
Flower Power

Sugar Cookie Flowers

I did it. I’m sooooooo excited. I have been wanting to learn how to make homemade decorated sugar cookies since I started this website. But, I’ve been putting it off because they really intimidated me. The whole homemade dough thing. (As far as sugar cookies go, I grew up making the refrigerated Pillsbury kind. You know what I’m talking about.) Not to mention, I didn’t have a rolling pin. That’s right. Me. No rolling pin. Never owned one. Then, there’s the whole royal icing issue, in two consistencies, and making sure it doesn’t dry out. It just always seemed like too much. Then I came across the book, Cookie Craft. And, wow, everything just seemed possible. My dreams of smooth sugar-coated cookies could come true. So, I bought the book and then, went a couple of stores over to Williams-Sonoma and bought my very own rolling pin… a silicone one… look how pretty it is. (Yes, I probably overpaid, but I was in the moment and had to have one.)

Ready to roll

It worked wonderfully with some very helpful tips and tricks from the book.

Cookie Cutters

Now, I don’t really own that many cookie cutters, so I used this set of Ateco daisy cutters that I had on hand to do most of my experimenting. Thought they would be a great way to practice flowers.

Cookies Cutouts

So far, so good. Guess this might not be so hard after all.

Now, skip ahead the several bowls of icing color, squeeze bottles, sugar crystals, and toothpicks that covered my kitchen table and ta-dah… beautiful sugary flowers.

Flower Sugar Cookies

I’m really excited about how they came out. Not too shabby for my first go at it. Especially since I have a really hard time piping. Now, all you veteran cookie bakers, cut me a little slack here. I know I can improve a lot on the look of these, but, oh how much fun it will be to practice getting better. Think of all the poor cookies I’ll have to sacrifice as test subjects. Yay!!!

Flower Sugar Cookies

I also made some teddy bears with this batch. They’re so cute. I think I’m in love with them.

A Pair of Bears

And, after all that work, this is what makes it so worth while.

Thumbs Up

Cookie Craft

Thanks Cookie Craft, for giving me the guts to go for it. I love it when things work out like you hope. And, your recipe and directions were perfect. I guess it’s true, you never know what you’re capable of until you try.

Now, for the good news. I liked this book so much, I went and bought another one just for you.

Want your very own copy of Cookie Craft?

Just leave a comment below with an answer to these cookie questions.

What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?

  • Make sure to leave your email or a link back to your blog with your comment so I can contact you if you win.
  • Cutoff to enter is Friday, September 26th at midnight.
  • The winner will be announced sometime Saturday.


The Giveaway is over. Commenter #419, Amylouwho wins a copy of the book.
Thanks for playing everyone!

Note: The winner will be chosen using the integer generator.

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1,461 comments on “Flower Power”

  1. My favorite homemade cookie is the sugar cookies from Elvis’ Graceland cookbook! It is filled with everything bad for you, but so irresistible. Plus it yields 6 dozen cookies!

    Favorite store bought is good old Toll House chocolate chip from the tube. Everything about it makes me feel like a kid again.

  2. homemade- an old family recipe similar to sugar cookies but with a twist. They are also iced with butter cream

    Store bought- nutter butter


  3. Fav. Homemade Cookie- A family recipe similar to sugar cookies, but a little different. We frost them with butter cream

    Fav. Store Cookie- nutter butter


  4. Homemade cookies? i LOVE snikerdoodles..^^

    Store bought? hm..there’s a tie between nutter butters and oreos!!

  5. My favorite homemade cookie is an Oatmeal chocolate chip with white chocolate and coconut….it’s an Emril recipe. My favorite store bought is a snickerdoodle from our local bakery.

  6. My favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles.

    Favorite store bought cookies are Oreos, dipped in milk of course!

    Beautiful job on the cookies — I’m the same way and have never baked/decorated my own sugar cookies. Would love to try!

  7. My fav homemade are my sisters Chocolate chip.
    My fav store bought are Keeblers Fudge Strips. The ytaste like Kit Kats but sweeter.YUM!!!

  8. Love your blog! My favorite homemade cookie is cherry chocolate chunk cookies. They are sooo yummy!
    I have to say that we usually have oreos in the house because my husband LOVES them. We even have a tin that looks like stacked oreos to keep them in!
    Of course you have to have milk to go with both of the above choices!

  9. OH MY GOSH!! There’s a lot of comments!! I love homemade sugar cookies. YUMMY.
    And I love granma’s taffy cookies. If you don’t know what those are, you need to try them!!

  10. 1. I know it may be a standard answer but my favorite are Chocolate Chip Cookies. (My husband and I have tested & tried countless recipes over the past 3 years to find the perfect one and we have it. I always keep a fresh stock in the house.

    2. You can't beat Double Stuff Oreos dipped in Peanut Butter! It's delicious! Again, I always keep this in stock at my house.

  11. My favorite homemade cookie:
    white chocolate chip spice. Yummy

    My favorite store bought cookie:
    Tim Tam’s aren’t really cookies, more like a wedge of chocolately goodness but I’m going with it anyway.

    I just gave you a shoutout on my party planning blog too. You are absolutely amazing

  12. My favorite homemade cookies are mexican wedding cakes.

    Favorite store-bought are the Lofthouse sugar cookies with frosting and sprinkles.

