
KitchenAid Giveaway and Cake Pop Con Weekend

I had the most wonderful, incredible, emotional and unforgettable few days at the first-ever international cake pop conference in Philadelphia this weekend hosted by KCBakes. I was the keynote speaker and shared my story of creating cake pops back in 2008. It was the most humbling experience talking to so many people whose lives have been touched by cake pops. From simply inspiring creativity in the kitchen to completely changing the way people make a living through home businesses and large scale bakeries, pop products, boxes, books and more – Cake Pops are so much more than just a little ball of cake on a stick.

Here are some of my pics from the weekend – view them individually on Facebook.

Now … since I was away from the kitchen this past weekend, I didn’t have a chance to bake anything fun for you today. So I thought I’d continue the cake pop love and give away something here on the blog that I also gave away at the conference.

Enter for a chance to win

1. A 5 qt. KitchenAid Stand Mixer in Cranberry … or color of your choice if you don’t like pink as much as I do.   : )


2. The NEW line of Bakerella for Make’n Mold products now available in stores exclusively at A.C. Moore Crafts.



To enter for a chance to win:

  • Leave a comment on this post and tell me what your favorite dish for Thanksgiving is. Easy as Pumpkin pie.
  • Deadline to enter is November 14, 2014 at midnight ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP! Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday!

Good luck!


We have a winner! And, Oh my gosh, I am totally craving Thanksgiving dinner right now. I think my favorite is dressing and cranberry sauce, oh and cream corn casserole. Yum! Thanks for sharing your favorite dishes. And the winner of the mixer and products is…………

Congratulations Danielle! Enjoy!


Giveaway sponsored by me.

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4,219 comments on “KitchenAid Giveaway and Cake Pop Con Weekend”

  1. Sweet potatoes with marshmallows on top. Yum!

  2. I love all Thanksgiving food, but my favorite dessert is hands down cherry crisp with vanilla ice cream!

  3. Definitely dressing…..and cranberry relish.

  4. Special sweet potato bake, my whole family craves it!

  5. Sweet potatoes. Yum!

  6. My mom’s candied sweet potatoes!

  7. I LOVE mashed potatoes!

  8. Stuffing is my fave! :-D

  9. My favorite dish to make at Thanksgiving is Oatmeal Pie! Yummy!

  10. Sweet potatoes topped with brown sugar/pecan topping (definitely not marshmellows)

  11. Pumpkin bread
    Happy thanksgiving

  12. My favorite Thanksgiving food is the “butterhorns” that my mom makes. She’s 82 and still makes these from an old,old family recipe. We look forward to them every year!

  13. Mashed potatoes

  14. Deep fried turkey!

  15. I love homemade cranberries – the kind with cinnamon and tangerine zest added. I simmer mine in a little wine!

  16. Cranberry sauce!

  17. My mom’s roasted butternut squash and Brussels sprout stuffing is the highlight of my November!

  18. Stuffing!

  19. Oh my goodness – such cute products!! My favorite thing at Thanksgiving – the nut rolls that my in laws family makes!!

  20. Cranberry sauce. … yummy

  21. I am not American, but since I’ve made some American friends and contributed to Thanksgiving dinners it would have to be pecan pie!

  22. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream!

  23. I love sweet potato casserole!

  24. Of course it’s Pumpkin Pie! Or change up the dessert with some cheesecake- that works too!

  25. Definitely green bean casserole

  26. Cornbread dressing

  27. Stuffed mushrooms

  28. Sweet potato au gratin with gouda cheese!!!

  29. My mother and grandmother’s dressing. Yum!

  30. My most favorite dish is stuffing !! I look forward to it every Thanksgiving :-)

  31. i love my mother in laws cornbread dressing!

  32. Mashed potatoes and gravy. The best!

  33. Dessert, of course, is always my favorite, but that’s true any day of the year! I’d say green bean casserole with crispy onions is a very close second!

  34. I’m thinking turkey cake pops with pumpkin cake inside – yum. Ha ha – well, really I love the stuffing (lathered in cranberry sauce with little bits of turkey).

  35. So many choices, but I think I’d have to go with green bean casserole.

  36. I love mashed potatoes!

  37. Mashed potatoes! I love them anytime, but there’s something about them on Thanksgiving… :)

  38. Amazing fruit salad!!

  39. Apple, sausage cornbread dressing. Yum.

  40. Ooh my favorite dish… It would be a toss up between my Mom’s mashed potatoes (SO AMAZING) or her Pecan Pie (also SO AMAZING).

    It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without either of those!!

    (P.S. – she doesn’t have a stand mixer, so I would totally be giving this to her if I won. She deserves one!!)

  41. Mashed Potatoes (that were mixed in my mixer of course!), but this baby would be for my mom who has been needing a new mixer.

  42. Cranberry sauce and applesauce because my girls make the every year

  43. My favorite dish is a tie between the sweet potato casserole and the pees with mushrooms that my grandmother used to make!! Yum!

