


I went to get a few groceries and found this looking back at me. This is the coolest thing. I couldn’t wait to show you. More about it soon… once I stop pinching myself.

P.S. I don’t usually have my camera handy when I’m buying butter, but I thought it might come in handy this time.

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504 comments on “Peek-a-boo”

  1. OMG! I bought mine at Target today! I looked for your book at the bookstore but couldn’t find it. I know I could order it on Amazon, but impatient me can’t wait! lol. Love your blog!!!

  2. so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! you deserve it :)

  3. WOW~ that has got to make you feel awesome! Congrats!!

  4. so happy for you bakerella!
    hope a lot more of good things like these
    are in store for you (:

  5. I saw that in the store, and I got upset. I was thinking “HEY SOMEONE STOLE BAKERELLA’S CAKE POP IDEAS”
    I almost walked away, but I stopped and really looked at it, and realized that it was you, so I had to buy one. I’ve had a hard time putting it down!!! LOVE IT!

  6. Saw this book in the checkout line today and did a double take. I didn’t see your name at the bottom b/c of something blocking it but I knew it was your work. : ) CUTE…as per usual

  7. HOW AWESOME! Now you know you’ve made it big. You go girl! Those are some cute cake pops!

  8. You are quite the sensation now aren’t you?! Congrats! I know it must be very exciting.

  9. Your rock!! I am so excited for you!!!!

    I have made cake pops a few times now, and they were BIG hits each time – thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  10. Sweet! Congratulations! :)

  11. oh my goodness! :D
    that’s so cool~ (:
    i always wanted to be
    on the newspaper or magazine
    and people stare and point
    at me all funnyy :3
    well.. CONGRATS on making
    the cover of betty crocker magazinee ^^

  12. after I saw this I went right out and bought one!!!! So cool you are really getting out there!!!

  13. Hooray that’s super. And no cheesy hand and side smile, you look amazing and are amazing, keep rocking!!

  14. I am so excited I can’t wait to get this tomorrow. I usually buy this book during the holidays but this one is extra special now!

  15. wow! so many wonderful things happening for you! it’s great that the world is recognizing, and that you’re sharing, your talent! congratulations.

  16. I just love ya! This is so awesome! You are a Celebrity!

  17. So excited for you. I just ordered your book. And to think it all started with a tiny little cookie cutter. Way to go! I’ll keep my eyes open for the mag too.

  18. I just saw that in the store today. How exciting! You are my latest hero. I tell all my friends about your site and what you’ve done and how I’d like my passion to turn into something big. Congratulations on everything that you’ve accomplished.

  19. Angie, you are the original American Success Story. Way to go!

  20. Ahhh, how exciting. I love it. I can’t wait to go grocery shopping now so I can get me one :) Can I send it to you for you to autograph? Lol, congratulations!!!!

  21. I bought this the other day, only because you were on the cover and there were tons of recipes from you!!
    Ps. Your book came in the mail today and I can’t waittttt to try all the different ideas. Especially the bride and groom ones!! So cute! =)

  22. Congratulations! What a rush that must have been! (and still is, I’m sure!)

  23. Totally cool! Congrats!

  24. Super cute!! I’ll have to pick that up to have you sign it too. I ordered your cake pop book two days ago and can’t wait for it to come in!!

  25. how exciting and cool. love me some cake pops and hope to make lots for my son’s Pre-K teacher this year too.

  26. I have a subscription to the magazine ( cookbooklet!) and I was so surprised to see your recipes in it!! That is so awesome!! I have your new book, too!!! I love it!

  27. Congratulations!!!! I saw the magazine earlier this week. The picture of the pumpkin cake pops drew me in. I was thinking, wow that looks just like Bakerella’s cake pops…. Distracted, I did not see your picture and name at the bottom. Duh.. ;-) But after I saw recipe after recipe after recipe with your name and picture I realized that it was YOU!

    Oh, I ordered my book the other day. I can’t wait to get it!!!!!

    Congratulations again!

  28. I bought my copy the other day! I saw your picture and shrieked. =o]

  29. AWESOME!! Hey I saw you in family circle too!! Way to GO!!!

  30. Got your book yesterday!!!!!!!! Love, love, love it!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting for Barnes &Noble to get it, and I finally found something I really wanted to use the rest of a Christmas Gift Card that my mom had given me!!!!! My cake is cooling as we speak, and tomorrow, is “Decorate Day”!!!!!! Can’t wait!!!

