
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. Harrison Ford is so hot in Star Wars. Although, I’m not gonna lie, he’s still pretty hot. Is that gross? I don’t care. I’m not ashamed of my old man love.

  2. One of my favorite things to do when I have some time off is watch ALL the Star Wars in story chronological order. <3 George Lucas really created an immersive universe, and I love finding something new each time I watch them.

  3. My 1 year old just received the whole original Star Wars gang for his birthday from our friends who are from Chile. We were comparing notes on how similar the spanish version actually is to the english version. My friend asked if Yoda said everything backwards in the english version, because he does in spanish. Another friend commented “Oh, so he says it the right way around in spanish then”. I thought that was pretty funny.

  4. “Luke, I am your Father.”… my best raspy Darth Vader voice. As a kid, I had a small crush on Luke Skywalker. haha.

  5. When I was little (5 or 6?), it was common for me to wear my dad’s old t-shirts as nightgowns. One such t-shirt was a Stars Wars t-shirt that featured many of the Star Wars cast, including C-3PO.

    Well, I was terrified of C-3PO. I know, he’s harmless, he’s a good guy. Nonetheless, when I was stuck wearing that t-shirt to bed, I was terrified to have the lights turned off, for fear that C-3PO would come alive and get me! LOL

    I would love these cookie cutters to give my dad for Father’s Day, he’d love them!

  6. When I was a little girl, I had R2D2 underwear and I was Yoda for Halloween. My 9 year old daughter LOVES Star Wars; she always has. She would love these cookie cutters, especially the Darth Vader one!!!

  7. All 3 of my boys love Star Wars. I am including my husband as well. He even has all of his toys from when he was a little boy. They are even tastefully displayed on the top shelf of his closet! Cute Cookie Cutters!

  8. Well my son would absolutely love having these! we have so many figurines, and they are in every conceivable space we have. I’ll have to make a trip to WS if I don’t have the luck of being the one chosen.

    Thanks for sharing these with us and may the force be with you!


  9. My first cat was all black with one white spot on his belly, so we named him darth vader because it was like his good side was hidden underneath. when he got very old, he even started to meow like a darth should.

  10. These cookie cutters are awesome! Thanks so much for the chance to win! My favorite character is Princess Leia!

  11. My nephew sprang from the room knowing the correct name for those walker things from Return of the Jedi. No one knows where he learned it. My husband actually reads all the books and I married him anyway. I think cookies are in order…

  12. My husband would worship the ground I walk on if I’d make Star Wars cookies. How cool are those!!

  13. I think one of my favorite movie nights was watching all of the Star Wars movies in a row. Well, I suppose I should say movie night/day, since that takes a LONG time to do.

    There was of course a debate about whether to watch them in release or story order, but with some popcorn and chocolate we finally got the movie night underway.

    A little over 15 hours later, I became a big fan of the movies. Love these cookie cutters too!

  14. These are so cute!!! I love Star Wars!

  15. My brother is OBSESSED with Star Wars! He was living in Germany when Episode I came out, and he went and saw it in German… when he got back, he kept mispronouncing Qui-Gon’s name. I mocked him fairly mercilessly for it. :)

  16. I am in LOVE with Star Wars. I have a collection of clone troppers started, as well as the Playskool figurines. >.> And if the collection and books aren’t enough I”ve taken to table top RP campaigns with my husband and some friends. These cookie cutters are PERFECT. Especially Boba Fett.

  17. I remember when the newest Star Wars movie came out, my brother won the Anaikan look-alike competition…he was beyond thrilled :)

  18. My brother-in-law and my husband have this long standing ridiculous “boba-fett” fight that goes on………. Both of my nephews are ADDICTS! We have to hide the light sabres……..

  19. If you eat a stormtrooper, you basically can say you’ve defeated evil. And they have pancake cutters!! Ach!!

    I used to watch the original three movies all the time when I was a kid, I seriously destroyed the boxes they came in. My little brother didn’t love them nearly half as much as me so I would try to steal his action figures. it just made sense.

  20. I have lost count of the star wars actions figures my youngest has and the lego sets we put together…he would flip to be able to bake cookies with me that were star wars :)

  21. Ooh, Star Wars! The original movies happened to me almost by accident. Mine is a family of people who are not particularly interested in fantasy literature and movies but I have loved them since I first saw Star Wars – A New Hope. Once I even wrote a paper on the similarities of Star Wars and the Arthur legend, for a part of my University studies. Imagine my surprise when my mentor touched upon just that paper when I got my degree in Theater Arts. I still dream of a Star Wars musical production and who knows, maybe one day….

  22. i am surprised by how many people in my generation (age 24) haven’t seen any of the 3 original star wars! i loved them as a kid and even more now, i’m glad my parents exposed me to the classics! i think my favorite character would have to be han solo, he was super cute and he froze so nicely.

