
Twelve Days

Hi guys. I guess you’ve probably noticed my absence from the website recently. Well, I’ve finally felt good enough to post something. So here goes. I’ve been in the hospital for the last twelve days and I’m still not sure when I will get out. Hopefully soon. Hopefully. I’m definitely ready.

Unfortunately, I was pretty sick when I arrived. I started out with an infection that made its way into my transplanted kidney and then into my bloodstream. Not good. Not fun.

But what makes matters much more difficult is that for more than a year now, my transplanted kidney has not been doing it’s best. I chose not to tell anyone because I wanted to focus on being positive, but I’ve slowly had to come to terms that my kidney, the wonderful gift of life given to me more than eighteen years ago will not be with me forever. Actually, something I never really expected to happen. But I was so young when I received it and it has done so superbly over the years, I never had a reason to question its lifespan. I’ve learned recently however, that 18 years is fantastic for a transplanted kidney and even better since mine was from a deceased donor. I can’t tell you how hard it is to accept that I will have to let this kidney go. Feelings of letting my deceased donor down fill my heart with sadness.

But it is happening. And faster than I anticipated. Before getting sick two weeks ago, I had begun the process to be re-evaluated for another kidney transplant and to be added to the transplant waiting list. In the meantime, my mom is being tested to be a possible donor. I had thought I would have time to do all of this and hopefully have surgery and not skip a beat with my job or with this website that I enjoy sharing with you so much.

No such luck. Since I’ve been here, I’ve started dialysis to take some stress off my distressed kidney while it tries to heal. The hope is that I would be on dialysis for a short while, giving my transplanted kidney time to recuperate. Then, go off dialysis and try to squeak a few more months out before surgery is needed.

The alternative, though which is just as possible is that 1) I’ll be on dialysis until my mom is confirmed as a donor or 2) My mom is not a potential donor and then I would stay on dialysis while I wait on the list for a kidney to become available.

So that’s what’s been going on. That’s the reason for the lack of cake pops and cupcakes and cute. I just wanted to let you know something and thank everyone for their wonderful and inspiring get well wishes. You guys are a huge bright spot in my life. You have no idea how much.


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4,602 comments on “Twelve Days”

  1. My prayers for a complete healing and resolution for your sickness. xox

  2. Wishing you Good luck..Hope you find a donor soon:)
    May God Bless.

  3. I was just thinking the other day that you hadn’t posted this week. I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.

  4. Thinking of you and hoping that you’re well soon. Take care of yourself!

  5. Bakerella, I’m so sorry to hear you are going through this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope that things work out with finding a matched donor and the surgery goes well!

  6. Bakerella, we’re sending you warm, healing thoughts from Hawaii. Best wishes to you and your Mom!

  7. Huge fan here- my daughers & I saw you in SLCity.
    i just told my daughter about this post & your kidney & she replied that starbucks put on facebook that they have cake pops- her reply? YOU TOTALLY STOLE THAT IDEA FROM BAKERELLA!

    Hugs & kisses & prayers & everything else you need in the world from us here!
    We love you!
    and your mom!!

  8. So sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a fast recovery!! Feel better xoxo

  9. Hugs right back at you! Hoping for a quick recovery!

  10. So sorry you have to go through this. You are in my prayers.

  11. Dearest Angie,
    I am so so sorry to hear! You give so much to so many, and it pains me to know you’re going through this… praying for a miracle for you. We miss you and hope you’ll be back on your feet in no time at all.
    Much love XXX

  12. Please get well. Take it easy. I will keep you in my prayers.

  13. Wishing you a quick recovery and the very best outcome. You have an amazing spirit and I just know you will come out strong and well. I can’t wait to see more cake pops when you’re all well!

  14. I will be praying for you to find a match very soon. I am so sorry for you to go through this. Get well soon! :)))

  15. My hugs, thoughts and prayers are with you. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Please get well soon!!

  16. Adding my virtual hugs and positive vibes. Feel better, and we hope to see you back soon, happy and healthy.

  17. I’m so sorry to hear your news…I’m saying a prayer for you.

  18. I had been wondering! I’m so sorry for the reason you’ve been away. I pray that there is an answer for you very soon. Hang in there!!!

