
Play Food

Play food

I made some tiny sugar cookie sugar cookies for you.


Yes, I love little and I kinda like to play with my food… But I’m sure you know that about me by now.

And you probably know that I made more than just baby cookies.

They’re cute on their own, but I really needed them to put on display.

Cookie Stands

On these 3-tier sugar cookie dessert stands I made.

EEek! Cookies on cookies. Key-ute.

Making Sugar Cookies

I love sugar cookies since they require a few basic ingredients that I almost always have on hand.

They can be baked in no time – especially with the recipe I’ve been using from my friend Bridget at Bake at 350. It’s been my go-to recipe lately. I love hers because nothing has to be set out to room temperature. And her dough doesn’t need to be chilled before rolling either. Equals Awesome! I hate waiting. So I love this recipe. When the dough comes together it will be crumbly, but don’t worry. Just grab it and knead it a bit and it’s ready to roll and cut. And it lifts beautifully, too.

Here’s Bridget’s recipe for sugar cookies and royal icing on some peppermint cookies I made a few weeks ago. And here is the recipe on her site.

But even better, Bridget has a Cookie Decorating book out. And I’m giving one away at the end of this post. YAY!

Decorating Cookies

Actually, I’m giving away a signed copy of her book, Decorating Cookies. Easy to understand instructions with tons of adorable cookie decorating ideas. You’ll love it.

Skip on down to the bottom if you want to enter. Wheee!

Or if you want to see how I made my cookies stand, then keep on reading. These aren’t in Bridget’s book… I was just inspired by her cookie creations and love for decorating and wanted to share it with you since I love using her recipe.

Hope you like them Bridget! P.S. I need a piping boot camp. I don’t know how you do it.

Rolling Pin

Roll your cookie dough out nice and flat. I used these rubber dough bands to make sure the thickness was even when I rolled.

Cookie Dough

Then cut out circles in graduating sizes. I used 3-7/8, 3, 2-5/8 and 2-1/4 inch sizes.

Cookie Dough

Before you bake, use a plastic drinking straw to remove the centers of each cookie. The straw collects the dough in the center. Convenient.

Freeze the cut shapes for about 10 minutes to help the dough avoid spreading and then bake.

And when they come out of the oven, use the straw again to make sure the holes stay the same size.


Use the dough scraps and tiny cutters to cut out shapes for your desserts to go on display.

A piping tip like the one on the right will make circles with rounded tops since the tip is cone-shaped.

Makes great mini macarons or whoopie pies. Just tap the tip on the counter to release the dough.

Cookie Dough Shapes

Lots of little shapes.

Cookie Cutters

Assorted shapes – around 1 inch wide.

Tiny alphabet cutters. XOXO

Graduated ovals – plain on one side and crinkled on the other.

And my favorite – I can’t live without – graduated circle cutters that I used to make the stands.

Graduated Cookie Shapes

You’ll want to use four different sizes to make the 3-tier stands.

Note: For the chocolate cookies, I swapped out 1/2 flour for 1/2 cup cocoa and used all vanilla extract in Bridget’s recipe.


After they are baked and cooled, and then comes the piping. This always goes smoother in my head than when I actually start piping.

Pipe first with outline icing and then fill with flood icing.

However for these I ended up using a royal icing consistency somewhere in between and piped and filled with the same consistency.


Ugh – wonky lines. Not what I’d hoped.

So after I filled and before the icing set completely, I piped dots all the way around. Camouflage it.

Much better.

Let cookies dry overnight. And after all the cookie decorating save leftover royal icing in an airtight container or in the piping bag with the ends tied off and cap closed for finishing up the project the next day.

Now comes the fun part.


Ice the cakes and decorate!

Easy details for major impact.

Luster Dust

Oh and those macarons, try painting them with a little luster dust.

Just mix some of the powder with a small amount of clear extract and you can paint right on the cookies.


Play food

Pretty dang cute!

Cookie Dessert Stands

And even cuter on display.

These were surprisingly easy to make stand up.

Cookie Sticks

Start with using cookie sticks for the support. These are bigger than the lollipop sticks I usually use for cake pops (lower right).

The sticks should be about 6 inches tall for the stands. Buy the 6 inch sticks or cut down the 8 inch.

Use a cookie stick to gently twist through each cookie opening to make sure it goes through before building.

