

I have this friend. My friend loves cupcakes. I mean, really loves cupcakes. Her name is Julie. I like to call her Cupcake Julie. She doesn’t know that though. Well, maybe now she does. When she invited me to her Christmas Party this year, I was really excited because I knew she would have some sweet decorations. But, never… never did I expect to see such a visual delight. Let’s just say, when I walked in… I felt right at home… and I didn’t want to leave… ever. Each room was filled with candy and sweets and yes, cupcakes! And I’m not just talking about what there was to eat. I’m talking about the decorations. Here are some of the pictures I took … in low light. Sorry, they don’t come close to doing the decorations justice, but they’ll give you a good idea.


This is Julie’s tree. It is stunning. And it’s guarded by her very own Colonel Cupcake. I think I’m in love.


Another view. I think I want to cry. This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.


Until I saw this. This is her dessert table. It’s gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous! She made lots and lots of sweets.


Including cake pops! Oh yeah – one tiny little detail. She also made the house.


She needed a little something to serve her brownies on. She’s crafty like that.


Stunning! Lollipops and cupcakes and candy canes and all. She did all of the decorating down to every last detail.

Julie’s collected many of these decorations over the years, but she also makes a lot of them.


She made these stockings, too.


I don’t think she made this. But seriously, where does someone find sugar cone castles?


And chocolate covered strawberries…


…and sparkling chocolate cake ornaments? She will be getting a full interrogation soon.


Look at these Gingerbread men! Ummm… she made them, too. They were shipping boxes in their former lives. They are much happier now.


I love the colors. So cheerful and fun and the inspiration for the cupcakes I made last weekend.


This was a sweet surprise. She also has a Lollidoll figurine like the one I have from the Lollipop Workshop.


She even has some Jenny Holiday artwork. Okay, now I’m going to have to get one of these paintings, too. I’ve been trying to resist, but no longer.

Having fun yet?

Well, prepare yourself for this.

Julie has a miniature play cupcake bakery.


It’s completely as cute as it looks. Get this… Julie and her husband made it. The stand, the awning, everything.

And Julie made all of the cupcakes on display, too. They are made of felt and they are beautiful.

Right about here, I started to feel like a real slacker. I mean seriously. I’ve got to learn how to sew or something.


Sugar cookies and cakes… oh my.

By the way. Julie doesn’t do any of this for a living. Not a bit. Her day job is the complete opposite of her passion.

She does all of this for fun and because she really loves cupcakes and making people smile. She’s the sweetest.


In front of the bakery is the cutest little table with wood block ice cream sundaes. I’m definitely shopping in the wrong places.

Okay, just a few more decorations. The sugar coma will be over soon, I promise.


In her kitchen is a display of glass jars filled with the brightest candies.


I think this made me smile the biggest… The jars and the candy stay on display all year long. That just makes me happy.

Here’s something else that makes me happy.


See this toy soldier nutcracker guy?

Well, he’s really tall.

And he’s not alone… there’s two of them.


They guard the outside of the house. And, ummmm… she and her hubby made them, too…from scratch.

They’re not quite done yet. The hats will be finished off … as cupcakes no less – and they’ll either be holding candy canes or lollipops. Love that!

I hope you enjoyed the tour. I just had to share. I love learning about people’s untapped talents and Julie has many of them.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make a two-story toy soldier. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks or ten.

NOTE: A lot of you have asked if Julie has a blog. I’m sorry to say, no she doesn’t. And no etsy store either. I told ya … she really just does this kind of stuff because she loves it. But, maybe I can convince her to show us a few things in the future. I’ll work on her.

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540 comments on “Candyland”

  1. Oh my gosh!! This is some spectacular decor!!

  2. Wow. That is beyond impressive. Think she’d adopt me?

  3. OH MY GOSH. That is AMAZING. Are you sure that’s her house and not a museum??

  4. THIS IS AMAZING!! I think even MArtha would be jealous :D

  5. OH MY GOODNESS!! I am seriously in awe & totally realizing how awesome parties can be. Wow! I love the decorations & the goodies that are out.

