
Going Dutch

When I got home from the hospital recently, I had a bunch of mail waiting for me. Bills, and junk mail, packages and email … lots of email. It’s always fun opening packages. Cardboard boxes with unknown delights inside. It’s like Christmas for me anytime of the year because I usually don’t remember what I ordered online until I open the box and look inside. Surprise. Surprise. And even more of a surprise when something comes along that I’m not expecting.

***** Interruption***** Before I continue… Thank you again for all your prayers. And to update you guys… my mom has passed the first part of the tests, but we both have a bit more to do. Doctor and surgeon consults, blood tests, MRIs, stress tests, ultrasounds, EKGs, etc. are all part of the process. So it will be at least a couple more weeks before we know for sure, for sure. Fingers crossed. In the meantime, dialysis isn’t the most fun, but I’m doing fine. No, I’m doing really good. I’ll be sure to update you when I know more. Okay, back to packages that come in the mail.

This cute little book was in one of them.


Looks familiar, huh.

But something is different. Something is a little bit off.


My Pirate Pops on the cover? Where are my chicks and snowmen?

And look inside…


Wait a minute. I don’t think I’m in Kansas anymore.

Nope. Not even in the U.S. That’s because if you can read this, you’re probably somewhere in the Netherlands. The Dutch must really like my cake pops because they wanted to publish it in their language, too. Awesomeness!

Lievelingshulpmiddelen – yikes – who says English is one of the hardest languages to learn. I think I’d have a little trouble with this one.


But, I know what this says. Basic Cake Balls Recipe.

Cakebolletjes. Cute.


And I think I can figure this one out.






Nope. Martians.




Well, kikkers are my cute little froggies.


And lieveheersbeestjes…


Well, lieveheersbeestjes are my lovely little ladybugs. Or maybe it just says ladybugs. I don’t really know for sure.


Bruid & bruidgom… I think you can guess this one.


And robots are spelled…


Robots. Hey, I got one.


Ahhh… there are the chicks. They’re still in the book. They’re called Paaskuikentjes. The Paaskuikentjes are probably one of my most recreated cake pops. These are a real favorite. And with spring coming up, they’d be perfect. If you don’t have the book, don’t worry. You can read how to make them right here.

But if you’d like to go Dutch, I can help you out there, too. Here’s the Cake Pops Dutch version and of course the English version is still on Amazon.

And, drumroll please… Portuguese and Spanish versions are in the works right now. Yippee!

This was really exciting to finally see printed. I’ve been waiting and wondering how the cover would look in Dutch. I was glad to see Cake Pops translate as Cake Pops. I just wish I could hear someone read the text. That would be pretty cool, too.

Anyone know how to say SUPER AWESOME in Dutch? Or how about THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!

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620 comments on “Going Dutch”

  1. I think my favorite part of the cover is the word “lollycakes” it made me chuckle. Congratulations on the book!

  2. Congratulations!

  3. Oh that’s adorable.

    I have a friend who lives in Holland, and I wanted to learn Dutch so I could come visit but holy shit it looks confusing.

  4. Oh darn, I already bought the english version, but dutch is way easier because the measurements are different..

    Maybe I’ll just buy it again and save the english one ^_^

    I hope you are doing allright dear Angie, we all wish you the best!

  5. Well, my Dad’s whole family grew up in the Netherlands, so it would be really funny to see a 69 yr. old man making cake pops! Although he doesn’t bake, it’s so exciting to think you have a book in more than one language out there!!

  6. In love with the ladybugs. You are in prayers and all best wishes from the paperglitter team =).

  7. So great to see all of the comments from you guys. So many Dutch-speaking folks out there. YAY! It makes me so happy. And thanks for all the translations.

    Also, I’ve been corrected that English is one of the easiest languages to learn. I don’t know why it’s in my head that it’s difficult. Maybe it’s because people always say how hard it is because we have so many words that sound exactly the same but mean completely different things. I dunno.

    I do know Dutch looks really intimidating. And hard to pronounce. But someone just sent me an audio translation and it’s beautiful.

  8. Hi

    I’m also a Dutch fan (from Belgium more precise) but I couldn’t wait for the Dutch translation so I already bought your book in Englisch. And I love it! I also wrote an review on my blog (in Dutch ofcourse) and all the comments are very positive!

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Well that was all Greek to me, LOL!

    Congrats on your book going multi-cultural! And it is so good to hear that you’re doing so well and that your mom has passed Phase 1 for being a match. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, too.

  10. Lollycakes! That sounds so cute! Congrats ~ this is Big!

    Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you and your beautiful mother ?that I had the pleasure to talk to in SF


  12. WTG bakerella!
    Its awesome that you are international. Prayers and hugs.

  13. That is just awesome!!! Cake Pops are taking over the world!!
    It’s so good to read that you are doing ok and things are progressing. Your fans love and respect you, and worry and pray over you. You have a prayer circle that spans the globe! How awesome is that? It’s just our way of saying “Thank You” to you for all the joy you have brought to us.
    Stay strong, be well.