And make sure your cookie icing is completely dry and set from the day before.


Sugar Cookie Stands

  1. Start with the smallest cookie shape. It should not be iced. Place on a flat surface and then insert the cookie stick. Slide the largest iced cookie on top. Having two cookies on the bottom will give you more support and keep the stick straight.
  2. Cut striped straws into 1 1/2 inch sections. Slide one straw piece over the stick and push to the bottom as a spacer/ledge.
  3. Slide second largest iced cookie on stick until it stops at the straw. Then slide another straw piece on top.
  4. Slide last cookie on top until it stops at the straw. Then slide one more straw piece on the very top. Wrap a piece of washi tape around the straw and cut out a triangle for a cute flag topper.
  5. Note: Not shown. Use the leftover royal icing to pipe in between the two bottom cookies and pipe dots around the centers of each tier to help secure the cookies in place as you build. Attach the desserts to the tiers with royal icing too. Then let dry and don’t move for a few hours. I skipped this step because I wanted to get right to taking pictures.

Sugar Cookie Dessert Stands

There you have it four cookies for 3-tier stands. Bridget’s recipe will make four stands with enough cookies to decorate.

And these can be totally scaled back? Two tiers? Just a cookie plate? Just the tiny cookies? Only one cookie shape? Choose how you want to play.

Cookie Stands

They’d be super fun and totally stand out for Valentine’s Day, for a dessert party or even party favors.



Now for the giveaway!

Decorating Cookies

Enter for a chance to win a signed copy of Bridget’s book, Decorating Cookies.

  • Just answer the following question and leave your response in the comments section on this blog post.
  • What did you do this weekend? Something fun I hope. I made a bunch of cookies : )
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 7:00 pm. Sorry, Time’s Up. Winner announced below.
  • One winner will be picked at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening on this post.

Good Luck!


Thank you all so much for the sweet words on the cookie stands. I really appreciate it. And now for the winner of Bridget’s book.

It’s comment #917 – Becky P! Congratulations and have fun decorating cookies. And swimming too.


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1,910 comments on “Play Food”

  1. This is honestly one of the coolest things I have ever seen. Really cute an unique. This weekend we did a really belated family christmas – was lots of fun!

  2. I watched “Mama” with a lovely boy!<3

    These cookies are simply stunning, can't wait to try them out!:)

  3. My daughter’s 6 birthday party was Sunday. She and her friends did gymnastics.

  4. Eeeh! I adore the stands! Those would be perfect for someone celebrating opening a bakery. :)

    This weekend, I crocheted a tiny monster doll, studied Welsh, and played minecraft.

  5. This past weekend, I went broomballing and a whole lot of shopping for spring semester!

  6. I made my first batch of royal icing (using Bake at 350) recipe. It was the first time I visited her site. Love it. I made a large batch of sugar cookie dough and started decorating for a Wizard of Oz theme party this weekend.

  7. this weekend we had no kids – they were at their other dads n moms houses- so hubby decided to finish projects around the house- well lets say he broke fire sprinkler – water everywhere – but that didn’t stop me from finishing my cookies ! lol now I have some decorating cookie ideas for valentines day cookies!
    thank you for the inspiration I love your stuff!

  8. I just made basic chocolate chip cookies this weekend since it was cold and raining. Your cookies look so adorable. I did go to see the movie The Impossible with Naomi Watts and it was a very good movie!

  9. Happy Monday! This weekend I took my kids to a conference discussing the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We had a great time! Then, yesterday, we made lemon bars using a co-workers lemons from her tree; fabulous!

  10. I became a dog midwife for a day. My dog had 6 little doggies and I helped her all by myself. It was quite something!

  11. This weekend, I did some family heritage; filling in missing puzzle pieces (family names). I also decided what cookies and cakes I’ll be baking for my grandson’s Baptism. I love you, Bakerella, and seriously would love Bridget’s book, Decorating Cookies!

  12. Wow! They are insanely cute!!!! I had a fun weekend just hanging out with my 5 year old son. It was not nice weather in Wisconsin, and my husband was working, so my son and I played in the house and relaxed.

  13. I needed a recovery weekend – very busy week at work coupled with several pieces of difficult news, so I read a lot, made breakfast food for dinner, and watched Downton Abbey (and then needed to recover from that!)

