
A Few of My Favorite Things

I’ve been having a lot of fun when it comes to cupcakes and I want to share with you a few of my favorite cupcake-related items from the past year. So, read on and then we’ll have a little guessing giveaway for some of them.

I think most of us have heard about Sprinkles Cupcakes and if you’re like me you’re waiting with milk in hand until they decide to open one up in your area. Well, here’s the next best thing. It’s their red velvet cupcake mix. I haven’t actually tried the mix because I can’t bear to open the super-cute packaging. However, I did try the real thing when traveling to Dallas this year. And, yes… it was totally worth the car I rented and twenty minute drive from my hotel just to do a taste test. (Don’t tell anyone I did that.)

Sprinkles Cupcakes locations

The pattern, the bows, the pockets, oh… the cuteness. I just can’t stand it. This Jessie Steele Apron is full of fun and funk. So who cares what your cupcakes look like because all eyes will be on you when you wear this in the kitchen.

Get a Jessie Steele Apron

Brown. Yes, brown. Who knew this color would be so popular when it comes to cupcakes. But apparently these things are hard to get your hands on. Thank goodness I can order them online from the Confectionery House because now I’m hooked.

Get your own brown baking cups.

The picture of sweetness… cupcake cartoons from Cakespy. I think I have six of these little drawings now. And each one puts a smile on my face. Order one of your very own from Jessie Oleson’s etsy store or just keep up with the cuteness on the Cakespy website.

Buy Cakespy Artwork

Here is the exact cutter I use to make the Cupcake Pops. I have tried a few other kinds, but for some reason, this one works best for me. It comes in this cute set of 12 decorative cutters from Williams-Sonoma. I don’t think you can get them online, but I have found them recently at more than one Williams-Sonoma retail store.

Find a Williams-Sonoma near you.

36 cupcakes. three trays. one courier. PRICELESS! This is the best cupcake courier I’ve come across and, let me tell you why. Not only does it hold 36 cupcakes, but if you take the trays out, you can even use it for a cake. But here’s the best reason. I use it to keep my cupcake and cake pops covered. It’s tall enough that I can put my styrofoam block on the bottom and keep them covered without having to wrap them individually in treat bags and ribbon. Like I said, PRICELESS!

Get a Cupcake Courier

This super sassy cupcake t-shirt from is another one of my favorites for this year. And, it has nothing to do with the fact that I’m selling these. Even if I wasn’t selling these, I would still think they’re super-cute. Did I mention that I’m selling these?

Order a cupcake t-shirt.

Karen Tack is a genius. And it shows on every page of this cupcake decorating book that she co-authored with Alan Richardson. So take your cupcakes up a notch in cuteness and try one of the awesome decorating ideas from the book, Hello, Cupcake!.

Get a book.

This might be my favorite. It’s so simple and smart. Just tuck a cupcake in and snap the container shut. Shake it, turn it upside down, toss it. No problem. Open it back up and your cupcake is just as cute as it was when you made it. Perfect for a packed lunch or even an afternoon snack at work.

Contain Yourself.

Okay, you’ve seen my cupcake faves. Now, let’s play a little game. Below are nine cupcakes with five different prizes listed on the bottoms. Get a good look. I’m getting ready to turn them over and mix them all up.

The FIVE prizes up for grabs are:
Brown Cupcake Baking Cups
Cupcake T-shirt
Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix
Cupcake Container
Cupcake Pop Cutter


Okay, here they are all mixed up. I wonder which prize is under which number. You’ll have to wait to find out. Oh, the suspense.


Guessing Giveaway
Here’s how to play:


  • Pick a number (just one) and leave your pick in the comments with a link to your website or blog profile so I can contact you if you win.
  • And just for fun, list what you hope you could win from the FIVE prizes listed below. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be a match. I’m just curious.
Cupcake T-shirt
Brown Cupcake Baking Cups
Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix
Individual Cupcake Container
Cupcake Pop Cutter
  • The deadline to enter is Wednesday, December 17th at midnight.
  • I will announce the winners sometime Thursday night… That’s right I said winners. There will be five (5). Yippeee!
  • The winners will be chosen at random using’s integer generator.
  • Once the winners are picked, I’ll reveal the number they chose and the prize behind that cupcake. Now, theoretically, the winners could all choose the same number, but I’m crossing my fingers that there will be one winner for each of the five different prizes shown.

