

I didn’t bake anything this weekend. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I think I was still in vacation mode or something. So I guess this is as good a time as any to close out the “Where I Shop” series. This is part 3: PANS! And Cake Art Party Store has a ton of them.

I love this store.


The cake pan aisle just makes me smile, despite it’s overwhelmingly gray disposition. It just makes me happy. I like to think about all the talented people that walk through here in need of the perfect cake pan and the things they create with them. Take all these graduated cake pan sets for instance… I’m in awe of what serious bakers and wedding cake decorators can do with them.

But layer cake pans aren’t the only kind of pan Cake Art carries.

Loaf Pans

There are loaf pans…

Bread Pans

… not to be confused with bread pans.

Bundt Pans

Bundt-style pans in various designs.

Angel Food Cake Pans

Angel food cake pans.

Tartlet Pans

Tartlet pans. (Fat Daddio’s… they even have a cute name.)

Doughnut Pans

Doughnut pans. I should get one of these for the next time I try dougnuts.

Square Muffin Pans

How about some square pans. Or… regular, mini and jumbo-size muffin pans.

Small Graduated Pans

But, when it comes to cake pans, I love these little graduated ones that you can hold in one hand.

Graduated Pans

And, then there’s these. These are much, much bigger. I don’t know how big they actually go, but I’ve seen some as big as 18 inches wide and 3 and 4 inches deep. That is a serious cake. I think my oven would be scared.

Heart Pans

But, the graduated sets aren’t all round. There are heart pans, hexagon pans, square pans, and oval pans… all available in different sizes.

Teddy Bear Pans

But maybe you just want one pan. How about a sweet teddy bear? In pink, though.

Shaped Pans

What about a butterfly? Care Bear? Spiderman?

Ice Cream Cone Pan

Or maybe you want individual ice cream-shaped cupcake pans. Too cute!

Mini Pans

Or maybe you want a collection of itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, baby-size pans. I want one of each myself. For scale, that’s a container of sprinkles on the left. These ARE cuteness!

Cookie Sheet Pans

What?!?! You don’t want any cake pans? Well, they also have cookie sheet pans. So there.

Number Pan

And, if that weren’t enough, they have pans that try to tempt me to buy them – even though I would probably never use them. This one has blocks you can move around to let you make numbers and letters. I’ve seen it in a large size, but not one this tiny. Again, CUTENESS! I hate this store.

If that’s not enough, they have even more pans.
And, now for some fun.

It’s a Pick a Pan Giveaway!
  • Enter for a chance to win the pan of your choice.
  • Just leave a comment on this post and pick out the kind of pan you want from any of the above. That’s right. You get to pick. Need some jumbo-size muffin pans? Want to try out a set of graduated pans? Hearts? Hexagons? Or maybe you just need some plain old cupcake pans. I know, you really want an assortment of teeny-tiny pans.
  • Well, if you win, I’ll get it for you, or as many as I can get for you with a $50 bill. Sound like fun?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Tuesday, July 14th at 5 p.m. TIME’S UP! WINNER ANNOUNCED BELOW. (recorded by the time stamp of your comment) The winner will be announced sometime Tuesday evening on this post.

* One winner will be chosen using the integer generator.

Good luck!

Man… you guys like pans! I didn’t think this giveaway would be that fun because it was so, well, so gray. But, I’m glad you had fun entering. Now for the winner…

Congrats Melissa! You’re definitely getting a set of graduated pans. YAY! And I’ll try to throw in a square muffin pan for you, too. I’ll see how far $50 goes.

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4,178 comments on “Pantastic!”

  1. Those are all absolutely adorable. I think that I would pick out a selection of the baby pans if I had a choice. They are cute, and would make me look very professional and adept if I out out a variety of itty bitty cakes at my next dinner party.

    crgvasquez AT gmail DOT com

  2. I can always use a new pan. Square muffin pans or a square spring form pan would be a good addition to my kitchen

  3. Oh man – what a heavenly aisle! I'll take one of each please :) I think if I win, I would buy the ice cream cone cupcake pan…fun times with that one!