  14. My hubby and I have been sick for 2 weeks but were feeling so much better. So on Saturday we had a date night and went to the movies. This was a pretty posh theater where you can order food from your leather recliner seats and the servers bring you your order right to you during the movie! I mean…what?

  15. I wan working a conference in San Diego this weekend but live the cookies as a welcome distraction! They are so darn cute.

  16. I am working a conference in San Diego and love those cookies! What a great distraction from working a weekend.

  17. This weekend I went to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and their daughter! My niece turned one in December, but was sick when her party was scheduled, so it was moved to January. Lots of awesome baby girl time!

  18. I love this idea :) This weekend I made spiderman cake pops and 3 monster high cakes with edible dolls – busy, busy!

  19. Those are all completely adorable!

    This weekend I made cupcakes – 6 different kinds with 7 different buttercreams for a wedding taste test. :) They loved them all and i get leftovers!

  20. I had to shop around because a friend of mine wants me to make her two sons a main cake pop birthday cake. So I had to build the stands by hand then decorate them in the color themes to what the kids want and now I still have to put together decorations that is going on the sides of the stands then bake at least 3 cakes to make the amout of cake pops she wanted. I enjoy being creative because this is the only way I can still keep my creativity going since finding a job is so hard now a days. My job is in the animation field but hard to find. So doing this keeps my mind constantly creating.

  21. These are so cute! I didn’t do anything fun this weekend, but I did make a yummy roast for dinner in my crockpot! Next weekend, I think I’m going to have to bake…

  22. I love these cookie stands – so impressive! Last Saturday I flew from Korea to MA and spent Sunday recuperating and trying to get back on Eastern Standard Time!

  23. I found out I was pregnant! :) My kids are going to be so excited!!

  24. I made an apple upsidedown cake, and spent time with my daughters :)

  25. I went to church a few times!

  26. Went to my nieces 2nd birthday party. The theme was fairies! Cuute!

  27. I test drove a new car & cleaned the house! Oh what a life. :)

    That book looks absolutely fab – thanks for the giveaway!

  28. Those are unbelievably adorable! Too pretty to eat!
    This weekend I went on a trip to another town a few hours away and happened across an amazing cake design shop… It was closed. I was so disappointed I had to bake a crumble covered marble cake to make up for it! It cheered me up… Marginally.

  29. These are adorable! You are so creative, thank you for sharing your talents with us; you’re inspiring me to try, try again. This weekend I tried some new recipes for chicken. They weren’t winners but I’ll keep trying! I love cooking and baking.
    Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
    Kathy Austin

  30. I took a breadmaking class. Loved it.

  31. We spent time out in the snow with our kids

  32. Since it was gloomy and rainy all weekend, I pretty much just sat home and watched movies.

  33. I painted the bathroom!

  34. Cleaned up a little and spent quality time with the family. I hope I win!

  35. All of my kids were home for the weekend. Good times.

  36. I worked over the weekend. Am planning on making cookies today and tomorrow. Love you work.

  37. These are so cute! I wish i had been baking cookies this weekend, but the truth is that i was looking after my kids, while my husband practiced a presentation

  38. Spent time with family and enjoyed a housewarming party.

  39. I made homemade bread this weekend but would LOVE to try my hand at making these cookies!

  40. Made a pizza, relaxed, and watched a movie!

  41. I went to Arizona to attend my brother-in-law’s funeral. So sad. Thanks for the chance to win.

  42. Oh would love to get this one! It is such a great idea to sell in a bake sale and I can wait for our local one to get announced..would love to make tiny cookies then..

  43. What an adorable idea!
    We had a wonderful time hanging out with our family over the weekend.

  44. Spent all day Saturday at an Enameling workshop then helped a friend fix a leaking toilet all day Sunday. Not exactly what I had planned, but always nice to help a friend in need.

  45. I went to the Tacoma Art Museum to take in some Warhol and celebrate my 29th birthday.

  46. I too made cookies this weekend! I experimented with a diabetic sugar cookie recipe which was somewhat successful then a “shortbread recipe which was a flop :( To feel marginally successful, I made a small batch of my FAVORITE shortbread cut-out recipe and colored it hot pink for Valentines Day!

  47. You have truly outdone yourself this time. These are so adorable!!!!!
    I ended up getting food poisoning this weekend, so that happened.

