
Key Lime Cream Cake

Key Lime Cream Cake

I made this Key Lime Cream Cake to go along with a fun handbag giveaway for today.

If you’ve followed the blog for a while you may remember this Red Velvet Clutch or this Buttercream Bag from a while ago. I know – handbags are kind of weird to show on a baking site, but not when the theme is cake and when the bag colors come in fun flavors like Key Lime Cream. Umm… yes please. The bags are from the Petunia Pickle Bottom line called … Cake. And I’ve been enamored with them for a while now. They are actually fashionably disguised diaper bags. But you can totally rock them without having to carry diapers around all day to justify wearing one. They are definitely too pretty for just one purpose.

I’ll show you in a minute. But first… a little Key Lime Cream Cake.

Key Lime Cream Cake

Decorated with swirls of whipped cream and graham cracker crumbs. Yum!

Key Lime Cream Cake

And four layers of key lime cake. Four uneven layers that I could have split better. But that’s okay. Still good.


Here’s the recipe or if you are more interested in the giveaway, just keep scrolling.

Key Lime Cream Cake

Key Lime Cream Cake

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Additional Time 30 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes



  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1-1/2 cups sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 2/3 cup oil
  • 2/3 cup key lime juice
  • 3/4 cup sour cream


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 2 - 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
  • 2 - 16 oz boxes confectioners' sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup key lime juice (optional)
  • green food coloring (optional for color)

Whipped Cream

  • 16 oz. heavy whipping cream
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. For cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour two 8-inch cake pans.
  2. Sift flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt into mixer. Add eggs, oil and lime juice. Beat until smooth. Add sour cream and beat until smooth.
  3. Pour into prepared pans and bake for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Cool and frost.
  4. For frosting: Beat butter and cream cheese until smooth. Beat in vanilla. For really creamy frosting, mix in 1/4 cup of key lime juice. You can also leave it out or add more confectioners sugar to make it thicker. Add a small amount of green food color if you'd like the frosting tinted.
  5. For Whipped cream: Chill metal bowl and beaters in freezer for about 20 minutes. When ready to whip, add ingredients to the bowl and beat until stiff peaks form.
  6. Divide cake into four layers and frost. Pipe top with whipped cream or add crushed graham crackers to the side of the cake if desired. Refrigerate.

Key Lime Cream Cake Purse

Hey there! Want to know more about the giveaway. Well, here’s the bag in Key Lime Cream Cake. It’s made of cut velvet and comes with straps to carry several ways. Pretty handy. Oh and it has a separate little clutch, too. Check out this post on the red velvet bag I gave away a while back – it really shows off some of the details. The custom stamped name and zipper pulls are enough to make you swoon. And for more info on the bags from Petunia Pickle Bottom, click here.

Want one? Want to pick your own flavor?

Enter for a chance to win a $325 Petunia Pickle Bottom Society Satchel Cake Bag.

  • To enter, just leave a comment on the blog and tell me which one of the flavors below that you’d like to win. Easy enough.
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 7 pm ET. Sorry, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Tuesday evening.

Disclosure stuff: Handbag is courtesy of Petunia Pickle Bottom and giveaway is sponsored by me because I like these bags.



Good luck!


Okay, we have a winner. Yay! And I thought for sure it would be someone that picked Black Forest Cake based on all of the responses.


Congratulations Jamie! I hope you love your plum tart cake bag!

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4,990 comments on “Key Lime Cream Cake”

  1. Oh man… they’re all so pretty!! My favorite is definitely Plum Tart :)

  2. This is your first blog that i have read. The key lime cake looks good. I can use this for beach themed weddings. I find uneven cakes more appealing because they have a more homemade feel. I like the key lime bag. :)

  3. The key lime cream cake bag looks almost as delicious as the cake! I love it! and i can’t wait to make this cake for my mom’s birthday–she LOVES key lime pie.