  23. fingers crossed…will have the happiest 6 year old in THE WORLD!

  24. Oh, I love all of the three original movies! I remember my best friend and I going home to my place during our longest breaks at high school to watch them again and again (and again) on our old vcr. I’m not sure I’m able to pick a favourite, though – I guess it has to be either The Empire Strikes Back or Return of the Jedi.

    My husband does not understand the fascination at all, but luckily my best friend is still around to squee over these cookie cutters with me ;)

  25. My whole family loves Star Wars……well, the originals anyway! We enjoy making fun of the new ones! ;) Anyway, when we were younger, my brother and two of my cousins were SO into Star Wars that they would play it all the time. They even came up with their own Star Wars names, Snitsew and Stterrag (the first letter of their last name with their names backward following after) Sometimes they’d let me play, and I was Sarola. Yeah, we thought we were pretty cool! Anyway, it would be SO fun to be able to bake them some Star Wars cookies so we could relive the glory days!

  26. I love Star Wars! I watch the films whenever I’m flipping channels bored, but usually only for the originals. Where’s C3PO? He is my favorite, so awkward.

  27. I went to the 2nd Star Wars movie on a date. My date told me afterwards that he really identified with Anakin. Needless to say there was no second date.

  28. Truthfully, I have never watched star wars!!! BUT my brother in law, nephews & nieces would DIE if i made these cookies!!!!! Awesome!!!!

  29. My son, since he was an infant, has been obsessed with Darth Vader. I was not ever sure if I should be concerned or what…considering the dark nature of his character, but it has remained true even into his adult life. He turns 20 in July and would die if I made him Star Wars cookies! I hope I win!

  30. Star Wars is great, but we all know the best part is Harrison Ford. Han Solo and Indiana Jones? Calista is a lucky woman :)

  31. My boys would go NUTS for these! Honestly, I’ve never even watched the movies..just bits & pieces..but my husband and 3 boys LOVE them. My son found the original movies in VHS in a thrift store..his most favored possession by far!

  32. I started watching Star Wars after a co-worker referenced people at work to Star Wars characters. Which by the way, the people match the characters.

  33. Oh my gosh! I’m a girl and I’ve loved Star Wars ever since I was old enough to get my elder brother’s hand-me-down figurines from the 1970’s. Unfortunately my mother sold them ALL in a bag for a DOLLAR at a garage sale when we moved, and I’ve pined for something to fill the gap ever since! These are amazing, I love the plunger-style mechanism. My boyfriend will die when I show him this post.

  34. My 5-year-old son is the Biggest Star Wars fan! He knows the entire story though he has yet to see any of the movies, and It was the theme of his recent birthday party. This afternoon he and I sang a duet of the chorus from Annakin and Obi Wan’s lava battle. He also finds it easier to clean his room while listening to our Star Wars Trilogy CD. I imagine it could be even easier if there were Star Wars cookies waiting for him afterwards!!

  35. I was in love with Luke when I was a kid and my mom kept saying, honey, the one to love is Han Solo.. I thought she’s crazy! Now I’m all grown up and I don’t know what I was thinking….Hans is definitely the hot one!

  36. that looks so cool XDD
    i know some people who are big fans! i bet theyll be speechless when i show them your cookies!

  37. My husband and I dressed up as Han Solo and Princess Leia for one of our first Halloweens as a couple! I’d love to give him these for our 11th anniversary this summer!!!

  38. I love Star Wars! When I was eight my brother and I went as Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker for Halloween.

  39. My ex-boyfriend loves Star Wars. He used to drive me crazy o_* listening to instrumental from the movie and more.. lol but I always loved Princess Leia =) She’s my fave!

  40. The force is with these cookie cutters!! I think General Grevious is pretty cool – even if he’s a bad guy! I mean, come on – a guy with 4 lightsabers coming at ya! Crazy cool!!! These would be awesome to win … Thanks for the opportunity!!
    Rachael Davis

  41. Princess Leia is my fav character. She’s a princess and a senator, and a spy! Amazing!

  42. We just had a Star Wars b-day party for my twin boys in December. We had been saving up Star Wars toys to give to them since before they were born! Including some of my husband’s toys from “long, long ago.” ;) There was some talk of naming the boys Han and Chewie (ok, not serious talk) and now they are good buddies with a little boy named “Obie” and a boy named “Luke!” What are the odds?

  43. I really don’t know very much about Star Wars, but my husband and my son LOVE it. They would totally have fun with these!!!

  44. My nephew would absolutely die if I made him some Star Wars cookies! He’s 6 and for the last coupleof years we have had to get him something Star Wars for every holiday and his birthday. We even got him a Lego Star Wars ship as a “big brother gift” when his little sister was born last year :) Would LOVE to win these!