  4. Oh I would LOVE some new pans…umm….I would a set of graduated pans!

  5. I forgot to include my e-mail address, but would love a set of the graduated pans, either the smallest ones or the biggest ones. Thanks!

  6. wow! i would spend way too much money there!

    i would love the graduated hexagon pans. so cool!

  7. I love the tiny assorted cake pans in ribbed hearts and squares and hexagons! Those would be really fun to make treats for my coworkers in. Why why why don't we have a store like this where I live!?!?

    cmonstr at gmail dot com

  8. Wow, this store is so neat! I've really enjoyed the tour you've given us all of it!

    I loved the little graduated cake pans you can hold in one hand and the square muffin pan.


  9. I would love a variety of bundt style pans. Mine is boring.

  10. I'd love an extra large cookie sheet!! I didn't know pans could get me so excited.

  11. Who wouldn't want that bundt pan with the tulips! Count me in!

  12. I want those itsy-bitzy, itty-bitty, teeny-weeny, baby-size pans. I have a one year old grandson (our first) and what grins I would get when baking him his own personal sized treat. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some of these nifty baking pans.

  13. Doughnut pan doughnut pan!
    Grabbing a tissue to wipe the drool-Annie

  14. I am so jealous of this store, I want it all! That movable/reshapable pan would be a GREAT addition, and I've always wanted a set of graduated square pans.

    Keep up the great work, you are such an inspiration!

  15. Oh my goodness! I can't decide! I would love some teeny tiny pans. But I also liked the bundt pan that had tulips on it. But my toddlers b-day is coming up…Maybe I should let her pick out a fun shaped pan….

  16. I would love some graduated square pans. I get lots of requests for square cakes, and I don't have many sizes! Thanks! And I LOVE all the pictures from Cake Art. I want to own a store like that!

  17. That isle is deadly!! I would pick out some of the baby pans or a bunt pan. The baby pans would be great for individual desserts. So fun!!

  18. What a fun store, I could spend hours and hours there! I would love, love the graduated cake pans! Thanks so much lady

  19. I love your blog! I check daily for updates :) I would love to fool with the mini pans or graduated cake pans. I have 3 children with the same birthday lol! I have many cakes ahead of me to make!!

  20. Ooh! I've been dying to make some baked doughnuts but have been unable to find a suitable pan around here. I would love to win that doughnut pan!

  21. Oh how i love pans…the tartlet pans of all sizes would be my favorite…or the square pans. Oh the possibilities.

  22. I really need new bread pans. I'm starting to get into making my own homemade whole-wheat bread, from the grinding of the wheat to the slicing of the fresh, warm bread. Love your site!

  23. are there graduated square pans? that would be my pick.


  24. Man, I didn't know they made so many differnet kinds of pans. I love the graduated ones. They would be great for making smash cakes for one year olds. :)


  25. I want that square pan! Or the ice cream cone pan! How cool would square cupcakes be?!

  26. OH! So hard to decide! I love the graduated pans, in either the really big size or the smallest ones that they have. I could make a really cute little cake or wow everyone with a HUGE one! Thanks!

  27. I am suuper jealous of your store!!! I have 2 stores here that consider themselves the "biggest wilton supplier" here….but they are dwarfed in comparison to CakeArt!!!!
    I am in dire need of a graduated square set!!!
    Thank you so much for your generosity!!

  28. Small graduated pans–they're so cute! And they'd be the perfect size for my ridiculously small oven.

  29. I am madly in love with that ice cream cone cupcake pan!

  30. Those assorted mini pans are to die for, so cute!!!

  31. Oooh, so hard to decide. Some square graduated pans, maybe. I'm obsessed with square things that generally aren't. I have square glasses and plates!