  13. My favorite Homemade cookies are definitely Pear Cookies.

    Store bought cookies are the Kebbler Pecan Sandies…mmmmm

  14. My favorite homemade cookie is my classic vanilla cookie.
    And my favorite store bought cookie are Oreos.

  15. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip…
    My fav. store bought are Oreo’s. I think I need to go eat one now:)

  16. My favorite homemade cookie is my classic vanilla cookie.
    And my favorite store bought cookie are Oreos.

  17. My fav homemade cookie is oatmeal, you can put anything or nothing in the mix.
    My fav store bought cookie is Archway “windmill” cookies, I can’t find them very often, but when I do, I buy 2.


  18. Favorite Homemade – Homemade Oreos!!
    Favorite Store Bought – The iced Sugar cookies with sprinkles!

  19. My favorite homemade cookies are: old school chocolate chip and snowballs (aka mexican wedding cookie).

    Sadly, I don’t have a favorite store bought.

  20. My fav. homemade is Chocolate chip!

    Favorite store bought are the Dark Chocolate Chip Kashi cookies

  21. Those are beautiful! Your a pro already! My favorite homemade cookies are peanut butter kisses. My favorite store bought are those thick round sugar cookies from the bakery with icing.

  22. I have those very same flower cookie cutters, plus some butterfly ones. They sure would be pretty. My very, very favorite cookie is a an old butter cookie recipe with a touch of clove that is sandwiched with raspberry preserves. Talk about yummy! Favorite store bought cookies, those graham cracker bottomed marshmallow puffs whose name, of yeah, pinwheels. I’ll just eat the whole package and wish for more.

  23. Hmm homemade? double chocolate!

    Store bought? Oreos…

  24. Homemade: Has to be snickerdoodles. mmmmmmmmm I love them.

    Store bought: Thumbprint cookies form the Giant Eagle (a grocery store near us)bakery. They have amazing icing in them and sprinkles on top.

  25. Favorite homemade cookie: peanut butter cookes with sugar on top. Yummm!

    Favorite store bought cookie: Chewy Chocolate Chip cookies.

  26. My favorite homemade: Chocolate chop cookie with out the chocolate chips! ok..well maybe just the batter!

    My Favorite store bought: ginger snaps!

  27. Those are beautiful!!!

    My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip cookie, and my favorite store bought cookie are those doughy sugar cookies covered in frosting that you can buy at Wal-Mart!

  28. My favorite homemade cookie would be SUGAR cookies
    favorite store bought are Grasshoppers…. mmm

  29. My favorite homemades are no bake cookies!!!!
    My favorite store bought have to be Chocolate mint milanos!!

  30. Your cupcake pops always amaze me and now your cookies do too. Great job!

    My dad makes a chocolate chip oatmeal cookie that is out of this world.
    And can you really beat an Oreo with a glass of milk? I think not.

  31. Favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal raisin, made with extra brown sugar. ;)

    Favorite store bought cookie are the little Famous Amos chocolate chip ones. Yum!

  32. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip cookie.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Pillsbury take bake – any flavor- I love all of their cookies!

    I love your blog

  33. My favorite has to be Chocolate Chip. The ol’ standby. I’ve recently made a brownie cookie that is AMAZING, but can’t take Choc. Chips place. My favorite storebought is the oreo…with a big glass of milk…I’m a traditionalist!

    Thanks for all of the inspirations!

  34. My favorite homemade is chocolate chip, for sure! I love them right out of the oven!

    For store bought, I’m a big fan of oreos, but I gotta dip them in milk. Yummy.

  35. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip hazelnut!! My favorite store bought are Milano cookies…yummy in my tummy!!!

  36. I’m going to have to say chocolate chip is my favorite homemade cookie. Well, actually the dough is my favorite!

    As for store bought, I’m also going to have to go Oreos. The worst is when they have them on display…they always somehow make it into my cart. So hard to say “no”!

  37. Favorite homemade cookie: lately anything with peanut butter because my daughter was allergic to peanuts but grew out of it! Yea! So peanut butter cookies.

    Favorite store-bought: Oreos, because my daughter was ALSO allergic to eggs, so you can imagine how difficult it was to find (& bake) cookies for her. Oreos got of through 3 years of complete peanut & egg avoidance, and I will love them forever for that!

  38. Favorite Homemade Cookie: This is tough, I love peanut blossums, you know the kind. Peanut butter with the Hershy’s kiss in the middle.
    Favorite Store Bought Cookies: Double Stuffed Oreo. Fattening, but worth every bite!

  39. My favorite home made cookie is coconut oatmeal. Its divine! My favorite store bought cookies are the Mother’s Circus Animal cookies. I just can’t stop eating them until they are all gone!

  40. Your cookies turned out wonderful!

    My favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip cookies and my favorite store bought cookies are mint fudge cookies.

  41. Cookies are my favorite! I will pick a cookie over brownies, cheesecake or anything sweet if I have the option!

    My fav home made cookies are oatmeal chocolate chip. We have the most delicious family receipe that has been around forever!

    My fav store bought cookies are Oreos. There is just so much that you can make and do with that one little cookie!