  45. Oh my…I would love to win this for my boy that spent the afternoon quizzing me. Example: “What did the Father/Son duo, the Fett’s, consider the coolest part of their uniform?” My 8 year old is obsessed with these pop quizzes and how they seem to stump his Mother. He loves impressing me with the answers!

  46. I’m actually pretty new to Star Wars stuff, but those cookie cutters are pretty cool. i’ve never seen ones that can imprint the design on them.

  47. Yoda is so cute :—D.
    I don’t really like the movies, but my boyfriend does!
    and I’ve learned the V-move with my fingers :D

    hihi :D

  48. The men in my house (my husband and my 5yo son) LOVE Star Wars. So much so that my husband bought (for our son of course) not one but TWO different actual (read EXPENSIVE) light sabres that make the noises and light up and you can fight with them. Our son was a 2yo at the time! Then when he was 4, he wanted to be Darth Vadar for Halloween. Not a problem unless you factor in the shipping charges to ship the larger, red light sabre across the country and back again (we were out of town for my sister’s wedding over Halloween that year.). So yes, there is an abundance of Star Wars in my house…what harm could a few cookies do?

  49. My boys are all about Lego Star Wars. My house is awash with star fighters and mini figures. Even my five year old daughter gets into it – she loves Princes Leia!

  50. Oh My Gosh! My other half would squeal with delight like a little girl if I made some of these for him! ??

  51. These would be so fun! My kids just saw the Star Wars museum exhibit and watched all the movies. I also made them screen printed tees and this would just complete the fun! Your site has the best giveaways.

  52. My husband is IMPOSSIBLE to buy for, but he loves my cookies. This set would be sheer perfections for Father’s Day!

  53. And also with you.

    I LOVE Star Wars. I remember seeing the new episodes at midnight and then having to be at school at 6:30 a.m. that morning. Long days! And my son would pee himself for these, which should make for interesting photography :)

  54. I actually don’t know anything about Star Wars! BUT i always thought Princess Leia’s hair was pretty cool. (:

  55. I grew up playing with Star Wars and now my kids love them too! My 5 month old does the cutest Chewbacca imitation :)

  56. we love star wars! my husband, now 40, has many of his star wars toys from childhood. my son is always trying to get his hands on them :)! love those cookie cutters. love your site! thanks!

  57. Oh my word! Those are soo awesome! My husband would go nuts if I won them! He wanted the Darth Vadar theme song to be played at our wedding as he walked down the aisle, but that didn’t happen…

  58. Star Wars is brilliant. When I was younger I haded Yoda, but now he’s my favorite af them all. Well, and Leia in that gold bikini comes in at a wery close 2. place.

  59. my husband and girls would just love these cookies. We have lot of figurines (Daddy and the girls) all the movies, lots of books and music

  60. This would be awesome to share with my fiance!! He is absolutely nuts about Star Wars…Our first date we went to the theatre and watched Star Wars. It would be so cool to have these cookie cutters for our anniversary. Talk about total brownie points, lol.

  61. For years I obsessed over the scene where Luke cuts the creature open and gets in his guts to keep warm. I’ve always wondered if someone would actually do that. Thanks for doing a giveaway.

  62. It’s sort of a little late for the star wars birthday party my son had in December. But he would love to eat the cookies anyway! I would LOVE to win! Pick ME! Pick ME! Please…

  63. Oh MAN!!! if I could get my hands on those bad boys I’d sure be just about the hapiest nerdy baker in town!!

    (how exciting is that???) .. William Sanoma you said? .. may have to risk another outing into the wide world if i miss my chance here..


  64. My dad is a HUGE Star Wars fan! I remember watching when I was little R2-D2 was my fave character, and I wanted to be Princess Laya.

  65. OK, OK, this is the bomb! My brother is a BIG Star Wars geek! His birthday is here and oooooooooooooooh this would be the thing!

  66. Oh my good gravy! I have to have a set of these! My favorite movie is well….all of them? I don’t know I’ve seen them like 100 imes. I’m so glad I had boys who love starwars cuz I get to watch it over and over My sons thought it was crazy t mommy knew all of the characters!

  67. My husband and all four of my kids LOVE Star Wars! They would absolutely love it if we had these to make cookies with!!

  68. When I was young, a movie theater was re-showing all of the Star Wars movies. I had never seen the movies before and was super excited. My family and I arrived, we were about 30 minutes into the first movie and *BAM*, the screen exploded and everyone had to leave and get their money back… That is my memory of Star Wars :) On another note, these cutters look fabulous and I would love to try them out!

  69. My two oldest were sooo excited when I finally let them watch the first star wars movie (not part of the originally trilogy) just last Saturday. Big day for them. Oh, they would go crazy with these.

  70. If I were lucky enought to win these, the hubby would absolutely have a dork-gasm!

  71. Star Wars was the one movie we acted out at my house when I was little. My 3 little girls also like it, my 5 yr old calls those lollipop Push Pops “light sabers”.

