
Twelve Days

Hi guys. I guess you’ve probably noticed my absence from the website recently. Well, I’ve finally felt good enough to post something. So here goes. I’ve been in the hospital for the last twelve days and I’m still not sure when I will get out. Hopefully soon. Hopefully. I’m definitely ready.

Unfortunately, I was pretty sick when I arrived. I started out with an infection that made its way into my transplanted kidney and then into my bloodstream. Not good. Not fun.

But what makes matters much more difficult is that for more than a year now, my transplanted kidney has not been doing it’s best. I chose not to tell anyone because I wanted to focus on being positive, but I’ve slowly had to come to terms that my kidney, the wonderful gift of life given to me more than eighteen years ago will not be with me forever. Actually, something I never really expected to happen. But I was so young when I received it and it has done so superbly over the years, I never had a reason to question its lifespan. I’ve learned recently however, that 18 years is fantastic for a transplanted kidney and even better since mine was from a deceased donor. I can’t tell you how hard it is to accept that I will have to let this kidney go. Feelings of letting my deceased donor down fill my heart with sadness.

But it is happening. And faster than I anticipated. Before getting sick two weeks ago, I had begun the process to be re-evaluated for another kidney transplant and to be added to the transplant waiting list. In the meantime, my mom is being tested to be a possible donor. I had thought I would have time to do all of this and hopefully have surgery and not skip a beat with my job or with this website that I enjoy sharing with you so much.

No such luck. Since I’ve been here, I’ve started dialysis to take some stress off my distressed kidney while it tries to heal. The hope is that I would be on dialysis for a short while, giving my transplanted kidney time to recuperate. Then, go off dialysis and try to squeak a few more months out before surgery is needed.

The alternative, though which is just as possible is that 1) I’ll be on dialysis until my mom is confirmed as a donor or 2) My mom is not a potential donor and then I would stay on dialysis while I wait on the list for a kidney to become available.

So that’s what’s been going on. That’s the reason for the lack of cake pops and cupcakes and cute. I just wanted to let you know something and thank everyone for their wonderful and inspiring get well wishes. You guys are a huge bright spot in my life. You have no idea how much.


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4,602 comments on “Twelve Days”

  1. I was wondering what happened to you but just thought you were busy writing books or creating treats. Never in a million years did I think you were sick in the hospital. How nice of you to post while laying in your hospital bed. You truly are dedicated and a woman with such grace and class. I hope everything turns out well for you my dear and for the love of God…get well and don’t worry about us little readers. We’ll be waiting for you until you come back. Because you, me dear, are worth the wait. Get well


  2. i’ve never met you, but i feel like we’re old friends. bakerella is one of the sites i visit every day and i assumed your absence was due to the fact that you were working on an awesome new book. you were missed! your posts make me smile; i wish you the best. my thoughts are with you.

  3. Get well soon!! You are such an amazing and strong woman and I will keep you and your family in my prayers!

  4. 18 years is short of miraculous for a transplanted kidney! Anyway, my thoughts & prayers are with you. Hope you find a match soon!

  5. I’ve definitely missed your posts and am sad to hear that you are having to go through this. A friend of mine has PKD and went through dialysis and transplantation a couple years ago and I saw how hard it was for him. Will be praying for you!

  6. Take care of you, girl. We’ll wait :)

  7. hugs and prayers to you! you will be in my thoughts!

  8. I have missed you
    I know everything will work out

  9. Get well soon wishes from Spain. We all are with you :)

  10. Let me be one more person who takes this as the chance to FINALLY say “thank you” for your blog and for sharing yourself with us.

    prayers from Salt Lake City, UT.



  12. I hope you get better soon!! Best wishes from Uruguay! :)

  13. {prayers} and {hugs}

  14. Get well soon Bakerella. We <3 and miss you!

  15. Oh, best wishes for you. I’m a long time reader as well. I hope all works out. My husband and I both teared up over this news. If I could donate organs, I would check for a possible match. Good luck and love to you!