So take a guess and play for a prize!

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2,309 comments on “A Few of My Favorite Things”

  1. NUMBER 8 hope its the decorative cutters! but all of your prizes are too cool!

  2. I pick 3… I love the container.

  3. i pick # 6

    This is the order id like to win

    the shirt
    the cake mix
    pop cutter
    baking cups and

  4. I’ll go with #1!

    I’d love to win the Individual Cupcake Container or the Cupcake Pop Cutter. I think they’re both pretty useful!

  5. I pick #3!

    And I would love to get the pop cutter. So cute!

  6. #3!

    What a great giveaway. I hope I win the cookie cutters! I like the cupcake carrier too, but not sure if I have room. Although, if I win it, I will definately make room!

  7. I'm picking #5 & hoping for the t-shirt to give to my daughter because she's my little cupcake-even if she is 18 and taller than me.

  8. Oh fun…I’ll say number 4 and I hope it’s the Sprinkles cupcake mix!

  9. #1 – and hopefully it’s a tshirt!

  10. I would pick #4. And I’d hope for it to be the Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix. It sounds sooo good!

  11. #9 and Individual Cupcake Container!

  12. Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix
    Individual Cupcake Container
    Cupcake Pop Cutter

    I think I will guess number 4

  13. I’ll pick number 5. That’s how many kids we have. And since I have so many kids, I need new clothes for myself, so I want the T-shirt!

  14. Ill choose #3, Id love to win the cutter. or even the brown wrappers.

  15. I pick 9 because my oldest son is nine. I would really love any one of these prizes but the cupcake would be wonderful. I make so manu cupcakes and have a hard time storing them. You are amazing. I have made cupcake pops four times and they are so much fun.

  16. I pick number THREE and I would love to get my bake on with those BAKING CUPS!!! YEAH!!!!

  17. Let’s go with #9.

    I think I would love the Sprinkles red velvet cupcake mix. Although I need those cupcakes baking cups and the cupcake pop cutter in my life.

    Great giveaway. Thanks!

  18. number 4! I want the sprinkles cupcake mix.. although that apron is ace!

  19. #7 is my lucky number, so I’m going with that. :) I’d really like to win the cutters. Or maybe the cups… or the container. Or the shirt. OK, I’d just like to win please. :)

  20. I pick #3. If I could pick, it would be the cupcake container, it’s just such an interesting product to me.

  21. Number 8. I’m hoping for the Sprinkles Red Velvet cupcake mix.

  22. I pick no.4!! We have so many of the same favorite things!!! I think I heart Cakespy most of all — she’s just so witty!!

    my blog, which you have graciously visited before, is

  23. Lucky number 4!

    I think the cupcake courier is great.

  24. I’ll go with 5. I would choose the Sprinkles Cupcake mix. Yummy!

  25. I pick # 7 and wish I could win a cupcake t-shirt. I was hoping the apron would be one of the prizes, they’re so cute!

  26. I’m going with #8. Hoping for the containers.

  27. I’ll go with 9. The Individual Cupcake Container is really a great idea.

  28. 4! I would love the cupcake pop cutters!

  29. Hi! Im reading your blogg all they way from Sweden. I just love the great ideas you have here. I will try and pick number 5, maybe it will give me some luck.

    Best wishes from Sweden


  30. I’m in! My guess is #5 … Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix!

    My Blog
    clwendy at yahoo dot com

  31. #5

    I’m hoping for the pop cutter so I can start making these!

  32. I choose number six! I would choose the t-shirt, because it’s just adorable!

  33. I pick 4!!! I would love to win any of these awesome prizes…especially the cupcake container!

    erinhudd84 -at-

  34. I pick number 1! Love love love the prizes. Thanks for the opportunity, the mix looks good, actually all of it looks good!

  35. #4 and I am hoping for the pop cutters, though I want them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  36. #8.

    I’m hoping for Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix! =)

  37. I pick #7.

    I’d pick the cupcake pop cutters.

  38. Love number 4

    I would pick the cupcake holder. Too cute!

  39. oops…sorry..didn’t pay attention. Not all of your list is up for grabs…but they’re all still fabulous.