  4. Black Forest cake because yum!

  5. These are gorgeous! Love the key lime!

  6. I have been dreaming of the Key Lime one for a few years now! fingers crossed :)

  7. Who neefs breakfast? Ummm, I would take such good care of the Berry Chiffon Cake. I really would!
    Thanks in advance,

  8. Normally I love everything green, but the Berry Chiffon Cake is gorgeous!

  9. That cake looks so yummy! And the Black Forest Bag… Yum, yum, yum!

  10. Oh gosh, I love them all!! But I think the berry chiffon cake is calling my name!

  11. Who neefs breakfast? Ummm, I would take such good care of the Berry Chiffon Cake. I really would!
    Thanks in advance,

  12. Ohhh they all look delectable… I can’t decide between the Plum Tart or the Black Forest cake. Yum Yum!!!

  13. would love to win the berry chiffon cake! love the colors

  14. I like the Key Lime the best! And the real cake looks amazing, too!

  15. Mmmm… Berry chiffon for me. Thanks for the chance!

  16. Love all…but would really like to get the Berry Chiffon Cake!

  17. Key Lime Cream Cake…gorgeous. Great Blog.

  18. I would love the Berry Chiffon bag.

  19. That cake looks great! I would choose the Berry Chiffon bag.

  20. I LOVE the Key Lime Cake bag! It’s that beautiful vintage feel with bright colors associated with a warm, breezy day of summer! And, with that print, I can practically taste the tangy lime pop!

  21. Black Forest Cake – sooo pretty!! :)

  22. I would love to win the Key Lime Cream Cake bag – so beautiful!

  23. I think all the flavors are great but my favorite would be The Black Forest Cake.

  24. I love green, so I’d definitely go for the key lime cream cake, but they are all gorgeous!

  25. Your cake looks delicious, and so do the bags! I think the Berry Chiffon is my favorite!

  26. Thanks for the recipe!! Can’t wait to make this :)
    Love the plum tart pattern!

  27. I would choose Berry Chiffon Cake. I love the these bags.
    And I love your recipes.

  28. Beautiful! Plum Tart Cake is my favorite!

  29. What a beautiful cake and perfect for summer!

  30. I love them all but my favorite would be the plum tart.

  31. I would love to win this since I don’t actually eat cake of any kind. But with the bag, I would be able to have cake! I would prefer Kely Lime or Berry Chifon.

  32. Plum Tart is my favorite!

  33. Black Forest for me please!!

  34. They are all beautiful….so hard to choose! The Key Lime is my favorite.

  35. Plum tart cake! Cake looks yummy, too! Must make this for my key lime pie-loving husband when he returns from deployment!

  36. Berry Chiffon or Key Lime Cream Cake look delish!

  37. Plum tart please :)

  38. I would chose the Black Forest Cake! :)

  39. I love them all. I think Plum Tart is so pretty.

  40. I would love to win the berry chiffon cake bag! It’s beautiful!

  41. Ooh Plum Tart please!!

  42. I love them all but maybe Key Lime first!

  43. They are all beautiful but if I have to choose I would say the Black Forest Cake.

  44. I just want you to send me a piece of that cake! lol but I like the Plum Tart colors best :)

  45. Plum Tart Cake. I know it’s random but I sure hope I win! :-)

  46. That cake looks delicious and I kinda like the uneven layers! I think I would end up choosing the Black Forest Cake bag.

  47. Wow really like the Berry, lime, and black.

  48. I love the Key Lime Cream Bag! Gorgeous!

  49. I want to make this cake for my dad now – he would absolutely love it!!!
    And my favorite bag is the black forest one. :)

  50. I am in love with the Key Lime Bag, perfect for summer! Thank you for introducing us!!

  51. i love the berry chiffon cake!