  48. This weekend we celebrated my birthday, so my mom and I made a german chocolate cake. So good.

  49. Those cookies were adorable.I enjoyed being home with my son and husband. We went to our Middle School’s musical production of Grease JR. Thank You for this chance!!!

  50. This weekend I went to the public market and had some fresh lemonade and warm bread mmmm

  51. Those little cookies are so adorable!! This weekend I went for two 3 mile runs with my boyfriend and make blueberry scones

  52. those are seriously adorbs!! love them! worked on saturday.

  53. I shopped for pinterest craft ideas for my kids!

  54. We went to friends’ for dinner on Saturday – my kids were so well behaved even with unfamiliar food!

    Sunday, we went for groceries – mission accomplished!

    This is great inspiration. I am so looking forward to doing these! Especially to surprise the little miss for her birthday!

  55. Just moved my mom downstairs and myself upstairs, so no baking for me! Besides, I was fasting.
    These are too, too, too cute! I love sugar cookies! I know what I’m doing THIS weekend! :)

  56. I took the family sledding! We had some cookies when we got back but these look better!

  57. You always do such beautiful work!!:)

    I organized some closets in our house and packed up 4 bags of clothes to donate to Goodwill! Yay more space!!:)

  58. Those cookie stands with mini cookies are adorable! This weekend I played in a trio at one of my really good friend’s wedding. Also shared some exciting news with my family!

  59. I went to an ice sculpture show, competed in an indoor triathlon and went to my first Blues game of the season! It was a great weekend. :)

  60. Well I’m so glad you asked… I closed on my very first house this past weekend!
    I am head over heels for my new kitchen and spent yesterday organizing all my baking stuff in all their own drawers (instead of crammed in behind pots and pans like in my old kitchen!)

    Now i just need a first baking project in the new digs!

  61. Wrangled the 3 kids to two parties, took care of the school chickens, bunnies and fish. Kept every one of them alive!

  62. I spent time with my mom who was in town visiting. Nothing like quality time with mom to feel balanced and happy :)

  63. This weekend I watched Downton Abbey and cried like a baby. SIGH.
    Pick me! Pick me!

  64. I felt a little home sick, so I made some arabic sweets and Falafel with Hummus…Your work is gorgeous. I love your site and the time you take to explain how to make your beautiful cookies.. Thank you so much.

  65. I worked (night shift) all weekend which equals work & sleep only!

  66. Ahhhh! So adorable! I LOVE teeny things!
    We went to my little brother in-laws basketball game, where my husband held up a sign saying he changed his diapers when he was little (oh brotherly love ;)) haha

  67. I was at work. All weekend.

  68. I spent my weekend playing with my daughter and attempting to clean the house.

  69. These are the cutest cookies ever!!! You’re so talented and creative, a real gift.

    This weekend was chill, running older daughter around!! Did get to do some awesome clearance shopping, watched first episode of Project Runway Season 11 and some catch up cleaning. Not exciting, but very satisfying!! :)

  70. Went to the beach with the kiddos. Brrr…then we made strawberry chocolate chip muffins. Mmmmm

  71. As a college student all I can manage to do on the weekends is homework!

  72. Saturday I helped a friend unpack from their recent move. Sunday I went to the OKC Museum of Art and enjoyed their Photorealism exhibit and then watched the documentary “Chasing Ice” which has an Oscar nomination for Best Song. The documentary was wonderfully put together and the pictures are absolutely stunning!

  73. Cute, cute, cute!!!! Unfortunately, I took care of sick kiddos all weekend. :(

  74. I celebrated my (45th) birthday…great, relaxing weekend! Your cookie stands are tooooo cute – you rock!!!

  75. Those cookie stands are the cutest things I have ever seen! I just bought some of those straws and didn’t know how I was going to use them. I know now! I am going to make them as favors for my daughter’s bridal shower. This weekend I started, for about the 20th time reorganizing my scrapbook supplies. I have a lot (LOL!), so it could not be completed in just two days.
    Love to win the cookie book.

  76. I too made cookies this weekend! Tried out a diabetic sugar cookie recipe which was fairly successful and what was termed a “shortbread” recipe that was a complete flop! To feel like I was marginally successful I made a small batch of my FAVORITE shortbread (colored pink for Valentines Day)!

