
Spring Chickens

Easter Cake Pops

Here they are. The first of the Easter Cake Pops. I’ve had lots of requests over the last few days for these, so I spent some time working out ideas for you guys. I’ll show you the others in the coming days.

But for now, it’s… Chicks, man! (Pretend I’m Joel McHale from Talk Soup when you read that. It’s much more effective.)

Here’s how they look on pink.

Easter Cake Pops

On blue…

Easter Cake Pops

On yellow… (I love spring!)

Easter Cake Pops

…and green.

Easter Cake Pops

And here, I just played around with a few different designs.

Easter Cake Pops

I’m leaning towards just the head. But the little feet are so dang cute. And if the eggshells came off looking a little better, those might be the winner. Big head? Big bottom? All body? Or no body? Whatcha think?

Anyway, if you want to make some, follow the instructions for the basic cake pops.

You’ll need the following supplies:
Cake and Frosting
Yellow Candy Melts
White Candy Melts
Paper Lollipop Sticks
Black Edible Ink Pen
Styrofoam Block
Paramount Crystals
Rainbow Candy Coated Chips
Pastel Wild Flower Sprinkles
Diamond Shape Sprinkles


To decorate solid yellow chicks:

  • Once the round yellow candy covered cake pops are dry (again, basic cake pops instructions here), use a toothpick to dip into the melted candy coating. Dab a little dot of the coating where you want the beak to go. Then, just take one of the orange rainbow chips and attach it to the pop. It works like glue.
  • For the feet and wings, use the same technique to glue on the other sprinkle shapes.
  • Use the edible ink pen to draw the eyes.

Edible Ink Pen

Note: to get smoother covered pops, make sure your bowl is deep enough to submerge the entire pop. Try to dip it in one dunking motion and remove. If the chocolate is too thick, add some paramount crystals or some shortening to the melted candy coating to thin it out. Remove the pop, holding it in your left hand. tap your left wrist lightly with your right hand and rotate the lollipop stick over your bowl. The excess chocolate should fall off, smoothing out the coating at the same time. Also, make sure the coating surrounds the stick at the base to secure it.

For the Chicks in Eggshells:

  • Instead of rolling them round for the pops, shape them by hand to form the chick body.
  • Once, you’ve made the pops, dipped them, and they have dried, carefully twist and remove the stick. Be aware of the location of the hole that was left.
  • Then, hold the chick head and dip the bottoms in white candy melts. Dip the end of the same lollipop stick in some of the white candy coating and reinsert. Let dry.
  • You don’t want your white candy coating to be too hot. It can melt the yellow or it could drip down the sides and mess up your design. So, let it sit and thicken up a little for a few minutes before you start dipping the eggshells.
  • Then glue the sprinkles on and draw the eyes like above.

Easter Cake Pops

Or ditch the sticks altogether!
They’re pretty cute like this, too. Just drop them in a bowl of melted candy coating. Cover them with the chocolate without moving them around in the bowl. Then lift them from the coating with a spoon. Tap off the excess and slide the little chicks carefully off your spoon onto wax paper to set. If the coating pools at the bottom, use a toothpick to draw a separation line. Then, once it dries completely, it will be easier to break off the part you don’t want.

Easter Cake Pops

Bye, bye birdie for now, but there’s more cuteness coming soon.


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535 comments on “Spring Chickens”

  1. this would be so special to work on with the grandkids

  2. would like this to let the grandkids have something to do

  3. would like to try it

  4. All body! Too cute!

  5. Hi.

    Can I borrow you’re photo of “Spring chickens” cake pops? It is for a school magazine.

  6. AWESOME! One of my favourite cake pops you made.

  7. i love them all! super cute!

  8. I use your picture for my blog

    but i say it is in your blog,

    i love you cooking

  9. this chicks cake pops are amazing!! i love them.. i am going to make them for my son’s easter party!!! :D thanks..


  11. ExcuseMe,I wanna know where could I buy it?I like it till death~

  12. who can tell me how to buy it?

  13. The pictures are deceivingly cute. I would rather have needles stuck in my eyes (which I have had) than attempt these EVER again.