  16. Thoughts and prayers are with you! You have a huge community here supporting you!!

  17. Hoping for a speedy recovery Bakerella!! You are in all of our prayers

  18. Hugs to you ,and wishing you a speedy recovery. Take your time, we’ll be here when you get back :)

  19. I am not a blog-commenter, but I just had to say that I’m sending happy thoughts your way, and that I’m hoping for the best! You mean so much to so many of us, and I know we’re all hoping you recover quickly.


  20. I, also, have never commented before, but have been reading your blog for a long time. All good thoughts & wishes your way!

  21. God bless you and prayers for a speedy recovery!

  22. We’ve definitely missed you on here! Praying that you will heal quickly and finding a donor (if not your mom) will go smoothly too.

  23. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you can find a matching donor soon! Sending lots of love your way!

  24. get better soon! hugs!

  25. Prayers are with you!! Your such sweet person, I know you will be just fine!!! we will all be here when Your ready and healthy again!!!

  26. praying for you!

  27. Praying peace for you and your loved ones; and that you will quickly find a donor that will fit your needs, and your kidney will cooperate!!
    I have always thought that we would be great friends if we ever met in person (afterall, you share my name) and so I am hoping for you, like I would any close friend.

    Get Well, Soon! : )

  28. wishing you the very best. i love your site and your creativity, and now i admire you for your strength. you’re an inspiration and you’re in my thoughts. hoping for a speedy and successful recovery!

  29. I will keep you in my thoughts. I hope everything works out and you get a new kidney soon and are back on the road to feeling better!!

  30. You will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers. You are an amazing person, and I hope you get better soon. BIG HUGS AND LOVE! <3

  31. I am so sorry to hear about your illness. You are so amazingly talented and I want to thank you so much for all the awesome work you have done and what you have shared. I will pray for a speedy recovery. God Bless!

  32. Where does the line form if your mom isn’t a match? You have been a wealth of inspiration and I wish you the best. Somehow I am sure once you recover you will be making the best kidney shaped cake-pop in honor of this terrible time.

  33. Oh sadness!! :(

    Hugs, thought, prayers are all headed your way!

  34. I was worried you were not well when it had been so long since your last post, sending lots of thoughts and prayers.

  35. My thoughts are with you and I wish you the speediest of recoveries!!!

  36. Sending prayers and good wishes to you for a speedy recovery. Moms do the greatest things for their kids. Keeping you both in my thoughts. Thanks for updating us…we miss you. Take care.

  37. i’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been feeling well and i hope either your mom is a match or that you’ll be the next on the list to get a kidney. i’ve worked with patients in that field and it’s not easy…my thoughts and prayers are with you. get better soon and i hope to see more of your great ideas soon!!


  38. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Now its your readers turn to share some goodies, cute and cupcakes with you.

  39. I’m sending you a big, warm, virtual hug. You are the best food blogger out there. I’m thinking the nicest thoughts for you :)

  40. I’ve worked in the hospital and I know that dialysis is no fun! I wish you a speedy recovery and hope that you will be blessed with another kidney very soon!

  41. Praying that your Mom is a good match and that you will get better soon!

  42. Good Luck!!! Sending positive thoughts for a speedy recovery & donation! definitely congrats on 18 years – that is wonderful!!! I’m sure you will be just a good to the next one :O) Best wishes – bring on the cute!!!

  43. Feel better! Best wishes! God Bless! ?

  44. Get well soon Bakerella! We miss you! Hoping for a speedy recovery! XOXO

  45. My thoughts are prayers are with you. I hope that you are able to draw off these hundreds of comments and lift your spirits. The road is tough, but the lord never gives us more than we can handle. He must have a lot of faith in you :) Here’s to your recovery and return to all that is cute and cake pops.

