
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …


Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell POP!

It’s the right time to dip the night away don’t you think.

Cake Pops Holidays Cover

It’s here! It’s here! And I’m super excited Cake Pops Holidays is available online and in stores and even at scholastic book fairs, too I hear.… just in time for some fun holiday cake popping!

And I know you guys are gonna bring some serious cuteness this Christmas. I’m constantly blown away by the cake pops you all share on the Bakerella Facebook page. I mean super, super, super stuff. I often find my jaw dropping.

I hope the book continues to inspire you to make lots of people happy this holiday season. Lots of sweet smiles.

Christmas Cake Pops

The book is full of cute winter holiday cake pop projects just like these.

Elves, Santas, stockings, presents … and  gingerbread houses, Christmas lights, dreidels, wreaths and more.

Cake Pops Holidays

It has a wiro-binding like the first book.

Cake Pops Holidays

So you can lay it flat while you dip.

And to celebrate I’m giving away five (5) copies of the book.… Signed if you’d like.

(The book is available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and Target, too.)

But that’s not all.

Each of the five winners will also be getting something else.

Something fun!

And something to have fun with!

The Cake Pops Toy that’s available at Toys R US…

Cake Pops by Bakerella Toy

Cake Pops Toy

It comes with all this cute stuff to play with. And help little ones make real cake pops with.

Cake Pops Toy

A toy for tiny treats.


Enter for a chance to win Cake Pops Holidays and the Cake Pops Toy

  • To enter the giveaway, just answer one of the following questions.
  • How do you usually spend Christmas Eve? Or What’s your favorite part of the holiday season?
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, November 6, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET. Sorry, Time’s up! Winners announced below.
  • Five (5) winners will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Please note: The toy manufacturer is currently only shipping to the US and Canada. If a winner is chosen outside those countries, the winner will receive two signed Cake Pops Holidays books instead.

Good Luck!

P.S. I had my first book signing earlier today in King of Prussia and I want to thank all of you that came out to say hi. It was so much fun and I hope you enjoy your books. The first two signings were supposed to be in New York and New Jersey, but with the devastation from Sandy, we are going to try and reschedule. I hope all of you in those areas affected are safe.

Here’s the remaining Cake Pops Holidays Book Signing Dates. I’d love to see you.

P.P.S. I know there’s been a lot of cake pops on the site lately, but I’ll be back to regular baking too soon. I need a brownie or a cookie or 12.


It’s time to pick winners from all the comments? These were some of the best, feel good responses and oh my goodness can I come over on Christmas Eve? So many wonderful memories are going to be happening this year too. Hope you all have happy holidays!

And now for the winners…

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3,590 comments on “Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell …”

  1. Oh wow!!!

    Christmas eve is usually spent with my closest friends, watching funny movies and wrapping presents. Last year we made special treats to eat christmas morning.

  2. My favorite thing about the holiday season is the decorations and just spending time with my family. I love the overall feeling of the holiday season. :)

  3. Oh my gosh, I would be THRILLED to win! This would make a perfect present for my 2 little girls, too! We spend Christmas Eve together wearing new jammies and drinking hot cocoa.

    Anyway! My favorite part of the holiday season is the food- specifically desserts. Every year I pick a different theme- last year was cookies, this year is fudge!

  4. We usually go to a party at a family friends house on christmas eve, very fun and festive.

  5. My favorite thing about the holiday season is having an excuse to bake all the time! There’s always an occasion to make some desserts!(:

  6. We have a nice dinner my husband, daughter and I. Then open all of our presents and play with them late into the night.

  7. We spend Christmas Evewith my husband’s family. It is a tradition to eat oyster stew.

  8. Christmas Eve is spent with my family. We hear the late evening mass and have snacks afterwards. My nieces will then try to stay up to catch Santa in action.

  9. We go to church with my niece and her family. Then we go to dinner at our favorite resturant. After dinner my husband and daughter and myself go home and cook for our open house on Christmas Day. Our open house is for our family in town and all of our friends who don’t have family close by. We make breakfast casseroles to a full ham and turkey dinner for the buffet and my husband’s homemade EggNog. Best of all is spending time with the people who have touched our lives.

  10. My favourite parts are decorations especially the snowy ones. Love to decorate my cupcakes and cookies with snowflakes and glitters.

    I use big shinny snowflakes to decorate my house’s windows.

    And wrapping the gifts are such fun!

    Greetings from Turkey! :)

  11. I spend Christmas Eve with my family, curled up on the couch all cozy and warm. We drink hot chocolate and watch our favorite Christmas specials together. It’s a wonderful way to spend the holidays.

  12. We usually spend Christmas Eve together as a big family. We have dinner, look at Christmas lights, and then open one gift (usually pajamas). And then my dad and I usually argue…he usually wants to open all of the rest of the gifts, whereas I want to wait for Christmas morning. :)

  13. My favorite part of the Christmas season is decorating and baking, baking, baking. I usually make 10 different treats, goodies and cookies every year. (Too many to be honest, I usually eat way too many.) I love sharing them with family and friends and always bring a selection of everything to all get togethers and parties. Hope you put St. Louis on your book signing!