  31. I was so excited to see this in my mailbox when this issue arrived (I’m a subscriber)! Your recipes are great!


  32. Totally AWESOME!!! My book came in the mail today and I can’t put it down!!! Bakerella and Cake Pops ROCK!

  33. Look at you!!! Congratulations! So many wonderful things happening with you right now, this is all so thrilling! Way to go!

  34. Sooooo great!!! I just found your site a few weeks ago and now I’m seeing them EVERYWHERE!!! Front page is awesome- I also saw you and your pops in Family Circle Today- 10/1/10 issue. =) Great job! Keep them comming….Loving Cakepops in Massachusetts!!!

  35. The best camera is the camera that is present. And I can’t wait for fall.

  36. That’s really incredible, I’m so thrilled for you!

    I’m going to keep an extra eye out for you in my grocery aisles!

  37. Mazel Tov!!! So exciting!!! What a cute cover!

  38. Oh Wow! How exciting this must all be for you :) Congratulations on all this success!

    I went to the Reno W&S and they didn’t have your cookbook yet. And this is one of the stores you aren’t going to sign at :( Off to search somewhere else! I’m so getting this little book though!

  39. Wow how exciting – congratulations!!!

  40. I was just telling a huge group of ladies about you tonight and they wrote down your “name”!!! YAY BAKERELLA!

  41. Love your recipe booklet. I will have to look for that one. I ordered my books last week from Amazon. Can’t wait until they arrive. Got one for me and one for a friend. I ALWAYS have my camera in my purse. I never want to miss a photo opportunity. Love & blessings from NC!

  42. Very cool! Don’t pinch yourself! It’s real and you deserve the kudos!!!

  43. I am running out right now to buy it

  44. I’m waiting to get my book when I come to your signing in Costa Mesa! I work at a bakery where we make cake pops and I hope to bring you some!!!!

  45. Hey Bakerella! =)

    After a longggg and stressful day of work, I get back home to a surprise package and it turns out to be your Cakepops book! =D I wanted to order it but I haven’t gotten a chance to yet…and it seems my boyfriend is just wonderful enough to think of ordering it for me to make my week!

    I wanted to THANK YOU for making your book come into existence! =) It’s absolutely fantastic!

    Good luck!

  46. Hi Bakerella! My sweet mother-in-law subscribes to Family Circle and that’s where I first saw pictures of your cake balls, but this is AWESOME! Front page, even! I’m not very handy in the kitchen but I love to make things look cute and your cake balls had me joyfully working in the kitchen! Love them. Congrats…

  47. Wow that’s so cool I’m gonna pick one up! congrats!

  48. How cool! I can’t wait to get your book!

  49. Ahh, that is so cool! Congrats!!! I have to go and buy that now….it’s the closest i’ll get to your book…that one is on my christmas list :)

  50. How exciting!!! Congratulations!

  51. So cute! I may need to get a copy myself :)

  52. *squeals*!!!! I saw this in the grocery store today and when I saw your pages in their, I almost jumped up and down in the store! ;D Lol! I was so excited for you! :D

    ~Miss Rachel~

  53. Awesome! Love your picture!! :-)

  54. Wow!! thats awesome!
    congrats and keep on moving forward!!

  55. That is SO awesome! I bet you were super excited!

  56. I saw it in the grocery store down in FL!! I was excited to finally be able to show my mom who I was getting all the amazing recipe ideas from :)


  57. you are the cutest ever. I even love you more after watching that amazon clip. I love your cute little accent.

  58. I got my book yesterday and will look for the Betty Crocker magazine in the grocery store.

    The cookbook was very nicely laid out and full of great pics and information-looking forward to delving into it more.

  59. I saw this when I was in the store last! Very cool. Congrats!

    Wanted to tell you that I’ll be making cake pops for a breast cancer fund raiser this weekend…I’m making them like boobies. :) LOL

  60. So happy for you! Enjoy your moments under the limelights!

  61. Wooohoooo!!!! Soooo very happy for you! The spotlight looks good on you, Bakerella! <3

  62. That’s awesome! Congrats!!! :)

  63. Congrats! Looking forward to seeing all the great pops in your new book. Just saw your road show schedule… what a perfectly sweet excuse to run up to Seattle and visit my daughter… thank you!

  64. I bought it last week. And can’t wait to start baking.:)

  65. I will have to get that! I am still waiting for amazon to deliver the book, I thought I pre ordered. Maybe they think I live in the boonies.

