
They Got Me

The other day I was doing a little impromptu shopping. I had already spent more than I wanted and I was about to pass the Williams-Sonoma store. I said to myself. “Walk faster. Faster. Don’t look in. You don’t need anything else. Whatever you do…

…don’t stop…

Don’t look in the …”


Dang. They got me.

I really tried not to go in, but how could I be complete without these Star Wars Cookie Cutters. I knew if I left empty handed, I’d wish I had bought them in the off chance someone I know wants Boba Fett cookies one day. So I went in, telling myself the whole time I would just have a peek. I can resist.


I can resist so well that I only bought two. One for me and one for you. Okay, one for one of you.


Now, I like to bake to go along with a giveaway if I can, but I knew I wouldn’t have enough time to make and pipe these this weekend and I just couldn’t wait to show you these cutters. Plus, my piping skills might deter you from wanting to try them. Piping royal icing is a skill I need to work on, but the way to go if you’re up for it. They’d still be super cute just like this photo from the back of the box, though.


The cutters have plungers that make impressions in the sugar cookie dough as you cut shapes.


You can whip up some Storm Troopers…


A Dark Lord perhaps.


Maybe some Boba Fett’s just so you can say the name over and over.


And you have to make Yoda, of course. Make him you should. And eat him you shall.

But… but wait… where’s Chewbacca and R2-D2? What’s up with that? I want to nibble on a little Wookiee. And maybe a little Harrison Ford.

They need a second edition. Fingers crossed.


The set comes packaged in a cute box with a recipe for cookies and icing.

Besides the kiddies going gaga for these, I think it would make a great gift for Daddy’s Day. Well, it might make some Daddy’s Day, not all.

Find them at Williams-Sonoma or…

You can enter for a chance to win a Star Wars Cookie Cutter Set here:

• Leave a comment on this post sharing something about Star Wars. Your favorite character? Favorite movie? How many star wars figurines your son has? Or maybe your husband? Or you? Whatever works.

• Deadline to enter is Saturday, May 22 at 12:00 noon ET. Sorry, Time’s UP. Winner Below.

• One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Saturday.

May the force be with you.

Oh man… your Star Wars stories were a real treat to read. So fun. Thank you for sharing. Wish I could give you all a set of these cutters. But I only have one set to give away and that one is going to Commenter 3034.

shannonwilli – congrats and tell your husband to brush off his yoda costume. Fun times ahead.


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4,812 comments on “They Got Me”

  1. I have actually never seen ANY of the Star Wars movies… not sure how that is possible considering my hubby loves Star Wars. However – while I would make some for my husband – I would def. make a giant batch for one of my best friends from high school. Her and her husband are both Science Fictions nerds. Plus, she is preggy… and honestly, who wouldn’t want a delicious batch of sugar cookies regardless of character?

  2. Star wars is without doubt my 3 fave flicks of all time, love these cookie cutters! x

  3. I love Yoda and Chewy. Also R2D2 so much my email address mimics his name (T2E2D2)! I’d love making star wars cookies and may very well pick up the cutters if I don’t win!

  4. These are adorable. I have plenty of friends who love Star Wars (including my first serious childhood sweetheart), so I’d love to win!

  5. My husband and kids are such Star Wars geeks it’s not even funny. Every day they do something that showcases just HOW much Star Wars influences our daily lives. Whether it’s waving their hands like a Jedi Knight to try and get their way, talking like Yoda, Roaring like a Wookie when they hurt themselves. Or asking me to find all the new Star Wars Jokes and coolness like this one a couple of days ago:

  6. I love the bar scene. That really made Star Wars for me.

  7. i must have these!! the star wars movies are my favorites!

  8. OMG those things are AWESOME! I agree, a second series needs to be made. Just think what the Leia cookies would look like?

    Our family are all Star Wars fans and I am totally geeking out about these.

  9. OMG my husband would freak out for these…although turning 40 this year he is a kid at heart…although I’m not a Star Wars freak like him I did have R2D2 underoos as a little girl and I think when I told him when we were dating he instantly feel in love!

  10. My husband and oldest son are so obsessed with Star Wars – when they watch the movies, they can even recite the lines before they are said by the actors. I would love to get these cookie cutters for them.

  11. My son, age 7, is a huge Star Wars fan but has never seen the movies. My husband and I are currently rewatching them with an eye to see if our son should watch them. After 2 movies I’m not so sure about him watching the movies but he would love to eat the cookies and share them with his Star Wars obsessed friends.

