
Red Velvet Cake Balls

Red Velvet Cake Balls

I first tasted these two years ago at a Christmas party and immediately had to have the recipe. It’s based on a mix, but I imagine you can follow the same directions substituting from scratch cake and frosting (I’ll try that one day). You can also try it with other cake combinations.

Red Velvet Cake Balls
Yield: 45-48 balls

Red Velvet Cake Balls


  • 1 box red velvet cake mix (cook as directed on box for 13 X 9 cake)
  • 1 can cream cheese frosting (16 oz.)
  • 1 package chocolate bark or candy coating (regular or white chocolate)
  • wax paper


  1. After cake is baked and cooled completely, crumble into large bowl.
  2. Mix thoroughly with 1/2 can cream cheese frosting using the back of a large spoon. (start small - you can always add more if you need it.)
  3. Roll cake and frosting mixture into quarter size balls and lay on wax paper cookie sheet. (Should make about 45. You can get even more if you use a mini ice cream scooper, but I like to hand roll them.)
  4. Chill in fridge for a couple of hours. (You can speed this up by putting in the freezer for about 15 minutes.)
  5. Melt chocolate candy coating in microwave per directions on package.
  6. Roll balls in chocolate and lay on wax paper until firm. (Use a spoon to dip and roll in chocolate and then tap off extra.)


I also only melt a few pieces of chocolate bark at a time because it starts to cool and thicken. It’s easier to work with when the chocolate is still warm so it is fluid and smooth.

Want to see how good they look in white chocolate?

Cake Balls

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1,632 comments on “Red Velvet Cake Balls”

  1. I don’t know what I did WRONG they so didn’t look like your picture AND because they looked so bad, I didn’t even taste them, just threw them away :( maybe baking isn’t my thing…

  2. My favorite kind of cake! I wonder if it would work with Cream Cheese mixed into the white chocolate bark for the coating? *mouth waters*

  3. bakerella! your site is my favorite. i’m making these for my boyfriend for valentines day!!! can i make it with yellow cake mix and white icing with chocolate bark??

  4. wowww! i looove ur site! will definetly be trying out some of these! thanx!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this recipe! I have made cake balls 3 times now in the past 3 weeks. I first made the red velvet cake balls with vanilla frosting. I used Nestle chocolate chips and a little bit of paraffin wax for my chocolate to dip them in. They came out delicious!
    Next, I made a lemon cake from scratch and decided to use Hershey’s special dark chocolate chips for my melted chocolate and then I sprinkled the tops with a tiny bit of lemon zest to make them look pretty.. they were a huge hit at my daughter’s baptism!
    Lastly, I made an orange cake from scratch and dipped in dark chocolate. Then I made an orange glaze and drizzled it on top for decoration.

    These have been a HUGE hit in my family. Next on my list to try is the oreo truffles!

    Thank you for such a great recipe! These are definitely my go-to dessert for large gatherings now! They go a lot further than the cake would by itself!

  6. I’m a little late jumping on the bakerella bandwagon but I love this site! I am hoping to make these for my boyfriend for valentines day but just have one question: is the chocolate bark essentially the same thing as Baker’s chocolate squares?

  7. My daughter and I made these yesterday. They turned out great! Everyone loved them! Thank you.

  8. thank you for shering. ? think this is delicious.i’ll try to make it…thank for alll. your website is veryyyyyyy goood..

  9. oh, instead of dipping the cake balls, you can place on wax paper and pour or spoon melted chocolate over them- this leaves the bottom flat

  10. I made these before, it is easy and so good, Lemon cake would be great too!!

  11. Jennifer,
    I have made cake balls a number of times and have experimented with different ways to make the swirls on top. The easiest for me was to put some of the melted chocolate in a ziploc baggie and cut a *very small* opening across one of the corners of the bag. Then, I can just squeeze and drizzle some of the chocolate across it. You can also do this with colored candy melts from craft stores for different holidays.

  12. How do you get the finishing chocolate swirls detail on top ?

  13. I made some cake balls for the first time just a couple of weeks ago! I used strawberry cake, cream cheese frosting, and chocolate for the outside. So good. Thanks for the recipe.

  14. First try=epic success!! considering I didn’t have any chocolate to cover them, they were still tasty and unbelievably addicting I need to stop eating them, but I won’t haha. :D
    thanks so much for the recipe! I’m going to make them Valentine’s day. God bless!

  15. I just made these using devils food cake mix, chocolate frosting and they are so delicious! I dipped half in white chocolate and half in dark chocolate. They were incredibly easy to make (and a lot of fun). Thanks!

  16. What would you suggest would be the easiest wedding cake ball…Cake/icing wise…Oh and made the cheesecake balls with sprinkles for a baby shower and they were a hit!!!!

  17. I know it’s been over 2 years since you posted this… but I’ve just gotten a chance to make these. At first I made 50, then I made another 60 (in one day!) because they were Absolutely AMAZING. I gave them out to my friends and the expressions on their faces completely Freeze and then Change to this expression of Euphoria as they bite into these truffles and they demand more and more!!!

    I cannot THANK YOU enough for the invention of these things. They’re cheap and easy to make and they are absolutely a crowd pleaser… I cannot emphasize enough how much people LOVE these! =)

  18. Hi Bakerella. Notice that you have not replied to anyone since November 25th…hope you are okay. You have a fantastic website and great ideas….thank you for sharing.

    I just made these for a birthday dinner tomorrow for a few 25-28 year olds…I’ll let you know what they think of them

    As most of the guests are chocoholics, I made a dark fudge cake, milk chocolate frosting and threw in 1/2 C of mini chocolate chips…then rolled the cake balls in Wilton’s Dark Cocoa candy melts that I found in Party City…they have so many colors, but I think a block of Bark may be better.

    Suggestions: I used a stand mixer to mix cooled cake with frosting of your choice. I found that 1 Cup of frosting (about 2/3 of a pkg of frosting) was more than enough; as you said, you do not want the mixture to be gooey. I did refrigerate my mixture over night; which made rolling very easy; I was told to wet my hands to make rolling easier, but I did not need to do that. I also put the balls in the freezer before dipping in the candy melts. I did not have a problem with bits of cake getting into the melted chocolate, probably because they were frozen.

