’ve never anticipated a book, much less a cook/baking book, more than this. Thanks for all your tips and awesomely creative ideas.

  68. oh wow!!! these cake pops get more and more amazing!

  69. sweetmemorymakingmom- thanks

    Tabitha (From Single to Married) – thank you!

    jana – Awesome!

  70. I can not tell you how cool I think these are! I am going right now to put my Jimmies in clear containers!!

  71. those look amazing!! so creative!

  72. Those Turkeys are too cute! Love it! hugs, Ellen

  73. Jessica – thanks

    Marie – glad you like them.

    Julie – good. i think you’ll it.

    Beth Paulson – yeah, you’re right.

    Shari@Whisk: a food blog – thank you!

  74. You are SO creative!

  75. Sooooo excited for your book to come out. Its hard to try to explain in words to people what your cupcake pops look like!

  76. Just discovered your site! Fabulous. I’m going to make the yellow cake today.

  77. Thanks for the adorable turkey pops! This is exactly what I pictured you would put out for Thanksgiving!

  78. You read my mind. I have been thinking of making turkey cake balls for weeks, and these look awesome!

  79. Aimée – thanks

    Kristen and Ryan – fantastic and I’m glad it was fun for you.

    New Kid on the Blog – I’m happy you stopped in.

    Anonymous – I do, but I probably won’t post them for a little while.
    When’s your party?

    Kelly – That is so sweet of you. I’m glad my little cake caught your eye. And I love Pioneer Woman. She rocks.

    Calm In The Kitchen – thank you

    Andrea – YAY and welcome.

    Anisah – Someone mentioned they were thinking of using almond slices/ slivers. That could work.

    Anonymous – Either click on the story headline and then print. OR if the story/pics is a long one, just copy and paste the text into a word file or email program and print from there. I’mnot as advanced as PW yet.

    Maggie – Awesome! Defintely a great use of a not so perfect Cake.

    -Tee- – What kind are you trying to make? Balls, pops, or cupcake pops. It’s slightly different for each.

    Angela – thanks for the tip

    Bertie – me too. welcome.

    Skeeto – thanks for saying so.

    wafa – the eyes were mini round confetti sprinkles. The container contains multi-colored ones. And I just used the white ones.

    Lil Missy – I hope someone will.

    shawn + kristyn – use a small deep bowl for the chocolate. make sure your chocolate isn’t too thick. If so, add some paramount crystals or a few drops of veg oil. If they are on a stick, insert the sticks by puttig a little bit of melted choc on the end and stick into the balls. Then place in the freezer to firm up. Take a few out at a time to dip in the chocolate. Try to submerge the entire pop in the chocolate in one movement and remove. You want the chocolate to surround the base where the stick is inserted. When you remove it. Hold it in your left hand and tap your wrist. Rotating as you tap. This will help the excess chocolate fall off and also smooth out the surface.

    mbc – Yay! Thanks for stopping in. I’m glad you came by. PW is a fave site of mine and it’s been a huge honor to have her even mention me.

  80. YOU are a newfound favorite. I just discovered you today from Pioneer Woman’s blog and immediately added you to my foodie list.

    Creative! Fun! Excellent images!

  81. Bakerella,

    I have a question about making the plain cake ball bites and the cake ball pops. I have made the pops that you mold into a cupcake and have been successful. However when trying to do the plain ones the chocolate is not smooth and little pieces broke up into the chocolate. I was wondering if you have any tricks or techniques to cover the whole pop, make them smooth and not messy. Thanks!!!!

  82. i’m sorry, but those are too cute to eat! good to hear you’re working on a book, you know we’ll all buy it! :)

  83. Hi Bakerella, U AMAZE me with your creativity everytime. Great idea making a book I’ll be he first to buy it. I was just wondering about the Cute cow cakepops what did you use for the eyes?

  84. B’ella–
    You continue to outdo yourself!
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  85. Those are so adorable!! I’m so happy I found your site!!