  52. can’t decide….LUV them all!!! but if I must Black Forest Cake

  53. I cant decide i like plum tart cake and the black forest cake

  54. Black Forest is my fave, but they’re all gorgeous!!

  55. Black Forest Cake is my favorite! They are all so beautiful! As is this cake! So perfect for summer!

  56. Berry chiffon! Yummy looking cake!!

  57. Living in Florida, it would have to be the Key Lime Cream Cake!

  58. I love the Plum Tart Cake! And it would be perfect for baby girl #4 due in five weeks!

  59. I love the Berry Chiffon but Black Forest would go with more . Such beautiful bags

  60. Anything purple for me – Plum Tart!

  61. Berry Chiffon Cake please! :)

  62. I love the black forest cake.

  63. I would love the Berry Chiffon bag! Absolutely adorable!

  64. Love the bag! Is pick key lime cream cake.

  65. I’d be Pickled Pink (oops, I meant Tickled Pink!) to win any one of these Petunia Pickle Bottom bags, but would especially enjoy the Black Forest Cake bag. Thank you.

  66. They are all so cute but I think I like berry chiffon!

  67. I like the black forest cake.

  68. I love the Black Forest Cake!! Never go wrong with chocolate

  69. Love the Berry Chiffon Cake!

  70. I like the Key Lime Cream Cake- thanks!

  71. My favorite is the Plum Tart – great colors!

  72. What a gorgeous cake!!! Looks delicious!! I also love the key lime bag!!

  73. This is so pretty! Love this idea!

  74. Black forest cake please! Thank you

  75. Black Forest cake is my favorite! :) They are all adorable though!

  76. The black forest or berry chiffon! But they are all cute!

  77. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the berry chiffon!

  78. Definitely the black forest cake one!

  79. I love the bag! I would pick key lime cream cake.

  80. Key lime cream, of course. Yummy!

  81. The Key Lime Cream one is so pretty!!

  82. Oh my gosh, I love the key lime pie one!!

  83. I love Black Forest Cake!! In cake and purse form :)

  84. Plum Tart “takes the cake!”

  85. Hmmm, so. Hard to. Choose! Have to say Black Forest ! Love chocolate ,and that bag would just remind me all day long.

  86. the Berry Chiffon – so pretty!

  87. I’m not normally a pink person- but that berry Chiffon is calling my name!

  88. ohhh cut me a piece of berry chiffon cake!!! LOVE it!

  89. the berry chiffon cake looks delicious! ;)

  90. I like the Berry Chiffon Cake and I love your Key Lime Cream Cake! Definitely going to give it a whirl…

  91. I would love to win the key lime!! ;o)

  92. OMGosh the choices! When it comes to cake all flavors win. I am personally a berry girl. Gotta grab me pink where I can being in a house full of boys.

  93. That looks yummy! We love anything with Key Lime flavor. Berry Chiffon is nice. Great photos!

  94. I would love the Key Lime cake bag. Love, love, love these bags!!

  95. Each of those bags are just lovely! If I had to choose just one, I really like the Plum Tart! Also, your key lime cream cake has made me want to give key lime a try again (not a key lime pie fan at all, but your cake looks just as yummy as those bags!!)!

  96. They are all fabulous, but Black Forest gets my vote!

  97. I love the Berry Chiffon, the cream and the pink look so sweet together!

  98. Plum tart! The Key Lime cake looks yummy! The bags are lovely! Thanks, Bakerella!

  99. Key Lime Cream Cake for everyone!!

  100. Plum tart please!!

  101. I love the Berry Chiffon, just so pretty and being 5 months pregnant with another boy…number 4, I need all the girly colours and things I can get my hands on!

  102. The Berry Chiffon is so cute!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!

  103. I love the Berry Chiffon Cake…….The recipe to this cake was fantastic! Made it as soon as it arrived in my in-box! A definite keeper!
    Great Job and continued success! You must be very proud of yourself Ms.Bakerella! :)

  104. I love the colors in the Key lime Cream cake bag. Thanks for the chance. The cake looks amazing, too.

  105. Ooooh the plum tart cake is beautiful!!

  106. Not sure which I am more excited about, the key lime cake recipe that looks so awesome or the bags.
    Love the Black forest cake bag :)

  107. Black Forest!!!! YUMMM :9

  108. They’re all gorgeous, but I would love the Black Forest Cake :)

  109. Key lime!!


  110. I love the Black Forest bag, but in the end I would pick the Key Lime Confection to remind me of fun trips to Florida!

