
Hello again

I can’t believe I’m writing another post without a single picture in it, but I wanted to take a moment to tell you how completely overwhelmed I’ve been reading all your prayers and beautiful words of encouragement. It’s taken me a few days but I have read them all … all 4,400+ of them. Wow!!! I’ve smiled and cried and felt so lucky to have this blog that connects us all. Thank you.

While reading, I was moved by so many of you that share similar stories. And even more overwhelmed by offers to be tested to see if you could be a kidney donor for me. That is so amazing. I don’t even know how to process it yet. Asking that of anyone is something that does not come naturally to me. It’s very difficult to even accept that gift from my mom if she turns out to be able to donate. And hopefully she will. But your offers are so special and kind and generous of heart that I had to make sure you all knew that I did read them and whether or not I could ask that of anyone, I wanted you all to know how honored I am.

There were an overwhelming number of comments from people that know someone with kidney failure or on dialysis or with a transplant or even their second or third transplant. Too, too many. My love goes out to all of you and your family and friends as well. It’s a tough thing.

March is National Kidney Month and I believe April is National Donate Life Month. With everything going on with me lately, I find it hard not to mention that. Please take a minute to think about organ donation. So many people are on waiting lists and will be for a long time.

Okay, the good news is I came home from the hospital Tuesday night after 18 days. Finally. Yay! I’ll be on a different journey for a while, but one that I’ve been on before. Dialysis. I won’t go into all the details, but basically I will get four-hour treatments, three days a week. Kind of a bummer. But hopefully it won’t be for too long.

I also wanted to let you know that I still plan on posting as I go through everything. I want to keep things as close to normal as possible. It may not be on a schedule, but it will be when I can. And of course … cute.

P.S. – I want to say hi to all the first time commenters. Hi there! Big hugs. I’m so happy to hear from all of you.

And now I’m off to read 18 days of emails that I wasn’t able to check while I was in the hospital. Help.

P.S.S. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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753 comments on “Hello again”

  1. My mom was on dialysis for almost 2 years before she lost her fight. I am praying for you! I wish I could come and keep you company at dialysis – I remember how lonely it was for my mom and so many others. My dad would sit with her before he had to go to work, and my sisters and I would whenever we were home visiting. I’m so glad you’re home from the hospital, and I hope dialysis will be short-term and your mom’s kidney is a match!

  2. Hi Bakerella! Just wanted to wish you the best in your medical expierence and I hope that you recover quickly. Also I wanted to bless you with the the Lovely Blog Award. I just love your blog and can’t wait to keep reading!

  3. Oh hi!! I had no idea about this b/c I’m here for the first time! But I’m very glad to see your strength and attitude~God bless you in every way! I know that He’ll touch your pain and body and give you peace~stay strong and awesome :D

  4. Angie..we think of you often and pray for you daily. Your mom too. God bless you, sweet lady.

  5. I wish that I were in your neck of the woods. Id totally whip you up some treats to make you smile. We make so much for others and people forget that we like treats also. Prayers for you every day.

  6. Prayers are with you.

  7. Angie- I am so glad to hear how positive you are during this time. I met you at Celeste’s shop at the Oregon Coast Cupcake Camp. (I had baby Brandt.;) Just know that we’re all praying for you! You are an incredibly talented woman that has blessed the lives of many and will continue to do so! Keep the cuteness coming.
    P.S. I have a cousin that has TWO liver transplants and she is healthier now than she’s been since she was 12. There is power in prayers.

  8. hello bakerella! i know we’re oceans and continents apart…but i want you to know that i can see in your eyes STRENGHT that no other woman has. i know it’s not easy what your going through right now and i wont even tell you i know how it feels. one thing i know and can assure you though, He would always hear your…our prayers. coz you’re a good person and you deserve not to be in pain. but if ever you’ll be in pain, rest assured that He’s only testing you. i pray for you bakerella… we love you. me and my family …

    from the philippines.

  9. So glad you are home! You always feel better surrounded by your own, familiar place. I’m sending hugs and prayers your way. Being sick is no fun–I’ve been battling cancer for years, so I know. Just remember–you do what you have to do. It’s that simple. You may not like it, you may wish it weren’t so, but you are strong enough to do whatever it takes. Hang in there–many, many people are pulling for you and sending up prayers for you.

  10. Good luck on your journey to recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  11. It is so good to see you on here again. Prayers that you are back baking and picture taking of your baking soon.

  12. You have been in my thoughts daily. I know that this will be a test, but it will be one you will excel at and be stronger in the end. Much love you way…

    Abilene, Texas

  13. To our dear and precious Bakerella, we will be praying for comfort while you are waiting, skill and wisdom for all those people caring for you, courage for your mom, and for a perfectly matched donor to heal your body. Please feel our prayers and thoughts of hope and love for you as you endure. We are all with you in spirit.

  14. Huge, huge hugs! You definitely have someone good on your side to have made it this far and I can only imagine it getting better from here. Sending good karma your way!

  15. it was my birthday on st patricks day

  16. I am a first time commenter. I do read your fabulous blog tho.My thoughts and prayers are with you. I admire your strength and courage and pray that your Mom is able to give you this wonderful gift.

  17. Home, Sweet, Home. I hope things go well for you. And praying for a matching doner soon! God Bless you and your family.

  18. Now you definitely have to watch Desparate Housewives as the main character, Susan, is also on dialysis.

    I am so glad you are out, but am holding my breath until all is completely well. I hope your Mom is a match. I didn’t realize it takes so long to find out if you are a match or not. I guess I thought it was done instantly like in the movies. All my love, all my prayers, all my good wishes.

