
Pop Stars Showcase

I recently added a little section to the site called Pop Stars that some of you might find fun. Since I started making cupcake pops and then cake pops in different themes, I have received bunches of emails from readers that have made their own cake pops and have been sweet enough to share their photos and stories with me. And I wanted a way to share them with you.

I mean if it wasn’t for you guys, I would have never stretched myself to see what I was capable of. Your enthusiasm for all the cake pops I’ve made, makes me want to keep trying harder, so thank you.

Anyway, I hope these Pop Stars give you ideas on themes and color schemes, and maybe even the confidence to try them out yourself.

Here’s a glimpse of the first batch I’ve added to the site.


But there’s lots more to come. So from time to time, I’ll pick more Pop Stars at random and add them to the site. Some might be photographed really well, some might have a sweet story behind them and some might just be super cute. I hope you’ll have fun looking at all of them.

To view them, you can click on the Pop Stars link in the gray box found in the upper left hand portion of the site.

When you click on the link you’ll go to the Pop Stars Index Page where you can click on any thumbnail to go straight to the larger version of the image on its own page.

Once on the individual page, you can browse more Pop Stars by clicking on the “Previous Pop Star” and “Next Pop Star” links on each page.

Here’s a little visual illustration in case my wordiness confused you:



If you want to be considered for the next Pop Star, email your photo to the address on the contact page.

Add “Pop Star Submission” in the subject line and include your first name, state or country and a brief bit of info about the photo.

Photos should be around 500 to 800 pixels wide at 72 dpi.

Please don’t send hi-res images if possible. Keep in mind that not all submissions will be added and it may take some time for the ones selected to appear.

Thanks again. Love you guys.


P.S. I baked something yummy this weekend. I’ll do my best to get it up soon.

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88 comments on “Pop Stars Showcase”

  1. Wow i am a big fan of pops and looking at so many different pops made by people, makes me feel so happy and awesome. I really gotta try making some of these cool design pops out.

  2. so cool!!! wanna make them all!!! :P

  3. They all look yummy, and what nice pictures!

  4. Hi..Just wanted to tell you that I love your products. I havent made anything yet for my recipe site The Gourmet Mom:, but I sure will be starting to make some treats for Easter and the summer as my nephews and nieces just love my cake pops inspired by Bakeralla!

    Thank you!

  5. Can u freeze undipped cake pops and how do i use them when ready

  6. I made cake pops for my friends but my family ate them! But I made more. I love making them and I have your book!

  7. awesome 4 my grand sonshines <3/ little treats now and then <3

  8. Tnx for ur great ideas,nw i own 1 of ur book and sarted making it,since i already did a chocolates design,so nw ita kind of add to my work a new and easy 1,tnx a lot,,,

  9. amazing cake pops wonderful ideas thanks for sharing

  10. Can you make blues clues?

  11. i am seeing this pop-stars for the first amazing and beautiful.i wish if you can teach me.i do not have the equipments but i can use my hand and local oven.please teach me.thank you.bukky

  12. I have been making pops for awhile….and I LOVE them!!! But could you please tell me how to keep the shine on them…after a day or two mine start to look a little ruff!!!

  13. These looks so amazingly yummy and so adorable! I wish there was a bakery areound me that sold them. Just might have to purchase the book and make them myself…

  14. i mean one of these

  15. this looks so good i wish i could get of these

  16. I just finished reading your book, “Cake Pops” and am SO excited. I was wondering if I could make the cake balls and freeze them undipped. Then when I had a party to go to I could pull some out and dip and decorate them accordingly. Would this approach affect the quality? Thanks for letting me know.

  17. Posts like this bgihrten up my day. Thanks for taking the time.

  18. I am actually trying to make cake pops today cuz i want to make some for a friends wedding. thanks for all u do girly


  20. Hi,
    Ny name is Rafael and im from Brazil, I buy your book and i love your cake pops, i see ur website every week. Please say hello from Brazil….. bye bye….

  21. Hello – how would you ever price the balls and the pops if someone wanted to buy them? I have had people ask how much I would charge to make them.

  22. Hi,
    Love your work. Can you please tell me what is the average time before cake balls/pops go bad? How long should they be made in advance before you sell them or give them out?

  23. how long do you think these pops will stay fresh…and can u freeze them?

  24. Hi Bakerella!

    So I was standing in the check-out lane at the grocery store and saw a picture of the pumpkin/jack-o-lantern cupcake pops on the cover of a recipe magazine…I fell in LOVE! I went straight to your website when I got home!

    I gave cake pops my first attempt over the weekend. I graduated from Michigan State University and took the cake pops with me to tailgate on Saturday! They were a huge hit!