  14. I know it’s Dutch, but in my brain the Swedish Chef kept trying to pronounce the words! LOL

  15. Hi.
    That’s great that your book is getting translated in many other languages. And I am thrilled that a Portuguese version is on the way. I would love to see it written in Portuguese from Portugal, the original language. Let’s wait and see what’s coming.

    Wish you all the best recovering and the all the success to the your book selling in English and other languages.

    Btw, just a small remark, English is by far one of the easiest languages to learn.

  16. Congratulations on going global. You have made it to the big time!!

  17. Yaaayy!! That is sooo AWSOME!! I’m so happy for you Bakerella!! Well I can tell you that down here in Puerto Rico EVERYONE is going crazy for Cake Pops!! Its like a CAKE POP FEVERRR!!!! wuuujuuuu!!!! ;-) (and the book is in English… imagine how it will be once its in spanish!….)
    Take Care <3

  18. Yaaayy!! That is sooo AWSOME!! I’m so happy for you Bakerella!! Well I can tell you that down here in Puerto Rico EVERYONE is going crazy for Cake Pops!! Its like a CAKE POP FEVERRR!!!! wuuujuuuu!!!! ;-)

  19. Jey! Glad to see you’re feeling well enough to go home! :o) Sooo much better than any hospital..
    Congrats on going Dutch! :o) Cake Pops are taking over the world!…With cuteness of course! ;o)
    Any chance of Florida coming your way in book signings? *bats eyes* :o)
    Hope you continue to feel better! Prayers still going your way!!!

  20. Whenever I need something translated This is the site I use.|en|

  21. WOW ! May be, someday, I’ll get mine in french…. ;-) Congrats !

  22. Seeing your posts and your quirky comments makes me smile – I wish and hope that reading all our posts does the same for you. xoxo

  23. “lieveheersbeestjes”
    teehee, sounds like “live here beasties”
    Praying for a match and keep up your beautiful strong attitude!

  24. LOVE IT!!!!

  25. Congratulations on your book being published in different languages! This should tell you just how much EVERYONE loves you! And, so glad things are working out well healthy wise. Keeping you in our prayers!

  26. Thanks for the update. Continuing to keep you in my prayers. (Congrats on becoming an international star.)

  27. I love how they are called lollycakes :) My fingers are crossed for you!

  28. Congrats on going Dutch! That is awesome! Prayers for your continued recovery and return to health!

  29. Good to read that you are “doing really good” !!
    Happy that your book is such a success !
    Do you think it will be translated in French ? French from Canada I mean (We do not have the same metrics as French from Europe that is why I specify) ?
    I’d definitely buy it in French.
    Anyhow, have a good week-end !

  30. I finally ordered this book online today! (Well the English version, I hope! LOL) I don’t know why I waited so long! Hope you continue to feel better and better. Thank you for all your awesome ideas and congrasts on the multi-lingual books! :)

  31. Super awesome! Cake Pops transcend language! :D

    So glad to hear you are doing well. You continue to be in all of our thoughts and prayers.

  32. I didn’t read the title with the rest of the post and I was like, “Well what IS different?” I can’t tell – and then I realized it was in Dutch, but since I’m half dutch and understand it, I didn’t even realize I was reading it in Dutch ;) yes, us Dutch folks do enjoy a good sweet thing!

  33. So nice to see you back on here and facebook and for you to be home! Hope things go well for you and your mom. I was wondering why the cover of that book was different from mine! ha! Very exciting! Best wishes for you! Keep your chin up!

  34. I’ve just made my first cake pops!! I’m not sure I did it the right way, but that taste delecious!!
    And, SUPER AWESOME means “helemaal geweldig” in Dutch!! I am dutch, and I was looking for your book over here, but if it’s available in my own language I’ll understand better.
    Thank you, and I hope you’ll get well soon!!
    with love, Petra

  35. You’re super fun and awesome in ANY language!!

  36. How fun!

    My parents both emigrated to Canada from Holand as children, and no long speak much Dutch, but occasionally a word or two slips out. We grew up in a fairly tight community of very conservative, religious Dutch immigrants in Ontario. when I reached the word ” bolletjes” in the text, it immediately echoed in my head in a chorus of elderly Dutch voices. I’m glad I finally know that all the nice Dutch ladies surrounding me when I was growing up were yelling “Balls!!!” whenever they were frustrated.

    Thanks for the morning chuckle! And you can bet that “cakebolletjes” is my new swear word of choice. :D

    Best wishes for the transplant.

  37. Glad you’re home from the hospital. Hope to hear about more positive progress soon!

    I’m loving my Bakerella book I got for Valentine’s.

  38. what a treasure you are – sharing your creativity with the world. loved how they mentioned them as “lollycakes” on the front of the book. so cute.
    hope you get better soon – miss seeing your cooking creations.

