
Want perfect macarons?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

And by perfect, I mean perfectly pretty pastel ones?

Macaron Trinket Boxes

Just don’t bite because you might break a tooth.

Blue Macaron Trinket Box

That’s right. These aren’t at all edible. But they are completely adorable.

Adorable little macaron trinket boxes.

Macaron Trinket Box

For trinkets. For sweetness. For smiles.

Trinket Boxes

I’ve been trying to get my hands on some of these for a little while now. They are sold separately and come in six different colors, but they’ve been sold out on a lot of sites. So I was very excited when I came across someone who had them. It was just by chance when I saw that my friend Courtney of Pizzazzerie had posted a picture of this macaron on her instagram and where she got it from. Naturally, I stalked the seller only to find out we had actually met a few weeks before at Amy Atlas’ book signing in Atlanta. Weird. Crazy. Kinda coincidental.

Anyway, you can buy them individually from Waiting on Martha or you can also get a whole set of 12 if you’re as crazy for them as I am.

Why? Well, because with the whole set, you get the super cute store display box, too.


Macaron Trinket Boxes

But, if you want… you can just enter for a chance to win a box set from me right here. Yay!

Yep, I couldn’t resist buying one to give away, too.


Enter for a chance to win this set of 12 macaron trinket boxes.
Note: this set has duplicate greens because the rose color was sold out. But when I get my hands on two more rose macarons, the winner will get those also for a complete set.

  • Just leave a comment on the blog with your answer to the following question.
  • What’s your favorite show to watch on TV? or What new show are you looking forward to this fall?
  • Deadline to enter is Wednesday, September 12 at 7:00 pm ET. SORRY, TIME’S UP!
  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Wednesday evening.

Good luck guys!

Okay, we have a winner. And a bunch of show recommendations to check out. Here are some of my current likes that I thought I’d share, too.

Dexter, Homeland, Glee, Big Brother After Dark, Mad Men, Thirty Rock, Walking Dead, Modern Family, Californication, New Girl, Project Runway, Dancing with the Stars, What not to Wear, Top Chef, Bachelor Pad, Storage Wars, Shameless and a lot more I can’t think of right now.

Okay, ready to see who won the macaron trinket boxes? I am.

It’s April – #2508! YAY! And April, I like iCarly, too.


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3,553 comments on “Want perfect macarons?”

  1. Wow – these are adorable! I’m looking forward to the return of Community and Once Upon a Time.

  2. Amazing Race

  3. My favourite show is and will be for a very long time (I suspect) ‘Jonge Zwanen’ – a Flemish/Belgian Production about young Ballet dansers who train at the Antwerp Dance Academy. Really gives me envy to take up my ballet courses again.

  4. 2 broke girls.
    They are trying to set up a baking business selling cute cupcake. It’s so funny!

  5. How cute!! I heart Downton Abbey!

  6. Vampire diaries !
    Can’t wait for season 4…

  7. My favorite show is Fringe. I’m also looking forward to the new show Revolution.

  8. I am looking forward to watching Castle this fall! These are so cute!

  9. Big Bang Theory……can’t wait and these are adorable!

  10. Favorite show to watch is the office and big bang theory. The show im looking forward to the most this fall is the return of up all night. That show is so hilarious!

    Thanks for the chance to win miss bakerella :)

    Mrs. DeLo

  11. Those are friggin adorable! That’s hard to decide. Breaking bad just ended for now! And Mad Men is the next best!

  12. Heya….my fav has to be Top Chef….luv luv luv it.

  13. Oh my, too much cuteness!

    My fav show right now is Breaking Bad, but I’m glad The Voice is back now!

  14. Well if someone asked me to my face I would be all ‘oh I don’t watch TV’

    But seeing this is just between you and me and the macarons… It would have to be a toss up between Game of Thrones, True Blood and All of the Housewives of all of the Places…

    Shhhh… don’t tell anyone.