    I made a vanilla cake (dyed green) and white chocolate covering with green sprinkles…GO STATE!

    I had some cake balls left over, so I covered them in orange to make the pumpkin cake pops. The only trouble I had with my first attempt was that a lot of them cracked! :( Is there a tip to get the chocolate not to crack?!

    I think the cheesecake pops with be my next project! Love your site, love how much time you take in responding to blog posts, and I see the purchase of your book in my near future!

  25. Can anyone help me find the recipe for balls using the oreo cookies.

  26. The chocolate is too hot, I just melt the chocolate until barely melted and take it off the heat – the heat will then melt the rest of the chocolate. (And the pops too cold)

  27. All of your ideas are so much fun. I can’t wait to share this with my readers.

  28. Hi! I adore your website and love making your cakepops (and let me tell you, the soldiers in Hubby’s office are happy to let me experiment on them) but I have a lot of trouble with the melted coating cracking. Do you have any idea why? I’ve used Wilton candy melts both with and without thinning. Could it be because I put them in the freezer for too long prior to dipping? Thank you so much! :)

  29. What a great art. Love everything you show.
    It’s a special talent you have

  30. i dont know if this is a silly question..but how many days in advance can you make these cake pops/ cup cake pops??? its my first time…

  31. Hey,
    Would you be up for trying American Girls ——-Molly cake pops? I could use the help in figuring it out.

  32. Awesome! Thanks for sharing everyone ideas!

  33. I am impressed. but Nestle is pure evil.

  34. Awesome! I live pokemon. I can’t wait to make those for my club!

  35. Anonymous – for Twilight themed pops you could do the apples from the book cover? how about silver volvos or forks? haha – just kidding. You could maybe try to fashion them like high heels for Alice, wolf paws for jacob, the top face of bella’s ring would be cool, too.

  36. what would you suggest to do for some TWILIGHT pops? I was thinking of vampires, but not sure of how i would do it.

  37. Love your website! Love all the ideas and recipes. I made Easter chick cake pops and they were a huge hit.

    Question: The food markers that I found did not work so well. Do you have a brand that you recommend?

    Thanks :)

  38. I was looking at personas on Firefox and came across this:

    It’s a cupcake pops themed firefox! :) I thought you might enjoy it.

    — [very] long time reader, first time commenter :)

  39. Dear Bakerella,

    I loved the idea of cake pops, but could you give a hint to Europeans (“metrics”, haha) about what kind of material we could use for “cream cheese” that makes them stay round? Dairy products names are the most confusing to translate.
    We have for example:
    – a freshy-cheesy thing brandnamed Philadelphia, but it comes in teeny packages, intended for spreading on sandwiches
    – Mascarpone, the italian version of really fat cream cheese, usually used for creamy sweets (see “tiramisu”), quite runnier than the above mentioned one
    – things like “cream cottage cheese”, “cottage cream cheese”, “cream of fresh cheese”, “fresh creamy cheese”… arrrrgh!

    Any ideas?

    Thanks a lot from Hungary (yup, ex-soviet. Too much product information out there in the world, haha)

  40. Yummy. These are so cute. For some reason mine always come out lumpy! Must make them again one day…

  41. I just found this blog a couple of weeks ago, and ever since I’ve been really excited to try cake pops! Hopefully I’ll get to them soon. Thanks for all the pictures!

  42. dear bakerella:
    greetings from peru
    i love your website… although my family complains that because of you (me too) they are getting chubby lol…however they still ask what Ill be baking next sunday :)
    Im also addicted to the new fb app called “baking life” that reminds me of you …they dont have cupcake pops yet …but im sure they will :)

  43. Where do I find the Cake Pop recipe – please?

  44. I just LOOOOOVE them!
    They are too cute too be edible!!!

    I’ve already read all your blog and I’m in love!!!!!!!!!
    Such a shame that we haven’t got all that lovely decorating staff in Poland :(

  45. hadto share this with you! just found it at

    little key cappers — cupcake style.

    too cute

  46. Very nice job!! Great idea and easy to interact with – really gets the bloggers involved. :)

  47. hello,

    i love how the cakepops look and all, but i was wondering, aren’t the sticks a bit of a waste? especially since the pops get eaten so quickly, in comparison to a regular candy lolly pop.

  48. Wow! These are great! And some are so creative. Lots of great ideas! I made a video tutorial on my cake pops. I just decorated with a little piping and lusterdust!


