
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. Oh wow. Star Wars is epic. I love the Eewoks.

  2. I love R2D2…he is the best. I agree…the need a 2nd edition!

  3. Great memory of college… Star Wars marathons!

  4. When my husband and I were dating (back in highschool…I feel old!) he found out I hadn’t watched the Star Wars trilogy and made me sit through all of them the next weekend. Well worth it!

  5. My favorite childhood memories involve watching Star Wars on VHS with my family.

  6. My brother’s kids have discovered Star Wars in the past year, which is awesome, but they’re into Clone Wars, so we never know what characters they’re talking about.

  7. Awesome. My son is obsessed with Star Wars. We have an insane amount of Lego Star Wars sets. These would be used often in our house!

  8. Boyfriend LOVES Star Wars. Has all of the figurines from the movies, and all of the ship models. I think he has the trading cards too.

    Happy 30th birthday to The Empire Strikes Back!

  9. I wish there was a Chewbacca… my dog is named Chewie after him:)

  10. oooh, Star Wars! How fun. I’m seeing a happy husband and kids making LOUD Star Wards sound effects and Yoda comments as these are being happily consumed!

  11. These are awsome!!!! I know sooo many people who would love to get some star wars cookies especially the kids at my school!!!!

  12. My nephew is only 5 and he is utterly obsessed with Star Wars. He only wants to wear Star Wars shirts. He had a Star Wars Lego overload at Christmas and a Star Wars themed birthday. The child is a loyal fan for certain.

  13. We used to watch one of the three original trilogy on Sunday nights with my family when I was growing up. It was awesome. :)

  14. My five year old daughter is in LOVE with anything Star Wars. Her obsession began when I found Lego Star Wars on sale and thought, “Huh. This is cheap. Could be fun.” Her favorite character is Han Solo, but she went as Luke Skywalker for Halloween since he has a lightsaber. We dressed my 7 month old son as Yoda to match. :)

  15. My niece has not yet seen Star Wars. I consider it my duty as an aunt to see to it that she does, particularly to see a princess who kicks butt and has her own weapon!

  16. My favorite thing in all the Star Wars movies is when Yoda rides on Luke’s back. For some reason it just cracks me up every time I see it.

  17. So…The Phantom Menace came out when I was in high school..and here’s where I admit my addiction.

    And tell you that we not only ditched school to watch the midnight showing…

    but we watched it…twice. (later the next day)


  18. O.M.G!

    I’m a HUGE Star Wars fan (and I love cooking too!!)…. I want these sooooo bad!

    I have a collection of the Lego minifigs, a Mace Windu lightsaber on the top of my computer desk (since I love purple too!)… I’ve got several Star Wars PC&Wii games …. a couple of the books….

    My daughter (6) is learning the ways of the SW fandom, and decided for my birthday to make me an R2D2 from a painted toiletroll (body), pegs(legs) and a polystryrene ball (dome head)… and a C3Po from an oval box(body) plastic spoon (head) and gold pipecleaners(limbs)


  19. I’ve actually never seen Star Wars! But would love to make some cookies and get the movies and have me and some friends a little Star Wars party! :)

  20. LOVE these! My husband, son, and I are going as a Star Wars trio for Halloween this year. Han Solo, an Ewok, and of course, Leia!

  21. My husband has turned our 5 year old son into a star wars nut. They talk about the movies 24/7. My son has lots of action figures, costumes, and legos.

    I would love to have these cookies cutters for my 2 guys.

  22. I love star wars because it takes me back to when we were kids. My brother and i would play together, he would bring his star wars toys and i would bring my barbie dolls and we would habe the movies playing… Good times!!!

  23. My boyfriend and I generally don’t discuss marriage or having children as we don’t feel we’re ready. So what is the only topic on which we discuss our hypothetical future children: Star Wars. You see, my boyfriend thinks that one should view the films chronologically while I feel that the only way is in order of release, the TRUE order. Whenever this topic arises, one of us literally shudders at the idea of our children learning to watch the movies in “the wrong way”. With these cookie cutters, I will persuade him to my cause.

  24. I am so in love with Luke Skywalker that as a teenager, I had a life-size cardboard cut out of him in my bedroom. Sigh. He was sooooooo cute.