    Hmm…inspiration abounds looking at these pictures :)

  6. This is fantastic! I am impressed with every detail — down to the sugar cookies she made!!

  7. uh, she should quit her day job and start making and selling this stuff. AMAZING! WOWSA!

  8. This is the most amazing holiday display I have ever seen! I’m not a huge fan of Christmas but I do love decorations….and sweets. I really wish that I could see her handywork up close because everything looks so beautiful.

  9. Stop it! Stop it! I can’t take all the OMG cuteness!! She’s like the Sugar Plum Fairy. What a wonderland! Wow, does she have a talent! Please make her start a blog, we simply must see more of this incredible lady and her creations.
    Merry Christmas Bakerella and readers!

  10. WOW! she takes talent and details to a whole other level! that’s incredible!! Wonderful!! Inspiring!!

    Merry Christmas from a ‘Bakerella Baby’ in Canada!

  11. Wow! IMHO she puts the Martha Stewart candy decorated dining room at the President’s Guest House to shame! I bet the outside of her house is decorated as fabulously as the inside.

  12. Oh my goodness!!! This whole thing just made me smile! Your friend is so super talented! She really should start a business. People like us would so buy that stuff! haha So cute!!!

  13. No….I’m sorry, Bakerella. You were dreaming, yeah, that’s right…you were DREAMING….aaaaand you took pictures of your dreams ???? Nah…seriously??! THAT was definitely Cupcake Candy Confection Heaven. I’m sure of that Ü
    When can I go?

  14. OMG! Those are the MOST amazing things I have ever seen!! I love the whole sweet fantasy theme!! PLEASE convince her to share her crafty ideas with us!!! If I get started now, maybe I could have those soldiers done by next year!! Haha! Merry Christmas!

  15. Wow!!!! Truly amazing!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  16. WOW!!!! That’s Amazing!!!!!!!!!!

  17. thanks, you just made my holiday! now if only i could figure out where the guarding nutcrackers live throughout the year…i would offer my house, but don’t think they would fit! a girl can only wish… this makes me want to get busy for next year! merry christmas and happy holidays!

  18. Those decorations made me happy.

  19. Oh definately bakerella…make her share share and share..i’ve just been inspired to create! I consider myself an artsy person, but never ever ever have i tried to do anything like that. But now i feel obligated to. If theres talent I believe people should use it and I believe when its for your pleasure it comes out better than having a deadline or whatever to create. Its amazing. Your friend is absolutely wonderful and so are you.

  20. I mean – this is overkill! but I LOVE IT! She should start giving tours….Merry Christmas and keep the eye candy coming!

  21. OMG…. this is the coolest!

  22. Her house…you would even say it glows! Thanks for the treat! She is one talented cookie!

  23. OMG. This needs to be national. You need an agent. Make this a shop and let me buy a ticket!!!

  24. LOVE it!!! Beautiful. Makes you feel like a kid again

  25. Happy Holidays to you and yours. And thanks for sharing all your talents with us throughout the year.

  26. You know, maybe you should let Julie know that there’s definitely a market for a lot of those things she put together. A lot of people on etsy go ga-ga over that kind of stuff, and she could make some nice money on the side of her job if she just made some of the stuff for fun. She doesn’t necessarily have to make things to the customer request or anything.

  27. LOVE this!! I get so inspired with every one of your posts!

    I used to have the candy theme when my kids were younger, and thought they were getting too old for it. I think I’m going to pull all my candy decorations out for next year (and have fun shopping for some new ones)!!! I have a new theme!!! I’ve been re-inspired, always by you, and now your by Cupcake Julie! MERRY CHRISTMAS and have a happy and creative New Year! Lorna

  28. um. wow. i am in awe. *standing ovation*

  29. Thank you for sharing. I am so envious right now! Please share the sources for all of the goodies if you find out, I would love to get some of the ones for myself. Merry Christmas!! Hope your holidays are SWEET!!!!! Laura

  30. i didn’t read through 168 comments, but i’ve seen those ornaments (or similar ones) at sur la table before.

