

Christmas is over. But that doesn’t mean the giving is.

I did a little shopping yesterday… not to return anything, but to look around. It’s what I do after Christmas.

Shop. It’s much more fun to shop after Christmas than before. The stress is gone and the sales are still on.

And if something catches my eye like a towering stack of satin pink leopard print jewelry boxes…

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

… well, I’ll take a few extra minutes and look through all the designs.

And if there happens to be something like a super-cute cupcake necklace staring right back at me, then I guess you know what happens next.

Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Awwe…… How could I resist. It’s just the cutest little thing.

Betsey Johnson Jewelry Box

And it comes in the cutest little box.

Betsey Johnson Necklace

And then there’s all this cute dangly stuff to boot. Did I mention how cute this thing is?

But I didn’t get it for me. I thought I would give it to one of you. So who wants it?

Enter for a chance to win this cutie patootie
Betsey Johnson Cupcake Necklace

Just leave a comment on this post and finish the following sentence…

This New Year’s Eve, I …

Deadline to enter is Tuesday, December 29th at 5:00 p.m. ET. Time’s Up. Winner announced below.

One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Good luck!

I didn’t expect to be so moved by the entries for this giveaway. These might just be some of my favorite ones to read to date. I usually don’t do anything on New Year’s Eve, so thank you for sharing a glimpse into your plans. The simple ones. The silly ones. The serious ones. You guys fill my heart with happiness.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And now for the winner…


Congrats anna p! It’s you!

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4,126 comments on “Gone.”

  1. This New Year’s Eve I am going to buy some junk food, get a blanket, and watch movies and the ball drop!

  2. This New Years Eve I
    will most likely be in bed by 10:00pm – even if I do go to the party.

  3. On New Year’s Eve, I will cuddle with my husband on the couch and think good thoughts about Auburn winning their bowl game on Friday!

  4. Hubby and I will be continuing the tradition we started last year…attending our church’s WatchNight service.

  5. will be spending it with friends and family.

  6. This New Years Eve I … will be ringing in 2010 with my loving boyfriend and close friends! I can’t wait!

  7. will be spending it at the casino with my hubby. Hopefully winning some money ;-)

  8. This New Years’ Eve I will most likely be celebrating by going to bed early.

  9. celebrating the beginning of the year 2010 – the year I graduate from college!

  10. will host a little get-together with our neighbor friends. This is our third year of getting together!

  11. This New Year’s Eve, I will be thankful for the year that was and begin the celebration of the year ahead.

  12. This New Year’s Eve, I will be attending a friend’s party and taking photos of all of *their* drunken antics. ;)

  13. This New Year’s Eve, I … am probably going to go to bed early!

    Great giveaway! And Merry Christmas! :)

  14. This New Years Eve I will be with my family. My father was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer this summer, and he’s been battling hard for nearly 6 months. Most people only survive 3-4 months after diagnosis, so every day with him is a gift. He can’t eat much right now, but I will bake him a little something to try to tempt him. :)

  15. Stay home. We have a new baby.

  16. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be at home with my husband, our good friends, and some good booze — having a good time!

  17. This New Years Eve I …

    … will likely do the same thing I’ve done every New Year’s Eve for the past five years (since our first child was born) … go to bed at my regular time! Why? Because I know I won’t be able (ie. allowed) to sleep in the next day ;)

  18. This New Years Eve, I will be spending my first New Years Eve away from Las Vegas and be on the nice warm beaches of southern Cali. ( i cant wait!!!)

  19. will be with good friends and my children looking forward to a bright New Year!

  20. Betsy, jewelry, cupcake…..OH MY!!! What a way to welcome 2010!!!! Yahoo! Lori

  21. This New Year’s Eve, I … will be sitting on the couch with my husband or in bed sleeping because we have a 19 month old and she will most definitely be sleeping!!

  22. will be at home with my hubby and children. HOpefully in bed before midnight. :) But probably not.