    However, I did have a PROBLEM or two or three…regardless of how few candy melts I melted at a time, it kept getting thick (I melted the melts in a bowl over slow simmering water) so I kept adding vegetable oil which thinned it out., but I still found it difficult to get the balls coated evenly and coated completely on all sides. Do YOU coat the bottom of your balls? I used a fork, rather than a spoon because too much of the melt was sticking to the spoon, but the tines left marks in the balls which I fixed later. They taste GREAT…looks eh…I guess practice makes perfect…

    I also discovered that some of the coating cracked…this is my first time working with candy melts…what am I doing wrong? How do you prevent the coating from cracking?

    I agree with others, No way can one person decorate with sprinkles or other toppings (other than drizzling bark) that need to go on a wet coating to adhere…the candy melt dries too fast. Next time, I think I will try dipping the cake balls in melted chocolate as it dries slower. Has anyone tried Betty Crocker’s “Drizzlers” to decorate with?

    I made and coated 54 balls and I still have more cake/frosting mixture in the refrigerator which I will leave for tomorrow…maybe I will try coating them by melting some chocolate and see if I l get better coating results with that medium.

    Hope all is well and that you find time to respond to your fans real soon. Kind regards…

  19. this seems like a good treat to make for little ones that like choclate

  20. Hi. I made these last night for a football gathering on Sunday. I used chocolate cake, cream cheese frosting, and green candy melts. Drizzled white candy melts on top for NYJets themed colors. Of course I had to taste one and they are delicious. I just need to work on the dipping part, since mine were a bit messy. Next time I will use 2 forks rather then 2 spoons for the dipping. I’m not even sure how I stumbled upon your site, but your attention to detail is extraordinary! I can’t wait to try these again!

  21. Hi Bakerella,
    I’m trying to make the red velvet lollipops for my daughters birthday party. How many days in advance should I make them? Should the chocolate cover be hard/crunchy?

  22. I made these for a bake sale and they came out great! Note to anyone who wants to use Frutti Dolci — you’ll need about 4 containers of it for this recipe.

  23. Hey Bakerella!

    Could you tell a substitude for the cream cheese frosting?

  24. My family loves the cake balls. When I roll the cake in balls, I dampen my hands. The cake mix does not stick to your hands.

  25. my aunt had made these for multiple parties and get-togethers. i absolutely LOVE THEM! i cant wait to try them out myself

  26. Mine didn’t turn out; I made the red velvet cake balls… cooked them according to the cake instructions, cooled completely, crumbled in a bowl, added the cream cheese frosting, made the balls, put in fridge for quite a while, but didn’t put the chocolate on the outside. Would that have made a difference? The balls just didn’t taste good as is … almost like they weren’t cooked; it was weird. Maybe I will try again and use the chocolate coating.

  27. Looks like I found my Valentines Day gift for teachers. They look forward to my baked goods every holiday so it was so great ot find your site through a friend. I can now wow them with some new fun recipes. Thanks.

  28. These are very cute and easy to whip up. The chocolate bark was a little too sweet tho… Are there any recommendations on any substitutions for the bark so it’s not as sweet?

  29. I would love to try these. How long do you think they would stay fresh? How would you store them?

  30. I made these last week and they turned out great! I used a butter recipe chocolate cake mix and vanilla frosting (it’s what I had on hand) and then covered them in white choc. almond bark… they were delish! I gave them to the nurses in the hospital (had a baby Sunday) and everyone thought I was Martha Stewart! So I referred them to your site! They were fantastic! I just LOVE your blog- it’s my new favorite thing! Thanks so much for all you do!!

  31. Bakerella, I’m going to make this tomorrow. My questions is, when you mix the cake and icing, do you gently mix it or do you squeeze-mix it to get it to stick together? I guess I’ll find out tomorrow and play with it. I can’t wait, I’m so excited. You are soooo talented and I love your blogs!!!!

  32. I was hoping to find varaties of the recipes. Has anyone used heavy whippingcream in place of frosting or marshmellow fluff. How about pudding with it? My sister and I went to a bridal show and one guy said he makes them with heavycream, but I can’t find a recipe. He charges $1.25 per cake truffle. We dont want to spend that much and were hoping to make them our selves. My mom made the frosting kind and they were way too sweet. Any comments would be helpful, Thanks

  33. I was just given your information of this incredible site and I am so happy!!!!! Thank you for creativity and love of baking!!!

  34. Thank you so much for this recipe! My mom has a 3 hour surgery today, so I made these for the nurses and for her recovery room. I also made the hospital logo on surgar cookie’s. I was really excited about this because I have many family members that work at the hospital. Please take a look if you have the time:
    Hopefully a few sweets will lighten a stressful surgery. She’s having to get her ankle fused because she had Polio when she was a kid.

  35. I love this pretty cupcake,and u should see my cupcake on the stick

  36. Thank you so much for this recipe. In preparation for my sister-in-law’s baby shower, I did a test run – and brought 2 different flavors of cake balls to my office. They were clearly a hit as I got about 6 marraige proposals from the guys in my office, hah!
    I confidently made more for the baby shower and the praise continued. Everyone was asking for the recipe, so I just shared the link to your blog and now all my friends and family are raving about the cake balls they have made. We all LOVE your blog and are so excited to try all your amazing recipes! Keep it up and thanks!

  37. I saw you on studio5 and tried devils food cake put Rum extrax in it rolled them in Choc candies My Danish husband and children think I now know how to make rumballs
    and they are soooo easy
    Thank you!

  38. I made these a few weeks ago for Christmas using carrot cake mix and dipped them in melted white chocolate wafers. I had a hard time with the dipping part but what I ended up doing was half dipping them and when the chocolate got hard i dipped the other half so I ended up with a little ring of cake showing in the middle but they looked really cute. I think they taste best right out of the freezer.. I still have a bunch in there.

  39. Thanks for this great idea! I am trying them today and so far they are coming out great! I did find that I only needed about 2/3s of the icing though. I think that if I would have added the whole thing it would have been too mushy.

  40. I have made a bunch of different types of cake balls from your site and every time I make them people LOVE THEM!!!! I had one person say they are “little balls of heaven!” Thanks so much for such a great site!!!!

  41. I just finished making these and was a little bit disappointed. The cake balls by themselves were delicious, but using chocolate bark made them very sweet. Love the idea, but next time I will try semi-sweet chocolate bars instead. Thanks for sharing, Bakerella.

  42. I wanted to try your cakeballs for an event and I was wondering how far in advance I could make them and they still remain fresh?