  86. Wow great turkeys! Can’t wait to see the book – in your book, your incredible photos are key!

    One fun idea for Christmas…

    cake balls ornaments – turn a mini reeses cup upside down and add a piece of licorice whip for the hook and cap, maybe some really fine edible glitter so they would sparkle (or really any design or shape would be great).

    I always love your designs.

  87. How do you get your coating so even and smooth? I have tried all kinds of different ways to dip… hands, tongs, dipping forks, mini dipping forks, even toothpicks… It doesn’t come out as even as yours

  88. Came here via pioneer woman and love all the different cake balls. I was trying to make a cake with a shaped pan and it got all stuck and was falling apart, but I didn’t despair and just made some cake balls! They were with strawberry cake and dark chocolate on the outside, they were heaven. Like chocolate covered strawberries.

  89. Just found your site through PW. How can a person print your pages?

  90. Hi – these look so cute! Do you know of any alternatives for candy corn? (I cannot eat the gelatin that is usually in candy corn).

  91. Found you via The Pioneer Woman, and I love your site! I know that I will be visiting on a regular basis.

    BTW, we are H.U.G.E. Dukes of Hazzard fans. My husband and seven year old son like nothing better than to sit down and watch ‘The Dukes’ :)

  92. Those look awesome!

  93. I was also diverted her from I saw your beautiful cake photo and clicked! Now I have two blogs i cant live without! Speechless is correct! Wow , you ladies ARE AMAZING!!!. Such an inspiration! Going thru life a single momma to three, I often question who am i and get so wrapped in caring and providing for them, I get lost. You two ladies are a great escape for me. Thank you again.

  94. I know I’m being a bit demanding but do you have any ideas for Christmas ones? Work party is early this year and I want to make these Christmas themed but can’t think how to decorate them. Yours always look so amazing.

  95. this is my first time here, and got diverted from Pioneer Woman. i am speechless by going thru all the posts that you had posted all these while…

    know what? you’re amazing!!! truly amazing!!

  96. I forgot to mention I was up to 1:30 am making these. Well worth it sooo much fun! Thank you for sharing all of your creative ideas.

  97. I had to try these!
    I used caramels for the heads and just rolled them into balls. It worked great for an alternative to the espresso beans.

    I love your website!

  98. Super creative!! Too cute to eat, and I eat everything!!

  99. deeny – you’ll be glad you did.

    the white clan – I like them too. Wait til you see some of the others.

    dawn nikol – just in time, then!

    ko – thanks!

    sharyl – in the works in my mind right now.

    tucker, jess, and brian – glad you think so

    katrina – I want you to have one, too.

    no dramas – I do want to see that. Can you send it to my email. It’s in my profile.

    dana – thanks so much!

    prettytastycakes – mine too!

    touchofnectar – thanks!

    ashley – Glad you like them

    juju and family – I know! Turkey pops would have never entered my mind a year ago.

    mrs. incredible – Glad I can keep things entertaining.

    anonymous – thanks

    cpico – I’ve used chocolate, lemon, vanilla, strawberry, pumpkin. Basically you can use and cake and frosting combo you like. Mix or homemade.

    kivett studio -thanks

    natalie… – thank you

    amylouwho – and tasty, too

    jes – you’re sweet

    terri – thanks

    melissa – it’s hard to explain. I’ll try and do a video soon. Basically, there’s a lot of light tapping and swirling with each one.

    rachael – thanks!

    kasey hunt – I’m glad to make your day!

    victoria – I’m glad you guys think it’s a good idea.

  100. I was just going to say “You should write a book!” (with all your various cake pop ideas) but, you beat me to it! :)

  101. This is so stinking cute!! You are a great find for my long day!! Way to inspire!!

  102. I have been on your blog for almost an hour now. You are so talented and your creations look so delicious. I am going to do a “shout-out” for you on my blog! You’re blog is just too good to be missed! I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. Thanks!!!!

  103. Can you PLEASE share your secret for such a smooth cake pop? It’s perfectly circular and smooth. Please do tell!

  104. These are too cute! I am in awe in total awe. I want to be Bakerella when I grow up.

  105. i can’t handle it. these are too cute!!

