
Flower Power

Sugar Cookie Flowers

I did it. I’m sooooooo excited. I have been wanting to learn how to make homemade decorated sugar cookies since I started this website. But, I’ve been putting it off because they really intimidated me. The whole homemade dough thing. (As far as sugar cookies go, I grew up making the refrigerated Pillsbury kind. You know what I’m talking about.) Not to mention, I didn’t have a rolling pin. That’s right. Me. No rolling pin. Never owned one. Then, there’s the whole royal icing issue, in two consistencies, and making sure it doesn’t dry out. It just always seemed like too much. Then I came across the book, Cookie Craft. And, wow, everything just seemed possible. My dreams of smooth sugar-coated cookies could come true. So, I bought the book and then, went a couple of stores over to Williams-Sonoma and bought my very own rolling pin… a silicone one… look how pretty it is. (Yes, I probably overpaid, but I was in the moment and had to have one.)

Ready to roll

It worked wonderfully with some very helpful tips and tricks from the book.

Cookie Cutters

Now, I don’t really own that many cookie cutters, so I used this set of Ateco daisy cutters that I had on hand to do most of my experimenting. Thought they would be a great way to practice flowers.

Cookies Cutouts

So far, so good. Guess this might not be so hard after all.

Now, skip ahead the several bowls of icing color, squeeze bottles, sugar crystals, and toothpicks that covered my kitchen table and ta-dah… beautiful sugary flowers.

Flower Sugar Cookies

I’m really excited about how they came out. Not too shabby for my first go at it. Especially since I have a really hard time piping. Now, all you veteran cookie bakers, cut me a little slack here. I know I can improve a lot on the look of these, but, oh how much fun it will be to practice getting better. Think of all the poor cookies I’ll have to sacrifice as test subjects. Yay!!!

Flower Sugar Cookies

I also made some teddy bears with this batch. They’re so cute. I think I’m in love with them.

A Pair of Bears

And, after all that work, this is what makes it so worth while.

Thumbs Up

Cookie Craft

Thanks Cookie Craft, for giving me the guts to go for it. I love it when things work out like you hope. And, your recipe and directions were perfect. I guess it’s true, you never know what you’re capable of until you try.

Now, for the good news. I liked this book so much, I went and bought another one just for you.

Want your very own copy of Cookie Craft?

Just leave a comment below with an answer to these cookie questions.

What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?

  • Make sure to leave your email or a link back to your blog with your comment so I can contact you if you win.
  • Cutoff to enter is Friday, September 26th at midnight.
  • The winner will be announced sometime Saturday.


The Giveaway is over. Commenter #419, Amylouwho wins a copy of the book.
Thanks for playing everyone!

Note: The winner will be chosen using the integer generator.

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1,461 comments on “Flower Power”

  1. homemade….sugar cookies with frosting

    store bought….pepperidge farm milano

  2. My fav: Alfajores, is a south american cookie, it’s a sandwich of cookies with dulce de leche in the middle.
    The store cookie I like the most…Milano

  3. They're precious!

    Snickerdoodles & Oreos

  4. My favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip cookies, of course!

    For my favorite store bought cookies: I’m not exactly sure what the name of them is, but they’re in a pink box with the word wedding in it. Danish wedding cookies, maybe? Oh, they’re so good! But I don’t ever get them because I eat the whole box if I do!

  5. Um those look like some really yummy cookies. Bakery worthy even!! My favorite homemade cookie is peanut butter with the hershy kiss. As for store bought it would have to be sugar cookies. I like just slicing them off. I am not a big fan of the rolling pin.

  6. My favorite homemade cookie is a double chocolate chip recipe I have.

    My favorite store bought would have to be Oreos…and dunked in ice cold milk…YUM!

    Love your sugar cookie bears…they look to cute to eat!


  7. My favorite homemade cookies are my Nana’s meltaways.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos, drenched in milk.

  8. Homemade – my mom’s shortbread cookies with chocolate chips that she only makes at Christmas. They are so yummy. :)

    Storebought – probably those maple flavoured cookies that look like maple leaves. They were a rare treat, as a child, because, unlike most other cookies, there was not a no-name option to ahve instead, so my mom hardly bought the maple ones, because they were so much more money than no name cookies.


  9. That’s your first time making sugar cookies? I’m inpressed!
    My favorite homemade are chocolate chip and my favorite store bought are those Lofthouse Sugar cookies. Yum!

  10. Gorgeous cookies. I am going to have to check this book out. My fave store bought cookies are the sugar cookies with the icing. I don’t have the guts to make them myself. My fave homemade cookie is choco chip with the toll house chips. YUM! Now I want a cookie!

  11. Your cookies are beautiful!! I feel the sme way about sugar cookies- totally intimidated.
    My favorite homemade cookies are Snickerdoodles. I make mine with a little extra nutmeg in the cinnamon sugar coating. Mmmm.
    My favorite store bought cookie are Vienna Fingers, with a glass of very cold milk to dip them in.

  12. They look much better than my cookies! Nice work! Favorite homemade is frosted sugar cookies. Favorite store bought is the Pepperidge farms ones that are real lacy with minty chocolate on the bottom.

  13. my favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip. really soft – almost undercooked. yum.
    my favorite store bought are thin mints…gotta love the girl scouts!
    you’ve totally inspired me with these cookies. i think they’re gorgeous. :)

  14. oh my favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles;
    soft and sugar-cinnamon coated!

    my favorite store bought cookies are bourbon creams;
    no other chocolate cookie can beat those.

    i love your decorated flower cookies! (i haven’t found time/occasion to try that yet)

  15. Hi,
    First, your cookies came out GREAT!!!! Are you kidding? They look better than most! I’ve been afraid to give these a try as well.