  31. Wow. Everything is absolutely stunning, but those nutcrackers. They’re the most amazing thing I’ve seen. Ever.

  32. OMG! how amazing, thanks for sharing! i’m officially craving nothing but sweets now :)

  33. AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing made my day!

  34. Holy Sugary Cupcake Sweetness!!!! I want to be like Julie-she is my namesake after all;) My family thinks I’m over the top with sugary decorations. I don’t even have a drop in the bucket compared to Julie. I am aspiring to be just like her!
    Such sweet talent. Please share her blog or flickr.
    Happy Holidays (~~)

  35. wow! i am in awe of her talents!! thank you for posting such amazing pictures of this candy wonderland!

  36. Holy Cow! I could only sit with my mouth hanging open in awe of her creations! How does anyone find the time to do all this? Thanks so much for sharing these delights with us.

  37. Oh my glory! That tiny bakery and the sewn sugar cookies are to die for. A little (big) girl’s dream. I feel like a slacker too. I managed to get a tree up and decorated, but that is obviously NOT enough! And the toy soldiers. How can one top that?

  38. Going into a diabetic coma!

  39. Oh my goodness!! She and her husband are both very talented!!

  40. This is so sweet! My teeth hurt alone from looking at the pictures :)
    I wish you a merry christmas!

  41. WoW!! That is all so amazing! Oh, to be so creative, so talented! I thought all of those tiny cupcakes in her bakery were real until you said she’d made them of felt!

    A stunning Christmas display! How can someone not be in the spirit after looking at all those gorgeous photos!

    A very Merry Christmas to you, Bakerella!!

  42. Absolutely stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  43. Cupcake Julie is my dughter-in-law and she and my son are unbelievable. They made the Cupcake stand for my grand daughter several years ago and she still plays with it. Julie is fabulously talented as you can see. Thank you for the pictures!! Merry Christmas.

  44. O.M.G!!!! (I don’t usually say that, but this post definitely is worthy of it) . That is ultimate CANDYLAND if I’ve ever seen it!
    Such stunning, amazing, awesomeness! Thanks for sharing!

  45. All I can say is WOW!!!!

  46. so cute!!! i always wonder how people that are that creative put away time to work on this. does she work a little along all year, as her hobby? does she plan to do something…like make sewn cupcakes and work on them say like other people knit or read? i am asking because i have this picture in my head of something i would like to do at christmas but by the time i do regular decorating and gifting and baking, there is seldom time for something new. would love toknow some of her (and your) secrets. it might help those of us with ideas in our heads that never make it to real life.

  47. This is so amazing; I feel like an underachiever now!

  48. Oh, thanks so much for sharing her yummy holiday decorations. What an amazing lady! Her hubby is talented too. It’s awesome that he joins in and supports her passion. I love your site. :)

    Merry Christmas!

  49. WOW and Double WOW! I want to live there. What a fun talent and hobby. She should start a blog on how she makes some of her things. (hint hint) felt cupcakes and goodies. Can’t wait to show this to the kids when they wake up! Thank You!!

  50. I love that you call me Cupcake Julie & that I had no idea until now! Even more, I love you Bakerella! Your friendship has been the greatest gift and we haven’t even untied the ribbon yet! The years of fun ahead of us, together, make me giddy with excitement. I am humbled by your extraordinary post. Thank you for thinking what my husband fondly calls “Julie World,” could even fit into yours. Your photos are beautiful and the story delicious! You have made my life sweeter, for a couple of years now! I treasure your kindness and ALL of YOUR talent. Thank you. Sweet Wishes to you and your lovely readers. Here’s to 2010, cheers!

  51. She’s…not human.

    She’s…she’s…she’s…THE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY!

    Oh, my lands!

  52. Now that’s passion for her craft. I think she created the land of sugarplum fairies. And it’s just a hobby! WOW.

  53. Geesh! She could sell tickets, I would buy! I would love to see this and also take my grandkiddies on a tour of her Holiday fantasy.
    Merry Christmas and thanks for posting this for all of us to see!
    Indiana Sherry

  54. That is just amazing!

  55. This is simply amazing, beautiful and fantastically talented – thanks so much for sharing, i am going to take so much inspiration from this!!
    And have a very Mery Christmas. :)

  56. AY, DIOS MIO! NEVER have I seen such gorgeousness! Martha really needs to do a spread on her or a tv segment on her – she is wow, wow, WOW!!!
    She must have planned for this all year long – such detail – totally incredible!
    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas, Bakerella!