  39. Lollycakes! I love that :D

  40. how awesome!
    i’m lucky to be dutch :)

  41. If you have an iphone, you can get an app called google translate. Yep, it will speak it for you! Nice! And it’s free. I think there’s an app for everything. Anyway, congratulations! I love your book.

  42. Hi just wanted to tell you that I LOVE YOU!! I think you are amazing. Of couse I have never met you but I feel like I know you from reading your blog. I hope that is not creepy sounding, LOL. I’m glad to hear that your mom might be a possible match. Hang in there. God never gives us more than we can handle.

    I made your cupcake pops for the first time yesterday. My dipping skills need some work. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    I wish you all the best!!

  43. congrats!! That is amazing!! BTW – still sending lots of love and prayers your way!!

  44. So Cool! Couldn’t happen to a lovelier lady too! Still praying, and so happy to hear your mom is past the initial stages!

  45. i live in holland and definetly will by your book couse you are awsome

  46. Awesome:) I was born in NL and lived there for 12 years and then moved to the US in ’85. Still have family that lives over there. I might have to buy the dutch version and give it to my sister and niece who still live in NL.
    Thanks for sharing:) Hope you have a wonderful weekend and I pray you are doing well.

  47. It is awesome that your books are being published in other languages!

  48. How fun! That is so exciting. Congratulations :)

  49. That is so exciting! Congratulations – glad it is doing so well – you deserve the success!

  50. About the ‘lievelingshulpmiddelen’; this is definite not a common Dutch word and certainly not written as one word. It sounds like something you find in a s*x shop and what you don’t use in the kitchen ; )
    Guess in the English book it’s called Favorite aids or tools. In Dutch in would be better to say ‘Favoriete materialen’.

    When you literally translate Marsmannetjes (Martians) it would be Mars fellows. Ha, your marshmallows were close to that one. But when shown to kids they all call them Aliens.
    O my, what a pleasure it must have been to translate this -sweet – book…

  51. Hola Angie!! esta vez te escribo en español! estoy muy contenta de saber que tu libro está siendo traducido también en español!! será todo un éxito!! Muchas gracias por compartir tus conocimientos y experiencias con todos nosotros, realmente has sido una gran inspiración para mi, tanto que recién comencé mi propio blog!! Continuarás estando presente en mis oraciones. Hugs from Chile!

  52. That’s great you have beautiful work and love in what you do anyone can see that no matter what part of the world they are in. You are an inspiration know that now and always. May God bless you.
    Ms. North Carolina

  53. Waanzinnig!!!! = Awesome to have finally a Dutch edition of your book. The little chicken ones were the very first cakepops I made. About 50! for an Easter fair to collect money for breast cancer research in the Netherlands. They didn’t sell because the people thought it was only for decoration. At the end of the day I had to treat to get rid of them ; )
    With your awesome book in Dutch I hope cakepops will be all over the country cheering up parties and fairs. Love them!

    I wish you most best wishes for your health (van harte beterschap) and hope to read soon a post called ‘Going to the Netherlands’. Would be great to meet you in healthy person.

    Lieve groet,

  54. Yay!! Your back and very obviously feeling better!! Prayers still being sent your way on a daily basis from Shreveport Louisiana!

  55. So glad to hear your Mom has passed the first test!!!
    You are in my prayers each day. Spring is here and wishing you Bright, Sunny, Healthy Days ahead. Congrats on the Book.

    Warm wishes from Alabama. :)

  56. Awesome. I wish I would have known it was coming out in Dutch… I bought one for a good friend not too long ago (I’m in Eindhoven, The Netherlands) — now, hopefully, some of our baking stores will also be offering candy melts and the little sticks –

    this is great though, i ‘ll have to let all the other Dutch ladies know that don’t read English so well that’s it out!!!

  57. Congrats on the dutch version!
    I hope it will translated to german as well in the near future!!
    All the best und greetings from Austria!

  58. How nice!! A already got your book, but cakepops and i arent really friends ….yet
    I’m sure the dutch version is going to help me! Are you coming to the netherlands? I’d really really like that!!

    Geweldig!! Ik heb jouw boek al, maar cakepops en ik zijn niet echt vriendjes….. Nog niet
    Ik weet zeker dat de nederlandse versie mij gaat helpen! Kom je naar nederland? Ik zou dat heel heel leuk vinden!!

    Groetjes rianne

  59. Aahh i am so happy for you bakerella u deserve to have your cake pop books go international.anyway i am from south africa and my home language is afrikaans quite simalar to duthch for eg :Paaskuikentjes is easter chicks.Get well soon bakerella

  60. That’s great!!! I can not help u with the Dutch, but i will when the Portuguese version arrives :) I’m very happy u r felling better!!

  61. Helemaal geweldig!!!
    I live in Belgium and I ‘ve also seen it in the bookstores right here. It’ allready on my mothersday wishlist. That’s if I can control myself untill then.

