
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. I was a “Star Wars” freak as a kid and I wanted to marry Luke Skywalker. I have an autographed picture of Mark Hamill that’s a still from “Empire.” I want these cookie cutters!

  2. My (then) 3-year-old son (who was Yoda for Halloween 2 years in a row) would always quote his fave character: “Use the Force! You’ve got to….feeeeel the Force BEROUND you!” …okay, so maybe not exactly Yoda verbatim…

  3. Those are so cute! I enjoy a little bit of Star Wars now and then, but my husband is crazy about it. He’s even got most of the books – yeah, *books*.

    I didn’t even know there were Star Wars books until I met him…and there are hundreds of them (at least it *seems* like hundreds)…nearly four shelves worth in our large bookcase.

  4. I regularly shock my husband with my intense lack of Star Wars knowledge. But apparently I talk like Yoda a lot, and yet I can think of nothing ‘yoda-esque” to say now….

  5. My mum has never sat through a whole Star Wars movie. but my little brothers can’t watch them enough times! We have so many light sabers around the house…
    I also had high school friends called Luke and Leah Walker!

  6. I am 22 and about 2 year ago I watched all the Star Wars movie for the first time in my life! I know, delayed much? Well my bf is a super duper massive fan; he’s watched it countless times when he was a child and knows the script pretty much off by heart.

    Whenever I bake things for him he complains that I’m making him fat. I beat if I won these then he won’t complain no more if I made them :) One way to shut them up :P

  7. Okay, this would be the PERFECT gift for my dad. Well, he doesn’t bake, so if I won, I’d make him some cookies. My dad LOVES Star Wars and I use to stay up all night and watch the marathons with him. He did the best Ewok impressions!

  8. oh my. i would have a blast making those cookies!
    i do have to say i enjoy the classic 4, 5, and 6 much more than the newer 1-3

  9. Thank you, Thank you for sharing! I NEED to get a set! too bad it’s midnight right now or I’d rush over to WS and get me a set… my brother LOVES Star Wars, definitely going to learn to pipe these babies for his birthday!

  10. Oh.My.Goodness.
    I am in love with these adorable cookie cutters.
    My brother and I are huge Star Wars fans and have been since we were kids.
    Even though we are both adults, we still get Star Wars legos every Christmas ^_^
    I think my favorite character changes monthly from Leah to Han to the adorable Ewoks to Boba Fett to Chewy…yeah, I am indecisive. Ha


  11. The cutters are beautiful! I would use them for my brother in law’s birthday on the 27th – he has seen Star Wars so many times, it is now impossible to watch the films with him in the room because he says all the lines before the actors do! Grr!

  12. Like a lot other films I like part I best, that means episode IV, the first film shown in cinema. And to go on, my favourite character is Han Solo – Harrison Ford. Well, there are not really Star Wars figures at my home, but I once made an Origami Yoda for a friend ( )

    bye, Tine

  13. my older brother is soo in love with star wars! he got a big star wars tatoo on his arm and my mom will always give him a hard time about it!!

  14. *I just hope they don’t waste time or effort in making a Jarjar Binks cookie cutter. That would be a shame lol.

    Momentary dyslexia with my name lol. Sorry!

  15. I just hope they don’t waste time or effort in making a Jarjar Binks cookie cutter. That would be a shame lol.

  16. I remember seeing Return of the Jedi with my dad when I was a kid and then in high school with my friends when they re-released the movies. And lots of memories of Star Tours in Disneyland with my mom and grandmother.

  17. R2D2!! … must have these cookies, waaay too cool to pass up!!

  18. I’ve never actually seen a Star Wars movie *gasp*. But I know lots of Star Wars lovers and I love to bake! Does that count?

  19. My son would go nuts for some Star Wars cookies in his lunch box. He has Star Wars Lego and Star Wars figures and talks about it non-stop (as well as Indiana Jones!).

  20. I love those cookies cutters!!!!!!

  21. love love love anakin skywalker :)

  22. OMG!!!!!! They are sooo cool. My son is going to die when I show these to him. He is growing up to be a Star Wars fan like his Dad. We have all the movies and watch the cartoon all the time.