  32. I just love them all, but I think I'm also swayed by the itty-bityy cute factor of the mini pans… though the pan with all the squares would be cool too.

  33. Yay!! Cake pans!!

  34. Oh ME ME ME!! I've been using the same old crap cookie sheets for years and years, and before that they were my mom's. I keep wanting to buy more but I can't fit them on my bike.


  35. If I had a store like that close to me my family would think I've dropped off the face of the earth – and they would be right, I'd be in heaven! My kitchen desperately needs square graduated pans!

  36. the square muffin pans are amazing! the square feeling gives it such an elegant look… it would be so wonderful to use them to make mini cakes! like chocolate with dusted sugar with fruit on top… how perfect! :)

  37. ack! my computer hiccuped and can't tell if my comment went through!

    That store is dangerous and I'd spend every ounce of money we have there.

    With that said, if I win, I'd love an angel food cake pan.

  38. Count me in! My nephew has a birthday coming up soon & that would be fun!

  39. Loooove them all! I'm glad I don't live near this store – my husband would kill me!!
    I would love to have the ice cream cone cupcake pan – if you twisted my arm and made me choose!!

  40. Ohhh I love the graduated pans!

  41. Such an amazing place! I really need to bake more… I think the tiny cake pans would be amazing. I usually bace cupcakes so this would be a nice gradual step up…an 18" cake sounds so intimidating!

    kellygreen12 @ gmail . com

  42. I love the baby size pans…or the alphabet/number pan…so many choices!

  43. How exciting! I'm sure I would "hate" this store also!
    I would love a heart shaped pan, or some itty-bitty, baby-size pans! :)

  44. Oh wow! I wish we had a store like this in Alabama! I would definitely like to try out my mad skills on the graduated pans! Second choice would be a spring form pan!

  45. I have been thinking about buying some new cake pans, just maybe I won't have to…

  46. I would like the small graduated pans! That looks like such a fun store!

  47. I love the ice cream cone pan….or pretty much any cupcake pan…I'm very big on cupcakes right now.

  48. That may be the greatest store ever! I would definitely get the wilton cupcake\ice cream cone pan. It's so cute!

  49. I would love a character cake pan. There's gotta be a Lighting McQueen car on those shelves somewhere. I think it would be fun to make one for my son's 9th birthday in October.

  50. Awesome! Since I make wedding cakes and am always in need of graduated sizes, I would love the round graduated cake pans. Thanks!

  51. I have been dying to get my hands on that ice cream cone pan. No more using real cones and trying to balance them in the oven!!! What a great idea and I can't believe one of these wasn't invented sooner!

  52. If I am lucky enough to be selected I would LOVE the ice-cream or doughnut pans! You must have some serious restraint to walk into that store and not buy everything in sight!!!
    Thanks so much for sharing :)


  53. You tease! :) Tough choice, but I would probably go with the ice cream cone pan for the kiddos. Fun!

  54. I don't need a cake pan. BUT I would love some jelly roll sheets. My mother gave me a cake pan years ago where the bottom is removable from the sides. I don't mean a spring form pan just a cake pan with a removable bottom. It is GREAT and I have never found another like it. If your store has it then I would love a set for my daughter– but if not I could use jelly roll pans. Thanks!

  55. That was amazing, I did not know that there were that many different kinds of cake pans! I would just love a couple cup cake pans:) Thank you so much for the giveaway!!!

  56. I would love to get a set of mini pans to make little individual desserts! What a fun store!

  57. Oh my Lanta!!! These pns are adorable. My favorite is the ice cream cupcake pan!!! How awesome is that? My daughter would be in heaven :)

  58. Love these stores you shop in, wish I had them near me. I would love a tart pan or the square graduated pans. Such a fun place for you to shop. I'd spend hours in these places!

  59. I would pick a tartlet pan. I've been making pies and the like in glass baking dishes because I don't have any tart-type pans!