  40. I pick #3.

    The prizes are fabulous but I would really like the apron or the cake pop cutters…oooo…or the book or… :)


    becpetty (at) yahoo (dot) com

  41. Number 8. Either the Pop cutters or the sprinkle cupcake mix would be awesome.

    courtwisdom AT hotmail DOT com

  42. #3 – C’mon Cupcake Cutter. Mama needs a set for Christmas! Oooh, the Baking Cups too? How’s a girl to choose?

    I love you’re cupcakes!

  43. WOOHOO!!! I love cupcakes :-)
    I’m gonna have to go with the cupcake cutters! They look so cute.
    I pick number 9.
    Hannah –

  44. Number 5 for me please.
    Thank you!

  45. I pick #5 and I would like the cupcake pop cutter!

  46. I pick number 8!

    I am hoping for the Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix!

  47. I pick #2! I’m hoping it’s the Sprinkles Red Velvet mix or the cupcake pop cutters! Love your blog!

  48. I’m choosing #2 :o) And I’m hoping it’s the cupcake cutters!

  49. I pick #3 and my choice would be the pop cutters, but all are great prizes! (my blog is private)

  50. 3!

    I’m also hoping for the t-shirt, I think.

    mbroeker at gmail dot com!

  51. Well, 4 is my lucky number, so that’s the one I’m going for!

    I hope HoPe HOPE the cupcake t-shirt is under that cupcake! But, of course, I would love any of the prizes! I love your things, you are so creative!

  52. #3!

    i’d probably pick the sprinkles cupcake mix, just so i can try a sprinkles cupcake!

  53. I pick number 7 and hope for the cupcake courier (it’s on my Amazon wish list!), but I would love the cutters or any other of the sweet prizes!

  54. I pick #1 (which I’m hoping turns into the cupcake container)… With 7 siblings, 40 some cousins, husband plus kiddies on the way…..boy could I use this container!

  55. 5!!! I pick #5

  56. Number 5!!

    I think if I could choose it would be the cupcake pop cutter.

  57. I pick 6!

    I think I want those cookie cutters… I haven’t tried cupcake pops yet!

    my email is adeno1629 at yahoo .com

  58. I’ll pick # 3. I like the cupcake cutters.

    claudia d

  59. I’m picking #8 and I want the T-shirt or the cupcake holder!

  60. I pick #8!

    I love all the items, but I would probably get the most use out of cupcake pop cutters.


  61. I pick number 3!!!

    My favorite prize is the cupcake container…so cute!


  62. 7, my favorite number
    Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix, never had a sprinkle cupcake…

  63. I pick number 6 and for laughs i would pick the cupcake pop cutter set

  64. I’m going with number 5. I’d love the red velvet cake mix!

  65. I like number 5. I love the cake cutters!!

  66. Yeah for cupcakes…I am thinking I pick number 2!

  67. I pick #3!

    I’m hoping for the Cupcake Pop Cutter – it looks too cute and would be a nice addition in my cooking adventures.


  68. 6 please… i had a theory on why i picked it, hopefully it will work! i REALLY Need that cupcake cutter. my lil girl would flip! :)

  69. I’ll pick no. 4.

    And, I’m hoping for any, but the shirt really is super cute :)!

  70. #4 – book or pop cutters, too hard to decide!

  71. I love all these things, they are great!. I pick number 5. I’d like the cupcake container or the book.

  72. #9 caught my eye! I would choose the cupcake courier or the cupcake book or the cutters. I can’t choose.

    mdoeling at

  73. ok…how about #2! And I would LOVE the cupcake shirt!

  74. I’d pick the cupcake pop cutter! I tried Sprinkles Cupcakes and was not that impressed. I was expecting to have multiple o’s from them so maybe my expectations were a bit too high?

  75. I pick #3, and I would love the cupcake pop cutters. I am having so much fun with your ideas for cake balls! Thanks for sharing your talents and for doing the giveaway!

  76. #4. Mmmmmmm . . . cupcakes! :)

  77. i pick # 7 – and any of the prizes would be wonderful, but of those five i love the t-shirt most!

  78. I guess number 5! I love all your favorites.

  79. number nine!
    And I’m hoping to win the cupcake pop cutters


  80. #5
    I would choose the cupcake mix…sounds divine!!!