  49. Awesome! Thanks for sharing everyones ideas!

  50. Very cool! I’ve made your cake pops – once. They were awesome, but for whatever reason I’ve never gotten back around to making them again. One of these days. :)

  51. Gosh thank you so much for being so kind and including me!! I’m really extremely happy!!! You really have made my day!! Thank you so much for all the trouble you have gone to it means such a lot!


  52. WOW these are all so cute. I made cake pops once but they didn’t come out nearly as nice. But I am inspired to try again. Practice makes perfect right? :)

  53. Cakes are always popular among adults and children. It was not exception in my family. This post provided great ideas for decorating my cakes. It was cool.

  54. I applaud anyone who can successfully make these cake pops! I tried them out last weekend and I could’ve sent them in to that “Cake Wrecks” website. I am utterly hopeless. LOL!

    These are great! Kudos to the bakers!

  55. Very cool. I’ve made cake pops, but I don’t think I did that great a job with the photography. Of course, I have an idea for another batch of cake pops, so maybe this time I will do a better job!

  56. Ha..I laughed when I read that you “baked something yummy this weekend”…you ALWAYS bake something yummy ! ! ! ! !

  57. So many people have made yummy-looking pops. I’ve attempted a few times and they’ve turned out looking horrible, but tasting great. I’ll get it eventually!

  58. I think cake pops might just be the best idea since…pop tarts!

  59. How about some Batman or Ironman Pops???

  60. so cool to see everyone’s work! I’ll have to send some of mine in :)

  61. Pop Stars. Too cute.

    Now you just need to make a set of N’Sync cake pops.

  62. Such a great idea, and such an interesting view into your readership – I can’t wait to investigate!

  63. That’s so cool! I love the twist on the name. I have still yet to try and make these little buggers…. I haven’t had an event to make them for. If I make them just for fun I will eat them all myself!

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  64. I’m off to shower to take my daughter out to a nice dinner for her 14th birthday. She became the most popular girl in class today as we made cake balls last night and she took them to her class today. I will post photos later tonight on my blog. They were a big hit! It is hard to get them done though as we can’t get a hold of the right ingredients over here in the Middle East.

    Thanks again! Stop by my blog!

  65. Great post! Some incredibly creative people out there!

  66. I’ve never made any sort of cake pop (I’m afraid), but it’ll be nice to see what other people do. I’m excited about the new section!

  67. It’s always fun to see what others are creating! Thank you!

  68. So cute to see other ideas! Thanks for posting this new section. Have a GREAT week!

  69. great idea! I love those devils and the carebears!!!

    Kim @
    party inspiration

  70. Thanks for sharing them with us. :)

  71. Love the Pop Stars name! What fun to check out other people’s stories and submissions! Bakerella, you are such an inspiration to us! Can’t wait to see what you baked up this weekend!

    Rachel from A Cupcake for Moose

  72. Haha, awesome, I love the spidermen and the pokeballs! :)

  73. great! my favourites are still the apples! Just look so perfect!

  74. Thanks for the opportunity!

  75. Oh, how exciting!!

    I can’t wait o see what you’ve made this past weekend.

  76. Haha. That’s awesome.

    Lately, I’ve been talking to so many people who have been in my life for awhile, and somehow, in conversation, I’ll find out that they’re just as in love with your blog as I am. And it’s the greatest, squeal in joy in a very predictable and girly way, let’s bond over the cute bunnies and great colors and snowglobes, moment ever.


  77. Well, I guess I better get busy making cake pops!

    Simon Cowell’s not gonna be weighing in, right?

  78. What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing. Everybody did great and I especially love the care bears. Too cute!

  79. Oh my! Even more cake pop goodness to enjoy? Happy Mother’s Day to me! :) Fab idea!

  80. How fun!! Thanks for sharing all these wonderful pics with us!

    I have been trying to find a reason to make some myself! Maybe just because it’s Tuesday? :)

  81. Fantastic idea! I find so many inspiring photos of cake pops from your fans on your facebook page. It’ll be wonderful to see them here too!

  82. thanks for adding this on to your site what a wonderful idea for addiional inspirations !

  83. I made the apple cake pops for Teacher appreciation this past week, and they were a huge hit. Plus, they were super fun to make! I can’t wait to see what other people come up with.

  84. I’m dying to make cake pops but i’m waiting for a special occasion, this is, the birthday of the little brother of a friend, he became crazy with the smiley pops and on his birthday i’m going to make him some :) besides that he loves my desserts and is dying to try them! so this is the perfect time to do the cake pops…but it’s until june 8.
    I’ll just have to wait :P

  85. Fun. Can’t wait to see everyone’s ideas.

  86. Cute! I can’t wait to check them all out :)

  87. Wow! Maybe I should try to make some soon!

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