  25. My first date with my husband was to see a Star Wars movie. I was so embarrassed , I fell asleep during the movie. He still gives me a hard time about it. LOL We will be celebrating our anniversary at the end of the summer. It would be fun to celebrate it with Star Wars cookies. Our boys would also love it!! Love your blog!! Your such a talented Lady!!

  26. I knew my boyfriend and I were perfect for one another when I found his R2D2 cardboard cutout, since I used to have a Han Solo cutout through high school and college.

  27. I remember watching Star Wars over and over as a kid with my dad. He is a fanatic and has a devoted an entire room to his Star Wars collectibles! He is such a nerd that he will go on walks after dark wielding a light saber…to light the way or embarrass me, I’m not sure. Once someone even ran out of their house with their own light saber to “attack” him!

    He’d love these cookies, so I’ll have to buy these cutters if I can’t win them =)

  28. Thank you so much for sharing! I had no idea Williams Sonoma came out with these! I grew up on Star Wars and always wanted to be Darth Vader! My brothers would die If i made them little Darth & Yoda cookies! Fingers crossed to win!

  29. I love star wars, but my dear loving husband is a number one fan! He loves them so much he named his rats Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin. Plus I bought him a Star wars pillow case for our anniversary!!!

  30. my husband LOVES any and everything star wars. we have two little boys who i know will soon be following in his footsteps. they would all LOVE the cookie cutters!

  31. My boyfriend is a huge nerd and has over 250 figures. His little heart would probably burst if I made him these cookies. :)

  32. This would make the perfect Father’s Day gift. My husband loves Darth Vader and cookies. I have our four year old son saying Dark Vader and it makes my husband so mad. We are expecting twins in the fall my husband probably wouldn’t mind if we need them after Darth Vader characters (Luck and Leia)

  33. My boyfriend and I have seen Star Wars maybe 10 times..I know he would love these!

  34. I really wish George Lucas would consent to put out the original trilogy on DVD. Last I looked, the only thing they sell is his “improved” version. I liked the original originals. :)

  35. I don’t watch Star Wars but my brother is a huge fan. He’s deployed overseas and these would really make his day!

  36. My favorite Star Wars thing is in the Lego SW video game, you can kill Jar Jar Binks over and over again (all he does is fall apart and then somehow pull himself together). It’s good therapy LOL

  37. My fav Star Wars memory is one when I was 6. That Christmas my brother and I got out of bed as excited as can be and ran to the living room. We stopped dead in our tracks because we saw a HUGE shadow looming by the door We turned and ran to my mom and dad’s room screaming INTRUDER INTRUDER. Dad whipped up and ran out the door He came back laughing so hard. He said go in the living room. standing there was a life size Vader cut out for our room!

  38. My husband still has his Darth costume from high school in our attic! And my 5 y/o DAUGHTER just picked out Star Wars band aids. I’d say they’d get some use around our house!

  39. My husband loves Star Wars (I like it too). I’ve been trying to come up with something cute for his birthday next month and these would be awesome. If I don’t win I think I might have to make a trip and get some myself.

  40. Our 4 year old would love this. I’m not sure where the obsession with Star Wars came from but it’s definitely there. He loves Yoda because green is his favorite color.

  41. Luke is definitely my favorite character from the series….I mean…even Darth Vadar loved him!!

  42. I used to play with my brothers Star Wars figures!!! I loved the space ships!! I HAVE TO BUY THESE!!

  43. I really would LOVE to win these for my husband for father’s day! Even if I don’t win them, I will have to go out and buy some.

  44. I loved the original Star Wars when I was 7 or 8 and now my 8 year-old loves the movies too. I would LOVE to make some cookies with him!!!

  45. My son (6) has seen all 6 star wars episodes. HE LOVES The 1st (I mean the 4th–the original–you guys know what I mean…) one! He loves Luke Skywalker. His 6yo b’day party was Star Wars–they made light sabers, I made them all Jedi capes, and Darth Vader even came to his party!

    His first day of kindergarten a teacher asked him his name and he proudly announced “My name is Luke Sky Walker”

    I agree they need a second release with other characters.

  46. my husband loves darth vader – what a great father’s day idea!