    From Lori @

  42. I have a tie for my favorite homemade cookie…Pumpkin Chocolate Chip and Homemade Oreo’s.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos dunked in milk.

  43. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip cookies…no other compares for me.

    My favorite store bought cookie is….surprise, chocolate chip cookies. It is a RARE occasion that I buy a cookie, but if I do, it is always choco. chip. Yum!

  44. homemade:
    lemon ricotta cookies with lemon icing or our family christmas sugar cookies.. i couldn't choose.. forgive me! maybe it depends on the time of year..

    store bought:
    diddy reese (a cookie store in los angeles) m&m cookies! nutter butters as well.. guess im indecisive..

  45. My favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal, dark chocolate chip, with walnuts.

    My favorite storebought cookies are m&m cookies.



  46. My favorite homemade cookie is…..

    ** Peanut Butter**

    My favorite store bought cookie is…

    ** Chocolate Chip **


  47. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?

    Peanut butter, I don’t get them that often, my husband prefers chocolate chip, so I make them most of the time. My other favorite it sugar cookies with a thing glaze, covered in pretty decorations with my homemade frosting.

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie? I really don’t buy store bought, but when I do it is Oreos

  48. Hi! Love your blog. All my Utah friends introd it to me-funny cause I live here, in AZ that is.

    My fav homemade cookie is the Hello Dolly’s-I know it’s a bar cookie but that counts:)

    Store bought fav are Pecan Sandies.

  49. My favorite homemade cookie is my friend’s chocolate chip cookie and my favorite store bought cookie is Soft Batch Oatmeal Raisin.

  50. Homemade chocolate chip cookies are always a classic! At the moment though, I'm craving homemade pumpkin drop cookies with frosting mmmm…they're almost cakey and sooo derishush!

    Le Petit Ecolier cookies are my absolute favoritest evarr! They are just the BEST when you need a chocolate fix! I like the milk and dark chocolate ones…they have hazelnut chocolate too, but I've yet to try them! <3

    and bakerella, i heart you!! :D

  51. my favorite home made cookies are the originals…
    chocolate chip…
    but my favorite store bougt cookies would have to be the sugar cookies from walmart…
    but the box is like almost 5 dollars..

  52. My favorite homemade cookie is a Chocolate Crinkle…I can eat an entire batch myself no problem!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Mother’s Iced Oatmeal ones. Again…I could eat the whole bag myself if my husband would let me!

  53. my favorite home made cookies are the originals…
    chocolate chip…
    but my favorite store bougt cookies would have to be the sugar cookies from walmart…
    but the box is like almost 5 dollars..

  54. My favorite homemade cookie is anything that is filled with sugar and can be shared with my little ones.

    My fav store bought one is entemanns original choc. chip

  55. OH…will you please tell us how you did the frosting? I can never figure it out.

  56. My favorite home made are chocolate chip, of course. Store bought, defiantly Oreo!!

  57. My favorite homemade cookies and peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip! They are super yummy!

    Favorite store-bought? Hmm…I guess I would have to choose the Archway molasses cookies…soooooo good!

  58. fav homemade are white velvet cutouts – easy to work with

    fav storebought – Oreos!

  59. Homemade ginger cookies
    purchased thin mint Girl Scout cookies

  60. So cute! My favorite homemade cookie is a sugar cookie. My favorite store bought is Keebler Elf Fudge cookies.

  61. My favorite homeade cookies are choc chip.

    my favorite store bought cookies are the choc, choc. chip at costco. yummy!

  62. I love homemade sugar cookies and snickerdoodles. As for storebought, I just found these Archway Iced Apple Oatmeal cookies and they are wonderful.

  63. My favorite homemade cookie is italian chocolate pepper balls!
    And my favorite store bought would have to be oreos.

  64. Favorite Homemade: chocolate chip
    Favorite Store Bought: Bourbon chocolate (available in Indian stores)

  65. My favorite homemade cookie is soft and chewy chocolate chip cookies (toll house recipe with Ghiridelli Dark chocolate chips)- its really good when used as bar cookie as a topping for Alton Brown’s Cocoa Brownie recipe, too.

    Store bought? I don’t really have a favorite… maybe Cakesters… but are those cake or cookies??

  66. favorite homemade: mom’s oatmeal rasin!
    favorite store bought: iced animal cookies with sprinkles!

  67. fave homemade are glazed root beer cookies.
    store bought would be double stuff oreos’s with milk.
    delish! :)

  68. What will you conquer next??? I love your blog!

    Favorite homemade cookie: Oatmeal raisin chocolate chip
    Favorite store bought cookie: Vienna fingers

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  69. Favorite homemade – oatmeal raisin chocolate chip

    Favorite store bought – Choco liebinz (if I spelled that right)

  70. What beautiful cookies!!

    My favorite homemade cookies are mouth burning chocolate chips right out of the oven, and my favorite store bought are frozen Oreos right out of the freezer… I’m a total chocoholic with a temperature issue. :P

  71. favorite homemade cookies are my dad’s ginger cookies. favorite store-bought are Oreos.

  72. Not to be immodest, but my favorite homemade cookie is my own recipe- coffee in the batter, white and dark chocolate, almonds… it’s so good!

    And my favorite store-bought cookie is: probably any gourmet cookie.

    Thanks for the give-away!