  14. I love the decorations, particularly all the Nativities. I like to collect them. Christmas Eve is spent with family eating fish, lots of fish.

  15. My favorite part of the holidays is having everyone gathered near. We started a new holiday tradition for Christmas Eve and draw a name out of a hat to see who’s house we’ll be going to the next Christmas Eve. Then everyone gets a chance to stay home for the holiday and host Christmas Eve at their house. Last year was at my daughter’s, this year it’s at my sister in laws. Next year’s host will be drawn on Christmas Eve. Past hosts are eliminated from the drawing so that everyone gets a chance at hosting. Once everyone has had a chance, all names are thrown back into the hat and the cycle starts again. Happy Holidays everyone!

  16. When I was little we were always at a grandparent’s on Christmas Eve. Now we keep it quiet – watch White Christmas or It’s a Wonderful Life and go to bed early! It’s nice.

  17. Christmas Eve is usually pretty low-key compared to the next day… a simple supper and the late church service – and any of the last minute tasks I haven’t finished yet!

  18. My favorite part of the holiday season is the Christmas music in the kitchen when I am baking sweet treats! I just love it!

  19. We always spend Christmas eve with family and tradition is the kids get to open one gift under the tree. Normally Christmas pajamas so that they can wear them and go to bed and wait for Santa! :)

  20. My favorite part of the season is curling up with some hot chocolate when it’s snowing outside and listening to Christmas music!

  21. Christmas Eve is always spent at my house. Sometimes just my immediate family…dad,siblings, and nephews, but the best nights before Christmas are the ones when good family friends and other members of my family(grandma and aunts and uncles) are able to join us. Its the time when we can just sit back and really appreciate each other.We make all kinds of goodies to snack on throughout the evening and Im always responsible for making the desserts which are always in abundance. We also make reindeer feed for my youngest nephew to sprinkle outside for the reindeer. We each get to open one gift and of course it wouldnt be Christmas Eve without reading The Night Before Christmas.

  22. We spend Christmas Eve with the family. Everyone stays the night including our two daughters and olders son’s who are in the mid to late 20’s, grandmother and nephews. Traditional Mexican dinner and movies.

  23. We spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family…lots of desserts and snacks to nosh on! Good times!

  24. Christmas eve is always spent drinking hot chocolate watching Christmas movies in front of the fire. Then before bed we get to open 1 present (every year it’s new pyjamas!).

  25. Our family normally doesn’t have BIG plans on Christmas eve so my and my husband started a tradition of our own several years ago. We were hungry and didn’t want to mess up the kitchen so we went out to eat, in our town, the only place open was a Chinese restaurant. Now every year, we plan to go eat Chinese for Christmas Eve!

  26. I usually spend Christmas Eve helping my mother cook for the family and as of later playing Just Dance with my niece. This Christmas Eve will be truly special since it will be my lil man’s first Christmas :).

  27. Christmas Eve service then home for some lasagna and garlic bread and open some presents!

  28. My favorite part is just being together with my family and friends!
    P.S. I came to your book signing in King of Prussia, I was the 12 year old girl with her dad :)

  29. On Christmas eve, the whole family comes round for a yummy dinner that mum makes, and then we all get to pick one small present to open, family tradition!

  30. Christmas Eve is my favorite! We finish decorating, eat a nice dinner, sing at the candlelight church service and then cookies and cider with friends and family. Christmas day is relaxing with presents and treats, family and friends…I can’t wait!

  31. Christmas eve actually is my favorite part of the Christmas season! I help my dad cook a big traditional Italian meal in our tiny kitchen, and then we get to eat with all our family and friends. Absolute favorite part!

  32. Christmas Eve is spent with my husbands Italian family for the fish dinner. My favorite part is making all the special cookies!

  33. I spend Christmas Eve with my parents & there families. We eat a big dinner…Turkey, tamales, ham, & all the fixings. After eating we play games & open presents.

  34. Your Cake Pop creations are my can NEVER post too many! These Jingle Bells are “ringing in” my favorite time of year. We celebrate Christmas Eve with a traditional meal, reading the story of Christ’s birth, and gift opening. Merry Christmas Season to you!

  35. Our favorite part of the holidays is sitting at the table eating delicious foods and reminiscing about old times. :)

  36. Christmas Eve has always been spent with my family going to church, then homemade beef stew & fresh bread, followed by cookies. As newlyweds this year, we’ll be looking forward to some new traditions!

  37. I usually spend Christmas Eve opening presents! My family is German so we carry on the tradition.

  38. Our family usually spends Christmas Eve eating lots of delicious treats! All gathered together with friends and neighbors, and these bell cake pops are so adorable I will have to make them for Christmas eve!