    Thanks…. I love your site….

  43. I made cake balls after stalking this site for months!!! Yaaa me. Used marshmallow frosting instead and a pound cake. Still working on the ratio and th e gooiness.

    Bakerella u rock out loud!! Happy New Year everybody!!

  44. I just made them through some trial and error I think I finally got it! I definitely didn’t cook my cake long enough, or let it cool long enough, hence the gooey texture. But I did realize one thing, the dark cocoa Wilton melts are so much easier to use than the white chocolate ones. It seems as though the chocolate is smoother, whereas the white is so thick it pulls the cake and doesn’t go on very well! I think with more practice these will definitely be in my dessert arsenal!

  45. Thank you for the inspiration. I have made my cake balls and I will admit I made my cake from scratch. This is the first time I have made cake from scratch but I couldn’t find a mix at the store. They are delicious and so much fun. I convinced my husband to let me have a New Year’s Eve party just so I could have a venue for these beautiful little creations.

  46. Hi Bakerella, I plan on making these for my friend’s birthday coming soon (cept I’ll be making cake pops instead), and I was wondering how much does one box mix make? I’ll actually be making the cake by scratch, but I think it’s still the same amount.

  47. hey bakerella, i was wondering how you get the chocolate coating on your cake balls to come out looking so smooth. when i make them, the chocolate tends to get clumpy even tho i melt small amounts in the microwave at a time.

  48. love this idea..had some trouble but kept practicing and found that using a fork to roll the balls around is much easier then a spoon…easier to tap off the excess chocolate too!

  49. I just made these for the holidays. I couldn’t find a red velvet cake mix so I made the cake and frosting from scratch. A smashing success!

  50. Bakerella, I loved the recipe so much I made it for Christmas and it was a hit! I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to modify the recipe for making an almond cake/yellow cake with amaretto flavoring or orange liquor flavoring dipped in chocolate. Should I still use the cream cheese frosting, or something else to bind the cake?

  51. I make these all the time and what I do when using a pop stick is dip one side in little chocolate and then put the choc side up on a cookie sheet- stick the pop stick in the chocolate side and let set- I find that this helps set the stick in place for when I am ready to dip and decorate in more chocolate.

    Bakerella-Your cake pops are gorgeous. I stumbled on these a year or so myself and fell in love with them- so easy and fun!!

  52. I made these a few days ago and here are my tips:

    Use a scoop when first making the balls but don’t bother trying to make them perfectly round right then.

    Stick them in the freezer for about 20 minutes, then roll between hands to make them rounder – so much easier.

    After dipping in chocolate (I used white almond bark), let them sit, covered, in the fridge for at least a day.

    These were SO much better 24 and 36 hours later. I was seriously disappointed with them at first, but after sitting up for a while, the cake part got so much better.

  53. I just made these and it was extremely difficult to dip in the chocolate smoothly. Out of the 3 dozen I made only maybe 3 looked decent.

  54. I made these, but with devil’s food cake with dark fudge icing. Oh my…they are sinful.

    I was unable to hand roll beautiful perfectly round balls. I was also unable to create a smooth outter shell. I used dark chocolate on almost all of them, until I ran out. Then I used red with green drizzle on top. I like the taste of dark chocolate bark better than vanilla.

    Eventhough my turned out ugly….they were still fabulous. I will be making these again.

    I think invovling kids would be ideal (during the mixing stage). That part is VERY messy.

  55. I am in the process of making these now for my neice’s baby shower. I will let you know how they turned out. Thanks for the recipe.

  56. We made cake balls for neighbor gifts – devils food and lemon. However I have yet to perfect getting the frosting to look as smooth as yours. What is the secret? I put the cake balls into the fridge to cool. Do you double dip? The best success was dipping the top – letting it cool then the bottom. I love making them but can never get them to look as beautiful as yours.

  57. Oh my! I just made a batch of these as part of a bunch of candies I’m making for gifts and they are DELISH!!!! I used vanilla bark instead of chocolate tho and mmmmmm Thanks so much for posting this recipe!

  58. I love this!! you are really creative! I will try this for Christmas.. Keep it up! =]

  59. How do you make them “perfectly” round, mine were rather lopsided :(

  60. How do you make them perfectly round? Mine were rather lopsided….

  61. Just made some Christmas and they’re delicious! My cake seems to breaking when I’m rolling it in chocolate, so I think I may have to cool them a little more first. I have one more batch left, so I’m going to cool them overnight and then try to dip them in the chocolate in the morning.

  62. These are adorable… I’m making some for my dad for the holidays and he is just too excited. It looks excellent!

  63. These look great! Does anyone know how this tastes if I use semi-sweet chocolate chips instead of chocolate bark?

  64. BTW, here’s a picture of what I made. I think they turned out great considering it’s my first time!

  65. I made these yesterday to bring for Christmas later this week. I’m keeping them in the fridge. Love your website. I followed your instructions exactly and did not have any major problems. I do think these are too sweet for my taste, I hope others will like it more. Keep up the good work!

  66. Thanks for sharing us this idea ^.^ yumiii yumiiiiiii

  67. Thank you for posting this recipe! I made these for my friends for the holidays, and they were a huge hit with everyone. (My family, the taste testers, loved them as well.) They’re absolutely delicious!

  68. Hi Bakerella! I love your site and I was so inspired to make these delicious balls for my office for the holidays…but it was quite a disaster. I used White cake and white icing since Red Velvet is not my favorite. I let the cake cool, added the icing and I had one GOOEY mess. I put the mix in the fridge overnight and I was able roll out balls the nexy day, but the moment they went into the chocolate everything melted and just left one big gooey ball. I was so disappointed and I am trying to figure out what I did wrong. I think maybe a can of icing was too much. What do you think?
    I may have the give these things another shot!

  69. do you recommend chilling them before serving?

  70. hey i tried these and they were AMAZING so i wanted to make some for my family’s holiday dinner. would you recommend making them the day of or the day before?

  71. I have made the red velvet cake balls, oreo truffles, and cake balls with strawberry cake! Love them all, but the strawberry cake balls are beyond amazing!!

  72. Do you think I could roll the balls in chopped walnuts or pecans after I dip them in the chocolate? I don’t want to mess them up, but I know some people use these types of nuts on their regular red velvet cake. Thank you so much for your help!