  73. I love sugar cookies… definitely my favorite!

    My favorite store bought is the Keeblers carmel filled chocolate cookies… mmmm… they make a peanut butter filled one thats really good too, if you like that store bought taste anyway. ;)

  74. Such pretty cookies! I’ve always wanted to make ones like that!!

    My favorite homemade cookie would have to be oatmeal chocolate chip! In fact, I think I need to go make some!!

    My favorite store bought cookies – I really prefer to make cookies, it doesn’t take that much time! BUT I do like the Archway soft chocolate cookies!

  75. My favorite homemade is Ginger Spiced Cookies! They merge the best of both, that wonderful biting flavor of a Ginger Snap, with soft melt in your mouth goodness…yummy!

    My favorite store bought is Pepperidge Farm Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut!

  76. Those are so cute! I’d love to win this book. I adopted a soldier and will be mailing more homemade goodies once the temperature dips over there.

    My favorite store bought are the ready to bake chocolate chip cookies from Trader Joe’s and my favorite homemade are my mom’s Snickerdoodles.

    Thank you!

  77. My favorite homemade cookie ( the last four years anyway) is a
    chocolate macadamia cookie by baker extraordinaire Rose Levy Beranbaum. Heaven !

    My favorite store bought cookie is none other than the Oreo cookie
    ( double stuffed please !)

    I must say, I have been making decorated sugar cookies for years, and you did a fantastic job ! First time or 100th time ! The cookies look perfect… I don’t see any drips or slops ( as I see on mine) ….beautiful !

    I am a cookbook addict and I would love to add this to my collection!

  78. My favorite homemade cookie are decorated sugar cookies. Yours look so yummy!

    My favorite store bought cookie are Pecan Sandies.

  79. My favorite homemade cookie is The Disneyland Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin cookie…so yummy.
    Favorite store bought is the Mint Oreo dipped in milk, of course.

  80. favorite homemade cookie – snickerdoodle (never had a store bought one that came close).

    favorite store bought cookie – fig newtons (can’t resist em)

  81. My favorite homemade cookie is coconut macaroons.

    My favorite store bought are double-stuff oreos. Yum!

  82. Favorite homemade: white chocolate macadamia nut
    Favorite store bought: Vienna Fingers. A weird choice, I know, but so good dunked in milk Mmmmm.

    Love your blog!

  83. My favorite cookie to make is snickerdoodles. They are my mom’s favorite and I recently took them to work where they were a hit.

    My favorite bought cookies are Hit Biscuits. Oh I could eat these for days!

    And congrats on overcoming the fear of sugar cookies. We used to make them a lot when I was little, but haven’t attempted them as an adult.

  84. my fave homemade cookies: soft buttermilk cookies

    fave storebought: molasses

    pretty pix!

  85. My favorite homemade cookies are Soldier Delights. I loved when my Grandmother would have her cookie jar full of them.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Oreos!

  86. Chocolate chunk and Oreo. Yum!

  87. My favorite cookie! How can I pick just one!!! Chocolate chip is always up there, but peanut butter blossoms are yummy too. Then there is chocolate peanutbutter chip cookies….and of course sugar cookies! I have never tried the frosting on them only colored sugar, like you it intimidates me!
    Store bought favorites are hard to pick too….I love kebbler…anything chocolate!!!:0)

  88. These flowers are so adorable! I love how delicate they look.

    My favorite homemade cookie: lemon cookie.

    My favorite store-bought cookie: Oreos.

  89. I have the same rolling pin and I LOVE it! Good purchase!

    My favorite cookie to make is either my Grandmother’s famous sugar cookies, or the most moist Apple Cookies with a yummy apple glaze!

    My favorite store bought cookie would be an Australian “Biscuit” called a Tim Tam. They even have a chili pepper Tim Tam like your fire and ice cupcakes! They are fabulous!

  90. I have the same rolling pin and I LOVE it! Good purchase!

    My favorite cookie to make is either my Grandmother’s famous sugar cookies, or the most moist Apple Cookies with a yummy apple glaze!

    My favorite store bought cookie would be an Australian “Biscuit” called a Tim Tam. They even have a chili pepper Tim Tam like your fire and ice cupcakes! They are fabulous!

  91. Wow, those are so beautiful! I can’t believe this is your first time!

    My favorite homemade cookie? That’s tough one. It depends on my mood, but lately I’ve been craving oatmeal cookies.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Pepperidge Farm Sausolitos…the crispy ones, not the soft ones. Mmmm…milk chocolate macadamia goodness!

  92. -choc chip with little choc chips
    -cold mint milanos

  93. Favorite homemade: Fudge bar cookies
    Favorite store-bought: Chewy Chips Ahoy

    Your cookies look beautiful!

  94. My favorite homemade cookie is Snickerdoodles.

    My favorite store bought cookie are the Lofthouse with the pink frosting.

  95. Beautiful cookies! I too am more of the Pillsbury rolled kinda gal. But I do have a rolling pin…gota have one for pies!!
    Favorite homemade cookies…Oatmeal Scotchies..if my Dad makes them. Oatmeal w/butterscotch chips.
    Favorite Store cookies-Archway Frosted Lemon. LOVE them!