  12. OH BOY! When my husband and I loved in Baltimore, my best friends son told him that he liked Star Wars, which happens to be my husbands ALL TIME FAVORITE movie series. So, my freinds son, who was six at the time would call my husband, who was 33 at that time and ask if he wanted to come over and watch Star Wars with him…..and of course he would, becuase who can say NO to a six year old?!?! After we moved, my friends son would call my husband to talk about all things Star Wars and when Pottery barn Kids came out with the SW bedding, they both got matching pillow cases!

  13. WOW I love them… I saw the original Star Wars as a child.. I remember being in that fully packed dark theater, Heaven! My fav character, Obi WAN…he is just too cool…

  14. OMG!! Sooooo cute. My 3 boys absolutely LOVE star wars!! they are telling me to buy them right now!! LOL!!

  15. My husband would love these! Every time we are in a store and pass by a toy section, he has to stop to look at the toy lightsabers. My favorite character? Yoda for sure.

  16. My favorite character is Yoda since I love his words of wisdom. Those cookie cutters are adorable. You can count on ?Williams Sonoma to have those unique items that really catch your eye;)

  17. My sons will truly believe I am the best mum in the world if I could make Star Wars cookies as these can not be found any where in Australia!

  18. These are adorable! I love to make cookies!

  19. My kids love Star Wars and I’ve made my share of themed cakes, but these cutters are a must for this house!

  20. My nieces have come to love star wars just as their mom( my sis in law ) does, so if I win this, it will be a gift for my sweet girls!

  21. I have never seen Star Wars, much to my husband’s dismay. He LOVES everything Star Wars. My 9 year old nephew has discovered the movies as well – his bedroom is Star Wars themed (He would love some Star Wars cookies for his birthday!)

  22. My husband and I were both 6 when the original Star Wars came out. I had Star Wars sheets on my bed, and wore out the grooves on my Star Wars Soundtrack vinyl LP. He had all of the action figures that he carried around in a case shaped like Darth Vader’s head.

    Forward ahead 34 years, and my daughter Leah (spelled differently to save her from a lifetime of “were you named after Princess Leia” questions…) is turning 6 soon. Soon the force will be introduced to her, and we can’t wait!

  23. OMG!!! I don’t even have kids yet but when I saw these I instantly needed a 5 yr old to make these for!! Since I can’t seem to procure said five year old my husband will do just fine!!! SOOO Cute!!

  24. OH…I need these. I have four boys who are Star Wars OBSESSED.

  25. Everytime I’m sick my hubby and I sit down and watch the entire star wars trilogy; love it!!! My fav is obviously Luke!!

  26. I agree with you “where is R2D2.”My son is a Star Wars fan ,he is going to be 34. I could make him some cookies for his birthday or use the cutters to cut out fondant shapes.

  27. Star Wars cookie cutters! How awesome are they

  28. My favorite has always been Return of the Jedi. Those are awesome cookie cutters!

  29. Star Wars is big with all of my boys right now…husband and sons! My youngest is really into the Star Wars Legos. They would love these cookies!

  30. Yoda, yoda, yoda. I love that little thing… whatever he is. There is a video on youtube of Yoda breakdancing and it has to be one of my all time favorite things to watch.

  31. R2D2 has to be the best Star Wars character ever. Many family members are HUGE fans, so I can’t wait to try these out!

  32. My husband is a huge Star Wars geek, I mean fan. ;) He’s now turned our 6 year old into a fan as well, and getting these would make his father’s day even better! :)

  33. I’m a Yoda fan, and a big Chewy fan too–it is a shame he doesn’t have a cutter, yet. They are way cool!

  34. I love Princess Leiha and her big hair buns!

  35. We love Star Wars! My husband has the entire Star Wars Pez collection, including the giant Darth Vader.

    As for these wonderful cookie cutters, I suggest a new strategy, R2: let the Jensens win. :)

  36. @(*-*)@
    star wars rocks

  37. Oh goodness, my son LOVES Star Wars. On a very “Kids say the darndest things” type of day, he once told me he that “There are more wookies than you will ever know” (to explain that Chewie isn’t just a freak of nature, of course), and “That fat pilot is too fat to be a pilot” (there are rules, you know). Oh how he’d love to be surprised with some Darth Vader cookies!

  38. The Ewoks. They’re so little and cute and my late relatives used to have a dog whose face reminded me exactly of them. Now I smile whenever I see them in the movie!

  39. These would be great to make for my husband. He has already started to show the movies (the originals, not 3 new ones to our 2 1/2 year old). Thanks for the giveaway.

  40. I grew up with two older boy cousins who were obsessed with the star wars triliogy… I think the were the inner foundation of the geek that I am…

  41. I love Star Wars and anything about it! My favorite character is the Ewok’s, they are so cute that you just want to keep one in your pocket!