  73. Oh my gosh!! I made these and they turned out fabulous! I’m glad I had two helpers though since I also put sprinkles on them. One put the balls in the chocolate, one swirled it around to cover, put them on the cookie sheet and the third did the sprinkles. It would have been difficult all by myself.

    I made milk chocolate (using almond bark) and dark chocolate (using good quality choc chips). I did prefer working with the chips vs the almond bark as the chocolate didn’t cool as fast and was easier to work with.

    I also put the balls in the freezer for about 1/2 hour or so before dipping in the chocolate, this worked beautifully.

    I will be making these again and everyone wanted the recipe, I just told them to check out this website, it’s awesome!!

  74. Hi what do you mean by chocolate bark? And also can i use philadelphia icing instead of store bought cream cheese frosting?

    I love your site and think you have amazing recipes and pictures. Let me know what you think about my site if you have the chance….


  75. Hi Bakerella,
    Let me first say how much I love your site and all your ideas, you are amazing. I am having a problem with my cake pops and balls and was wondering if you could help. I freeze them and have been using merkens melting chocolates and every batch has at least 5 that crack. Am I doing something wrong or do you have any suggestions. Thank you.

  76. Bakerella…I just finished making these little balls of sweet perfection. Wow. The combinations that I will be trying. :-)
    Thank you so much! Love your site! Lots of recipes to try….
    Thanks again,

  77. thanks for the recipe! i have a friend that made them and i just loved it! so i luckily found your website so i could make them!thanks again for the awesome recipe!(everyone who is reading this make sure you try it with white choc.)even more yummier!!!!!!!!!!

    love,abc thats my inicials:abc)

  78. Yum! One of my bloggy friends mentioned she was making these and I had to look up the recipe.

    Great idea sounds delicious and fun for kids to help with.


  79. I am going to try these today….I love your website….I even bookmarked it.

  80. Hi,

    The Red Velvet Cake Balls look great! Can’t wait to make them.

    What can I use instead of chocolate bark? I can’t find it here and would prefer to use a higher quality chocolate anyway.

    Thanks for your help!

  81. I love your recipe but I am left wondering if there is a substitute to the chocolate bark, like can I use regular chocolate for melting. Sorry, cannot find the chocolate bark anywhere!


  82. so i’ve been meaning to make these for awhile and finally made them last night. i did chocolate cake/cherry frosting/chocolate melts… omg awesome… not thinking they will make it into the gifts

  83. ok, i have made the cake balls but i want to make them into cake pops….how do i make stay ROUND?? and when do i put the sticks in them?? sorry i looked around for these answers and couldnt find them

    Thank you

  84. I just made some of these for a holiday party tomorrow and decided to decorate them for Christmas. I used candy decorating pens, and this was my first time EVER decorating baked things, other than sprinkling some colored sugar on top of cookies. Check them out:

  85. I live in Indonesia, and I don’t have any of the ready made mixes or chocolate melts. Are there any good velvet cake and cream cheese icing recipes you prefer? And is there a suggesting for the chocolate coating? I’m making the reindeer pops for a Christmas party tonight, so I’ll be trying out some recipes I found online… but I wasn’t sure if you had any suggestions! Thanks!!

  86. HI – I’ve made these twice now in the past week and they are SO fun to make, and they are a huge hit… just wondering if you had a secret to keeping the chocolate coating from cracking… to speed up the process, I put the rolled balls in the freezer for about 20-30 mins, which makes the chocolate set up really nice, but I get cracking. I’m using Mercks chocolate wafers. By the way, you are so talented to get your so smooth! thanks for this, and Happy Holidays!

  87. I just tried the red velvet cake balls (pops) for my church choir’s christmas fellowship. Instead of the chocolate bark, I used Wilton’s candy melts in color burst brights (white candy with specks of primary colors). They turned out perfect, and everyone loved them! I made tow batches, which yieled approximately 80 – 85 balls; I managed to save 20 for my sister. One gentleman left with 13 for his midnight snacks.

    Thanks for the wonderful ideas and receipes and ideas!!!!! I am a new fan for life!


  88. Thank you for sharing your recipe for the cake balls. However, I am making cake pops and wasn’t sure when to put the stick in the cake balls? I’m guessing after they firm up in the freezer I will be able to put the sticks in the cake balls? Help?

  89. i made them for my office and everyone loved them. mine didn’t look as pretty as yours. i had a hard time rolling them in melted chocolate. they didn’t look as smooth as yours. thanks for sharing your recipe. i love your website!

  90. LisaJ, that red velvet cake mix sure does make everything it touches a lovely red color–including utensils, hands, white dog snouts. LOL! I’m trying them with chocolate cake later today. At least one of my dogs is a chocolate lab, so no stain issues there!

  91. well our balls are made! all we have to do is eat them!!!! The actual dipping part (into the chocolate) is time consuming and a bit messy. It was fun, though. My dd’s favorite part was rolling the cake into balls. When I first started adding the cream cheese frosting, I didn’t think it would actually be enough, but it surely was. The chocolate seemed like I had too much, but well, I didn’t. It was just enough. The actual recipe was so easy, but it’s definitely time consuming and messy. We ended up with around 60-70 balls. The recipe said 50-60, so I guess some of them were smaller. We are waiting on them to harden and we will eat them up! I took alot of pictures along the way.

    oh and instead of using red velvet, I used butter recipe cake mix. I decided red velvet would possibly stain something with an 8yr old as my assistant.

  92. I just love all these recipes ! Right now I have the Red Velvet Balls in the freezer . I was wondering how long should I leave them in the freezer ? I am making them for my work Holiday Party tomorrow . Hopefully they will turn out with the Chocolate Almond Bark :) Thank You for all these great recipes !
    Longwood Florida

  93. Im really intrested in making these for christmas but what would be the best way to store them if i want to make them a couple days ahead of time?

  94. Mine turned out gooey as well, but I think it was because I mixed the cake and frosting in my Kitchen Aid. Next time I’ll follow the directions and mix with a spoon. They are still absolutely yummy though.

  95. Can you use food coloring with the bark? I wanted to make red velvet balls & make the choc green to have for Christmas Eve dinner but didnt know if the bark will take food coloring?

  96. how would dipping them into warmed cream cheese frosting for their outer coating. anyone have an idea how they would be? I would put condensed milk in cake mixture and make the balls then try dipping in cream cheese frosting?

  97. I am so going to make these this week! I think I’ll give them a white chocolate (almond bark of course) coating instead. I love red velvet cake!

