
Sharpies and other stuff


I may need a couple.

It turns out, I’ll be visiting you guys in about a month. YAY! YAY! Yippee! I’m excited!

I’m going to be doing several book signings at Williams-Sonoma stores across the U.S.

And, that just blows my mind.

To think that one little cookie cutter I randomly picked up (at a Williams-Sonoma store no less) almost three years ago – basically led to all this.

Remember this little guy… ?


This flower-shaped cutter?


It was part of a tin of decorative cutters that I found in a Williams-Sonoma store.


This is the cutter that inspired my cupcake pops.


And, in the beginning, it was these cupcake pops that swept across the internet because of all of your excitement for them. And ultimately, led me to keep trying new cake pop designs and thus, the book.

That just shows – you can’t predict what life will bring you. I had no idea any of this would happen when I bought those cute little cutters, but I’m so glad I picked them up on a whim.

If you’d like to come by and say hi, and I hope you do – Here’s where I’ll be in October and November:

Cake Pops Book Tour Schedule <


Other Stuff: I have a couple more non-baking related posts coming up. And then it’s back to baking. You can get a glimpse of one of them in the checkout lane of the grocery store this month. : )

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410 comments on “Sharpies and other stuff”

  1. I’m so excited you are coming to SLC! If I can figure out a way to get away from work I will be there.

  2. YES! Gonna be at either the Michigan Ave or Oakbrook signing!! So excited, you are my favo blogger!

  3. yay!!! hope i get to see you in Salt Lake!

  4. I vote for Florida!! We have a great william sanoma in hyde park in Tampa!

  5. aww, this makes me sad! I so want to go but the closest one is Seattle which is a 3 hour drive away, and I have school that day!. :(
    I suppose I shall have to wait to get my signed copy or to meet you. :(

  6. hola angie please come to monterrey mexico and i have your book

  7. Your book arrived Saturday. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

    Hoping you’ll add an Arizona stop to your tour – so impressed by your success – well deserved!

  8. So excited to get your new book! Would love it if you came to Houston, Texas!! Best of luck!

  9. Bummer! I was hoping for something closer. If you swing by to see Ree, though, I’ll come visit!

  10. you’re not coming to florida??? specifically orlando :) i’m so sad! i’m a huge fan! i’ll be ordering your book for sure though!

  11. Big congratulations to you! If the tour gets extended PLEASE consider coming to Kansas City! I’m so sad I’m missing out… as is my mom! :)

  12. PLEASE come to Phoenix!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. The video was wery good!!

  14. So excited for your book and your tour. I am so sad that I just moved from Philly and now you’re coming to the King of Prussia mall! I’ve been to that Williams-Sonoma store so many times and I wish I could be there!!!!!

  15. I’m going to the book signing in Atlanta!

  16. Yay – you’re visiting us in the Pac NW first! That means your hand shouldn’t be too cramped up yet from all those signings. ;)

  17. A Williams-Sonoma book tour, too?! Congratulations!!!

    I hope to see you in Short Hills! :)

  18. please come to New Mexico! I want to see you at our Williams Sonoma!

  19. oh no! You’re skipping right past the William-Sonoma in Boise Idaho, so sad :( Oh well, enjoy the tour, I’m sure it will be an adventure!

  20. AHH! Congrats! I’ll see you with my book in Costa Mesa!

    P.S putting it out there for any other Costa Mesa fans: if ya’ll would like to go grab lunch afterwards it might fun to get a big group together!

  21. Ok! I’m going to attempt to see you in Walnut Creek! It’s fairly close to where I live. However, we’ll see how long my two little ones can last in a line in a store like Williams-Sonoma ;) If you hear something break and see a family get kicked out, don’t worry…it was probably us!

  22. No Minnesota?!?!

  23. My 9yr old daughter and I were in the checkout line at the grocery store yesterday (with cake mix, icing, chocolate candy melts, and lollypop sticks in the cart, no less!) when she cried out “Look mom! Cake pops on the cover [of the mini magazine].” And there you were! We’re making our first cake pops today!!

  24. Wish you were coming closer to western Massachusetts. Maybe I’ll be able to make it to the one in NYC since my birthday is November 12th, maybe I can make a birthday trip out of it! :)

  25. You can’t skip PHX!!!! Come to the Williams Sonoma in Chandler Fashion Square!! PUHLEEEZE!!! :) We’ll bring baked goodies for you! I promise!