  23. I grew up watching Star Wars with all my boy cousins and brothers…. There may or may not have been an epic lightstaber duel across a busy intersection on a red light.

    At one point, I may have named a mean, pregnant former manager “The Death Star”. It caught on.

    Also, our little wiener dog has oversized ears that fold in on themselves, which means she resembles that weird laughing creature at Jabba the Hut’s. :) See?

  24. My husband is a huge Star Wars fan and I basically go against the grain by loving the Ewoks. I’m a sucker for cute, fuzzy and squeaky “stuffed animal” type characters…I find them irresistible.

  25. I LOVE Yoda<33

  26. OMG these are way too cute! Yoda my favorite is. I got my cousin a Yoda backpack from Disneyland, it was so adorable. OH the ewoks are also very cute. I need to have a movie marathon! These cookies would make the perfect snacks!

  27. My husband loves loves loves Star Wars and he loves cookies even more. What would be better than to combine them both. Please pick me!

  28. I want to make these cookies for “LIFE DAY!” (Wait… no Wookie cookies?)

  29. Oh how fun these would be. Sugar cookies are our favorite, and my kids can’t get enough of star wars.

  30. I watched Star Wars when I was a little girl and had the biggest crush on Luke Skywalker…I wanted to marry him someday :-)

  31. These are awesome! I want to make Darth Vader cookies! I don’t see Han Solo though, he’s my favorite character. Young Harrison Ford would look good on a cookie. ;-)

  32. As gross as it is I would have to say Jabba the Hut. I can’t take my eyes off his grotesque body and his slobbery goo that reminds me of a giant slug. Maybe it’s because I live in Washington state and we have an abundance of slugs, who knows.

  33. I wanted to be princess Leah when I grew up.

  34. When I was a little girl, my sister and i would play Star Wars with our 2 little neighbor boys. Our neighbor boys were ALWAYS Hans Solo and Luke of course. Well…for some reason my sister ALWAYS got to be Princess Leah. I begged and pleaded for her to let me be Princess Leah every once in a while…but they always made me be…wait for it….Chewy!! To this day, they still send me Christmas cards addressed to “Chewy and Family.” Gotta love it.

  35. My husband would love these!

  36. My son’s name is Luke. My husband is a star wars geek. Yes, he likes to tell my son in a whispering, breathy voice, “I am your father!” We would get a lot of use out of those cookie cutters.

  37. We live in Turkey and cant find too many starwars things. my kids are obsessed with starwars and last year for their bday I cut with a knife darth vader cookies!!!
    I would love to have these!!!
    too cute

  38. When I was a little girl, my mom used to braid my hair like princess Leah. I would beg her to please braid them, they were tiny on the sides of my head but it always made me so happy! :) Love that movie. R2D2 was my other favorite character.

  39. may the force be with me so i can win!!!!!
    i have four boys in my crazy house that would totally LOVE these!!!!!
    mom of 4 star wars addicts

  40. i have never seen an entire star wars movie, but these are too cute!

  41. my husbands family is all about the star wars!!! my in-laws even have one of their spare bedrooms decorated in all things star wars!!! my mother-in-law was so excited a few christmas’s ago when my husband bought the original stars wars wall paper boarder for her on ebay…you would have thought that she got diamonds (or in my case baking supplies) i have many a friend who would enjoy these star wars cookies!!!

  42. Those are awesome! I have come to accept the fact that my grown husdband loves Saturdays because of the Clone Wars cartoon. I am also coming to terms with the fact that Princess Leia was the inspiration for my name (Leah).
    I could eat my Star Wars woes away with Star Wars cookies!

  43. I have a set of friends that can recite the serial number of the garbage disposal that almost crushed Han and Leia–they absolutely /need/ these.

  44. My husband and oldest daughter would love those. They’re both huge Star Wars fans and my youngest daughter is even named Leia!

  45. Star Wars. I am 14, and I love all the movies, but especially the newer three. Luke annoys me.

    I love the Yoda cookie cutter!

  46. I wanted to be Princess Leia when I grew up. I felt I excelled at all the job requirements. Brown hair? Check. Ability to boss boys around? CHECK! :)

    These are awesome, and I’m dying to share them with my daughter. May the Force be with you, indeed!