  19. Bakerella, ever since I saw your picture, I couldn’t help but follow you. You see, you remind me of a dear, sweet, fantastic woman who (at different times) took me and my now husband under her wing. We laugh together, cry together, and celebrate together. Somehow, I think the two of you would be friends. Neither one sharing their burden but instead taking on the burdens of others. Just know that I’m thinking and praying for you. Remember I Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Paul was talking about the thorn in his side like your kidneys is your thorn. Blessings to you and yours.

  20. I wanted to tell you how awesome you are…and you’ve offically made me mom of the year :) My birthday was 2/15 and my sister surprised me with your cake pop book, since she saw you on the Pioneer Woman’s website. Anyways, my son just turned 2 on 3/19, so I have been practicing every weekend! I spent all week baking 3 cakes, and made them into cake pops and cupcake bites! They were a HUGE success!
    Then, I read that you have been ill, and I just wanted to tell you how happy I was to receive your book and how wonderful it is. You are in my thoughts and prayers…..and again, THANK YOU!

  21. Hooray for you going home… You’re a gift to the world!

  22. Yay! I’m glad you are home. I will keep sending prayers and love your way. And it’s not asking if we offer!

  23. Welcome home, Angie!

    I am so happy you are in the comfort of your own home. I will continue to pray for you and your mom! Stay strong and remain positive. You have a wide circle of people praying for you!

  24. SO HAPPY you are HOME…:):):)

    I’ve thought of you OFTEN and have been praying for you much.

    If there is ANYTHING I can send you that you might need for a special project….I’m a good shopper and have LOTS of goodies that I would by HAPPY to send to YOU…!!!
    Just let me know and they will be on their way.

    No matter what it is, please let me help you. I have lots of sources…:)

    Take care and keep that faith…!!!!

    BIG HIUGS…….((((((..)))))))
    The Sugar Diva

  25. You have been such an inspiration to me since I found your blog. I just read your 2 recent posts. I’m so sorry that you’ve had health issues and I’m sure it has been a tough journey for you, but someone in Atlanta is thinking of you and wishing you well. I’m glad to hear that you are home and doing better. You are in my thoughts and I am sending positive energy your way!!!

  26. I’m glad you’re home from the hospital, and it sounds like you are feeling a bit better, too. I am amazed at your consistent positivity! You are an inspiration to all of us. Stay strong! You’ve got a big fan club cheering you on and thinking about you.

  27. I love your book, it is now my gift for my sisters and friends,
    Miss Cupcake Julie introduced me to your marvelous creativity.
    I was formery in pharmaceutical sales, and I sold immunosuppresion. I called on the physicians that treated and operated on the kidney transplant patients. I have done rounds many times and have sat through many donor meeitngs. I have known many kidney transplant reciepents and donors. I want to assure you, that the gift of life from a donor is just that a gift to share. Also, years and years ago it was very tough on the donor, but now , it is so much easier on the donor with the laproscopy. Also the new drugs, make it so much easier on you. I will pray for you, that you will be able to kick that dialysis machine to the curb very very soon. Please let anyone that want to , allow them to be tested. The work is not that tough and you deserve a kidney. Love to you and good luck with all you endeavors. Yes, myself, and all my famil are listed as organ donors on our drivers licenses.

  28. So glad you’re home! Praying for a full recovery.

  29. Hey – just stopping by to say hello… hope things are going well and that all that green St. Paddy’s day excitment didn’t wear you to a nubbin…. have a great week!!

  30. You are in my prayers and know God has his loving and healing arms around you!!! So glad your home!!

  31. You and your family will be in my prayers that God watch over you.

  32. Thanks for thinking of us during your illness and providing an update on your condition. So glad that you are home. Take good care of yourself!

  33. I’ve been thinking of you and praying for you ever since I found out. It’s good to know you’re back home. I wish you continued healing, with a long future ahead of you filled with as much joy as you’ve brought to everyone else.

  34. I’m glad you are feeling better and had no idea, until today you were ill. My wishes and prayers are with you. Take your time, get well, take care of you.

  35. I’m so happy to see that you are home! My grandfather is on dialysis and I know that it takes a toll on your body, which is ironic based on how you’re probably feeling at the moment. :) Although I am a relatively new reader of your blog, I just want to say thank you for taking the time to let all of your fans know how you feel. It’s pretty amazing to see how a community of strangers can turn into a makeshift family when the opportunity presents itself.

  36. Wow, I don’t normally comment but I love your website, your creativity, your talent and your “cute”. It makes me smile! …and so does my family when I make your cake balls. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck finding a kidney soon. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers!

  37. Big hugs. Best wishes to you.

  38. Bakerella! I am so sad to hear that you’ve been struggling with your health and having trouble with that darn kidney. I’m glad you’re out of the hospital & getting back to some normalcy. I have been a follower of your blog for some time, but have never posted a comment until now. I just felt it appropriate. I don’t feel like we are strangers. Yes, we’ve never met, but I feel we share a passion….. a passion for baking! As a matter of fact, I just made my first recipe from your blog….. Red Velvet Sandwich Cookies! They were amazing!! Everyone in my house loved them. They are so easy, I plan to make them again soon. I’m hoping to work up to making cake pops someday. I love your blog. I love your creativity. I love your pictures. I love your cuteness! Hang in there and keep up your positive attitude. You are amazing. Lots of prayers & good health wishes are being sent your way. = )

  39. I’m so sorry to hear about all your going through. I’ll be sending prayers to you. Praying that your mom is a match and you get a new kidney very soon.

  40. Thinking of you…take good care of yourself!

  41. I just want to wish you the best of luck and tell you to hang in there. Sending you hope and wishes!

    A dialysis nurse who loves her patients!

  42. Hi, Im glad to hear that you are doin better. I have never commented on your page. However you’re indeed a special person and I hope you get well soon. Your blog has been such a pleasant pleasure to read everytime. Take care!!