  106. I love your stuff!!
    These are great!!

  107. eeeep! these are just cute! you’re creativity never ceases to amaze ;-)


  108. What other cake mixes do you use besides red velvet? I’m worried about it being too sweet with anything else. I made the cupcake pops and they were amazing!

  109. good lord, these are cute.

  110. Wow, you are so creative! I am continually amazed by the new creations you come up with!

  111. Very Creative. Who would have thunk
    Take Care

  112. AMAZING! they are SO cute!

  113. Those are so so cute!!

  114. OMG…these are too adorable! I think the wattle is my favorite detail. Too clever!!

  115. Bakerella—you are killing me with these CUTE CUTE pops! I loved the Halloween ones and now these! You are so creative! What a wonderful gift you have! I love your blog!
    Dana Niemeier

  116. They look so so yummy. Sadly mine never look anything like yours but practice makes perfect right!

    I also wanted to let you know that I was on my Facebook page yesterday and saw an add for free stuff and it was accompanied by a pic of your original cake pops. I have a screen shot if you want it, if its no big deal thats ok too :)

  117. Way cute! I want the book! ;)

  118. Bakerella, you ROCK!!! I think these are your best cake pops yet!! They are so darn adorable!!! :) Happy Turkey Day to you!!

  119. those are so adorable!! and you have a book in the works? i cant wait!!

  120. Precious!!! Love them! :)

  121. Awesome! I kid you not, I was up late last night trying to think how to make turkeys with your recipe!! =) GMTA..

  122. Those might be my favorite ones yet! Amazing, you are so talented!

  123. Lady,

    I don’t know who you are or what you are about, but you are freaking amazing. I want to be you or something. Jeez, some of these things are just insane looking! You’re so creative and I really do have to get my butt of the chair and go make something up of my own!

  124. Stefanee – you are sweet!

    Natalie – Hope they like them.

    The Roper's – thank you

    Vashti – that is sad. You could try making the cake balls, though and just use the morsels to dip. Add a little veg oil to make it smoother to coat. It may melt a little to the touch but they sure will taste good.

    The Sugar Fairy – Oh good.

    Matt and Jenae Bingham – Wait til you see some of the others I've come up with.

    leaca – thank you

    ~Mychl – you'll blow everyone away.

    Cristine – thanks

    Jaime – thanks sooooooooooo much!

    My Sweet & Saucy – I just have to figure out how to write it.

    Annie – thank you

    Busylizzy – Go Hokies!

    Anonymous – thank you

    Anonymous – let me know what picture you are referring to. I'm not sure what you mean.

    cupcakesordeath – sure you can!

    Clumbsy Cookie – good point. I had not thought of that benefit.

    Anonymous – YAY!

    Likes Chocolate – thank you

    morgana – I'm glad you think so

    Tanya – thanks, who knew turkeys could be cute.

    Amanda – pretty darn cute.

    Dream Cake – that makes me happy. Thanks for saying so.

    Katrina – thank you

    landa – thank you, too

    Jenn – Glad you like them

    Jennspiration – I'm tryin'

    Katie – Glad you do

    My First Kitchen – you're too sweet.

    Bridget – I better get serious

    Stacey – that's really sweet. thanks.

    Gretchen Noelle – thank you

    Megan – clever? or just crazy?

    elifile – thanks

    Snooky doodle – absolutely!

    Candes – give them away. I need more taste testers. So that's good for me.

    Celia Marie (W.) B. – thank you

    Sarah M – Hope I can pull it off now that I put it out there.

    Sawyer's Mommy – Definitely!

    Stephanie – thanks

    Suzi – You'll impress everyone I'm sure.

    Esther – Yay!

    toni – I glued them on after the pops dried

    The Gomes Family – Cool!

    Jess and Jen – Hope you try them

    Jeanne S – And the caramel ones are way better than the original in my opinion.

    Marisa – Thanks!

    Dulzura Magica – and don't forget the cake

    Atticelf – gobble, gobble, thanks

    Emily Rose – and I'm glad you're glad.

    Steph C – Thanks!

    Jen – no problem

    Nicoleigh – Hope they're a hit

    Katie – you're exactly right. A styrofoam block.