  66. Congratulations to you! that is so amazing :) and so are you!

  67. Congrats! I want to be you when I grow up!!

    Kisses from the WhipperChicks

  68. Wow! Amazing things are happening!! Congrats! So darn excited for you!

  69. How exciting!!! I just received my cake pops book and I am in love :)

  70. Cute! Did you do a double-take? Like, ‘Hey, that’s me!’ Congratulations!

  71. I saw it too! Very cool! Congratulations, can’t wait for the book.

  72. You’re CRANKING! Best wishes for continued success (:

  73. that’s just awesome! Congrats!


  75. Just got your book…great:) And I am so excited for you. Thank you so much for all the great ideas.

  76. So cool so cool so cool! I love the little picture of you, you are such a prettie! Did you buy the magazine? :)

  77. Congratulations— did the cashier recognize you??

  78. OMG! Good for you! : )
    I am so proud! Feel like I know you!

  79. I can crusie the Publix tonight and find you! Yea!

  80. I am so happy for you. Way Cool!


    P.S. – My 9 year old daughter, Frannie, is really into the Flintstones right now and she wants you to make Pebbles and Bamm Bamm cake pops. I’m sure you can do it!

  81. I’m stopping on the way home tonight from work to pick that up! Congratulations! This is so exciting!

  82. Please don’t forget about us little people when you become a big famous baking STAH !!!

    OF COURSE the pumpkin cake pops are just too cute!

  83. Ahhhhh!!! So cool!!! Congratulations!!

  84. How cool! I just got my cake pop book today and will head to the book store for the magazine on my lunch break!

  85. Picked it up this weekend at barnes and noble to check out the recipes and lo and behold who was there on the cover…but my favorite baker….bakerella! Congratulations. PS I was just thinking today…how in the world do you get your cake pops so round and keep the chocolate from hardening with a funny blob here or there?

  86. Ran out and got it on my lunch hour! Such great ideas, congrats!

  87. Gotta have it!

  88. saw this last week and i was super excited to see u of all people w ur adorable cake pops ideas!!! whenever sept-dec rollls around i become obsessed to see what cute new magazines come out with holiday ideas. so i was browsing the checkkout lane in albies and saw this mag! ahhh! 2 bad i did not have $! def will buy this week!!! going to become part of my cookbook collection!!!!

  89. Love it!! I got your book in a couple of days ago and can’t stop reading thru it. I plan on making some cupcake pops for my daughter to take to school to celebrate her birthday. We are also excited about making the Halloween themed ones. So much fun! =)

  90. Awesome! I’m going to look for a copy today! Congratulations! :)

  91. That’s great! I will look for it in the grocery store, provided they all haven’t been snatched up!

  92. How exciting! :)

    I was so looking forward to the Cake Pops book coming out, but I’m now a newly diagnosed diabetic…so no more cake balls/cake pops for me! :( I’m sad but will continue to be a devoted blog reader, living vicariously through your yummy baking pursuits!

  93. That is so awesome!! Congrats!!

  94. totally saw this in the check-out yesterday – saw the pumpkin pops and knew for sure it was you – congrats!

  95. I’ve read your blog for sometime now, so when I saw this on the magazine rack at Wal-Mart I was squealing and instantly putting it in my cart.

  96. awesome! i’ve got to go get one for me now :) love it!

  97. Bakerella, you rock! Thanks for the fun ideas and laughs you give us.

  98. Wow! Congrats! Why couldn’t I have thought of Cake Pops?????

  99. Wow, the excitement continues! :)

  100. I SCREAMED when I saw this! :D

  101. awesome! I will pick one up!!

  102. Sorry.. I was overcome with so much excitement, my spelling went right out the door.
    Congratulations again!

  103. Thanks so exciting! Congralutions!

  104. I just ordered your book last night!
    I can’t wait to get it :)

    Now I have to run & get this- HOW EXCITING!!!

  105. Yay! I love it! Hope your tour will extend to more of the Midwest before it’s over!

  106. Aw, Yay! That must be so exciting! I ordered your book the other day and I can’t wait to get it in! Your work is amazing :)

  107. Wow – congratulations! That is sooooo cool

  108. Oh congratulations – you must be so excited!!!

    I dont suppose there is anyone over there in the States that would like to post a copy to me here in the UK – I could Paypal you the cost etc!!

  109. OH my gosh, your such a celebrity now! I’ll have to try and find one at the store today!

  110. I saw it too … at Michael’s. VERY cool indeed!!!!

  111. Congrats! That would be amazing to walk in and see your face on a magazine at the grocery store lol!

  112. I just ordered TWO books and i can HARDLY wait! LOVE LOVE it and i am so excited that you are coming to TN for a signing!