  81. Number 3….I’d love to get the cutters or the book because Ive been dying to try and make your pops!Here in “podunk” MS there arent any places to buy this stuff!!:)

  82. Im going to say #5….. I love them all but I guess my fav would be the pop cutters. I think …oooo I don’t know. It’s so hard.
    Thank you.

  83. I’ll pick 8 because I love that number…its fun to write out. Also, I love all the prizes, but I think the decorative cutters are pretty cute…or the cupcake recipe book.

  84. I pick number four. :) All of the prizes are awesome, but the cupcake carrier is my favorite. :)

    Donna Sue

  85. Ummmmm, #7

    And I’d like the cupcake t-shirt. Just because I like pink AND I like cupcakes. :)

  86. How fun!!!

    I choose #8!

  87. 7!

    Hmmm…I’d pick the apron. Very cute!

    Merry Christmas!

  88. Oh! Love them all!!
    I would like the Individual Cupcake Container, and my number is 2!
    Thanks so much!

  89. I pick number 4!
    I like the book or the pop cutter the best!

  90. I think.. number three?

    They’re all too cute, I can’t choose my favorite. Probably the book, cause I want it, but I’m too cheap to buy it.

  91. Lucky number three (which I’m sure has been picked 500 times by now)!!

    I would love any of the above prizes (how’s that for being politically correct?) but if I’d have to choose, I’d go for the t-shirt. My daughter’s nickname is Cupcake and this would suit her perfectly!

  92. #3. I’m hoping for the Sprinkles cupcake mix. I’ve tried their pumpkin cupcake mix before, so easy and yummy! :P

  93. #5!

    And I am hoping for the Sprinkle’s Cupcake mix! But all of the prizes are adorable!

  94. number 5 because it’s my husband’s favorite :O)

    how exciting! thanks!

  95. I pick number 4…and I would like the t-shirt!

  96. I’d love to win the cup cake holder!!

    And number 5 please! :D

  97. 7
    I’m hoping for the cupcake cutters…since you have me addicted to making those cake pops!

  98. I pick #2! I hope it’s the Sprinkles cupcake mix…We have no Sprinkles in Virginia Beach, so I’ll finally be able to taste what all the hype’s about!

  99. #3
    loving the cupcake t shirt

  100. I pick # 4. If I had to pick one it would be the tiny cookie cutters, or the cupcake caddie, or the sprinkles, or the t-shirt is so cute! Seriously I would be thrilled with anyone!

  101. 3 is my lucky number, i love the t-shirts but could probably use the courier more.

  102. I pick #8. I would love to try the single cupcake container! Neato!

  103. I choose number 4!

    And I would love to win the brown liners. So cute!

  104. I’m going to have to go with number 4! I hope I can win the shirt! haha Although all of that stuff is awesome.

  105. I am going to pick number 8! They are all great prizes, and since I never win anything I would be happy with any of them!!!

  106. number 5.

    *crosses fingers and hopes it’s either the brown cups or the pop-cutter*

  107. I choose 5!!

    I think the prize I would most want to win is the sprinkles cupcake mix. I live in Canada so I dont think I will ever have a sprinkles cupcake (sad face).

  108. I choose… my lucky number 2!

    I think I would pick the t-shirt, or the cookie cutter so i can make my own cupcake pops.

  109. I choose #8 and my wish is for the cupcake pop cutters or the container.

  110. i pick number 5.

    i would love the sprinkles red velvet mix because i plan on making cupcakes for my baby’s first birthday party and i would love to do a head to head contest with my own recipe and sprinkles’ recipe.
    a veritable throwdown, if you will.

  111. 2 please….and i’d love the red velvet mix as i’m just discovering red velvet and i’m quite smitten. :)

  112. # 3


  113. I pick #6 and my true wish if for the cupcake pops cutter! I have all of the other thing already ;)

  114. I pick #9, because it’s my lucky number. All the givvies are great, but I think I would want the cupcake pop cutter set the most…maybe.

  115. come on lucky number 2 ! I feeling like I’m playing craps.

    Golden prize would be,,, hmm cupcake mix i think,, although all sooo tempting!

  116. I think its number 3. I would love either the sprinkles or the cupcake baking cups. Thanks!

  117. 4…I hope it’s the shirt!

  118. I pick number 7….

    …and I hope it’s one of those CUTE t-shirts (or the courier)…


  119. number 9! id like the cupcake mix – i live in the uk and have never tried it!