  96. My favorite homemade cookie is white chocolate macadamia nut — can’t get enough of them!

    My favorite bought cookie is Lorna Doone. I just love shortbread.

  97. My all time favorite is my chocolate chip recipe. I used to make them every Sunday. Invite all the neighbors over and enjoy cookies and company.

    My favorite is mint milanos or mint brussles. One day I will try to make them, for now I am sticking with my chocolate chip!

  98. Fav homemade – outrageous choc chip (it’s a mix of peanut butter, oatmeal, and choc chip!)

    Store bought – Milano Mint


  99. My favorite homemade cookie is from my husband’s grandmother – “Grandmere’s Rich Roll Cookies.” They are the best sugar cookies! :)

    My favorite store-bought cookies are Cheryl’s cookies, based out of central Ohio. Please try them! I promise you will love them – especially the iced sugar cookies!

  100. My favorite homemade cookie is a German cookie called butterbrot (bread & butter) made from Baker's German chocolate, ground almonds, tons of butter, sugar & flour. My husband's family has been making it for generations.

    My favorite store bought cookies are Pecan Sandies.

  101. My fav. homemade are sugar cookies.

    My fav store bought are pumpkin cookies.

    (trinna at mac dot com)

  102. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    Rolled sugar cookies. Without a doubt. I love making them and I love eating them (I don’t, however, love the extra 5lbs I gain every time my Fiancé talks me into making them). I make them every year with the kids in my family and it’s so much fun to decorate them!

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    I am guilty of LOVING the Pillsbury Chocolate Chip Cookies that come in the tube. I usually end up baking only half of the tube, because I eat the other half raw! :-P

  103. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    Chocolate Chip!

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    Sugar Cookies – esp. with frosting!


  104. Homemade – tie between sugar cookies with cream cheese frosting and Russian tea cookie (shortbread with pecans, rolled and dusted with powdered sugar!)

    Storebought – Anna’s Ginger Thins

    Love your pictures. Great job on your first decorated sugar cookie effort!!

  105. Favorite homemade: oreo

    Favorite Store Bought-Pepperidge Farms Chessmen :)

    Love the posts! Your blog has aided in exploration of my creative baking side! Ahe’hee!

  106. My favorite homemade cookies are no-bake cookies. ^__^ Sometimes I’ll eat ’em for breakfast!

    My favorite store-bought cookie has to be Oreos, hands-down.

  107. Favorite homemade: Snickerdoodles

    Favorite Store bought: Wedding cookies

    Yum, now I’m hungry.

  108. My favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip. My favorite store bought cookie is the grasshopper. Yum.

  109. i have been wanting to get my hands on the book, cookie craft!!! it looks amazing!

    viv’s favorite homemade cookie: chocolate chip oatmeal

    viv’s favorite store bought cookie: the sugar cookies you find in the bakery with the massive amount of brightly colored frosting on top!

  110. My favorite homemade cookie is the good old fashion chocolate chip cookies. It reminds me of coming home from school, and smelling that delicious aroma of those delectuble little bite size cookies!

    My favorite store bought are pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from a bakery called great harvest. They taste homemade!

  111. What’s your favorite homemade cookie? – I love my soft homemade peanut butter cookies the best!

    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie? – Hmm I’d have to say Oreos. My hubby would agree. ;)

  112. My fav homemade – classic choc chip. My fav store – oreo’s. Gotta have an ice cold glass of milk with both of these!

  113. Oh I would love this book!

    My favorite homemade cookie dough is either Sugar cookie (because it can be decorated) or Chocolate chip.

    My favorite refrigerated right now is the Pillsbury break and bake oatmeal chocolate chip because I can at least pretend the oatmeal is a little healthy. lol

  114. My favorite homemade are good old fashioned chocolate chip. As far as store bought goes I love the pink and white frosted circus cookies. Yummy!!

  115. The cookies look awesome!!
    My favorite homemade cookie…well, I have to say I like my cookies…and I have a few that I make that are quite yummy, but maybe my Hooty Creek Cranberry Cookies are my favorite.
    My favorite store bought cookies is a three way tie between Oreos, Milano Raspberry and Mint cookies, and Pepperidge Farm Soft Baked Chocolate Chip Cookies.

    Like I said, I love cookies and I love baking too!!

  116. My favorite homemade I have to choose just one? My newest favorite is a chocolate cookie using a cake mix. It is so soft and stayed soft the next day (they didn’t make it past that point!)
    My favorite store bought cookie–hands down, the Mrs. Fields hand dipped peanut butter cookie.YUM.
    I too have had a fear of those cookies, I would just love a copy!!
    –Kim Metcalf

  117. You did so great on those cookies. They are beautiful.

    My favorite homemade: Sugar cookies with green crystals
    Favorite Store Bought: Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Michele (

  118. favorite homemade – oatmeal raisin, must be chewy!
    favorite store bought – Jesspersen’s (sp?) almond fingers (these were from a long time ago, but I still remember them!). Eli’s in NYC has a similar one that run a close second.

  119. I’m impressed and inspired! I wonder if I could do half as well…Anyway my favorite homemade cookies are Toll House chocolate chip cookies. I won’t say how many I can eat in one sitting. My favorite store-bought cookies are those shortbread fingers the come in the red package…YUM.