  42. These are so cool! And I just saw the Williams-Sonoma Star Wars Pancake Molds yesterday. Looks like if I don’t win, I’ll being buying both sets from their website! Anyway, my brother and I have been Star Wars fans our whole lives. Now, my little girl is too! She would love these. Thanks so much for sharing.

  43. My brother was obsessed too. I would love to make Stars Wars cookies for his son, my nephew, Miles.

  44. Hi Bakerella! I would LOVE to have those cookie cutters. My favorite scene in any of the Star Wars movies is when Leia dramatically says, “I Love You,” and Han says, “I know.” Thanks for all the amazing giveaways! :)

  45. OMG! I am taking my boys to the Star Wars Weekend tomorrow at Hollywood Studios (Walt Disney World, we live in Orlando) and they would adore these!!! You would make their whole summer if they could make these!! Please and thank you ;-)

  46. My husband and I both LOVED Star Wars as kids. Now our 3 daughters are in love with Star Wars, too. ;) As much as I like the new ones…there is something about the old, classic ones. Just brings a smile to my face. Favorite character….hmmm, that’s a hard one….but it would have to be Yoda. May the munchies be with you. ;)

  47. I hadn’t watched any Star Wars until I met my husband which led to a full marathon screening session. He is in love and obsessed! My 3 year old daughter even has her own little Star Wars t-shirt collection. Hubby discovered these cookie cutters a month or so ago and e-mailed them to me, boy would he be in love if I won a set for him!

  48. I LOVE R2D2. I have a collection that includes an R2 trash can and several figures released only in japan. And light saber chopsticks. I probably love star wars a little too much.

  49. i’ve nvr watched star wars in my life ; but these are damm cute !!

  50. The recessional song in my wedding was the Star Wars theme. I surprised my husband and snuck it in. The look on his face as we turned to face our family & friends was priceless!

  51. Win cookie cutters I must! Favorite Star Wars scene is the garbage shoot of course! Thanks for bringing this to my attention – will make a great gift!!

  52. OMG I have to get these. My son, who is now 31 has rediscovered his Star Wars Collection from his youth and has started collecting them again. This would be a nice addition to his set. I hope they have them here in Canada.

  53. I love these I’m just starting out as a baker and my friends would love some of these
    R2D2 has always been my favorite !

  54. My six year old son loves anything Star Wars. He’s built several LEGO Star Wars sets, and has a huge Darth Vadar wall decal on his bedroom wall. These cookie cutters are adorable! They would combine the two things my son loves most – my cookies and his favorite movies!

  55. You are my ob1i kenobi Bakerella!

  56. When I was little I loved Star Wars. I could never remember what it was called though. I always got it confused with Star Trek because my dad constantly had Star Trek on. Every now and then Star Wars would be on TV and I would get SO excited and then lose interest in about 15 minutes.

  57. Oh where to begin? I have a 7 ft Darth Vader cut out in my room and floor to ceiling shelves of toys. We’ve read all the books and my son falls asleep to the movies every night and has for practically his entire life. We’ve had dogs named Luke and Leia. We generally list “The Force” as our religion.
    It is who we are! :)
    We would ADORE these cookie cutters!

  58. I would love these! My husband is a Star Wars fool! =) He has lightsabers and a whole cristmas tree full of ornaments! He actually leaves some of the ornaments out on a shelf year long and my 19 month old loves to hear them make their sounds.

  59. Love Star Wars! My favourites will always be the Ewoks. Something about the pointy, furry ears maybe….

  60. HOLY STAR WARS, BATMAN! Those have to be the cutest things I’ve ever seen. Let’s see: I love Star Wars more than ANYTHING! My son, Alex, was born on May 14th, in a galaxy far, far away, and I’ve been accused by many a geeky friend of mine for planning him to be born that day. See, that day is also George Lucas’ birthday. We had to be talked out of actually naming him Lucas. Let’s see, what else? My husband and I were, for a very long time, stormtroopers in the 501st legion. (I *was* short for a stormtrooper! TK-4150 I still have vintage bits and bobs around the house from my childhood (*cough* read: current) obsession: toys, toothbrush, sheets, sleeping bag, washcloth, lunchbox, whole sets of those collectable glass tumblers. This list could go on, and on. Please, stop me. No, really.

  61. My daughter would love these! Princess Leia is her favorite but she loves all of the movies and would be over the moon with Star Wars cookies!

  62. would love to make these for my soon to be son-in-law. he would love these.

  63. PLEASE!!! i want tthese for my hubby and future son! GOSH! if i get chosen i dun mind paying for the shipping!!! i bet the boys in the house will all dive in when they are out of my oven!