  98. These are just fantastic. I used a devil’s food cake mix with butter cream icing and I swear to you they taste like Swiss Cake Rolls, just 1000% better. What a fabulous and easy treat. Thank you for sharing this.

  99. I made these for a faculty holiday party, then wasn’t able to go to the party–rats! But I took them to my department office on Monday and they virtually disappeared before my very eyes! One woman said she was “cursing my name” because she’d plowed through 5 or 6 of them before she could stop herself. LMAO!!!

    Though they turned out great (thanks to your careful directions), I’m not much of a baker, so I’m embarrassed to ask (but I’ll ask anyway) how you decorated them, with those little lines of chocolate going this way and that?

    Thanks for helping me make people think I have a clue in the kitchen!

  100. omg..these look soo yummy…
    In Dubai..we don’t have candy melts or chocolate barks…can I melt chocolate chips for the dips??

    Plz help!!! thanks :)

  101. A friend of ours made these a few days ago and brought some for us to try…basically fell in love.

    these cakesicles have made our lives!

  102. These are absolutely delicious! Very and cute and they taste amazing :)

  103. I made them to kick off funding for an NPO we’re creating to benefit the disease that took my 3 month old to heaven this summer. They have been a huge hit! I get orders for them daily, just fromy my co-workers (teachers!!) at my school! So far we’ve raised enough money to higher the lawyer we need to file for official status. We actually got the recipe from the NICU nurses one night when we were all sitting around swapping recipes around my son’s crib. I do many different flavors of cake filling and experiement with icing mixes and special “treats” inside too! Thank you so much!

  104. They are great!
    I made this recipe yesterday and it was a success!
    Here in Italy it’s difficult to find a red velvet cake in a local store so i made it by is my question: why didn’t my cake become red?! :(
    I apologize in advance for any english mistakes.

  105. I made the red velvet cake balls tonight, they are delicious! My only problem was dipping the balls in the chocolate at the end. It started out good but my chocolate got really lumpy. Do you have any suggestions?

  106. Hey Bakerella~
    I am so addicted to your site!! My friend told me about it and I am super excited to try and make all of this fab stuff!!! I was wondering how long can you store the cake balls for? I am having christmas at my house and want to try to make stuff ahead. Thanks for inspiring the “suzie homemaker” in me {^v^}

  107. I made cake balls for the first time today and used a dark chocolate cake mix…oh buddy I will be lucky if they all make it to my “goodie exchange” tomorrow! What an amazing, tasty treat! Mine aren’t near as pretty as yours but I’m sure once I get used to working with the candy melts they will look better. I gave up blogging for a while but now I can’t wait to get back to it so I can show everyone this creation!! Thank you!

  108. Hi! I tried to find this info in the comments but couldn’t (wonder why:)) but does it work to add sprinkles after dipping in chocolate? Have you tried that? Thanks!

  109. I fell in love with these from the moment I saw them. A friend of mine sent me a link to your blog not too long ago, and I went nuts! I’ve always loved baking, and I intend to open a bakery of my own in the not too distant future. (I just have to finish school first). I’ve visited your site almost every day since.

    When I was invited to cater desserts for a christmas party, these little guys were the first thing I could think of. And I’m sure I wasn’t the first to think of this, but I decided to make them “snowballs” by using yellow cake with white chocolate and rolling them in coconut before cooling. People went crazy for them! I proudly told all who asked that I found the recipe on your site.

    Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your passion!

    HUGE fan,

  110. My daughter and I made these and they turned out great. We were wondering though how you get those cute little drizzles on the top. We tried to do them with a spoon, a small measuring spoon and a toothpick and had no luck. We just got big globs on the top. Please give advice on how to make them look so extra pretty. Thanks.

  111. i wanna know a recipe of red velvet sheet. ^^
    please sent to e mail please, thank u!

  112. Hi Bakerella! To answer my question earlier for any of you ladies who might be wondering… I used Tobelerone to dip my balls and it turned out FABULOUS! The nougat in the chocolate gives a little bit of a crunch (a hint here and there). Has a nice rich taste to it too!!

  113. Hi Bakerella- I love that you reply to the posts. I used Girardelli chocolate to dip these. It was really thick. I also tried Sharffen Berger and that was thick too. They were a hit, but I don’t think looked as pretty as yours. Is the bark thinner when melted and easier?

  114. I had these on Thanksgiving! Yum….so glad my niece discovered your website!

  115. I love your website and recipes! You have done an incredible job of putting Bakerella together. Keep up the amazing work!

  116. My daughter’s friend made these and they were lovely as well and yummy, so she picked everything and made them, the cake was cooled she followed directions but used WHIPPED cream cheese frosting and they taste grainy, she is trying to fight out if the whipped frosting has something different in it to cause this, since she threw out the can she’s not sure what size it was, but does not recommend using it , b/c its such a disappointment in the texture. What do you think caused the graininess ?

  117. I am not a baker but am going to try the flower cakepops for my daughter’s birthday. What kind of store can I find candy melts and lollipop sticks? Can they be found at a typical grocery store? Thanks.

  118. Made them last night! They came out WONDERFUL! And I put little holly leaves on them for an extra Christmas touch! I am very pleased with them and can’t wait to take them to my Christmas Party.

  119. Hi Bakerella! You’re a baking goddess! Question– Would it still work if I substituted Toblerone chocolate for the chocolate bark? Do you think it would still turn out the same?? Would the Toblerone chocolate still compliment the red velvet cake? Thanks!!

  120. I’ve been wanting to make these for a looong time now, and I may finally get around to it for a christmas party I’m going to! If not for the party, I may just make them for the actual holiday itself. Definitely gonna try some white chocolate as well!

  121. I had these at a baby shower. They were divine! I’m glad to have a recipe to try them out!

  122. Over the weekend I made a bunch of cake ball and the Red Velvet just happens to be among the lot. I made Key Lime (I used some Key Lime Jello to give the cake a green color and colored the white chocolate Mint green…don’t have a “souped-up camera like you :-D), Dulce de Leche, and Pink Raspberry. What a great way to use left over cake!! Love you blog.

  123. These look so good! After you add the frosting and mix the cake in with it, how should the consistency be? More dry than wet? Vice verse? Thanks! =)

  124. This past weekend I made cake balls with Devil’s Food and chocolate icing.. DELICIOUS!! I had to get over the fact they look like, well they are not very attractive… instead of dipping them in chocolate, I melted milk chocolate and drizzled it over… I brought them with me to work today, they were a huge hit. Thanks again, for sharing all your great recipes and ideas!!