    Okay, now for the questions. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip, a little undercooked so that it stays nice and soft even after it’s cooled enough to eat and don’t forget the HUGE glass of icy cold milk. No dunking please! I don’t eat pre-packaged cookies though I will use them in other desserts.

  16. First of all, I love your site! I get so many ideas from it and am going to try to make the cake balls soon. :)

    My favorite homemade cookie would have to be the classic chocolate chip cookie. You just can’t go wrong with butter, brown sugar, and chocolate!

    My favorite store-bought cookie is the white chocolate covered Oreos (they only come out at Christmas).

    Thank you!

  17. fave homemade: pumpkin chocolate chip
    fave storebought: HEB brand frosted soft sugar cookies

  18. Homemade – Chocolate chip with pecans… right out of the oven, yum!

    Store bought – Currently… gingersnaps!

  19. my favourite home made cookie is oatmeal raisin and it so happened that i made a batch yesterday. it’s so good that even the crumbs are gone!

    my favourite store bought cookies has to be Pepperridge Farm’s chewy choc chip. these are choca-full of chocolate and chewy, exactly how i like my choc chip cookies!

  20. ooo the flowers are gorg!
    fav homemade cookie: ranger cookies
    fav store bought: white chocolate macadamia nut!

    p.s. thanks for the cookie craving at 8 am.

  21. My homemade favorite is chocolate chip.

    My favorite store bought is Pepperidge Farm Soft Baked Sugar Cookie.


  22. My favorite homemade cookie is snickerdoodles. Favorite store bought cookies are the vanilla oreos.

  23. my favorite homemade cookie has to be cheesecake thumbprints. cheesecake in a shortbread cookie… yummm!

    my favorite store bought cookies have to be… mint chocolate milano cookies.

  24. I think your sugar cookies are beautiful!! My favorite homemade cookies are gingersnaps. My favorite store bought cookies are Pepperidge Farms Sugar Cookies.

  25. I just wanted to say thank you for the gift offer, but I just noticed that you get so many more comments when there is something free to give away. I don’t want the book. I just want to congratulate you on your great sugar cookies! They look fabulous!

  26. My favorite cookie to make is a cutout cookie made with cream cheese and then with a cream cheese frosting…mmm its to die for. I should go make them now!

    My favorite store bought is Oreo Double stuff

  27. My favorite homemade cookie is definitely chocolate chip and my favorite store bought are pepperidge farm geneva.

  28. My favorite homemade is Oatmeal Raisin.

    My favorite store bought is definitely Oreo’s!!!

  29. My fave handmade cookie are my mom’s Kolache cookies.
    My fave store bought are Oreo.
    Yum! I’m getting a cookie craving just thinking about them.

  30. So beautiful!

    My favorite home-made cookie has to be chocolate chip oatmeal

    Favorite store bought are mexican wedding cookies!

  31. My favorite home made cookie is Peanut butter and my favorite store bought cookie are the keebler double chocolate cookies.

  32. My Fav Homemade – Choc chip, right out of the oven.

    Fav Storebought – OREOS!! with lots for milk for dipping.

  33. My favorite homemade cookie is one my grandfather used to make, a mixture of flour, cereals, syrup, sugar and bicarb.

    I’m not much of a fan of store bought, but my favorite is a Marie bscuit :)

  34. My favorite homemade cookie, is chocolate chip.

    And my favorite store bought cookies are Milk Chocolate Milan.

  35. My favorite homemade: Martha’s carrot cake sandwich cookies (cream cheese filling in middle)

    My favorite store bought: Oreos!

  36. My favorite homemade cookie is the classic chocolate chip cookie but they have to be soft!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos. I even went so far as to write a research paper on them in 8th grade! :)

  37. My favorite homemade cookies are definitely chocolate chip! And as for store bought – Double Stuff Oreos. Both have to be with a tall glass of ice cold milk, for dipping!

    You cookies are absolutely lovely!!

  38. Great job on the cookies! My favorite store bought cookies are nutter butters, and my favorite home made cookies are my mom’s cut out sugar cookies! MMMM….

  39. My favorite homemade cookie is the snickerdoodle. My favorite store bought (okay it’s not technically a grocery store item) is the frosted sugar cookes from Mrs. Fields.

    Your icing skills are very good! You were too hard on yourself! :-)

  40. Awesome job on the cookies! I too have always wanted to try doing this, but have never taken the time to do so. Too many other crafts that I work I too I guess! Would love to win this book!!

    My favorite homemade cookie is going ol’ chocolate chip. My favorite store bought?? Not sure that there is an overall favorite, but Oreo’s are always fun. . .especially when sharing them with my 3 boys. And the mint chocolate covered ones are even better!!

  41. From a professional cookie baker, I must say you did a fantastic job! Thumbs up and an atta girl from me! :)

    My fave homemade cookie has to be oatmeal anyway you make it. My favorite store bought is definately Oreo!!! Yummy!!!!

  42. My favorite homemade cookies are pumpkin chocolate chip. I got the recipe from the wife of a friend, they are so soft.

    My favorite store bought are oatmeal raisin. Mmm…

    I definitely want to give these sugar cookies a shot, I haven’t made them for years. These look wonderful.