  47. My oh my. These are AMAZING. MY son is going to flip a lid when I show him these. He is a star wars FANATIC. Last year we went to Disneyland, and he wanted to fight Darth Vader. So he, all by himself, ( he is 6) made a sign that said ” THE FORCE IS WITH THIS ONE!” and he got to fight Darth Vader. I could go on and on and on, but I would love the chance to make these for him with the cookie cutters if we win!!

  48. I wish they had r2d2 and c3po cookie cutters too!

  49. These are adorable. My boys are CRAZY for anything Star Wars. Can already see all the endless possibilities for these cookie cutters!!!!

  50. Little known Star Wars fact: Jabba mean frog in Russian.

  51. Oooo, I thought about ordering these, pondered the thought of using them often enough to make 20$ worth it, and then saw you were giving them away… pick me please! Love Star Wars… but only the original 3.

  52. My little brother and I used to love the part where they’re stuck in the garbage compacter and Luke is trying to get C3PO on the radio. He says, “where could he beeeeeee?” For some reason, that scene used to crack us up.

  53. My geeky boyfriend’s birthday is coming up, and these would be perfect! I don’t suppose they sell these things in Australia do they?

  54. When my sister and I were little we would have an evening once a month of just the 2 of us with our dad. We would always watch star wars. Our fav character which would make us laugh everytime we saw him is the big slug looking creature..really what is that lol

  55. I love that you can find so many things for Star Wars now. My son has loved Star Wars for years, and it was so hard to find toys nevermind supercute things like these cutters when he was little. We found some super cute space worm oven mitts on the internet the other day!

  56. My son is so in love with the Wii Lego Star Wars game. This would just be the most fun thing to have to go along with playing the game.

  57. My husband doesn’t have any Star Wars figurines, but he does make the spaceships and starfighters out of his amazingly large Lego collection.

  58. When episode one came out in theaters, I was in high school and, being the nerd I was (errrr.. am), dressed up as Princess Leia for the midnight showing. And loved every minute of it!

  59. I’m the one that posted #3736 and forgot to add my name. I’m a dork, sorry!

  60. Those are so cute! My husband and my 6 year old son are both nutty about Star Wars. They like to ‘fight’ like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader with their light sabors.

  61. The hubbs would just die if I brought some of these home. And then probably talk in a yoda voice for an extended period of time….gotta get me some of these, his yoda voice makes me laugh all day!

  62. My husband has tiny Yoda figurine that he keep at his desk at work- to remind him to USE THE FORCE on those difficult days…. and my daughter has a little princess Leah figurine. She doesn’t understand the weird hair :)

  63. These are awesome. They make me want to whip up a batch of cookies right now. I love all that has to do with Star Wars.

  64. What about daughters? My 8 year old daughter LOVES Star Wars and loves to cook with me. These would be heaven for her. I’m with you…..a wookie cookie would be so fun!

  65. i guess i’ll have to go with princess leia… i’ve suffered that because of my name my whole life!

  66. These are the cutest darn cookies cutters!! I made my son Tie-Fighter cakes for his 7th Birthday!! They were a huge success! If only I had these to compliment the cakes… Although they would make quite the impression just as well for Father’s Day too!! Thanks for sharing your inspirations!

  67. Believe it or not… I’ve never seen Star Wars. I know all the characters because my nephew was crazy about the movie. And friends are always impersonating them, but I’ve never seen the movies – not one.

    It’d be fun to have a Star Wars initiation party here with character cookies if I win.

  68. My two boys have been obsessed with star wars for 2 yrs or more. And boy do they love cookies!

  69. In the early eighties, my husband and I had a catering business. Of course, custom cakes went along with that, and we have Darth Vader and R2D2 Wilton cake pans still. Decorating was not especially my “strong suit,” but simply piping out those stars in the correct color and pattern worked very well. My grandchildren would LOVE those cookie cutters!

  70. Definitely a fan of Princess Leia – my mom used to do my hair in those buns just like her. And I always liked the bots because they’re funny. Oh, and I have a Darth Vader cupcake topper on my desk at work from a co-worker’s birthday. Yay Star Wars!

  71. I was always in love with Luke growing up and thought Princess Leia was beautiful. Especially with her hair up in the cinnamon buns and flowing white dress! A little girls dream!