  125. Wheres the recipe for the Oero ones??? Can anyone post it???

  126. Hello, I am new to your site and I absolutely love every minute of it! My mom and I plan to make your recipes for our Christmas cookie/sweet day. Your recipes are so easy and fun, my 3 year old son absolutely loved making these cake balls (though I think more of it went into his mouth than into balls!) We are going to go dip them now, toodles!

  127. Ok so I’m not fond of cream cheese at all…Can you taste the cream cheese in the the cake or is it used more for ‘binding’ purposes only? I’m making them now with chocolate fudge frosting…

  128. Bakerella, you are the best! I love all of your cute ideas and I also love that you have fun with your baking. I made my very first cookie balls today and I cannot wait to share them with my friends.

  129. My mother made theses and they were delicious! They tasted just like Ho-Hos. Now I want to give it a try to make them for a party. If I make them a week ahead of time will they hold or do I have to freeze them? Also, I wanted to decorate the tops with little icing holly leaves. Well the powder sugar icing crack my chocolate coating?

  130. I made oreo triffles but with normal chocolate come in bakge

    becuz where I live I didnt find coating what should I do in this case

    plz I need ur help thanx

  131. such an amazing nice and elegant and easy way to serve cakes .
    very nice of you to give receipes to every one.
    iam a great cook but i refuse giving my receipes to any one
    bravo there is still good people around

  132. I really want to try these, but need to figure out how to melt my chocolate chips. My son is allergic to soy and I’ve only found one kind of chocolate that he can have. I believe I need to add something to it to make it melt better or something. Off to do some research… thanks for sharing your recipe!

  133. I am planning on making these this saturday. I have never had red velvet cake, what does it taste like? Im so excited to try this!

  134. hi there. i couldn’t go through all of the comments (obviously), but i hope you did eventually make the cake from scratch. it is so amazingly delicious with from-scratch red velvet and from-scratch frosting. i coat them with guittard semi-sweet chocolate and it is a delicious, very decadent treat. they will keep in the refrigerator for weeks!

  135. Holy moly! I must try these THIS weekend! I’m so glad P-Dub & Smitten Kitchen have you in their blogs so I, too, can share in the joy that is Bakerella! :)

  136. BAKERELLA!! I love love love your site. I made the red velvet cake balls with white chocolate coating, they were a huge hit at Thanksgiving!!! I personally like saying cake “balls” – It makes me smile!! I need to play around with the amount of frosting, my frist attempt was a little mushy. But, they were still delicious. I’m trying chocolate cake with milk chocolate coating.. YUM. I’ll try to let you know how those come out. Thanks for doing what you do. Inspiring!!

  137. I have a book club/cookie swap meeting coming up this Friday and THIS IS IT!!! I’m going make a small batch tomorrow …see how they come out…..I can’t wait!! I’m going to be a hit a the swap hehehehe!!!!!!! Thanks sooooo much!

  138. They look delicious! Would they freeze well?

  139. my mother made these….mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm mmmm! amazing!!!

  140. I’m having trouble finding bark. Will regular white chocolate work?

  141. First let me say that I and anyone I makes these for loves, loves, loves, them. I want to make them for a party coming but but I am going out of town for a week and the party is next day. Have you ever made them and them put them in the freezer for later? Will they defrost ok?

  142. I made them about a month ago as a trial for a cookie exchange. Yummy! I don’t know anyone that didn’t like them. They were delicious and fairly easy to make.
    Great recipe. Thanks

  143. Red velvet is my favorite! I always look for one new recipe for the holidays and this year this is the one!
    Can’t wait to try it….time to pull out the stretchy pants from the closet!

  144. These are the cutest things I have seen in a while! My first go at them was this last week. I made 100+ for to share with family. Half was the Red Velvet style and the other half I made was Strawberry Cake & Vanilla Frosting. I used 50% reduced sugar type frosting for the last half and it cut down on the sweetness a good deal. These were devoured by both sides of our family and we returned home with just 10 :D Thanks for such a fabulous idea and a sure crows pleaser!

  145. I tried to make the red velvet cake ball with the white bark and my cake balls where crumbly when I dipped them. I really dont know what I done wrong.Do you have any suggestions for next time. Maybe I had the bark to hot or not hot enough. I was kinda disappointed, but they were very tasty…Just not pretty as I would have like

  146. Hello…
    First Red Velvet cake is my fave cake of all time!!
    I wanted to make sure that I make this correctly…
    so you cook the red velvet cake mix as it is on the box with the 13×9 minutes… then crumble the cake up and put it in a bowl with cream cheese frosting. what is cream cheese frosting from a can? are we support to use the decorating cream cheese frosting? and I am going to sure something other than chocolate becuz everyone seems to say it doesn’t taste as good and kinda hard to find. so can i use just a few chocolate bars?

  147. All done, and YUM! Thanks, darlings!


  148. Okay, my “Spicy Harvest Bonbons” (spice cake w/ cream cheese frosting balls) are in the fridge firming up before they get their butterscotch dunking. I’d read most of the comments above while waiting for the cake to cool, so didn’t dump the whole can of frosting in at once, and I’m SO glad I didn’t! I used maybe 1/3 of the tub, and I really can’t imagine it working out if I’d used any more. The consistency is (what I think is probably) perfect: the balls held together easily but weren’t sticky at all, and were about the consistency of peanut butter cookie dough – in fact, I had to remind myself several times that they *weren’t* cookie dough!

    So I’m wondering, why would there be such a wide variation in proportions? Any ideas?

    I’ll report back after they’re finished…

    Happy Thanksgiving!


  149. Just wanted to say that I found it was better to use LESS icing for the balls. I only used 1/4 of the can, and the balls kept the ‘cake feel’ instead of.. well, mush. My friend and I wasted 2 cakes and 2 cans of icing on attempt #1 because once we added all that icing, the balls were so mushy we couldn’t use/save them at all. Just something to keep in mind.

  150. thtaylor – I’ve only frozen the finished product, but you can certainly do that.

    sugarkandee – see above

    Jessica – The foolproof way is to double dip them.

    Anna – Definitely. you can do that.