  64. Those are AMAZING! I have some truely geeky people in my life who would go crazy for those Star Wars cookies. I’ve always liked the movie – it’s great! But not as much as some people! I can’t believe what a great job the cutters do. They need a Death Star one as well!

  65. Oh Damn – now I have to go find these. Star Wars cakes are easy but cookies – the force has me…I must stay on course…going to the mall…cookies are our only hope…

  66. I probably won’t win but I’ve got to give it a try. My brother loves Star Wars. He has a ton of figures and toys. He’s 30 and just got married recently. When he and his wife went furniture shopping, one of the priorities is a display cabinet for his collection. He even had a Japanese Spitz named Wicket, though the puppy did look like an Ewok.

  67. My parents didn’t let me watch Star Wars when I was a kid, so I grew up never seeing the movies. When I met my husband he made sure to remedy that immediately by watching all three (Episodes 4,5,6) back to back. Of course, Return of the Jedi is his least favorite because of the Ewoks, and my favorite … because of the Ewoks. It must be a guy/girl thing.

  68. The only thing I know about Star Wars is it has Harrison Ford!!

  69. I cant tell you how MANY Star Wars parties I’ve had over the last 20 years for my two sons.How many times I secreatly swiped their characters to make a star war scene on their birthday cakes. SO MANY Star Wars memories to count….

  70. oh wow, wish i hadn’t seen these! my nephews LOVE star wars, and we’ve even had to have several different star wars birthday parties! my favorite character is yoda!

  71. wow! i only saw the star wars movies a little while ago and i loved it! i reckon star wars cake pops would be a challenge…but very cool! Eat yoda, i will.

  72. That is too cool! What I like about it is that they are a good size and you are able to see the details! I actually like to see the Star Wars cartoons . . . they have some really neat characters.

  73. I’ve never seen Star Wars, but man my kiddo loves them!

  74. I have TONS of Star Wars toys upstairs in my grown son’s bedroom. Thanks to him I am the coolest grandma. Rusty’s favorite was always Hans Solo, his 4-year-old daughter loves Chewbacca, his 1-year-old daughter likes Darth Vadar, and I am a Yoda fan.

  75. I am a total Star Wars geek! I will confess – my brother had every SW play set, figure and every ship (yeah, we had the HUGE Falcon) when we were kids. I played with those MORE than I played with my Barbies. I don’t think my mother has ever gotten over that. Ummm…and yes, my father would have us take an extra long nap and on opening day, we would go to the midnight showing. I LOVE this set!!!!

  76. I know nothing about Star Wars… except for the fact that my older brother is IN LOVE with it! He owns every movie, action figure and Star Wars lego set ever made. He would adore this cookie cutter set for his birthday that’s coming up!

  77. I’m not a fan, but my boyfriend is and he has lots of Star Wars toys. When he saw them he said he wanted some Bobo Phet cookies

  78. Oh! If only it were May 4th… then you could say “May the fourth be with you”!!

  79. Fave: Han Solo wihtout a doubt! First movie chacter/actor crush. Still love Harrison Ford.

  80. Awh I like the hairy dude, chubaka lol

  81. One Halloween my sister was Princess Leah and I was R2D2.! I guess there were no other girl characters for me to be. I think I would have rather been Yoda though!

  82. Oh, me, me, me please!!!! We love Star Wars… my husband has got quite a collection of Star Wars Lego, and he has just decided to share his Star wars duvet cover with our 3 year old son…. note that he is sharing, and not giving…. :-) I remember going to see The Empire Strikes Back at the drive-in when I was 4, in my pyjamas!

  83. I’ve loved Star Wars since I was a mini-me. My cousin and I always played with the action figures. Now I’m breaking my children into the love of Star Wars and they’ve got their own figures – those cute blocky Hasbro Galactic Heroes.

  84. I’m a big Star Wars fan, and I’d love to make star wars cookies for my colleagues at work (and of course for myself :D )

  85. How fun is that? I would love to win these! My nephew is a big Star Wars fan. He would love for Aunt Kathy to make him some cookies!

  86. SO Cute! I can’t wait to make them for the boys in my 2nd grade class! They are CRAZY about Star Wars!!

  87. When my little boy was only a few days old he started looking like a little old man. For quite a few weeks I was calling him Yoda. He really did look old, much older than he should have for a new born. We discovered he was sick & the problem did cause some to look old. So after an operation at 4 weeks old he started to look like a baby again. I will always remember his Yoday days though.