    Cabin Fever in Vermont

  46. Just wanted to say I hope you are feeling better soon and that good news will come your way. I have a kidney disease and I know someday I will be in your situation, so I can relate and understand the thoughts going through your mind. Prayers being sent your way. Thank you for always sharing such great ideas…. hope to see you back on here soon.

  47. Were do I sign up to see if I’m a match???

    Yes you have been missed!!! Love and prayers are going your way!!!

  48. Praying, expectantly, for you and your family…

  49. Sending tons of good thoughts and smiles to you! Love your cookbook and love your site and love how you have inspired me to bake more :)

  50. I had no idea you were going through such a tough time! I hope for the very best outcome for both and you and your mother! ((HUGS)) Feel better soon and don’t worry, we will be hear when you get back, your health is most important!

  51. I have been keeping you in my prayers. After several days of not posting, I suspected that you might be ill. Some of the lasts photos from signings, etc. that you shared with us, hinted at the fact that the kidney was not doing its best or at least I wondered.
    Continuing to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May your transplant be soon and you back in your kitchen with happy baking.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  52. Please, please take care of yourself.

  53. Hope you find a suitable donor and get back on your feet quickly!

  54. I’m rooting for you!!
    Hopefully everything will go well!!!

  55. You are now on my prayer list. I hope that you continue to get better in the mean time and that a new kidney can be found soon.

  56. We will continue to pray for your complete healing. Glad you were feeling up to posting. We miss seeing your posts! Know you are loved! Praying your 100% really soon!

  57. Thanks for trusting us with your news! Sounds like you’ve now got a ton more people praying for you. :) Take care of yourself, and fingers crossed for the best and quickest possible outcome. We’re all here rooting for you!

  58. I’ll send you the best vibes ever!
    Wish u get well real soon!
    Big, big sweet kisses!

  59. Your absence was definitely noticed. Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Sending good thoughts your way.

  60. My thoughts & prayers are with you bakerella!
    I’ve missed you online and hope that you feel better soon!!

  61. I will send you good thoughts! You are an amazing person and so inspiring. I hope you have a successful kidney transition and a speedy recovery.

  62. Bakerella, you’ve given me so much joy through your website. I hope you find a kidney very soon!

    Feel better!

  63. I’ll add my thoughts and prayers to all of the millions of others going up for you!

    I think your kidney donor would be proud–certainly far, far from let down!

    Take the time to heal. To recover. We’ll all be here when you get back!

  64. You’ve been missed. I have added you to my prayer list.

    Take care, get well, and hope you’re home soon!


  65. I’m so sorry! You’ll be in my thoughts.

  66. HUGE hugs and lots and lots of prayers for you (and your mom, too!). We’re all here cheering you on!!

  67. Oh, so sorry for you. Hugs!!!

  68. Thinking of you and lifting up prayers for you and hoping everything works out well. Hugs,

  69. We love you Bakerella! Get well soon!

  70. OH! Such sad news. My prayers are with you at this hard time. I will be awaiting your return!! :)

  71. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. I hope your mom is a match or that someone else is found quickly if she’s not.

  72. Praying for you and hope all turns out well soon. I can wait for the cuteness to return knowing you are taking care of your health.

  73. The important thing is for you to get better! We can wait! =D

  74. My thoughts and prayers are with you at the moment, reading all that got me all teary eyed, probably because you’re usually so happy and excited and to see you go through all this is really sad!
    Hope you don’t have to wait so long, and thanks so much for updated us fans!

  75. I wish you a fast and speedy recovery, and hope that your Mom is found to be a match or that you find a donor soon! You are in my prayers.

  76. Dear Bakerella i wish you all the best 4 you ,and thanks a lot 4 make our life more sweet and share a lot of Love from you !,Gracias! te escribo desde España ,Canary islands (Tenerife) sorry my english not so good I Love U
    God Blessyou Be Strong!.All of us be with you! ; )

  77. Thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery! Get well soon :)

  78. Much love and well wishes. <3

  79. I think YOU are the bright spot in our lives :) Please get well soon. We all miss you a lot, and as you can very well see, we all love you and are wishing for the very best for you!