  39. My favourite is making xmas cards for my family, friends, and coworkers. Also, bringing kids out to play in the snow (if any) and going back inside for hot chocolate after!

  40. We love all of the decorations and cookie making around the holidays!

  41. My favorite part of the holidays is finding just the right gift for friends and family. Sometimes that means making something, sometimes it’s finding a killer sale.

  42. My fave part of the holidays is relaxing by the glow of the tree and eating treats that only come out at christmas!

  43. We have as many friends over as we can pack into the house on Christmas Eve!

  44. On Christmas Eve I usually go to my mom’s house and she, my brother, and I watch a movie and eat popcorn.

  45. I am lucky enough to spend Christmas Eve with my family every year! :)

  46. My favorite part of Christmas is watching my kids faces light up on Christmas morning when they see what Santa left them.

  47. I spend Christmas Eve with my family. We enjoy a nice Christmas Eve dinner and open one gift each. Drink hot cocoa, watch Christmas movies and read the story of our Savior from the Bible. Love, love, love the new book and looking forward to either winning it or purchasing it. Fingers crossed!!

  48. Last year we started a new tradition with our four munchkins. Christmas Eve, we head on over to Grammy and Pa Joe’s to celebrate Christmas with them and then drive through lots of neighborhoods looking at Christmas lights. After reading the Christmas story together we put our four to bed. Then my husband and I put in a Christmas movie and put toys together and finish wrapping before setting presents under the tree : ) Christmas morning, we have lots of family time together before heading over to my parents house for dinner. Okay, now I’m ready for Christmas! ; )

  49. My husband and I (and our 3 kids) always have my parents and sister-in-law over for Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve.

  50. We have a big family get-together on Christmas Eve. It’s a lot of fun!

  51. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my Mom’s side of the family. And then even though my brother and I are adults and married we (and our spouses) still spend the night at my parents and open our presents on Christmas morning with them.

  52. My favorite part of the holiday season is wrapping presents while listening to Christmas music.

  53. We have a big family dinner Christmas eve night and then all the kiddos open presents. Love every minute of it!!

  54. My favorite part of the holidays is getting to visit friends and family!

  55. We act out the nativity with our children and now grandchildren. Some Christmas Eve’s (when I have had time) we open our new pair of PJs and wear them the rest of the evening. One of our favorite parts of the season is going to the various churches and listening to the choirs sing Christmas songs. We have also gone christmas caroling taking cookies or cinnamon roll plates to special friends and teachers. Some years we do the 12 days of Christmas to a secret someone—(we try to do it so we don’t get caught!)

  56. The thing I love most about the holidays is that the family gets together.

  57. I love the cake pop making kit!! I would probably use it a lot, for I am not gifted in my cooking skills. A tradition in my family is on Christmas Eve, we all open up a present with pajamas in it.

  58. Christmas Eve is my best friends birthday. After dinner with my family and church–my husband and I go over to her house. We have a glass of wine and exchange gifts and it is wonderful!!!

  59. We used to spend Christmas Eve running around trying to see both sides of my family and my husbands…but we moved to NC and now we spend it quietly with our 2 boys and whoever happens to come to spend the holidays with us:) It is sooo much more relaxing and fun! We watch all the great holiday movies (and cartoons) eat all the great baked goods and just enjoy eachother* Oh and before bed we have to put out the reindeer food so when Santa stops his reindeer can refuel…;)

  60. I usually spend Christmas Eve at home, preparing for the next day and avoiding all the last minute shoppers! My favorite parts of the holiday season are picking out our tree, getting in the house and decorating it! I also love the two or three days that I spend getting all my baking done for Christmas gifts for family and friends :)

  61. Christmas Eve is when we open the gifts under the tree!

  62. I love the music, decorations, the weather… I love EVERYTHING!!!

  63. First on christmas eve,we go to my sister in law for a lovely laid out dinner.Then when we get home and watch christmas movies like rudolph the red nosed reindeer(my kids favorite movie).i snuggle with my kids on the couch,their favorite stuffed animals in hand and I ask them what they hope santa brings them tommorow.then we all go to sleep in my bed.Of course the kids wake up at four in the morning asking to open presents,and we say yes.then they start playing with their toys.then we make cakepops!SQUEEE!YAYYY!

  64. I usually spend Christmas Eve in Illinois at my grandma’s house with my entire extended family.

  65. On Christmas Eve, my family always eats a bunch of appetizers for dinner. Like tapas. A fun family tradition.

  66. Favorite part is watching my girls eyes light up Christmas morning.

  67. We spend Christmas Eve with my in-laws. Santa usually makes a special delivery in the afternoon and we open gifts with them. My favorite part of the holiday is putting up the thousands of lights at my parents house! I love seeing the kids faces when we turn them on..