    There one more thing I want to say to you in Dutch:
    ‘Veel beterschap!!!’

    Love your blog!

  62. Angie! I am so glad you are doing better! You have been in my thoughts and prayers and yes i miss your posts but more importantly i think everyone as well as myself wants to see you better and back to doing the tour again! :)

    You are famous world wide and of course you are your book is amazing! I even had the pleasure of meeting you in Toronto during your book tour and you are one of the sweetest persons i’ve met!

  63. Hi There!
    Well, I know it has been very tiring, time consuming and disconcerting. No one knows what you have to go through but the dialysis patient. And heaven help you if they take too much off. So even after dialysis, you can feel crappy, even if you aren’t supposed to.So, if you need an ear, contact me. I don’t know if you still have my previous offer, but it still goes. The tissue typing passed, eh? Great! In my prayers…. Tracey A.

  64. I saw your book standing in the store, just half an hour before I read this post !
    But I already have it in English, of course ! :)
    I’m from Belgium, we speak Dutch as well :))
    Kris, een Belgische vriend

  65. Congrats on your expanding world of publishing!! What fun! I’d need an audio book to figure out how to pronounce — but I’m certain that your Dutch fans are thrilled!! Glad to know the preliminary testing w/your mom is going well as is the dialysis process… keeping you & your mom in my thoughts!

  66. How exciting to be international! Congratulations!

    It’s a comfort to see you’re feeling enough like yourself to blog. Hope it brings joy to you among the burdens you are carrying now. Take care of YOU first. Continued prayers for good outcomes and SOON.

  67. Yay.. congratulations Bakerella, you see? Universe still giving you greatfulls stuffs, thats means everything gonna be ok.. and im pretty glad your doing good with the dialisis…send you all my good vibes… life is beautiful no matters how dificults the times could be ever are a thing to be thankfull, and now you could learn dutch lol.. love your book and love cake pops… still getting amazing victories, hugs

  68. Gefeliciteerd!

    LOL! I got a good laugh reading your post this morning! Can’t wait to see a spanish version I’ll be able to read that a heck of a lot easier=)

    And, yes! I’ve seen cake pops at Starbucks also, not to mention a local mom and pop luncheonette with a big sign that says “We have Lollicakes!”

    Still praying for you and your mom! Hugs!

  69. I can´t wait for the spanish book, I love all your stuff.
    I´m happy to hear that you are ok , and I send you my best wishes

  70. How cool is that !!!
    I think I might ‘have’ to purchase this version! Hopefully it will be published in German too!

    So glad you are better – cyber hugs and prayers – and may it be an easy road ahead – good luck to you and your mom!

  71. OH YES this is greaaaat! You forgot another country whose inhabitants can read this though; Belgium! Well, the Flemish part of Belgium anyway, which just happens to be where I live. Think I might go for a quick trip across the border and pick this book up.

  72. Fun! haha glad to hear your book is in different languages :)

  73. Thanks for inspiring myself and others around the world! Not only with your cake pops but moreso with your strength and positive attitude during this latest struggle. Blessings to you and your mother!

  74. Geweldig!! (Super awesome!) to see your book in Dutch, I love to see you go through the pages and Dutch headings. I’ve directed my sis to your site when she was looking into treats to make for her 2-yr old’s birthday. Now she can get the book in Dutch! Or maybe I’ll keep mum and give it to her as a birthday present….

  75. Ohmygoshohmygosh! How awesome! I’ve still got some gift cards lying around from my birthday, I’m totally going to use it for your book :D

    And to answer your questions: super awesome: SUPERGAAF! In caps and with exclamation mark, naturally.

  76. I love your work as well and was excited to get a new post from you on Twitter. Congratulations on the book and all the versions being distributed in Dutch, Spanish and Portugese.
    I’m so glad to hear you’re home and doing well on dialysis. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  77. ooh nice

  78. I wait for the day when it’s translated into german! :D

  79. I’d translate “super awesome” with either “vet leuk” or “super vet”.
    Then again I’m not a native speaker, but I’ve lived here for more than two years now.

    I’ll keep my eyes open for your book in the bookstore when I go shopping tomorrow!

  80. Congrats on the “new” book…You know you’ve made it big when they are reprinting it in different languages! :o)

  81. Portuguese Version? UAU! I was waiting for it !!!! It´s a dream coming true… :-)

  82. That’s awesome! Congratulations!

  83. I’m so glad you’re in your way to getting better.

    It’s so cool that they are doing a portuguese version of your book! I saw the original a few days ago, but at the time I couldn’t buy it, and now they’re all gone! Hopefully it will be easier to get one in portuguese. It must be a great feeling, to have your book edited in other languages ;)

  84. Hey!

    Although I’m dutch I have the english version. Never knew there would be a dutch one.