  19. Prayers for you! Love you.

  20. best wishes for a speedy recovery! I’ll be thinking of you every time i bake!

  21. I am a long-time reader of yours and such a fan of your whimsy and creativity, but I have never posted a comment. Please know that my thoughts are with you and I hope so much that things work out as quickly and painlessly as possible.

  22. I’m sorry to hear about your recent medical difficulties. I hope you find a donor match soon and that you start getting better!

  23. Like some other commenters above, I have been a faithful, long-time reader of your blog but I have never commented before until now. Your blog and your amazng creativity and genuinely friendly presence–not to mention your great photos and your awesome new book–have been such an inspiration to me. In fact, you were the driving force behind me starting a new blog so that I could write about my baking and creativity. So, you have also been a bright spot in my life! I wish you all the best during your treatment and recovery from your illness and good health for many years to come. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  24. Hoping for a successful donor match and soon!! Hoping you feel better soon and have a quick recovery. We miss you!!

  25. I don’t normally comment, but wanted to say that I’m so sorry you haven’t been feeling well the past couple of weeks. I hope that you find a kidney match soon and have a speedy recovery! Many thoughts and prayers go to you and your family! :)

  26. Sorry to hear of your illness. You’ve inspired me in so many ways with your creations. I’ve attempted many of your goodies, much to the delight of my family. I’m praying for a positive outcome and a speedy recovery.

  27. Thank you for sharing your story, that must have been difficult for you. Stay strong, I will think good thoughts for you and your family. I hope your mother is a match, fingers crossed!

  28. My thought and prayers are with you…

  29. Sending “positive match” energy your way! Feel better Bakerella!

  30. Just wanted to let u know that from Puerto Rico..we send you lots of prayers and hope you get well soon….in god we trust..and may everything go well with the donor…

  31. I have faith in your recovery and hope that you will be back to full health soon! I know that we ALL miss YOU! I’m happy that we bring sun into your heart just the same as you have done for us!
    Love <3<3<3<3<3<3
    Ava (#1 fan!)

  32. I will pray for you. {{{HUGS}}}

  33. First time commenting but I have been reading for a long time. My heart and well wishes go out to you. Rest, get better. We’re here.

  34. Praying for a healthy kidney and a fast and speedy recovery. Get better! You’re missed xo

  35. You are such a strong and amazing woman! I hope you pull through this quickly and get 100% healthy soon! Positive thoughts and prayers coming your way :)

  36. Good luck Bakerella! We love you!

  37. I’m adding myself to the list of people wishing you well. I’m sending you lots of good wishes and high-tech thoughts.

    In addition, I’m taking the time to FINALLY buy the book. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while, but now seems like the perfect time.

    I hope you get better soon.

  38. I am sorry to hear you have been sick. I hope your mom can be a donor & that you are doing better soon!

  39. My thoughts and prayers are with you . . . Hoping you find a matching donor soon and wishing you a speedy recovery.

  40. Wow! My thoughts are with you and I’m sending good vibes your way.

  41. My heart goes out to you – we will definitely keep you in our prayers. Hoping things go as well as they can for you.

    My teenage daughter just discovered your cake pops book in my cookbook library and she has been having a blast with it – so even though you are missed on the blog, the joy you have shared with all your creations is still having a ripple effect. Take the time you need – we all want you to be healthy. Cyber hugs!

  42. Just to let you know that your in my daily thoughts and prayers and sending you lots of hugs. Hoping you find a perfect match soon and a very very speedy recovery. You are an inspiration!!
    Whimsy Cookie Co.

  43. Oh my! My heart goes out to you. And your mom, too! Best wishes and lots of love! I hope everything works out very soon.

  44. My prayers are with you and your mom. Stay strong!

  45. My prayers are with you. My good thoughts too.

  46. Nothing is more important then your health. Take care of yourself and we will all be baking lots of cake pops until you are well enough to teach us more. Praying for you!

  47. What terrible news! Praying that you’ll get through this and the sooner the better! *hugs*

  48. I hope everything works out soon, and I will be waiting for your beautiful cakepops!Get better soon Bakerella!
    Hugs and love from Argentina (:

  49. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you and heal you quickly.