  60. The graduated cake pans look fun … both the big set and little set. But the teeny little pans are so cute too! I so wish I lived by that store …

    thatfig at gmail dot com

  61. I love pans too!! Especially the tiny ones. I think I would leave me whole paycheck in the tiny pan aisle. Although I would love one of those cake pans that has the designs imprinted in the bottom. I could really do some cute things with that.

  62. OMG!!! Ho did you not walk out of there with 1 of everything. I loved the square muffin pans and the heart shape pans. I love doing different shapes.

  63. My sister wants me to make a square wedding cake for her. Man that is going to be a pretty penny for the pans.

  64. yaoza pans galore!!!! I'm lovin' it! I love the mini pans- adoreable! I would LOVE a couple of them- but if not those then an assortment of square graduating sizes to make my daughters 1st birthday cake! oh those pans are adorable!

  65. Wow! All the ideas that I could use the pans with come to mind. I would love the character pans (elmo, spider man, etc). Looking ahead to many birthdays for my 3 year old and 5 month old those would be the most fun.

    Or graduated cake pans :-)

    Karen 110480 @comcast .net

  66. I would love some giant muffins pans these are all great how fun!

  67. I really want to try a tiered cake, but only own a 9 inch round pan, so I could definately use some of the circle pans :-)

  68. I am envious of being able to have such a store. Really enjoy your blog. I have been following for just a couple of weeks. It's at the top of my list to check every morning. Have the square mini muffin pans on my wish list!
    Beckie in TN

  69. Oh those mini pans are so so cute. I could have a lot of fun with those!

  70. I would love the last one, with the shifting blocks! I'd get the most use out of that pan.

  71. Oh I love the indvidual ice cream cake pans, how cute are they!!!

  72. OO I could totally use a set of round graduated pans. That would make my life SO much easier!

  73. OMG PANS!
    i would definately want the icecream cupcake pan!, and some mini pans so i can make myself some sweets without overstuffing myself, and the doughnut pan! i would love to try to make 'em :)

  74. What a wonderful store to just get lost in. I would choose the springform pan, since I don't have one of those. Thanks!

  75. I'd love those square muffin pans… and a tart pan… and that ice cream cone shaped cupcake pan… Oh, lordy- I just want it all!

  76. What a cool giveaway. I have been lusting after the square muffin pan and also the jumbo muffin pan and the teeny tiny pans are so cute. I can't choose!

  77. Gosh, pans are fun! I'd have to ponder which I'd choose! Maybe square, maybe tiny, who knows! I'll figure it out if I win. :)

  78. A tart pan, a 9 in springform and then some sort of character pan to make my son's birthday cake :) I need lots of pans!

  79. I would LOVE a set of the graduated pans so I can make all sorts of stacked cakes! (probably the smaller set though…not sure what I would do with an 18"-er! THANKS!!! :)

  80. If I win, I'll have trouble choosing, but I love baking cakes, so a new pan would be awesome!

  81. Wow…that's a lot of pans. I love all the teeny ones and the icecream cone cupcake ones. But, alas, I would probably never use them. However, I COULD some round cake pans or a 9×9 square pan.

  82. oops my email is

  83. Oh my! It's so hard to pick a favorite. I do love bundt pans, and the little square pans are so cute, and I could really use a new cookie sheet.
    What a fun store! Thanks for the chance to win!

  84. I want one of the cool bunt pans or the ice cream cone cupcakes!

  85. Too many to choose from! But I do like the square muffin pans. Do they make wrappers for them as well?

  86. OK, pans are my weakness. It doesn't matter if I would use them or not, I always want to get them. I need to find a store like that!

  87. Thanks for the view of the store! I have a serious case of pan-envy right now! ;p I would adore any dinosaur shape cake pan. If not a dinosaur, then a cat-shape pan. I am amazed at the plethora of pans…

  88. I am totally planning a road trip with some friends to this store! It's amazing! I would love to get a set of graduated square pans. I already have round and hexagonal :). Although I also really enjoyed the one with all the square openings…perfect size for tastings! (Yes, I'm a square kinda gal!)