  43. I am so happy to know that you are able to be back in your own home. I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayer, and wishing you the best.

  44. so glad you are home from the hospital! i hope that dialysis treatments go well, and you are able to get a new kidney soon. <3

  45. I am not sure if you have been made aware of this or not but I thought you would like to know that Cake Central’s members are praying for your speedy recovery as well.
    Lots of prayers & best wishes,

  46. I was diagnosed with ESRD when I was eight and have done hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and have had 2 kidney transplants. I am now 35 and on hemodialysis. My best thoughts go out to you, as I know what an upheaval this can be. I highly recommend nocturnal dialysis if it’s an option for you, as it really opens up your schedule. It’s overnight and is 8 hrs, but it is much easier on your body, as the treatment is spread out over a longer period. You can sleep or watch tv, and it allows a person to hold a job during the day. Good luck!

  47. I hope you get some good news soon! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  48. stay strong. it’s so great of you to worry about us, your readers. i hope we can keep you busy enough to have a few moments of respite from your worries. i wish you the best.

  49. Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have recently discovered your wonderful blog….I “heart” eveything that you make!

    When I “grow up” I hope to be just like you!

  50. So glad you are home :) continue staying as positive as you are. You are in my thoughts and prayers. We are all here for you!!

  51. I live far from you, but I feel close to you, as a friend of us was in the same situation. I wish you are lucky and pass the operation as soon as possible, and then, be strong and patient. Make your own recovery the first priority in your life.
    Kisses from Barcelona

  52. I’m sorry to hear about all the trouble you’re going through. 18 years is amazing for a transplanted kidney- what a blessing it lasted that long! I’ve lived almost 25 years on only one kidney (Wilms’ tumor, age 2), so I understand the emotions involved in trying to protect the kidney you have. I hope everything goes quickly and smoothly for you in getting your new one. :)

  53. I am so happy to hear that you made it home. I’m sure comfortwise there is no better place to be. I hope that your mom turns out to be a match for you and that your struggle is over soon.

    I pray that God watches over you and helps you along in your journey.

    Take care.

  54. My prayers are with you. A good friend of mine was on Dialysis for years and finally a match came through. He looks amazing now. He is running 5K’s and puts us all to shame. And by the way, he is in his 50’s.

  55. Incredibly happy to hear that you’re feeling well enough to be home! Know that you have a whole mess of people thinking about you and we’re all sending positive thoughts and energy your way. :)

  56. wishing you sweetness and joy in your life. Know that I am thinking of you often.


  57. I am so happy to hear you are home!! My thoughts and prayers will continue to be sent your way in hopes that your Mom is a match!! Keep us posted, and take care!

  58. Welcome home! make sure to rest more and not do some much. We readers can wait!

  59. I’m glad you’re out. I hope you can enjoy some Spring and normalcy for awhile. Big hugs.

  60. Very glad to hear that you are home… take care and I’ll definitely be thinking of you!

  61. I just saw your blog and very sorry to hear about all this.I am also very happy to know that you are back home .My prayers are with you.

  62. Hi :D
    I actually stumbled across your book at target and couldnt help buying it since my sister had just tried cake pops at a birthday party and had told me how great they were. I haven’t made any yet (since I just bought it yesterday :P) but I can’t wait and first chance/event I’ll give it a try since they are so amazingly cute. I enjoy cooking and baking but I am not really a pro or even experienced so lets see how it goes (hopefully I don’t end up with lopsided pandas and bumpy cake balls :P)
    I hope you feel better soon and everything goes well, and rest as much as possible cake pops and cupcakes and cute haha and work or anything else could wait a life time the most important thing is your health.
    Good Luck with everything and thankyou for the book :)

  63. Thinking of you with my thoughts and prayers!

  64. I could not comment to your first post. Not because of internet or website complications but because your “journey” is one that makes my chest twist w/ familiarity. My Nohon Suhle (Aunt Julie) passed away from complications from diabetes. She went through dialysis for about 2 years. When she used to go I would have to pick her up. She was so weak. All of the patients were…

    I just want you to know that my heart, prayers, and well wishes go out to you wrapped in positive vibes. Thank you for sharing & keeping us (your loyal bakerella-natics) updated. I adore you.

  65. You are an amazing and strong person and I am sorry you are going through this right now. Thank you for being an inspiration to so many of us…You have inspired me to start a small business, mostly for creative release as the are a labor of love. Please know that there are many, many people that are rooting for you! Take care of yourself first and foremost…we’ll be here waiting!

  66. I am SO glad that you’re home & I’ll continue to keep you in my prayer, Angie. *hugs*

  67. I’ve been following your blog for awhile now but lately it’s been hit and miss since I have a fairly new baby (fairly=she’ll be 6 months on Sat.), nonetheless, I can’t always make it on the computer to check your blog. I have been checking though, and was wondering where you’d gone! Now I know and it fills my heart with sadness to hear of your health problems. However, my heart also fills with hope for you…I know everything will work out, things have a way of doing that and you have enough positive energy and good affirmations here from your followers to last a lifetime!!!!
    You are loved, by those who know you and those who don’t.
    It is your creative enthusiasm that affects so many. My thoughts are with you. Get better. Keep creating ‘cute’.
    xoxo ~Jamie

  68. Glade to hear you are back home!
    My whole family is keeping you in our prayers.

  69. Glad to hear that you’re home. Love you!

  70. Miss Bakerella….I really honestly would give you my kidney! I have this gift of life and know with all my heart you would be worth it! I read this and have been thinking about you and when I was driving home last night I really had a strong feeling that I should tell you that I honestly would sign up right away to help you out… You would just have to mail me mini pancake muffins to help me gain strength to get better!