  43. You never stop amazing us with your talent!

    My favorite cookie is homemade sugar cookies with sprinkles at Christmas time.

    My favorite store bought cookie is Nutter Butter Cookies – the best!

  44. Favorite Homemade Cookie: Chocolate Chip with Walnuts

    Favorite Store Bought: Pepperidege Farm Double Chocolate Chunk

  45. These are beautiful. I need to book so that I can attempt to make such nice cookies!

    For my favorite homemade cookie, I need to go with the Original Toll House recipe with extra nuts.

    Favorite store bought cookie is Keeble Fudge Stripe.

  46. Chocolate Chip for homemade, warm from the oven, with cold, cold milk. And an oreo for storebought. Your sugar cookies look beautiful and delicious!

  47. I have always been so intimidated by decorated sugar cookies! You’ve inspired me to give it a try. favorite homemade cookie is probably oatmeal raisin or chocolate chip!

    I do like store bought shortbread cookies.

  48. my fave homemade cookies are plain ol’ chocolate chip… the kind right off the back of the Nestle Tollhouse bag! Mmmmm. And my favorite store-bought cookies have to be snickerdooles at any mall cookie store. I can never get mine to taste like theirs!

  49. oh my goodness! these look so cute! i wish i had your skill! :-)

    favorite homemade – probably chocolate crinkles. they are essentially brownie goodness. so irresistable.

    favorite store bought – keebler elfs. i can’t resist them. reminds me of childhood :-)

  50. I think you did a great job on these cookies! Love the flowers…

    Ok, my favorite homemade cookie is…shortbread cookie sandwich with jam, or thumbprints w/ jam :)

    I don’t like any storebought cookies!

  51. I am married to a cookie-a-holic–so we are always making cookies around here!
    Favorite homemade ones are dulce de leche tarts….yum!

    Fav store bought: Mother’s Molasses cookies.

  52. Homemade cookies? Choc chip or oreos
    Store bought? Choc chip or oreos
    I usually prefer homemade, but there’s something extra sinful about storebought…
    I love your sugar cookies–gorgeous!

  53. My favorite homemade cookies are raspberry swirl sugar cookies.
    My favorite store bought cookies are ginger snaps

  54. My favorite homemade cookie is what I call “Cinnamon Puff Cookies” my mom makes at Christmas. I think they are actually made with sour cream. I’ve never made them myself before because I just prefer them to be made for me by Mom!

    Fav store-bought – anything with chocolate chips. I rarely buy cookies at the store, though!

  55. my fav homemade are peanut butter cookies and store bought have to be oreos.

  56. Ooooh! Sugar cookies intimidate me too! I guess I’ll go and see if I can find this book.

    Fav’ homemade cookie is Oatmeal Choc Chip! (adds a touch of healthy LOL)
    Fav store bought? We go through oreo packages at our house SO fast! We need to buy stock in the company…

  57. My favorite homemade cookie is, without a doubt, NO-BAKE Cookies!!!

    My favorite store bought cookie are Nabisco’s Nutter Butter cookies!

    Eat them together and WHOA! Watch out! DSS. (Delicious Shock Syndrome)

  58. My Favorite homemade cookies were the sugar cookies my grandma use to make, the recipe in her own head… store bought cookies..uhm…oatmeal raisin!

    I would love to try all those different sugar cookies! Thanks!

  59. My favorite Homemade cookie is Snickerdoodles. My favorite Storebought cookies are Big Sky Bread Company whole wheat chocolate chip cookies!

    Love your site!

  60. My favorite homemade is gingerbread and store bought is Mint Milanos.

  61. I love, love, love homemade gingersnaps. My favorite store bought cookie would have to be Pepperidge Farms Brussels cookies. Oh the sin of it all!

  62. Homemade- Chocolate Chip
    Store Bought- Oreos

  63. My favorite homemade – almond glazed sugar cookies; favorite store bought – ginger creams.

  64. My favorite is gingerbread cookies.

  65. These are beautiful! I have such a hard time with just plain sugar cookies!

    Favorite Homemade cookies: Lemon cookies with lemon glaze

    Favorite Store Bought: Double Stuff Oreos…..wish I had some right now :)

  66. What beautiful cookies Bakerella! My favorite homemade cookies is from the recipe on the back of the Tollhouse milk chocolate chip bag, but using the bag of Andes mint chips instead. And, instead of making them into actual cookies, I put it all in a round silicon pan and make a cookie pie out of it!! DELICIOUS!!~
    Favorite store bought….. the pre-sliced Reese’s pieces cookies, or or Soft-Batch chocolate chip! I must go buy some now!!!

  67. How wonderful it is when I get a “Bakerella” e-mail in my inbox. Especially this week with a contest ending on my birthday (the 26th)! No matter what our age it’s always nice to feel special and your special touches inspire all of us to make our gifts of food with that extra love!
    My new favorite homemade cookies: Nick’s Nutty Cranberry Cookie (healthy, but addicting.)
    My favorite store bought cookies: Well I normally buy my Girl Scout Thin Mints outside our local grocery store, so I hope that counts!

  68. Those are really cute. It makes me wish I had little girls… I need to make something fun for little boys!

    I love oatmeal choc chip orange zest cookies.