  68. Baking is a fun thing to do with family and friends

  69. My favorite part of the season is probably all the yummy food. And if I’m with the right people, there’s definitely a lot of fun merrymaking too :)

  70. What I love about chrismas is the food, and being with the family!

  71. I have so many, many favorite things during the Christmas season. How can I narrow it down to one! I love all the cooking and baking and time with family the most.

  72. Christmas Eve is always spent at my parents’ house with a cup of hot cocoa gathered around the fire with family.

  73. Favorite part of Christmas Eve is spending a beautiful evening with my 3 boys.

  74. On Christmas Eve the extended family gets together for dinner and then we sit in one large circle on the floor to play “the dice game”- a timed game, similar to spoons, but with a pile of small, inexpensive and fun wrapped presents available for the grabbing, but not to be opened until the game is finished. Laughter and togetherness- doesn’t get much better.

  75. A beautiful church service and a special dinner with our kids (eating by candle light!)

  76. We are a dual religion family. However, Christmas Eve is spent here with my husband’s family and any of my family that happens to be in the area. We begin on Thanksgiving with the grandchildren helping to put the lit snowman on the lawn. On Christmas Eve dinner is here. The adults talk and eat while the children first open their stockings. Dinner is served. After dinner the mayhem begins. One gift at a time, taking turns we all open the many gifts under the \tree and just enjoy each others company.

    Wish you were here, too, to enjoy the many desserts and of course, the traditional (in our house) chocolate fountain!

  77. Christmas is my favourite holiday simply because there are so many amazing things about it, but this year it will be exciting to see my will-be 17month old really experience everything. Last year she was 5months old, so she didn’t notice the snow, decorations, etc and couldn’t partake in most activities, but THIS CHRISTMAS, we get to bake and taste treats, decorate the tree together, dance to Christmas music, go tobogganing, read Christmas books… My favourite part of the holiday season will be witnessing my daughter’s response to all of the wonderful things the season has to offer <3

  78. Too cute! On Christmas Eve my family and I usually reenact the Nativity. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  79. We normally spend Christmas Eve at a close friend’s house who is a fabulous cook and baker…it is one of my favorite meals of the year! I can’t wait to bring the silver bells to dinner this year!!!

  80. Christmas Eve is always spent at my parents’ house with a warm cup of hot cocao around a fire with my family

  81. I usually spend my christmas eve’s with my mother, ready to travel a lot on christmas day around 3 different families… the last three years have been spent with my partner and his kids, so its been wrapping santa gifts, biting out parts of carrots left out for reindeers and making sure santa has some yummy treats. This year we will be gearing up to do a massive trip – travelling for about 16 hours so my partner and his kids can meet my extended family… I CANT WAIT!!! I get to see my little sisters for the first time in 3 years!!!!

  82. Christmas Eve is always spent at my aunt’s house with great food and champagne. The kids gather around the tree and open gifts, the adults do a gift exchange and we say what we are thankful for. Great memories and lots of blessings.

  83. My favorite part of the holidays is the decorating. I love how cozy my house feels with all of the garlands and lights.

  84. Christmas Eve is spent with my husband and dog. And the best part of the holidays is the food and family all coming together.

  85. I love the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and of course family time!

  86. We usually spend Christmas Eve at my parents, but this year we will be spending it at home. I know I’ll miss my family, but I’m so excited to start our own traditions and get ready for Santa to visit my 2-year-old at our house for the first time :)!!!!

  87. My siblings exchange gifts to each other on Christmas eve and we watch classic claymation holiday movies and set out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.

  88. X-mas eve is spent having Fondue with the family, as it takes time to cook ones food, it’s a fun time to chat and enjoy spending time with each other.

  89. Christmas Eve is spent at my aunts house with lots of great food and champagne, the kids (15) open gifts around the tree and adults do a gift exchange, always an amazing night with lots of blessings.

  90. My favorite part of the holiday season is BELTING Christmas songs in the car with my friends. We’re always singing anyway, but there’s something about Christmas music that makes it a much more special experience.

  91. I love the way the hollidays smell: pine trees, fire wood, baking goodies, hot cider, and all.

  92. The best thing is being with family. We all are together Christmas Eve. We eat and enjoy the excitement in the eyes of the kids. When our children were small we would go look at Christmas lights – I just love this time of year.

  93. My favorite part of the holidays is making home-made gifts for my family & friends and decorating gingerbread houses with my husband & son.

  94. My favourite part of the holidays is the holiday spirit!!
    I love the decorations, holiday foods, and all the smiling faces =)

  95. Christmas Eve we’re busy spending time with family, driving A LOT, and fitting in a service at our church.

  96. My husband and I bake 6 different cookies in about 5 days. It is an intense week of cookie baking. We make a list and go thru the recipes. Some of the recipes the cookie dough needs to be kept cold. We start as soon as the kids are in school. We also make homemade cannoli and this year we are going to add pizzelle cookies.