  23. Will be at a pajama party with friends – we’ve had enough of the over-hyped and disappointing New Year’s Eves!!

  24. I love Betsy Johnson! I will be spending New Years at home with my hubby. :)

  25. This New Years Eve I plan to ring in the best year yet with close friends and my supa-sweet hubby! (Cake Balls were all the rage on the Xmas cookie platter this year!)

  26. This New Year’s Eve, I …will go to bed early – hopefully! :D

  27. This New Year’s Eve, I will wear something sparkly, and drink something sparkling. Per usual.

  28. am going to make and eat lots of yummy food with my family!

  29. …we are undecided. Three party invites, but kids are not invited. Might stay home and hang with the kidlets.

  30. will be in San Antonio anticipating a Red Raider win at the Alamo Bowl!

  31. This New Year’s Eve, I… will dance the dance of life!

  32. This New Year’s Eve I am going to hang home with my boys and eat lots of cookies and goodies and play WII

  33. count my blessings with my favourite cuties ;)

  34. This New Year’s Eve I will be elbow deep in masa for a tamale making lesson

  35. this new year’s eve, I will be spending time with family and drink apple cider when the clock strikes midnight!!!!!

  36. This New Years Eve I. . . will maybe consider writing some resolutions. . . but we’ll see.

  37. This New Years Eve I want to spend time with friends and family and host a successful party!

  38. This New Year’s Eve I will probably forget that it’s New Year’s Eve and fall asleep around 8.

  39. This new year’s eve, I will try really hard to still be awake at midnight!

  40. This New Year’s Eve, I plan to spend the night with my husband and kids :)

  41. This New Years Eve I ……… will be spending our last new years eve in las vegas with my husband and our 5 almost 6 month old little girl!!!! Me and the husband are going to have a glass of champagne at midnight and spending some great time together and taking pictures of the fireworks show on the strip!!! What a cute little necklace… My step daughter would love this!!

  42. don’t have a babysitter for my twins, so we’ll be at home… and probably asleep by 12:01. :)

  43. will be asleep by 10pm!!! :)

  44. This New Years Eve I will be curled up on the couch with my snuggie and boyfriend, drinking almond champagne.

  45. This New Year’s Eve, I will start trying to lose all the weight I’ve gained baking yummy treats…

  46. i will be spending this nye with mi familia! =)

  47. OMGosh how adorable is that!! No big plans like every other year, just looking forward to a refreshing new year!

  48. …will be eating and drinking too much ;)

  49. … will be smooching my resolutions!

  50. This New Years Eve I will be having family game night with the three loves of my life. My boyfriend and two kids….

  51. This New Year’s Eve, I will be relaxing at home with my husband. He is a New Year’s Eve baby, so we will be celebrating his birthday with some gooey butter cake (a midwest staple!) and a movie.

  52. This New Year’s Eve I will be with my husband cheering on his football team.

  53. This New Year’s Eve, I will spend the night at my friend’s house and bring all the goodies I’ve baked over the last few days to celebrate! :D

  54. …will be playing a Murder Mystery party game with my 3 best girlfriends and their husbands/boyfriends! It will be the first time we’ve all been together for New Years in 2 years. I can’t wait!

  55. going over to my parents’ house with my hubby and kiddos. My two sisters and their families will be there, too. We will probably call it a night at 9:00. It’s midnight on the East Coast by then and we get tired!

  56. This New Years Ever I will be playing Rook with my family and hopefully kicking some butt!

  57. This New Year’s Eve I….. will be spending time with my sweet little family, laughing, playing cards, and eating delicious food.

  58. Won’t be kissing anyone – & I’m okay with that!

  59. going to a girly slumber party with my best friends.

  60. I will enjoy time with friends and family.

  61. …will be hangin’ out at home with my Hubby and two wonderful kids!! We like to make Milkshakes and have lots of ‘snacky’ food!!

  62. This New Year’s Eve, I … will continue working on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days.

  63. will be celebrating my husband’s birthday with the rest of the world. Or at least that’s what I let him think.