  120. #3 I want the cupcake pop cutter. I think it’d be really fun to try those out! I love to entertain and they’d be great conversation starters!

  121. I say number three for me! As for prizes, my top choices would be the cutter or the tshirt. Thanks for sharing all your favorite things.

  122. I say #3 and I hope it is the Cupcake Pop Cutter!

    Thanks for posting the prizes, what a Christmas treat for someone!

  123. I pick 4 and the Sprinkles mix. I love me some Sprinkles cupcakes!

  124. This is lots of fun!

    I think I will choose number 8!

    I would love to have the pop cutters (and a few other things too!)


  125. #2!

    And I would be happy to win any of the gifts but to pick, I think I would choose either the t-shirt or the brown cupcake wrappers. :)

    hopkins . jess -at- gmail . com


  126. #8, and I hope it is the cupcake mix!!

  127. I choose the number 4.

    I would love to win the cake mix – I have never in my life tried (or even seen!) a red velvet cupcake. (I’m in Canada.) :)

  128. Number 5 Red velvet cupcake mix.

  129. #7

    And crossing my fingers for the cupcake container!

  130. I pick #4, it always been my favorite number.

    If I had my choice I would love the mix, I love making different things and red velvet cupcake would be so fun for my little guys for Valentines.

  131. Number 6

    I would like the cupcake pop cutters.

  132. #5…hope it’s the pop cutter or the cute apron.

    Your blog is definatly one of my favorite things…

  133. number 4~!!!

  134. I pick #7!

    I would pick the cupcake pop cutter…I almost made them this past weekend…but it was my birthday weekend and I was feeling a little bit lazy… :-)

  135. #6. I would love to try the sprinkles cupcake mix!

  136. Number 5, right in the middle! I’m hoping for the carrier, always wanted one of those!

  137. C’mon, lucky number 7!

    I think I’d go for the cupcake mix, actually. It sounds yummy, and there’s something so charming about having all the ingredients already laid out for you!

  138. 2! I’d love the cupcake carrier..eliminates the headache of normal cupcake transport.

  139. Number 3 –

    I’m a cupcake newbie and would love the cupcake pop cutter to help me get started – but if not, any of the cute prizes would be great too!

    Thanks for livening up my RSS reader with awesome posts! – Jenn

  140. I choose #7. I’d like the pop-cutter or the t-shirt, but they’d all be great to have!

  141. I’m going to guess…9. And I’m hoping to win either the cupcake cutters or the Sprinkles mix. I’ve already got a Cupcake Courier, or else I would DEFINITELY be rooting for that!!! :D

    I don’t have a blog, but you can email me!

  142. I would pick #4 and definately the cupcake courier…I live in Canada and so far have been unable to find one here!

  143. I’m going with 9 and I’d be thrilled with any of those prizes as cupcakes are easily my dessert fave!!

  144. I’m going with my fav #3. I would love the pop cutter!
    Fun game and giveaway.

  145. Number 6. I would love the cupcake pop cutter! And my email is! Thank you!

  146. #5

    I can’t decide which I like best!!

  147. I would love the cupcake apron. But I will take any of those prizes! They are all so great!

  148. I pick…..9

    If I got to pick, the cutters, definatley the cutters!

    Thank you!

    jas.n.em – at –

  149. In my excitement I didn’t read the directions clearly. Of the 5 things you mentioned I would love the brown cupcake papers! One can never have too many!

    Maybe I can hunt down a big cupcake carrier for myself before party day!

  150. I love the cupcake pop cutter…and I’d pick number 5

  151. Hello! I am picking number four because I have four cutie kiddos! I secretly hope to win the tee shirt :) I have been coveting them for a while now!!

  152. I pick #7.

    That is hard….they all are awesome prizes. Maybe the cookie cutters or the cupcake mix.

  153. I’ll pick 2! I love all the prizes but the sprinkles do have me intrigued!

  154. Mmmmm….number 5!

    I would love, love, love the cupcake carrier! I’m planning on taking cupcakes to my preschoolers’ holiday party this week but still haven’t figured out how I’m going to transport all the cute sweets there!

  155. Holy moly– there are already a lot of comments!

    I’ll go with lucky number 7! I would LOVE the cupcake cutters and the carrier. I already have a carrier, but I could use a second! I ran out of room for the last party and had to use a plate.