  88. I love star wars! but not the new ones, blech, give me the originals! I think Chewbacca is my favorite…

  89. I’m a HUGE star wars fan–the product of growing up with three brothers and living in rural MA… one summer when we were kids we watched a Star Wars movie EVERYDAY. I kid you not… EVERY DAY. Sometimes, we watched the whole trilogy. I was always outvoted in the matter and grew to love the crap out of the movies (Tho, to be honest, it took a few years to recuperate) .. then along came the prequels and it was Star Wars mania again. Anyway, I’ll probably have to buy some of these to surprise my bros with some treats :)

  90. I love those cokkie cutters but i’ve never watced Star wars

  91. My Star Wars story is that I haven’t seen Star Wars since I was a little girl, but these cookie cutters are super cute.

  92. My dad will love those cookie cuters

  93. I LOVE Star Wars! these are just too cute! My son isn’t a Star Wars fan yet (he’s 7 months old) but with these I’ll sure win him over some day soon!

  94. OMG.

    Cutest cookies EVER!

    I’m a huge Star Wars fan, as is my brother. And my sister. And my boyfriend. And his brother.(I surround myself with other geeks. Contrary to popular belief we are social creatures, too ;)

  95. They are so so cool!!!

    Katie xox

  96. Haha!!! Love it! I’ve enjoyed Star Wars since I was a kid and married a Star Wars nut. But then again, who doesn’t like the show?!?!?!

  97. it’s the star wars LEGOS that are taking over at our house – hundreds, thousands of little pieces…welcome to the dark side. cookies would make playing even more fun.

  98. Uh oh…that darn W-S!!
    I was fairly young when the original was released, but I remember my parents took me to see it at the drive-in theater!
    Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  99. i love padme!

  100. My son LOVES star wars! These would be perfect!

  101. these are DARLING!!! i am in the middle of planning a star wars birthday party for my two star wars obsessed boys!! they assigned everyone in the family a character. my husband is boba fett and i am jabba the hutt (just a little self esteem boost there).

  102. Wow these are so cool! My son and my husband are both BIG Star Wars Fans, and they collect all the Star Wars Lego they can get. These would have been perfect at my sons 6th birthday, it had Star Wars theme. Unfortunately it is hard to find many Star Wars items in Finland where we live.
    Luke Skywalker is my favorite, but Han Solo and Princess Leia are my sons favorites (at least at the moment, it changes all the time).

  103. How cute are those! I didnt really get into Star wars until my son got into Lego Star Wars. My husband loves Darth :-)

  104. my brother loves star wars, and when we were younger he decided he would sell all his figurines at our garage sale. when the sale was over he decided he wanted them all back. Fortunately, the lady who bought them lived just down the street. But, my parents told him, he had to go ask. And fortunately she was kind. Ah yes, I’m sure they’re in my parents attic living happily now!

  105. My favorite character is Yoda. Who can resist taking advice from a small green man? :)

  106. OMG!!! I just love these! I grew up on Star Wars and now my son loves it. My favorite character would have to be Princess Lea though.

    Thanks so much for the chance to win–Pick me!!!

  107. I love yoda – I mean he’s just a little green Miss Piggy!

    Hermi-wan Kenobi was what my family called me for aaaggeess after the movies came out. Its a little worn-out now though!

  108. As the nerd I am I just love thoose cookie cutters! Me wants! Badly! I know my husband would love them aswell….

  109. close to 900 comments- people want those cookie cutters.

    well me too damn it.

    who wouldn’t????

    star wars cookies?.
    yes please.

  110. My favourite is the Empire Strikes Back, I prefer the old ones ^^
    Han Solo is my favourite character, a young Harrison Ford……..

  111. my daughter would LOVE these. our fav character is Boba Fett, of course! :)

  112. I went into labor with my second child while watching “The Empire Strikes Back”. He was over 3 weeks early, and my husband was amazed with the lengths I’d go to to not watch that movie AGAIN!

  113. I used to watch Star Wars with my brothers when we were growing up ALL OF THE TIME. We watched it so much that I have no idea exactly what happens in each movie as they all kind of blend into one. In true “big brother” fashion, every time Jabba the Hutt would come on screen they would say “look Emy! You’re on tv!”

    oh the love.

  114. Those are so great! :)
    Love them all

  115. My 6 year old is in LOVE with Star Wars. He can name every character, and knows what side they are on, even though he has NEVER seen the movies!

  116. OMG! My sons are obsessed with Lego Wii Star Wars. For my older ones last birthday I searched high and low for Star Wars cookie cutters and never found them. These are sooooooo cute! :)

  117. Sad as it is, I had never heard of Star Wars till 1999 (I was 18) when my friend asked me to go see The Phantom Menace.

    Still, these cutters are super cute and my hubby would be in SW heaven!