  64. …will pick some friends up from the airport and try to convince them that, despite their jetlag, they should party with me and mine.

  65. …will be playing games with my family and friends!

  66. This new years eve, I will be saving money and celebrating at home with my new fondue pot and good friends!

  67. This New Years Eve I will probably get a little tipsy, eat some Chinese food, watch fireworks and fall asleep before midnight!

  68. This New Year’s Eve, I will hopefully be sleeping while the baby sleeps and she will sleep more than an hour at a time to start off the new year!

  69. this new years eve i will be watching tv as late as my mom lets me!

  70. This New Years Eve I …. will be staying home with my hubby.

  71. This New Years Eve I …wanna eat cake!

  72. This New Year’s Eve I will be on a romantic getaway with my loving husband. Sweet little one will be at Grandma’s. I am SO looking forward to it.

  73. This New Year’s Eve, I …will play board games in my PJs with my hubby while sipping on champagne and Domino’s pizza.

  74. will be thankful for health, happiness, and the power of the blog!

  75. …. will be thoughtfully assessing 2009 and planning for 2010. What will you be doing Bakerella?

  76. This New Years Eve I plan to spend it with my husband on our couch in our pj’s.

  77. This New Year’s Eve, I will be in Christchurch New Zealand spending time with friends and my wonderful husband.

  78. This New Years Ever I will likely be working making cupcakes for the Cupcake Camper in Indianapolis, IN

  79. …will be making artichoke cheese bruschetta and watching a movie with my hubs and my giant third-trimester belly. :)

  80. This New Year’s Eve, I hope to be in bed before midnight. (I have a toddler and a 6-month-old… sleep is precious! And who goes out anymore?)

  81. This New Year’s Eve I will most likely be spending it with friends we haven’t seen in awhile or sitting at home, playing videogames. It all depends on if our paychecks get deposited early.

  82. I’m gonna kiss my fiance at 12:00 AM! Yay! :D

  83. spending time with my family at my parents house, we’re sure to have a blast!

  84. This New Year’s Eve, I will spending with my new husband and best friend. :)

  85. This New Years Eve, I will…

    …be eating cupcakes (NYE cupcakes from Martha Stewart’s cupcake cookbook) with my hubby and family. All my people together to start 2010!

  86. This New Year’s eve I will…spend with my new hubby of 6 months in the snowy wonderland of Jackson Hole and I can’t wait!

  87. This New Year’s Eve, I will be at my best friend’s house enjoying a wonderful homecooked meal. I will be bringing somewhere around 70 snowflake sugar cookies, all decorated!

  88. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending with 3 other families in my home. A nice low key get together with kids, drinks and yummy food. Being in good company is the best way to start the New Year!

  89. This New Year’s Eve, I will be furiously baking your christmas tree cupcakes with my boyfriend, for his family in another state =)

  90. This New Years Eve we will be driving back to Texas from Pennsylvania. Our vacation will be over. Boo

  91. This New Years Eve I will be singing on stage with a friend of mine’s band!

  92. This New Year’s Eve, I’m staying at home and watching movies (hopefully harry potter). :)

  93. This New Year’s Eve I… will be home with my kids, while my husband works. It is sure to be an exciting night :)

  94. This New Years Eve, I will be spending it with my hubby and friends…the 3.5 year old will be spending the night with Nana & Papa…yeah for another date, the last night of the year….

    Happy 2010!

  95. This New Year’s Eve, I will be making lots of yummy treats and enjoying them with good friends.

  96. I will be blessed by having dinner with my 94-year-old mom and my wonderful husband and get to go to sleep early because in Tucson we can celebrate New York New Years.

  97. On New Year’s Eve I’m planning on going to a party and making some new friends and strengthening friendships already formed.
    That necklace is too cute!

  98. This New Year’s Eve…I plan on curling up on the couch and marathoning through the first season of Mad Men!

  99. This New Year’s Eve, I am hanging out with my husband and sister, eating waaaay too much!

  100. …hope to see the ball drop! We’ve fallen asleep before midnight for the past 3 years!