  50. Wishing you a fast recovery and a smooth road ahead. You are an inspiration to all of us!

  51. Prayers to you and your family!

  52. Very best wishes to you! You are in my heart and in my prayers.

  53. I was wondering about the silence! You are in my thoughts. Get well and take rest and I look forward to all your future gorgeous and yummy baking!

  54. I’m praying for you. . .

  55. *Hugs* get better soon! I’ve been missing your posts and had wondered if you were ok. I’m sending good thoughts and well-wishes your way!

  56. Bakerella, as a nurse who works with transplant patients thank you for sharing your amazing story!!!! I hope you feel better soon :)

  57. I will pray for you, and I hope it all goes well. We’re all here for you so don’t worry about taking time off from blogging. <3

  58. Sending prayers and lots of positive thoughts! *hugs*

  59. Feel better Bakerella! We’re rooting for you and your mama! :)

  60. thoughts and prayers to you. all the best.

  61. Oh no! Can’t we craft you one out of cakepops?

    sending you good vibes darling. Let me know if I need to launch a “Find Bakerella a kidney” campaign.

  62. My thoughts and prayers are with you!


  63. I am not even sure why I decided to come to your site today. I tear up reading your message being you were my first love. I pray that you find a match quickly. The world needs more of your creativity. Your mom is a beautiful person. I will continue to pray for you. Take care.

  64. Keeping you in our prayers and thoughts! We just LOVE you, and know that things will be okay. Hang in there. ;-)

  65. *hugs* I wish you the best and hope that you are able to find a match soon! Know that all of the blog world is behind you! :)

  66. take care. hope you fee better soon. hugs.

  67. I’m so sorry to hear about your kidney! It’s so to be on dialysis and awaiting a new organ. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

  68. You are in my prayers, Bakerella!!

  69. Prayers to you Bakerella during this hard time! We all miss you!!!!

  70. I’m sending good vibes your way! Wish you a speedy recovery and good news soon.

  71. So sorry to read about your kidney. Wishing you a quick match and speedy, total recovery.

  72. Loads of love, hugs and well wishes to you.

  73. Stay strong, Bakerella. 18 years is amazing and is a compliment to your original donor’s choices. Hoping you get even more mileage out of your next kidney!!!

  74. Sending all my love and prayers in your direction. I hope you’ll feel even a fraction of the joy that your lovely blog brings all of us in these well wishes.

  75. i wish you a speedy and easy recovery. the worst thing you can do is stress about things you can’t control when you’re sick. you are in our thoughts and prayers.


  76. Thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom and the rest of your family. Rest and try not to stress as much as is possible- I’ll be sending you good kidney function wishes, thoughts and energy. And hope that this resolves itself in the best way possible!

  77. Sending love and positive thoughts your way!

  78. Love you and your cute little cake pops! Praying for your recovery….

  79. Lots of love to you!!

  80. Much love and healing to you! Prayers and love coming your way from PA!

  81. I had a strong feeling that you weren’t well..I even tried googling it! Many prayers are going up for you and your Mom right now. We surely miss the wonderfulness of your super cute creations …but more than anything we pray that you will be the picture of health very soon :)

  82. Bakerella, I’ll give you one of my kidneys if that means you get better and then we start seeing more awesome baking from you. I want nothing more right now then to see you and your mother (Or who ever your donor will be)back on your feet and healthy. I know this might sound silly or weird, but please let us “Bakerella Fan Club” members if there is anything we can do for you. Please get your rest!!!! Big hugs from me to you and your family.

  83. My prayers are with you, Bakerella.

  84. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Stay positive and stay strong!

  85. I wish you all the best and a very quick recovery! Keep strong and with a positive attitude as you have always been. Thank you for inspiring us with your beautiful creations. Get well soon!

  86. best wishes for a match, and a speedy recovery.

  87. you are definitely in my thoughts and prayers. You’re such an inspiration to SO many people! I’m wishing you a speedy recovery.


  88. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! Get well soon and stay strong!

  89. Long time reader here! I’ve never commented before but this seems an appropriate time to say how much I enjoy your wonderful blog and how many compliments I’ve had when giving out cake pops! Thanks for all the inspiration! Wishing you the very best of outcomes with this difficult health situation and peace and patience while you wait.