  72. My best friends favourite embarrassing story about me tells of the time that I was sitting on my bed at college, and the tv remote was on my desk where I couldn’t reach… I sighed a heavy sigh and mumbled to myself “I wish the force was real”… She could not stop laughing and said she loved that I am such a huge nerd!
    My boyfriend also refers to himself as chewbacca… long story, but I sure hope they make a second edition!

  73. My son LOVES Star Wars!

  74. I love R2D2 :D And though he’s not in these cookie cutters i’d still love to have them!

  75. R2D2 and C3PO were always my favorite throughout the whole series. But I have to say, I absolutely LOVE the Ewoks!! I mean be serious, who doesn’t like Ewoks?!

  76. I can’t wait to use these! I’d love to win ’em, but will have to buy if the force isn’t with me this time ;)

  77. I would just love the little yoda! For the next set, I think they should put in the ton-ton (okay, I don’t know how to spell it) and the androids and maybe some jawas. Keeping true to the three original movies, of course.

  78. my son is in love with star wars now…making my husband very proud!!

  79. I fell asleep during the big fight scene of Star Wars the first time I watched it!

  80. My son loves anything to do with a lightsaber!

  81. lol im a total nerd and have read almost all the books! but what i love the most is the humor ^__^ makes it fun!

    and have u seen the pancake molds??? totally calling my name too lol

  82. OMG! I’m such a geek for Star Wars! On my bedroom dorm in my hometown where my parents live, I have a sign that says “Ewok Village” on my door. And the death vader song way my ringtone for my brother. These cookie cutters are just to give up!

  83. I am married to the most wonderful geek-nerd. He would be thrilled to have Star Wars cookies for Father’s Day, his birthday, or any occasion!

  84. My husband still has about 40 characters and the original Millinium Falcon with its box back from the 70’s. He would love those cookies for any occasion and my 5 year old would love to make them for him. :)

  85. Now after seeing the pictures I am SO mad I didn’t stop in when I passed Williams-Sonoma the other day! I still have my Star Wars action figures in a drawer (no, not a box–a drawer).

  86. My son has caught the Star Wars bug. And he has two little brothers who will soon follow suit. What a hit I’d be at the next playdate if I offered these fun cookies!


  87. When I was little my dad and I would go to the movies to see star wars. It has always been one of those things that my dad and I both enjoy. Well my dad enjoys it and of course his little girl does as well :)

  88. As the youngest and only girl in a family with three brothers, I have very fond memories of watching the original Star Wars movies and bonding with my brothers over them. Of course, this included playing with our pretend lightsabers and spouting off random quotes from the movies, which still continues today (the quoting, not lightsaber fighting). :) These cookie cutters are such a wonderful find!

  89. I loved all the Star Wars movies. Didn’t get into them until after high school. My favorite Character is Jar-Jar. I love his big ears. (I have a dog that looks like him) My son is a HUGE fan & would flip out if I was able to make him Star Wars cookies. Thanks for sharing this great giveaway.

  90. I love Spaceballs and the Family Guy spoof of Star Wars!!! I have an obsession over cookie cutters. I love making cookie pops with them!!! Thanks for the give away!!!

  91. These. Are. INCREDIBLE! :D i totally celebrated May 4th (Starwars day! May the 4th be with you!)

    WAHAHA! :D

    Okay. SO:

    1. boba fett, because it is, in fact, the most fun to say. (Lando is a close second!)

    2. a new hope – hands down!

    3. i don’t have any kids.. but my husband would tear up some SW cookies! :D And my sister wants a (completely serious here) stormtrooper suit for everyday wear! :D

    Superb giveaway! ?

  92. Where is the Princess Leia cookie cutter? I guess they couldn’t decide if it should be Original Leia or Return of the Jedi Leia. Jabba would be a good one too. :) I would love to make these cookies. If only just for me…

  93. We’re planning a Star Wars Birthday for my son this summer!! We need these!

  94. Hubsters and I are a huge fan! Movies are fantastic and extremely quotable. My roomie was my first intro to the saga; she’d always say, “Laugh it up, Fuzzball.”

  95. OMGoodness, these totally ROCK!! My hubby is a huge Star Wars fan, and I’m partial to Han Solo myself. LOL If my number isn’t chosen I’m soo going to pick some up for Father’s Day.

  96. I wish I could wear that gold bikini like the princess!

  97. Wow these are too cute. Pick me, pick me, pick me.

  98. I married my husband because he woo’d me with a Chewbacca card when we first met. I had a life-sized Chewbacca in my dorm room. I can quote the entire original trilogy. And yes, I’m a girl! Please pick me,!

  99. star wars ftw!!!! these are so cute!

  100. These would be PERFECT for my brother for a wedding gift.

    I would like TOTALLY get something else for my poor Sister-In-Love of course…

  101. We used to have a whole bunch of Star Wars action figures. My brother and I made stop-action movies with them when we were younger!