  97. We spend Christmas Eve differently every year…our family is spread out over California and Arizona, so we’re always in a different place. Now that we’ve got a toddler and another on the way, though, I hope to start some fun and meaningful Christmas traditions! :)

  98. Since I’ve been married, we’ve been doing Christmas Eve at one mother’s house and Christmas Day at the other mother’s house. We swap every year. We moved to California from Indiana back in August (sniff sniff), so now we’re gonna have to start a new tradition. Maybe…making cake pops?!?!

  99. My favorite part is to remember Jesus Christ was born ;)

  100. love decorating the tree

  101. We always drive around and look at the Christmas lights. Then go home, open one present (it’s always a game, so we can all play it). The kids go off to bed while we stay up and get everything ready for Santa.

  102. We always spend Christmas eve by going to a church service, then home for dinner and a Christmas movie (with cookies and hot cocoa, of course!)

  103. I LOVE everything about Christmastime. On Christmas Eve, I go with my family to the candlelight service at our church. Then we always go to our friend’s house where we eat soup and exchange gifts. It’s so much fun.
    I am dying to have your book and cake pops toy! I was considering buying a toy set for myself… :)

  104. My favorite part is.. all about family. It’s a time
    where kids have to come see you if they want their gifts! Ha! It’s one way to get their attention. :)

  105. My favorite part of the holiday season is baking cookies with my two little girls on Christmas Eve and then seeing the excitement in their faces as we leave a plate out for Santa that night.

  106. I spent Christmas eve with my family, going to church and then home for hot chocolate and gift opening!

  107. Christmas Eve we go to church, an 11:00pm service, so that we can be together celebrating the moment it’s December 25th.

  108. My favorite part of the holidays is being with family and baking together :)

  109. We spend Xmas eve at my moms counting the hours, minutes, and seconds for midnight to open the gifts. We never make it past 10:30pm lol!!!!

  110. Christmas Eve is actually my favorite day of the year! I love all the excitement and anticipation. Everything is wrapped pretty under the tree still. We always host a family/friend event that evening and sit around eating munchies! Including cake pops!!

  111. My favorite part is watching the cats try to get the ornaments off the tree . . . .

  112. Christmas eve service at church (sometime they have candles for everyone in the audience – that’s our favorite!) and then home for treats and hot chocolate!

  113. We have a wonderful Christmas Eve tradition from my husband’s family of having a big “smorgasbord” with all kinds of appetizer-ish goodies that we avoid the rest of the year.

  114. Spending time with my family. And cruising the neighborhoods looking for Christmas lights.

  115. We go to our neighbor’s for a big party, and then watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ & wrap gifts.

  116. We live far away from our family, so we spend Christmas Eve night just hanging out. My kids and I cook and bake, my son LOVES NORAD (the Santa tracker). My husband works retail, so he joins us around 6pm or so. It’s just a nice relaxing day before the insanity of Christmas morning :)

  117. I usually spend Christmas Eve with my family. We eat diner and than go to the midnight mass.

  118. Christmas Eve with family, favorite part of the holidays is having a crowd in for holiday brunch. Oh yes and making/giving holiday cake pops!

  119. My favorite part about the holiday season is shopping (and window shopping) the little shops on the main street of my town when it’s snowing. Then, I love wrapping the presents I got!

  120. Favorite part? …Christmas songs, Christmas movies, and of course – Christmas cooking!! (:

  121. Christmas Eve is about reading ’twas the Night Before Christmas to my kids and setting out treats for Santa and the reindeer

  122. We spend Chistmas Eve at home. Since our family is 10 hours away we have a party via Skype!

  123. I love to bake for all my family on Christmas Eve. :)

  124. Decorating and family gatherings are my favorite part of the Holidays. I love to create something foodwise that I know everyone will love. I hope to give this as a gift to my niece. I hope to see a smile on her face and see how creative she wants to get with the cake pops. :)

  125. My folks and siblings all get together at my baby sister’s house on Christmas Eve. We enjoy a wonderful mix of our favorite snacks and desserts, and then everyone gathers around the tree for the annual gift exchange. The kids all get to open one gift apiece, and it is such a joy to see their sweet faces light up! We usually watch some of the old Christmas classics, too (Rudolph, Frosty, the Grinch, etc.). After everyone leaves, I help my sister wrap her familys’ gifts and fill stockings with treats so she can rest after hosting the party. It is great fun every year!

  126. We spend Christmas eve with family. My favorite time of year!

  127. Even though I don’t celebrate Christmas, I still like the lights on houses and trees, gifts from my friends, smell of chimneys on a cold wenter night, and my favorite HOT CHOCOLATE :)

  128. We usually spend Christmas Eve together as a family. We might let our daughter open one present. Usually we’ll watch some movie together.