  72. No figurines for me, but I loved the first movie…it came out the year I was born.

  73. one of my first movie experience was empire strikes back and i totally freaked as soon as darth vader came on the screen and started his signature breathing. i scream and started saying over and over, “i wanna go home, i wanna go home”
    but my favorite thing as a kid was dancing around to the star wars soundtrack on my record player. i would gallop around the room… but who doesn’t do that?!?

  74. I just made a Darth Vader build a bear for my best friend’s baby who is due in a month! These would be the BEST addition to her gift!

  75. Oh wow! My son would love these. His whole life is Star Wars – his bedding, posters on his wall, toys, books, everything!

  76. This are awesome! We are a Star Wars family, and even my boys, who are 4 and 5 years old, know the name of every character in every Star Wars movie. We have costumes, light sabers, everything but these cookie cutters!

  77. I will never forget my brothers Star Wars pajamas, from when we were kids. I remember him wearing them on a christmas morning, while we tore through our christmas gifts…. I would totally make my husband and my brother some kick ass cookies with those cutters! So, random calculator, pick me!!!!

  78. I’m a second generation sci-fi geek. I grew up with Star Trek and Star Wars all over the house and my brother and I continue to add to the collection with legos, action figures from the new movies, and more than a few Star Wars birthday parties (complete with themed cakes) and Halloweens.

  79. I loooovvve Star Wars. I have also made my daughter sit through all the movies. A few times :) We also have some friends who llllooooovvvee Star Wars. I would love to make some of these cookies to surprise them :)

  80. What adorable cookie cutters. Star Wars is such a great movie. These cookies would be fun to make. Thanks for the giveaway!

  81. My girlfriend’s son who is 10 is obsessed with Star Wars. Everything he loves is Star Wars, everything he draws is Star Wars, and if I got randomly picked as the winner of these too cute cookie cutters, I will happily run them over to their house and help him make cookies. He is a very artistic boy and his cookies would be an interesting sight. I can see how you HAD to get them…very generous of you to have a giveaway.

  82. The original star wars movies are SOOOOOO much better.

  83. Star Wars is big at our house… my favorite character is Obi Wan Kenobi. We have all the movies, play all the board games and trading card games… these would be an EXCELLENT addition to our collection! :)

  84. I’m a self proclaimed nerd about all things fantastical (or sci-fi-ical, if you will), and hence have an abstract favorite Jedi- Shaak-ti.

    But truly, when it comes down to it, its all about Han Solo. Because I happen to like nice men.

  85. Ewoks are hilarious!

  86. I’m just as big of a Star Wars fan as my husband. All my kids love the movies too. My oldest son used to fast forward to all the light saber scenes then follow along with the choreography, swinging his light saber and doing all the same moves as the Jedi.

    I saw these in the WS catalog recently and have been debating whether or not to buy them.

  87. I might have been totally in love with Han Solo. I tried to steal my brother’s figurine, but Han was way to short for Barbie.

  88. My boyfriend and I recently found ourselves quoting star wars simultaneously. Also I really want to nibble Yoda’s ears off. Nom.

  89. Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

  90. My secret? Even though I constantly refer to Yoda: “You will learn, young Jedi.”…I haven’t watched a single movie. Or anything. At all. D:

    But goshdang those are so cute!

  91. my husband would love me forever if I made him Star Wars cookies.

  92. I need the wise one for my kitchen. Yoda is my man.
    thanks for a chance to win,

  93. My favorite Star Wars memory is the Ewoks. I thought they were so cute! (I was also just a kid)

  94. My husband is a HUGE Star Wars fan and always has been. =O We have the DVD set and I can’t tell you how many times he has watched them through the years. I am sure he had them on VHS too. Anyway, so if I don’t win these cookie cutters, I am going to have to go and buy them! He would love to wake up to some cookies I would make with these for Father’s Day…or our anniversary…or his birthday…ALL which are within 10 days of one another coming up in June!!! =O Yikes! I SOOO hope I win!!! =)

  95. My parents loved Star Wars. I was born the year that Epsiode 4 was released, so of course I love the movies and books etc too. My husband loves Star Wars and has introduced our daughtersages 9 1/2 and 7 to Star Wars and they love to watch all 6 movies. I’m sure our almost 3 year old daughter will love them too. We would love to make cookies!