  57. does she sell any of this on Etsy? If not she needs to. I think she would have an amazing following. Good gracious I see a very expensive xmas next year trying to recreate this. I need to dust off the old sewing machine.

  58. Sugar land… Julie and her husband make a great team, making their decorations together. I love them all…
    Very talented.

  59. OH WOW!!!!!! I have absolutely no words!!! It’s like being in a Forrest of sweet treats!!!!!


  60. OMG! I think I just about fainted when I saw the pics! My mouth literally dropped!! Are you sure your friend and her hubby are not make all this stuff and be this not humanly possible! I am in complete shock over her decorations – especially the miniature bakery – I have never seen such cuteness!!!
    Made me smile!!! :)

  61. WOW that;s so yummy and creative!!! O.O
    i have no words for it! it’s like a candy heaven!
    i wish i could make something like that!

  62. I think someone should send this to Martha Stewart. A very talented lady. Stunning, stunning stunning.

  63. Wow I have literally never seen anything like this, it feels like I’ve died and gone to sweet heaven!! Completely amazing!!

  64. Wow, it’s amazing !

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Bakerella !

  65. Ohmylanta!! I have died & gone to dessert/cuteness heaven. Cupcake Julie & I should totally become BFF!

  66. All I have to say is : SWEET!!! This is beautiful and definitely crave worthy! WOW

  67. This is fantabulous! Razzle dazzle wowie! Thanks for sharing this fabulous party – makes the imagination go wild. Now, how about dinner with Ree Drummond??? Did I miss some pics and a detailed post about this?!

  68. Wow. wow. wow.

    I’m way too lazy. And broke. But mostly lazy.

  69. ……….sound only of jaw dropping in complete and utter awe…….

  70. Right before I fell into my sugar coma, I was so jealous I was speechless…totally adorable. That nice lady knows what she’s doing!

  71. all there is to say is, wow… in a good way.

  72. Oh my heavens that is AMAzing!! Pass on the uber cutie kudos!!

  73. You have awesome friends – and I’m sure they think the same of you! What a wonderful party to be a part of! HOW SWEET IT IS!!!!

  74. Find out about the giant shiny lollipops too when you are interrogating her!!!!

    The whole thing is just amazing. LOVE the nutcracker!

  75. WOW!!! It’s amazing, I wish I had just part of her talent and creativity. Does she have a blog that you can share? Thanks for the eye candy. :)

  76. Wowser. I want to live there. Do you think she’d like to adopt a 30 year old daughter? LOL

  77. Wow, Cupcake Julie and her husband are incredibly talented.

  78. OMG!!!!…its freaking coolness!!! Its like walking in candy n cupcakes country…or muzium!! and the most amazing amazinggggggg thing is they did it themselves! OMG!!!…Julie, you should be on OPRAH!

  79. don’t cook or bake or decorate but I sure appreciate!!! The Cupcake Julie show — fantastically awesome! I’ll be seeing sugerplums tonight! Merry Christmas!

  80. It’s as if Cupcake Julie tapped into my childhood dreams, that are still going strong, and made them a reality! I really want to cry. Now I must go recover from my diabetic coma.

  81. i think buddy the elf is secretly staying at her house!

  82. ps. Please say she has a blog with lots of tutorials.

  83. OMGoodness!! I just love this!

  84. That it OUTRAGEOUS!

  85. I am so impressed with her decorating and you Bakerella all year long. Your blog makes me happy!

  86. WOW. Thanks for sharing – she is so talented. How fun!

  87. Wow, it is so beautiful. I am in awe of all of it. I have never seen anything so sweet and pretty. Some people just have so much talent. It is better then a Candyland. OMG I think I have died and gone to Heaven!

  88. oh. my. god! amazing! wow wow wow! that’s all i said when i saw this

  89. I’m speechless. All I can say is Holy Moly!

  90. this place puts candyland to shame! fantastic work.

  91. she needs a store. a blog. something. This is just TOO awesome!

  92. oh my. She should make her own candy/cupcake house that people can walk through, because I would totally go. She could charge me too! It would be worth it.
    Also, I like her idea for her sweets and candy christmas tree. I think I may try to start collecting cute candy ornaments. I’m still young, so I have plenty of time!! :)
    anyways. I love your pictures!!