  47. I remember when my uncle bought the set in the early 80’s on VHS, for over $100 smackaroons! I hope I can find these, my older brother was very much “into” anything Starwars when we were younger, he is now in the Navy and stationed overseas. He would love a gift box with some of these cookies, it would be an unexpected super tubular suprize!

  48. I remember being really young when star wars was being advertised all over pepsi stuff and KFC. They gave out little figurines or something, I loved those to death.

    When I finally watched the movies and could understand them years later, I was blown away. Such a good series, no wonder it has such a huge fanbase.

  49. My husband is a Star Wars nut, so it’s no surprise that my kids are too. They would FLIP for star wars shaped cookies! Thanks so much for the chance! I might have to make it to Williams-Sonoma myself!

  50. Even though my brother watched all the movies a million times during my childhood, I never watched a single full star wars movie until my senior year of college. Such a shame. So good

  51. My favorite is Luke Skywalker!

  52. I remember watching SW as a kid and liking it then.

    We’d love to make these cookies for our nephew’s upcoming b-day party.

    Thanks Bakerella!

  53. They need a Chewbacca one! I know a few Star Wars fans, and these would be great to have for them!

  54. I love Star Wars and so does my mom. We would definitely love some Star Wars cookies in our lives. ;)

  55. Wow, we just happened to watch Empire Strikes Back tonight! I was 15 when the original Star Wars came out and I must have gone to see it 7 times in the theater (this was back before the days of video – or Betamax – rentals)! My favorite character? Han Solo… “Han’s down!”

  56. I remember going to see Star Wars (original) as a family!! LOVED it!! My son is now a huge fan! He would love these!

  57. Look like MonMontha I do, and favorite character of movies is Yoda, he is!

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! My children, my husband, and my cats will love you!

  58. Oh My Gosh! These are amazing. I want them. My son loves Star Wars and it would be so fun to surprise him with a Darth Vader sandwich (or sweet treats). Actually, we’re going to see Star Wars Live next week and I would love to make these for him. WOW. I am so excited.

  59. My son LOVES everything Star Wars. The first movie I ever saw was Star Wars. It was at the drive-in (remember those???). My son thinks I’m pretty cool because I know a lot about Star Wars and I was happy, until he said, “Wow mommy, I didn’t think Star Wars was that old!” Doh!

  60. These are AMAZING! My sister is a huge star wars fan, she would freak out if I got these!
    Also, I would definitely say that the old star wars movies were way better than the new ones.

  61. Star Wars is awesome! My best friend’s husband is obsessed and I would love to make him some Star Wars cookies. He’d go nuts!

  62. These are adorable! And my boyfriend would absolutely love these cookies!!

  63. I SO need these! It’s my husband’s 40th this year, and I was going to throw him a Star Wars b-day party!

  64. These are the absolute cutest ever. My gf and bff both love star wars, these would make excellent birthday cookies!

    Oh, Williams-Sonoma, you get me every time!

  65. Here is an odd fact about star wars and me: After I saw Star Wars Episode 2 in 2002, I came home and went into labor with my oldest child. Even from the womb he was a star wars fanatic!

  66. Ok, I have a brother in law who is a Star Wars crazy. I have always felt bad for his wife for having to put up with his figures and art work he must display all over the house. I would love to make her these cookies!

  67. I am a pastry chef and I can’t believe I don’t have something like this in my collection yet!!! I would LOVE these cutters! Star Wars is a classic that will never be out of date! Darth Vader is so dark and mysterioius!

  68. Obi-Wan Kenobi, hands down. Def needs to be in the next set of Star Wars cookie cutters. I’d make Ewan McGregor cookies for every occasion!

  69. they need queen amidala cookie cutters! I used to collect everything with her face when I was younger. Cute cookie cutters.

  70. Oh, my 11 year old and 8 year old sons would SOOOOOOOOOOOOO love to have cookies with these. Star Wars is a way of life at our house!