  156. I pick #9 and Id prob pick the apron or cupcake mix :-)

    cakes_by_roxanne *at*

  157. I pick #9 and I hope it is the cute Apron. I bought the Vanilla Sprinkles cupcake mix about 3 months ago and still have not had the chance to make them. I heard they are yummy!!!!

  158. #5! I would love the apron or the pop cutter. I would be so happy to win any of these fabulous gifts.
    Thank you,
    Brenda S

  159. #3 – for my 3 children who are bakers like me! Your site is so fun to visit. You inspire me to do more!

  160. I pick number 7! It’s so hard to pick between your faves. But I like the apron!

  161. I choose #9 – because it’s a fun number! ;) If I got to pick the exact price, I’d like the brown baking cups because I hate to grease the pans.

    Thank you!!

  162. I pick #6, I love the t-shirt….so cute!

  163. I’ll go for #6. I’d love to try out the Sprinkles mix, but I’d be happy with any of the prizes. =)

  164. #8 i love all things cupcake related and eagerly await your newest posts!

  165. #8 – would really love the cupcake container. I’ve seen them online and think they would be so fun.

  166. 8 and i hope it is Brown Cupcake Baking Cups


  167. Number 5! I’m hoping for that cute little cupcake container!!

  168. # 4

    I would want to win the cupcake pop cutter.

  169. Number 5 – I hope it’s the cupcake mix!

  170. Number 8 please. I would love the cupcake pop cutter.

  171. number 4. I am hoping for the cupcake mix.

  172. what fun! I like odd numbers, so I’ll pick 7. I’d love the red velvet cupcake mix!

  173. I pick #8. I would love the pop cutters or the book.


  174. i pick #5, and i’d probably want the shirt! i’d take anything, really. so adorable. :)

  175. I’ll go with #4, and I would love the cupcake mix. Although truthfully, I’d love any of these goods!

  176. no. 9!! it’s my lucky number.

    for me, it’ll be the pop cutter.

  177. #8…my favorite number!

    pop cutters…

    Fun Stuff….

    Lisa B

  178. #7 the Cupcake Pop Cutter :)

  179. I think # 9 is the cupcake courier, which is what I would love to win!

  180. Number 5 It is half of my favorite number:) Love the web site! Those are great present ideas, I would be happy to get presents like those all year round.

  181. #5

    I love the apron. I would pick the cutter. or the container.

  182. I pick number 6. It is the first one I thought of, which is strange because I usually pick 3. I think I’d like the tshirt. It’s really cute.

  183. What a fun giveaway!

    I’ll pick #4….and I think my favorite choice would be the pop cutters. Thanks!

  184. I pick #8 and I would hope to win the cupcake container!

  185. #5. I’m hoping for the cupcake pop cutters, though I would be happy with any prize.

  186. Lucky number 2! I’m thinking cupcake container.

    What a fun game. :)


  187. I pick #5! Hmmmm I think I’d pick the pop cutters. Thanks :)

  188. I pick 7 – it’s a lucky number! And I would probably pic the cup cake pops cutter or the apron!!

  189. 5!
    I would love to win the cupcake mix.

  190. I’ll go with 6 cause it’s my daughter’s age.

    The t-shirt is cute but I want that cupcake pop cutter. That would be fun to use.


  191. mtjndefa@I pick 5. I really want the cupcake liners or the cupcake mix. But all are great!

  192. I guess number 3 . . . and I’d most like the little cutters so that I can make cupcake pops.

    thatfig at gmail dot com.

  193. Oh, what a fun and generous giveaway! I love how you share the brand of products you use and now a chance to win some of those products? Wow! My guess is #8. I would love the chance to win the Cupcake Pop Cutters. Thanks and have a wonderful holiday!

  194. number 5 and I would want the book! Thanks and wish me luck :)

  195. I pick number 9. If I had to choose it would be a toss up between the cupcake caddy and the red velvet cake.

  196. #5 for me please!

    I’d be thrilled with anything, but I think the Cupcake Pop Cutter would be fabulous.

  197. I’ll pick number 4.
    I think I’d prefer the tshirt – very cute prizes, all of them!

  198. Hi Bakerella…

    #1, please.
    Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake Mix

    Merry Christmas!

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