  120. favorite homemade cookie- peanut butter
    favorite storebough – oreos

  121. I repeat: (It didn’t give you my blog address.)

    My favorite homemade: Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookies

    Favorite: storebought: Vienna Fingers

    In case it doesn’t again, you can reach me at

  122. Congratulations on your cookie victory! And that rolling pin shot almost looks a little naughty…
    My favourite homemade cookie ever was an amazing batch of spice cookies I made and emptied my cupboard into. Pecans, chocolate, white chocolate, raisins, a whole lot of chunky goodness.
    My favourite store bought cookie? Some HUGE snickerdoodles my mum brought home form a small market in Maine. Tosier’s, I think it was.

  123. My favorite homemade: Chocolate Covered Cherry Cookies

    My favorite store bought: Vienna Fingers by Keebler

  124. My favorite homemade cookies are peanut butter with mini peanut butter cups! My favorite store bought cookies are Pepperidge Farms Gingerbread Men!

  125. Homemade? Chocolate chip of course!

    Store bought? LU biscuits “Le Petit Ecolier” schoolboy cookies, usually with the hazelnut milk chocolate. :)

  126. My absolutely fav. homemade cookie is the classic chocolate chip (right out of the oven).
    As for the store-bought version, I’m a pretty big Oreo fan. :)


  127. Homemade – oatmeal chocolate chip loaded with walnuts or pecans. (And truly, it’s the dough that I love the best. It is definitely better than than baked cookies.

    Store bought – Oreos hands down. The originals, not double stuffed. I can eat the whole package in one sitting without blinking an eye. Of course, I’ll also drink a quart of milk to wash it all down.

  128. my mom's friend was an awesome baker. she made these wonderful sugar cookies that the taste & texture just melted in your mouth! not to mention were beautiful too. i now own this recipe and use it all the time.

    growing up, not once did my mom buy store bought cookie dough and not even store cookies. we always made our own. but now that i am a mom and have children of my own, i'll buy that big tub of tollhouse choc. chip cookie and much on it here and there…i won't even bake them half of the time.

    i LOVE to make cookies, i hope i am chosen.

    and i LOVE your blog,it makes my mouth water!!

  129. My homemade is my grandmothers peanut butter, my favorite store bought would be plain vanilla wafers.

  130. Favorite homemade cookie is cornflake/grassroots cookies, cooked or raw.

    My favorite storebought cookie is really a three-way tie between Samoas, Uh-oh Oreos, and Kroger brand cranberry oatmeal cookies (the kind you bring home and bake), especially the old recipe. The oatmeal is something you ought to be able to make at home by the hundreds, but I can’t find a recipe that quite makes the cranberry oatmeal right.

    longquarles (at yahoo (dot) com.

  131. My favorite homemade cookies are my mom’s chocolate chip.

    My favorite store bought is oreos.

    Your cookies are beautiful!

  132. favorite homemade cookie is new receipe I found on a blog I read for thick and chewy chocolate chip cookies they are a yummy yummy crowd pleaser!!!

    favorite store bought would be Le Petit Ecolier extra dark chocolate

    gratefulsoul at

  133. my favorite homemade cookie is “everything but the kitchen sink”…my kids love these cookies.

    My favorite store bought cookie would have to be anything by Pepperidge Farms

  134. my fav homemade cookie is my aunt’s famous-amos-like chocolate chip cookie

    hmm, currently my favorite store bought cookie is Arnott’s Lemon Crisps. Reminds me of how I used to get them (homemade) at the night markets a decade ago.

  135. I love to make Pumpkin Cookies and I love to buy Oreos :)

  136. My favourite homemade would be shortbread!

    My favourit storebought would be Tim Tams yummo!!!

    Your cookies are just beautiful.

  137. ONE favorite homemade? Geez – that’s hard. It so depends on the time of the year. Iced lemon for the summer…something spicy or pumpkiny for the fall…biscotti for dipping into hot cocoa (or coffee for a yummy winter breakfast)…and decadent chocolate chip.

    Store bought — Fig Newmans. I can’t make any as good as they do.

  138. My favourite homemade cookies (couldn’t narrow it down to one) are: Chocolate Chunkers for when I’m in a chocolatey mood and Snickerdoodles for when I don’t feel like chocolate.

    My favorite store bought cookies are: Toffee Crunch by Verkade (a Dutch brand). These cookies are nice and crisp with crispy pieces of toffee and rice crisps, covered with a layer of delicious milk chocolate

  139. My favorite homemade cookie are snickerdoodles!

    My favorite store bought is the Pillsbury chocolate chip cookie dough, though the dough rarely makes it to cookie-hood!

  140. My favorite homemade cookie is my mom’s oatmeal raisin cookies.

    Favorite store bought cookies are Pepperidge Farms Milano cookies. They are so light and yummy!

  141. My favorite homemade cookie has GOT to be my moms Date Nut Pinwheels. If no one is looking, I can eat a dozen easily.
    From the store…. I’m not really liking ANY from the store but if I have to have a quick fix, I’d say Oreo’s.

  142. Oh my, your cookies look so pretty! I want to eat them all :)

    My favorite homemade cookies are gingerbread cookies.
    My favorite store bought cookies are definitely Oreos. Yum!

    discoelfqueen at gmail dot com

  143. My favorite homemade cookie is Lemon Bonbons. They are these tiny lemon cookies you form into balls with a flat bottom and then cover with layer upon layer of glaze. Then pipe decorations on top when dry. Very time consuming but worth it.