  90. Oh deary me. I had no clue. I hope you can find a good match soon lady, my thoughts are with you xx

  91. Our prayers are with you! You spread so much good and joy to others, and I hope the same will come your way! Wishing you the very best, now and always!

  92. Thank you for being the bright spot in our lives too!! Many prayers will be sent up for you. I pray that a matching donor kidney will be provided sooner than anyone though possible and that you will make a full and wonderful recovery!
    Baking love from New Zealand.

  93. You are a huge inspiration to me. I read your transplant story a year or so ago when I first starting following your blog. What a positive outlook you have and it is contagious. I have a liver disease that will likely require me to have a liver transplant…your story gave me and continues to give me inspiration. I am sending you lots of prayers from Texas!


  94. Sending big hugs your way and keeping you in my thoughts!

  95. Wow – I always thought you were super; now I know you’re a super hero. We love you and are wishing for the best! A good donor is hard to find and it’s stories like this encourage and raise awareness…when it comes to someone you care about, something bursts inside of you and all the other stories become so much more realistic. Thanks for sharing, the good and the bad with us here. You will always be one of the most amazing bakers I (virtually! ;)) know. Get well soon!

  96. Wishing and hoping for the best for you!!

  97. Get well soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  98. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Feel better soon and think happy and positive thoughts!

  99. You are in my prayers! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  100. Thanks for letting us know. I wish you the best with your kidney and hope things get better for you quickly!

  101. BIG virtual hugs and love being sent your way — i know your amazing spirit will get you through these tough days, we are all here rooting for you!!

  102. Wishing you all the very best Bakerella. You are an amazing person and inspiration to all. I wish you a matching donor with your mom if not someone else fast and a speedy recovery. Thanks for sharing with us all. You are very brave!

  103. Here’s to a positive match, a successful op and for you and your mom to be back on your feet in no time. My friend here in ATL is going through some drastic kidney surgery next week. Her transplant failed due to antibody build ups and she has been on peritoneal dialysis for 7 years – there are so many ups and downs and struggles for you renal patients. My heart and best wishes go out to you. You have great spirit and sense of fight and you’re so very much loved (even by your virtual friends) xx

  104. Prayers to you and your family!

  105. I just wanted to add my love and support to all the previous comments. I wish you luck through the scary realities that face you. I wish we could help somehow.

  106. I have missed you. Thank you for sharing your story, you are an inspiration to me. I hope everything works out foe the best

  107. Oh my. Cake pops can wait. Get better soon!

  108. I have an extra kidney. I’m not sure what the process is, but I’m happy to offer one up if you need it. Email me :)

  109. Thoughts and prayers are with you!
    We miss you!!

  110. Stay strong Bakerella!!! I’ll be praying for you to get a new kidney asap. In the mean time I’ll eat cake in your honor ;)

  111. I’m another faithful reader who’s never commented before. Just wanted to say we’re all thinking of you and hoping you the quickest and best recovery possible. Go little kidney go!

  112. Wishing you the best outcome. I hope your new kidney will be with you soon.

  113. I hope you feel better soon, and I hope your mom is able to be a match. Best wishes during this difficult process!

  114. I’m so glad to hear from you! I was very worried. You are in my thoughts and I wish you the speediest of recoveries! I guess my cupcake calendar will have to do for now!

  115. Everyday I look to see if you have posted something new becuase it is so neat to see how talented and gifted you truly are. I wish you all the best. Life really is a blessing, I know everything will work out for you.
    God Bless You!

  116. I’m so sorry to hear about your hospitalization/kidney issues! Thoughts, hugs and prayers to you… don’t worry about us; get better soon!

  117. you are in my thoughts and prayers – wishing you a speedy recovery! ;)

  118. Get Well soon! We all miss you and hope you are able to find a donor.

  119. Praying for you, Bakerella!

  120. Oh bakerella… My heart is so heavy to hear this news, but I have so much hope for you (and your family) and I will be praying for peace and comfort throughout your whole body and mind, and that you your mother will either be a match or you will find a donor asap.

    Wishing you sunshine and cheer.

  121. wishing you all the best xoxo

  122. prayers are with you and your family and here’s to good luck and a positive results!