    Lievelingshulpmiddelen= Favorite tools
    Lieveheersbeestje translates as ladybug. But it says literally: lovely bug

    And last but not least:
    Super awesome = Helemaal fantastisch
    Thank you my dutch friends, I hope you enjoy it! = Dank mijn Nederlandse vrienden, ik hoop dat jullie ervan genieten!

    And thank you, I really enjoyed it (as did my friends and family)!



  86. Now this makes me wonder if I could actually get candy melts in the Netherlands… I have always looked at your cake pops in awe but never made them myself as I just don’t seem to be able to get my hands on those here in Germany.

  87. Congrats on going international!!!!! Good luck wit the rest of the tests for you and your mom.

  88. what a great surprise!! just saw your tweet and clicked on it right away. I’m a Dutchie as well and I think your book will do well. cupcakes and more are really growing in popularity here.

    as others have commented

    SUPER AWESOME = “super gaaf” (or “geweldig”) in Dutch. and THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! = Dankjewel aan alle mijn Nederlandse vrienden. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden.

    good luck with winning the hearts of other countries as well ;-)

  89. thank you for keeping us updated on your progress…sending you positive energy that the match will continue as you & your mom test on……we are all cheering for you!!
    very cool about your dutch book!
    go angie…go angie!!

  90. Gefeliciteerd!! That means congratulations in Dutch.
    Such wonderful news!

  91. How very exciting!! So nice for you to have that great news and sunshine right now! Have been keeping you in my prayers!!

  92. Hello!!
    I’m from Mallorca, Spain. I love his creations. Seriously publish the book in Spanish?? For when??
    I can not wait! On Saturday I made the famous “cakepops” for a party, and loved people.

  93. Congrats! I will be waiting for the spanish version, great gifts for my mexicans friends!

  94. Hello, I am from the netherlands!:).
    So fun that your book is in Dutch to now!:D
    Mabey i buy it! I love cake pops! And your dutch to englisch is quite good;).

    Here is the translation!
    Super awesome = Super vet Or. Super cool!
    Thank you my dutch friends = Dank jullie wel mijn nederlandse vrienden.!
    I hope you enjoy it = ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden!

    So funny to see how the american’s try to speak dutch. Dutch is hard. But some words are the same:).

  95. That is very cool and exciting ! I am in New Zealand and have one from Amazon and all of my friends want It (but they cant) You must get them down here !!I am so glad you are feeling ok and wish you and your mum all the best x

  96. Not in Italian? :(

  97. Glad to hear your feeling better and yes your still in my prayers.
    Congrats on the book, my in Dutch thats wonderful. Hang in there Bakerella, keep the faith. Hugs Paulette

  98. Ha I’ll so get it now it’s available in Dutch. The thing is that it’s hard to find some ingredients when written in English, now that won’t be a problem anymore. Go translator!

    By the way, if you send me a copy of the Dutch version, I’d be more than happy to record it and send it back ;-)

  99. Woooww i have to say this is sooo cool!! I can’t believe that now cakeballs/pops are everywhere! even starbucks? Congrats sweet girl~


    Hi Bakerella, I’m one of the moderators of and your cake pops inspired lots of our members to make them thereselves! You can see some examples in our header! Good news your book is now available in Dutch also. By the way, the exact meaning of ‘lieveheersbeestjes’ is ‘animals of the kind Lord’ :) ‘Awesome’ can be translated in ‘Geweldig’. This is an interesting word also, because ‘geweld’ means ‘violence’, hahaha

    Love from the Netherlands,


  101. Hi there (first time post-er) – Love your work and I hope you feel better soon! I recently moved to the Netherlands and started to learn Dutch. I’m looking forward to buying your translated book (also a first) to practice the language AND try out your creations.

    Hugs from the other side of the pond,

    P.S. “Dank u mijn Nederlandse vrienden. Ik hoop dat jullie lekker vinden!” = “Thank you my Dutch friends. I hope you enjoy it!”

  102. Dutchie here!
    I have to get my hands on your book
    Looks amazing
    Liefs (love),


  103. I am from the Netherlands and adore your blog. I even wrote about you on my own culinary blog (check the article here:

    It’s so funny to read this story with all the Dutch words :D

    Love from Amsterdam!

  104. That IS sweet!!! What a treat to arrive home to. Maybe when all the craziness is over, you can learn dutch, and 8 or 10 other languages and do book tours in exotic locales … ;-)

    Hope you are feeling okay.


  105. How exciting! Congratulations :)
    Not sure how many followers you have here in Australia but I sure am planning to spread the cake pop love :)

    Just got my copy of your book and can not wait to get started…tomorrow is the big day :)

    Glad your feeling ok, praying you continue to get good news xo


  106. Congratulations! It’s great to be able to read your book in my own language. Best regards/vriendelijke groeten from a Dutch male Bakerella reader.