  102. These are SO great. :)
    Star Wars is a legacy that is sooo amazing.
    favorite character: chewbacca um yes. and yoda.

  103. I have four sons. They’d love these more than the heart shapes I usually make them use.

  104. LOVE these. Star Wars was my first ‘just with friends’ theatre movie.

  105. My brother was really little and hit his head – and my mom took him to the hospital, only to find out that he had a concussion. They told her to keep him awake for several hours – but how does one do that to a small child? In her panic, she took my brother to the toy store and let him pick out any toy he wanted. Naturally, he picked a star wars toy (:

  106. I LOVE Star Wars! Almost as much as I love Star Trek! It’s a close call. If I had these, I would make cookies all of the time, so maybe it’s better that I don’t have them. Hmmmm…

  107. Have these cookie cutters I must!

  108. Somehow my husband has convinced our five year old son that the perfect way to spend Saturday mornings is watching the Clone Wars. That means we get to spend the entire rest of Saturday listening to dramatic reenactments of battle scenes.

  109. I definitely understand how you were “Forced” into entering the store to purchase these awesome cookie cutters. Both my husband and I are avid Star Wars fans. I have 307 Star Wars action figures to date (don’t even get me started on my Star Trek collection) and am thankful my husband doesn’t mind that I decorate our house with sci-fi memorabilia. I’d love to bake some official Star Wars cookies soon. And I’m in total agreement, where are the Wookie cookies? Crossing my fingers with you…

  110. I loved the wookies!! Although that is my husbands least favorite part of the whole series. We do watch the movies (all of them) and my husband has to buy the video games, the books for the games, and we have even come close to dressing a baby up like Yoda. I wish the winner the best- May the force be with you all!

  111. Both of my boys are OBSESSED with Star Wars. And they’re 3 & 5! They also have three cousins who are 4 & 5 that they love arguing with over which movie to watch next at Grami’s house. It’s pretty cute.

  112. The Yoda is so cute!

  113. How incredibly cool are these!!!!

    Win I must… ( I will use the force)

  114. how cute! a star wars story- in the summer of 99, i went on a mission trip with my church and in a convenience store my friend and i found a collection of star wars pez dispensers. hopefully they’ll be worth something one day!

  115. I was about to comment just to tell you how geeked out I was to see this on my top sites page. And then I saw it was a giveaway, and I almost fainted.

    When I was ten years old, my sister and I stayed with my uncle at his house for the summer. That summer happened to be the summer when Stars Wars: Episode I was coming out. And coincidentally, my uncle was a huge (and I mean huge) Star Wars fan. For weeks leading up to opening day, we played Star Wars video games on his awesome computer (this was 2000, keep in mind), tried to collect every Star Wars toy available from fast food restaurant kids meals, and literally became the Star Wars characters themselves. My sister and my aunt were the Jedi, while my uncle and I were the (far superior) Sith lords.

    We were the ultimate Star Wars fans.

    Unfortunately, the day the movie came out, I got constipated (turns out my ten year old stomach couldn’t handle the four turkey tacos I had eaten the night before in the name of evil), and we got to the theatre only about half an hour before the movie started and ended up sitting in a far corner of the theatre, my view partially blocked by a heavy older man with surprisingly fluffy hair. But sitting in that theatre, my Sith partner by my side, a huge bag of Twizzlers in my lap, I felt happy just to be alive. And to be a part of something greater than me and my ten year old body.

    (Longest comment ever. It brought back memories. Thank you for that, Bakerella!)

  116. I was only two years old when Star Wars came out, but it was re-released in theatres 20 years later when I was in college. I wanted to impress a cute guy and asked him to go see it with me…fun time.

  117. Totally thinking of my 9 yr old nephew. But he would insist on somehow coming up with a lightsaber cookie too! Very cute!

  118. How fun! I loved Princess Leia & R2-D2…. These are adorable!!!

  119. these are absolutely adorable!!!!! My fave Star Wars thing is a light saber fight my best friend and her brother did on video. It was the coolest thing ever!!!!!

  120. Yoda is my fave character. God, I hope to win this. My husband loves Star wars and he made me watch all the star wars movie with him over and over again. Cookie cutter would be a great Father’s day gift!

  121. my husband and i took my teenage brother and sister to see one of the newer star wars movies. about halfway through the movie i noticed my sister had the hood of her hoodie up, so i leaned over to her and said “you look like obi wan!” and she says “who is that?” lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  122. My boys are so gah gah about Star Wars, it isn’t even funny! I’ve thrown 4 Star Wars parties so far and have been asked by them again, to “do it again”. We borrow a Darth Vadar costume and he walks out to fight the boys.

    For summer parties, we’ve made pool noodle light sabers even. We serve Yoda sodas (green) and much more!