  123. So sorry to hear this, but I hope everything turns out well for all involved! Get well soon!

  124. Bakerella we love you! Get better soon!

  125. I noticed your absence. I wish it was for something exciting. Hope all goes well & that you’ll feel like your wonderful self again soon. My thoughts are with you & your Mom.

  126. Your absence has been felt, and I only wish my original thought that you were off building your business was true.
    Sorry you have to go through all of this and I’m hoping you have a quick recovery.

  127. You are in my thoughts… best wishes!

  128. My goodness, I’ve only just discovered your wonderful website and the delicious looking treats you create, but I’m already hooked. I am so sorry to hear your news and I hope everything works out quickly for you – hospital is not a fab place to be!

  129. Oh my goodness! I’m heartbroken! I have an extra kidney!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I will be praying for you, that the Lord comforts you, that He gives you His peace and patience, and that the perfect kidney comes knocking on your door.

    Kidney shaped cake pops next???

  130. ((Hugs)) Sending up prayers for you!

  131. Sending prayers and (virtual) hugs your way!

  132. Love and prayers to you, dear Bakerella!

  133. Hugs to you sweetie!!
    I hope everything works out soon too, and that you can be back to doing what you love!

  134. oh bakerella :( I hope you find a donor soon and feel better! all of your blog followers and fans are sending you get better wishes for a quick and easy recovery.

  135. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

  136. I’m so sorry, Bakerella! I hope everything works out and you feel better soon!

  137. Happy thoughts & prayers for a positive match! Thank you for letting us know what’s going on so we can send you all the positive vibes we can for you!!!! :)

  138. So sorry you are going through this :( My thoughts and prayers are also with you and your family during this difficult time.

  139. You’re in my thoughts. I love your blog–I check it every morning. I wish you the best!

  140. Thoughts and prayers are with you! Hope you have a quick recovery.

  141. Long time reader, first time commenter. Just wanted to say that I am sorry to read of your health troubles, and hope you have a swift recovery. Also, I hope you know that you have so many people out here who appreciate you for brightening our days and who hope for nothing but the best for you.

  142. Been reading for a while and never seriously commented, but I sure hope that you get better soon and that everything works out expeditiously. I hope your mom is a match. Take care of yourself. Best wishes and thoughts!

  143. i am sure u will be alrite. prayers and god bless u. take it easy during the treatment.

  144. My stars! I’ll be praying for you.

  145. Praying that your mom is a match & you can have another sucessful kidney transplant.

  146. I’v never commented here before, but I love your site and your super cute cake tops :) Best wishes for a quick recovery!

  147. Thanks for the update, we’re all rooting for you and we know you’ll pull through!

  148. Thinking of you and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  149. Praying that you will have a speedy recovery & a new kidney soon. Take care of yourself!


  150. So sorry to hear of your troubles. You have also been a bright spot for me as well. I love checking your website and finding the creative and adorable sweets you come up with. I love making them and my children are always so excited to see new ‘yummies!’ Best wishes to you and I will keep you in my prayers.

  151. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  152. I spent three weeks in the hospital last year after becoming septic from an intestinal puncture so I feel your pain. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and wanted to let you know that you’re in our prayers and thoughts.

  153. I’m not one to post on blogs, I’m usually a lurker, but you’ve always seemed like such a genuinely good person. I really hope this all goes quickly and smoothly. I wish you and your mom lots and lots of luck.

  154. So sorry to hear about your illness. Thinking of you and your family, and best wishes for your recovery. Feel better Bakerella!

  155. Love and prayers for a quick recovery!

  156. I will be praying for you and your new kidney! Keep your beautiful smile shining!

  157. Thanks for sharing something so personal with us. I will definitely be praying for you!

  158. I am so very sorry to hear this – I hoped you were just busy signing books :-(. My good thoughts and wishes are coming your way and I hope everything works out well for you. You take good care of yourself and we will all be right here when you are feeling better. **hugs**

  159. Best wishes for a speedy transplant! My mom had a kidney transplant 5 years ago, so I understand the nervous waiting game and three days a week dialysis. I hope your mom is a match and you won’t have to stay on dialysis very long.