  26. Wait! What do you mean you’re not coming to Washington DC, or Arlington VA? Oh say it ain’t so!

  27. Looking forward to see you in either Oak Brook or Chicago. I’ve been a fan since seeing you on Martha Stewart!

  28. Hey B!

    Congrats on the book! I’m so happy for you! I love life’s little ways of making things happen just so!

    How long do you expect your signings to last? Your signing near me will be starting just as I’m leaving a super intense camping trip and while I’m sure to be so excited I could fly right over to WS, I’m sure the rest of your fans would appreciate me showering and all that first! :o

    See you in Costa Mesa!


  29. I thought for sure you’d stop by Vegas when in Cali :(

    Lori, was that Freed’s Bakery?

  30. I’m so sad to live in France these days, as i know i wont get the chance to know you, and have my book signed.

    I love all of your work, i’m really crazy about it. Until then, i just did french pâtisserie, cookies and cupcakes. But your cakepops are the best ever just like you.

    I dont comment a lot, but i just wanted to let you know that you have the greatest french admirator of your work living in Montpellier South France. And i’d be very honored to mett you one day.

    Bravo for all that you’ve acomplished and for what you’re gonna come up with in the future!!!

  31. Seattle!!! Perfect place to start the tour :)
    See you on October 6th!

  32. See you in Bellevue in October! HEEHEE.

  33. Please come to So FL!!! – Boca Raton or Wellington would be great!

  34. Have fun on your book tour…wish you were coming somewhere close to Cincinnati!

  35. How exciting!!!! Soooooo happy for you and thanks for the regular inspiration=)

    See you in Short HIlls!

  36. Yay! congrats! That’s really exciting! I normally would be in the book signing at Short Hills, NJ but unfortunately, I’ll be in CT during that time =(

    Have funnn!! Yayy!! Excitinngg!

  37. durnit, Baltimore almost always gets forgotten. :(

  38. What fun for you? I am really disappointed that you left out Denver… hoo.

  39. not making your way down to new orleans?!?! the home of all things FOOD!?

  40. awww you’ll be going to GA, can’t you hop down to Florida, there is a William -Sonoma in Winter Park, FL…pretty please with a cake pop on top? :)

  41. Yay! See you in Short Hills!

  42. Congrats! I can’t wait to go get your book, but I soooo wish you were coming to Houston! :(

  43. Yeah! I am going to try to make it to a signing. I love your cake pops. So glad that little cutter started it all.

  44. Where is the midwest on that list?! We love you here too!

  45. Yay! King of Prussia is right up the street from me. I just need to get my two copies of the book before I come. Zippie!

  46. You aren’t coming to the Mall of America? :(

  47. oh Bakerella! how wonderful! congratulations!

  48. Come to Tulsa’s Williams Sonoma–PLEASE!!!

  49. can’t wait to meet you in ATLANTA!!!!!

  50. Aww congrats Bakerella, I ordered three copies of your book the other day!!! One to keep and two to give away to friends that I know who like to bake!!! Too bad I can’t make one of your book signings!!! I grew up in Georgia but live in Canada now hmm maybe I will have to send a sister or a brother to your Atlanta signing!!! WIsh you much success!!! Take care and Have fun!!!

  51. Wish you were coming to Tampa, Florida…lots of locations here!

  52. Yay!!! I’ve got your surprise from the grocery check-out lane already–picked it up here in Memphis last week!!!


  53. I’m sad that you aren’t coming to Houston! maybe next time, right? but I will buy your book ! I can’t wait!

  54. I’m with Katie! Come visit Pioneer Woman and come to Tulsa!! Or visit with Trisha Yearwood…she has a cookbook and lives just outside Tulsa! Either way, would love to see you and get my copy signed!

  55. 2 days before my birthday, you’ll be in New York!!! I’m so there.

  56. Amazing! So when will you be signing in Toronto, Canada? The Williams-Sonoma in Yorkdale Mall would be ideal. That is where the first Victoria’s Secret opened up just a few weeks ago! Can’t wait to see you there!