    And my favorite store bought cookies are Thin Mints… do those count, they are bought…

  69. They really look YUMMY!!
    My favorite homemade is sugar cookie cutouts…just like yours.
    Store bought…you just can’t beat Oreos

  70. my fav. homemade cookies are my homemade chewy triple chocolate cookies.. they’re just addictive!

    and my faveourite store bougt cookies would be those small domino mint cookies dipped in chocolate.. yum. (domino’s are pretty much the same as oreos only the cookie is a bit thinner and therefor crunchier)

  71. Fave homemade cookie: chocolate no-bakes. Fave store-bought: Lofthouse frosted sugar cookies.

    Love your blog! Keep up the good work!

  72. homemade? mmm, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.
    storebought would have to be the soft & chewy chips ahoy! cookies. oh good gravy those things are GOOD!

  73. My favorite store bought cookie is actually a fund raiser bought cookie dough- chocolate mint chip! I buy a tub every time my kids come home with an order form.

    My favorite homemade cookie is my grandmother’s tea cake cookie, which is a recipe from her grandmother.

  74. they look too beautiful to eat!

    my favorite homemade cookies are good ‘ole chocolate chip cookies, extra chocolate chips please. :)

    and store bought has to be Oreos, double stuffed with a tall glass of milk. YUM!

    my email is:

  75. Your cookies came out cute. I want to try!

    Favorite homemade: Clementine’s Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies:

    Favorite store bought: Walker’s shortbread.

  76. My favorite homemade cookie is the rolled sugar cut-out cookie that my mom and I make at Christmas time. I think they are my favorite just because of the memories attached!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Otis Spunkmeyer of any variety.

  77. My absolute fav. homemade has to be no bake cookies. Sometimes called cow pies.
    As far as store bought goes I’m not sure it counts but I love ALL girl scout cookies!

  78. My favorite homemade cookie are No Bake Cookies (chocolate, peanut butter and oatmeal – yum).

    My favorite store bought cookie are Oreos. :)

  79. My favorite homemade cookie is a coconut macadamia nut cookie that I found a recipe for. They are addictive.

    My favorite bought cookies are the girl scout Carmel Delight’s. One box is a serving…right?

    I have also always been intimidatedby cut out cookies. I can never seem to get the dough consistency right. I usually just stick to drop cookies or something that doesn’t require as much precision!

    Thanks for all of your tips, ideas and recipes. You and your website are terrific!

  80. Fave homemade are ginger cookies and store bought are digestive biscuits.

    And your cookies are gorgeous :)

  81. My favorite homemade cookie is definitely the classic chocolate chip.
    My favorite store bought cookie is the famous Oreo.

  82. Your cookies turned out GREAT!

    My favorite homemade cookie is Oatmeal Scotchies.

    My favorite store bought cookie is Loft House Sugar (cake) cookies with all the yummy icing on top! You buy them in the deli department at Walmart and other stores! YUM!

  83. My favourite homemade cookie is my best friend Amy’s Chocolate Chip recipe – amazing!!

    My favourite store bought cookie is definitely the Oreo!! Love them so, so much!!

    thanks for the cool contest – the book looks fabulous!

  84. My favorite homemade cookie are my gradmother’s sugar cookies. Which are really almond crescent cookies but we call them sugar cookies because they are coated in sugar.

    My favorite store bough cookies are the bakery rainbow cookies. There is a bakery near me that even puts a thin layer of marzipan….oh so good!

  85. Favorite Homemade Cookie: Chocolate Chip

    Favorite Store Bought: Archway Chocolate Cookies.

  86. Favorite homemade…my snickerdoodles or my mother’s chocolate chip oatmeal. amazing!!!

    favorite store bought is really restaurant bought…paradise cafe chocolate chip coconut!!! even more amazing…but don’t tell my mom!!!

  87. My favorite homemade is definitely chocolate chip cookies and my favorite store bought are danish wedding cookies. Yum!

  88. My fav homemade cookie is a recipe I have for chocolate coconut cookies…they are out of this world!!!

    Store bought would have to be some nestle tollhouse chocolate chip with walnuts.

    I made the cupcake pops this weekend in the pink and brown and they were quite a hit!!

  89. Favorite Homemade: Chocolate Chip
    Favorite Storebought: Double-Stuf Oreos–so bad for you, but soooo good!

    I’m totally intimidated by royal icing too!!!

  90. My favorite homemade cookie is from a recipe my grandmother gave me years and years ago. It’s called Date Nut Chews. You have to make the dough a day ahead and let it sit in the fridge but it’s so worth it.

    Favorite store bought cookie has to be Oreo! Only the classic one though…don’t like the new flavors!

  91. They’re beautiful! I have the exact same rolling pin and I love it!

    Homemade: Chocolate Toffee
    Store bought: Grasshopper

  92. My favorite homemade cookie is def. chocolate chip.

    My favorite store bought are those toll house soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies.

  93. My favorite homemade cookie id chocolate chip and my favorite store bought is Rainbow Chips Deluxe. :)

  94. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    My Mom’s chocolate chip-less cookies or Jiffy cookies which I could eat day in and out!
    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    OMG OMG OMG – those HUGE ones you buy in the bakery with all the frosting and they look like characters. YUM

  95. I love butter cutouts with butter frosting (homemade)! And from the store, EL Fudge elf cookies with fudge in the middle. :-)

  96. My favorite homemade cookie is long as it’s fresh out of the oven.

    My favorite store bought is Oreos or Gingersnaps because I can’t make those at home.

  97. You’re cookies look gorgeous, great job!

    Favorite Homemade: Rainbow/Venetian Cookies

    Store bought: Oreos

  98. Favorite Homemade Cookie: My sister’s reverse White Chocolate Cookie (yummy chocolate ‘body’ with white chocolate chips!)
    Favorite Store bought Cookie: Chocolate Chip Cookies from BJ’s. They’re huge AND yummy!