  71. Yoda is my favorite! These are super cute.

  72. I love “Star Wars”, “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi”.

  73. I would love if there was an R2D2 my personal fav character. My husband might actually want to bake cookies if we had these :)

  74. No way! I just saw these online yesterday and wanted them. I remember going to see the original Star Wars movie as a little kid, and still recall how the line for the theater snaked around the block. And you’re right, there should be a wookie in there too… :)

  75. I need these…my husband has a Boba Fett tattoo and would absolutely die if I surprised him with these cookies. Now, I doubt I’ll be able to actually ice them to look like they should, but that’s a different story!

  76. After growing up with two brothers and a dad who viewed Star Wars as a religion, I saw it as a sign that the first family I ever nannied for’s wife was the spitting imagine of Princess Leia. All she was missing was the bitchin’ ‘do.

  77. OMG after I saw your posting, I had to go and get it……. shhhh nobody knows yet (untill tomorrow)….. :-)

  78. I think it’s so cool that Luke and Leia are twins (they’re my favourite). I had twins 8 weeks ago, a boy and girl and was seriously thinking of having Luke and Leia as their middle names. My husband didn’t like it so we ended up with James and Patricia instead :(

  79. I used to date a Star Wars and Star Trek FREAK in high school. He would drag me all over the state to flea markets and antique sales. It amazed me how much money he spent on old action figures that he would never do anything with….

  80. I was still in Korea when I first saw Star Wars and it was subtitled. I was in awe…. We then moved to Alaska and I remember standing in line to watch Empire Strikes back and talking about it for hours with my friends. My brother had memorized all the lines of Star Wars. Then Return of the Jedi. Oh my! I was totally in love with Han Solo. Who wasn’t??? The cookie cutter reminded me of so much and my youth!

  81. I LOVEEEEE starwars!

    of course r2d2 is my favv! <33

  82. I have to admit the only Star Wars movie I’ve watched was Episode 1 and I feel a little guilty about it since my significant other is such a huge fan.

  83. princess leah for sure as my favorite.
    star wars has always been soooo iconic….and williams sonoma rocks for having these!

  84. Original three movies are the best. Please don’t let anyone win who likes the NEW Trilogy ;)
    I do believe that The Empire Strikes Back is the best of the first three.

  85. My favorite character has always been Yoda. I saw the Dalai Lama give a speech once, and him and Yoda have the exact same laugh. I love them both.

  86. The first movie my fiance made sure that I watched was Empire Strikes back. I have seen all the Star Wars movies, but watching it with him was a brand new experience.

  87. I was too young to see the original Star Wars when it first came out but I did get a chance to see it in the theater when it was re-released in 1997. A classic, no doubt!

  88. STAR WARS COOKIE CUTTERS?!! You’re awesome :)

  89. Wow, my husband would be so happy to come home to some Star Wars cookies. I had not ever really watched any of the movies so he has been introducing me to them over time…still don’t love it, but would happily bake up some of the characters!!!

  90. I remember growing up with two brothers and parents who were obsessed with starwars. One halloween my parents even dressed as characters from starwars. I’m sure they would all get a kick out of some star wars cookies!

  91. I finally just watched the movies for the first time last year and I love them! …& cookies :)

  92. One of my favorite movie quotes is from Star Wars: Episode IV, when Obi-Wan says to the Stormtrooper: “These aren’t the droids your looking for.” I think it is so funny. So many other great quotes from such a great movie, too! The Star Wars cookie cutters that you found at Williams-Sonoma are so cool! Thanks for sharing your new find.

  93. OHMYGOODNESS! These are the cutest things EVER! I have a an 8, 16 and 40 year old “boys” that would LOVE these cookies! I can not tell you how many action figures, LEGO sets, and light sabers we have around this house.

  94. I have fond memories standing in line waiting for the midnight showing of ROTS with my friends… yeah… I’m not old enough to remember the original trilogy being in theaters. They’re obviously the best though. =)

  95. Here’s my Star Wars confession – I’ve never seen any of the movies! However, my friend just did a blog post about wanting these cookie cutters, so if I win, I will give them to her! Thanks for the chance to enter!

  96. To be honest I don’t get Star Wars but my hubby LOVES them. He would totally dig these cookies. Great find!

  97. love star wars and these cookie cutters!

  98. My husband and son sword fight like they do with their light sabers in the movie, however, my poor son hasn’t even seen the movie yet…does that make him a fan or what?

  99. these are adorable!