  77. I was under the weather this weekend, but still had to get 6 loads of laundry done and plan/prep for a surprise birthday cake I have to make at the end of the week

  78. I visited with family and friends this weekend

  79. Love Love Love these! You are so creative Bakerella! I spent the weekend shopping with my sister, always a great time!

  80. I spent the most the weekend packing. Getting ready to move into our first house this coming weekend :D Sunday I ran away to the coast with my BFF for her birthday. It was rainy yet fun.

  81. I had my 7 mo. old grandson overnight. I forgot what it was like having an infant overnight!

  82. We got snowed in this weekend. My son even has a snow day today. We had a super busy week with spiked creatinin levels and very low kidney function, with an emergency kidney biopsy to boot, so we took it slow and lazy this weekend:)

  83. I made Valentines day push up cakes vanilla flavor colored in red and pink and sprinkled with hearts.

  84. So cute! :)

    And the book looks very cool! :)

    Friday we made cookie bars and a rocket ship out of cardboard boxes…and then for the weekend we pretty much sat around not doing much, watching the Australian Open. :)

  85. First you are too stinkin creative! Those cookie stands are ADORABLE!
    This past weekend we had 2 show sing for our house :) 1 wasn’t interested and the other we don’t know yet, hoping no news is good news *crosses fingers*

  86. I Love This! So Cute! This weekend we had lots of family time, cooking, playing games, watching movies together. The best!

  87. Well, I actually have been taking care of my 10 y.o. twin girls who have been sick all weekend. Not much sleep, just snuggling and caring for my poor girls. Wishing we had made cakes and cookies!!

  88. If you are ever in West Des Moines, IA, you need to come to Scratch Cupcakery….I had a bacon cupcake Saturday to die for! YUM!!!! We took my 2 year old bowling! It was fun although he didn’t want to let anyone else have a turn (he loves balls). But it was super fun!

  89. Hung the drawer fronts and doors on the bathroom vanity I had built, so happy to have it finally done!

  90. deciding which courses my rising 10th grade son should take…joy =o/

  91. My son and I went to a birthday party on Saturday, and church and mini-golf on Sundau!

  92. We started deep cleaning and packing because we are moving in three weeks.

  93. okay, first of all, you are so ridiculously talented I don’t even know what to say anymore!!

    This weekend I went to NYC with my mom, sister and 4 yr old twin nieces to American Doll. Having boys, I do these girlie things with my sister’s girls. What a fun day!!!

    I also made your butterscotch chocolate brownie bars.
    OMG-they are amazing. A little more high maintenance but so worth it!!

  94. What adorable cookies, with such a yummy recipe. I can’t wait to try it!

    This weekend I walked my dog by myself for the first time – 2.5 miles! … What you need to know is this: he’s a Siberian husky ~ and he’s young, and strong, and born to pull! :D

  95. I was feeling a little sick so I spent my weekend napping and watching Burn Notice. Can’t complain though :)

  96. Went to Movie Studio Grill with the family for dinner and a movie – such fun :)

  97. We went to Ikea and walked through the storage wonderland and out with a Cube shelf :)

  98. I helped my dad with his first catering job. It went great until I cut myself on a mandolin…. :(

  99. I did nothing but chores and watched tv

  100. What a great idea and presentation. I’m blown away once again. Beautiful work and I lot of patience doing it I guess!

    As usual I was making some yummy things in my kitchen this weekend. I made Tiramisu, one of my favorite Italian desserts.


  101. This looks amazing!! So much fun!

    I was working this weekend :( Boo!
    But after work on Sunday I went to a drama and movement workshop with my amateur musical company which was lots of fun! I found the dancing rather difficult after a hard days work, but it’s always fun to try new things :D xx

  102. Soccer stepmom this weekend! Made some soccer ball cookies and cake pops for the team????

  103. I love your cookies! I went to my Grandma’s for Sunday dinner. She is 90 years old and still cooks every Sunday.

  104. I spent some time making valentines crafts and gifts.

  105. Stock show!

  106. Relaxed. Enjoyed the weather. Love, love these cookie stands!!!! Must make!!

  107. Unfortunately, I spent the weekend working… and travelling for work. Wish I was baking cookies! :)
    I love this idea… these mini cookies on stands are adorable.