  15. Sons of Anarchy and Dexter! Can’t wait for those to start up again!

  16. The boxes are too cute!!! I am looking forward to Dancing with The Stars. I really want to see the Stars that are invited back to compete a 2nd time. I also like watching the auditions of The Voice, and XFactor.

  17. Definitely Dancing With The Stars!

  18. You always find the cutest things to have and to giveaway. I like you very much.

  19. Have to say Game of Thrones, but that’s in March. So I was waiting for Dr. Who. I LOVE THESE macarons. After years of practice I have finally mastered them!

  20. Thesevare so adorable. Thanks for the great giveaway and for a chance to win. My favorite shows right now and I can’t wait for the new seasons to start are, The Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother, and Dr.who:)

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  21. I’m really loving Once Upon a Time. I’ve always been fond of fairytale and this show just takes the cake for me.

  22. I love love love those trinket boxes!!!! My favorite show is So You Think You Can Dance — those dancers are amazing and the choreographers are inspiring!

  23. Iron Chef America!

  24. Looking forward to watching The New Normal. Will watch it online since local station refuses to air it. Bite me!

  25. My favorite show is Misfits. There aren’t really any shows I look forward to this fall!

  26. I love Glee!!!! I’m just crazy about it.

  27. My favorite show is Fringe! I’m somewhat interested in the new show Revolution.

  28. Fav show has been Pretty Little Liars!!

  29. First off, thanks for sharing where you got these trinkets! I’ve seen these in a couple of pictures on instagram over the past few months and always wondered where I could find them! Second, the show I’m looking forward to this fall is New Girl! I can’t wait!

    Thanks Bakerella!

  30. I love these! I love watching Project Runway!!

  31. My favorite show, besides all of the cake ones, is Grimm/Once Upon a Time/Walking Dead….lol, can’t pick between them!

  32. I love to watch Mad Men, and I am looking forward to the new Sherlock Holmes series with Lucy Liu as Dr Watson–cool twist!

  33. F.R.I.E.N.D.S the only show I know so well that I laugh even before the punchline is delivered

  34. Totally cant wait until the Walking Dead comes back on AMC. Best show ever!

  35. Love them! Never seen these before! Too too too cute!

  36. These are sooo cute! My cousin and I LOVE macarons!!! I would totally share this prize with her if I win! ^__^

    Old show: I Love Lucy
    Upcoming Show: Walking Dead

  37. SUITS!!! i’m so excited now that it’s back (: (:

    and i LOVE macarons. have yet to perfect making them though…

  38. I would have to say How I Met Your Mother. :-)

  39. Friends! It has to be Friends!

  40. Super kawaii!! My current favorite show is “The Glee Project” and I can’t wait for the next season of “Glee”!! (surprise surprise!) :) Thank you Bakerella, you are truly an inspiration! -Kirra from Japan

  41. Real Housewives of NYC/ Grey’s Anatomy!!!

  42. SO glad The Voice is back! OMG those macaroon trinket boxes are adorable!

  43. Oh gosh those are adorable :D

    I’m looking forward to a lot of shows, new and old, but the one I’m probably most looking forward to is Once Upon A Time’s second season :)

  44. Downtown Abbey, How I Met Your Mother, Drop Dead Diva, and a whole host of cartoons! I’m really looking forward to season three of Downtown Abbey and the next season of HIMYM. \o/

  45. i am soooo looking forward to the new season of american horror story on FX! Can’t wait. and these boxes are too cute!

  46. Crumbs… I forgot my email. So I’m reposting and will feel guilty if I win (as unlikely as that may be).

    Woah woah woah, you are giving away 12?! So someone else can have the cute box too?! These are just adorable. I am a huge whovian, so I’m very excited about the new season of Doctor Who. It’s already two episodes in!

  47. Woah woah woah, you are giving away 12?! So someone else can have the cute box too?! These are just adorable. I am a huge whovian, so I’m very excited about the new season of Doctor Who. It’s already two episodes in!

  48. Wow, so cute!

    I’m looking forward to the Vampire Diairies coming back on.