  93. that is the coolest thing I have seen ever!!!!! wowo!

  94. Holy Moly!

    I am in shock right now. It looks straight out of a set. She (they) should really be in creative set design- seriously!

  95. AB FAB!!!!! I would never leave that house. You were so lucky to see it in person.

    Merry Christmas

  96. Thank you for taking pictures and thank you to her for letting you! Stunning, coma-inducing sweet.

  97. Please let us know more!!! I want her to adopt me!!! LOL Maybe she would share her patterns or let us know where to find it.

  98. If you find out any details on making those cupcake soldier/nutcrackers, pleeeasse post. I am ambitious enough to give it a whirl!

  99. Absolutely stunning. There are no words to describe how wonderful and talented she is!

  100. That is amazing!! Gorgeous!

    Merry Christmas. :)

  101. Wow! That’s absolutely amazing!

  102. Your friend is amazing. I want to buy all of her stuff! Tell her to open an etsy shop! Where did she get all of that cute candy stuff for her tree? I am just in awe!

  103. She definitely needs to quit her day job!!! :)

  104. That is AMAZING! I suddenly feel so inadequate! LOL! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this with us!


    Robin :o)

  105. OMG! I totally want some of those soldiers! Very cool!

  106. OHHH! WOWWWW!
    I so want to come visit her house. OHHHH!! WOWWWW!

  107. By the Way… do you and Julie know about the Cupcake Contest happening on Facebook hosted by “Hello, Cupcake.”

    Check out my entries and this post for details on how to enter. I’d love to see what you and Julie come up with…. my mouth is watering just thinking about it!!!

  108. This post just blew my mind!

  109. wowzers! i’m hyperventilating here!

  110. OMG! This is so beautiful and insane LOL. I love it! Your friend is extremely talented. Thank you for sharing this!

  111. i am in a wonderful sugar coma! wow…WOW! thanks for sharing this with us…utterly amazing!
    happy holidays dear bakerella!

  112. OMG, that is utterly amazing! How does she manage to store it all?

  113. WOW!! this looks like the happiest place on earth to live!! :)

  114. ::DROOL:: Where is this place???

  115. who ARE these people?? it’s like walking into a dream! i want to play with the cupcake bakery so badly… and i love that they made so much of that dreamworld by hand. so talented :) thank you so much for sharing!!

  116. ..Please tell me she has a website where I can possibly find tutorials. Those are amazing. I want. Badly.

  117. Oh my goodness. Wow!

  118. WOW! That is an amazing talent! Everyone loves candy and it sure does help inspire me! I love following your blog and all you do!

  119. Like….. wow! Does she have a blog? I’d love to hear and see more!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

  120. How fun!!
    I should be novel and say I wish I could BE a friend like that, but no–I wish I HAD a friend like that!

  121. WOW! can i buy a ticket for a tour HA! seriously….AMAZING

  122. That is truly one of the most spectacular things that I have ever seen. It made my teeth hurt just looking at it, but the yummy goodness made me recover quickly. And those soldiers? Those soldiers! To. Die. For! That is talent beyond, just beyond, no more words.

  123. That has too be the most insane set up ever! I love it! I need to show my husband. :)

  124. Oh my GOODNESS!

    That is all….. magnificent!!!!

  125. AMAAAAAZING!!! i love everything.

  126. WOW. I have no idea what to say… okay maybe one thing: could I have a cupcake right now please? Thank you.

  127. Well, I think we’ve all gotten a glimpse of the true Queen of Christmas Wonderland. Wow!

    • We are happy now to see this post because you put good images WOW!! Very Good Combinations for Candyland.

  128. WOW! Thank you for sharing. I LOVED her cupcake bakery display with the felt cupcakes and everything else near it. What a beautiful talent!

  129. Wow–utterly amazing. Speechless…

  130. 2 questions: Where can I find glass jars like the ones holding her candies in the kitchen? Also, does cupcake Julie have a blog? She should!!