  113. Congrats!! That’s awesome!

  114. hope they have it at the drugstore near me, so sick and I need a cheer-up!

  115. Congratulations! As an art director for a (low-budget) women’s magazine I do a lot of my own photo shoots and projects…and after over a year of doing that I still get super excited whenever I see my magazine in print form – so I can imagine how stoked you must be right now! I hope you get that baby framed :).
    Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of your book! Great job!

  116. CONGRATS!!!! Saw it this past weekend in the check out line . . . was telling my hubby all about you. Are you going to do a book signing tour? If so when will you be in Atlanta? My hubby is the GM at one of the B&N . . would love for you to come to his store.

  117. AWESOME!!!!

    and on a side note- guess what is arriving today??? My CAKE POPS BOOK!!! I am SO excited… and trying to figure out how to make it up to sonoma…

  118. I seen it at Target (and I bought it)!!! Congrats!!!

  119. Ooh! Very Cool!! Just out of curiosity, what type of camera do you use for your blog pics? They’re always sooo great, and I’m in the market for a new camera. :)

  120. I saw it too last time I was getting groceries! Congrats!!!

  121. Wow!! That’s so exciting!! Congrats on all your success!!

  122. Congrats! That is beyond cool.

  123. Wow! Must be surreal to see yourself (and your creations) on the cover of a magazine! Congrats!

  124. You seriously rock!! Congratulations on all the great things happening for you!

  125. Yay! Congrats! Such a cute cover…must be due to the stars (you and the pumpkin cake pops of course)

    ps did you let them know you’ve got material for every season??? heh, heh, heh.

  126. i’m so going to make some cake pops one day!

  127. I LOVE this! I already ordered Cake Pops from Barnes and Nobles and am Patiently (not really) waiting for it to arrive. I will def. keep my eye out for this when I go pick I’m my butter…. thanks for reminding me I’m out :) You have have have to come to Miami I would looove to go to a signing! Congratulations on everything!

    Inspired, Erikalisa

  128. that’s SO COOL. and absolutely adorable and i’m so doing that for my halloween party!!

  129. I love this!! Betty Crocker has the best baking little books during this time of year until the end of the year. I love their cookie book that comes out Nov/Dec. Best cookie recipes ever and everyone thinks I am a genius at baking LOL. I will defintely be buying the one you are on, now I just need to find it.

  130. Congrats!!! So cool!! I saw this in line at the checkout last week and as soon as I saw it I grabbed it and put it on the belt. Can’t wait for another party to cone up so I can use the recipes!!!!

  131. Good for you!! I am, of course, a total stranger. But, I am thrilled for your success. Have fun and enjoy your ride!! Your talent is crazy!

  132. Whoa – you’re getting SO famous! Awesome!

  133. What a wonderful surprise for you!!!

  134. I didn’t see this, but I did pick up a copy of the October 1st Family Circle this morning and was just flipping through it to see a blurb about you on page 13.

  135. I have to say,l that must be the strangest thing- seeing your stuff in a magazine. AWESOME! Congratulations!!!

  136. I think I am going to have to go buy that one!

  137. I was in the grocery store yesterday and looked up and saw those Cake Pops!! Then I said, that’s what she must have been talking about on Monday. I picked one up. I love those little books anyways and there was such yummy stuff in it! Congratulations on your success and can’t wait to get your cakepops book!!


  138. Congrats! I just bought your book and I’m so excited. I tried cake pops for the first time this weekend and all I can say is that you have some patience! So fun to try and get better at them I can’t wait!

  139. That is awesome. Can’t wait till I can pick one up.

  140. eeeeeee how exciting…can’t wait to pick one up!

  141. Congratulations! My book is on the way…can’t wait. I must say you surprised me with this post-when it was titled Peek-a-Boo and you mentioned butter, I thought that some company had made butter pressed in a ghost mold! I was already to buy it!! (A few years back, there was turkey shaped butter in my grocery store near Thanksgiving-the kids loved it!)

  142. Uaaauw! Congratulations! This is soo cool.

  143. YAH!! Can’t wait to go get one for myself. Amazon is shipping my Cake Pops book today!

  144. so excited for you. i’d take my camera everywhere too! you really are so’s all well deserved.

  145. So cool!! If it were me, I’d be showing everyone in line behind me…and the person working the checkout…and then I would press it against the window of my car as I drove home and point to it and then myself when I stopped at red lights. But that’s just me.