  99. i love to make sugar cookies with my kids and grandson! even bought a miniature rolling pin for them! my fave though is chocolate chip, both homemade and purchased. soft, gooey, hot homemade and crunchy store-bought.

  100. I love the flower cookies! The bears are too precious. My favorite homemade cookie is peanut butter but when I buy store bought I go for Vienna Fingers! Yumm!!

  101. My favorite homemade…My Aunt makes a delicious pastry type cookie that has a cream cheese frosting.
    My favorite store bought…
    Mint Chocolate Covered or White Chocolate covered Oreos. They always seem to have them during the holiday season.

  102. my favorite home made cookie is a peanut butter cup one i make that i could eat the whole batch of. the best store bought cookie is the sugar wafer….strawberry ones. i can’t get enough of those.

  103. My favorite homemade are rolled Sugar Cookies. Not my recipe…Martha Stewart’s and she hasn’t failed me yet.
    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos with a cold glass of milk.

  104. Oh my…where to start with my favorite homemade cookie. I know I might ramble on, but seeing your latest post and the questions it reminded me of cookie making with my mom. Every Christmas my mom and I would work for hours making 6 sometimes 8 different cookies for the holiday.(There were only 4 of us that lived in this house) Some were the same every year like the Toll House Chocolate Chip or the M&M cookies while others changed from Molasses Cookies to Lemon Iced Cookies. We would store them all warm in old Charle Chip tins. Til this day I can't look at a chip tin and not think of cookies, and now around the holidays I go through the same baking rituals for the holidays.

    I would have to say my favorite homemade cookies are my Mom's Chocolate Peacan Cookies

    and my favorite store bought cookie would have to be Tim Tams. They are more like internet purchased cookies from Austrailia.

    Thank you for the great trip down memory lane and urge to go home and bake some cookies:)

  105. Wow! Your cookies look delish!!
    My favorite home made cookie is my Husband's Double Chocolate Chocolate Cookies (a recipe that he mangled that came out even better than the original and he now bakes frequently! The batter is like fudge!)

    I don't really care for store bought cookies…I used to like the Pepperidge Farm Double Chocolate Milanos but I can't seem to get them in one piece anymore. Every bag we purchased over the last year has been just big crumbs. Can't even serve them at a dinner party. So no store bought cookies anymore.

    I would love to try my hand at the gorgeous decorated sugar cookies you made! I have tons of cookie cutters and 2 ready & willing helpers who turn 8 today!

    Thanks for the wonderful opportunity to win!!!

  106. My favorite homemade cookie are my friend Sherry’s cranberry, oatmeal and white chocolate chip soft cookies. Yum!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Girl Scout Thin Mints. Especially from the freezer. . .

  107. What’s your favorite homemade cookie? I still LOVE the old Toll House recipe. Cream cheese cutouts are a second fav…

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie? I love Mother’s Taffy cookies.

  108. My favorite homemade cookies are Raisin oatmeal…

    Store bought: definately Milano cookies!

  109. Favorite Homemade: Snickerdoodles

    Favorites Storebought: those thick sugar cookies with the delightful icing that they sell in the deli at grocery stores. MMMMMM!!!

  110. These look absolutely stunning to me. I’m no expert, by any means. But I think they really look spectacular.
    As for cookies, my favorite homemade cookies are pretty much anything I pull out of the oven. I like all types of cookies, but I prefer them warm and soft and hopefully with some chocolate in them.
    If I have cookies from the store, I’m always a sucker for the Oreo. :o)

  111. Fav homemade? peanut butter chocolate chip!!

    Fav store bought? nutter butter, probably

  112. My favorite homemade cookie is Oatmeal Raisin.

    Favorite store bought? Pepperidge Farm Mini Chessmen. Not sure why, but the minis taste better than the big ones! :)


  113. My favorite homemade cookies is oatmeal and raisin.

    My favorite store bought cookies is pecan sandies by Keebler.

  114. beautiful cookies! my favorite homemade cookies…. it’s a tie between cranberry walnut oatmeal and chocolate chip.

    favorite store bought, that really depends on my mood, but it’s usually mint oreos, or danish wedding cookies.

  115. well done, u did a great job :)

    fav hm cookie are melting moments with a lovely buttercream centre, mmmmmmm

    fav store cookie has to be oreos.

  116. My favorite homemade are “pink cookies” from my grandmas recipe. They use baking ammonia for leavening.

    FAvorite store bought are windmill cookies.

  117. What’s your favorite homemade cookie? Chocolate chip…so original, I know.

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    Umm, I think it’s Nestle, but its a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie, with mini peanut butter cups on top. SO GOOD! Or are those still considered home made? ;) If so, then I’d have to go with Soft Batch chocolate chips cookies (see the theme here). :)

  118. Your cookies look fabulous! I have been making sugar cookies for a while now and they still don’t look as good as your ‘first’ ones! My favorite homemade cookies are Paula Deen’s ‘Magnola Lace Trumpets’ which are very time consuming but very worth it! My favorite store bought-that’s a toughie because I rarely buy from the store-it’s usually from scratch. I guess I would have to say something so simple as animal crackers! Reminds me of childhood.

  119. fav. homemade cookies is chocolate chip cookies
    fav. store cookies is kroger frosted cookies

  120. Homemade? Oatmeal chocolate chip.

    Store bought? Ugh. I try not to buy at the store. Oreos in a pinch.