  108. Tried my hand at real sized macarons. Round two next week! Yours look much better than mine!

  109. My husband and I took my four-year old daughter, Caroline, and my two-year old son, Zane, to see the bucking bulls at the PBR on Saturday. It was their first time to go to a rodeo and it was so fun to see their reaction to it all. Caroline loved the clowns AFTER she realized that we weren’t there for her to ride the bucking bulls, and then Zane loved it all. After each bull was done bucking, he was like, “Nuther One!” They both wore their cowboy/cowgirl boots and hats too. It was so much fun!

  110. It was cold and snowy, so it was the perfect time to work on my knitting (a cozy lap blanket) :-)

  111. I went wedding registry shopping!

  112. It snowed a lot where i live so i didn’t have school for five days. Whooo! I made white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and a bunch of friendship bracelets :)

  113. These teeny tiny cookies are absolutely adorable. I love anything in miniature – awwww :)

    I helped my son build his Pinewood Derby car for Cub Scouts and also organized my craft cabinet. Thanks for the chance to win such a great book!

  114. This weekend I went to the beach, in Uruguay this time of The year is very hot!!! I made some ice cream!!!!!!!!!!

  115. I skied in NM it was so much fun! Drove back to Texas…Sunday was a pretty day so I worked in the yard. Spring will be here before we know it!

    These are so cute…I will be making them for valentines and will use the recipe for cookies for our annual Easter Egg Hunt.

  116. We celebrated my nephew’s 7th birthday with a cake.

  117. Cutest cookies ever! This weekend a met with a bride to discuss details for her wedding cake.

  118. Cute cookies. I love your designs

  119. These cookies are AMAZING!

    This weekend, I rearranged my kitchen.

  120. These are the cutest! This weekend, I made a baby shower cake with coordinating owl cake pops from your book.

  121. I celebrated my sisters birthday and had my work holiday party!

  122. I’m with you, piping is my weakness also. However you do a great job. I also could use a class on putting faces on cake pops which you are a pro at. Everything you make is wonderful!

  123. How. Freakin’. ADORABLE!

    They could fit right in at an ‘Alice In Wonderland’ themed party!

  124. This weekend I took two of my grandgirls and we got yogurt sundaes,came home learned a new crochet stitch and made Frozen Hot Chocolate for a late night snack for me and my hubby! Yum! It was a sugary day but had lots of fun.

  125. these are works of art

  126. We didn’t do much around our house this weekend!! It was rainy all weekend so we stayed inside and had lots of family movie time!

  127. I was stuck working all weekend, unfortunately.

  128. Worked and worked some more. Boo! I did have a dinner club freezer dinner exchange and a church planning meeting, thats as fun as it got! =)

  129. I watched movies all weekend with my 5 year old daughter. Disney classics like Pochantos and The Lion King. Lots of fun for both of us!

  130. Oh how cute!!! I love those itty bitty cookie cutters you used. Just adorable.

    My husband and I took our kids (5 & 7) to the circus Sat. night. We had a blast!

  131. Saturday was my birthday. Started the day with a funeral that captured the essence of my departed friend and ended the day going to a college basketball game with my mom.

  132. My weekend was full of swimming lessons, laundry and family movie night.
    My daughter loves to bake with me, I hope to try out these cookies with her some weekend soon!

  133. So cute!! I wish I had an ounce of your creativity!!
    This weekend started sitting in the Dr. office with my 17 year old getting her tested for the flu…and she was positive for Influenza A. My son was home from college, so we hung out with him a lot. Sunday we went to Costco to load up on supplies for the college boy to take back. I spent Sunday night watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and the SAG awards.
    Pretty boring!!

  134. This weekend was full of visiting friends and then having a lazy Sunday doing nothing. It was perfect!

  135. Took our 9 month to Train Town for the first time! Fuh-un!!!
    Would love to win the book!

  136. I lovee cookies!
    I spend the whole weekend with my niece and nephew just relaxing inside and watching some movies

  137. Great!!! Super!!! Cookies!!!
    Last weekend I Cleaned THE house ;( next weekend ….. I intend to bake cookies!!!!

  138. We bought a baby swing for our 5 week old baby then my husband and I just spent the weekend enjoying our first baby….Fatima. I cant wait for her to grow up so we can bake together!