  131. Oh my cupcake goodness! I’m in sheer awe of her adorableness, talent, hard work, creative know how. Wow, just wow! And what a cool hubby to help her! Amazing!!! Almost as cool as a sweet baker I know…her name is BAKERELLA! You may know her. ;) She rocks, too!

  132. O.M..G. The whole house look’s like the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory set! Amazing! Do they have children?? Because if they do, those kids must think they live in heaven!

  133. My jaw just hit the floor.
    This is…well, there are no words.
    That comes pretty close.

  134. Holy cupcakes! I am speechless. If only I had more energy/time/money/ambition/talent/etc.

  135. I feel like a total slacker now too. This has motivated me though to hopefully do one of those things. :)

  136. My dream as a little girl was to live in a gingerbread house…they really do exist!

  137. Such a fantasy, it looks straight from Disneyland.

  138. This is sooo cute I just wanna cry! Thanks so much for sharing your pictures. I am totally stepping up my game for next Christmas…completely inspired.

  139. amazing!! I need her talent…and train my husband..!! merry christmas!

  140. I am amazed at the talent of Julie…I can’t even imagine the time involved in making all of the decorations and treats…what a sight to behold. Julie is truly talented and as a reader of your blog, I so appreciate you sharing her holiday decorations with us. Thank you Bakerella…Happy Xmas to you and yours!

  141. I think I am in love. I only wish my hubby would help me build cool stuff like that.

  142. Holy frijoles! ….is it bad that the first thing I thought when I saw the giant soldiers was “where the heck do youstore something that big?” and that I couldn’t imagine a house (that I could live in) with a permanent display of candies…I’d be constantly having to fill them up! (not to mention a hundred pounds bigger). Wow. Amazing!

    My man would gag if our house was all pink and sparkly.

  143. wow! wow!! that is amazing! thank you for the pictures and please tell Julie Thank You for sharing!

  144. OMG! What an amazing place and what an amazing woman. I think I would love it if she helped style my parties LoL

  145. You were not kidding. She does need an entire post. My 10 year old just finished making the Christmas tree cupcakes. She did a great job you should check them out. Thanks for inspiring her, she had a great time in the kitchen and can’t wait to give them as gifts. MERRY CHRISTMAS

  146. Ohhhh myyyy gosh! That is the most incredible display I have ever seen! That is what I strive to be. I am speechless I am so in awe. I only want to know one thing, where in the world does she store this all the rest of the year? Oh and does she train other people’s husbands so that they will want to help create things like this too? Love!

  147. Holy cow! Julie and her Hubby are AWESOME! She should charge admission. lol!

  148. Oh my word..that is the most beautiful party I have ever seen!

  149. WOW! :) I love cupcakes too! That looks like an awesome party, and those soldiers are made from scratch?! Anyways, thanks for the tour. And merry Christmas!

  150. Gorgeous!!!! She should open a sweet shoppe so she could keep those gorgeous decorations up ALL year!

  151. Wow! That is the most wonderful thing I have seen. How talented is she??? I have just told my husband that I want 2 Toy Soldiers guarding my front door for next Christmas. We betterget started on boxing day – LOL!

  152. I think her tree is cluttered and ugly. It just does not look right at all. Other then that she is very dedicated to her hobbies.

  153. Oh my gosh, I am completely in looooove. That is amazing!!!



  155. holy cannoli. truly amazing. martha stewart needs to do a spread on her.. she must start a blog….

  156. WOW! The decorations and goodies are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  157. Wow. Are these people from another planet who just really love Xmas? I mean, W-O-W! Well, at least now I have something to aspire too. Yeah, I think I might be done with my two-story soldiers just in time for next christmas! Do you think you’re buddy will share his building plans? LOL

  158. WOW!!!! That is absolutely breath-taking! I am beyond jealous of everyone that got to see that in person! Cupcake Julie and Mr. Cupcake Julie have such amazing talents!

  159. that is awsome!!!! She better have a room ready for me!

  160. i am speechless..WOW

  161. OH MY GOOOODNESS!!! Your friend is AMAAAZING!!! Quick! Someone call the Foodnetwork and get her on a Holiday special!!! Seriously!