  49. OMG, they are soooooo cute!!!
    I can’t wait to watch the new season of Glee, Grey’s Anatomy and Revenge!

  50. The X FACTOR! Macaron box is super cute!

  51. TRUE STORY! –
    I saw these boxes a couple of weeks ago and fell IN LOVE with them and wanted to give them to my friends. (and yes, to myself aswell) Unfortunetly they were too expensive to ship to Sweden so I ended up not buying them. Gotta say I was a tad sad for that. :(
    So yay for you having this competiotion :)

    Ok tv shows… Last season of Gossip Girl, really looking forward to that one!
    Otherwise my favorites are The Office, The Big Bang Theory and Modern Family.

    Thanks and take care :)

  52. Phew! There are so many shows I want to watch! First of all: The Walking Dead! Of course also Big Bang Theory and Grey’s Anatomy (who can resist them??) And forever and ever: True Blood and Dexter :-))

  53. I can’t wait for New Girl and How I Met Your Mother!!!

  54. mhhh tough question! but my all time favourite is modern family. it is hilarious! these macarons look sooo yummy!

  55. Can’t wait for revenge to get back on.

  56. These are the absolute cutest!! And even though they may not have been around during Downton Abbey’s time I’m sure some of the ladies would have swooned for one of these adorable macarons :)

  57. those are soooo stinking cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPONGEBOB! as pathetic as it sounds…..

  58. These are too cute!!! Really looking forward to the second series of Once Upon a Time, it’s magical!

  59. My favorite show to watch on tv right now is Doctor Who! I’m excited to check out Revolution and see if it’s any good :D

  60. my fav show right now is flipping out

  61. I cant wait for parenthood again.and I am going to check out the 1st season of Prediction!

  62. Definitely Homeland!! :)

  63. I have too many shows I love.. New Girl, Once upon a time, scandal, Jane by design, and teen wolf! =)

  64. Revenge!

  65. Bachelor Pad, Pretty Little Liars, Housewives of OC/Beverly Hills

  66. My favourite is How I Met Your Mother but I’m super excited about BBC’s new dinosaur show starting soon! I never grew out of the dinosaur phase… ;-)

  67. Love the boxes! My fav show at the moment is How I Met Your Mother. It reminds me of “Friends”. Oh I wish they would have the comeback!

  68. I love Biggest Loser – it’s so freaking inspiring to see how these men and women work their butts off to change their lives, and DO IT! :)

  69. I am loving Smash (am in Australia, so a long way behind you in the US for TV shows)

  70. Daytime: ELLEN
    Evening: Flipping Out w/Jeff Lewis

  71. I hope TOUCH is back for another season!

  72. Once upon a time for the girly side of me and Big Bang Theory for the nerdy side :D

  73. I can’t wait for Downton Abbey’s new season, but I also really like Newsroom.

  74. I love watching Masterchef and I’m looking forward to Once Upon A Time :)

  75. DEXTER! I just wish there was more Masuka…

  76. Those are adorable! Can’t wait for glee.

  77. oh my, these are making me crave macarons horribly!
    i love modern family, tho it’s not new, i’m very much looking forward to the new season!

  78. I love Big Bang Theory, and I’m really looking forward to Partners as I’m a Sophia Bush fan :)

  79. love parenthood and new girl. love both and excited for the new seasons! love love love the macaroons!

  80. My favorite show to watch is Hawaii 5-0 but I am looking forward to giving Revolution a try!

  81. Glee!!! The show is so inspirational for young people with talents and ambitions! I love it :)

  82. OMG those are tooo cute!!!!! and they totally match the cup cake theme i have going on in my baby girl’s nursery!! love it!! my DVR is set to record Cupcake wars every week, but i’m super pumped for Once upon a time this fall!!!! :)

  83. My favourite shows are Revenge, Pretty Little Liars, and Adventure Time :D I can’t wait for season 3 of Downton Abbey!