    Jen – Well, a lot of people were asking me for them, so i decided to give them a try.

    La Ballena Elena – what a nice thing to say!

    Sara F. – you are welcome

    Teslagrl – Anything that size should work.

    Jaina – thank you

    Dolce Deb's Designs – Thanks!!!!!!

    Ashley – Awesome

    shirley elizabeth – good luck

    Dawn in CA – A lot of tapping and it helps to start with smooth chocolate.

    Melanie – They'll go crazy for em

    Lisa Smiley – In transit, just make sure they don't get knocked around. The additions might fall off.

    alia – I'll try

    Olivia Carter – Thanks. I was impressed with the heart usage, too. It's fun to see things in different ways. – They should not fall off of the regular ones. Are you using paper or plastic sticks?

    Jenn's Baking Chaber – thanks!

    Ashlie – I did say book. Whenever I get it done, I'll have details on the blog.

    Brindi – You are welcome

    We Are Not Martha – Just do it. I'm waiting to see.

    cookienurse – The chocolate acts like a glue. The little pieces can fall off pretty easily though if they knock against each other.

  125. Another brilliant idea…how does everything stay on the cake pop?
    There’s a lot of stuff on the pop, I’d probably knock something off.

  126. OK, Every time you make these, I think they’re the cutest things ever and I tell myself I have to make them. This time I really think I’m going to!!!

    I just can’t resist anymore…and the turkeys are way too cute.


  127. “Waddle” I’ll do to impress my friends and family if you ever stop making all these cute cake pops? Thanks for the genius ideas!

  128. A book? Did you say book?! Oh, I can’t wait to hear details on that! Mainly, where can I buy one? I love the turkey pops, so cute!

  129. CUTE! I would cobble those up anyday

  130. ADORABLE! I can not wait to buy the book!!! Have you been able to find the cookie pop sticks? I haven’t seen them at A.C Moore. I tried the regular lollipop sticks and the cake pops slid off! danielle

  131. Oh my, those are PROBABLY the cutest little things I've ever seen! BRILLIANT to look at those little hearts & make them waddles!

  132. wow!u r so talented!!!!! would def buy ur book and can u do more fondant stuff?? i loved ur carebear!! and want to do something like that on a fondant cake for my son’s 2nd bday iA!!!!! thanks again for ur awesome ideas!!!

  133. Those are so adorable! Cute! I just have to bring them to our family’s celebration. So glad, cuz they last long enough to travel 400 miles and sit for a few days! Perfect!! Now off to find the goodies!

  134. I am so making these this Thanksgiving!.
    My little boys will just gobble these up!!!!!

  135. The little turkeys are too cute! (How do you get the coating so smooth?!?) And I just LOVE the ABC pretzels. My kids would get such a kick out of those, I’ll have to pick some up. It is a treat to follow the development of your wonderful creativity on this blog. :)

  136. Yes! Here’s my Thanksgiving project.

  137. OMG. These are the cutest things I’ve EVER seen!!

  138. This is the best Thanksgiving project I have ever seen you are awesome.
    I can not wait for your book good luck with it. Have a great day and TFS.

    Debbie/Phx AZ

  139. Those are SOOOOO cute!

  140. So cute! I can’t do caffeine, but I think there may be a jelly belly flavor that could work as the head. Or are there other suggestions?

  141. I will definitely buy your book! I can’t wait to see what you come up with for Christmas! Thank you for always giving us the “how to make it” along with your clever ideas!

  142. How can your imagination be so gorgeus?
    Your amazing

  143. This is funny! I was just going to have my first attempt at cake pops and was trying to think of a way to attempt turkeys. I should have known you’d come up with it!!!

  144. What are you putting these in so that they stand up? They seem like they might be heavy and tippy… do you stick them in that foam stuff in flower arrangements?

  145. These are great. I’m excited to make them for the family on Turkey Day!

  146. So adorable! Your creativity is amazing! thank you for sharing!!!

  147. This is great! I was actually waiting until you made Thanksgiving pops! I was having a hard time on ideas of how to decorate them. These are so cute!!