  111. Black Forest Cake goes with more stuff! Have to love them all, though!

  112. Hi Bakerella! I’d love black forest! Thanks for the chance!!

  113. For as much as that key lime cream cake looks delish, I could definitely go for some Berry Chiffon!

  114. I think that the Plum Tart is pretty! This would be an awesome birthday gift for my birthday on the 29th.

  115. I love the Black Forest Cake bag is the one; they are all beautiful.
    The Key Lime Cake is the one to eat–yum

  116. Berry chiffon…yum !

  117. LOVE LOVE the Black Forest Cake!!! :)

  118. They are all super cute! If I had to chose, I’d say Black Forest Cake. But all are wonderful!

  119. I already have a PPB green bag, so I’ll have to go for the black forest. Love this brand! Great giveaway!

  120. I love, love, love the black forest bag! That cake looks amazing. Think I’ll try it this weekend. Thanks.

  121. Berry chiffon cake! It’s beautiful!!

  122. Plum tart!

  123. Love the berry chiffon!

  124. Yummy! Black Forest!

  125. My favorite is the plum tart. So pretty!

  126. Definitely Key Lime! It’s so cute!

  127. Oh yum…what a post!! The cake and a luscious bag!!
    I would love the black forest bag and a slice of that cake!!
    Cant wait to make it!!

  128. That cake is phenomenal! And I want the berry chiffon!

  129. definitly the Black Forest Cake Bag!
    but the Key Lime Cream Cake one is second :D

  130. This cake has everything I love…key lime,cake and yummy frosting! I’m in love. As with all your stuff, can’t wait to try it!

  131. Looks yummy…the bag and the cake! I would go for the Key Lime bag! :)

  132. Hi Bakerella!
    I’m from Australia, so probably have no chance at winning one of the divine bags, but still wanted to thank you for your incredible baking ideas and yummy treats! Can’t wait to try this Key Lime Cake!! :D

  133. Love the Plum Tart Cake and the Black Forest Cake, if they were dessert I would have a little of both… but I have to pick the Black Forest Cake if only one:>) YUMMMY!

  134. Plum Tart Cake!

  135. Berry Chiffon Cake looks delicoius.

  136. Your pretty cake brought a tear to my eye…yum! I’d love any bag but prefer key lime or black forest. Thank you!

  137. It’s a difficult decision, I love them all! Though I’d probably go for Black Forest Cake, Key Lime Cream Cake comes in as a close second!

  138. All CAKE bags are beautiful, but I would have to go with Plum Tart Cake. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  139. Love the cake…but LOVE the Black Forest bag! :-)

  140. Love the black forest cake! Thanks for the giveaway!

  141. Torn between Black Forrest & Berry Chiffon!

  142. Lovely bags! My fave? The key lime cake, although they are all very yummy!

  143. The Black Forest Cake is my favorite.

  144. Plum Tart Cake! The colours are are just too pretty! :)

  145. LOVE all of them – I think I would pick the key lime

  146. I am all about the Berry Chiffon. My husband would vote for Black Forest because he’s all about cherries and chocolate, but me, I’m a strawberry chiffon girl.

  147. Black Forest Cake! Not only is that bag gorgeous but the cake it’s self if done right is life changing!

  148. Love the Black Forest Cake! :-)

  149. The Black Forest Cake!

  150. Those are all so cute! I really like the Black Forest Cake or the Berry Chiffon! How Fun!

  151. I love the Berry Chiffon!

  152. LOVE keylime, for sure!

  153. Black forest cake is my favorite. Reading the names of the bags have made me hungry for a big piece of cake.

  154. The cake looks delicious and though I’m not a huge fan of lime, I’m definitely going to try it! As for the bags, I like the black forest cake and the plum tart bags. I love the designs and colors.