  84. Love me some Glee! I love a show I can sing along with.

  85. I love the look of these trinketboxes. Super colors. I was in France this summer and every store that had baking supplies they had a big display with macaron making products, looked so yummy.

  86. I love Dr. Who!

  87. I’m not sure I can pick a favourite TV show, but I guess I’ll go with Sons of Anarchy! At least now when So You Think You can Dance is almost over for this season.

  88. I love The Walking Dead. Bring on the zombies!

  89. Oh I love this so much. All week I just keep thinking about how this time last year I was in France. Eating macarons, and baguettes, and croissants, and tarts, and speculoos, and nutella… and macarons.

    Favorite shows are Fringe and Community, as for a new show this year, I don’t know yet. I can’t wait for Once Upon a Time to come back on!!!

  90. The Amazing Race!!!!

  91. Those are adorable! My favourite show right now is Arrested Development. It’s so funny and I can’t believe I only just started watching it now!


  92. Oh so cute! My favourite show is the Wire but thats already finished. This fall I am looking forwards to the new season of Dexter!

  93. I love watching Chopped! (Well, anything food related!) This show really displays the ART of cooking and how chefs master creativity and innovation on-demand!

  94. Ohhhh my goodness, these are so precious!

    I’m so looking forward to the return of Parks & Recreation this fall, I *love* the show and have been missing it all summer! Also, The Walking Dead coming back later in the season has me on pins and needles – I’m missing Halloween in a bad way and can’t wait for weekly spookiness!

  95. I love Say Yes to the Dress!! Macrons are soo adorable!!:)

  96. Criminal Minds…I’m not sure why, I can’t help myself.

  97. I can not wait for three,,,, Once Upon a Time….Revenge….Grey´s Anatomy! Vegas looks good too…I think I´ll be checking it out

  98. I love Glee, True Blood and Downton Abbey. These macarons are amazing! I wish I could make them that beautiful! X

  99. Grey’s Anatomy

  100. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Pretty Little Liars! But I am so very excited for Modern Family and Once Upon a Time to return this fall!! Oh, and Glee! I actually know a new cast member joining this season! How exciting! =)

  101. Community! And the final season of Flashpoint :)

  102. I really like Parenthood!

  103. I LOVE the display box and the boxes themselves! and I also LOVE Ancient Aliens! Nothing that cracks me up just like it!

  104. My favorite show is without a doubt Happy Endings. It gives my such joy to watch it, and I find myself laughing out loud ALL OF THE TIME.
    p.s I am secretly convinced the character of Jane is based after me (also, Brad is so much like my boyfriend!)

  105. Speaking as a proud nerd, I would have to say my favorite show to watch is Doctor Who. I never miss an episode if I can help it.

  106. I love suits! Can’t believe they’re on a break until January!

  107. This is a tough one.. Right now it’s either cupcake wars or ace of cakes.. Or planet cake.. Or sweet genius!! Too hard!! X

  108. can’t wait for once upon a time to come back!! Or see what happens with Mark on Grey’s Anatomy, but I might not be as excited after I see the premiere…

  109. GLEE GLEE GLEE!!!!

    Im a craaaaaazy gleek/macaron fan!!! :D

  110. My Fair Wedding with David Tutera! I bet David would think these macarons are cute too! ;)

  111. Dear Genevieve is one of my favorites! Looking forward to Boardwalk Empire this Fall!

  112. Hawaii 5-0 and Glee

  113. Cant wait for Downton Abbey and Shirley Maclaine

  114. Absolutely perfect!!! Love the macarons!

  115. I’ve been enjoying watching Perception. I can’t wait to see ‘Revolution’ and ‘Last Resort’ when they come out.

  116. The Grey’s Anatomy season premiere is on my birthday, so I’m looking forward to that. Also looking forward to the day Bakerella premieres on tv ;)

  117. Game of Thrones! I love it and cannot wait for the next season to start.

  118. The last season of the Office! :(

  119. My current favorite is Warehouse 13. I also like Bones, Bunheads, and I’m looking forward to the new Sherlock Holmes – Elementary.