  100. I’ve never actually seen an entire Star Wars movie. *gasp*
    But my dad and brothers love it… They’d love for me to make them some yoda cookies!

  101. It seems every other weekend ends up being a Star Wars moviethon…1 of the 6 movies gets put in and then they skip around to the “exciting stuff”. These cookie cutters would make we little guys and big guy SMILE.

  102. My dad used to call me Jaba the Hut, I guess he thought is was close to my name, Jada, but that is not my favorite thing of course. When my daughter was little she would make sounds like R2D2, then she became Yoda, throwing everything out of boxes and bags she would look through, so I guess Star Wars has something for everyone, even babies!

  103. everyone always talks about what a sci fi nerd i am, star wars and star trek included. one of my favorite things are the ewoks (i’d have one as a pet if i could), but i’d love to see a star trek/star wars crossover somehow, someday.

  104. My husband was given a Darth Vadar head with a life saver for a night light when he was a boy. Now our son is a Star Wars fanatic. The origninal 3 are our favorites around here.

  105. How fun!

  106. Oooh! I saw these in the WS catalog! My kids would go NUTS.

  107. Those cookie cutters would be awesome with paintbrush cookies!

    We have a TON of Star Wars Legos in our house! My favorite has always been Yoda–but I’m fond of the Ewoks as well! :-)

  108. My uncle is a total Star Wars geek! When Star Wars was re-released in theaters in 1997, my uncle bought tickets for me and my brothers to skip school and go watch with him and I remember I had to use the bathroom and asked him to take me outside and he wouldn’t do it cause he didn’t want to miss his favorite scene! XD

  109. Growing up, my little brother was obsessed with Star Wars and had every figurine and Lego set!

  110. I remember playing in my friend’s basement while her brother watched star wars over and over again.

  111. A week or two ago, my dad randomly sent me a ceramic Darth Vader bust. It has Christmas lights on the inside, and they glow out of little holes in Vader’s front.

    I am a 23-year-old woman and it’s THE BEST SURPRISE!GIFT EVER.

  112. My fav character is Yoda. After watching the movies I mimic his voice for weeks after…………….I love it!!

  113. OMG, those are the cutest things ever!!! My husband is a BIG Star Wars fan and I’d love to make some of those cookies for him for Father’s Day!!!

  114. I so wanted to be Princess Leia. I had my mom give me the buns on the side of my head for school.

  115. A New Hope has got to be my fave… it got the whole Star Wars craze started!!

  116. My favorite Star Wars character is the Ewok. They are so cute. My brother and my son have about 150+ Star Wars figures.

  117. Star Wars Pod Racing for Nintendo 64 was my favorite video game ever! Everyone in my family loves Star Wars and these cookies will go over great!

  118. I would love to win because one of my oldest friends works for Lucas Arts! Then I could send her cookies! ;)

  119. I’m a wee bit sad there is no Princess Lea, c’mon ladies in the house!!! But I’d still be over the moon with these.

  120. My 17th birthday was Star Wars themed, complete with a paper-mache-type Death Star.

    ‘Nerdy’ girls rule!

  121. They look so cool.

  122. I just saw these this past weekend while browsing through Williams Sonoma. I was better at resisting them, eventhough my son is a HUGE Star Wars fan!!! He’d love me if I won them!!!

  123. Oh man oh man, my hubby is a big Star Wars nerd. I’m talking original toys from the 70’s, game boards, comic books, etc. He even has action figures on our computer desk and a keychain, several shirts, etc. This would be the best Father’s Day present ever!!
    I may just be meandering on over to the website to order me a cookie set…. thanks for enabling!!
    (love your site, by the way, you are amazing!!!)

  124. Eek! These are adorable!!! I grew up on Star Wars. I have owned many a lightsaber, Halloween-ed as CP-30 AND Princess Leia (My big brother went as Dark Vader), and have seen all three of the original movies so many times that I have a mental bucket load of quotes to pull on in awkward situations. So handy! ;) lol Just kidding, Star Wars one-liners don’t usually help in those situations…

  125. My husband has been introducing our son to the movies over the last couple weeks, so these cookies would make a perfect Father’s Day treat! :) Thanks for the chance to win them!