  96. These cookie cutters are made of AWESOME.

    Yoda is hands-down my favorite Star Wars character, although I freely admit that when I was little I loved the Ewoks.

  97. I’ve seen all the movies, more than twice…ifyou know what I mean. I must say the cookie cutters are great, and I wish I could have them.
    “May the force be with you” or like what we say in spanish “Que la fuerza este contigo”

  98. I would be my 7-year-old son’s hero if I made these!

  99. My hubby introduced our 4 year old to Star Wars recently and he’s obsessed! He would love these cookie cutters!

  100. Obi-Wan-Ka-rella, you’re my only hope.

  101. Oh my, they’re amazing! I hope they make it to Australia!

    I just re-watched the original theatrical releases of the first three star wars movies the other week. I wish I’d had these and I could have wowed everyone with star wars cookies!

  102. I did not see the Star Wars movies until I was 23, when they were re-released in 1997. My boyfriend at the time marvelled that I had never “experienced” it before.

  103. A couple of halloween’s ago my son dressed up as yoda, and I pulled together a quasi Princess Leia costume. We had the best time EVER! The weather was just gorgeous. A Halloween I’ll never, ever forget.

  104. Stars Wars bridges the generation gap! It’s the first movie I remember seeing in a theatre. My Mom, brother and I went on a Saturday afternoon in May. We each got our own popcorn! The lights went down and the words rolled across the screen…I couldn’t read that fast yet so my brother leaned over .. In a galaxy far, far away … munch, munch on the popcorn.. The thrill! My older brother and I had laser sword fights from that moment on. 22 years later on a Saturday in May my nephews and I went to the theatre and saw The Phantom Menace … now I can laser light sword fight with them. We’ve all been Star Wars Characters for halloween and we all quote the movie. It’s not just a movie, it’s a generation bridge … May the Force be With You!

  105. Not entering to win since I already have these :D Just wanted to say that these make perfect sandwiches for kiddos too! I made some for my son twice in the last two weeks and he is head over heels for these!

  106. My brother world LOVE those!

  107. oh these would be perfect for our star wars party we are holding to make some weird friends of ours watch star wars for the first time!

  108. Han Solo is the man!

  109. Husband. Would. Die. of happiness, of course.

  110. I’ve never seen any of the star wars movies!!! The green little guys are cute!!

  111. My husband is a big Star Wars fan! For his birthday a couple of years ago I got him a “real” light saber. It lights up and makes the noises and everything. It was the very first time I was able to surprise him with a good present on his birthday. He’s very hard to shop for!

  112. I JUST bought my brother-in-law a shirt today related to Star Wars… the design is literally two stars, that look a bit like starfish, dressed up as Luke and Darth Vader.

    And then these cute cookie cutters! If I’m not the lucky one, my husband will make me buy them so he can make sugar cookies :)

  113. suddenly i have the need of some Storm Troopers cookies…

  114. Love these. Yoda is undoubtedly my favorite. :)

  115. Crack me up! I too was shopping one day, had spent my fair share when… KA BLAM! The STAR WARS cookbook: Wookie Cookies and other galactic recipes. Did I need this cookbook? Nope. Did it crack me up? Yep. Did I talk myself into buying it for my husband, uhm, me, because he loves the wookie? Yep. Cracks me up each time I stumble over it! It’s by Robin Davis if you have any desire to check it out!

  116. Star Wars is my husband’s favorite movie and to tell you the truth, I had never seen it until I married him. Now, thanks to the indoctrination of our 3 children into Star Wars I know every word to every movie.

  117. I love Yoda ..he’s so cute :)

  118. Yoda! Yoda rules! Also, everyone in my house (husband and 3 sons) is OBSESSED with Star Wars!

  119. I am a self proclaimed nerd. At my wedding in 2002 my husband and I were introduced to the reception to the Imperial Death March. I thought it was AWESOME. The DJ thought it was a little odd. Almost everything else about the wedding was very traditional so that part really stood out. =)

  120. Empire Strikes Back and fave character is… Luke

  121. My husband is the biggest Star Wars fan. My 5 year old nephew (who adores my husband) is following in his footsteps and loves everything Star Wars. His request for a birthday cake this year—Darth Vadar with black icing. Cookies to match would be awesome!