  120. I can’t wait for Gossip Girl to come back on!!

  121. Downton Abbey!

  122. I can’t wait for the new season of Grey’s Anatomy! I sometimes leave work early just to watch it ;)
    Love those macaron – at first I really couldn’t tell that they weren’t eatable! What a great idea and so so pretty! Where do you get all these great idea from?

  123. I cannot wait for Parenthood!

  124. Those are too cute!

    The show i’m most looking forward to in the fall is Once Upon a Time! :)

  125. I am really looking forward to Happy Endings – that show always leaves me in stitches!

  126. I ? these little boxes… mostly because macarons are my all time favorite treat. I fell in love with macarons in Paris 3 years ago, and absolutely swoon when I stumble across one, a real treat, a cook book, a photo, or… these adorable little trinket boxes.
    I am a fan of Blue Bloods, and looking forward to Son of Anarchy. Reality shows that crack me up– American Hoggers, and The Swamp People. ridiculous entertainment at its finest

  127. My favorite show… right now I’d choose Parks & Recreation, but I’m probably most excited about Mad Men or Game of Thrones starting again! :) These are too cute!

  128. Castle — love Nathan Fillion.

  129. My favorite tv show lately has been Once Upon a Time on ABC and I am on pins and needles for season 2 at the end of this month!

  130. That’s adorable! I’m loving the new season of Doctor Who at the moment, I’m such a geek at heart!

  131. I am in love with Adventure Time! Such delicious little pastel Candy Kingdom people and crazy nerdy fun! XD

  132. Omg those are the cutest things ever! My favorite show is definitely Modern Family. Phil Dunphy cracks me up every time

  133. DOWTON ABBY :) I love the series!

  134. Super cute!
    I love Dexter.

  135. I am currently addicted to White Collar!! The main character has these dreamy blue eyes! Lol! the show really is pretty great tho! But I am definately looking forward to Greys Anatomy! Its an all time favorite show! Thanks for finding these trinkets.. they are so adorable!

  136. My favorite show is Glee!

  137. My favorite tv show lately has been Once Upon a Time on ABC and I am on pins and needles for season 2 at the end of this month!!

  138. New Girl!!
    Jess represents all of our inner (and outer) kooky selves. I love it! Great writing and cast.

  139. 100% addicted to The Big Bang Theory!

  140. My favorite show is Greys Anatomy!

  141. How I Met Your Mother! I’m almost caught up to the next season!

  142. I love anything mystery… like Dateline. :)

  143. Like Mad Men lots, but waiting for Sons of Anarchy to start tomorrow!

  144. I love Pretty Little Liars! <3 I cannot wait for the next season :)

  145. those are too cute!! I just had my very first taste of a macaron 2 weeks ago and have been thinking I need to try my hand at making them…

    a few episodes behind, but have been enjoying the new show Perception. Can’t wait for Parks & Rec & The Office starting up again.

  146. I DIE for True Blood and Girls!

  147. These are so cute! You find the cutest things! I have a few favorite shows. House and NCIS are two of them!

  148. I can’t wait for glee! Just a few more days!!

  149. Those are beyond adorable :) I couldn’t pick just one for a favorite, but I’m really, REALLY looking forward to Once Upon a Time!!

  150. Those boxes are so cute! My favorite show is Unique Sweets.

  151. Right now my favorite show on T.V would have to be switched at birth. But I am super exited for the return of Psych!