  162. Good heavens, I want a friend like that! YUM.

  163. Ummmm…..WOW?

  164. That all looks so deliciously amazing! She’s incredibly talented and creative. No wonder you two are friends. ;)
    Looking at her decorations makes me with there was a Candyland-based theme park. That would be my idea of heaven :)

  165. So inspriing. Her husband and her need to quit their day jobs and follow their passion.

    This kind of creativity needs to be experienced by everyone.

  166. WOW…just…WOW. I want them to adopt me


    That’s amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing. And gorgeously delicious!!!

  168. Holy moly!!! My teeth ache from all the sugar just looking at it all. But it’s beautiful!!!

  169. I want to live there forever!! <3

  170. I would LOVE to walk through a house decorated like that!

    But … she must not have young kids, right? I manage to bake and cook a lot with three kids (aged 5, 3 and 1), but I couldn’t pull off anything like that!

    I feel like I should brush my teeth now, from seeing so much sugar …

  171. Hansel and Gretel’s Candy house really do exist!!!!

  172. I bet this is what kids vision in their sleep…….

  173. Hi! I had to post – this made me squeal- it looks AMAZING! :)
    I did a search for the decorations and found cakes and strawberries at:

    It’s a shame I don’t live in the US :(

    Anyway I love this blog- thanks for all the recipes! Happy Holidays!

  174. That is completely amazing. Please tell me that house is made out of wood or fabric or something. I will cry if that is gingerbread. I seriously will.

    What an amazing talent your friend has.

  175. I was also one of the lucky party guests – so yes! I was hanging with Bakerella, Cupcake Julie and all these amazing decorations. It was even more incredible than the pics show. You walk in and your jaw drops!! Thanks for posting Bakerella – I’ve been waiting ever since that night to see the shots. We’ll keep working on Cupcake Julie, maybe she’ll adopt us afterall!

  176. Oh my goodness – it’s incredible! What a visual delight.

  177. oh! my! stars!! how awesome is this!! she’s uber talented! :) thanks for the inspiration! i’ve gotta get busy! :) Merry Christmas.

  178. Absolutely speechless. I’m am in AWWWW! Thank you for sharing such a wonder and creative display. O-M-G!!!!!!

  179. get this lady some exposure! i think this should be her day job. seriously. does homegirl have a blog?

  180. Geez Louise! I can’t believe that’s somebody’s house. I think I’d have to move right in next to that cupcake soldier man and guard the other side of the tree or something.

  181. oh. my. goodness.

  182. All I can say is WOW!! What a talented lady. I love the cupcake stand!!!

  183. What a wonderland! Thanks for the tour. Have a wonderful Christmas Bakerella!

  184. OMG! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that !! Can I be friends with Cupcake Julie?

  185. Wow, that is amazing!! I don’t even have the space to store all those wonderful decorations let alone the time to make them all. Just incredible.

  186. Ummm hello, that’s like the most awesome place I’ve ever seen!

  187. oh! my god!! your friend is amayzing!

    you´ve just made me so happy with these pics.

    love you bakerella!
    happy holydays!!

  188. WOW! Just…WOW!

  189. my girls are jumping up and down asking when we can go… :O) LOL
    that is amazing!

  190. Thanks for sharing. Is Julie accepting friendships?!
    Merry Christmas. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for 2010.

  191. I think I’ve dreamed of a place like that! I bet it smelled delicious! :)

  192. Wow. Beautiful. And amazing. And I think I have diabetes now. :)

  193. OMG! This is complete craziness! I love candy, therefore I LOVE all the details! AMAZING! My favorite – the fabric sugar cookies! This would be every little girls dream! AAAhhh…I can’t stop looking at the pics – it’s like a fairytale, yet it REALLY exists! {heart} it! Way to go Julie!

  194. WOW!! Too cute for words! The tree, the bakery, the Jenny Holiday art work! Can some one invite me!

  195. Wow! That is too cute for words! Happy Christmas Bakerella, thank you for the joy over this past year that you have bought me and my best mate, Nadia.
    Lots of love have a great 2010!

  196. WHOA, now those are some major decorations! I don’t think I would have wanted to leave either! Beautiful tour Angie, thanks for sharing :) Have a great Christmas!

  197. Oh my gosh. Its amazing! I definitely want to go there =D.

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