  107. O wauw, hier heb ik op zitten wachten een Nederlandse versie.

    Translation, I’ve been waiting for a Dutch version for quit some time! And Lieveheersbeestjes is our word for ladybug (I know it’s long). And dutch is in the top 10 hardest langueges to learn. Because of our grammar (it’s really mest up). Well, I hope you can read my English, grammar isn’t my best side in any languege.

  108. Yay, that one is defenitely going on my wishlist! Gefeliciteerd met de Nederlandse versie (congratulations on the Dutch version)! And good luck with all the tests, I hope everything turns out fine for you :-)

  109. Hi! I’m glad you’re doing fine and I wish the best for you and your mother. Your book looks awesome! If it’s ever printed in greek, please let us know!! Kisses

  110. Here a Dutch Bakerella-fan. I think it’s awesome that your book is in Dutch now. Here in the Netherlands there are a lot of cake-pop-fans. So thank you again for this book in Dutch.

    With love


  111. Dankjewel mijn Nederlandse vrienden!! ;)

    This was so much fun to read! =D

  112. Hi Bakerella,

    The Dutch version is super awesome! (supergaaf!)
    In Holland we have a lot of strange snoetepoetser
    (thats a cloth to wipe a baby’s face :-) )

    Anyway, thanks for your creativity and bringing happiness in every house!
    I wish you all the health in the world!

    Groeten (greets)

  113. I’m glad to hear you’re doing okay.

    ou need to get the book published in the UK! I keep seeing this annoying “Pop Bakery” book in all the bookshop windows, and it makes me sad because it should be your book there, not a bandwaggon-hopper version.

    Looking on their website, they’ve obviously come up with some cute original designs, but some are clearly just copied from you (especially the wedding cakes and cupcakes), and it’s just not nearly as good as yours. It should be your name in all the shop windows.

  114. SUPER AWESOME = Super gaaf!
    THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS. I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT! = Bedankt mijn Nederlandse vrienden. Ik hoop dat jullie het leuk vinden.

    oh, and ‘lieveheersbeestjes’ is just ladybugs. I live in the Netherlands and it is fun to see that your book is in our language now too! I already have the english version, just couldn’t wait :) .
    Anyway, if you want to hear more translations, just e-mail me (google is not always right). Dutch is a really hard language to learn!
    And ofcourse: congratulations with your book going all over the world in so many languages!!

  115. congrats on the new version……….now you know they will want you to go over there for book signings…………but remember… gotta get to australia one day !

    so glad you are home and getting some fun mail………sending hugz across the miles…….

  116. So so happy for you, and praying for your health. I have gifted 2 friends with the cake pops book – one, a grandma who has been making the most gorgeous ones ever for her little granddaughters’ preschool; and one to teenage sisters who are having a blast with them! Thanks so much for all the fun!

  117. How cool! I am dutch and I decentrale gonna order this book tonight!
    And by the way: à translation for Awesome i think would be fantastisch, which is kinda the Same as fantastic!
    Hope you feel netter soon!
    Live from holland! ?

  118. This was so much fun to read. I didn’t really see anything ‘wrong’ with the cover until it registered that it was my own language LOL. Very cute to see it in Dutch! I’m recommending it to my friends and I’m buying the Dutch version for myself right now :)

    Good luck with everything!

  119. You know, I didn’t even notice anything odd about the pictures at first. I didn’t realize that you coudn’t read it because for me it’s obvious of course, speaking Dutch.

  120. Hi !!! Goog to read about you again. A hope everything goes OK with the tests and you can have a new kidney very very soon.

    And well… We still will wait but it would be great to have your book IN SPANISH for everybody in Spain and south America too.

    Best best best regards and big hugs.

  121. I already knew! I saw the book last week in the bookstore here in Belgium :D.

  122. The Dutch sure do have great taste, Congrats! So happy to hear you’re doing better. I will continue to keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. xoxox

  123. Well, look at you, you multi-national cake pop lady!! How cool. Congratulations! Be well.

  124. See, now you have to come to visit us to do a book signing on our Dutch books!

  125. What a surprise to read about this on your website, I think I have to run to a bookstore near me soon!
    For dutch readers searching for popsticks: in Utrecht you can find them at the Tafel van 18 store. I’ve seem them online aswell.

    My thoughts go out to you and your family, hope all the tests etc. get good results.

    Much love from Holland.


  126. Please in Spanish too !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  127. Congratulations! What a great present to find after coming home from the hospital! So glad to hear you’re home and I hope and pray everything goes well and you have an amazingly positive outcome. Love your site, thanks so much for sharing such amazing tips and tricks! You are so inspiring.

  128. Hi! Congrats with the Dutch Bakerella Book! Unfortunately I just got the book a month ago in English. Well, that’ll do it too.
    Your Pops are a big hit here in Holland, no popsticks available in any (web)store!!!
    Go Bakerella Go!!