  80. Sending you love and prayers for healing and guidancce for the doctors on the best plan for recovery!

  81. Oh my gracious. You are most definitely in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs, hugs and more hugs to you!

  82. You are in my thoughts and prayers! I miss your wonderful posts and hope you are back to doing the things you love super soon!

  83. *hug* *hug* *hug*

  84. I hope you are back in the swing of things again soon, my thoughts will be with you!

  85. I’ve been a reader and fan for a long time but never commented until now. I am praying for you and hope that your mother is a match and things can progress quickly and that you have a full recovery soon. I hope you can feel all of this virtual love and warm wishes from everyone!

  86. Wishing you the best of luck and sending many prayers your way! Hugs! <3

  87. Praying for you Angie! Please keep all of your readers informed! We love you!

  88. I will be praying for you and hoping that everything goes as smoothly and as easily as possible for you.

  89. I’m so sorry that you are not feeling well. You are missed!!! My prayers and hugs are with you . Praying for a matching Kidney donor and that you will have a quick recovery! know that you are loved much!! God will see you through this!! God Bless you!!

  90. Love to you. Thinking of you. Praying for you. Wishing there was something I could do for you that would make a difference.

  91. I am so sorry to hear your news as I’m sure the rest of your loyal fans are. I wish there were a way for me to brighten your day as you have mine with your exciting posts so many times. You are in my thoughts and I hope you get to feeling better! You ROCK Bakerella!

  92. Sweetie, I am so sorry you are going through this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. And I am sure that the person who was your donor 18 years ago is more then happy with helping you live to the fullest. And all those yummy treats it has been able to process. What kidney wouldn;t love to be yours.
    Good luck with a donor match.
    God Speed.

  93. Sending you lots of well wishes and a speedy recovery. I know your mom is praying she will be a perfect match for you. Thanks for letting us all know how you are doing. Take care and hope the best for you and your transplant. You have inspired so many of us in our little cakepop world.

  94. You are an amazing woman. I pray that your donor comes through very soon.
    You are in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery and to return to doing what you love to do. You deserve the very best!

  95. I’ve been reading and enjoying your blog for a while but never posted anything. I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this!

    All my thoughts and good energy are with you!
    I hope you have a speedy recovery and they find a match asap!
    Big hugs to you and your family. We’ll be cheering for you!

  96. I am so sorry to hear about everything that you are going through, I’ve never commented on your blog before, but I have to tell you what an inspiration you are to me. I have been following your blog for quite and have enjoyed everything that you post. You are wonderful! I have attempted to make your cake pops several times over the past year, its much harder than you make it look.
    We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers and hope that you will have the support, strength, and faith to get through this.

  97. Dear Bakerella,
    Your posts always make me smile. I am fourteen and I love to bake. I really truly hope that you get better.

  98. In my prayer for sure!

  99. My prayers are with you and your family. Your site has lifted me out of the sadness of difficult times and I hope that all the love and admiration that is posted here on your site, makes your day a little easier to bear…

  100. Your in our prayers . Wishing you a fast recovery.

  101. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family as you navigate these rough waters. May all the happiness and good feelings you have brought to all of us be returned to you in double.

  102. I was just telling a friend and fellow Bakerella follower yesterday that I hoped you weren’t having health problems and we were bummed to learn today that it was true. You are so sweet to think of us while you’re in the hospital and write this post to keep us informed. I will add you to my prayer list. Hope you feel better soon. God bless you!

  103. Best wishes for a healthy recovery! Know that we will all keep baking in your honour while you are on the mend! Blessings from Canada XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

  104. Sending you amazing positive vibes… and cooking cake pops for a party with you in mind!

  105. My sister in law’s sister is going through the same thing and they have found out her husband is compatible (first kidney when she was a teenager from her dad). He sent out a message to all ‘rumor has it she only married me for my kidney’ (they have 2 kids and been married for ever). It’s good they can keep a sense of humor with everything going on. My heartfelt wishes are with both of you.