  101. will be spending it happily in the wonderful city of Seattle.

  102. This New Years Eve I …. will begin new traditions!

  103. hope to be at home with my husband, avoiding “Amateur Hour”, as we call it around here. Maybe baking some cookies or cupcakes…

  104. This New Year’s Eve I am planning to let my children stay up until 10pm – then off to bed so my hubby and I can enjoy the rest of the night to ourselves

  105. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to be celebrating a late Christmas with my family, who lives in California while I go to school in Michigan. I’m so excited!

  106. This New Year’s Eve, I will be home with the kids while hubby is playing in a the band at New Year’s Eve party.

  107. This New Years Eve, I…will enjoy a lovely small get together with my closest friends, as we reflect on this past year, enjoy each others company, and look forward to the great year that’s to come- filled with more amazing people and memories! :)

  108. will be the first I spend as a wife!

  109. This New Year’s Eve, I want to make hundreds of cake pops in the shape of the New Years Ball. Sadly, I will probably be stuck on the couch, blowing my nose trying to get over this cold. -_-

  110. This New Year’s Eve I have no idea what I’m doing! We’ve been invited to parties but I think I would really rather just stay home, put the kids to bed early and do nothing!

  111. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to visit a friend from elementary school with my parents for dinner :)

  112. plan on having a quiet evening with my husband after the kids are asleep.

  113. Well..I’m not really sure. Either we’ll stay at home and have a movie night with tons of finger foods..or we’ll go a day early to my brother and Sister in laws house. Probably the latter.

  114. … get to spend it with my Auntie!

  115. This New Year’s Eve, I will be spending with my hunny at home.

  116. …will be relaxing at home with a fire and a good movie. Oh, and the hubby too!

  117. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending my first new year with my new husband!!

  118. I will be snuggled with my wonderful husband on the couch, while our sweet baby is sleeping away in her crib :) life couldn’t be any sweeter…. so blessed.

  119. This New Year’s Eve, I… will go to an accelerated New Year’s Eve Party (ends a 9 pm) so that all the youngsters can enjoy, then spend the rest of the evening with my hubbie & kiddos, probably playing ping pong or Wii.

  120. I will be babysitting my little 8 mo old granddaughter!

  121. This New Years Eve I will be having fish and chips on the beach followed by Ginelli’s gelato and walk with my new husband.

  122. This New Year’s Eve, I … will probably be snoozing. Yes… sadly I cannot seem to make it past 11 p.m. any more!

  123. This New Year’s Eve I will be enjoying a $55-a-person open bar with my fiance, celebrating the YEAR FROM HELL being over (seriously- unemployment, car problems, roof problems, legal problems… CRAZY FAMILY PROBLEMS!…) and welcoming what we hope will be our best year yet… the year we get married!

  124. Will probably be not so patiently waiting for baby girl (due January 5th).

  125. This NYE I’m having the best time ever with great friends. Getting super dressed up, fancy dinner, playing pool at a hip pool bar uptown then headed out to a really ghetto karaoke bar followed by a low budget early AM breakfast. Plan is to stay out until 3am. We’ll see! We’re the “oldest” bunch of 20-somethings you’d ever meet! Happy New Year!!

  126. be snuggling up with Huz and watching the Twilight Zone Marathon.

  127. This New Year’s Eve I plan to go to bed early with the baby! Sigh. I miss sleep.

  128. … hope to be recovered from surgery and ready to face the new year, healthy and whole.

  129. this new year’s eve i will be celebrating with my very best friends and i absolutely cannot wait!
    also, my heart skipped a beat when i saw that you were giving this away-betsey johnson completes me.

  130. This New Year’s Eve, I …
    am hoping to spend time with my Hubby and friends. I don’t want any thing CRAZY! Just a small quiet gathering :-)

  131. This New Year’s Eve I will be making Potato Skins from scratch for the first time using my “Pioneer Woman Cookbook” I got for Christmas!