    Pam – yes and yes. But start adding the frosting in small amounts if you are unsure.

    marystella – I don’t even put mine in the fridge.

    maiomy – you can try a different flavor frosting or make your own.

  151. im going to make these; they’re absolutely delicious! they’re also great with white chocolate!

  152. i had these at a wedding nd did not think they would be online but to my surprise i found they thank you

  153. hi bakerella,
    you are amazingly talented! i’ve tried the red velvet balls twice and they are tooooo sweet. i’ve used 3/4 of the cream cheese frosting but that doesn’t help. i have read all five pages of your posts to find the answer to this problem, but it’s not on here. do you have any ideas on how to make this less sweet?

    thank you!!!!

  154. Hi Bakerella. Love the site. Love your ideas. And now, loving cake balls. I’ve penned them “cakey bon-bons,” and I’m currently on my second batch. The first cakey bons were spice cake and cream cheese frosting (brushed with cinnamon and powdered sugar), and dipped in white chocolate and drizzled with butterscotch. Apparently, my taste buds are the only ones that can handle such sweetness. I thought they were genius. Delicious. Adorable. My neighbors said, “um… they were a little sweet. I gave them to my dad.” Yeah. So, for tomorrow’s early Thanksgiving festivities, I’ve ditched the spice cake and am going for vanilla/vanilla dipped in milk chocolate with white chocolate drizzles. I already know they’ll be the hit of the food fest. Anywhoozle, thanks for the kick-ass website. I will continue to check out your fabtastic ideas and photos. Happy holidays! -Jen

  155. I tried your cake balls over the weekend. I used red velvet cake with half a can of cream cheese frosting and dipped in a combination of milk and semi sweet chocolate. They were delicious!!! I was very weary about them turning out pretty, and I was amazed how cute they turned out. My dad does not have much of a sweet tooth and he could not believe I made them. My sister is now asking to make them for Thanksgiving!! I’m going to do the lemon cake dipped in dark chocolate.

    Thank you so much!!

  156. hi,im from kenya and i astumbled upon ur site.its addictive and thanks 4 the sharing.Id like to try the red velvet balls but am wondering how long they can stay ou of the refridgerater after coating with chocolate.THANKS

  157. Hi- always wanted to try these. Do you think they can be made with any cake (preper to bake my own)? Would I still use the balance of the ingredients you have on this recipe?

  158. i made tested these because i’m making them for Christmas and they are the best!

  159. Done!

    And with great results.

    I made a 1/2 recipe of spice cake with cinnamon cream cheese frosting.

    I used fresh ground wheat instead of regular flour, and sucanat instead of sugar.

    For the coating, I used Ghiradeli (sp) 60% dark chocolate chips. I kept the temperature even by putting water in a potporri pot with a glass bowl of chocolate on top.

    I even formed some jewelry wire to make it easier to dip….

    I think we have a winner!

    Thanks for a great idea!!!

  160. I was wondering if i can use candy melts other then the bark chocolate because i wanted to make them light pink.
    However, I don’t want to make them on sticks any ideas ???

  161. Hi Bakerella!
    I finally posted a blog about making your cake balls. I had to change the name to cake bites since my husband snickered at me saying balls! Boy humor I guess! Check it out if you have a free moment! I would appreciate it.

  162. They are super yummy!!! I made them last weekend with devil’s food cake mix (couldn’t find red velvet). Both my boyfriend and I couldn’t stop munching on them. Delicious!

    My chocolate coating doesn’t look as perfect as yours, but I have fun making various patterns in the chocolate and they still look cute. For easy dipping I used Baker’s dipping chocolate in a microwavable bowl. Much less messy! :)

    Thanks for this great recipe. It will be our life long favorite, I’m sure. :)

  163. I am hooked!!! Thank you sooo much for sharing your recipes with us all. I was first introduced to these by a friend and I had to do my own research as to how she possibly made these and although she won’t share her recipe these are just as good as the ones she makes.

    I have made these a couple of times now with great success but hit a wall once I use the white candy melts by Wilton, for some reason it looks transparent when I use the red velvet cake, what do you reccomend I use so that my cake bites dont look so transparent when Im using either red velvet or chocolate cake?

  164. hi, these look so yummy..I have the same question as taylor , #432..thx ^_^

  165. Going to try these for Thanksgiving.

    But, I don’t do anything prepackaged.

    So I’m going to grind white winter wheat & millet for the cake, & make the cream cheese frosting. I normally use chocolate chips for dipping homemade marshmallows so I’ll try it with these as well.

    Planning to do a test batch this week.

    Crossing my fingers! ;)

  166. I run a charity called Freedom Cookies which sends homebaked cookies to our troops at war. Not only will we send these to our troops but we will sell these at local festivals and fairs to raise money for postage. Thank you for sharing this awesome idea.

  167. I have small children and would like to start my holiday baking now. Can I make the cake and mix with frosting and freeze for several weeks, or can I make the cakes and freeze, then unthaw and mix with frosting? Just trying to see if I can save the dipping of the chocolate until closer to the holiday. Any thoughts?

  168. Hello! I just want to say I love all the recipes here at, just absolutely love the red velvet cake balls recipe. I collect recipes! I will try this one for Christmas! I am a Independent Watkins Consultant #366017 Virginia Davis online and offline, I really will enjoy using our Vanilla Extract with that we sell at in the Bourbon cupcake recipe. The vanilla extract we sell is just one of many products that we sell at Watkins! We have many many more that can be used in any of these recipes here! Thanks for the recipes here! Virginia Davis

  169. Shannon – You need to tap off the excess coating. Read some of the suggestions in the comments, too.

  170. OH YEAH! Check it out

  171. I made these for my boyfriend for Veteran’s Day, as he is a recent air force vet. I made them with chocolate cake mix (as I couldn’t find velvet cake mix) and covered some in white chocolate and others in dark chocolate. To top them off I added red, white, and blue sprinkles. I’m sending them his way, and I know they will be a hit. Thanks so much!