    My favorite store bought is mint milano cookies.

  144. My FAVORITE homemade cookie is my pizza cookie. You basically make a giant (I guess you can make mini pizzas too) circle cookie and bake it. Then you ice it with a VERY thin layer of red icing then freeze it. Then you ice the cookie with plain white frosting. Decorate with candy that look like pizza toppings and you’re done. It’s great for kids (when you don’t have to watch them) and they look great, especially after you slice them into little pizza slices.

  145. My favorite homemade cookies are my dad’s chocolate chip.

    Favorite store bought are the Mint fudge Keebler cookies.

  146. THis is my favorite time here- what a terrific blog! My fav home made cookie are my choc chip cookies- yum. I love to buy the puffy pink frosted sugar cookies from costco – they are delicious! Would love to have some help to make some yummy deserts -hope I win.

  147. My favorite homemade cookie is my mother Chocolate Chip cookie cake, which is really just a gigantic cookie with chocolate chips and oatmeal and peanut butter and all kinds of tasty stuff!

    My favorite store bought cookies are Mother’s Double fudge. My dad always bought these when I was a kid and they are so excellent with milk! I love them WAY over Oreos!

  148. My favorite homemade cookie, a Kolachki, has a cream cheese and butter pastry with a variety of fruit fillings (my fav, apricot), and it is also my fav because I know that when I am making them here in Peoria, Arizona, my sister in CA, and father in Tucson, AZ, are making them at the same time!

    My favorite store bought cookie is Nutter Butters, the thin wafer like kind, in all it’s peanut butter glory…

  149. Fav. homeade cookie is oatmeal raisin chocolate chip cookies (a little of everything!) :) They’re moist and wonderful!

    Fav. store bought cookie would have to be double stuffed oreos

  150. My favorite homemade cookies has got to be chocolate chip cookies.

    My favorite store bought cookies are chips ahoy and oreos.

    All are great with a glass of milk!

  151. My favorite homemade cookies are the ones my mom makes for our business (see them here). My favorite store-bought cookies are the soft Gingeroos from Trader Joe’s. Yum.

  152. Favorite homemade cookie: Chocolate Chip Cookie.
    Favorite store bought cookie: Famous Amos.


  153. My favourite homemade cookie varies on a daily basis, I like Dorie’s World Peach Cookies, or my Team Cookies, (peanut butter, oatmeal and choc chip) but really I just love all cookies. Except for storebought, I almost never buy them. I do have a soft spot for oreos though…

  154. my favorite homemade cookie is chocolate chip

    my favorite store bought cookies are Mother’s Circus Animal Cookies.

  155. Wow, you have a lot of comments!! I enjoy your blog too… I guess I’m not the only one!
    Homemade… good ol’ chocolate chip
    Storebought… Nutter Butters

  156. WOW, talk about people who wanna win a book about cookies!

    My favorite would be some buttterscotch cookies that my aunt makes, mmm good.

    The commissary sells some oatmeal cookies with cranberry, raisin and white choco chips…I may have to go get some tomorrow.

  157. Beautiful cookies!!

    My favorite homemade cookies are oatmeal with craisins and pecans.

    My favorite store bought cookies are form Aldi. They sell break and bake white chocolate macadamia nut cookies that are awesome!

  158. Favorite Homemade: Pumpkin
    Favorite Store bought: Oreos

  159. Favorite homemade cookie is Mexican Wedding Cakes – cookies made around Christmas time.
    Store made cookie – oatmeal raisin.

  160. Favorite homemade: my Grandmother Pitchforth’s sugar cookies

    Favorite storebought: oreos!

  161. My favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles.

    I’m not sure what my favorite store bought cookies are… maybe Oreos or those one sugar cookie-like cookies with the frosting and sprinkles. I have no idea what they’re called. ;)

  162. Hi, my favorite homemade cookie is a decorated sugar cookie and my favorite store bought cookie is Oreo.

    I would love to be able to make decorated sugar cookies as beautiful as yours.

  163. fav. homemade – snickerdoodles
    fav. store bought (not really from a “store” but…)Girl Scout Samoas (the ones w/ caramel and coconut!)

  164. Nothing beats a Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookie for comfort food at home…

    My favorite storebought cookies were Mother’s Flaky Flix, but I can’t find those anymore. Standby would have to be Oreos.

  165. I forgot to mention in my last post how much I love your new rolling pin! And as always, I love your photographic genius!! :)

  166. I love homemade oatmeal chocolate chip cookies made with milk chocolate chips, and my favorite store bought cookie are Oreos.

  167. My fav homemade cookie is the choc chip- I make these rarely or I would weigh a ton!Store bought would be decorated sugar cookies from local bakery- it would be fun to learn how to make them.

  168. I have 2 favs of homemade cookies that I can’t decide between, pb milky way cookies and Levain bakery style Chocolate PB Chip cookies. Yuummm!

    As for store bought, has to be Mallowmars!

    your flowers are beautiful

  169. My favorite homemade are Italian Chocolate Chip cookies.

    My favorite store bought are shortbread with chocolate ganache drops in the middle.