  129. For Christmas Eve, my entire family gets together at my Grandparents house early that day and we all help make the Christmas Eve dinner. Once we make the food and consume it, we then open some gifts at my grandparents house at midnight (now it is earlier since they are getting older) and we watch Christmas movies and have hot cocoa with marshmallows. Then my parents and my sister and myself go home and we open one more gift at home (pajamas and slippers) then we go to bed. Then on Christmas Morning we open our gifts and empty our stockings and watch movies and lounge around the house, then we get ready to have Christmas Dinner at whosever house it is that year (we take turns every year).

  130. My daughter was born on Christmas eve so we always have a birthday cake for her and then on Christmas we have a cake for Jesus birthday so we eat alot of cake for two days….

  131. I love spending Christmas day with my whole family. We watch movies and open presents all day and of course, eat!

  132. aaaaand now I’m hungry for dessert after looking at this post! (; pretty much every Christmas Eve, my whole family gets together at my grandparents’ house for lunch/dinner/opening presents/hanging out

  133. I spend Christmas Eve and Christmas with my children and grandchildren and it is my favorite thing to do all year! I bake desserts on Christmas Eve and dinner on Christmas and they’re all old enough to help!

  134. If I’m at my parents’ house – which I won’t be able to do this year – we go to the Christmas Eve service at their church then we head back to their house and change to go looking at Christmas lights. We must be in comfy clothes when we do this since three of us are smused in to the back seat. After we get back from light looking we turn the lights on on the tree, turn on some Christmas music and then open our “surprise” presents. It’s become a tradition that mom gets us – me, my sister and my niece – Christmas p.j.’s. Then we’d watch a movie or work on last minute crafty-type gifts or pass out.

  135. my favorite part is spending Christmas Day with my family, eating awesome food, and watching my nephews open thier gifts. LOVE THIS TIME OF YEAR!!!!

  136. I spend Christmas Eve wrapping all the presents for the kids from “Santa” after they’ve gone to bed while listening to holiday music!

  137. My favorite part of the holiday season is rocking out to Christmas songs while decorating the house and wrapping gifts!

  138. My favorite part is spending time with family.

  139. My dad always had (and still does) to work on Christmas Day so we always did our personal family stuff on Christmas Eve. We make a holiday dinner just for our family and open all of our christmas presents. Stockings from Santa and extended family dinners were for christmas day.

  140. My favorite part of the holidays is when me & my family watch “A Charlie Brown Christmas” together on Christmas Eve! We bake and eat… and eat… and eat all night long! :)

  141. When I was little we were usually pretty far from anything normal since we were an Army family and most of my childhood was spent in Germany where we were stationed. So to make it special my parents would always go get a pizza from the exchange really early. We snacked on that all night while we watched christmas specials. Then at around 7pm my parents would allow us to open a single gift and our new christmas pajamas which we changed into. We all loaded into the car and went looking at christmas lights in our neighborhood and then on post. When we got home we were allowed a cup of hot chocolate while we watched Christmas Vacation followed by White Christmas and then we went to bed to dream of the coming morning. I’m married to a soldier now myself so we chose to continue the tradition with our little one since it means so much to us already.

  142. Christmas Eve is spent with all my family. We all gather at my mother’s house who lives on the side of our church. After evening mass, everyone (relatives and friends) come through to eat and visit. It so important to remember what this season is all about!

  143. I always spend Christmas Eve at dinner with my in-laws and then at church. It is a wonderful tradition that I have come to cherish.

    Great giveaway! Fingers crossed!

  144. My family (puppies and all) & I always get together at my great aunt’s for Christmas eve. We’ve been doing it forever. It’s my favourite thing about the holidays to be honest :D

  145. I couldn’t find my comment. So I thought I should try again…

    Our whole family, kids and pets and all stay at my mom and dad’s house. It’s crazy, but tradition and soo much fun! My favorite part besides remembering Jesus is the reason for the season, is baking, putting my 4 kids in matching pjs and family.

    Thank you, Bakerella!

  146. After dinner with the in-laws, we head to Christmas Eve service at our church. We come home and let the boys open gifts from each other and us…then put them to bed to wait for Santa!

  147. Christmas Eve is all about baking goodies, giving the kids their gifts of new PJ’s and an ornament and at the end of the evening hanging up the stockings for Santa to fill!

  148. I know it’s really sappy, but I just love the Christmas music. Day after Christmas I feel like I’m in withdrawal…..

    Jaclynn would really love that Cake Pops set….she’s always wanting to ‘helpy’ us!!

  149. my favorite moment is when i receive all my family for the Xmas supper.. we always have good time ..

  150. I love the decorations. I love everything looking sparkly and bright and how it makes the long winter nights almost worth it, to be able to look at your tree.

  151. I would say my favorite part about Christmas is just being with family! I also love getting ready for Christmas – listening to Christmas music, wrapping presents, and baking!

  152. My favorite part of the holiday is definitely the baking!!!

  153. My family spends every Christmas Eve with an easy dinner and a new set of pjammas to wear for the night/Christmas morning. My mom started that tradition when we were very young and now that my sister and I are older, we get her a pair of pjammas instead.