  57. IM soooo excited for you!! weeeee hope your tour turns out well

  58. I wish you could come up just a little closer to the NE coast to CT. I actually met my favorite author LuAnne Rice at Barnes and Noble in the Manchester, CT store. Maybe you could come up just a little closer, please???? or maybe I can just coax my hubby to take a trip to NY. So happy for your success how awesome that inspiration came from one little cookie cutter. You deserve all of the happiness, congrats.

  59. I’ll be seeing you in Atlanta!!! Do we need to bring a copy of the book with us or will it be available for purchase?

  60. WOOHOO!!! when will you announce the ones you go to? (fingers are crossed that the denver/boulder area is in there somewhere!)

  61. Hi,
    The things u do are unbelievable!
    Do u think you’er book will come to Israel I would be so happy!!!

  62. Oops! I mean Walnut Creek…:O)

  63. Speaking of “Other Stuff”…when I was in the checkout at the grocery store I noticed “someone” on the cover of Betty Crocker!! So strange following a blog (or two) and feeling like that’s your friend on the cover, lol! Congrats:)

  64. YEEEE!!!! Elk Grove! I’ll be there!

  65. Congrats to you, but I don’t see Connecticut on the list! Dang!!
    I’m going to forward this post over to Stew Leonard’s here in Norwalk, CT. He’s got the world’s largest Dairy Store (several, in fact), and he’s had lots of major food celebs there for book signings. That’s where Frannie and I met Martha for the first time. Hope that’s okay with you – look forward to seeing you then – just make sure Frannie and I are in front of the line! :)

  66. I did see you in the checkout lane at the grocery store this weekend! I hope I can make it to one of the signings in Illinois.

  67. I am definitely grabbing your book! Though I’m a bit heartbroken Boston got short listed on your book signing tour, I would have definitely gone :( But congratulations for all of your success!

  68. I will be looking forward to meet you here in NJ. I can wait!!

  69. See you in King of Prussia! So exciting! :)

    I made your red velvet cake recipe this weekend for a bridal shower, and it got raving reviews. You inspire me!

  70. Congrats!! Am waiting for my book to arrive all the way over here in Australia!! Great place for a book tour… spring is just starting and our beaches are wonderful!!

  71. Too bad you can’t go everywhere :)
    I used to live in Franklin, TN – I would have been there for sure! Alas, I live in NC now, so I missed out!
    We’ll be moving again soon, so maybe I’ll luck out and see you in the future.
    My daughter and I both thank you for the fun times we’ve had in the kitchen making your awesome cake pops!

  72. That is GREAT news….just wished I saw a date for somewhere in Florida such as Jacksonville or Orlando. I can wait to get my book! It was over a year ago I stumbled onto your website when looking for cupcake stuff for my baby’s 1st birthday. I made your famous cupcake pops and they were a hit, everyone loved them. Thank you so much for all you do!

  73. Ever thought of coming to Toronto Canada?? You have tons of fans here too:)!!! Me being the biggest one of all!!!

  74. Oh I wish you were coming to Ohio!!!

  75. Awww I’m so excited for you! Good luck on your book tour! I’ll be buying it as soon as it comes out :)

  76. No VA or Washington D.C., locations… :( I want to meet you!!!


  77. Can’t wait for you to get to NYC!

  78. Once again, Congratulation!!!

    OMG! I’m going to miss you in San Francisco! I’m living in Vietnam, and coming to the USA for Thanksgiving. so sad :(
    But I’m really excited to get a copy of your book. It already inspired me for my Son’s 1st Birthday!

  79. You aren’t coming anywhere near me =( Can’t you stop in Kentucky? hehe


  80. I am just as excited to meet you and go to your book signing as I was almost 20 years ago when I met Julia Child at her book signing. See you at the Oakbrook WS. You’ll love Chicago in the fall!!

  81. Awesome!! Will definitely be there in NYC…

  82. kudos to you & i truly hope to meet you in nyc!
    all the best!

  83. WOW! Have fun! Good for you! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! However, we in Florida also have Williams Sonoma stores and if you could come to Palm Beach Gardens at the Gardens Mall, it would be awesome!