  89. I definitely am a fan of the tartlet and donut pans :)

    Do you have an address for this store? I'm located just north of Atlanta- I would totally make an expedition!

  90. I would love, love, love a spring form pan, or a few in different sizes! 6,8, and 10 if you please

  91. Wow, love the selection. I'm not picky. I'm always trying something new and exciting.

  92. I would love the ice cream cone shaped pan. I make cupcakes in cones, so a cupcake shaped like a cone would be great fun!!!! Has Birthday Party written all over it.

  93. oh my lanta! I LOVE the ice cream cupcake pan! That's amazing! I WANT it! I can just picture people looking at you funny and wondering why you're taking pictures of pans! haha

  94. I'm gonna say a graduated square set of . . . I mean doesn't everybody need one of those? I also love ovals! Oh – and I think you should explain what the difference is between a bread pan and a loaf pan. Inquiring minds need to know :)

  95. We have a really similar store here in Phoenix – ABC Cakes. I want to giggle just walking in the doors…I probably do.

    Last time I was there I spent probably 25 minutes talking myself in and out of a giant muffin tin. The out won and I'm so sad! That would be my pick!!

  96. If I could only find a place like this near (within 100 miles!) of me! The pan I covet is a bundt type pan that looks like a bee hive. I saw a finished cake in some magazine that had the cake with little marzipan bees on it drizzled with a honey glaze – sounded (and looked) soooo good!

  97. Oh my goodness…how could you ever leave that store w/o spending a fortune? I love pans…don't know why I just do :)

    I've always wanted some good graduated cake pans

  98. Pans are great. . .cookie sheets, cake pans, there are just so many great things!

  99. The teeny tiny pans are to die for!

  100. I am not uncrossing my fingers until tuesday night! This is so nice of you!!


  101. Ooh my! I'm so torn between the CUTE ice cream cupcake pan and a new cookie sheet, i could really use a new one of those… not to mention a cheese cake pan would be fabulous! As you can see I just need pans, period! I love your blog, more than you know!!!! :)

  102. maybe a tart pan…or cheescake pan….or the miniature cake pans, I can't choose!

  103. I would love to have the hexagonal graduated pans. I think the cakes made with those pans are GORGEOUS and very classy looking. I would love to try it…

  104. Square muffin pan = individual brownies that are all "the corner piece." Or I could stack them and make mini layered brownie cakes with frosting. Heaven! :) Thanks! Sheryl

  105. i really like the cupcake pan with the ice cream cone markings…or the one that you can make numbers/letters with. They're so cute!!

  106. I share your love for tiny little cakes and pies…I would love to have an assortment of the cute little cake pans.

  107. I would Love an assortment of graduated cake pans — my sons' first birthday is fast approaching and I'd love to be able to make him a fabulous birthday cake! I love the itsy bitsy cake pans too — so cute!

  108. I could really use a couple of the 8" square pans with the super straight sides. It's so hard to ice a square cake without them. Thanks Bakerella!

  109. You are so lucky to have all these stores!

  110. I would LOVE to have a set of the mini assorted cake pans. We don't have this type of store over here where I'm stationed and this would just be a GEM to have! :)

    Thank you for all your wonderful blogs and all your give aways!

  111. Wow! How could one possibly choose from all the glorious cake pans?!! If I was forced to choose, I would go for the square cupcake pan followed by the ice cream cone pan. WHEW! What a choice!

  112. Wow! Those are some amazing pans! I especially love all the little ones! too cute!

  113. That sounds like a great store! For me, I'd love love love a set of graduated pans!!

  114. OhMyGoodness, I would LOVE the square muffin pans, those would make ADORABLE individual cornbreads and the Teeny individual pans are so cute, I just would make tiny everthing, banana bread, strawberry cake. My fingers are Crossed!