  126. love cooking/ kitchen gadgets of any sort

  127. waaaaayy cute!!!!!

    i love shopping at williams sonoma!

  128. My daughter LOVES Star Wars! She received “The Star Wars Cookbook: Wookie Cookies and Galactic Recipes” for her birthday and has made quite a few Wookie Cookies. Her dream is to meet George Lucas! I am going to definitely try to get her a set of these cookie cutters! It would make her year!

  129. I loved the first three Star Wars Movies that were made, which are actually (IV, V, VI), but the second three that were made weren’t my fave. I know quite a few people who would freak out if I made these cookies though!! They’re awesome.

  130. I absolutely love these adorable cookie cutters!

  131. I love yoda. I was going to dress up my son as yoda last year for halloween but he wouldn’t keep the ears on.

  132. These would be perfect to bake for when my friends and I play Star Wars Risk!

  133. My husband is a Star Wars nut (and hopes that our son will be too one day), so these would make the BEST Father’s Day present for him. Our 9-month old son already has his own Yoda doll and a “May the Force Be With You” pillow.

  134. Love R2D2, so hopefully Williams Sonoma comes out with a 2nd version. We have 3 girls so no figurines around but I think my hubbie has some hiding in the garage from his childhood. He thinks they are now worth money. Maybe it’s time to pawn?

  135. I would love to make some star wars cookies, I was at a local thrift store and found a R2-D2 plushie and i was so happy i squeezed him, and found out he makes sounds! $1 later he was coming home on the bus with me :)

  136. I LOVE the ewoks! I think they are fabulous little cuties!

  137. I have never ever seen a Star Wars movie! But I know that Ewan McGregor is in a few and he is gorgeousssss.

  138. Okay, my son would LOVE these! We don’t have these cool things in Canada…

  139. oh. my. word. I would have 2 VERY happy males in my house if I won these! One of them is 34, the other 4, but when it comes to Star Wars, all are equal. And my daughter has me do Princess Leia hair on her – which isn’t easy, mind you! Thanks for bringing these to my attention, and for a chance to win them!

  140. My honest comment on Star Wars is that I have never seen them all, but of course my husband has and my kids still play with his Star War legos, from when he was little, whenever we go to Grandma’s house.

  141. I’d like to see some Ewoks. Specifically Wicket. But there is something empowering about the idea of biting Darth Vader in the face.

  142. I am a huge star wars nerd! My 4 year old son would love to help bake and eat a boba fett cookie. Happy 30th empire strikes back!

  143. ME!! I am the Star Wars NUT in my house!!! STill haven’t managed to watch all 6 in one day… takes 3 days, BUT I did manage to get my family to go to the midnight showing on the last movie released. Luke, Han and Leia will forever be my favorites!!

  144. I was sooooo obsessed with Queen Amidala when I was in 6th grade that I made a lovely website all about her, and I of course dressed up like her for Halloween probably 3 straight years in a row. She was my hero.

  145. I use to pretend I was Princess Leia and get my mom to put my hair in side buns. I was really young, so I could get away with it at the time. Now…not so much. ;)

  146. When I was a kid and my siblings and I used to play “Star Wars”, my adorable blond brother got to be Luke Skywalker. My adorable brunette sister got to be Princess Leia. And I, with my dingy, stringy, dirty-blond locks?
    I have earned these cookie cutters.

  147. I have a bitter Star Was memory. I used to have shoe boxes full of original trading cards and figures. My rotten younger brother sold them all to the neighbor kid for a pittance. Winning these cookies would be SWEET!

  148. These are too cute! We love all things Star Wars and my son’s nickname is Jedi!

  149. OMG> its like the geek in me meeting the baker in me. I am in love. Why do I live in NZ!!!! we can’t get anything this awesome here! x

  150. luke skywalker.

  151. I used to have a matching set of C3P0 Underoos when I was about 3 years old. There are a bunch of pictures of me with my 3 siblings running around in these Underoo sets and I always wished that I could have my older sister’s set- Wonderwoman!

  152. My husband loves star wars! He tried to get me to let us put star wars sheets on our bed… No thanks…

  153. these are so awesome!
    i like the second movie best.
    great giveaway!