  71. My thoughts & prayers are with you!

  72. Praying that you feel the arms of Jesus around you as you walk this difficult valley. Will pray that your Mom is a good match. Thanking Him for all the joy you and your site have brought into my own life. Yours was the first blog I ever read 2 years ago. And you introduced me to PW. May the peace that passes understanding fill your heart and mind! *hugs* karen

  73. My prayers are going up for you and for a donor my sweet sweet blog friend!!! ((((hugs))))

  74. WWWAHHHHOOOOOO!!! You are home!! I know how tough it is to be away from “normal life” and finally being home gives you a sense of peace. I have not been able to get you off of my mind and everyday I wake up and say a prayer asking for God to lead you and your family in the right direction. You get your rest and I am just so glad to even read that you have had the time to post. Much love and prayers to you and your family. HE will provide!!! Keep the faith!

  75. Sending you lots of love and hugs and prayers! I’m glad you’re out of the hospital. I’m a nurse, so I know dialysis can take up a lot of time and that you probably won’t feel as well as you could, but hopefully you will get that new kidney soon. Your blog makes my Sunday evenings very happy. Thank you.

  76. By the way…I am a PROUD organ donor!

  77. So happy you are home…there is no place like home, truly! My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you. God bless.

  78. I am so happy to hear that you’re home! Thanks for continuing to post during this difficult time. I am sure it keeps you in good spirits and I know your fans are excited to hear from you.

    I am fairly new to your blog and I just wanted to let you know that I love it. I am going to make your cake pops and oreo truffles for the 1st time next week as a going away gift for my boss. She’s very girly, loves pearls and anything pink so I am going to decorate my cake pops with edible irradecent pale pink dust and hot pink jimmies and I plan on topping the oreo truffles with edible pearls. I am very excited about this project!

    Thank you very much for all of the beautiful photos, blogs and ideas! You are a true inspiration in all aspects!!

    I will continue to keep you in my prayers and send you good vibes! :)

    Warm regards,

  79. dear bakerella,
    i’m glad that you’re feeling better and i wish you all the best. your site is such a pick-me-up. please take your time and rest. we’re pulling for you!

  80. You HAVE been missed! More important than us missing your wonderful posts, is you feeling better. Don’t feel guilty about taking some time to heal, but if blogging is therapy – then go for it! Hugs and kisses from all of us – I’m sure!

    My nephew had a kidney/pancreas transplant about a year ago. Best of luck to you – may the process bring positive results sooner than later.

  81. Aww feel good. (((hugs)))

  82. so happy to see this new post!! I been worried bout you girl! glad you’re home. praying for your health. and yes, your cuteness is still there, even without photos!

  83. I’m so glad to hear your in such high spirits. I started reading your blog a few years back and have been amused and delighted with every post (although saddened by your previous post on your current condition and then delighted again to hear you’re doing well). All thoughts are with you as you go through this journey and know that everyone will be pulling for you!

  84. Ok, so I think for organ donation awareness you need to make a kidney shaped cake pop. Everyone should be registered as an organ donor when they get their Driver’s License. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope you are doing well and will have a speedy recovery!

  85. So glad your home. We are still praying for you. Thanks for the update.

  86. My sorority (Phi Sigma Sigma) raises money to support the National Kidney Foundation. This past summer I was able to attend NKF’s U.S. Transplant Games as a volunteer where I heard so many inspirational stories and watched so many athletes compete. The next games will be in 2012 (I’m not sure where yet) and I think it would be an amazing experience for you as well.

    So many of my sorority sisters have family members and friends affected by kidney disease so I completely understand what you are going through and my heart goes out to you.

    From one baker to another,

  87. Hi Bakerella – I just caught up on the last two posts. I hate that this is happening but the grace with which you are handling this situation shows how special of a person you are. Your blog teaches us how to make sweet treats, but also how to be kind, humble and courageous. I’ll be praying for you while you go through dialysis, celebrating with you when you find a donor, and praying again when you have the surgery. Keep the faith. Thanks for being so transparent with your readers. As you can tell from all the comments, we love you!!!!!!!!

  88. Glad you’re out of the hospital and back in the world of sweet and cute. Best wishes and stay strong.

  89. *hugs* still sending love your way! :)

  90. Bakerella you are awe inspiring!!!

    I was so saddened to hear that you were sick but I am so glad that you are now doing much better. I will keep you in my prayers :)

    I just wanted to write to you and say thank you for always being so creative and looking at simple things and turning it into something completly amazing….and might I add extremely cute!!!

    You have inspiried me in so many ways, I have such a big passion for baking and decorating which is thanks to you. I was so sad to learn that I missed you when you came to Toronto :( Everytime I pass by William Sonoma , I always think “shoot I could have met her”

    Anyhow I just wanted to say, Thank You! Your passion and love for baking and decorating is very inspiring. Wishing you all the best in a quick and healthy recovery.

    Seema :)

  91. I only recently learned of your website and have been inspired by your creativity. I took a cake pops class and bought your book over the last few weeks. When I checked your blog the other day I was sorry to hear you’re having health problems. I wish you a speedy recovery and that everything gets worked out quickly. I wish you all the best!

    PS: I made baby bibs, onesies and baby face cake pops for my sister’s baby shower this weekend. They were a total hit.. Thank you so much for inspiring me!

  92. I have followed your blog and posts for a short time since I love to bake and feel like I know you even though we have never met. Have tried a few of your recipes and loved them. I quite enjoy your photos. You are inspiring and am sorry you are going through this. Saying prayers for you. And yes I am an organ donor on my license.

  93. I am wowed by your blog and efforts. I am a willing donor if you get to that point. Please just ask.
    I too have been helped by others. So, if mom does not match, please don’t hesitate to ask , plese.
    I think the oreo truffels will finally make it to the refrig this month.. no promises!!
    You are in my thoughts daily.