  146. Awesome! I think if it was me I would be showing everyone in the store!! :)

  147. Super Sweet! Congratulations! How awesome to see yourself in print. Whee…What a journey!

  148. You never cease to amaze me Bakerella! I need to get a copy of that! I wish you all the best and all the blessings in the world! You are such a bright personality (and awesome baker/creator!)

  149. I haven’t been to the grocery store lately, but I just showed my mom this post and she said she just bought this last night!!!!! Congrats!!!!

  150. I saw that yesterday as well and was so giddy for you! :)

  151. Yay! I’m shopping tomorrow and will buy a copy for me too! :)


  152. That’s so awesome.
    Super cool
    I can’t imagine what it would be like to walk in a grocery store and having a magazine on the rack with something I made on the cover.
    And those pumpkin pops are super darling.

  153. that is really exciting. sugars to you.

  154. When I got home yesterday my book was waiting for me! I LOVE IT! I brought it to work today for show and tell!

  155. love it!! my sister-in-law is wanting to do halloween cake pops this year – so we’ll have to pick that up!! :-)

  156. that is so AWESOME!!!! I can’t wait to look for these, super cute!

  157. Aww That is so cool! I will have to look for that book! My daughter and I are always buying those! Congrats!

  158. How AWESOME! I just got my book in the mail yesterday…I can’t wait to make Halloween cake pops!

  159. I saw that on Monday at HEB (a grocery store here in Texas). I put it in my comment from your sharpie post.

  160. I hope there are some Halloween goodies in your book! Mine is set to be delivered from Amazon today!

  161. yes!!! must be the best feeling in the world.

  162. OH congrats! That’s huge!

  163. I just LOVE you! I have never been more excited for someone I didn’t know in all my life. I have followed your blog and enjoyed every single one of your creations, and seeing you take this step is just wonderful. You are so talented and I am so excited you are having more opportunities to share your talents so more people can be exposed to your genius creations! You are wonderful, keep it coming!

  164. so cool! i just got your book this weekend (and got a copy for my BFF too) and can’t wait to try making some cake pops.

  165. That is awesome! Did you point out your picture on the cover to the checkout clerk and say “that’s me!”…? I would have.

    Congrats! You have inspired so many people and I hope many more good things come your way.

  166. YAY!!! Totally going to see if they have it at my grocery store right now!!

  167. WOW how awesome is that!! Congrats!

  168. Wow, so much excitement! It’s well deserved!! Love your creations!

  169. This is wonderful! I feel as though I “somewhat” know someone famous now that I have your Cake Pops Book….LOL I need to get to the Supermarket to get this
    now too….=)

  170. That’s SO cool! Yay! And they are so cute too!

  171. Thank goodness you had your camera!

    What a marvellous achievement.

  172. I saw this the other day! Congrats… I’m seeing you everywhere now! I need to go pick up Cake Pops… I’m going to include it in my Holiday Gift Guide this year

  173. AWESOME! Congrats and that has to be a totally surreal experience.

  174. Aren’t you special!!! This is so neat – I am so very happy for you. Now I must send my hubs to the store for a copy on his way home. :D The book is already on my birthday list for this month. Fingers crossed.

  175. I saw that a couple days ago and was all like “Hey! I know her!…Well, I don’t really know her, just of her…but…Hey! That’s really cool!”

  176. I saw this in the grocery store the other day, and was so happy! I had to buy a copy. :)

  177. That is really fantastic! Congratulations!

  178. I haven’t seen that one in my store yet. I’ll keep an eye out for it since I’m obsessed with cake pops and Halloween.

  179. Awww that’s awesome!! Congrats!

  180. wow!!! can’t wait to meet you in Walnut Creek! =)

  181. You don’t know it but your fabulous site has become a staple of our cooking group of friends in Turin, Italy….we’re just in love with your pops and all. Super, awesome and such. Will have to get the B. Crocker mag when I arrive in the States in a few weeks!
    Keep up the good work! P

  182. That is wonderful. You are so talented, so of course you would end up on the cover of magazines. Congratulations!

  183. Somehow, I got one of these in the mail. Very, very cool!

  184. Very cool. I’d be making extra trips to the grocery store this week, just to admire!

  185. I saw this at Target a few days ago! Very cool!

  186. wow! that is so cool! congratulations!

  187. I just found you this morning, and now, my two year old and I are planning her birthday party around your adorable ideas!! congrats on the magazine cover and story!!! super exciting.

  188. This is so neat! We don’t have a Betty Crocker magazine over here in the UK unfortunately. Booo :(

  189. Congratulations!! All of this is so exciting!

  190. That is so awesome!!! Congratulations!!

  191. amazing! i love it and your photo is AMAZING!

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