  139. These are beyond adorable and SUCH a fabulous idea!!

  140. Love these! And love Bridget!

    I wish I could say that I baked this weekend, but I didn’t. I did, however, eat banana strawberry pancakes on Saturday morning – practically unheard of for a Saturday in our house.

  141. I spent the weekend with my boyfriend and our combined five kiddos! We went to the zoo and hung out at home making cookies. :)


  142. This weekend we went to see our favorite Beatle tribute band – The Cast and just hung out on Sunday relaxing.

  143. These are so cute!!!! This past weekends, I created my first cookie recipe. It turned out more like bread bites, but everyone who had them liked them.

  144. I made mini cupcakes for my son’s piano recital this weekend. No where as cute as you mini cookies!

  145. It was one of those weekends where the couch called my name most of the time. We watched movies most of the weekend.

  146. This weekend I held my 9 month old, and a number of towels, as she worked through the norovirus that is going around. Yuck!

    By the way, those are the most adorable teeny tiny cookies EVER!

  147. Hi from Greece!!!!!Really love your tiny cookies.This weekend was raining and so I stayed at home and had friends for dinner had a good time.

  148. I made gingerbread cookies with pink icing from my Hubby. They are his favorite. This week – oatmeal creme pies!

  149. You always seem to out-cute yourself! Love those stands!!! I spent this weekend at my Grandparent’s Sundance cabin with family. Getting our last visit in before they head home to New York. It’s always a blast!

  150. Plan my daughter’s 1st birthday party!

  151. My 17 year old daughter will love the tiny cookies! Sooo cute!
    Shopped for Senior Ball gown with my girl (still searching!!) and watched lots and lots of sports with the family. It was a great two days!!

  152. I love the ‘Japanesque’ nature of your miniature (edible) ‘display food’ – as has been said already… adorable!

    This weekend I baked a mini panda bear cake for a co-worker’s birthday. He’s someone I didn’t ‘get’ when I first worked with him – but now I think I do.

  153. I shared a delicious meal with good friends, and spent some time with my niece!

  154. Key-ute is right! Those are delightful! I spent the weekend celebrating my niece’s bday plus doing some crocheting. Fun weekend indeed. Sad it is over!

  155. I relaxed! After weeks of everyone in our family fighting the flu bug, it was nice to just kick back and enjoy some non-sick family time.

  156. This weekend, my hubby built me a craft room in our new home! A new work table, bookcases to the ceiling, etc. I’m so excited. And looking forward to getting a lot of work done in there.

  157. I had a busy, busy, busy weekend. I worked on a Gala for the local high school all day on Saturday and then Sunday went to the World Chocolate Expo in the morning, then headed down the city to see Newsies! Phew.

    Your cuteness factor to every design you do always amazes me. {sigh}. Also, putting a dotted border around the edge of a slightly wonky cookie is really the best fix. I use it on almost every cookie.

  158. I had 2 birthdays parties to go to. One for my niece and the other for my mom. Love the cookies :)

  159. I watched Mama!
    This cookie cake is too cuteeeeeee

  160. I also made a bunch of cookies – tried a new recipe – chocolate chip cookies stuffed with Rolo candy – yum!!!

    I also got a ton of project done in my house – very productive.

  161. Love this!!! I love to bake and cook and would love to make this with my daughter… next saturday for sure!
    I spend this weekend working in my long time set aside quilting proyect (I also love sewing for fun!). We also baked a chocolate cake, yum…

  162. I went camping, and then got home and whipped up a batch of Mexican vanilla chocolate chip cookies with vanilla my grandma got on a cruise to cozumel. They were delicious!

  163. Wow! When I think you couldn’t make anything cuter, these are adorable!! This weekend, I didn’t do anything as crazy-fun like you but I did some sewing. I made a light pink satin cover for the chain of a chandelier that will hang in my new twin grand daughters bedroom.
    Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!

  164. What did you do this weekend? Yes, I baked some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and some fudge brownies with sixlets topping!! Oh yeah!!

  165. I celebrated 33 years of marriage to the man of my dreams! Saturday was a day of reflecting back to our wedding, looking at the clock and thinking at this moment I was having my hair done, at this moment we were at our reception. Crazy I was feeling the whole day again! I can’t believe how incredibly blessed I feel for having found my husband 35 years ago in College. I simply cannot imagine my life with out him and I hope I never experience that! Thanks for sharing this post with us! I am going to have to find those dough bans!