  14. I really want to try the spring chicks for easter but now i cant find anything like the rainbow chip sprinkles over here :( I try to come up with an idea what i could use instead but everything is so big lol Going to the store in a few maybe i get lucky lol

  15. Bakerella I have a question! I make cake pops/balls all the time and I’ve been considering buying the babycakes heater to keep the chocolate melted but I’ve heard mixed things about it…is using a fondue pot to keep the chocolate melted just the same…because I do have one of those

  16. where do i get the mold for the cake pops

  17. So Yunnan do thi

  18. My fave are the no body and all body ones! Both soooo cute!
    Happy Easter! x

  19. I love your littel chicks sooo much! they´re so cute :D!
    I backed them last week and they´re are so good, my mum also like them! Maybe I’ll make this kind of cake pops for Eastern or some other kind for Christmas!
    Hugs and Kisses from Anna to everybody!
    *Merry Christmas to everybody*

  20. I made these for my first time before I left for college! They were so adorable! The black marker that I got, it didn’t exactly work and I don’t know why. I got it at Michael’s in a color pack. And my cake balls kept cracking, but I think that’s just because they were in the freezer.

  21. I have a quick question. Is it best to dip the sticks in the candy coating, insert into cake ball, and then freeze before dipping the rest of the cake pop? I only ask because the You Tube video does not show the cake balls going into the freezer after having the stick inserted into them. The video shows inserting the stick and immediately dipping into candy coating. This is my first time making them, so I wanted to double-check. Thank you!

  22. ssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooo ccccuutteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  23. Hi, I love your cake pops but I do have a question, I live in australia and these candies I have no idea where to find them, please a reply from someone who knows where to get them (I don’t really want to buy online unless is cheap) Thanks for your time,,,,,

  24. Ok, I am a terrible baker (but a very good cook) and I have my daughter’s baptism and I have my heart set on these birdies cakepops… I cannot make these my self and having a hard time finding any bakeries in NYC (yeah hard to believe this, I know) that are willing to make these.. Does anyone have any contacts????

  25. Those are so cute!!!!!!!!!! :)

  26. How can anyone EAT these cute little sweets?


  28. I made these today and had a hard time with the chocolate dripping off the chick after being dipped. Any tips on dipping and not getting so much excess chocolate?

  29. I tried. I failed. I hate you, yellow candy melts! =(

  30. These are the cutest things I have seen in ages! Im in the process of trying these. Just waiting for them to come out of the freezer! Thank you for being so creative and sharing it with us!

  31. A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=-)

  32. THERE SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=-)

  33. would fondant work on these?

  34. I love the spring chickens and I want to make them so bad for Easter. How many bags of candy melts do you need for one batch of cake pops?

  35. These are adorable! I can’t wait to make them!!

  36. These are absolutely the sweetest things I have ever seen! I LOVE Easter and everything about it, but these top anything I’ve seen in the last few years! I am definitely doing these for my family and friends this year; maybe the sitting ones will be plate decorations under the napkins. Oh. my, what fun I’ll have. Thank you for such wonderful ideas (and pictures). BTW- hope you are doing better and on the way to a full recovery and a long, wonderful life.God bless!

  37. Hi Bakerella,

    Your pictures are not showing up from all the pages. Not sure if there’s something wrong?

    Thought you might like to check on it.



  38. love these! hope you are feeling okay!

  39. Cool girl..I also like the “no body”..but they are each special in their own way…just like us ! Thinking of you and wishing you well. It’s a little surprise now when signing on and see an email from Bakerella! Love it…Hugs to you ~ Holly

  40. its so cute!!!!!! thanks for sharing!!!! thanks Bakerella

  41. I love those little chicks. The one with the big head looks like it would make a really cute baby shower pop if the white part was made to look like a diaper!!

    Do you always use cream cheese frosting? Have you ever used buttercream? I made mine with home made buttercream, with all crisco, no butter. Is the cream cheese better for some reason?


  42. I think the large headed chicks would be adorable at a baby shower. I had my first cake ball last month and my daughter’s first birthday is coming up. I came up with the theme “SomeBunny’s turning 1!” So I’m planning on making cupcakes and was think of cake balls when I found your website. I love all the spring stuff! I was thinking about making bunny cake balls…more like you chicks not on sticks. Marshmallow tail. Round or oval body. Not sure what to use for ears…white gum sticks cut with a little pink sugar crystal centers. So I have a question…did you let your little stickless chicks dry on the stick first then remove them?

  43. where do I find those types of sprinkles?
    I live in California and been on a mission trying to find those types of sprinkles any ideas?

  44. Can you give me some tips on how you get them so perfectly round and uniform in size? I seem to really struggle with this and could use some pointers.

  45. Hi I did these chicks but I just have one question how do u get them not to crack after their done other than than they came out great

  46. Oh ya I have pics in on my sight

  47. I tried this but couldn’t find any chips for wings and beaks. So I changed it up and they look like angry birds :) so cute!

  48. those are just the cutest things ever! You are so stinking talented!