  118. When my son was younger, he HAD to have every Star Wars item he could find….and ended up building models of all the ships and hanging them from his bedroom ceiling. As a matter of fact, just put them all in a garage sale this spring.

  119. My husband and son love Star Wars. I make my son shake his head at my ignorance when I ask why there is no Mrs. Fett. She’s now the running joke in our family – whenever something is wrong we blame Mrs. Fett!

  120. My son’s all time favorite. I’ve got boxes of everything Star Wars in the attic, jus waiting for a grandson to play with!

  121. These are some really cool cookie cutters. I remember playing with the Star War Action figures with my brother. I always wanted to play with Princess Leia since she seemed to be the only girl. I would probably have to make these cookies for the big “boys” in my life…my husband and my brother who are both Star War fans.

  122. I would eat ALL the Harrison Ford cookies, oh yeah! I’ve got to win these for my friend whose kids are nuts over Star Wars. And I just know she would be better at the icing anyway!

  123. My sons LOVE Star Wars! These are the greatest cookie cutters ever! My husband and I used to think we knew a lot about Star Wars—we grew up watching the movies and went to all three of the newer ones on opening day. Then we showed the movies to our sons and they became fanatics. They now tell us about characters and places and trivia we never imagined was out there A long time ago in galaxy far, far away. . . .

  124. I have a Darth Vader helmet, which when I speak, changes my voice. It is the best thing ever. More than once my husband has woken up to me leaning over him saying ‘Duncan.*skkkkshhhh*.. I am your wife..*skkkkkshhhhh*.’

  125. Okay now that is just TOO cute! The Phantom Menace is my fav so far – sadly I have yet to finish watching the other SW movies! *sheepish look*

  126. My 19 yr old daughter would go nuts over these. Her 5 brothers brought her up loving Star Wars… who can pick a favorite character? They’re all great!

  127. OMG! How cute! My son would love it if I got a set of those.
    He’s loves the animated series as well as the actual movies and so do I. We are a household of Star Wars fans.

  128. oh sometimes living in Europe sucks :\

  129. so cute, but I always had trouble with cookie cutters. the dough would stick and by the time I got it out it was just a random lump……. but hope springs eternal. I would really like to try those ouy. thank you for the chance to win them.

  130. My husband is a huge star wars fan. He had tons of collectable figures in big plastic totes in the basement – until we had a major flood 5 years ago. 5 feet of water in the basement, those plastic “water tight” totes didn’t stand a chance. It was a sad day watching him rip all that soggy cardboard away from the figures. They now reside in a basket in the playroom and the kids drag them out from time to time.

  131. Oooh I would live live love to surprise my hubster with these! He’s a HUGE SW fan. I guess my favorite character would be Chewie. Tall, dark and hairy. That’s how I like ’em.

  132. I’ve never made it through any of the movies- I’ve always fallen asleep. My brother and his two sins are big fans. The kids room is Star Wars themed! I’d love to get these and whip up a batch for them!

  133. We are a Star Wars family. For Halloween I was Princess Leia. My husband was OB-1 Kenobi, my son was Jango Fett and my daughter was a Clone Trooper. The family that geeks out together stays together. We NEED these cookie cutters!

  134. My dad loves Star Wars toys but doesn’t really care for any films.
    I love Ewoks!

  135. If you haven’t made the ‘vwoom-vwoom’ lightsaber noises, you haven’t been a child.


  136. My husband set the ringtone on his cellphone (for when i call) to the Darth Vader music. So, when he’s at work and I call him, all of his coworkers here the Darth Vader music and say to him, “Come to the dark side.” Pretty funny if you ask me!

  137. My brother-in-law is a huge fan and would lose his mind if I made him Star Wars cookies!

  138. Yoda’s a babe. :) Last week I was at a friends party and we were doing trivia and there was a quote from Star Wars “If this is a consular ship, where is the ambassador?” And I was the ONLY one who knew the answer (not event the guy who came dressed as Darth Vader which really says something. About him I mean.) Anyway, would LOVE those cutters to share with my equally dorky friends :)

  139. Oh I need these Star Wars cookie cutters….I would love to be the lucky winner…the only thing better would to be able to go to the William Sonoma store…and gaze at all the creative goodies.

  140. I’ve never seen star wars but my boyfriend would love if I surprised him with some star wars cookies!

  141. Star Wars is like Lord of the Rings: I can’t watch just one. I’ll have to watch at least two, and preferably back-to-back.
    We don’t have any figurines, but we do have one of those R2D2 projection alarm clocks. It never worked, but we do have it standing around in our study. (surrounded by World of Warcraft paraphernalia. Cause we’re geeks like that.)