  115. I need a giant muffin pan! I have a mini, but would love a really, really big one!

  116. I'd take the graduated cake pans. So Fun!

  117. *gasp* i would want to take each one home…especially the graduated cake pans, how fun!

  118. How much fun can one store be?! I have totally wanted a set of those teeny bread pans so that you can give darling little bread gifts.

    BTW, I have enjoyed your creativity!

  119. I've been drooling over graduated cake pans for ages. *sigh*

  120. i would want mini muffin pans… because i love muffins and cupcakes and think the mini size would help me control how jumbo they get (or at least make me feel less guilty as i eat them all :) )

  121. Heavens!

    Indeed cake pan heaven.

    I think I'd go for a cupcake pan first (two depending how many go in one), then two cookie sheet pans, then a bread pan, then a tartlet pan.

    All the cooking I'm planning to do once I submit my thesis!

  122. I would love a tart pan and some tartlet pans – those are definitely missing from my arsenal. ;)

  123. How FUN!!! I can't choose between a set of the tiny ones or the ice cream cone pan. I'll have to think about it. =)

  124. I would get a graduated hexagon set. Part of my wedding cake was hexagons and I'd love to try it myself!

  125. That's quite the selection! We're fortunate that our public library has specialty-shaped cake pans to lend for kids' birthdays. SUCH a money-saver.

    I'm drooling over those teeny block pans in your last photo. I'm fortunate to work in a very dessert-oriented IT department, and they would be perfect for our various bring-your-own-dessert events.

  126. The cake pan I have been thinking about for OVER A YEAR now is the Beehive bundt pan. At church, I work with the 12 and 13 year old girls and they are called "Beehives." How perfect would this pan be to make a cake, drizzle it with some frosting to simulate honey and make some cute little bees to go on it?? Absolutely adorable!! Oh no!! Not seeing it on the CakeArt site…hmm, well, any bundt pan would do then (liking the snoflake) – although how cute is that cupcake cake pan, or the stars and stripes pan, or the topsy turvy pan? So many choices!

  127. I love all those pans :D

    There are so many choices that I can't even decide. I think though, if I really had to choose just one thing, that I'd love a SilPat. I've wanted one for a long time, but they're so pricey I've never gotten one. So that is what I would probably pick :)

  128. I think I'd buy the square muffin pan…how fun! Or the minis – I love minis!!

  129. an assortment of teeny-tiny pans :)

  130. I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to make my hubby an oversized blueberry muffin! So I think I would choose the largest muffin pan they had! MMmmm makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

  131. Are those heart shaped tart pans in the photo with the sprinkles? Oh I need those! All the baby size pans make me happy. I would never leave that store.

  132. Wow. Everytime you show us where you shop I just get more and more jealous. We're going to South Carolina in two weeks..I'm hoping I can convince my parents to take a side trip (it wont be too far out of the way, haha)to the Cake Art Party Store. I definitely love the mini pans! They'll be great to use because then I can make treats just for ME!

  133. i would love a springform pan for ice cream cakes!! and delicious cheesecake… and everything else…

  134. I would be in heaven just shopping in that store alone! I would love to have the tart pan or the mini square pans since I'm always baking banana bread but have not had the chance to make fruit tart….would love to learn how… :)

  135. I would totally love to have the pan with removable pieces that lets you make numbers and letters. I have 2 daughters who would love initial cakes.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  136. I would LOVE to have a nice cheesecake pan! I'm dying to try out some cheesecake recipes that I have!

  137. Read your blog weekly, this is the only giveaway I have responded to. Would do ANYTHING to have the pan to make the different numbers!

  138. Wow! What a great place… I would love to visit and buy a few things :)

  139. Wow! I would have to pick the ice cream cone cupcake pans, they are just too cute!

    What a nice thing you are doing! Love to read your blog – so thanks so much for sharing!