  49. Where can I find the rainbow chips? Are they an online item, or can I find them in stores? PS – <3ing the book! :)

  50. I would love to make some of these but i dont have the book though my cousin does

  51. love the all body version! so cute.

  52. Could ya make some Valentine hearts? I’m dying practically.
    P.S. Totally the All Bodies.

  53. what are you using for your photo backdrop? thank you.

  54. thanks that totally rocks.

  55. Ah….. So adorable…..!!!!

  56. I always come to this website and I am always amazed by your work!

  57. I am in Australia and we dont always have the same products, and the terminology can sometimes be confusing, in regards to the frosting needed, can i use anything? for example: homemade butter cream?, we can buy Betty Crocker frosting in tubs at the supermarket, or do you use the frosting that comes in the packet cake mix? obviously it would have to be a thicker consistency icing to ensure they are robust enough to hold the shape?

  58. The All- Body chikie is cute

  59. Your chicks were referenced on Cake Wreck’s sweet sunday post!

  60. I like all body

  61. THOSE ARE THE CUTEST THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN!! i will make these even though it isnt easter!

  62. My baby’s first birthday party theme revolved around these awesome chick pops! They were a hit! Thanks Bakerella! Here are some pics from her Spring Chick party:

  63. I made these and…umm… let’s just say they didn’t come out like yours! :/ I think I’ll continue tto use your begginer recipes and work my way up to your more recent work.

  64. I agree that the Wilton’s brand of ink didn’t work very well…I’ll try the americolor brand next time too

  65. BTW I had my husband drill holes on top of a lid of a cardboard box and used it to hold my cake pops while decorating and it turned out great since I didn’t have a styrofoam block!

  66. My spring chickens were a hit on Easter!!! Mine didn’t turn out so perfectly round but so cute still and so much fun to make! Thank you so much because you’ve now made me love to bake!!

  67. These pops are the cutest thing ever and your instructions were so easy to follow! I love all your cake pop ideas – and Mickey and Minnie are INSANE! I plan on getting creative with more pop ideas, but one question: how do you get them so perfecty round? Love your blog :)

  68. Quiero saber como le hacen para que las paletas de pastel no se quiebren, a mi siempre se me quiebran despues de un rato por lo tanto no e podido hacer alguna figura especifica. Gracias espero su respuesta.

  69. I just found your blog – LOVE it! My daughter & I made them all for Easter : eggs, bunnies, chicks, lambs, and the M-Day dasies, too. TOO cute! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas! Barb in Mn

  70. You may just have created the CUTEST thing on EARTH! I LOVE your site! My friends and I decided to make the little lamb cake pops… but we can’t seem to find any local place where Sugar Pearls would be! :( Help?

  71. Ah! I love these, and the ‘body’ ones are my favorite!!

  72. Did you realize that not even a month after you published this, the instructable folks published it as their content with no credit to you?

  73. we are making them for easter tooo.hope they come out good! :)

  74. these little cake pops are sooo cute! i love them! :) :p

  75. m mom is makeing them right now

    im still in elementory

  76. Love these. Made some this easter. Half of them came out good, the other half the candy coating cracked overnight. Any suggestions?? Thanks!

  77. Help!!! … I have tried the cupcake balls and now the chicks, and they were a disaster lol (don’t get me wrong I still ate them), but how do you get them so smooth? Could you possibly take pictures of how you dip your cake balls to get them so smooth and perfect…maybe it’s the perfectionist in me-but it’s killing me lol Thanks, I LOVE your site!

  78. I am currently making this cake pops and struggling badly. They look nothing like any of the photographs. My cake balls turned out very gooey (tastes like I’m eating dough) and when I dip them into the yellow melted candy the cake ball falls apart in the dip. Does anyone have any hints on how to perfect these? This is my first time so it all may be trial and error, but I was really looking forward to having them made for Easter. :/

  79. What about putting a small egg shell hat on top of the “all body” chick… maybe have it leaning to one side? Too cute!!! I love the creativity!

  80. i was thinking maybe you could use orange and yellow tic tacs and cut them in half or maybee some nerds or cut starbursts into the shapes u want any other suggestions

  81. I’m planning on making these to take to Easter dinner at my inlaw’s house. I have almost everything I need–I just can’t find the rainbow chips locally (and it’s too late to order). I live about 15 min. away from Sugarcraft, but they don’t carry them. So I think I’m going to somehow use the diamond shape sprinkles to make beaks. Definitely not as easy as the rainbow chips, but doable, I think. I’ll probably see if I can make them separately and let them harden before I attach them to the chicks.