  142. When my hubby found out I had never watched any of the Star Wars movies, i thought he might pass out. Needless to say, we had a marathon Star Wars night and my favorite is 3CPO!

  143. My favourites have always been the giants walkers AT-AT, but I’ve always been kinda fascinated by giants robots…

  144. Possibly the greatest trilogy ever. My brothers had all the action figures! If I don’t win, I’m definitely going to go buy some.

  145. They got me too! My husband and I are crazy for Star Wars just to recite Yoda’s lines over and over.

  146. They’re amazing, but….. No Wookie Cookie!

  147. I waited in line for hours to see the original movie, Star Wars, then went back to see it several more times. It was the coolest!

    The second set of cookie cutters (and I hope there will be one) should totally have Han, maybe encased in carbonite.

  148. I’d love these! We are huge Star Wars fans and this would totally make my husband’s day!

    bakerella…you’re my only hope…

  149. lol. what will they think next…love them. william-sonoma had star wars pancake molds also.

  150. My 5 yr old would adore these! He loves star wars, especially Yoda, & and loves cooking with me. He was Luke for Halloween & his 1 yr old sister was Leia. He still wears his costume often. We have made your Turkey cake pops together and they were a huge hit!

  151. I don’t like star wars particularly, but my boyfriend will be really excited to get these kind of cookies…

  152. My partner calls me Darth Vader…. not because either of us are HUGE Star Wars fans, nope, it’s because when I snore apparently I sound like him! Duh…..

  153. Very cute! I wouldn’t be able to resist going in to the store either.

    Darth Vader is my favorite because he’s my son’s favorite.

  154. These cookie cutters are fantabulous, I’d love to make Yoda cookies!

  155. There’s a phenomenon called ‘Red Nose Day’ where everyone wears plastic clown noses and does funky hair for charity. When I was nine and experiencing it for the first time at boarding school, one of our matrons did my butt-length hair up in braids and gave a a Princess Leia ‘do. :)

  156. Love the romance between Anakin and Amidala in attack of the clones. :)

  157. LOVE these! Star Wars totally began my love of science fiction. These cutters would get me too…

  158. Yoda! My brother adores Star Wars, he’s 2 and 4 months but he knows it better than I do :P

  159. Return of the Jedi was the first movie that I saw at the movie theater without a parent. Thought that was so cool.

  160. Your page and posts are such an inspiration. And once again it’s amazing what amazing things exist out there.

  161. oh my, my next door neighbor in the dorm in college (and now one of my best friends) is SO obsessed with star wars – we actually sat and watched them all through. Once was enough for me, but she would love these :D

  162. My husband is a huge fan of Star Wars. I had figures as a child and would spend hours with my brothers setting them up all over our rooms for epic battles!

  163. i love the entire series…queen amydala and jarjarbinks all the way!

  164. OMG! These are entirely too cute for words! Their little faces look so serious…making it all the more fun to chomp right down on them. My brother-in-law has “May the force be with you” as his email signature! I would love to make a batch of these guys for him! His reaction would be priceless!

  165. Yes, I cannot imagine anyone out there who does not like Star Wars. Loved Harrison Ford and still do. Those cookie cutters are darling. Wonder if they make Star Trek cookie cutters? LOL Paulette

  166. Awww Star Wars <3
    My boyfriend is a really big fan. He saw each movie like a million times and has some really cool vintage figurines that he uses to make the christmas crib in the winter (R2D2 is Jesus! Ahahahah)

  167. I’m old school, All the originals! Didn’t get into the newer movies until my kids discovered LEGO Star Wars and then wanted to watch the series.

    They love it now too. How cool would it be to make some of these for them.

  168. Both my husband and son love Star Wars. The two boys would love these… considering this is one of the movies that they would watch together during Father/Son bonding time.

  169. For a dance recital when I was about 10, I had my mom style my hair like princess Leia. My mom told me it looked like I had a turd on each side of my head. I could really use these as a consolation prize, since I have been traumatized. ;p

  170. I *love* all of the original Star Wars movies!

  171. My favourite character has to be Chewbacca…hands down, he wins every time! Even though my brother nicknames me Chewie because apparently that’s who I look (and sound) like in the morning…

  172. My boyfriend went absolutely crazy when I showed him your pictures. I need those so badly! :)
    His absolute favorite is a Boba Fett Sweater, complete with zipped hood to create the helmet. So much for Star Wars crazy. ;)

  173. OMG! How awesome are those? They’re doing a showing of the 1st Star Wars movie using our Vancouver Symphony orchestra and the fellow who was in the C3PO suit will also be here I believe, so June22!