  44. Pecan pie!

  45. Pumpkin pie!

  46. My favorite are the Parker House rolls!

  47. My favorite part of the meal is rolls! I seriously can not get enough of them.

  48. My favorite is my mom’s chestnut stuffing! Yum!

  49. I like the cranberries the best.

  50. cornbread stuffing

  51. my favorite thanksgiving dish has to be stuffing!!! but a close second would be good cranberry sauce….even the canned but with the chunks of cranberry! I love the whole cranberries in them. :)

  52. Turkey..
    And gravy…. And stuffing which is technically part of the turkey since it cooks inside of one.

  53. Homemade cranberry sauce! It’s even good over mashed potatoes for a sweet/savory combo.

  54. Dressing!

  55. Fresh cranberry orange relish ????

  56. Mashed potatoes!

  57. Broccoli/Rice/Cheese Casserole. Cannot be a Thanksgiving without it.

  58. I love it all, but the cherry and apple pie gets eaten first!

  59. Favorite Thanksgiving dish. Well, I would have to say leftovers. Turkey, stuffing,and cranberries on bread then into the panini-press. Great food.

  60. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is probably pecan pie, it’s the best part of the dinner!

  61. Corn pudding

  62. Bourbon Pecan Pie!

  63. My Favorite thanksgiving dish cornbread ; this year will be the very first i’ll make a turkey and stuffing :)

  64. Turkey all the way!!!

  65. Stuffing

  66. Sweet potato casserole & cranberries straight from the can :)

  67. Candied sweet potatoes

  68. I can never say no to stuffing :)

  69. I love everything about Thanksgiving food, but sweet potato casserole and stuffed acorn squash are favorites.

  70. Grandma’s Apple Pie

  71. pumpkin pie!!

  72. My grandma’s pumpkin chiffon pie. Beats regular pumpkin pie any day!

  73. Secret recipie cranberry relish!!

  74. Such a hard choice – they are all so yummy! But I have to say the cranberries, just because they are so beautiful and delicious and don’t make enough appearances the rest of the year!

  75. Green bean casserole!!! YUM!

  76. The chocolate graham cracker crumb pie! With lots of homemade whipped cream. :)

  77. My favorite truly is Pumpkin Pie!

  78. My favorite dish is stuffing ????

  79. Chicken & Dressing with giblet gravy….yummmm.:-)

  80. My favorite dish is cornbread dressing and gravy.

  81. My favorite Thanksgiving dish would have to be my mom’s spinach casserole!

  82. My favorite is stuffing…love it..<3

  83. My favorite Thanksgiving dish is dressing, followed closely by sweet potato casserole with brown sugar pecan topping.

  84. This year I have been craving sweet potatoes so my souffle is at the top of my list.

  85. Pumpkin roll. Delicious.

  86. Sweet mashed potatoes with marshmallows!
    I’m currently trying to change up the recipe to make it something new for this thanksgiving. Wish me luck!

  87. Stuffing and Gravy!

  88. Love the filling with gravy!

  89. Sweet potato casserole

  90. Cornbread dressing!

  91. Pumpkin rolls!

  92. Creamed Corn Casserole

  93. Brandied Cranberries!

  94. Favorite dish for Thanksgiving: sweet potato pie with marshmallows!

  95. It’s hard to narrow it down to just one but, the main dish Turkey Lurkey would be my fav!!! then mashed potatoes… then sweet potatoes… then the corn casserole I make… mmmmm….. Now i’m hungry!!!!

  96. ???? It’s all about the bird, no trouble????. And congratulations, Angie, for being the keynote at the con you inspired – that must’ve been wonderfully emotional for you! Happy Thanksgiving to you, your mom and loved ones.

  97. I do love anything with potatoes!! Yams, mashed potatoes, all of it; it’s why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

  98. Got to be dressing, yum

  99. Brusselsprouts in balsamic sauce!

  100. Deep fried turkey! Yum! Thank you!

  101. Pecan pie! :)

  102. chocolate Pecan pie

  103. Cranberry jello mold

  104. Although I love the apple pie with the crumb topping I most look forward to the mashed potatoes and gravy…yum….just….yum!

  105. Crunchy Turkey skin

  106. TURNIPS!!! Made by my parents.

  107. I love creamy mac and cheese!

  108. Pumpkin Pie!

  109. Love the cranberry relish

  110. Turkeytaterstuffinggravy!! :)

  111. Homemade Ravioli!

  112. No contest: Pecan pie

  113. Cranberry jello mold

  114. Corn Casserole!

  115. I love my mother in laws cranberry salad with apples and oranges. Oh and pearl onions with a bacon cream sauce… sadly there’s never leftovers.

  116. Yay! I would love to win that fab 5 qt. KitchenAid Stand Mixer and the awesome NEW line of Bakerella for Make’n Mold products!

    My fav Thanksgiving recipe is Mashed potatoes!