    We have the best cookie bakery not far from here, and I love getting both drop and decorated sugar cookies from them! Connie’s Cookies… yum!

  121. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip with coconut!

    And Oreo dipped in cold glass of milk, indulgence…..

    Your cookies are wonderful!!!!

  122. I’m so boring, but my favorite homemade is chocolate chip and store bought is oreos. Can’t beat a classic

  123. Your cookies are adorable! I’ve always wanted to try that kind of frosting.
    My favorite Homemade cookie is an oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookie that we call Oatrageous cookies.
    My favorite storebought cookies are those little decorated butter cookies from the bakery case in the grocery stores.

  124. My favorite homemade is chocolate chip! My favorite store bought is Milano! Yummy!

  125. Oh the injustice to have to narrow it to just one of each type.

    I’ll go with the cookie my Mom made the most of when I was growing up but no one seems to have heard of them: chocodiles. They’re a sofe peanut butter cookie on bottom with a not-too-sweet boiled chocolate frosting on top.

    Fave store bought would be Nutter Butters.

  126. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?

    Mine is white chocolate and cranerry cookies!

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?

    Mmmm Millies Cookies – any variety!! or my fav biscuit type cookie – OREO!

  127. My favorite homemade cookies – spritz cookies.

    My favorite store bought cookies – Pepperidge Farm Strawberry Veronas

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway and congrats on great looking cookies!

  128. I love my homemade choc chip cookies cos I can just put anything i want inside with lots of chocolate!

    double stuff oreos with milk. mmmmm.

  129. I can’t believe you had never made those cookies before, you could have fooled me!

    My favorite homemade cookie would probably be chocolate chip hazelnut.

    My favorite store bought is probably those store brand sugar cookies with tons of frosting on top, the ones that fall apart as soon as you bite into them, and you have to be careful not to inhale crumbs…I hate that they always put them on the way to the checkout!

  130. I love homemade oatmeal scotchies!

    And it’s hard to resist the giant cherry chocolate chip oatmeal cookies from Great Harvest Bread Co. in Colorado.

  131. My favorite homemade cookie is what we call a spritz cookie, but basically is the sugar cookie with a red hot on it– plain, simple, but oh so delicious!

    My favorite store bought cookies are chocolate chip oatmeal from the bakery! I can have them anymore (gluten-free these days) but I do love them!!

    kelgirl105 at yahoo dot com

  132. Favorite Homemade cookies:

    My grandma’s sugar cookies with buttercream frosting

    Favorite Store Bought: Ginger Snaps (can’t remember the brand, but the come in a brown bag that’s 1 lb). LOL. It’s early.

  133. Best homemade cookie is chocolate chip with Ghiradelli choc chips!

    Store bought is the thick icing topped sugar cookies from Walmart. Can’t get any better than that!

    kevindormer at hotmail dot com

  134. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip – my favorite store bought cookie would have to be Milanos by Pepperidge Farm.

  135. Beautiful cookies! I am going to try and make those bears for a baby shower…so sweet.

    My fav homemade cookie would be Molasses Crinkles…a recipe from Betty Crocker back in the 60″s
    My fav store bought cookie would be Maple Leaf Cremes…

  136. Beautiful Cookies!!
    My fav. homemade is Chocolate Chip
    My fav. storebought is Grasshoppers (like girl scout Thin Mints)

  137. Your cookies look great! I rarely make cut out cookies because I can never get them rolled out right. I may have to try the book that you used to see if it is any easier for me.

    My favorite homemade cookies is the recipe that I came up with for chocolate chip cookies. My favorite store bought is Oreos.

  138. I love those teddy bears! I have that same rolling pin…my DAD actually bought it for me! :) I love it!

  139. this are so cute:) Ha i just made a batch of flowery cookies which I ll post about soon. Seems we were in the same mood for flowery cookies :-)

    My favourite homemade cookies ar peanut butter cookies

    My storebought ones Cadbury s chocolate chip cookies

  140. my favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal chocolate chip craisin

    my favorite store bought cookies are milanos

  141. my favorite homemade cookie has to be just regular ol’ nestle tollhouse chocolate chip cookies. they remind me of when i was little :]

    as far as store bought goes, i am in loooove with the pepperidge farms nantucket chocolate chunk cookies [the hard kind].

    and your cookies look beautiful! [i don’t own a rolling pin either, but you’re kinda making me want to go get one].

  142. favorite homemade:sugar cookie from King Arthur cookbook with icing made with vanilla, butter and almond flavoring and thinned with whipped cream.

    store bought:Pillsbury cookie dough of any kind

  143. My favorite store bought are those sinful chocolate covered marshmallows on chocolate cookie bottom. Yuml, yum.

    I guess my favorite to make have to be chocolate chip — I seem to make them the most.

  144. Homemade: My mom’s sugar cookies.
    Store bought: Thumbprint

  145. wow! you did a lovely job. if you don’t already do this, i suggest putting orange zest in your cookie dough. it makes for the ultimate sugar cookie experience. truly!

    my fav’ at home – oatmeal raisin to be sure!
    store bought? albertson’s of socal and probably other areas sold this delicious white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookie. drool…

    i have a sugar cookie story to share. i’ll try to be brief. a friend of mine and i did hundreds of heart-shaped ones for my now best friend’s wedding in multiple colors to match her color scheme – using the martha recipes and tips (painful at times!). each one had their names on them. it was a terribly long and frustrating job at first. anyway, after a long day of making them, we decided to go out to dinner and celebrate while the frosting dried so that we could wrap them up in their pretty little clear baggies and tie them with ribbons. when we returned, her cat (who we thought had been locked up in her room) had licked several of the cookies and we pretty much had to start all over because i was freaking out about health regulations, etc. – but this time we used my house!!! we were up all night and i looked a wreck at the wedding!