  154. My favorite part of is having the family all together. Oh, and the food, too!

  155. I always spend my Christmas Eve with my family because Christmas day is my dad’s birthday. We end up going to church for the “midnight service” where everyone in the church lights a candle. Ever since I was a little girl, I imagined everyone was lighting the candles for my dad’s birthday. So right at Midnight, when everyone blows out there candles, I squeeze my dad’s arm and say “Happy Birthday Dad! Hope all your wishes come true!” It makes me tear up every year :*)

  156. My favorite part of the holidays is looking forward to watching my uncle prepare our Christmas dinner. In keeping with our Chinese heritage, he spends all day preparing and slicing a whole duck, then for hours he will labor over dough to make traditional paper thin Chinese pancakes (similar to jian bing) to wrap the duck in (like little burritos!). It’s truly a work of art when he’s finished and it’s so delicious!

  157. My favorite part of Christmas is the Candlelight Service at my lovely little Methodist Church. The stained glass windows are illuminated by candlight, we are all given a candle to hold when we arrive, the music is meaningful and for just a few minutes the world is at peace. I love it so much.

  158. us cousins always go over to my grandma’s christmas eve and us kids stay overnight. even thought we’re all older now(some of us are married) we still do it! we’ve been doing it pretty much all my life. =)

  159. My favorite part is making cookies with my mom in the kitchen. We bake for like 3 days when I get home all day to make tons of cookies for everyone to take back with them. Thanks for the giveaway, I keep checking the stores for these!

  160. My favorite part of Christmas is our Christmas Eve traditional family program with singing, acting out the first Christmas, a visit from St. Nick and then sending the kids to bed. We always watch The Christmas Carole too on that night!

  161. My favorite part of Christmas Eve is spending the time together with family. As nieces and nephews grow, I know the time is limited that all of us will make it to celebrate Jesus birth together. I love this time of the year!

  162. Christmas Eve is spent at my parents’ house. All the family comes over for dinner and we each get to open 1 present early! Then we all head out to midnight mass. It’s a lovely time together as family!

  163. We always go to my mom and dad’s house-kids, pets and all! It gets kinda crazy sometimes but we love it. We eat lots of snacky foods while we start preparing Christmas dinner for the next day. My kids get to open one present each and we put on our new Christmas pjs; matching, of course! Then we read the nativity story before bed.

    My favorite part is, everything! Especially seeing the kids’ eyes light up with excitement and wonder.

  164. Usually Christmas Eve is spent with family laughing and eating lots of yummy food and treats. However, this year we’re switching things up a little. Being a military family we move often and this year we are 3100 miles away from home and family. We are also expecting our first baby in less than a week – so this year we’ll be making our own family traditions to make Christmas Eve just as special being far away from home.

  165. Weirdly enough, my favorite part of the holidays is braving the traffic and crowds to Christmas shop at the last week. That and the smell of snow!

  166. Christmas Eve is usually spent running last minute errands and cooking for Christmas Day! I LOVE EVERYTHING about Christmas!

  167. my favorite part of christmas eve is spending time with my family..the day were all getting along with one another and having a good time sharing memories, having laughs, and eating yummy treats until midnight comes along and i get to see how excited all the kids get when opening there gifts,

  168. I love the holiday baking…cookies, cookies, cookies!

  169. Christmas Eve is always spent with the family making tamales, and lots of other yummy food that we take to another family members house where we all get together to celebrate and spend quality time.

  170. The best part about Christmas is having my family over, my brothers, parents and kids … I always look forward to it. Seeing everyone happy and spending time … and always a reason for me to make my cake pops and share with the people I love the most!

  171. My favorite holiday tradition is as soon as Thanksgiving Dinner is cleaned up we take all the fall decorations down and put up the Christmas ones :)

  172. My favorite part of the holiday season is the decorations! I simply love all the lights everywhere! Thanks!

  173. My Christmas Eve is when I get to play Santa for all my friends and neighbors delivering sweet and gooey treats. But anyone has to admit, Christmas is not Christmas without the joy and excitement that it brings to all the little tots faces! No matter how many times the year they have been absolute heathens….they are always at their best! LOL

  174. Christmas Eve usually includes Candlelight service, dinner with my side of the family followed by opening presents with them! :)

  175. I love all of Christmas…right up to Jan. 6th… the last day!!!!

  176. We celebrate our Christmas on Christmas Eve. It is a evening spent with family opening all of out gifts, staying up late, and lot’s of snacks and Christmas cookies!

  177. We all say family is the best part of Christmas. I can agree strongly. My family is really busy and dont really spend dinners together other than the weekend. What brings us together in Winter is the food. My sister loves to cook and makes the best, home cooked meals, always warming up my stomach. She always cooks and fills me up, bringing the biggest smile on my face. I want to give her the same smile this holiday, that is why i am wishing for your Cake pop books this Christmas. Hopefully, i’ve been nice and not naughty this year:) Happy Holidays!