  106. Angie –

    Keeping you in my prayers and hoping that everything falls into place to make you healthy again. Keep your chin up sweetie, we love you. God Bless!

    Elaine Allen

  107. Prayers to you and your family for comfort and healing and getting the heck out of the hospital! Nothing compares to the hopes and prayers of many, so keep your chin up and I hope you feel better soon!

  108. So sorry to hear this and praying that you will get a kidney very soon.

  109. I’ll be praying for you during this time of upheaval. You have been and will be missed but I think it’s safe to say that your followers will all be here when you are back sporting a new kidney. Blessings to your mum too, for going through the process with you.

  110. Wishing you a quick recovery. I’m not the sharing blood type… I actually considered asking you if you would take one of mine. Lots of love.

  111. :( I hope you feel better soon! :)

  112. oh friend. I am so sorry for you. I wish I could somehow help. Kidney problems are the worst. I only have one kidney or I would give you mine. For real! Good luck in the coming days.

  113. Well wishes and good thoughts for a speedy recovery! You bring so much happiness and sweetness into the world, I’m hoping that nothing but happiness and sweetness finds its way back to you!

    A teacher with a classroom of kids who adore your cake pops :)

  114. I was hoping you were going to tell us you were busy on another leg of your book tour. Wishing you much love and support!

  115. prayers sent up for you!! I am sure you have made your original donor very happy by taking such good care of the kidney you have had for the past 18 years… so I hope that you don’t hold too much sadness over it. here’s to hoping you are back up to cake popping soon!!! God Bless!!

  116. Take care of yourself! Don’t worry about us! Best wishes in a speedy recovery and finding a proper donor.

  117. Prayers for you! :(

  118. Wish I could give you one of mine since I was born with 4. Unfortunately they are not full size. :( But I sure sympathize with you on being in the hospital because of them! NO FUN! Get well soon and prayers your way!

  119. I have always enjoyed your site full of so many sweet treats and have even made the pops a few times!! I’m sorry you are not feeling well… Sending loving and healing vibes your way. xo

  120. Stay positive! Hopefully things will work out easily and quickly for you. I have never posted before, but I enjoy your blog and all the cuteness! Thanks for sharing your creative talents and your joy with the world.

  121. feel better soon. Hope you find a perfect donor. Hopefully someone can bring some cute to you in your hospital room!

  122. Gah, sending love your way, Bakerella. I am a medical social worker and have worked with many patients (from pediatrics to adults) with renal issues, including dialysis and transplant. I know that it is not an easy go, but hang in there. We’re cheering you (and your graft, and your mom, and your medical team) on!

  123. Best of luck on your recovery, Bakerella.

  124. Bakerella: I haven’t been a follower of your blog for very long (to be honest only like 13 days). I found your link on PW – so glad she had you on there to direct me to your site. Its absoultley wonderful. I really hope that you start feeling better and will keep you in my prayers that your mother is a donor and that if she isn’t that you will find someone fast. My prior boss had the same issues and I know the struggles, tears, hurt, and stress that goes with it all. I send 100% positive thoughts your way and I know you will make it through with flying colors!!!

  125. You don’t know me—I’m a lurker and I’ve been reading your blog only for a few months now.

    But oh my goodness, I had no idea you were facing these awfully tough decisions. Praying for you, and for your mom and for your kidney present and kidney future. And your doctors and nurses.

    Don’t feel like you let your donor down—that kidney saved your life, yes? And don’t you think that even if it had only “worked” for just a day, or two, that the donor would have been grateful they could have helped that much? That it has lasted so many years is a testimony both to the strength of the gift-giver and the strength and tenacity of the gift-receiver. :)

    Take care of yourself, first and foremost.