  140. Oooh I would love a bundt cake pan, maybe the large muffin pans… I can't choose!!!

  141. I would want the butterfly pan. I love it.

  142. Wow! I've never seen so many pans in one place! I would love a set of graduated circle pans. But I also need cupcake pans and those teeny tiny cake pans are adorable!! My daughter and I would love them!

  143. LOVE the bundt style pans in different styles! I am just now getting into baking and made the hamburger/french fry dessert the other day and they were a HUGE hit! Yum!

  144. Hi!
    I just discovered your blog few days ago. It is fantastic!
    I wish there would be that kind of a shop in Estonia too :(.
    I am obsessed with these pops, that you make. So if I am going to win, I would like to get cookie Treat Pans.
    Best wishes,

  145. Ice cream shaped cupcake pans please! I am in love with it! That is seriously the happiest store EVER!

  146. Wow! I wish I had a store like that. Now that we're in a big city, I probably do somewhere, I just need to find it. I have no idea what I'd pick, but I know that sweet ice cream cone cupcake pan would be one of them!

  147. I love the graduated cake pans! think of all the things you could make.

  148. omg, I so want one of pretty bundt pans!!! <3

  149. They are all so cute! I think I'd have to choose the square cupcake pan though!

  150. I would love to have the ice cream cupcake pan, a spring form pan and the tiny pans would be fun!

  151. Oh what an awesome give away. I'd love some graduated pans either square or round or even a tartlet pan, although I'd probably use the graduated pans more.

  152. Wow, when you have a give away you have a giveaway and everyone shows up for the party. Thanks for the generous gift. What an awesome store. I think I could get in trouble there too.

  153. That store looks amazing! I would love one of those tiny graduated pan sets:) I love tiny pans

  154. Unbelieveable! I would go crazy too! I think I want them all! But maybe graduated hearts would be my granddaughter's choice!! Thanks for sharing!!

  155. Wow. How do you choose? It's like Christmas! I would be completely broke if there was a store like that near me. The little square pans are super cute. So's the tricked out bundt pan. I'm drooling.

  156. Thank you for letting us "window shop" at this cool store. Your photos are awesome. It's just so hard to chose! I don't have a springform or a tart pan so it would be a toss up between one of those.

  157. I would be in heaven in a store like that! if i had to pick it would probably be the cupcake cone pan and/or the square muffin pan. or maybe the graduated circle pan set… too many choices! :)


  158. I would love some new pans! I don't have many, just 2 or 3 basics. A springform pan and a cake pan would really boost my collection. I also like the square muffin pan.

    Thanks for making Monday a bit more fun Bakerella!

  159. How fun! I've GOT to visit that store! I love the graduated cake pans!!!


  160. Such an awesome store! Love Love LOVE IT ALLL!!! I would love the ice cream cone pan or a set of graduated heart pans. So many to choose from.

  161. Graduated round pans! that would be amazing! Post more often Bakerella, I love this blog!


  162. The square muffin tins are so cute!

  163. I'm loving that square muffin man. How cute is that!

  164. Oh the cuteness I would bake with the ice-cream-cone-cupcake pan!

  165. It's so hard to choose . . . but I think I'd go with the tiny square pans. I have no idea what I'd do with them, but I think that's half the fun!

  166. my heart skipped a beat when i saw this post! i'll take the doughnut pans and a few mini tartlet pans please! i think i'm glad i don't live next to that store because my house will probably look like it!

  167. I have had my eye on teeny tiny pans for a while, to make cute little cakes for my teeny tiny girls!

  168. I would love to get some sheet cake pans. The quarter sheet and half sheet would be put to good use at my house!

  169. Oh the fabulous things I would create with the ice cream cone cupcake pan! : )

  170. The baby cake pans would be so fun to do for individual kids at birthday parties. Then I could bake and have them each decorate their own cake!