  154. I have used the force many times and it has proven me successful when it comes to getting a table at a fancy restaurant.

  155. Those are adorable and my two youngest children would LOVE them!

  156. I just love anything Star Wars and my dad is a big fan! I would definitely get some good use out of these!

    I think you are awesome!!

  157. These are absolutely adorable no wonder you stopped! I’m very tempted to run out and get some myself. So cute!
    As for a favorite character, hands down those cute and furry little Ewoks! When I was little I wanted one of my very own. Life size of course. I even put it on my “santa list”. My parents were creative and did find a furry Ewok doll which won me over.
    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  158. My husband drooled all over my keyboard when I showed him this. lol

  159. ahhh! I want these!!

    Boyfriend and Little sister are HUGE star wars fans, and I would love to surprise them with some cookies!

    I’ve been working on a storm trooper inspired hoodie… maybe if I got these cutters I would be inspired to actually finishhh the hoodie =)

  160. My 8-year old son lives and breathes Star Wars. He is now reading the Star Wars Journals chapter books, wanting to get to know the characters even better. Star Wars cookies would be a wonderful surprise.

  161. I love all the Star Wars movies, Star Wars a new hope is probably my favorite though. We have a collection of Star Wars toy figures still in their packaging, you know for when they are worth alot.
    I love those cookie cutters!!! My son and daughter would love to eat Yoda!

  162. I was always a little scared of Yoda as a kid. Not because he was mean, just his strange appearance and speech.

  163. i loooooove harrison ford, don’t have a preference as to which movie. recently had a star wars marathon with a bunch of geek friends! i wish i had known about these at the time…

  164. I grew up watching Star Wars and playing with the figurines with my brother. Every Saturday morning after cartoons, we would watch the original trilogy, alternating between the three each week. Its been a staple to my life and cant wait to share the movies with my kids some day.

    Those cutters are great! and I love your blog!

  165. My husband is a Star Wars fanatic! So I am too! He loves when I bake him cookies and these cookie cutters would be a great addition to my cookie cutter collection!

  166. My son would LOVE these cookie cutters. I don’t suppose there’s a Princess Leia for my daughter? :(

  167. As soon as I saw the Star Wars pictures, I was chanting “Please let there be a giveaway. PLEASE let there be a giveaway!” And there is!

    I have loved Star Wars since I was a little kid. Instead of sleeping with a stuffed animal or blanket like a normal child, I slept with my Luke Skywalker action figure. Creepy or cool? Depends on how you look at it.

  168. I love, love, love Star Wars. The originals, of course. Not the prequels. In fact, when I graduated high school, the boy I walked with, who happened to be a great friend hummed “The Imperial March” so I listened to that rather than the mundane “Pomp and Circumstance.” Also, my daughter’s dad uses the Imperial March as my ringtone, which is supposed to be insulting, but is instead incredibly amusing…

  169. Darth Vator Is the best LOVE HIM!

  170. My little brothers LOVEEEE star wars…they would love these!

  171. Ok, so I’ve never actually sat through an entire Star Wars, but my husband loves it! He’d get a kick out of these if I baked him up some yoda cookies.

  172. My son has just discovered Star Wars. He would love it if I won these cookie cutters!

  173. I had never seen Star Wars before I got married. A fact I waited to tell my husband until after our wedding day (just to make sure he still went through with it!). Now I have watched them with my two boys so many times I could recite all 6 of them! My husband is in Afghanistan and would lose it if he received these in a care package!! I am going out first thing in the am!! Love it! Thanks!

  174. Yoda is by far my favorite! We even nicknamed my little brother Yoda when he was a baby!

  175. I have a confession: I have never seen the original Star Wars trilogy. I did see Episode 1 and 3, I think. But I don’t really remember.

  176. My 35 (yes, that is my husband), 4 and 2 year old boys all LOVE Star Wars! I’m an avid cupcake maker and often get requests from my little jedis for SW cupcakes….I’ve yet to make them, however…these may do the trick! Pretty sure I’d get lots of sugary kisses if I made them! Thanks for the post!