  166. I spent this weekend with my family and friends in my hometown. Flying back to NYC tomorrow!

    LOVE decorating cookies, and would love the book :)

  167. It was my daughter’s 11th birthday on Sat so we had a party with friends on Sat and a party with family on Sun. I spent all week baking…40+ cupcakes for school and home, penguin fondant toppers, homemade marshmallows on sticks, sprinkle barl, cookie favors, and 2, 3-layer cakes!!! Lots of fun!

  168. I am pretty sure that is the cutest thing I have ever seen.

    This weekend I went to church. Then I made pretzels and blogged about how I made pretzels. All in all a pretty great weekend!

  169. This weekend I celebrated my husbands 30th birthday!! These cookies are ADORABLE!

  170. So cute!!! I spent my weekend relaxing and watching the snow fall outside:)

  171. Me and my friend went in a road trip to the north california! It was amazing!!! We saw the sunset at salmon creek beach, so beautiful.

  172. We had friends over for dinner and made the Dr. Pepper pulled pork recipe from Pioneer Woman. :)

  173. I went a little crazy- I baked a pie, cannoli, and a flourless chocolate tart. All to die for. I also slept. A lot. But other than that…

  174. I cleaned out our closets!
    Thanks, those cookie stands look amazing!

  175. OMG these are the cutest itty bitty cookies I’ve ever seen! Got to spend a bit of time with my 6 year old grandson which it’s always a treat! I’d love to win the cookie book for one of my two adult daughters who is very creative in the baking/cake decorating realm…she would love it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  176. On Saturday we did some visiting with my husband’s brother and his wife. And on Sunday we did chores around the house and played outside in the snow. A sort of quiet weekend with not too much traveling. :)

  177. Went to beach with a few of my friends for Australia day and just baked macarons :)

  178. I am just so amazed at how brilliant these are! Absolutely love them!

    To answer the question, This weekend I went to a birthday party held for all three of my nephews…turning 1, 3, and 11! :)

  179. Had fun with my babies, went to a Sunday School party and made a corn casserole.

  180. These are so cute! I went to a baby shower this weekend.

  181. I worked on homework most of the weekend, but I did try making a new recipe for dinner Saturday, super yummy!

  182. Those stands are darling! This weekend I made cookies to send to my college girls!

  183. I finally got to have a little reunion with my college roommates, and celebrate my birthday with them! It was an awesome weekend.

  184. I moved this weekend and the first thing I did was go to the library and check out a book called “300 under 300” It’s awesome and has tonstonstons of recipes, hence the name 300!

  185. I adore these cookies! I took care of my sick baby this weekend!

  186. I made valentine cookies and chocolate lollipops.
    I will now try these 3 tier cookie display!! Thanks

  187. Cleaned the house and helped hubby hang a new ceiling fan. I need a cookie break!! :)

  188. Hung out with the fam!

  189. I was very lazy this weekend, but the husband and I did make some Double Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies. Recipe was on the back of a giant bag of Hershey choclate chips. They came out realllllly yummy :)

  190. I spent the weekend going through a 1958 recipe card box that a friend passed on to me after his Mom recently passed, what a treasure!

  191. 1. Where do you come up with this stuff?! Cookies on cookies = brilliant.
    2. I am sorry to say that I was sick most of the weekend. But I was well enough Sunday to teach the kiddos at church and have a late movie night with my son who wouldn’t go to bed.
    3. Thank you.

  192. I went to 4 high school basketball games and sorted through a laundry basket full of paper work.

  193. This past weekend I did nothing. I bummed around the house all day Sunday and watched season 4 of “How I Met Your Mother”. It was wonderful.

  194. Cleaned, caught up with family, took a nap, and went to church.

  195. I took my son to skating lessons, gymnastics and swimming lessons. Went to the Monster Trucks show – that was fun! And I had time to make an apple pie = delish!

  196. Did a lot of painting. Wish I was baking!!!!!

  197. I have been traveling a lot, so lots of cooking at home, relaxing, and baking!

  198. I love all the colors on these pics! So beautiful!

    This weekend I spent Saturday down in Boston chaperoning an event called Project 351 – a day of community service and outreach performed by one student representative from each of Massachusetts’ 351 cities/towns. A pretty inspiring day! <3

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