  82. does anyone know where i can get the candy coated chips i dont want to get them online shippings way too much and i dont have any kind of specialty cake stores by my house i need to know if theres like a grocery store that sells them or a craft store

  83. This was the first recipe I ever “lifted” from you. It was SUCH a hit and the beginning of quite the little obsession.

    In other words, thank you!

  84. wow!! you are totally amazing! It’s my daughter’s birthday on Easter this year and I can’t wait to make these….I just LOVE them:) thank you so much…xox

  85. You have totally inspired me. I made a Thomas the Train themed pops basket for my nephews 2nd birthday and wow’d everyone!! I plan on making these chicks for my daughter’s preschool class! Thank you so much for being so great and sharing your ideas!!

  86. I am running out to buy yellow melts now,!!!! I am so enthralled by your website ! You are amazing !!!!

  87. When I try to get to the basic cake balls recipe it just takes me back to your current page. I never get the actual recipe for the cake balls. I would like to make the chick cake balls with my grandchildren for Easter. Any idea why this happens?
    Thanks, Barb

  88. These are so cute! Thanks so much for the idea. I’m going to do them for my husband’s family for Easter!

  89. Oh wow!!! there so cute and i bet they taste as good as they look!!!

  90. You are so talented! And you really inspre the rest of us cute food makers. Thanks so much for posting your wonderful ideas!

  91. These baby chick pops are so cute. You inspired me to make Twitter Pops

    Thanks so much for sharing. My friends LOVED them.

  92. very lovely ^^

  93. how long can they store for adn where do you store them

  94. Wow! These make me so, so very happy. Am thinking about how to add wings for my son’s first birthday. It’s a duckie theme. I’ll let you know!

  95. I have been so stressed lately and today I had a meltdown! I decided to do the only thing that calms me down.. Go to! It’s my happy place. After re-reading every post, I decided that the one thing that will cheer me up and help me re-start my day would be to make these Chicks! They are adorable and oh so happy! Thanks for Saving the Day Bakerella!


  97. Thanks Bakerella! These are the sweetest treats I've ever made!!! Here's my version:

    Thanks again!

  98. cynthia – if you use reg chocolate, try adding some shortening to it to help thin it out and make it easier to work with.

  99. hi there, i just tried making cookie pop a few minutes ago. a total disaster :( my chocolate melt was really thick, my cake pops weren’t smooth. is it because i used chocolate instead of candy melts? we don’t have candy melts in sydney, or at least i thought we don’t or because it’s almost winter and the weather gets really cold thats why the chocolate hardened really quickly? please help.

  100. Sarah – omg that made me laugh. Sorry for the trauma. Def use chocolate or vanilla next time.

  101. those are so cute, you do alot better though, we made some but they fell apart, (exept a few) we tried them and they where delicious!!!!

  102. Ever since a friend introduced me to your site I have been going cake pop crazy. My friends are now totally addicted and I’m distracted by all sorts of decorating ideas to try out.

    When I saw these they were just so cute I had to try my hand at them. They turned out great as far as the decorating went, but I will have to say that I made a big mistake on the first batch and used the *wrong* kind of cake. I definitely recommend NOT using red velvet for these or any other animal pops for that matter, if you know what I mean… Maybe it’s because I live with a vegan, but I took one bite, looked down, and almost couldn’t finish the pop. After I got over my horror it was quite funny… (But I did switch to regular chocolate for covering the rest of the red velvet batch.)

  103. mrclbaby – try the americolor brand

    Richards Family – Thank you!

  104. What can I say to express my joy?! Your site fulfills so many needs within my soul.

  105. Thanks for this awesome recipe! I’ve just tried it, my chickens aren’t as cute as yours but I think I like them ^^ I love your blog!

  106. Check it out! I made my first cake pop chickies! Mine didn’t turn out anywhere as cute as yours, but they were fun to make and my family raved about them!

    THANK YOU BAKERELLA!!! You rock!

  107. My 11 yr. old daughter and I made the chicks for Easter and they were awesome! Everyone loved them. I was really disappointed in the edible writers. We had a hard time getting them to work and they were Wilton brand! Thanks!!

  108. Since someone else shared pictures, here is my cake pop adventure:

    No dogs were harmed in the creation of these cake pops. They were only mercilessly photographed.

  109. Okay, so I got a little better at them as the night progressed… but… only a little. Yours are too cute, dangit!!

  110. You are a pop star. They look fantastic!

  111. About half of them cracked, but they are still the cutest things ever!! I actually just got off the phone with my mom telling her how to make them too!