  94. You are so brave and strong, and i think that”s why you get so much comments, you’re not only talented and highly immahinative, but truly human behing that.
    I can’t wait to see back here, and i won’t stop praying for you.

  95. I am praying for you, Bakerella. I am praying for your swift recovery — not just now — but after the storm. I hope and pray this never happens again. Be safe and keep faith that a kidney will come through for you.

    I am an ex – healthcare worker so I know about the side effects of dialysis. Take it easy with the posts, we (your fan base) understand. You should try to keep your strength. We will be fine. Focus on yourself.



  96. Bakerella! I miss your posts!!! Get well soon so you can get back to the baking that you love!!! (and we love to see and try!)

  97. I’m so glad you are finally home!! That is good news in and of itself. I’ll continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself. I have no doubt that you will make it through all of this with a smile on your face. Your energy and positive attitude are an inspiration to all of us!!! And of course, if you need sweets to cheer you up just let us know! LOL. Can you imagine the boxes, and boxes, and boxes of goodies you would get? :)

  98. So glad that you’re home! ;) Thoughts & prayers are with you and your family… sending lots of love your way.

  99. I just happened to pop in on your website, only to find out your news. I will hold you in my prayers, and I know God is holding you in His hands and is taking care of everything.
    I do not know what kind of kidney problem you have had in the past, but PKD runs in my family. Both my mom and sister had kidney transplants. I was planning on being a donor until I found out I, too, have PKD, though I was tested in my 20’s with negative results. Quite a surprise how I found out, but I am having no problems at this time.
    However, I will be keeping tabs on how you are doing, so please let us all know.
    May God give you peace and encouragement. We are all with you!
    Kelly Harwick

  100. i wondered where you were!! i’m so sorry my dear, i really hope you feel better soon and can eat some mad good sugar confections. :)

  101. If you’re willing to share an address, I would love to send you a blanket for dialysis. I love to crochet and feel it’s the least I can do. Also, I am still sending all my good wishes your way. My dad beat prostate cancer earlier this year and I believe good wishes played a part in that. I would love to share a quote I’ve only seen on bumper stickers ‘Donate organs, heaven knows we need them here.’ I can only hope that my wishes are followed and when my time here is up, my organs help someone else survive. Thank you for sharing your story.

  102. I’m so glad to hear that you’re out of hospital and amazed that you’ve read all those comments! It may be a tough road ahead, but just remember we’re thinking of you all around the world!

  103. Still saying prayers for you. And sending hugs your way too.

  104. Just take it easy, stay strong, you will be in my prayers through this journey. Glad you are home, that always makes it better.

  105. Sending you all the positive energy I can!

  106. Bakerella, I’m so happy you are home. I have been thinking and praying for you. I know making that decision was hard. My grandfather was on hemodialysis and I would sit with him 3x a week while he was getting his treatments. I was in high school at the time and my bus driver was kind enough to drop me off right at the building! We all love you and support you and will continue to pray for you as you go on through your journey. Don’t worry about the pictures! As you can see you have touched so many lives with the person that you are – thank you so much for being you! God has plans for you, well all of us and He is always there to turn to and ask for strength when we need it! We are rooting you on:)

  107. Prayers will continue…glad you’re home!

  108. we love you angie!
    get well soon!

  109. Know all our hearts and prayers are with you. Prayer and faith can really change things, and we need you to get better because there are alot of people who haven’t had the chance to meet you at a book signing – including me. Best wishes!

  110. Hello Bakerella,

    I’ve been following your blog for a 6 months now. I wish I had found your website sooner. you have made many wonderful things, and blessed so many people. you have inspired me to bake! Thank you for that!! I’m sorry to hear about your health. I hope you will find your new kidney asap. The most important thing is for you to be positive. I am sure that you will recover soon. my prayers are with you!

  111. Hi
    I am a Wholekitchen follower and just seen a post about you.
    Wishing you all the best, my prayers are with you ?

  112. Happy to hear that you are home now and feeling better. I am also a dialysis patient with lupus. I fell in love with your blog when I stumbled upon it on Google. And I’ve been a fan ever since.

  113. Hie Bakerella, I have been following your blog for ages! I don’t have an ounce of cooking talent in me, but reading your blog at the end of the day just makes me feel happy and contented (and of course…hungry and impulsive – wanting to get my own oven and stuff)

    I guess you won’t have a shortage of well wishers and prayers, but I’ll add mine just in case.

    I hope you get better soon, be strong and be well =)

    Keep on spreading the sunshine girl! Us readers will support you no matter what!

  114. Lots of people are thinking of you. You are not alone.

  115. You and your family are in our prayers. Can’t do without you!

  116. For your readers that live in Arizona: Register to be an organ, tissue, and eye donor. It will be the best gift you could ever give. I love my job and I am very passionate about donation and spreading the word! Thank you for sharing your own personal experience. Lots of love and prayers to you and your family!

  117. Wishing you a speedy recovery…. Sending lots of prayers

  118. Thoughts and prayers are with you…sending u blessings :) u are truly an inspiration…

  119. Hi Bakerella!

    Just started following you!! Your site is amazing! I wish you the best & keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery! Take care & continue to keep us updated!

  120. Oh my… ugh. I am so sad to hear this news… sending you strength and positive energy. Hoping your mom is able to help you… if she is unable you have so so so many supporters on this page that would be willing to help, if possible. I am one of them. Please keep us all in tuned with what is going on. Lot’s of love.

  121. am Happy you’re fine, still praying with you. Happy St. Patrick’s Day! God bless :)

  122. I am so happy to hear you are home. I have been checking every day to hear some news of how you are doing. I know we have never met but your fun, cute, and kind attitude always makes me smile. I am praying a match is found soon and you continue to live a long and healthy life. Sending you big hugs and sending happy wishes of sunshine to brighten your day.