  123. Star Wars is the best movie series ever, well the original series is. A classic. We own all the dvds and still enjoy watching them.

  124. I don’t think my email showed up properly in my previous post. Sigh. I’d love to win a Yoda cookie cutter. Sorry I couldn’t figure out how to edit my previous post so it would have my email…
    Vicki S

  125. i love them! holy cow, i need them!:) my boys are star wars freaks!

  126. My older brother is a huge Star Wars fan! He has tons of figurines and cards, etc. It would be awesome to make him some of these cookies for his birthday!

  127. These are so cute! I really hope they do come out with another set, my dog’s name is Ewok. I would love to make him doggy cookies as himself!

  128. I was standing in line for a entrance to a club, with a young friend (20) – we knew he probably wouldn’t get in but we had decided to try anyway. I know one of the bartenders and had alerted him to our presence.

    So as the doorman starts looking at us suspiciously, the bartender comes up, gives a little Jedi wave and goes ” you don’t need to see his identification.” We had a great time in the club that night :)

  129. Yoda is our favorite character. One of my sons insists on talking like Yoda for days. Very funny. We would LOVE to make Yoda cookies.

    Vicki S

  130. I actually disliked Star Wars up until grade 10 metalworks class, where if we didn’t have anything to do we got to watch Star Wars and work on other homework.

    Yeah I watched Star Wars atleast once a week (if not more) for pretty much two school years. I came to like the movies and the odd re enactments with metal pipes that my classmates found oh so amusing.

    I joined in half way through the year and played princess Leia. I’m pretty sure the only reason they let me was because I was the only girl in the class haha.

  131. Oh I’m so glad you gave into your dark side, bought these and shared. They are soo cute. Han Solo is my fav. I’ve watched all the movies, plus the animated series.

  132. My 7-year-old spent his lifetime savings on a Star Wars uniform that we ordered online from abroad. He’d most definitely go ballistics over these. And so would the rest of the geeky family ;)

  133. I love the music from Star Wars! Nothing can compete with the main theme by a full orchestra.

  134. I have read a few of posts in here..we all love Star Wars and will love to have this cute cookie cutters, best of lucks to all…

    my fav. Obi & Darth Vader

  135. I have a hard time not reciting all the lines to the original movies whenever I watch them. I had the great joy of having cousins who had all the toys when I was a kid. I had the best of both worlds…Barbies and Star Wars.

  136. My husband is a star wars fan. Plus my birthday is Saturday. This would make a great present!

  137. my favorite star wars memory is when I was driving with my should be boyfriend james, and he told me what he really wanted for christmas. and that was a tauntaun sleeping bag. you know, the giant creature that lives on hoth, that is used for shelter in the Empire Strikes Back. Yeah, it’s a very realistic sleeping bag. and it’s awesome.

  138. I love Yoda! He is sooo cute, all little and green. I just want to scoop him up and carry him around. Maybe if I’m lucky he’ll teach me about The Force. lol:)

  139. I remember watching the original Star Wars movies when I was very young, and I thought the ewoks were so cute! I remember I had a little Yoda puppet that I played with all the time too, one of my most memorable childhood toys.

  140. I wish this set included an Ewok, but I love me some Yoda! :o) **Fingers Crossed**

  141. Star Wars is THE thing in our house. My husband and youngest sons are huge collectors and every year we have a marathon viewing of all 6 movies. These would be so awesome to win and use for this summer’s marathon!!

  142. Star Wars rocks! (The originals, not the prequels. The prequels suck).

  143. Star Wars that’s funny! Both of my girls, 8 and 2, LOVE Star Wars. We have the action figures and of course the movies. My little one calles Darth Vader Hoo-Pa, like the sound that he makes and she also carries her princess dollies and hums the Imperial March! I must get some of those cookie cutters.

  144. I need to win these as my grandson’s (7 months old) name is Solo! May the force be with you!!!

  145. My husband’s favorite Star Wars character is Chewbacca but I have never seen the movies!

  146. I love Star Wars! My favorite character is Han Solo!

  147. CUTE
    I like star wars but I’m not a huge like FAN or anything…… but to make a comment that is at all star wars-related, I enjoy the ironic fact that Luke Skywalker is also Joker from batman: the animated series C:

  148. my dad instilled a love of star wars at a very early age! i always liked the ewoks

  149. I love Star Wars, but my nephew is a huge fan. He sometimes calls my mother Little Jawa and he once referred to her as his tauntaun after she gave him a piggy-back ride. Gotta love it!

  150. When I was in college, I dressed up as Princess Leia for a Halloween party. I made my own buns with hair extensions I braided together and pinned to my head, and I “borrowed” my own choir robe (the perfect cut — and it was white!) from our college’s chapel choir. I also carried a plastic light saber I bought from a drug store and didn’t even care when die-hard Star Wars fans pointed out that Leia never had one. I had one, and it was awesome.