  122. I have always loved the orgininal Star Wars movie! I know it’s corny, but I love the part where pricess leia gives them their medals of honor – I still get shills at the music. I was raised as a Star Wars/sci-fi/action movie kid – since my dad didn’t really have the patience for girl/kid films, other than the muppets. My kids have already watched the original, and are excited for when they can graduate to the others – so I would love to have Star Wars themed movie nights with those cookie cutters in hand! They should have a Princess Leia one though, I mean c’mon – her hair already looks pastry-like! Hope I win! Thanks!

  123. My fav movie is the first one. Saw it over and over again back when it first came out. My brothers & I have been playing Star Wars ever since. Well, we used to play. Deep down inside I haven’t really grown up & would love to have a light saber of my own!!!!!!

  124. I think Jar Jar Binks is one of the cutest things I’ve ever come across, haha. I want one, that is all.

    Bakerella, you’re awesome. I’ve been on a macaron rampage for weeks now.

  125. How’s this for Star Wars geekery: My middle name (I can prove it) is Leia, as in Princes. And, my dad’s nickname, by which he introduces himself regularly, is Darth. No joke. One big Star Wars loving family.

    Please please pick me! I would love to make those cookies for my dad for Father’s Day!

  126. Those are sure some cute cookie cutters! At my job, there is a 5 year old son of a worker who absolutely loves Star Wars. He is addicted to everything Star Wars. :)

  127. My friend won’t stop making fun of me because I’m not enough of a Star Wars geek for him….

  128. My favorite Star Wars quote:
    “I suggest a new strategy, R2. Let the wookiee win.”

  129. Please pick me! I can’t wait to make these for my nephew!

  130. I did resist the temptation when I was in the WS store only to be haunted by the images of these cookie cutters again on my computer screen!!

  131. too bad you didn’t find these on may the fourth.
    may the fourth be with you.


  132. My boyfriend’s brother is the biggest star wars fan ever! He’s moving in a couple months and I would love to be able to make these for him before he goes!

  133. I think we have 2 of every Star Wars collectibles — one for each son – amazingly enough they know which one is theirs, even though they look exactly the same to me !!

  134. This would be perfect for my man! He loves Star Wars – and he is desperately trying to get our daughter to enjoy it with him. This might be a good way to try.

  135. My favorite Star Wars memory is my 7 year old son reading his first adult book: Revenge of the SIth, so he could watch the movie!

  136. OMG they are adorable! and apparently WS has Star Wars pancake molds too! Both hubby and I are huge Star Wars fans – both love the movies (and the tv series is fun) and he plays all the video games while I read all the books.

  137. Oh my goodness!!! My son would be so excited to see these cookie cutters. I hope I win otherwise I will have to go and get some.

  138. May the force be with me so I can win the cool cookie cutters!

  139. My son has a poster of the characters in his room…Yoda has to be my favorite!

  140. You’d think with three daughters that Star Wars wouldn’t even be on my radar. NOT SO! My 6 and 12 year olds are in LOVE with everything Star Wars! They have plastic light sabers and watch the Clone Wars cartoons every. single. week. Needless to say, if I win these cutters the girls and I will be having a Star Wars baking day very soon!

  141. I grew up with my brother collecting all of the original Star Wars figures…which he still has! Now my youngest son, who is 5 has discovered Star Wars and is completely obsessed…he would be thrilled to have these in our home!

  142. My favourite character has got to be R2D2, they have to make more cutters! My husband would LOVE some Star Wars cookies :)

  143. My husband has, no joke, downloaded a widget for his computer that will read everything you type in it in a Yoda voice. And he has been typing all of his conversations with me into Yoda. For daaaaaaays. It’s rapidly making me completely insane. He would go nuts for these cookie cutters. Except he’d probably just use a Yoda one as a figurine while making the computer yoda-speak to me.

    Win these, I hope I can.

  144. I grew up with Star Wars and now my sons are, too! would love to make these cookies for them.

    thanks for the great idea,

  145. My four year old daughter is completely obsessed with Star Wars right now. And baking. It’s like it was meant to be. :)

  146. My brother, sister and I grew up loving Star Wars! One year I painted a round-top trash can to look like R2D2 for his birthday. This year, for his 30th, I’m making a 3-D R2D2 cake. The cookies would make adorable favors for the party !