  123. I hope this doesn’t sound creepy, stalkerish, but I was so glad to see a new post from you. Since your last post I have thought about you a lot. Your blog is the only one I follow on a daily basis and I have loved to see you on this crazy awesome journey you have taken.
    I hope all goes well for you and you will continue to be in my prayers!

  124. Wishing you the best and sending my positive vibes for a quick recovery. So sorry that you have to go through all of this, but you have so many who wish you the best, that I believe you will be just fine. Just think of this as a bump in the road that you will manage to overcome.
    Many many hugs!

  125. Hope you are doing OK! As my neighbor says – Duck Fialysis (she received a kidney and pancreas transplant last year) but at least it’s temporary. My mother was a kidney donor when she died 2 yrs ago.
    Hang in there.
    PS I saw “cake pops” in Starbucks the other day. Hope you’re getting royalties!

  126. Best wishes, Bakerella! My thoughts are with you… Here’s for many cake pops to come! :)

  127. wow.
    i’m so sorry.
    you have a lot on your plate right now.
    you are home so things must be getting there/better. all it takes is time and a big bucket of patience.
    i rarely leave comments on your fabulous site but had to say you are in my thoughts for sure.
    stay strong…

  128. Stay strong! Many prayers and blessings for a speedy and full recovery!

  129. YAY! You’re BACK! :huggles:

    Glad to hear you’re improving, but the dialysis… that just STINKS.

    Hopefully, though you’ll find a suitable, matching donor soon!

    Many Blessings to you

  130. Bakerella,

    Just a note to say that I’m praying for you. I’m a long time follower, but don’t usually comment (not sure why). This time I felt lead to. You have quite a following, and it sounds like many prayer warriors too. There’s power in that!

    I met you at your book signing in Illinois. You were just as sweet in person as you come through in your website. God will care for you.

    God bless!

  131. We are so glad to hear from you! Such a possitive hard working person, god bless you dearest Bakerella!

  132. So happy that you’re out of the hospital…big hugs!

    (As a side note, the Starbucks by me has cake pops now!!!)

  133. 6 Degrees of seperation. Saw your book – but NEVER buy anything for myself. PLUS – I DONT Cook. Hubby just diagnosed w/ bladder CA. My life upside down. Wanted to do something FUN with my 4 yo. So went to store to buy pop supplies. (not knowing what I’m doing)

    I’m a PA in NEPHROLOGY on the transplant team. & just read your blog to see what I needed to do….I do so hope you have a second chance for transplant. Sounds like you took amazing care of 1st transplant!!! Not sure all your history etc – but look into home hemo or CAPD if those options are available to you. Great options for alot folks!! Prayers are with you. Tammie :-P

  134. I feel so bad that I haven’t sent you a message before. When your first message came, I was busy and didn’t open it, but saved it for a later date. And then I was wondering why I had not received any mail from you.(Your messages always make me happy.) I was so stunned when I read your second post.
    You will be in my prayers daily. Here’s hoping that you will get a kidney shortly and your body will accept it. Even though, I have never met you, I talk about you and your cake pops all the time. They are so much fun to give as gifts. I even tried to make them from the video of the Today show before I got the book. I got your book and have shared it with my daughters. Thanks for the inspiration you have been to me.

  135. I am so happy to hear you are home! I am amazed you are able to continue to keep us informed let alone honored that you think of your blog friends as worthy in your life. Thank you for all you do – you will be in my thoughts and prayers in the coming days and weeks. Hugs to you, my friend.

  136. bonsoir
    je suis une française qui est fan de votre travail, j’adore ce que vous faites et je vous dis merci merci de nous faire partager ses deliçieuses gourmandises, qui ont fait un grand moment de bonheur et de joie de mes enfants, en voyant ses belles sucettes grâce a vous
    je prie dieu pour vous en espérant que vous trouviez un donneur, et de vous revoir avec de belles et incroyable sucettes
    grosse pensée pour vous et de gros gros bisous de la part de mes enfants
    Cordialement Sabrina

  137. I’m so glad to hear that you are home. My daughter and I really enjoy your blog and are so impressed with your work. Please know that we are praying for you. Take care.

  138. Isn’t it amazing how just sleeping in your own bed and the automated bp cuff not going off everytime you’ve dozed off finally. :) I’m so glad you’re home too. You are such a phenominal person. Thank you for the update and as to thanking us; I’m sure I speak for many, that there is no thanks needed. We love you!!


  140. Woops. Meant lung function, not capacity. Sorry. :)

  141. I am so glad you got to come home. I hope the dialysis is short and a transplant is soon.

    (Make sure you monitor your breathing/nail color! Dialysis can do some odd stuff to lung capacity because of the fluid retention.)

    I pray for your health. You have such a wonderful, grateful heart. Thanks for keeping us posted! Be well.

  142. praying for you!! God is merciful and powerful, and Im asking Him to keep you close!!

  143. Praying for you!

  144. I am so happy your feeling better… you got me a little worried there.
    I love your baking i check on your website every day just to look at the pictures over and over :*
    Happy St. Patrick’s Day! :)

  145. Good Luck to you !!!
    And, I love your book, you have so much to be proud of !

  146. I found your site by accident some time ago – feels like forever. You’ve been a weekly part of my life. Your posts and photos and stories inspired me to start baking. I thank you for this! My family thanks you for this! Many prayers for your recovery and a match.