  132. This New Year’s Eve, I will be hosting a party for all our friends. I hope to wow them with my baking.

  133. This New Year’s Eve, I will probably be hanging out w/ my family and eating some good food!

  134. This new years eve I, will stay up late with my husband. We plan on playing video games till the wee hours of the morning. I am also planing on making cupcakes! Haven’t decided on what kind yet!

  135. …hope to send 2009 off to where it belongs, in the past; and will be welcoming 2010 with open arms.

  136. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be hanging out with my entire family having a 80’s themed party!!

  137. This New Years Eve, I…will have my 4 year old son help me make one last sinfully delicious treat before my New Year resolutions start. :) Any suggestions on what that last treat should be?

  138. will win a weight-loss competition with my friends by losing 10% of my body mass in five months, then proceed to gain it all back by drinking and over-eating!

  139. This New Year’s Eve I…
    will do the same as every year! Stay home with my hubby and cook something special! We always have champagne but never wait until midnight. We are sound asleep by then :)

  140. This New Year’s Eve, I will spending it with my lovely boyfriend of 5 years. It is our first year spending it together, just me and him.

  141. I will be at my job bringing new babies into the world!

  142. This New Year’s Eve, I will be enjoying an online date with my fiancé while he is in mexico, and knitting clothes for our baby girl due in march.

  143. This New Year’s Eve, I…will be flying into New Orleans for my brother’s wedding.

  144. This New Year’s Eve, I will be happy.

  145. This New Year’s Eve I will more than likely not do anything fun.

  146. … I won’t be enjoying any snow. :(
    Bad economy = no ski vacation

  147. This New Year’s Eve, I an going to dinner with friends and will be ringing in the new year right. 2010 is going to be a great year for me!! :)

  148. This New year’s eve I will go to bed early! :)

  149. I thought the box alone was adorable, but that necklace really takes the cake! ;)

    This New Year’s Eve I hope to spend a wonderful night with my boyfriend. It doesn’t matter where we are, so long as I’m with him it will be wonderful <3

  150. I will be glad to see 2009 end and have high hopes for 2010. I’ll be home with my husband and dog wearing snowflake flannel PJs.

  151. This New Year’s Eve, I …
    will be having a nice peaceful dinner with my family.

  152. hope to go out!

  153. … am being set up with a boy by my friend and her boyfriend while out at a big party downtown.

  154. …i will be gearing up to watch wvu win the gator bowl!!!!!

    hnramsey @ gmail dot com

  155. This New Year’s Eve I will cuddle on the couch with my four favorite people and watch Elf. It’s tradition.

  156. I will be staying home with my family looking forward to starting 2010!

  157. This new years eve I will be spending time with my friends and ringing in the new year with lots of cheering and merrymaking. hopefully some cupcakes will be in attendance too :)

  158. This New Year’s Eve…

    …I will be with my family and cuddling my one month old nephew, and probably baking some Red Velvet cupcakes to celebrate, too! :)

  159. This New Year’s Eve I…. will be having a potluck downtown with all the locals!! And I can’t wait to kiss my new husband at midnight!!

  160. This New Year’s Eve, I will be home with my kids while hubby works. Chances are I will be asleep before the New Year arrives.

  161. This New Year’s Eve, I …
    will be w/my hubby and kids at a friend’s playing cards, board games & eating yummy food-til 10 at the latest! lol Then home to bed, maybe my hubs & I will stay up late enough to ring in the new year but probably not!

  162. …will make resolutions and try my hardest to make ’em stick this year!

  163. This New Year’s Eve, I will be going to church with my friends and pray for wisdom throughout this new yeatr. We will then, like a lot of family and friends, be going to Denny’s to enjoy some deicious breakfast at 1:30 in the morning.. = )

  164. This New Year’s Eve, I will…be celebrating in Times Square (1st time ever) with the most amazing man in the world ~ my husband and our youngest daughter. We never go anywhere on New Year’s Eve…ever! But last year we set some goals and agreed, if reached, we would treat ourselves. We did it! Woo Hoo!!