  129. It’s such a blessing to hear that you’re doing better! I will definitely keep you and your mom in my prayers!
    How exciting to see your book go global! I love your book and so do my friends when I show it off to them :)

  130. Wow! So cool!
    I hope there will be a german version too! :D
    I neeeeeeed one! ;-)

    Nice greetings from Austria!

  131. Dutchie here :) I still have to buy the book but it looks so good! An as said before, dank je wel is Thank You and Awesome is geweldig.



  132. Glad things are progressing well with your health. Great news on the Dutch book and how exciting you will be getting two more languages! You are an international superstar!!!

  133. Congratulations on the foreign languages! I know a lot of friends who are going to like the Spanish version.
    Also wishing you and your mom lots of patience, and strength during the next coming months. You are still in my prayers and remain a great inspiration to me in so many ways! Good luck!

  134. Geweldig!!
    That’s awesome in dutch :) You’re cakepops are a big hit in Holland at the moment, and I love them too! I’ve made them a few times now and everyone is always very enthousiastic. Good luck with your health!

  135. Congratulations on your book going international!

    Has anyone else notice Starbucks is now selling Cake Pops?

  136. Positive thoughts your way! That’s so neat about the cookbook!

  137. Very cool!!!! More cool is to see you feeling well!!!!!!!!! Good Luck!!

  138. I am Dutch, living in AZ and had to do a double take when I read the cover! How fun!!! I love your site and have been reading for a long time. Glad to read that you are hanging in there.
    Now off to buy the Dutch “boek” !

  139. Gefeliciteerd! Your positive attitude is so inspiring. I wish you the very best.

  140. wow!!! Who knew cake pops were multi-lingual!! very cool, congrats!!

  141. Very cool- I made my Belgian husband come over and translate for me :)
    Glad you are doing better and wishing you the very best and a quick recovery!

  142. Maybe you get it published in german too !?? I would certainly enjoy it!!! It is hard to find a good an vute book here in german :) ! And btw thank you so much for being so good at this cake business ;) and all best wishes to you and your family !-!-!

  143. Happy to read you are doing ‘OK’!!
    My colleagues where hysterical when i showed them your website..all of the cake lovers in the office ordered the English version, but we will buy many of your Dutch book too..its a lovely gift!! And everyone loves the cakeballs/pops!
    Lieveheersbeestjes is just the word: ladybug, we like unpronouncable words here!!
    So cool that it will be in more languages soon, spreading the love for cakepops!!
    Hugs from The Netherlands!!

  144. So amazing, having your cute little book published in another country! Awesome!

    Get well soon! Sending prayers your way!!

  145. Omigosh–that is so cool!!

    Prayers still coming your way! xo

  146. Congratulations and good luck with the tests!

  147. tnxx,, i’m dutch and this is really cool.

  148. Fingers and toes are all crossed for you and your Mom…

    The book looks splendiferous!

  149. My silly Dutch husband says super awesome would translate into ‘super fantastisch’ .. he ought to know, he’s only been born and raised in Vlaardingen since 1965.

  150. THAT has to be the coolest thing ever!! Sooo glad to hear you are home :) I hope your transplant moves forward quickly so you can get going with your recovery!

  151. I was sadened to hear of your resent struggles, hope all turns out well. I too had been on dialysis, received a transplant and am now having some issues 7 years later. Keep your chin up and take care of yourself.

  152. Pretty awesome! We don’t have the Dutch version in the bookstore I work in, but we’ve completely sold out of the English version several times now. Within about a week of putting it on display as my “Staff Recommendation” we’d sold all the copies we had! I just ordered more tonight, but I doubt they’ll stick around long. We can’t keep them on our shelves!

  153. Bakerella!

    So happy you are doing well! I will be praying that everything works out with your mom! Fingers crossed! My daughter had surgery today and everything went better then perfect! I couldn’t ask for anything better… Well maybe if I had something cute and sweet… AND chocolate! Lol

    God bless

  154. That is very cool. Continued prays for you and your mom.

  155. Thanks for the update and so happy for you. Continuing to think positive thoughts and send them your way!
    Congrats on the book too! =)

  156. Congratz bakerella! :D
    for your return and a dutch version of your book! (:
    i must say, i might purchase a dutch version
    because of the dark cover.. ^^
    it’s gorgeous! :]

  157. Love this! Cuteness translates into all languages doesn’t it? ;)
    I posted a Rose Cake Pop tutorial and it was reposted on a Dutch Cake Decorating site…I was so super suprised! I couldn’t understand the translation either…but got the gist LOL! Hoping things are turning the corner for you Ma’am!

  158. So glad to hear from you…and hope all continues to go well for you and your mom! Congrats on all the book printings in other countries. Sending positive energy and thoughts your way!