  147. I don’t want to add to your “burden” of reading all the letters and comments but want to thank you for being brave enough to post about your problems. I know you want to stay positive on your blog but it’s important to share what is happening. Oh, I bought your book and saw the cute little chick that sits down. Well, I stuck a pop stick in the top of it and well, you can see it here. I gave a shout back to your blog, too. Oh, and I included your video on how to make cake pops. What fun I’ve had making these. My prayers are with you. Linda

  148. I am so HAPPY to hear that you are home!!! You are so full of grace and composure in such a hard time in your life. I am glad to “know” you. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  149. I’m glad to hear that you are out of the hospital. I have been checking back every few days hoping for an update that things are going well. Obviously you have touched thousands of us with your cute, tasty creations, and I’m sure the universe owes you big for that! Still praying for a kidney match and a smooth recovery!!

  150. Dear Bakerella,

    Since i discovered your blog (last year) i’ve been constantly reading your posts. I always get excited just looking at the new, creative cake pop ideas that u come up with. Because of you i tried my hand making ’em. Not easy but it was fun watching ppl sucking and licking and just letting them think its a lollipop! :P U have totally inspired me to think outside the box. My heart goes to you. I do hope u be fit as a fiddle soon. I probably sound selfish but i truly miss ur ridiculously crazy cute cake pops!

    Take care & Get well soon!

    Much LOVE all d way from MALAYSIA,


  151. Wow! I’m a little behind but I just wanted to offer you my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you all the best!

  152. Thank you so much for checking. So glad you’re home from the hospital for the time being. My thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this.

  153. I’m just another stranger living 1000s of miles away from you who was so sad to hear what your going through and no I don’t know you but through your website and cake-pops etc I feel like I do.. regardless I was thrilled to read your back home and I wish you all the strength and what ever else you need to get through this . May you be healthy and strong!
    Your an inspiration to me!
    Sorry I made you read another comment but my sister and I have LOVED your cake pops and I just had to tell you how sad we both were when I read what your going through – your in our thoughts


  154. hope u can continue to do what u love and get a new kidney soon!

  155. I am so glad to hear from you, and that you are home. God be with you!! xoxo

  156. You’re a wonderful role model – and have been for a long time. Warm, creative, funny, talented. And underneath it all, a good person. Love and good wishes to you.

  157. I am so glad you are home. You are in my prayers everyday. I can’t let anything happen to my Bakerella. I feel like you are a part of my inner circle of friends and it upsets me you are so sick. All my hugs and kisses to you every day!!

  158. I make your cakepops and especially cupcake bites all the time! It has made my kids quite popular as they take them to school a lot! This year at our New Year’s Eve dinner, our 16 year old said, “Let us pause a moment and give thanks to 2010, the year that gave us cake pops!” hahaha This is especially cute because as a typically teenager, we parents are so “uncool” in her eyes, lol! Thanks Bakerella, and I will be praying for you ((((HUGS))))

  159. So happy to hear your home, as yes we do miss you and your wonderful pictures and blogging. I hope your jounery over the next few months is a smooth and successful one. You definately have us all sending prayers your way.

  160. Stay strong! I would love to help if I can. I would be happy to get tested to see if I am a match! Anything to help someone in need! Thinking about you!

  161. I have just started reading your blog and absolutely love it! I’ve been checking back daily to check on you and I’m so happy that you are home from the hospital!!

  162. so so glad for you that you’re finally home. i’m buzzing to you all my squishy hugs, happy thoughts and extra energy for the dialysis cycles that you’ll be going through. we all want you to rest rest rest!! and get well well well!!! ok??

  163. I sure missed you when I came to Williams Sonoma only to find out you were too sick to travel. May the luck of St. Patrick’s Day make you get better.

  164. I have been reading your blog for quite a while now. Never commented, though. I have started making decorated cookies and your blog has been an inspiration. Many prayers coming to you from Nashville, TN. Keep us updated. I will keep reading!

  165. Im so glad you are feeling better, and I know how much going to the centers sucks and takes up all of your day. Not many people know that davita does do home hemo where you have your own machine and do dialysis at home. My fiance does this and I am his care partner/nurse. Even the nurses at the hospital are always surprised when he tells them he does hemo at home! By having the machine at home you can dialyze everyday for a shorter time which actually does a much better job at cleaning your blood, and your diet can basically go back to normal!

  166. Anonymous said…

    Hi I’m from Brazil and I love your blog.
    Have a lot of strength, because everything in life has a why, and you will win, God bless you and give you lots força.Quero you to know I learned a lot from you.
    PS: sorry my english, I’m learning! In my country has a word he says (saudade) means finto badly miss.

  167. I am also glad that you are home and had not been on the computer in a while. I apologize for not keeping up with the website, but it looks like you are truly loved. What I would like to do is put you on a prayer list and invite you and others on a prayer call every morning Monday-Saturday 6:30 am-8:30am. Just when you feel like connecting here is the number (308-344-6400) pin number 401251 # then press 1. Truly God puts us through things for others, whoever it may be to His Glory! Praise God for your healing in advance.

  168. Hi I’m from Brazil and I love your blog.
    Have a lot of strength, because everything in life has a why, and you will win, God bless you and give you lots força.Quero you to know I learned a lot from you.
    PS: sorry my english, I’m learning! In my country has a word he says (saudade) means finto badly miss.

  169. Yay! First step of prayers have been answered! Still praying for your donor to come through and for your restored health and peace for you as you go through the process. As always, thank you for your inspiration whether it be in baking or in life. You are appreciated and cared for. : )

  170. So good to hear you’re back in the comfort of your own home and near a computer – although i’m not sure that’s a good thing. just take it easy lovely!

    Yup, this will be 2nd official comment here, but i wanted to let you know that i had a stab at making your red velvet cake, but as cupcakes (by halving the quantity). As I couldn’t find buttermilk (very rare in Greece) i made it using a dash of lemon juice, the cupcakes turned out amazers! Thank you. All 12 cupcakes went down a storm, well… i ate the majority of them they were so good but still!