  155. Key Lime Cream Cake of course! It’s a great reminder of Summer.

  156. Love to win the Key Lime Cream Cake bag! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  157. Black Forest for me!!

  158. The cake looks so wonderful and the bags are so adorable both the black forest and berry chiffon it’s so hard to choose Everything is so cute!! Probably black forest :)

  159. Key Lime Cream Cake. A) makes my mouth water just saying it, B) Green is so fresh and different and C) because.

  160. i like the the Plum Tart Cake

  161. Black Forest cake for sure!

  162. I couldn’t decide which to admire first-the Berry chiffon bag or the key lime cake. Both yummy!

  163. Thanks for sharing the “winning” recipe!

    I would love to win the Black Forest Bag;)

  164. It’s a tie between Berry Chiffon and Plum Tart! They are both too delicious and would be great for toting around all of my little cupcake’s things! :)

  165. First of all, that cream cake looks amazingly delicious!! And I love the berry chiffon bag…though they’re all gorgeous!

  166. I would love to win the Key Lime Cream Cake bag, since green is my favourite colour! <3

  167. Black Forest Cake! Elegant and will match just about anything!

  168. Wow, that is a yummy looking cake and the bags are gorgeous! My favorite is the black forest cake bag. Thanks!

  169. Plum tart! I was trying to choose between Berry chiffon and plum tart but plum stands out more! :-)

  170. Black Forest for me!!!!

  171. I guess you could say that I am “plum crazy” for the plum tart bag. No diapers would fill it, as my babies are full grown, but it would join me on my happy journey to Wisconsin for my baby’s wedding! Cheers!

  172. Berry Chiffon! :) Gorgeous!

  173. OOOOO the key lime or the black forest are AWESOME!!!!

  174. Key Lime…Love it!

  175. I love berry chiffon cake!

  176. key lime cream cake

  177. Is it wrong that I’d rather win the real cake? LOL!

    I would love both the Key Lime cake and the Key Lime bag! :)

  178. ahhh…they all look good enough to eat! Berry Chiffon is my fave!

  179. They are all great but I would choose the berry chiffon. The Key Lime Cake looks yummy too!

  180. That cake looks gorgeous. But Black Forest Cakes take the prize whether for real or in a bag.

  181. Plum tart, plum tart, plum tart!!! :)

  182. Either the black forest or berry chiffon. They are all beautiful. Hard choice to make!

  183. The bags are gorgeous! Plum Tart, please!

  184. Yum! they all look good, but plum tart is my favorite.

  185. Love the green in the Key Lime Cream Cake

  186. Beautiful cake and beautiful bags!! I’d pick the black forest.

  187. CUTE!! I would love Black Forest!

  188. The berry chiffon is gorgeous but I agree with the masses…. Black forest!!!!

  189. OH! The Key Lime Cake Handbag is the one I’d choose. I LOVE green! I can hardly wait to try that cake, too!
    Thanks, Bakerella.

  190. I love the black forest cake handbag.. Its so purty AND it’s my fav dessert!

  191. What a yummy cake!!!!! I MUST try! And the Bags…they are beautiful! I would love any of the colors…but I think the Black Forest Cake would be my “safe” pick. However…I would LOVE and cherish any of the colors!

  192. Definitely trying the key lime cake but love the Black Forest bag.

  193. Wow those are soon beautiful!!! It’s tough but I think berry chiffon is my favorite followed very closely by black forest.

  194. I cannot wait to try my hand at the Key Lime Cream Cake! And the gorgeous bag that I would pick – Black Forest!

  195. looking forward to making this and I believe your four unperfect layers give it true character. My fav flavor is Key Lime, esp. since this summer has been so hot&humid, I would be proud to have that darling cake bag.

  196. Love the black forest and the berry chiffon!

  197. Black forest because it would go with everything!

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