  174. i have a friend who’s totally obsessed with star wars. whenever i find something star wars related online, i forward it to him immediately. however, he’s never asked how or why i come across all those sites and articles. thank goodness. because i would totally have to out myself as a bigger geek than he is. :D

  175. What fabulous cookie cutters, my favorite film is the first – Harrison Ford so good looking! My daughter and husband are real fans though.

  176. I would have to say R2-D2 was and still is my favorite character! I would probably get some good brownie points if i were to make Stars Wars cookies for my brothers and nephews. There are many light sabers at my house. LOL

  177. Star Wars.

    Star Wars is one of these movies that I’m too young to actually know. But I watched the first episodes several times when I was a child, mostly together with my father or my brother. And I loved it.
    So because I’ve watched the movies when I was little, I’m mixing up a lot of things when I try to recognize the events in the different movies today. But still it’s fun, and I would definitely call myself a Star Wars fan. I would fail at every quiz, but I really love it. :)

  178. I have therapy with Yoda in my head. Don’t worry, I’m not so far gone that I actually see him… or tell my secrets to tiny costumed dudes at conventions… unless I know them… what was I saying? Um… my imaginary therapist would like his next imaginary payment to be in the form of super real cookies that look like him and his enemies! On account of he has some unresolved issues of his own.
    Let the force be with your piping hand!

  179. So adorable! My best friend and I used to just to talk nonsense about Star Wars all the time when bored-surprisingly this scares off strangers.

  180. Soooo, agreeing that there has to be a Wookie Cookie cutter too! The Wookies are my favs because my puppy dog (I recenlty lost him over Christmas) loved to Wookie at me when I would get home from work. It was my favorite sound to hear all day.

  181. My oldest daughter’s name is Leia… enough said :)

  182. I didn’t get to see Star Wars when it came out because I had just given birth to a baby girl.

    My favorite is the first one… or number 6, whatever you want to call it!

  183. I went forever never watching it, until I got married. My husband loves it. Action figures, shirts, posters, he has it all in his man cave.

    Maybe if I get these cookie cutters, he’ll actually make ME some cookies for once.. lol

  184. Oh WOW..Im an american living over in The Netherlands and of course they do not have anything like this over here. My two son’s are HUGE Star Wars fans..they would be blown away to see Star Wars Cookies!

  185. When I was younger, I bet my older brother 50 bucks that Darth Maul was played by John Travolta because for some crazy reason I thought I was right. I still owe him that 50 bucks.

  186. oh wow love love love wicket the ewok – they must make a cutter of him surely :) we love him so much we called our shih tzu doggie Wicket – we have our very own live ewok, its fab :) xxx

  187. I am not a big SW fan but who doesn’t love Yoda?

  188. “Star Wars” (the original, not this ‘Phantom Menace’ garbage) was the first movie I ever saw in a theater. My dad took me. I remember sitting there in awe, watching the fight scenes and loving every minute of the film, and looking over at my dad. He was ASLEEP!

  189. How fantastic. Williams Sonoma come up with the best things -I’m disappointed they don’t ship to the UK – I’d love to make Star Wars cookies :)

  190. ooooh wow! nifty :)

  191. We have a vintage x wing fighter belonging to Daddy and a modern one which is enormous, which someone gifted my son. We also used to have a cat who used to give himself the Yoda look with his ears when he wasn’t happy about something!

  192. I just saw these on a coworkers desk and nearly died! Someone gave them to him, knowing he was a die hard star wars fan. I love them so much. I’d have to say that my favorite character is easily Han Solo. He was my first crush!

  193. My husband is crazy about Star Wars…one of my vows at the wedding was to watch all the episodes (at that moment i had never watched any)!!! I don´t know if i love his character but i albsolutely love Harrison Ford…and i find sooo funny the ENSAIMADAS that princess Laila has on her hairs :)

  194. Ah, wow I loved the third (and the last) movie. The ending brought me to tears. My favorite character is either R2-D2 or Padame, Natalie Portman was the perfect character .

  195. I love the original Star Wars. I was in Kindergarten when the third movie came out. I had a “boyfriend” and he told me I was as pretty as Princess Lea. Still makes me blush, all these years later. Hopefully it wasn’t just the slave Lea in Jabba the Hut’s place in his eyes, LOL. My son would love these for his birthday!! Thanks for the chance :)

  196. Wow, these are awesome. My son loves all the characters. I like ewoks. Are those even Star wars???? Ha ha!

  197. I was raised on Star Wars!! I even had a stuffed ewok when I was little. But I have to say, it would have been nothin without John Williams BRILLIANT music!!!

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