  126. All my prayers for your speedy recovery. God bless you. You are my inspiration.

  127. What a trooper you are! Your positive attitude will take you far. I will keep you in my prayers, Angie. I hope you have a healthy new kidney soon and a speedy recovery! We’re all rooting for you! XOXO

  128. I’m so sorry to hear you’ve not been well. Lots more prayers coming your way from my corner of the world!

  129. You will be in my thoughts. Hoping for a quick and healthy recovery for you, and your mom if she is a match…crossing fingers! I think I may make some cake pops this week in your honor! <3

  130. I can wait for cake pops. I’m so glad you are taking the time to heal. Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way.

  131. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  132. Luv n hugs sending your way. Wish you well quick and a SPEEEDY recovery!

  133. I’m such a huge fan and am so sad to hear about your illness. i am praying for you and your mom! if she is not a match, is there a potential for others to be tested to be a match? i would love to try! i’m completely open to living donations

  134. Praying for you and yours.

  135. Sending prayers your way. I hope your mom is a match. ((((hugs))))

  136. Sending lots of good thoughts your way! Wishes to you for a match soon, and a speedy and successful recovery!

  137. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry you are having such a tough time right now. You are such a bright spot in this crazy blog world. :) Best wishes to you for a quick recovery and wonderful health to come.

  138. Oh Angie! It’s really saddening to hear all of this but you’ll be in my prayers and I do hope the process is as painless and quick as possible. You’re a real inspiration to many of us and I know everyone just wants to see you getting better; I know you certainly will! :)

  139. I have been a reader of your blog for a while now, but never really commented.. but I wanted to let you know that you are in my prayers and I wish you and your family the best! Hugs!

  140. Sorry to hear you are so unwell. Be proud that you have kept your donor organ alive for so many years.

    I hope you will find a new donor organ soon, until then know that your many, many admirers all over the world are sending you their best wishes.

    Being able to help someone like you who gives so much to others is the best example for why everyone should tick the Organ Donor box and confirm these wishes with their loved ones. I wont be taking my organs to heaven, I know that many folk are in need of them here.

    Warm wishes from Australia

  141. Sending prayers and positive thoughts your way! I’m glad to hear that you’re not as sick as when you got to the hospital and I hope that this whole process is over for you soon! Stay positive and take care of yourself… we’ll all be here when your healthy!

  142. You are in my prayers. Get better soon and thank you for sharing all of this with us. Praying for miracles for you.

  143. Sending lots of positive, warm thoughts your way! Thank you for sharing your story with us…. get lots of rest and don’t worry, we’ll all bake enough for you in the meantime!

  144. Thought of you today as I drove thru Starbucks and saw that they are doing their own version of “CakePops”. Came by to see what was going on with you.
    Sending you much love and wishes for a healthy kidney.

  145. you are a beautiful person and i wish you a speedy recovery. thanks for always making me smile!

  146. Prayers and loving thoughts to you Bakerella.

  147. Well, now you’ve got a great big prayer group going, and you do seem to be able to muster some positive attitude I hope you get an answer soon!

  148. I’m thinking of you and sending you good vibes for a really quick recovery!!

  149. I hope everything works out for you in the best way possible.
    I love your cake pops. You are my baking inspiration!

  150. Tears are flowing. I love you guys. Thank you again for all your kind words. I appreciate it so much.

  151. Sending you all best wishes for a speedy and restful recovery. Take care of yourself and know that you are missed!!

  152. oh!!!! bummed to hear this news…but you sound like you’re in good spirits and hanging in there. i’ll keep you in my thoughts and we’re same city neighbors so please let me know if there is anything i can do!

    – t*

  153. Praying for a speedy match, surgery, and recovery! I miss your posts and I hope you feel better soon!

  154. Sending you lots of good vibes from our family!

  155. You are an inspiration! I am a long time reader and have been continually amazed at your accomplishments! Just think.. after this, you’ll have roaring to go with a whole new kidney! Stay positive and know you are loved!