  84. Please do NOT use Sharpies to autograph your beautiful cook book! Sharpies degrade over time and leave a brown halo around the signature. I have books autographed with a Sharpie and the damage is evident. Not sure whether it is acid damage. The pens are marked not for paper………There are other wonderful pens that will not degrade on paper.

    Best wishes on this milestone in your career.

  85. what about Houston????

  86. I absolutely can not wait to get your book!

  87. So happy for your…and thank you for always sharing your great tips and ideas….I also so a little blurb about you in Family Circle Magazine….I was so excited….hey, I know her…she has a great blog…….

  88. You have to come to Boston!!!

  89. Bummer…you’re not coming to my area!

    Congratulations! I’m so excited for you…amazing opportunities!

  90. Ah, how I wish Arizona was on that list. ;_; I would have you sign my cupcake Converse [which I found from your posts], my Bakerella “Cupcake” shirt, and my Cake Pops book!

  91. I’M GONNA CRY :(

    i’m soooooooooooooooooooo jealous……….can you come to australia and sign my book when i get it???????

    waiting patiently for it to arrive !!!!!!!

  92. Don’t suppose you would come to NEW ZEALAND????
    I have a tin of little cookie cutters like that – I better dig them out and see what I can start. . . . . LOL

  93. goshhh i’m soo excited for you!
    and yeah, are you not coming to Australia?? :D

  94. Congrats on all your success! You’re cake pops inspired my S’more Pops! Sweet treats on sticks are soo much fun! You can see my S’more Pops here:

  95. Congratulations to your huge success! You are a true inspiration!

  96. I don’t see Flordia on the list, but that’s ok cause I already ordered your book and it should be here next week.
    Wishing you all the best as you set out on this book tour.

  97. Hey, that’s my favorite little cutter. I bought that one to make fruit bouquets with. :0)
    Thanks so much for your blog. You have inspired us (my friends and I in Moldova) to be creative with our cake pops. We’ve been making them for over a year now and the brides LOVE them at their receptions. (Yes, I turned my friends’ love of baking into a career for them.) ;0) They’re doing well and you inspire us with so many more ideas. Thanks so much for being a good blog friend!

  98. I saw your video in I am very happy for you. You are right, life is full of surprises. Good luck in your tour. Wishing you the best. ;)

  99. Oh this is so exciting! With luck, I’ll be at the Santa Monica signing!

  100. Aww congrats, I’ll be at the one in Short Hills. :)

  101. Sounds like a wonderful tour. Any chance making it to Australia? We just moved here and receiving your blog posts here makes it a bit more like home. ;) Enjoy your tour!

  102. WHOO-HOO!

    Can’t wait to see you in Costa Mesa!

  103. Come to DC please!!!

  104. And where may I ask is Australia on your tour list??????
    Can’t wait for my book to arrive!

  105. Oh, am I a lucky gal – I live in between Costa Mesa & Santa Monica so I can take my pick! Congratulations to you on your book. I have it and have read through the entire thing. Can’t wait to begin making Cake Pops!

  106. Congratulations! I think you need to add the Williams-Sonoma location in the Ala Moana shopping center in Honolulu to your schedule. That way, after signing so many books and being tired, you can go an sit on Waikiki Beach and enjoy a Mai Tai (or two).

  107. I can’t believe that you are coming to Walnut Creek, CA!!!! I’m going to have to take that day off so I can have you sign my book for me!!! I love your site and your cake pops were a hit when I took them to my quilt guild meeting last year!!!
    Can’t wait to meet you!!!

  108. Wish you were coming to Phoenix. I would be there in a heartbeat!

  109. How exciting! Wish I could visit!

  110. Its a date – Walnut Creek – I’ll be there and can’t wait to see you in person!
    Wendy in California

  111. Love your Blog and cant wait for my book to arrive Bakerella! Your recipes have inspired my family to do so many treats during the holidays I cant wait!!! Wish you were coming out to Phoenix, Arizona- Hopefully your tour extends so you can come out to Sunny AZ!

  112. OMG!!! I am so excited to meet you!! I will be there with bells on in Bellevue, October 6th! Can’t wait!

  113. I’ve been telling my husband about all the cool ideas on your site here for years, and how AMAZING it has been to see this happening for you. From no comments on posts, to THOUSANDS. Such a cool story, yours is! I love it! You’re an inspiration :)

  114. Aaaahhhh so sad! No LV?! Dang!! :( (good luck with it all though!)

  115. YIPPEE! I hope I have the pleasure of meeting you in Santa Monica! I’ll have your book, my camera and my sharpie on hand:)

  116. so bummed I won’t make your Chicago-area appearances, but I’ll be slightly busy that weekend getting married!