  146. My favorite homemade cookie is definitely my moms filled cookies..mmmmm…
    My favorite store bought is definitely white chocolate covered oreos!!!

  147. Congratulations on conquering a fear! Doesn’t that feel fantastic? I will eventually tackle my bread fear … but I’ll continue to put that one off for now!

    My favorite homemade cookie is my great-grandmother’s recipe. We call them Nana cookies – a soft and spicy molasses cookie.

    My favorite store-bought cookie are those thick and puffy sugar cookies with the gobs of frosting on top. Love them!

  148. How can you say you are no good at piping! Look at these they are fabulous! I love your work and save nearly every entry to try – OMG Ive got soo much to do!

    My fav cookies (biscuits over here in the Uk!) are White Choc and Hazlenuts.

    Favourite bought biscuits have got to be McVities Digestives – they are useful for everything!


  149. My favorite cookie is a sugar cookie dipped in beautiful chocolate 1/2 way across it. Sometimes it is great with nuts sprinkled on it too.

    My favorite store bought cookies are the praline cookies from a local bakery:) Does that really count as store bought? If not then Nutter Butters.

  150. Favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles and store bought ones have to be white chocolate macadamia nut one. Never got up the nerve to try to bake them myself.

  151. I already have this book but YAY! you did an awesome job for your first cookies. Congrats.

  152. My favorite cookie were the oatmeal raisin cookies my grandma used to make. I can still remember the smell of those baking in the oven.

    My favorite store bought cookies are always oatmeal cookies with that yummy white glaze on top. Those cookies get me into trouble, well okay they make it difficult to button up my pants without having to lay on the bed.

  153. My favorite homemade cookies are Toll House Cookies. (I am intimidated by rolling sugar cookies) yours are beautiful!

    My favoite store bought cookies are Oreos.

  154. My favorite homemade cookie is a peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip. I worked as a kitchen cutie way back when… the cook would make these cookies and I spent a good ten years trying to find a recipe that matched the memories. I finally experimented enough and found a good match.

    My favorite store bought cookie is from the Barnes & Noble Cafe. They have a sugar cookie that tastes more like a shortbread cookie with great big sanding crystals in pastel colors. The cookies are awesome!!!

  155. Those look beautiful! But I agree, practice makes perfect and the fun we can have practicing… :)

    My favorite home-made cookie is the chocolate-peanut butter one.

    My favorite store-bought have to be oreos.

    Hug *

  156. My favorite homemade cookies are Oatmeal raisin (though Snickerdoodles are always yummy).

    My favorite store cookies are Oreos. YUM!

  157. My favorite homemade cookies definitely have to be good ol’ peanut butter cookies. My favorite store bought cookies are chips ahoy! :D


    The cookies are GREAT !! I now too have the “guts” to try the icing thing…if you can do it so can I …thank you.

  159. Wow! They came out beautiful!
    I love to bake chocolate chunk cookies.
    I love to buy ginger snaps.

  160. Those decorated cookies are just gorgeous- i can’t believe it’s your first time at them!

    My favourite homemade cookies is definitely chocolate chip cookies. Store brought- Oreos :)

  161. Favorite Homemade: Shortbread Mmmm.
    Favorite Store Bought: Oreos!!

  162. My favorite homemaid cookie is chocolate chip

    My favorite store bought cookies are White chip macadameon (sp) nut

  163. My favorite homemade cookie is spritz butter cookies with almond extract in them-yum!

    The only boughten cookie I like is Cameo. I like them dipped in tea and once I start, I can not stop eating them!

    Your cookies look great.

  164. My favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal raisin and my favorite store bought are Oreos.

  165. My favorite homemade cookies are potato chip cookies, my fave store boughts are Mallomars – thank God they are only available seasonally!!

  166. My favorite homemade cookie is gooey butter cookies. You can’t eat just one of those!

    My favorite store bought cookie is double stuff oreos. I never have them in my house because I would eat the whole bag!

  167. Ooh favourite home made cookie has to be peanut butter.
    Favourite store bought I like chocolate chip yumm :)

  168. Hi yum, those cookies are devine..
    faves are:
    Homemade: Melting Moments
    Storebought: Crunchie Squiggle Tops


  169. Wow! They are so beautiful! It’s hard to believe they are your first home made cookies.

    Now I just can’t wait to see your next cookie creation. I’m sure it will be original, cute and fantastic.

  170. Here cookies are called biscuits.

    That said neither of my favourites are “biscuits” lol.

    I like home made american style choc chip cookies, big soft and gooey.

    Shop bought it has to be really good scottish shortbread!

  171. I waiver between a sweet sugar cookie, PB (with a kiss in the middle) or chocolate chip – for home made cookies… I think that a warm choc chip cookie just tops the other two though…

    as for a store bought? I too (as other readers) love Milano – just the plain old chocolate ones…and for some reason, I really like the Publix bakery’s sugar cookies topped with non-pariels…

  172. My fave home made is Neiman Marcus’ choc chip and oats cookie.

    Store bought has to be Tim Tam!