  170. Choc-chip and oats – homemade. Oreos for store bought

  171. homemade- choc. chip!

    store bought- break and bake choc. chip!

    what can I say? I love those chips.

  172. favorite homemade-oatmeal cranberry

    favorite storebought-lofthouse sugar cookies covered in brightly colorede buttercream…yuummy!

  173. Homemade — chocolate chip
    Store — Oreos!

  174. fav homemade are chocolate chip of course.
    fav store bought are white chocolate macadamia for sure!

  175. What’s your favorite homemade cookie? Honey cookies….yumyum.
    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie? Grasshoppers or Thin Mints!

  176. You make them look so great! I love your blog! My favorite homemade cookie has to be chocolate chunk and store bought are jelly tops. I have loved them since I was a child.

  177. My favorite homemade are Scotcharoos (rice krispy peanutbutter w/ chocolate/butterscotch “frosting.”)

    Store bought are pink/white frosted animal cookies. YUM.

    Your cookies are gorgeous.

  178. I think your cookies look GREAT! :)

    My fave homemade: I have two – The Chewy (Alton Brown’s recipe) and Housepoet’s Famous Oatmeal-Chocolate-Chip-Flaxseed Lactation Boosting cookies (they’re really, really good)

    My fave store bought: Do girl scout Thin Mints and Tagalongs count?! They’re my favorite “not homemade” cookie.

  179. My favorite homemade is frosted sugar cookies and my favorite store bought would have to be Mother’s Circus cookies! Love them!

  180. home made – sugar cookies hands down. reminds me of christmas time.

    store cookies – milanos or rainbow chips delux.

  181. Way to go! Your cookies are beautiful!

    My favorite homemade cookie is any kind of chocolate chip and my favorite store-bought are those Lofthouse sugar cookies with a ton of icing on them…yum!!

  182. My favorite homemade cookie is a Monster cookie — peanut butter, oatmeal, chocolate bar, M&M's, butterscotch chips, nuts, and coconut. All my favorite cookies in one.

    My favorite store cookie is a Raspberry white chocolate chip cookie from Safeway. I bought one six months ago and haven't been able to get them again and I have a serious craving for them!

  183. My favorite homemade cookie is called Vana’s Sugar Cookies – it is a recipe by the director of our department. They are the most phenomenal sugar cookies with an almond glaze on them. To. Die. For! My favorite store bought cookies are Nutter Butters, they are so yummy with my coffee :D

  184. My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal, peanut butter chocolate chip.

    My favorite store-bought cookie is chocolate covered shortbread.

  185. My favorite homemade cookie is oatmeal chocolate chip- only my recipe though because they are perfect!

    My favorite store bought cookie… the delicious sugar cookies you can get from Wal-Mart. They are soft and the icing is perfect!

  186. My favorite homemade cookie is also a sugar cookie using my husband’s perfected recipe. It’s simply the best. My favorite store bought cookie is the good ‘ol Oreo. I bought myself some orange filled Oreos recently and I’m waiting to have the time to make the Panda cupcakes from the Hello Cupcake! book.

  187. My favorite homemade cookie is peanut butter and jelly cookies I made last christmas. My favorite store bought is mint milano’s.

  188. my favorite homemade cookie is a chocolate chip cookie that’s nice and buttery, with a soft warm middle.

    favorite store bought? the giant ones with MnMs in them. Or snickerdoodles done right from a bakery.


    mmm, now I want some cookies!!

  189. My favorite is my late grandma’s sour cream cookie. It’s so gentle and subtle, yet so delicious!

    My favorite store bought would have to be Nutter Butters. They are the reason I married my husband!

  190. I recently discovered your site, and what a treasure! Love it!!

    My favorite homemade cookie would have to be warm chewy peanut butter cookies with a sprinkling of sanding sugar on top. Mmm!

    My favorite storebought cookies are the Archway Wedding Cookies only found around Christmas time. They are sooo good!

  191. Favorite homemade cookies are snickerdoodles!

    Favorite store-bought brand is Keebler Fudge Sticks!

  192. My favorite homemade cookie are tollhouse choc chip cookies.

    Store bought are pepridge farms sausalitos.

  193. Fave homemage: oatmeal chocolate chip

    Storebought: Good old Chips Ahoy!


    Favorite Homemade: Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

    Favorite Store Bought: Chocolate dipped macaroons from Costco

  195. What’s your favorite homemade cookie?
    never get tired of plain old chocolate chips.
    What’s your favorite store-bought cookie?
    none :(

  196. oh-my-GOD! first attempt? I don’t believe you!

  197. my favourite homemade cookies are the martha stewart sugar cookies i make and decorate with my son…
    as for store bought, i am partial to arrowroots. they are so good dipped in coffee!

  198. My favorite homemade cookies are M&M cookies (I use the tollhouse chocolate chip cookie recipe and just substitute M&Ms for the chocolate chips).

    My favorite store bought cookies are Girl Scout cookies… well you don't get them from a store, but you buy them, so close enough?

  199. My favorite homemade are Ranger Cookies and store bought are the ginger snaps from the Moravian Bakery!

  200. oatmeal chocolate chip–homemade. rugella (sp?)–store bought.

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