    Maybe there’ll be a 2nd go round of signings once your book is so fabulously successful!

  117. I can’t believe your first stop is here in Seattle! YAY!! Now, I’m going to have to get really creative to take a couple of hours off work in the middle of the day. Or, I could just come down with a nasty cold *sniff* and work from home that day :) Either way, I’ll be there!

  118. And how about Australia… we love you here too! Especially Western Australia…. more specifically, Perth!

  119. I’m sorry you won’t be making any appearances in North Carolina. I ordered 2 copies of your book today. I can’t wait until I get them this week. (Ordered one copy for a friend). I am so thrilled for you! You are so blessed! Love & blessings from NC!

  120. Can’t you stop in Fresno Williams-Sonoma on your way to Santa Monica? I am so bummed! Happy for you just the same!

  121. Boo no Charlotte, NC appearances, guess I’ll just have to wait, or perhaps create such an uproar on my site and the internet that you have to make the trip ;) Seriously though, congrats you had me at cakepops. xo

  122. I think this is just so great! I am so happy for you!!

  123. Please, please, please come to Williams-Sonoma at the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota!!! Can’t even imagine the turn-out you would receive if you were to come here! Just ask Ree (your gal pal, the Pioneer Woman) about the fun she had here!! :D

  124. I ordered your book tonight and got express shipping so I will have it soonest! So excited to get my hands on it! I am however disappointed that you will not be coming to Idaho on your book signing tour. Congratulations on your cover photo and appearance in the Betty Crocker Fall Baking Oct/Nov 2010 magazine! I purchased it yesterday and makes me anticipate the arrival of your book even more! Love the additional recipes as well!

  125. So glad that I’ll be getting your book in a few days! But sad that you’re not coming anywhere in the VA/DC area. :(

  126. that is what they call the “american dream”! good for you! if you want to come to hawaii (oahu) let me know!

  127. Walnut Creek is soooooooo *not* San Francisco.

  128. Congrats Bakerella! I will see you in Costa Mesa! :)

  129. YaY! I’m so sad you’re not coming to the store in Bakersfield, CA…that is where I work and I was so excited to see you were going on tour!!!!

  130. even though i can’t make it to
    any one of your signings.. ):
    hope you have fun
    and meet a LOT of your fans! ^^

  131. Oh, I’m so sad. I thought for sure you would come to Vegas! We LOVE you out here!

    Kisses from the WhipperChicks!

  132. What a “sweet” story! ;) You have wonderful,cute ideas. I will definitely check out your book! Way to go!

  133. Please please please come to Fresno ca. It’s on your way from San Fran to costa Mesa. We have a Ws. You see I have a two year old and don’t think he would appreciate the three hour drive to see you as much as I would:)

  134. Omg!!!I am so excited that you are coming to Nashville!!!! I can’t wait to see The Bakerella!!!!!

  135. If we’re still living in NJ in Nov, I hope to see you at Short Hills!! Congrats!

  136. going to try to make it to the king of prussia one but not sure yet!

  137. I will definitely be seeing you in Atlanta! I just got mine the other day and I am so excited

  138. You need to get lots of shocking PINK sharpies!!!!! Yay for pink! Congratulations again!

  139. Any place in Florida is good with me! We don’t have one here in Gainesville, though there is one in Palm Beach Gardens and I could totally bring my Niece who adores you as much as I do and my adorable Nephew to just add cuteness… Does that work? Bribing you with kids?

    Can’t blame a girl for trying!

  140. :( so hoping you were going to come to Oregon. Oh well, maybe another time.

  141. I’m sad you won’t make it out to Hawaii! We have a great William-Sonoma. :(

  142. I’ll second the “come to Denver” comment! :)

  143. Yay!!!! I’ll see you in NYC!

  144. I wish you were coming to Denver or anywhere in Colorado! Maybe another tour! I can’t wait to get your book!

  145. I wish I could make it to one of your signings, but a mid week trip to seattle during school probably isn’t going to fly. Any chance I can convince you to add a Portland, Oregon visit? PW liked us, I promise you will too! :)

  146. Boohoo. I wish you were coming to Phoenix, we have a beauituful William Sonoma at the Biltmore. Good luck to you on your tour. Can’t wait to get the book!!