  159. Congrats, Angie!! and we continue to pray for you and your mom! Love from us!

  160. actually english is the the easiest language to learn

  161. Glad to hear you are doing OK!! :) And congratulations on going international!

  162. How cool is this?!?! Happy for you and praying for you as well!

  163. Prayers to you and your mom. Hope everything works out well and you are off of dialysis soon!

  164. Congratulations!! Still praying for you.

  165. That’s so cool! Congratulations on the different translated versions! I’ve continued to try your different pops from the book and continue to get rave reviews at work. :) Thanks for being such a great inspiration to us all!

  166. When I saw the picture of the book, I went and got my copy because I didn’t remember pirates on the front! Then, i read on!! :) I especially like the word “lollycakes” on the cover! I hope you are feeling as sweet as possible!

  167. That’s fantastic. Your creativity is going worldwide you must be so excited. Continuing to say prayers for you and your mom, hope all goes well!

  168. Super duper deluxe fun!!

    I have to tell you I made cake pops for the first time today with my son (I’ve been reading you for a long time, but was scared!). We had such fun and they are delish!! We made deliveries all over town with bouquets of cakes pops to our friends and just had the best time!

    Many healthy thoughts and prayers your way.

  169. I had a baby 6 weeks ago today and just stumbled back to your site.. Sorry to hear of the situation–praying the Lord watches over you and all involved.

    Cute Dutch book! Really enjoyed guessing each one as I scrolled down :)

  170. How neat! Everyone loves Bakerella!

    I am so glad you are doing so well considering what you are going through. I have been so worried about you….praying that your everything goes smooth so your Mom can donate!

    Take care :)

  171. Congratulations!! That is so wonderful! Keep your spirits up with optimism. Warm wishes to staying well! Your joy is traveling around the world!!

  172. Awesome!!!

    Your book is (well, was, I told my friends and they snapped up all the copies) also in my local bookshop and Kmart….in Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. 7 hours from a capital city. You truly are famous now!!!!

  173. Wow… that’s wonderful… what a great surprise!

  174. How cool!! I know I love my cake pop book, and now so many more people will be able to enjoy it too!!

  175. I don’t speak German, but I’m pretty sure Google Translator can help you with you thanks and even read the book aloud to you. =)
    Congrats on the book and I’m looking forward to see it translated to Portuguese here in Brazil – even though I always prefer to read books in their original language.
    Hope everything goes well with your kidneys, best wishes.

  176. It ‘s good to hear that you’re doing well, and that your Mom is progressing in the process!! And how cool is that to see your book in Dutch! Congratulations!

  177. That’s so fun to see! Congratulations on being published in all those different languages. Praying your mom is a match.

  178. Marsmannetjes = Little men from Mars (Aliens)
    Paas = Easter, Kuikentjes = diminutive version of chickens, i.e. chicks. Literal translation = Easter chicks.

    I spent several months in the Netherlands many many moons ago…it is fun to see the pictures of the book in Dutch!

    I wonder if Kay of Kayotic kitchen has seen it yet?

  179. Congratulations on your book. My aunt is from Holland. I absolutely love her accent. I have been praying for you.


  180. Praying for you and praying for your mom, too!
    p.s.-Big congrats on the book!

  181. I actually ordered the English version just a few minutes ago! :D

    Lynnetta, every time I see the Starbucks cake pops, I hope that Bakerella is getting some sort of cut since they stole her concept. :P

  182. Glad you are doing well!

    Love the pictures of the Dutch book :)

  183. AWESOME! I live in Holland…as in Holland MI! Don’t speak dutch, but love me some cake balls!

  184. So cute! I love languages!

  185. I will definitely be on the lookout for the Spanish version of your book!
    ps: Any chance you may come to Michigan anytime soon

  186. The news about your book is super exciting! So glad to hear that you are doing well and will keep my fingers crossed that everything works out.

    I was in Starbucks the other day…they are now selling cake pops! I immediately knew that I had to tell you…but you probably already know ;)

  187. I NEED a Spanish one! Can’t wait :D

  188. How fun and exciting can you get?!? You’re an international Star! Prayers will continue for you:)

  189. Congrats and Prayers for you and your mom! Your love is starting to go across the world!

  190. Yay! Glad to hear you’re doing well, and congrats on the new prints of your book!

  191. yes I do know someone who speaks dutch.. my hubby.. my kids.. my in laws!

  192. Oh your pops are even cuter in another language, love the other cover as well and happy to hear you are home and doing ok.

  193. Glad you are home right now. And Congratulations! And for your next trick I’d love to see a POP-UP book of all those CUTE little pops! Kids would love it! Yummy! :-)

  194. So awesome! Congrats!! It looks great in Dutch!

  195. How fun is that?! Congratulations!!

  196. prayers! love! to you!
    anyway according to my BFF google…
    SUPER AWESOME- zeer ontzagwekkend
    THANK YOU MY DUTCH FRIENDS – dank u mijn nederlandse vrienden

  197. “Dank u wel” is thank you very much in Dutch. Love it!

  198. Congrats! And remember This to Shall Pass. Internet prayers and hugs your way

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