  173. Beautiful cookies, they look yum.

    My favorite homemade cookie -chocolate chip cookes. I use the Neiman Marcus recipe.

    My favorite store bought cookie – Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies.

  174. Less my favourite homemade ones then the peoples’ around me that they are given are Walnut-Raspberry-Cookies. Every Christmas, I bake more and more, and every christmas, there are none left for me. My mom is hiding them from my dad so she could eat them alone :)

    My favourite store bought cookies are swedish oat cookies. Love them because they are so thin and crunchy.

  175. Homemade – my own secret recipe, triple choc chunk cookies

    Bought – can’t go past the Oreo

  176. Just found your blog, looks Yummy! To answer your questions:

    Favorite homemade cookie is the standard Chocolate Chip, though I rarely make them, usually opting for something more fancy.

    Favorite Store bought cookies would be Mothers Iced Animal Cookies, a favorite from childhood that I rarely get to indulge in.

  177. I love homemade oatmeal w/butterscotch chips. My favorite store bought cookies is Hannaford’s bakery brand chocolate chip cookies

  178. I love that book! You did great on your first decorated cookies! You’ll never wanna go back to stoe bought ones!
    I’m in love with your teddy bears too! :)

  179. I think my answer will be boring and typical but here goes:
    Homemade: Mom’s chocolate chip. No matter what I do and how exact or not I follow the recipe, mine are Never like her’s.
    Store bought: Obviously Oreo! It is after all “Milk’s favorite cookie” and I did name my black and white shih-tzu after them! :D


  180. These cookies are…… beautiful. We cannot see these ones here in Spain. I need your recipe and urgently, hahahahaha.
    Fav. homemade: Chocolate chip cookies
    Fav. store bought: Pim’s from Lu Chocolate Mousse. (They are not really cookies because the base is a biscuit, but the shape is like a cookie) mmmmmmmmm really fantastic. Do you have these ones there????

  181. I just wanted to say.. that funny you said flower power…

    as yesterday was world peace day…

    did you coordinate that??

  182. These cookies are beautiful!
    My fav.Homemade cookies French macarons.
    My bought cookies are Oreos.

  183. Home made- oatmeal scotchies

    Store bought- maple cream sandwich cookies! mmmm!!

  184. Way cute! If only my first sugar cookies had looked so good :-)

    My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal toffee. I’m not a big fan of store bought cookies, they’re almost always too crunchy for my taste. If you twist my arm, I will support the girl scouts, though, and suffer through a box of Samoas–the ones with the coconut and caramel ;-)

  185. My favorite homemade cookie has to be chocolate chip with pecan pieces.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Ginger Snaps. So Good!

  186. Maybe a little lame, but my favorite homemade are Tollhouse Chocolate Chip, baked at 325 instead of 350 – and with marg. instead of butter. Perfect! As for store bought? I like those sandwich kind with the creme and the raspberry filling in the middle. Yu!

  187. mmm, homemade is ginger snaps. Store bought are those french butter cookies with the milk chocolate on top. I can’t remember what they’re called for the life of me but I see them on the shelf in my head!

  188. My fav homemade is Swedish gingerbreads.

    My fav store bought is probably regular Oreos


  189. My homemade fave: cakey chocolate chip cookie my hubby bakes (recipe from Martha Stewart).

    My store-bought fave: Trader Joe’s chocolate creme Joe-Joes (it’s Oreos w/out hydrogenated fat). =)

  190. My favorite homemade cookie is my mom's M&M cookies. My favorite store bought is Keebler's Fudge Stripes!

  191. What beautiful biscuits! They look fantastic, and the photos of them being eaten are great! My fave home-made are Anzacs and store bought are Tim Tams. (Sorry, I’m in Australia!)

  192. I think your cookies look terrific – especially for your first time! Very impressive.

    My favorite homemade cookie – oatmeal coconut chocolate chunk sprinkled with sea salt

    My favorite store-bought cookie – peanut butter oreos.

  193. my fav homemade cookie would have to be…frosted pumpkin spice cookies!

    my fav store bought cookie would be…soft sugar cookies with pink frosting!

  194. my favourite homemade cookies has got to be my moms peanut cookies.

    And my favourite store bought cookies is the Ikea Ballerina Cookies. They are so yummy that I could eat the whole pack in one seating.

  195. I just wanted to leave a tip for anyone who doesn’t own a rolling pin – use a wine bottle! It works really well and if you’ve got a cheap bottle around, why not? Only proviso is that you need to make sure it doesn’t roll off the table! :)

    As for cookies –

    homemade: Anything hot out of the oven. Cold cookies are gross.

    store bought: Gotta be the Milanos, esp since you can’t get them here in Australia!

  196. My favorite homemade cookies are plain ol’ chocolate chips and favorite storebought is Pepperidge Farms Brussels

  197. Favorite homemade~ my "monster" cookies (oatmeal/peanut butter/choc. chip/m&m)

    Favorite storebought~ definitely Oreos!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  198. my favorite homemade cookie is kolacky. my favorite store cookie is a sugar cookie by the bakery at rosaures

  199. my favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip peanut butter.

    my favorite store bought would have to be either chips ahoy or milanos!

  200. Fav homemade used to be the Nestle choc chip, until my next door neighbor introduced me to the oatmeal scotchies (butterscotch) on the back of the butterscotch chips. My neighbor says the scotchie is a good inicator of fall.

    Fav store bought is the white chocolate macadamia nut from Costco! YUM!

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