  147. Shoot, not a store near me but I will still be ordering myself a copy of the book! I can’t wait to get it!

  148. Oh my goodness you will be in San Francisco at the same time as BlogHer Food! is that planned? Hoping you are close to downtown…will have to google map it and see. Why oh why arent you coming to Michigan…Grand Rapids in particular!? Please do we will be good to you Bakerella I promise. : D Sheila

  149. Hey Angie, I am so disappointed you won’t make it to Massachusetts on this tour but I am hoping you will have at least one follow up tour and will get to MA then. We have lots of WS’s in this area.
    It is so true that you never know when the Universe will put your life on a path you never expected or imagined. That little can of cutters seems to have been your personal magic carpet. I hope you totally enjoy the ride as it continues for you!

  150. Even though we have never met, I am so excited for you Angie! I have read your blog since it began, and I know that you must be thrilled! Martha, the book, and now a William-Sonoma signing tour! Its like watching a close friend or a sister succeed beyond her highest expectations! Which makes it really fun for me to see you get to do this!
    I hope you have a wonderful time, and enjoy yourself immensely.
    You deserve it- you have inspired so many. : )
    Congratulations and good luck-

  151. Honestly, you’ll LOVE Florida, I think you should add a date for Miami or Orlando or Tampa or Jacksonville….I’d drive to any of those places!

  152. you need to come to Vegas !!!!!!

  153. See you in Franklin!

  154. BLESS YOU for doing day time signings! No crazy night traffic, no driving in the dark….see you at Bell-Square!

  155. I am so excited for your book to arrive in my mail!!! I got notice that it is on its way!

  156. I’m seriously considering taking the day off to come see you in Walnut Creek. Too bad you won’t be in San Francisco proper..the WS store is a block from my office!!!
    Can’t wait to meet you! I’ve been a fan since the very first pops.

  157. Hello! I saw you and your Pumpkin cake pops at the checkout at BJs today on a very cute Halloween recipe booklet. Congrats!!

  158. YAY! Super excited! You’re visiting us here in NJ and you can bet I’ll be there :)

  159. Not much mid-west love….Denver would LOVE to see you!!!!

  160. Yippee!!! I’m going to be in Seattle visiting relatives the first week in October so I will have to make your book signing part of our vacations plans. So excited! I’ve been following you since Ree brought you to our attention on her blog. You’re amazing!

  161. I do so hope you can make it to Massachusetts…

    The Natick Collection
    1245 Worcester Street
    Natick, MA 01760

    has a gorgeous Williams Sonoma. I hope to see you there! *crosses fingers*

  162. How long will you be at each book signing? I would love to come to the Seattle signing, but noon on a school day might be hard to do!!

  163. Yay You’re coming to Bellevue!!! Woohoo!!! I gotta get outta work somehow and have you sign my book!!!!

  164. I am so excited to see you again (been awhile since The Pioneer Woman signing). Just wish you were in Atlanta first. Enjoy your fame! So exciting, you deserve it! :)

  165. OMG OMG OMG You’re coming to me in October! Time to get my gaggle of girls together, and prepare the meet the ONE AND ONLY Bakerella!

  166. Come to Arizona PLEASE!!!!!!

  167. Yay!!! Costa Mesa is my mall. Ok, not MY mall, but the mall I go to! I’m so excited! Yay for book signings :)
    Mazel Tov on all the wonderful things that are happening in your life :)!!!

  168. there are 2 W&S locations in my area of Florida

    SARASOTA, FL 34239
    (941) 361-2400

    13499 US 41 SE
    FT MYERS, FL 33907
    (239) 415-4222

  169. you’re not coming to las vegas :(

  170. There is no Williams & Sonoma where I live, now I need to make sad-faced cupcakes… =(

  171. OMG, we are so excited that you are coming to King of Prussia (KOP) on November 12!!! I think my students will appreciate if the professor let’s class out early…so we can get in line for your signing! I am making apple cake pops for my son’s preschool teachers. I am buying additional copies of your book for holiday gifts!!!