  148. too cute! I’m so glad to hear that you’re putting a book together!

  149. I love seeing a Bakerella note in my mailbox – I know I’m going to get a grin. These are fantastic! Gobble, gobble…

  150. Sooo cute and have three of my favorite chocolate candy corn and pretzels BAKERELLA U ROCK!!!

  151. Those are the cutest Thanksgiving treat I have EVER seen–seriously!

  152. I have been waiting for your turkeys! And with candy corn too! It's like I've died & gone to heaven!

  153. Just a few nights ago I was trying to think of a way to make turkey pops! The candy corns are much simpler than what I was thinking! Cute! Cute!

  154. Very cute idea, I can’t wait for the book!

  155. OMG! Those little guys are precious! Did you push the candy corn in the cake or glue them on? I thought about using sliced almonds as feathers, but candy corn is waymore colorful! Can’t wait for your book!

  156. oh my…that’s all i can say…oh my :)

    can’t wait for the book!

  157. I am new to your site and think you are just awesome! These are just too cute… I am going to try and bring them to my in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner!

  158. Those are just darling!

  159. I am always in awe of your talent. Those are so cute. They would make a great table decoration.

  160. I love the turkeys but am especially excited to hear you’re trying to get a book together!!

  161. These are my favorite yet! How clever.

  162. Amazing. You are amazing. LOVE it! They turned out awesome. So do you sell your creations or do you just make them and give them away? Can I be your neighbor?

  163. Ha how cute . I bet you see cute edible animals in all you eat. and always wonder what you re going to do next. Ha you re amazing :)

  164. Very nice! :)

  165. Serious, you are so clever!!!

  166. These are absolutely adorable!!!

  167. These are just too cute! I have to wonder how in the world you are able to come up with all this stuff! Amazing!!!

    I wish you all the best with putting a book together. You deserve it! You’ve had such a fantastic year and you’ve accomplished so much.

    You’ve certainly been an inspiration to me! Thanks!!!

  168. Oh, these are so adorable!!!

    Can’t wait for your BOOK!!!

  169. These could not be any cuter, and you could not be any more of my baking idol. For real. I bow.

  170. I SERIOUSLY can’t understand how you can keep making these pops cuter and CUTER! I LOOOOOVE them!

  171. Those are sooo flippin fun! You are so creative!

  172. these are too, too cute!

  173. Oh, these are so cute!

  174. So so cute!

  175. You are such an amazing food artist. Your emails are always the highlight of my day because I know there is going to be some incredible creation in it. Thank you for sharing with us.

  176. OMG how cute are those! :)

  177. Oh my goodness, these are awesome! The cutest turkeys I’ve ever seen :)

  178. Amazing again. There is no thanksgiving day here, in Spain, but it doesn’t matter, your turkeys are so cute… Really lovely.

  179. Fabulous!!!!!!

  180. you never disappoint =]

  181. Now, a turkey all vegetarians would love! They’re amazingly cute!

  182. I was about to ask when’s the book coming when I saw this entry. It’s high time :D
    p/s: can i have an autographed copy please?

  183. could you please tell me exactly what cupcake pan you use? it seems yours fit the wrappers perfectly.. thank you!

  184. they are so cute!!!!!!!!!

  185. Go Hokies!

    They are adorable!!!!

  186. You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful ideas! Congrats on more amazing designs.

  187. I am loving these!!! I am so excited for an upcoming book!

  188. wow those are sooooooooooo cute!

  189. Those are beyond cute!!!

  190. Oh my goodness gracious!!! These are ADORABLE!!! I will not be cooking dinner this year, so maybe I will have to make these to bring!

    Sooooooooooo cute!!!!!

  191. These look great.

  192. So cute and creative! I think these are some of my favorite so far!

  193. Yet another creative treat! Looking forward to your book :)

  194. LOVE them,almost look too cute to eat, almost! Shme I xant find any of the ingredients here in South Africa! So sad.

  195. SO CUTE!

  196. Oh, I was so hoping you would post some thanksgiving related ones before Turkey Day!! My family is coming and I want to have some of these to give out!

  197. You are amazing!!

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