  117. The best Thanksgiving thing ever was my mom’s gravy. I’m still trying to recreate it since she passed away. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  118. I love mashed potatoes and stuffing…don’t make me choose just one!

  119. Mashed potatoes and gravy

  120. Cranberry relish

  121. Turkey giblets!!!!!!

  122. It’s the combination of the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy drizzled over it all. The leftovers rank way up there as well!!! LOVE YOUR CAKE POPS!

  123. Sweet potato casserole – yum.

  124. Yummy ham smothered in pineapple and brown sugar!!

  125. Artichoke soup!

  126. My favorite is pumpkin pie! My mom always makes them using my great grandmother’s recipe. It’s the best!

  127. Mom’s stuffing!

  128. Cranberry jello mold

  129. Love butternut squash casserole – tastes like dessert!!

  130. DEFINITELY pecan pie!

  131. Turkeytaterstuffinggravy! :)

  132. I love Macaroni and Cheese.

  133. I love my mother’s cornbread dressing with just a hint of sage, sausage, and celery.

  134. My grandma’s pea salad

  135. Mashed potatoes for sure!

  136. Pineapple Upside Down Cake just to switch it up a bit.

  137. Corn casserole! Yummy

  138. Sweet potatoe casserole is my absolute favorite dish for Thanksgiving!

  139. My favorite has to be Sweet Potatoe Casserole covered in toasted marshmellows and my homemade amaretto cranberry jam.

  140. Cranberry bread pudding with warm vanilla rum sauce.

  141. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream!

  142. I love sweet potato casserole, or “corn pudding” – some of my favorite sides. Turkey takes the cake tho, and all of the leftover fun it gives!

  143. Pineapple upside down cake. Just to switch it upa bit. Glad you had fun in Philly.

  144. I guess if I had to pick a dish it would be Apple Pie.I know apple pie isn’t really a dish but a dessert, but the best Thanksgiving dish isn’t a dish, it’s about being with family and making memories, and remembering the past.

  145. Stuffing!

  146. I love stuffing!

  147. Turkey!

  148. My grandmother’s stuffing!!!

  149. Mashed potatoes … or yeast rolls … or maybe cranberry relish …? Must I choose??? Thanks for the chance to win the mixer!

  150. My grandmother’s DRESSING! :)

  151. Not a fan of Thanksgiving food, but I do love a good Honeybaked Ham!

  152. Turkey and hot rolls!

  153. Mashed Potatoes!

  154. I’m a Cornbread Dressin’ girl :)

  155. My mom’s cornbread dressing, hands down!

  156. I love custard pumpkin pie.

  157. Mashed potatoes!

  158. sweet potato casserole!

  159. It is a tie! Pumpkin pie and the stuffing!

  160. Mashed potatoes and gravy… with a side of turnip!!

  161. My favorite Thanksgiving food is surely the turkey & stuffing! Along with the bean casserole,mashed potatoes, sweet rolls, cranberry relish, and lastly raspberry delite & cherry pie!

  162. I love sweet potato casserole, like a dessert, but still a veggie!

  163. Whole cranberry sauce out of a can… Sounds gross but I love it!

  164. Potato and cheese casserole and dressing and gravy.

  165. Stuffing for sure since this is the only time I have it all year. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!

  166. Cranberry sauce with apples and oranges… and park onions in a bacon cream sauce. YUM!

  167. Green bean casserole

  168. Red hot cinnamon pineapple its a condiment that is a tradition in my family for over 40 years.

  169. Difficult to say, we’ve just arrived in the US and it will be our first thanksgiving ! I think I will love turkey and cornbread.

  170. The potatoes!!! Those starchy carb loaded little monsters that I only eat on holidays!!

  171. Mac and Cheese!

  172. Pecan pie for me too :)

  173. My favorite dish is my husbands sweet potatoes! Yummy.

  174. The dinner rolls and whatever dessert is. Thanks!

  175. My mothers stuffing is my favorite for Thanksgiving .

  176. Pumpkin pie with homemade whip cream…and my mama’s tomato rolls!

  177. Cranberry sauce with apples and oranges. Yum! Or pearl onions in a bacon cream sauce. Oh I can’t wait!

  178. Turkey and mashed potatoes ????

  179. Pumpkin pie!

  180. My favorite is my Turkey and Corn Cob Cake Pops! I always supprise the family with a holiday treat!

  181. I’ve been dreaming of mashed potatoes with gravy made from turkey drippings. I can’t wait!

  182. I love turkey and german chocolate cake !!!!

  183. Buttery Mashed Potatoes…yum!

  184. My family’s special dish is Corn Pudding. It’s not a holiday without it. I love it!

  185. My favorite is pumpkin cheesecake!

  186. Definitely the turkey & mashed potatoes (with gravy!). But this year I’m adding a new side dish to the menu: garlic cheddar grits. So that may be my new favorite!

  187. I am a dork…I LOVE the pickle tray!!! (no I am not pregnant!!) :)

  188. Love that color! Mashed potatoes and gravy, yum

  189. The stuffing!

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