  172. Congrats on the tour! Hope you make it to Vegas! I had to laugh yesterday a local bakery is selling your pops like it was there idea! HA! I set them straight and I was surprised how many other people did! You rock girl!

  173. Awww… why can’t you come to Colorado? :'(

    Didn’t you know I was your biggest fan?? :'( Would’ve been the highlight of Senior year…. *sigh*…

  174. No MSP, MN?
    :( I was going to look forward for you to come to our BIG
    Mall of America. But I WILL FOR SURE BUY your book when it hits the stores.

  175. I agree, Add Toledo OH, Detroit MI, or Ann Arbor MI to your list!!!

  176. I cannot wait to order your book. I have to find gainful employment before I can, but I am eagerly awaiting that day :) If you find yourself driving through CO to get to any of your stops, I’d love to meet you. Maybe a handshake from you would transfer some amazing baking skills into me LOL

    I love the blog and I’m so excited for your book! Congrats!

  177. Houston…please???

  178. I hope I get a chance to see you in Chicago! Congrats on the book and all your success! You deserve it! You are so creative and I know you’ve inspired me to make some delicious things!

  179. FLORIDA PLEASE….. Pretty Please :)

  180. P.S. HOUSTON IS THE 4TH LARGEST CITY—how can you skip it??

  181. Wish you had a signing in Idaho! There’s a WS in the Boise Town Square Mall!

  182. OMG!! I don’t see Houston on the list!! What am I going to do? Please come to Houston to Williams-Sonoma in Baybrook Mall!!!

  183. Oh, I hope I can make it to the “San Francisco” signing! I got all excited when I saw you’d be in my city but then realized you’ll be in Walnut Creek, which is on the other side of the bay. Traffic is nuts in that direction on Fridays but maybe I can just play hooky for the entire day and get there early.

  184. thats so awesome! any chance you’ll be coming to hawaii?

  185. I was hoping to see that you would be in Albuquerque in 2 when I will be there visiting. LOL! I’ve ordered your book….just waiting for the post office to deliver it =)

  186. ahhh seattle everyone only goes to seattle when in washington and they forget about spokane. well congrats have fun on teh tour

  187. So excited for you! I can’t wait for your book. I wish you were coming to Houston – I’d take off work and wait in line to have you sign my book!

  188. As one transplant recipient to another…I am so PROUD of you! What you have and continue to accomplish is just awesome:)
    I first found you when you did the Hello Kitty pops for your niece’s birthday, and have followed you since.
    You go, girl! <3

  189. (Awww you’re not :( )

  190. I’m SO happy for you! I’ve been reading your blog for a while and this really couldn’t have happened to a better person! I mentioned your new book (and the fact that you got to go to the Emmys … AHH!) in my last post :) You’re awesome! :) I can’t wait to see if you’re coming to Houston!

  191. Saw this and instantly thought of you! Check out the link below…cutest necklace EVER! I love your website….especially when you post about cupcakes! :) Thank you for always being so fun and inspiring!

  192. Yay, you’re coming to Costa Mesa! I’m going to have to try to take a field trip during my lunch hour to come see you :) Congrats on the book!

  193. Add Toledo or Detroit or Ann Arbor to your list! Pretty please.

  194. I will see you on either October 11, or 12 (Costa Mesa or Santa Monica)… Oh goodness! I can’t wait!

  195. Yay Bakerella, a book signing!! Hope I can make the Chicago one…crossing my fingers for an Indianapolis stop.

    P.S. I bought that little flower cutter from Williams-Sonoma for my first cupcake pop project. So much fun!

  196. Come visit the Pioneer Woman and do a dual book signing in Tulsa! : )

  197. I’d love to come see you in Dallas!

  198. I wish you were coming to Minneapolis!!! I think you should be at the Mall of America Wms. and Sonoma – or at the Rosedale Mall one…or any of the several ones in the Twin Cities!!!

  199. I just got your book today, and already have turned my family into cake pop fiends! my Aunt is making duckies for my cousin’s little girl’s 1st birthday on saturday!

    i wish you were coming to Florida! preferably Tampa or Ft Myers or somewhere near them!

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