  147. My husband had more than I care to mention of the collection. I just recently learned to love Star Wars. Yes, I was a Trekkie until he showed me the movies ALL DAY long.

  148. Original Star Wars is the best. For my brother’s graduation, last year, I made him graduation hat cookies. These would be good send-off to make as he is leaving this year for school!

  149. My Hubby is a huge fan – though all we really have are some Star Wars Christmas tree ornaments. He’d be thrilled if we won these!

  150. I almost bought these but I resisted. My two year old knows more about Star Wars than most people I know. It’s adorable. I hope I win!!!

  151. We are getting ready to go to our first Star Wars Weekend at Walt Disney World – Hollywood Studios in a couple of weeks. I am so excited! DH would love a Boba Fett cookie!

  152. I think that Ewoks are incredibly cute. I don’t know why, but I do…

  153. My hubby loves Star Wars and still shops for SW figurines in the toy aisle. He also loves cookies, so these cutters would be great for me to make treats for him (if I can get my piping skills up to snuff). Thanks for the chance to win!

  154. I took my now 23-year-old son to see Star Wars on his 7th birthday, and he didn’t like the movie! Only since Robot Chicken and Family Guy made cartoon versions has he decided it’s cool…maybe a set of cookies would make him re-think the original?

  155. I love Star Wars. My Princess Leia doll was my favorite but I could never get her hair back into the circle buns. I would love these to make cookies for all the Star Wars fanatics around me.

  156. The Star Wars Cookbook has a recipe for (chocolate chip) Wookiee cookies–and stickers that say things like “May the fork be with you”–but these are MUCH better.

  157. i might be kicked off this website for saying this but…my star wars story is that i’ve never watched a full one because i find them incredibly BORING.

    that said, i’d love to have the cookie cutters!! :-)

  158. OH my GOODNESS!

    My favorite Star Wars memory was when they re-released them to the large theatres… my mom took us to see them! That was the best summer.

  159. I saw the original star wars in the theater at age 2. Can’t imagine what my parents were thinking – I’ve vividly remembered the trash compactor scene my whole life! But I’d still love these cutters!

  160. We have an entire room in our house dedicated to Star Wars legos… it is also called my husband’s office… plus we need to keep all the boxes for said legos intact… in case we ever take them down… I totally knew what i was getting into :)

  161. I still have all my original action figures from the first 3 movies. I was the only girl I knew who collected them!

  162. my little piece of Star Wars trivia–I dated the pyrotechnics guy who blew up the Death Star!!! The relationship only lasted a year–we were very young–but Star Wars will live forever.

  163. I love Yoda and Williams Sonoma! And you!

  164. Love Yoda! Reminds me of a little Buddha :)

  165. How cool are these?!!! I have a 10 year old Star Wars nut who would love some cookies made to look like his favorite characters.

  166. Haha, they’re so cute! I love them

  167. My husband had a Millenium Falcon (not sure if it was a toy or model) that he loved. His mother sold it in a yard sale for under $1. He’s still peeved about it (@ least 15 years later…@ least!).

  168. The first still seems the best to me. I’ve enjoyed sharing these with our children (although we’ve yet to see the last due to its rating). Star Wars in our house really translates to legos. How many Star Wars-based sets have been released? Subtract nine and that’s how many we have….all labeled and in their rubbermaid boxes. I think I’ve constructed the Millenium Falcom at least 5 times already…..

  169. My boyfriend loves star wars so much. He makes me watch the movies over and over would be neat to make these for him and see what he says!

  170. Favorite my character, was Yoda!

  171. When I was a kid, I tried to build my own light saber. I got burned in the process, but it was fun.

    My mom sewed me a cape instead.

  172. Those are the most amazing things! I have to tell you that for halloween and nerd day during spirit week at my school I dresses as a pretty legit jedi. :p

  173. Ok, I have to get these! I own over 300 cookie cutters, and my husband is the biggest Star Wars fan…he actually has a tattoo of the death star!

  174. Growing up we had a dog that looked just like wookie (the Shitzu/Maltese mix). We named him Corky, but as we kids got older – and he got hairier – we wish we named him Chewbacca!