  151. I once dated a guy that was obsessed with Boba Fett. Seeing anything Star wars always makes me smile.

  152. My husband’s favorite line – “I am not a committee!”

  153. My boyfriend would die! I love those:)

  154. My favorite line from Star Wars: A New Hope…”Into the garbage chute Flyboy!”

  155. I grew up watching Star Wars at least once a week. I would love these!

  156. These are the cutest things I have ever seen! I love them. Let’s see. My hubby does an awesome Chewbacca!!

  157. I watched Star Wars this year for the first time with the love of my life!

  158. R2D2 is my favorite character. I went to a fair last year that had a life size version of him!

  159. When my husband and I first met, I agreed we could name our first kid Boba…here’s hoping he doesn’t remember that!

    When we first went to Disney World together, we brought our dog to stay in the Disney Kennels. He felt bad leaving her so in MGM we got her a Ewok plush toy to play with!

  160. oh man, with three boys in my house, we have star wars bedding, star wars lego, star wars books, star wars movies … and my favorite, lego star wars: complete saga for the PS3!! I have finished is so many times. hehehee

  161. I remember seeing the original Star Wars in the theater and I do mean when it first came out. I knew I had married the right man, when we consolidated our movie collection to discover that between us we had three complete sets of the first trilogy. (The new ones came out after we were married, and yes we did attend opening night for every one of them.)

  162. Ah! Fantastic :) My little brother would eat these cookies up! He’s obsessed!

  163. OMG! I grew up loving Star Wars. I was going to marry Han Solo. My friend had ALL the figurines & ships and we used to play Star Wars on the back seat of his Mom’s car (we sat on the floor …in the days before seatbelt laws!) on long road trips. Now, my 9 year old son is Star Wars obsessed …movies, lego, books, figurines…you name it he loves it. I would love these cookie cutters for a little mommy/son cookie-making bonding session!

  164. My husband has always been a Star Wars fan. I think these would make a really fun stocking stuffer!

  165. Cute cookie cutters! I can tell you very little about Star Wars. But my husband sure could. He loves these movies. George Lucas is his hero.

  166. I am a novice baker but I love to do fun cookies for my kid’s school. Would love to add Star Wars to the collection of other cookie cutters that I use!

  167. Please help the rebel alliance eat Darth Vader’s face. Luckily Luke wasn’t distracted by these tasty bad boys or he might have missed the shot that destroyed the death star!

  168. My next Halloween costume will be slave Leia from Return of the Jedi. I can’t quite quote all of the movies, but certain the vast majority..,

  169. These things are AMAZING!

    My husband and I are HUGE Star Wars fans. I have a Stewie from Family guy tattooed on me wearing a Wicket costume. It’s
    our’ thing, haha.. He has Stewie dressed up as another character.. He also has an entire leg sleeve of Star Wars tattoos. The old Star Wars are where it’s at. I’ve got a crush on Chewbacca and Yoda. He prefers Storm Troopers ;D

  170. Hmmm…when I was a preschooler, apparently I bit the head off of my brother’s Princess Leia doll because he wouldn’t let me play with her. Well, let’s just say that if I couldn’t have her, then no one could! Ouch…he still brings it up…sorry, Bill!

  171. I remember my parents taking my sister and I, in our pyjamas, to the drive-in theater to see Star Wars. It was one of the first movies I ever saw.

  172. These are adorable :) I would have to make my kids some yummy GF cookies…first I would have to find a good recipe for cutting out shapes that is GF. I will SO have to go to Williams Sonoma…

  173. These would be the biggest hit ever in my house! My son hasn’t seen a Star Wars movie all the way through yet, but he loved Star Tours at Disneyland, and he plays countless hours of Lego Star Wars on the Wii. It is time for me to make him some Star Wars cookies and sit down and watch a few movies.

  174. I want Star Wars cookie cutters!! My boyfriend would love those. We bought a Star Wars cookbook…..there are things in it like Wookie Cookies and Boba Fett-uccine….LOL.

  175. These are so AWESOME! I love them! Leave it ti Williams-Sonoma. Spontaneous ventures into that store are VERY DANGEROUS… in the most fun way!

    My husband and my 8 year old son love Star Wars and Lego Star Wars.

    As for myself, I saw Star Wars for the first time as a very young child at my Grandmother’s house with my cousins when it appeared for the first time on television. I was a Senior in High School when they re-released the original films on the Big Screen and my friends and went to see all of them the first day they came out. We even drove to L.A. to see the Empire Strikes Back at the Mann’s Chinese theater… just to be dramatic! We also went that year to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl with John Williams(created score for SW films) and the Los Angeles Philharmonic. It was AMAZING!
    In college I spent the night on a sidewalk in order to get tickets for the first showing of Episode 1 Phantom Mennace. I know… total dork right?! It was super fun though. Loved it!