  156. Best of luck and my fingers are crossed for you!

  157. I’ll be thinking and praying for you. My grandfather was on dialysis for over 12 years and I know how very hard it is.

  158. You (and your mom!) will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take comfort in knowing how many people care about you–you who happens to be someone we’ve never met but whom we consider to be our buddy and pal and coffee klatch girlfriend. That takes talent, and you have it in spades! Not to mention your baking talent, obv . . . . You are wonderful!

  159. Bakerella you are strong, wonderful, inspiring, and fabulous and you will make it through this! Stay positive :)

  160. My heart and prayers are with you! Big Hugs – Bakerella!!!

  161. Sending prayers for wellness and healing your way!

  162. Get Well Soon! Sending bigs hugs and kisses and neverending hope your way xoxoxoxo

  163. We love you, dear Bakerella. I wish you so much luck and success finding a donor. :D

  164. Oh my goodness! I wish you the best of luck. I should double check that I am on the donor registry. I know I signed up to be a marrow donor. I have you and your mom in my heart! Well wishes.

  165. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. You bring so much sweet fun and happiness to all of us who enjoy your blog – I hope you’re feeling all of that love and support coming back your way as we hold you in our hearts during this challenging time.

  166. Hey Bakerella. I really hope things are going well for you, and I hope that you start to feel better soon. Hopefully they will have a new kidney for you soon and you can get back to baking all those wonderful and cute things you do. Good luck! I look forward to seeing you up and well and posting again soon.

  167. I wish there was something I could do, you could have both my kidneys and I wouldn’t consider it a bad trade for the joy you have brought into my life with you wonderful talents. Love and prayers.(and cake pops)

  168. Thoughts and prayers are with you. What a blessing to have the wonderful donated kidney for this long. My mother has a donated kidney from her sister that she received 5 years ago and she is doing well. My father is undergoing dialysis 4 days a week and on a list for one as well. I have an idea of what your going through and it’s not easy. I hope you find all these well wishes and positive thoughts close to your heart. I love your blog and your so inspiring. Keep the positive thoughts and that bright smile.

  169. Thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery! Best wishes to you and your mom.

  170. It saddens my heart to hear your news and my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. In following your blog and by that, your life – You are a strong woman and you will get through this with flying colors!! Stay rested. And to repeat a previous post, “don’t worry about us, we’ll be here when you get back”!!

  171. Hope you get a new kidney soon and that the treatment in the mean time gets you back to baking health. I have one uncle is currently having dialysis while awaiting a kidney transplant here in Ireland and his sister, my aunt, had 4-5 transplants over her life, I remember when she would come to Ireland from Scotland where she lived and my mum would have dialysis arranged for her here.

    Hoping to see you back blogging soon.

  172. You’re in my thoughts!! Perhaps I’ll try my hand at another batch of cake pops this weekend in your honor… my first few attempts were less than successful :)

  173. I am so sorry to hear things aren’t going well. Prayers for you (and your Mom) and hopes for a speedy recovery :)

  174. I just wanted to wish you the best! I really enjoy your website (I’ve been reading since before you were featured on the Martha Stewart Show, and I remember being so happy for you!!) and your wonderful personality comes through your writing and photos. I’m sure everything will work out for the best. Please give yourself the rest you need!

  175. I am so sorry to hear that you’ve been in the hospital and about your kidney. I hope you can find a match soon and I’m praying for a quick recovery.

  176. Lots of prayers and speedy recovery wishes coming your way.

  177. So sorry to hear this. We are thinking of you and sending good vibes and hugs your way!

  178. Angie, I’m so sorry to hear this. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes. I hope everything works out and soon!