  171. I would love to have a mini cupcake pan and an assortment of little cake pans too. That way I could work on making cake darlingness.

  172. I *NEED* those itty bitty bundt pans. Like, 20 of them. And the heart pans, and some round graduated pans, and some ice cream cone shaped muffin pans, and the square muffin pans… and…. and…. and…. Oh lordy, I want them all!

  173. My goodness! I could see my budget being thrown into wind if I went to that store. If I could choose a pan, it would be the pan that had the small squares. I would use it to make baby block cakes…

  174. I would definitely go for an angel food cake pan (love that stuff) and a bunch of the mini ones. My daughter would love to decorate anything that came out of those.

  175. I love the mini square pans!

  176. Wow they have eeeeeeverything your little heart could desire! I would love to have a set of square or rectangular graduated pans to do some traditional tiered cakes. Hope I win!!

  177. My niece and nephew would love the ice cream cone pan!

  178. I love love love all the mini pans! Sooo cute and would be so much fun to have a party with a bunch of small cute cakes.

  179. How fun! I love the ice cream cone cupcake tins! :)

  180. The teeny tiny pans are adorable and I'd love to have one. But if I win, then I should be practical and get an assortment of different pans for my brand new house! I'm moving in August and don't have any bakeware of my own yet…

  181. I love the number pan. I would definitly use it for birthdays! It would be great to live somewhere that had a shop this. Too Cool.

  182. you are super popular!! I would love the stackable pans =) reply to my blog at

  183. I love love love all the mini pans! Sooo cute and would be so much fun to have a party with a bunch of small cute cakes.

  184. The ice cream cupcake pans are adorable – I would love those for my daughter's first birthday party!!

  185. I went to this store for the first time last week. I traveled all the way down from NC to go with my Mom. The pan aisle was my favorite too. There were so many things I wanted to buy, but was on a tight budget. The baby pans were my favorites when I was there. I loved them all. The mini springform pans…oh my goodness! I just imagined all of the treats I could make and give to people.

  186. I LOVE THE ONE AT THE END! The one with the blocks that move around. That is such a fabulous idea!

  187. Ooh, I'd want the one with the blocks that move around to make numbers. I never knew anything like that even existed!

  188. Wow that is a lot of pans :) I could have a lot of fun in that store. Geesh so many choices, I guess I would choose it would be one of these: graduated round cake pans, bread pans, the square muffin tin, okay I could go on and on….Great store!

  189. oooh! i would looove an assortment of tiny pans, or maybe the pans with the movable blocks to make numbers!! you rock, bakerella!

  190. Of all the pans I have scattered all over my kitchen, I realized the other day as I was making pound cake, I'm lacking in the loaf pan department! And those tiny pans? Just adorable.

  191. The teeny tiny ones are adorable. How fun those would be letting the kids help decorate.

  192. That ice cream cone cake pan is too cute, I need a good cup cake pan!!!

  193. I soooo wish we had one of those stores here in my midwest state! I would be in cake heaven! I love your website, and often make cake pops of my own for functions and parties as a make-to-order deal! I would LOVE to have the jumbo cupcake pans, and the teeny tiny pans! I've never seen the tiny ones here yet! Oh the things we could do with those! :) you rock!

  194. I like the cupcake pan, but I think I need a cheesecake pan.

  195. Oh my! So many pans. :) A heart pan would be nice…

  196. I'm so jealous of your store! I would love the teeny tiny ones. The things I could make for my kids, endless possiblities.

  197. Drooling…..

    I would love the graduated cake pans (hexagon) or any number of "character shaped" pans! This store is just way too cool!

  198. i have been dying to try some graduated square pans!!! wooo or maybe the little mini ones how cute!!!

  199. I'm all over that mini square pan! cheesecakes? brownies? mini… cute! cute!

  200. Wow that is a lot of pans. I need a angel food cake pan. What a fun store!!

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