  177. Of the oldies, I LOVE Return of the Jedi, and of the newbies I LOVE Revenge of the Sith. For some reason, I love me some Darth Vadar! And I think a Chewbacca cookie cutter would be adorable! :)

  178. never knew what i was missing til my husband made me watch these movies when i was 28. they are good! he would love some darth cookies. :-)

  179. My husband and I are HUGE Star Wars fans – and, by proxy, so is our 4 year old son. Next month, for his 5th birthday, we are having a SW theme party, complete with an outdoor screening of episodes 4,5 and 6. Costumes are encouraged and these cookie cutters would defintely be the hit of the party!

  180. OMG! these are a must have for any star wars fan!!! my son and I love star wars, he has no favorite movie beacuse he loves all of them cartoons included. Ever since the day i introduced my son star wars it has been his favorite! As for my favorite it would have to be revenge of the sith.

  181. My kids would absolutely love these!!

  182. I live in a community of star wars nerds!!! Star wars and derby girls would be ever so happy to get these cookies at the next star wars trivia night!

  183. Love Star Wars… those cutters are awesome!

  184. Yoda just kicks SO much butt. Judge me by my size, do you?

  185. totally takes me back to my childhood. that is why i like it.

  186. One of my favorite Star Wars associations now is that my niece was born on Star Wars Day. May the fourth be with her.

  187. Everyone always loves The Empire Strikes Back best, but Return of the Jedi has always been my favorite. Ewoks are my favorite fictional creatures, after all :)

  188. I will never forget the look on my son’s face, just a few minutes into the movie, the first time he saw Star Wars. He was transfixed. And now, I’m pretty sure he needs Star Wars cookies.

  189. i dont own anything star wars lol.

  190. My favorite movie would be STAR WARS! Ahahaha.

    I’ve always had a small little liking for Star Wars but until recently I’ve gone all out. Now I have this strange fantasy of being a Jedi and fighting people with a lightsaber.

    All my friends insist I just get those toy ones–but I want a REAL ONE!

    I think int he movie my favorite character would be Anakin Skywalker, he’s cool.

  191. My husband wanted to name our first boy Luke just so he could say, “Luke, I am your father…”

  192. Well, I go to a science fiction/fantasy convention every year called Dragoncon in Atlanta, GA. They set up a large, and by large I mean life size, statue of Jabba the Hut in one of the Host Hotels. At one point in the convention the actress who played Tasha Yar in the Star Trek series ended up standing by the Jabba the Hut statue and she posed for people with it. It was such an impromptu mixing of Star Wars and Star Trek. Very funny.

  193. My mom used to do my hair like Princess Leah when I was little. My son who is 10, loves Star Wars.

  194. I’ve actually never seen the Star Wars movies, but I’ve been surrounded by fans my entire life so I assumed I had a good idea of what the series was about… until I found out Yoda dies.
    Shocked, I asked my friend how? why?, assuming there was some prolonged battle or dramatic scene I wasn’t aware of.

    He looked at me funny and said, “Dude… Yoda was like 9000 years old. It was gonna happen.”

    Anyway, these would make a great gift for him. :)

  195. i watched the remakes but never really got into it… now star trek on the other hand… but if i had to choose my favorite is yoda…

  196. I love WilliamsSonoma! What will they think of next? We are Star Wars fans and would love these!

  197. My sons would LOVE these….as well as my hubby :) We are all HUGE Star Wars fans around here! My oldest son has a huge Fatheads Yoda above his bed as well as 3 Star Wars movie posters frames around the room…a stuffed big R2D2 and Pottery Barn Star Wars sheets. I’m hoping for a second edition set too!! We need R2 and C3PO…and of course Chewbacca!! What about an Ewok too :)

  198. Both my husband and my son are HUGE Star Wars fans. My sons 3-5 birthdays were all Star Was themed, as were his halloween costumes during those years. His Star Wars costumes were aomng some of the first clothing items I ever made. Now we collect Star Wars items since he got a little bigger. :) I would love this cookie set and I would soo bake them for my husband and son. I know my husband and his soldiers would love these!! :)

  199. I need these cookie cutters! All the cookies I ever bake are geek themed and these are far better than any of the ones I ever try to cut out on my own, not to mention more uniform! Wish I knew about these for May the 4th.

  200. I used to watch these movies with my dad. It would be awesome to make cookies for him!

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