  178. We bake holiday cookies, go look at Christmas lights and attend church. One of the best days of my year.

  179. My favorite thing about the holidays is getting to see all the sparkly lights. I’ll just go to the mall just to look at tall their decorations or drive around the neighborhood with a hot chocolate to see what the neighbors put up.

  180. Our Christmas Eve tradition used to include homemade swiss cheese fondue with shaved ham and cubed french bread (along with a nice glass of wine), singing for the Candlelight services at church, and then each opening one small gift. However, since my brother has passed away from brain cancer, and my mother-in-law from bladder cancer, those traditions have taken a halt. We now have a quiet evening and reflect on past memories, remembering those we love, and being grateful for those who are still with us today.

  181. Christmas Eve for us means new PJ’s, Christmas movies, and mulled wine with my hubby.

  182. I love all about the Christmas holidays! Last year my sister (17 years old), my cousins (10 and 4 years old) and I started a new tradition: we devoted a whole afternoon to making from scratch, baking and decorating a gingerbread house. We had a great time and it was fun for all of us, despite the age difference!

  183. Haha we are were almost all true Europeans are… at a family Christmas Eve Celebration: Biggest bash of the year! :D Eating lots of food/talents shows/etc. Thanks for this giveaway! It looks like so much fun! Xo to you for sharing this, and three cheers for back to baking! We love whatever you come out with…so creatiiiivvvveee! :D

  184. My favorite Christmas memory is my mom scrambling to put up her tree and she had this little bird ornament that chirped the whole time opening gifts and while dinner. It drove us all nuts. Oh how I miss my family Christmases and that little bird!

  185. We always go to my nana’s house on Christmas Eve and cook breakfast so that we are together at midnight. It’s a long standing tradition that I plan to keep once I have children.

  186. Celebrating my sisters birthday, opening Christmas Jammie’s, and reading Luke 2. How about you?

  187. The favorite thing is really the decoration and candlelight all over

  188. Christmas Eve, we share a late lunch and exchange small gifts with the paternal side of hubby’s family (meeting at his uncle’s house). Then, it’s off to my dad’s to deliver Christmas Eve dinner and his gift.

    We return home, where we prep the sweet rolls (orange, cinnamon, or monkey bread) to be baked (and taken to hubby’s mom’s house) for Christmas morning brunch. Then, we sprinkle the lawn with “reindeer food” (a handful of mixed oats, sugar, and colored sugar or sprinkles), leave a snack for Santa, and get the kids tucked into bed.

    Finally, it’s time for the waiting game–that is, waiting for the exact five minutes during the night when both kids are asleep simultaneously.

  189. Christmas Eve is always spent preparing food for the next few days of family time followed by a “fancy” (fondue, raclette, stuffed chicken breasts, prime rib, etc) meal prior to attending midnight service at church. We always watched Christmas movies or shows and about half an hour prior to church we would read the Christmas story in the Bible.
    New tradition now that I have a child (4 yo son) is that we make a Happy Birhtday Jesus cake. He loves decorating cookies/cakes/etc and helping with cooking, so Christmas season is extra fun now!

  190. I enjoy the lights, music & special treats during the holidays.

  191. The best part of the holidays is obviously eating! But watching my belly bulge every christmas would have to be the worst part :P

  192. On Christmas Eve, I usually just eat a huge dinner with my family and some family friends :)

  193. My favorite part of the holiday season is all of the love among my family and this amazing feeling of thankfull we all share…

  194. Christmas eve usually means lots food and opening presents at midnight!!

  195. Midnight Mass is our Christmas Eve tradition, although I’m not sure how it will work this year with a 9 month old.

  196. My favorite part of the holiday season is all the quality time with family and friends! We host an annual get-together with our friends where I’ll put out a myriad of desserts and appetizers, put on some Christmas movies (to include some Christmas-themed horror movies!) and we just sit and eat and drink and talk. It’s a lot of fun and everyone looks forward to it!

  197. My favorite part of the holiday season is mint chocolate goodies, Christmas movies and spending time with loved ones! :)

  198. my favorite part is the holiday drinks from STARBUCKSS

  199. My favorite part is… the atmosphere! You can just sense there is something magical just around the corner… Also the food is a nice addition too ;)

  200. Christmas Eve is what is important to me, more so than Christmas Day. My mom and dad divorced when I was really young, so Christmas Eve was when we celebrated with family…Christmas Day reserved for my dad, who rarely showed up. We have kept “our side” of the family (my sister, my mom, and myself) tradition going and we all get together at my sisters with our extended families. We eat a wonderful meal and snack on goodies all afternoon until it’s time for the kids to open presents. It is always a wonderful time…lots of laughter, love, and true joy! I’d never spend it any other way.

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