    Thanks oodles!

    I hope you have a great weekend.

  171. Just reading about your illness, i love reading your blog as do many others. And like others you have inspired me to make cake pops. I wish you well on this journey and hope you mother is a match for you.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  172. Get well soon (((:

  173. You’re such a trooper. You’re such a positive person in my life although you are going through such a difficult time. I know that I do not know you in person but I feel like I do. Every time I visit you’re blog, I am so elated. I hope the very best for you, and please get better. We need you. All the best,

    you’re biggest fan. Seriously.

  174. So happy that you are back home! You are an inspiration.

  175. Glad to hear you are home. God’s blessings to your; and thank you for thinking of all of us so much to post and let us know how you are! You’re a blessing and an inspiration to so many. A close friends’ dad had a kidney transplant last summer – and my friend is working on a organ donation project for his Eagle Scout project. Praying for peace and health through this and a speedy transplant process. Have a good time reading emails, and enjoy some me-time, and make some cute for a smile in your day :)

  176. So glad to read u!
    My father gave a kidney to my mom.. a few years ago!
    She died for neglligence.. but her kidney last 6 years! and it was great!
    Of course im a donor! and i’d be honored if u ask for my kidney jajajaja!
    PLease take care! your fans (and with that i mean US!) are waiting for you.. take as long as u need for rest and all those stuff u need for being ok.. we wont go anywhere.. we are beside u, supporting u :)

  177. Praying that all goes well and that either your mom is a good match, or that you are matched up with another donor soon. Take care and I hope you find something to pass the time! I wish I could bring you a cupcake :)

  178. As a kidney transplant coordinator I always felt a connection to your blog. In fact I was looking for green ribbon ideas and thats how I found your blog in the first place! BTW my co-workers love the cake balls that I made for them. You are an inspiration to transplant candidates as well as coordinators such as myself. 18 yrs is awesome for a deceased donor kidney and heres to 18+ years with living donor kidney. I hope that people see you and learn how much donation can change a person’s life! I love the saying “Donate life” because that is what it really is! My prayers go out to you, your family, and your docs.:)

  179. I’ve tried so many of your recipes and they have been amazing! You’ve given so much to the public that I hope somehow, someone gives back soon. My best wishes <3

  180. Thanks for the update. I’m a lurker and don’t usually post but I love your website and it’s amazing how you can feel a connection and worry about someone you have never met!!
    I have been checking in once a day or so to see if you had posted – as if you had nothing better to do. So sorry you have to go through dialysis. Watched my uncle go through this whole process

    Praying your mom is able to be a donor and that you will continue to be able to stay healthy.

  181. Hope you’ll get better soon.. Wish you all the best.

    Hugs and kisses to your smiley face :)

  182. Oh, Angie, I had no idea–I am sending you healthy wishes, prayers, and love! xoxo

  183. I am happy you are home! i was in the hospital too. for a different reason though. The hospital is never fun. glad you are better :)

  184. Yay! :) I am so happy you are out of the hospital! Sorry about the whole situation though :/ But on the brightside, you will have 12 hours a week to write down all your baking genius ideas! By the way, i’ve been wanting to see something about cheesecake pops? I’d love to have those on Easter! I have a TON of ideas on how to do this… :) email me for details! by the way… i might be your youngest dedicated fan :) im turning fourteen in a month and bake almost every day ( but i check your site every day) :) But enough about me! Feel better! Lots of love, Lauren

  185. sooooooooooo happy to “hear” from you!!
    i was checking this blog several times a day to see if you were fine! so i´m deeply happy that you are….
    tons of positive energy for you

  186. Keeping Happy thoughts for you and your family! Get Well Soon!

  187. There’s no place like home. Good luck and get better.
    I pray everything will work out for you.

  188. God bless you. So glad you’re home from the hospital and in better shape. You’ll be in my prayers as you go through dialysis and treatment. Have missed seeing your adorable cake pops which are so delicious by the way.

  189. I just read what has happened to you
    Keep strong and brave, my friends and I are praying for your recovery here!

  190. So glad you are home! Rest, rest rest!!! Continued prayers for you sweetie!

  191. I’m so sorry to hear that you’re unwell, but I hope everything works out and you get better soon.
    I love reading your blog and it always motivates me to try new baking experiments.

  192. So happy to see you back again! Love to you!

  193. I’ve been following you silently for a long time, now I wanted to break the silence to tell u that u’re in my thoughts, and that I truly believe that all this support u’re receiving will find its way into a full recovery soon. I’m glad u’re home now, I wish u the best.

  194. wow, I haven’t been on Bakerella for a few weeks, I have missed A LOT! I have a cousin who just went through her first kidney transplant a few months ago, I hope you’re feeling ok! You’ll be in my prayers tonight!

  195. i’m so glad that you are at home, and more than glad that your momy can be a donor :D , all our prayers are still with you and everyone in my family hope that everything be all right soon, a big hug from your house in mexico

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you too ( lil’ late)

  196. Glad you’re back home! Excited for all the yummy posts to come. Thanks for being a bright spot in my day. God Bless.

  197. So glad you’re home. Definitely sending more prayers your way! One of my dear friends is a liver transplant recipient. After watching what she went through, my whole family checked organ donor on our driver’s licenses. I encourage everyone to do the same.

  198. So glad to hear you are home. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this. I hope your health improves and your mom will be a match for you. Thinking of you and am so inspired not only by your work but your courage.

  199. you are an inspiration to all of us!
    so happy that you are home…know that positive energy is flowing through the screen to you dear bakerella!

  200. Am so glad to hear you are home! Godspeed on your road to recovery. You are in my prayers.

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