  175. Star Wars has been a staple in my life for as long as I remember. From watching the movies as a kid with my dad, to constantly quoting the movies at work, I live in a Star Wars world. These cookie cutters would make my work mates very very happy :)

  176. These would be so fun to try out!!!

  177. I’m not a big Star Wars fan. In fact, the only reason I’ve ever seen any of them is because my husband is a HUGE fan. I’ve only watched the ones with Natalie Portman because it’s the love story. I’ve never seen the three originals. Those cookie cutters would make my husband so happy. He may actually request a batch of cookies and eat more than one!

  178. My husband is such a huge fan that I actually planned a Valentine’s Day where we had a picnic on the living room floor and watched the original trilogy. He loved it!! Me, not so much. Oh, the things we do for love!

  179. Very cool! They’d be awesome fondant cutouts too!

  180. These are awesome!! Growing up in a family with all girls, believe it or not we love Star Wars. We would watch Return of the Jedi all the time!!!!! Then I married a man who loved them as much as I did! My husband I are hoping to pass the love of Star Wars to our children.

  181. Because I’ve never actually seen any of the movies from start to finish, my husband keeps threatening to sit me down and make me watch all three at once!

  182. Cute, cute, cute! My husband has old toys from when he was a little kids that our nephew always wants to play with. We put them away so they wouldn’t get broken but he always asks for those first when he come over. I just can’t let the three year old break the awesome toys from the 70’s though.

  183. Love, love it! These are a must to complete my collection!

  184. I just had to buy my son the Darth Tater Mr. Potatohead! If I win these, I can make him cookies too!

  185. These cookie cutters are amazing. I want a set so I could make Yoda, my favorite character, all the time. I also love the Star Wars parady – Space Balls!

  186. I still remember when one of my sons was watching Return of the Jedi for the first time. When Darth Vader confesses he’s Luke’s father, then dies my son was crying his eyes out! It was so precious – now he’s a teenager. Good memories.

  187. Our family are Star Wars nuts! My brothers and I were huge fans growing up and my earliest memory of going to the movies is of seeing The Empire Strikes Back opening weekend. Now, my kids are huge fans and we had a Star Wars themed bday celebration for our son, complete with a visit from Darth Vader and Jedi Training by a Jedi Master (aka a neighbor and uncle)! These cookie cutters would have been the icing on the cake!!! They will go great with a marathon of the movies, too. Thanks for the contest!

  188. I was crazy over star wars ever since i was punished to watch it with my dad for some matters which i have forgotten hahaha!!!!

  189. Yoda rocks!!!! I’d love to bake a dozen of his little heads!!

  190. OMG!!!! As I am reading this my son and husband are watching Star Wars the Clone wars!!!! That is too funny. I personally love all the movies!!! But when Obi Wan and Quigon Jin put their light sabers through the blast doors and battled the droids and Darth Maul!!! I got goose bumps!!!

  191. I ? Han!

  192. My six year old just went crazy when I showed him these cookie cutters!! He is a huge fan of Star Wars and immediatley wanted the Boba Fet cookie. I would love to make some for him, he loves to help me bake! Love your website it gives me much inspiration, keep up the GREAT WORK!! And………..May the Force be with you!!

  193. since my family and I are total star wars fanatics i have to get these cookie cutters!

  194. if I win these I would make my hubby very happy. please pick me

  195. ZOMG. Bakerella, you’ve made my day. These are the most amazing cookie cutters I have ever seen. I’m so conflicted as to what my favorite movie or character is. A New Hope? Empire? Maybe Chewy? R2-D2? How does anyone decide?!
    But I need these cookie cutters…so wonderful in every way.

  196. My husband is the big Star Wars fan in our house. I’m guessing this will rub off on our three boys sooner rather than later. I know he would appreciate how cute these cutters are! As long as I don’t say that they’re “cute” again. ;)

  197. I’m speechless at their awesomness.Hard to say what my favorite character would be, but I must say, Darth Vader is the best ever.

  198. My son was looking over my shoulder when I pulled up your site and got way excited! I would love to make these for his birthday next month, maybe make cookie-pops out of them? Thanks for a great contest!

  199. I love the Lego Star Wars games! And I love your cookie cutters too! Might need to host a Star Wars party soon and have all our geeky friends over. They’d go nuts over those cookies!

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