  165. This New Years Eve, I will be getting ready to enter 2010 uncluttered, with purpose, ready to be the me I’ve been waiting to be!!

  166. This New Year’s Eve, I’ll be celebrating on East Coast Time (even through we’re a West Coast family) with a pack of preschoolers!

  167. This New Year’s Eve, I will be dancing and eating things I shouldn’t with the people who have touched me most this year… and who I hope to keep in my life in 2010!!!

  168. this new years eve i will spend time with my family <3

  169. Will bring in 2010 with open arms and say goodbye to 2009 without the blink of an eye

  170. This New Year’s Eve, I will welcome my nephew !!!

  171. will be missing my sweetie (who is in Iraq) and reminiscing about new years past that we have enjoyed together.

  172. This New Year’s Eve, I…will celebrate my second child’s 7th birthday. She was my first baby girl and the sweetest gift I could’ve received. New Year’s Eve will always be special because of her decision to be born that day at 18 min past noon.

  173. I am going to an early dinner with the hubby and coming home to watch the ball fall on times square…gotta share that new years kiss.

  174. This New Year’s Eve I will have a small shindig at my house with lots of yummy eats, wine and good friends. At 11:59, my kids will come down and do the countdown into 2010 with us.

  175. Will be ringing in the new year with my family and great friends.

  176. This New Year’s Eve I will be spending time with husband and son at a family party of coworkers! I am bringing cranberry sauce and Heinz Chili Sauce meatballs.

  177. This New Year’s Eve, I…am going to kiss my husband when the clock strikes 12:00 and say Happy 22nd Anniversary Honey! (we were married on Jan. 1/1988)
    I would love to win this adorable little necklace… cute!

  178. this new year’s eve i will be hanging out with my husband and 3 kids…eating finger foods and watching the ball drop on tv

  179. This New Year’s Eve I’ll be snug at home with my husband and daughter watching a movie and eating lots of popcorn.

  180. This New Year’s Eve, I …will be home with my kids, hoping we are all in bed by 10 while my husband is working.

  181. will be hanging out at my sister/brother in law’s house with my hubby & kids ringing in the new year together!

  182. This New Year’s Eve I have to work, as I have every New Year’s Eve since 2002. I don’t mind. I enjoy it.

  183. I will be with extended family!!

  184. This New Year’s Eve I would like to have a nice dinner and movie date with my husband while the kids are SOMEWHERE ELSE!!!

  185. will be saying GOOD RIDDANCE to 2009 and then be welcoming 2010 with open arms!

  186. ….I will be taking care of my hubby who is having surgery the day before, and getting ready to watch football all day long New Years Day!

  187. This New Year’s Eve, I am wearing a fantastic, obnoxiously shiny dress!

  188. This New Year’s Eve, I …am going to get all dolled up, big hair, heels and all, just to spend an evening at home with my hubby :)

  189. am hoping for a healthy and happy year for my family and I!

  190. This New Year’s Eve I will be in bed by 10 because I have to be at work by 7am! Oh the joys of working at a hospital, but the holiday pay sure is great!

  191. …will celebrate within my budget.

  192. This New Year’s Eve, I am going to be watching the ball drop with my sister, brother-in-law, two supercute nephews, my mom and my dad.

  193. This New Year’s Eve, I will be going out to dinner and celebrating with all my friends who are in town from college! And I’m looking forward to a great 2010 since I will be graduating in May and starting graduate school in a new city in the fall!

  194. will cuddle with my husband, son & daughter on the couch – looking forward to all the great times 2010 holds for us. What? I’m lame like that – not much of a party girl!

  195. This New Year’s Eve I am hanging out with my family and sleeping!!!!

  196. This New Year’s Eve, I want to spend a romantic night with my boyfriend and hope our relationship gets even better in the new year!!

  197. will let my girls stay up as late as they want – and secretly hope that we are all sleeping by 10!

  198. …am going to bed early

  199. This New Year’s Eve, I …will enjoy a night out with friends and enjoy what 2010 has in store for me.

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