  152. These are beautiful!!
    Being over here in the UK my fave tv program at the moment is The Great British Bake Off!

  153. I just looooved Friends. That’s my alltime favorite. Right now? It would be a mix out of How I Met your Mother and Bing Bang Theory… :)

    And these cutie cutie cutie macarons – speechless about how cute they are! :D

  154. Project Runway currently, and can’t wait for Vampire Diaries to restart!

  155. I watch too many shows to pick just one haha

    I really loved SMASH from nbc, and I’m looking forward to the next season of it :]

  156. Ok, how stinkin cute are these??? These are my favorite cookie too! My favorite show actually just ended for the season but it’s Army Wives. The storyline draws you in so deeply. It’s not very true true to being an real Army wife- I should know I’ve been one for the past 5 years- but it’s a great show no e the less. :)

  157. Those are the cutest things I have ever seen.

    Looking forward to the return of Once Upon a Time (I am a sucker for fantasy stories) and Game of Thrones!

  158. Breaking Bad also.

  159. Breaking Bad also.

  160. Such a cute give away! My favourite shows are NCIS and Big Bang Theory – Absolutely love them both and can’t wait for the new seasons to start!

  161. I’m waiting for Sons of Anarchy which the wait will be over tomorrow night! :)

  162. My fave show has to be Mad Men. I can’t wait for the next season! Don Draper is dreamy.

  163. Modern Family!!! That and my guilty pleasure of Once Upon A Time…

  164. cute, cute. So pretty. Contentions n my kids show are cake boss on u tube. We having a great time discussing their next cake too. :) of cause I am not to that standard yet.

  165. BREAKING BAD!!!!

  166. Right now I’m ripping my way through Battlestar Galactica and True Blood, but if I’m sewing I watch Glee :)

  167. I’m waiting for Game of Thrones to come back. I’ve a good long while till it does, but man… BEST SHOW EVER!

  168. One of my good friends share a link to one of these a few months ago because she said they reminded her of me!. Love Dexter and I cant wait for it to come back on a few weeks. Who doesnt love a serial killer who passes out donuts to his co-workers? :)

  169. Can’t wait for Dexter and Boardwalk Empire!

  170. I love Cake Boss on TLC!

  171. Oh gosh I’m 21 and still watch cartoons. pretty much the only show i watch on tv is Adventure time… but this fall im really looking forward to season 4 of community!

  172. Looking forward to the Big Bang Theory!

  173. Friends. It is always funny!

  174. too cute! How fun would they be to show off? :)

    Currently, my favorite show is Switched at Birth (on ABC Family), but seeing as I don’t have cable anymore, I guess I’m looking forward to the new seasons of Glee and The Lying Game :)

  175. Im all about The New Normal! So good!

  176. Love watching football in the Fall and whatever looks good on Netflix. :)

  177. I love Revenge!

  178. My favorite show is Community. I’m going to have a tough Tuesday because there’s Raising Hope, New Girl, the Mindy Project, Happy Endings, and the B in Apartment 23.

  179. These are sooooooooo cute!!!

  180. These would be the perfect bridesmaid gift at my wedding. Ah!! Oh, and my favorite show is Parks and Recreation. I love it!

  181. I love An Idiot Abroad…hilarious!

  182. Those macaron trinkets are too cute. If only my macarons would turn out that perfect…

    I am addicted to “The Voice”!

  183. I love So You Think You Can Dance!

  184. These boxes are darling!! <3
    My favorite new-er show is New Girl! So funny … can't wait for it to start again. My favorite re-run show is definitely The Big Bang Theory! Just too funny!

  185. Too cute! Big Bang Theory. Laugh out loud fun!

  186. soooo cutee….
    my fav tv show is criminal minds and im looking forward to Once upon a Time :D :D

  187. So cute! I can’t wait to watch some more Once Upon A Time this fall. Not my all time favorite per se, but it is a great guilty pleasure/bubble bath and bon bons sort of show.

  188. How cute!! Just the other day my friend showed me a similar trinket but handmade by his aunt and meant to be a coin pouch. :)

    My favourite show is How I Met Your Mother and I can’t wait for the new (and final?) season to start soon!

  189. I love watching Dance Moms! My dad is even in to it! :)

  190. This summer I totally got sucked into the drama on Dawson’s Creek all over again. It makes me feel 16 again. I am totally looking forward to Survivor this season and The Good Wife.

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