  172. hi it’s me again. I just wanted to add something more to my comment I made above. So today I took some of the extras I had to school to give to my friends and they LOVED them! Their exact words were “They’re like little balls of heaven!” That made me so happy so I just thought I’d let you know these red velvet cake balls are filled with absolute deliciousness. :]

  173. I just made these for my mom’s brithday. I’m only fifteen, so when my mom opened up the box that I put them in she automatically said “oh yum! where did you get these?” and when I told her I made them myself she said they looked very fancy (because I had also decorated them with hearts and her name written in icing) and then she asked what was inside :]
    Thanks so much Bakerella for this wonderful recipe that made my mom so proud of me for doing. We were eating them all weekend :]

  174. Hooray! I tried these before at a bakery and they were sooo good. Now I can make them! Btw, nice photos. :)

  175. I made these a few days ago and they are delicious beyond description! I thought they’d be hard to make or time consuming, but they were surprisingly easy. Mine don’t look super smooth, but I drizzled chocolate on top to make them look pretty and hide the imperfections. I actually used Halloween funfetti cake mix and whipped cream frosting so they’d be kinda fall themed. Thank you so much for the recipe!! I love reading through your blogs! You inspire me Bakerella!

  176. i have the cake cooling for these. i am doing chocolate fudge cake with chocolate fudge icing, in red wiltons chocolate, decorated as elmo, for my daughters 2nd birthday party. i have cookie icing (stackable, bought at michaels) for the eyes, nose, and mouth. i didnt think red velvet would be too appetizing biting into an “elmo head…” kinda gory LOL, hence the chocolate on chocolate. FUN i cant wait for it all to cool. :D

  177. I’ve made cake balls several times and they are always a huge hit but I can never seem to get the chocolate coating smooth enough. The coating in all these pics look perfect! What am I doing wrong? My coating gets thick and globby.

  178. lol thanks for the amazingliy fast response. Im actually doing a version of you nutter butter recipe, but with home made peanut butter cookies…. we wil lsee how it turns out!

    And so far the blender work “alright” I will be buying a food processer for Xmas Lol

  179. Nicole – I do it by hand, too. I’ve never tried a blender. Actually, I don’t even own a blender.

  180. I love making these, I usually crumble the cake by hand because I dont have a food processer…. could I use a blender instead?

  181. Has gone better this morning – thanks. Think I may have rolled the balls too large. Will try again another day for sure. LOVE this site – thanks!!! (:

  182. Don’t roll. Drop in the bowl. cover with more coating without stirring it around. Then lift out of coating and tap handle on edge of bowl so the excess coating falls off. then let slide off spoon onto wax paper.

  183. Help! Making these for the first time and as I am “rolling” them in chocolate, it doesn’t stick to ball in spots. They have only been in fridge for about 3 hours – is that the problem??? Putting rest back in fridge overnight and hoping for better results tomorrow. Still taste great, but don’t look pretty at all!

  184. Alex – you can do your own.

    Miss Missy – try less frosting if they are too moist for you. If they were lumpy, then your cake wasn’t crumbled up fine enough.

    For dipping, don’t swirl them in the coating. use a bowl deep enough to dip and remove in one motion.

    Christine – You can thin the coating with vegetable oil or shortening.

    Lena – If they were lumpy, then your cake wasn’t crumbled up fine enough. Yes you can double dip them if necessary.

    Mae – Duncan Hines a lot of the time. Also Betty Crocker and Pillsbury.

    Becky – for these I did not. But I have at other times if it gives me trouble.

  185. cake is cooling now! can’t wait to see the finished product!!!

    i also tried your oreo truffles earlier this week…and they are allllll gone!! my fam loved ’em!

    can’t wait to try more of your stuff!

  186. I find it so funny that you posted this recipe in 2007 and it STILL gets new fans (including myself ^_^) almost everyday!! I made these today and had my 10 yr old son help :) **loved the quality time** What an awesome idea!! Needless to say, my son LOVED them. They didn’t quite come out looking smooth and gorgeous like yours but I happened to like the swirl effect I was getting from rolling them in the candy melt :D You have 2 new fans… We can’t WAIT to try out all your other fantastic ideas!! Next up on our list, Oreo Truffles. I think my boyfriend will finally propose after those heehee ;) Thank you Bakerella for the inspiration!!

  187. Do you add the shortening like it tells you on the chocolate bark package for dipping?

  188. Hi can I know what brand of red velvet cake mix did you use:)

  189. HELP. I have tried these twice now. I finally got the cake ball consistency right, but when I dipped them in candy melts, no matter how hard I try they will not come out smooth and pretty like your cake pops do. No way to decorate them. They come out lumpy with bits of cake in them and you can see the cake through parts. Do you double dip them?

  190. I’ve made these a few times but I’m just awful at the dipping portion. When my cake balls are too cosmetically challenged I break them up and mix with vanilla ice cream. Any tips for thinning out the chocolate or just a better way for a professional look like the ones you create?

  191. Ack! I made these today. My biggest problem was rolling the balls b/c they were so sticky-gooey. A lot of cake ended up on my hands. The balls didn’t seem to roll very well. Lots of lumpy balls instead. Also, the candy melt was so thick that I had about 5 naked balls at the end (oh that sounds bad). The candy melt didn’t work with dip & drip. I had to plunge and roll. The melt didn’t drip off at all. So thick that the balls used up way more melt on each than what it looks like they should. What did I do wrong?

  192. Hi! I can´t wait to try and do some of your bites/pops even though I’m no expert when it comes to baking, which is why I have a quick question can I do my own icing? Will it matter if I use chocolate icing instead?

  193. I was extremely surprised to see cake balls on the food table at a Halloween party tonight – it was a very pleasant surprise to find out that a friend of mine knew your blog as well! She ate these cake balls at a Christmas party last year and decided to make them for her party – and now I just might have to make these (love red velvet cake!) or my own version sometime. Great idea!

    Oh – and they were SO delicious! They were much, much richer, denser, and decadent than I imagined they’d be. Fabulous with a capital F. You are a genius!

  194. I made them with funfetti cake and icing and dipped in pink melting chips and decorated with pastel sugars they were so bute and was tols they are the best thing i made yet! thanks!

  195. OMG! i had these last night, i like you immediately needed the recipe. Can’t wait to try them out myself :)

  196. Cindy – DONT use regular food coloring. You’ll need to buy candy coloring or buy pre-colored candy melts. Only keep in the freezer for about 15 minutes before dipping. And you can insert the sticks right before dipping, too.

    Rachel – I recommend candy coating.

  197. Do I have to use a candy coating or will thinned icing work?

  198. I’m going to try and make these with the popsicle sticks for a Halloween party at work this Thursday! Would using white chocolate and food coloring work? Would putting the sticks in PRIOR to putting in the freezer work? How long in the freezer?

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