
Eggstremely Cute Chicks

Check out these super cute chick cupcakes all dressed up for Easter wearing adorable eggshell caps. Cute on cute.

And they’re easy to decorate, too! You just need some cupcakes to get going.
I used this recipe for cupcakes because the tops mound nicely. BUT instead of baking them as mini cupcakes, I used the batter for 16 regular size cupcakes and baked them for about 16-18 minutes. And, here’s the basic buttercream recipe I used, too.

Of course, feel free to use your favorite flavor combo.

For the chicks, I tinted buttercream frosting a pretty yellow and then dipped the tops in a bowl of light yellow sanding sugar to smooth out the frosting. I like this technique because I have a hard time frosting my cupcakes without them looking all lumpy and once. Then, once they are coated with sanding sugar you can gently mold them into shape with your fingers if something is still off slightly.

After you top each cupcake with sanding sugar go ahead and add details for the faces. They will attach easier if you decorate the tops as you go and before the frosting sets or starts to stiffen.

Okay, details. Here we go. Black candy beads for eyes, black jimmies for eyelashes, orange coated sunflower seeds for beaks and jumbo pastel pink confetti sprinkles for sweet little cheeks.

For size reference, candy beads are bigger than a sugar pearl but smaller than a sixlet. : )

Gently press each piece in position until you feel safe they won’t fall off.

Here they are super simple with just eyes and a beak and you could totally stop here. (I do think that if you only wanted them decorated to this stage that they might be even cuter as mini cupcakes.)

Now with lashes and blushing cheeks.

So sweet!

Okay, now they’re really dressed for the occasion with their eggshell buttercream bonnets.

To continue decorating, chill the cupcakes in the fridge until the frosting is firm. Then use a toothpick to draw the cracked egg shape in the frosted cupcake.

Pipe the outline and fill in the shape of the eggshell with vanilla buttercream. This will be the toughest part, but it’s not too bad. Since the cupcakes will be chilled at this point, you can more easily frost over the yellow without disturbing it. Use an offset spatula dipped in a little warm water and gently pull the spatula across the piped vanilla frosting to smooth it out. Don’t press too hard or it will separate from the chilled yellow frosting that is underneath. Do one cupcake at a time so you can work with the frosting before it stiffens any.

Once you have smoothed out the eggshell, place a sugar flower decoration to one side and decorate the shell by pressing pastel confetti sprinkles on top.

The cutest little Easter chick cupcakes.

So tweet!

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14 comments on “Eggstremely Cute Chicks”

  1. Great Image! thank you, for everything… Keep coming out with new ideas! ;)

  2. I made this dish last night and my husband and I looooved it. It was so tasty, 

  3. My granddaughter loves this cupcake but I can’t find the pastel confetti sprinkles. Do you know where I can buy them?

  4. Everything you touch turns into something that’s just too cute to eat!

  5. Very cute, I do not even want to eat it if I have it. Happy Easter…! :)

  6. Happy Easter!

  7. How lovely is that ! Thank you !

  8. Cuteness overload!

  9. Oh these are adorable and will definitely bring smiles to everyone! Thank you for sharing such creativity and wonderful recipes with us!

  10. These are just beautiful. I think you have found your new niche

  11. So cute :D

  12. I love them!  So cute. 

  13. These are absolutely adorable!

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