  160. this brought tears to my eyes. good luck, stay strong, and here’s hoping your mom is a match!

  161. Long time reader, first time commenter. Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. I hope the new transplant goes smoothly. Sending good vibes to you from Australia :)

  162. Praying for you. That your mom will be a match and that your transplanted kidney will hold out for you for a while longer.

  163. Hi, I have Bakerella in my reader and today I notice we’ve been gone for a while. Hope you get well soon! I’m sending very nice vibrations from Brazil!!!

  164. Bakerella, thoughts with you. Hope you hear good news asap.

  165. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope everything works out, and you’re on the road to recovery soon!!

  166. Dear Bakerella, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself and rest.

  167. Oh, I was just thinking of you this morning when I saw that Starbucks has cake pops on the menu. I thought that was just the most crazy wonderful thing! Anyways, I will be praying for you for sure!! (((hugs)))

  168. So sorry to hear about your kidney troubles! I will be praying for you as will a lot more people I’m sure! You are greatly loved and appreciated! Hope you start feeling better soon!

  169. As much as I love all things Bakerella, the most important thing is that Miss Bakerella is in the best health possible. Will be sending you prayers, love and strength so that it all works out in the best possible scenario for you. Get well soon!

  170. You are in my prayers Bakerella! You are such I bright spot in this world, I hope everything turns out well for you. Thanks for all the sweet inspiration :)

  171. sending a prayer and good vibes your way…

  172. Will be praying for you and your family.

  173. My thoughts are with you too. I hope a new kidney comes your way very quickly. I really miss your blog postings. You’re such an inspiration.

  174. I noticed the absence, and hoped that everything was okay. My prayers will be with you. You are such a bright spot in the blogging community.

  175. I’ve missed u! I check ur site everyday to see what I’ll be making that weekend :). I will be thinking of u and hope ur better soon hospital stays like that are not a good time at all! I wish u luck get better!

  176. Oh sweetie pea, I’m so sorry. Rest up and get yourself better. A break now is much better than if you get even more sick later.

  177. OH MY Goodness! Wishing you all the best for a new kidney!!

  178. Thinking and praying for you and your family!

  179. I’m so sorry to hear this, but i’m glad you shared your story. You’ll be in my thoughts and prayers. I love your blog, but your health comes first. *huge hug*

  180. so sorry to hear :( i knew something must have been wrong with no updates for so long! i’ll be including you in my prayers.

  181. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You sound like a strong woman, I hope you get well soon! ((hugs))

  182. Keeping you in my heart and prayers. You are very important to a lot of us and as such, hope with amy might that you are on the mend soon.

  183. Prays for you and your family! <3

  184. You’re in my thoughts, and so is your mom. I’ll be sending lots of perfect-match juju your way. <3

  185. Oooooh! I’m thinking about you … I’m fairly new to your blog … and I … LOVE IT! I have been thinking about your cakepops since I first heard about them sometime last year and think I shall make a special effort to make some this month as a kind of “solidarity” thing. That way I will be thinking about you the whole time!

    Anyway, here’s to your kidney healing enough to carry you through the next little while, until things are sorted out.

  186. For all of the happiness and sweetness you have brought into my life through your book and website my thoughts and prayers are with you. Get well soon!

  187. All the best for a speedy and happy resolution, know that you are missed here and that you are in our thoughts!

  188. Please, please, PLEASE rest!!! Take your time to get better! Dont worry about us, we’ll still be here when you get back!!

  189. Keeping my fingers crossed for you! It will all be better! You’ll see! Just be positive and brave!

  190. Oh goodness! Praying for you!!

  191. Hugs!
    I am so sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well and don’t worry about posting until you are better!
    I hope you feel better soon and things work out :)

  192. My thoughts and prayers are with you (and your Mom) (and the rest of your family for that matter.)

  193. I’m so sorry, Bakerella! Best wishes for a fast recovery!

  194. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear this! Hang in there…big prayers coming your way!

  195. I’ve never commented before, but have been reading for a looonggg time. Please know that you’re in my thoughts! I’m looking forward to the day you’re back to normal!

  196. Thinking of you and hoping for a great outcome very soon!

  197. first comments !!!!

  198. our thoughts and prayers are with you, wishing you a quick recovery

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