    I have posted them on my blog too! Feel free to check them out!

    Thanks again! This is by far my favorite blog for baking!

  112. CFilipiak – Did you freeze them, the temp change could be the cause of the cracking. Just keep inthe fridge for a few minutes. And the cake does try to escape if they’re is an opening.

    Farmhouse Kitchen – I don’t have a life.

    Stef – great

    Chelsi and Trevor Chipps – I’m working on that. It’s not always a problem, but I have had it happen.

    You can always re-dip.

  113. I absolutely love these!!

    I made some tonight, but how to keep them from cracking!?

    Still, the cutest thing that I have ever made!! Thanks for showing us how!

  114. Here are ours. So much fun! Thanks for sharing.

  115. I've made a version of the Easter Basket Cupcakes for my own kids for years, & am now making them for my grandchildren. I've always limited the "basket contents" to just a few miniature candy eggs, in the interest of economy, but yours are so cute, next Easter, I will definitely have to splurge! The cupcakes & the pops are definitely the most fabulous thing I've found for Easter – Martha Stewart, eat your heart out!

    One question – how in the heck do you & Pioneer Woman manage to get all of this done? A few time management, organizational tips would be cool!

    Farmhouse Kitchen

  116. Ok question, I tried to make these but they were either (sorry for the reference but it is what they looked like they were doing) pooping out the cake if I left even a tiny little hole. Why? If I covered up the hole to stop it they would crack. I don’t understand can you help?

  117. Kendra D. – thanks

    Leslie – All I can say is they were firn. I haven’t really comapered them to the taste of a fresh one side by side. I need to do that.

    If in doubt. just make them a few days in advance and they will still be fine good. You can leave them in an airtight container on the counter. Especially if you are using canned frosting.

    And if they are too moist, add less frosting.

    Anonymous – thanks

    Talia Davis – PR Director – I just wish I had more time.

    emmasmom – congrats!

    Blogger EventStyle 101 – thanks

  118. LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE…LOVE… so cute. I even posted it on my blog.

  119. We made the easter eggs for my daughters preschool class and sent them in an easter basket with coconut grass! We had a blast making them and her friends loved them. Thanks for sharing! This is my new favorite blog!

  120. Gosh, I wish I had the time to be that cute!!

  121. Leslie,
    You could also try jelly beans. Cut them in half or in quarters and attach the bill.

    Worth a try!

  122. The starburst is a fantastic idea – I’m pretty sure that they come in orange. Thanks for your help, bakerella!!!!

    I was going to try to do these in advance (so that I won’t be so stressed for the shower) and freeze them. I’ve been scouring through blog comments and I know that it’s been attempted, but I keep finding some conflicting information. I’ve already had some issues with them coming out too mushy, and I hear that the internal ‘sweating’ that happens during the thawing process can aggravate that.

    Do you have a bottom-line answer/procedure for freezing pops made ahead of time? You are the absolute best!! I wish they gave out Nobel prizes for this type of thing. :)

  123. I LOVE YOUR BLOG!! I made the cupcake pops for both of my daughters’ birthdays. I was going to make them again for my older daughter’s class party, but I think I’ll try these lil’ chicks. These are the cutest thing I have EVER seen!!

  124. Judy – I feel ya

    Leslie – maybe an orange starburst cut diagonally. Do starburst come in orange?

  125. I am so inspired by these cake pops! Does anyone have a suggestion for how I could make a duck instead of a chick?

    I’m doing these for a baby shower which has a rubber ducky theme. I’m thinking that I might need a “bill” instead of a beak. Please help if you see this comment soon! :) I only have a week!

    Thanks for all you do..

  126. These are just TOO CUTE! I immediately had to try them myself! Mine aren’t anywhere near as cute as yours but my coworkers really enjoyed the treat! I can’t wait to try your other ideas for cake pops!

  127. hahah these are so so adorable!

  128. Jelly Bean Pops displayed in a flower pot of jellybeans is what I am going to attempt tonight. That is the extent of my pop creations….nothing with eyes and noses. :)

  129. These are by far the cutest things I have EVER seen! I feel like I need to run right out and make some :)

  130. Twirly McSwirl – when you try again, use less frosting, don’t stick the sticks in but about half way and make sure the coating surrounds the sticks at the base.

    Vee – Whoops, you’re right. I need to change that. I’ve just been watching so long, that’s what I call it.

    BubblyGirl – ha!

    -Val- – styrofoam block or if they are wrapped in treat bags and tied with a ribbon, you can lay them in a dish carefully to transport them and then display them at the event when you get there.

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