  179. I have recently decovered your website and I most say that I am in love with all that you have done. I hope that you feel better soon. I know that dialysis is tough and my thoughts and prayers are with you. My thoughts and prayers are also with your Mother as she goes through the testing and possible sonation of one of her kidneys. She is a hero just for trying. Thank you for all that you have done and the inspiration that you have given me and so many people.

  180. Praying for you, that this all works out in the best way possible. Thanks for sharing this with us….

  181. Bakerella, don’t give up hope. I’ve been reading lots about the cleansing effects of ordinary fruits and vegetables minus the flours and sugars we all love so much, that give our system a chance to refresh and heal. I am fairly new to your site…my daughter told me about you :). I am praying for you…God bless you!

  182. Always know we are in the virtual hall cheering you on and sending healing thoughts your way. Praying you’ll get through this bump in the road and be able to carry on. We’ll miss you for now but I will continue to be a loyal follower.
    Stay postive. Always look for the lesson in your situation. Life throws you curves.
    Lori from Port Perry

  183. So, so sorry to hear all of this. I’m praying for you and a return to health. You’ve made so many people happy with your creativity. I am sure all of that love is being channeled back to you.

  184. Sweetie I’m sorry to hear that but don’t worry we’ll be all here waiting for you. Just focus on getting better and don’t think you’re letting anybody down, I’m sure you’ve made a great work taking care of that kidney for the last 18 years.
    You’ll be back making awesome cakepops before you realize.
    Get well soon. Best wishes from Spain:


  185. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Lots of bear hugs and well wishes. Feel better soon!!

  186. I am sending you lots of warm fuzzies and well wishes. I am sending you wishes for a speedy recovery. maybe some kidney shaped cakepops are in order to celebrate your transplanted kidney and the great job it has done!!

  187. Hi Bakerella,
    I just found you, actually just purchased your Cake Pop’s book today…and was searching for your blog when I saw this & saw your comment posted today. I wish you a quick recovery and sending good thoughts your way about a donor. Take care.

  188. I am so sorry to hear that! I will be praying for you

  189. So many of us are thinking of you and pulling for you. I’ll be sending many positive thoughts your way!

  190. Bakerella, you are in my thoughts and prayers! You have certainly not let anyone down!! I’m sure your previous donor and future donor will be honored by all you have accomplished! You amaze us all and I can’t wait to see what you dream up while you take time to recover!! (I dream in desserts too!) xo, Amy, The Sugar Fairy

  191. Thoughts and prayers are with you xoxo

  192. bakerella,
    you have seriously brought so much fun and deliciousness into my life. but not just with your cake pops and beutiful photography, your posts have really inspired me! It is so great to read about your successes! I am so sad to hear that you are in the hospital. I hope you feel better real soon. In the meantime just bask in all the well wishes and love that are coming your way!

  193. I donated my kidney in 2006. I can assure you, dear woman, that you are not letting anyone, including the deceased donor, down.

    Please, please let go of that negative emotion. The donor would not want you to feel that way.

    I hope you feel better!

  194. Angie, you have been such an inspiration and everything you do has such a special touch. Know that we are all behind you (scattered throughout the WORLD) and hoping you get well. Muah!

  195. So sorry to hear about your health. We miss you and hope you get better soon!

  196. Best of luck, Bakerella! All your faithful readers are thinking of you :)

  197. I, too, am a long time reader and first time commenter. I was planning to drive to see you in Minneapolis, then I got an email from WS saying that your visit was canceled. Bakerella, I send best wishes and health your way. You are greatly missed and I look forward to your return. Speedy and complete recovery to you! : )

  198. oh bakerella this is such sad news, i hope you are getting well looked after by some amazing nurses and doctors and they are taking care of you during this tough time
    stay positive!!

  199. I’m so sorry, that sounds really hard.
    Hoping things are better very soon.

  200. I’ve also never commented before but have read for a long time, I love your blog to pieces! Fingers and toes and everything else crossed for a speedy recovery and for a new healthy kidney for you!

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