  176. OMG! Love Star Wars! When my brother and I were little, we would act out the movie. What nerds we were. I think my favorite character is Han Solo, but maybe just because of Harrison Ford. The Ewoks are my favorite alien-they’re just too cute!

  177. My husband loves Star Wars, especially the later episodes (the ones that came first as movies).

    Personally, I giggle every time I see the short where the Storm Trooper bangs his head on the overhead door!

    (and, confession time: I’m pretty sure I wanted to be Princess Leia when I was small! :) )

    Yoda has very difficult-to-resist nibble-able ears!

  178. My son’s birthday is coming up in July. Last year he had a R2D2 cake, the year before he had a storm trooper cake. These cookies might help him make it an “everybody” star wars party!

  179. omg, i would LOVE to have these, and they’d definitely make me the best mom there is! my son has just about every star wars action figure they make, and would probably poop his pants if he saw these cookies. :)

  180. My favorite action figure is my limited edition Oola and Salacious Crumb I ordered back in the day when I got Star Wars Insider regularly. I’m the one with the action figure collection, not my husband ; )

    These cookie cutters are amazing! I want them so badly!

  181. Oh man. I would pee myself. Real attractive, I know.

    Anyway. I want these and I will melt Lord Vader’s face.

  182. Love Star Wars!

  183. I don’t really know much about Star Wars…yet, but I have some friends who are crazy about it who would absolutely love to munch on a yoda. Also they would go down perfectly at the Star Wars marathon we are going to have!

  184. I’ve never actually watched any of the Star Wars movies, but I have a lot of friends that LOVE them. They would be sooo excited if I baked them cookies in the shape of the characters. Maybe then they could finally explain to me who all of the people are. I’m always so lost…

  185. My son made a Lego Star Wars stop-motion movie for school.

    I could see him munching on some cookies for inspiration for his next film. I’m also thinking these cookie cutters would go great with my Star Wars Wookiee Cookie Cookbook.

  186. My mom–she’s the sci-fi person. She collects everything Star Wars–has at least two rooms full! These cutters would be a great addition to her collection!

  187. Oh.My.Gosh. Cute overload! I don’t think I could have resisted going in there, either! My husband is OBSESSED with Star Wars – him and his friends are always quoting the movies. My personal favorite is JarJar Binks :)

  188. They got me too! I actually just posted on my blog about the ones I made today! The details on the cutters are amazing. Even after flooding the cookies, you are able to see the details, making it easier to pipe. Love it!

  189. I had the biggest crush on Mark Hamill when I was little, sad day when he appeared as a gueststar on SeaQuest and had aged 20 years from my vision.

    Oh well.

  190. I loved star wars… the first one came out when I was 9 I think… My mom bought me the Princess leia doll, the one that was a little bigger than a barbie… Anyhow, My sister Cut off her hair! So in the garbage she went, years later when they digitally remastered the movies and came out with all the goodies again, they released every doll BUT the Leia doll, she was worth nearly $400… Did I have her anymore??? NO – I called my sister and told her she owed me that money LOL I still haven’t collected it!

  191. When my husband (then fiancé) found out that I hadn’t seen any of the Star Wars movies he made me watch them before we would set a date!

    I’d love to have these to make him for his birthday each year!

  192. My sons love Star Wars! These would be perfect for their birthday parties! Thanks for sharing you latest finds. Now I too have to go shopping :)

  193. Okay, these are too fun! My nephews are crazy for Star Wars, though I have to admit, my heart still melts everytime Leah tells Han she loves him, then he gives her that bedroom eyes look and says, “I know.” These would be a big hit with the boys!

  194. Although Star Wars is from “my era” I have never seen any of the movies. My 8 year old son, on the other hand, loves Star Wars. Thank goodness my husband will watch the movies with him!

  195. I grew up playing Star Wars with my brothers. I loved the Ewoks :)

  196. My kids love Star Wars. We have most of the action figures, and a bunch of the legos as well. We love all of the movies and watch them over and over and over.

  197. Oh my god those are adorable! I never knew how much I needed them in my life until this very moment.

    I’ve gotta say, my favourite character is Darth Vader (what can I say? I tend to love the bad guys. It’s horrible. ):)

  198. My boys (ages 5 and 3) LOVE Star Wars. When we went to Disneyland at Christmas time, our oldest went on the Star Tours ride over and over again. So many times that we could not pass by the adjoining store without looking at everything over and over again. Therefore, when we finally agreed to let the boys pick something out to bu and take home, they knew exactly what they wanted and where they were: Light savers, the ones that light up and make the noises and everything. They run through the house playing Star Wars almost daily. Funny thing is, neither of them has seen more than a few minutes of the movies! (But the have played the Lego Star Wars games for Wii and DS…. over and over again… )

  199. These are so cute! My favorite character would definitely be yoda!

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