
Books and Balls

Cake Balls

Monday night The Pioneer Woman was in town for her book signing tour. So the night before the signing, I worked on making her a little treat. I thought it would be nice to bring her something sweet to snack on while she signed away. I decided on cake balls. But, made them smaller than usual, so they could easily be eaten in one bite. I was right in the middle of finishing them when I received an unexpected invitation for dinner. Pioneer Woman (PW), was already in town with her sister, Betsy and friend Hyacinth. They were going to dinner and invited me along.

Ummm… decision time. Can I make it to dinner in an hour? I’m not dressed. My hair is wet and has been wrapped in a towel all afternoon. (Don’t ask.) And the restaurant is at least 30 minutes away. Or should I stay home and finish my present for her like a reasonable person. I think you know what I picked. And dinner was fantastic. I’m completely glad I went, because there was simply no time to chat Monday evening as there were hundreds of people in line to see her hours before she even arrived.

I paid the price late Sunday night though, because I had to finish assembling the cake balls and take pictures of them. Plus, I had a post I wanted to put up. And, that’s when I found out my camera was broken. So, no post and no pictures. Luckily I borrowed a camera (Thanks Ted) Monday afternoon so I could take these photos.

Okay, back to the cake balls. You see, I didn’t just want to bring her a box of balls. I wanted to make them a little special. So I stuck a stick in them.

Cake Balls

And came up with this to accessorize them…

Mini Books

What are they you say?

Well, they are teeny-tiny, little, itty-bitty…

Pioneer Woman in Paperback

miniature Pioneer Woman Cook Books.


Complete with inside pages. Yes, you can say it. I know. I’m crazy.

Pioneer Woman Cake Balls

But look how cute they are.

The inside is made using her chocolate sheet cake recipe. If you want to use it to make them, follow the basic how-to for cake balls here, substituting PW’s sheet cake and icing. Bake the cake and cool. Make the frosting and let it sit in a bowl, covered overnight to thicken. I used about half of the frosting to mix in with the crumbled cake and it worked out great.


A snack pack of her book in paper back.


And all wrapped up.

Now, off to the signing.


I met my friend Lori there.


And my friend Meimi and her friends.


I even made some new ones. Pam is on the right. She’s a hoot. We all waited together and had a blast.


There were people everywhere. Hi Robin! Hey, that’s a nice camera.


After reading Ree’s recaps from her previous signings, I expected to see lots of smiling faces.


Everywhere… everyone was so happy to be there to meet Ree. She has that effect on people. Me included.


I expected to see lots of adoring fans. Aren’t these two the cutest.

But I didn’t…

I didn’t expect …



or this…



Something weird was happening. I found myself on the other end of the camera throughout the night.


And it was a completely unexpected treat to meet so many people that love Ree and also visit my little website. And just about everyone I met had even made cake pops. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone. The evening was very surreal.

Here are some more photos from the night. I tried to get pics (Thanks Lori) of all the people that asked for photos so I would know I wasn’t dreaming the next day.

But wait…

I was here for a book signing. I had books to be signed.


Everyone received post it notes to write their names on … it made things go faster since there were so many people.


Ree is a machine. Signing, and spinning pens and pages. Even Betsy and Hyacinth were swamped. Seriously, I think they all signed books for at least five hours. Non-stop. And all with a smile.


When it was my turn, I kneeled down beside Ree and looked up to find several cameras taking our picture together. I think that’s why I look like a dork. Disbelief behind those cheeks.

And … P.S. – I’m still short.


All I can say on this one is …… paybacks…


Just kidding … I heart you PW.


And, you too guys. Hope you all had fun while you were here. I did.

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212 comments on “Books and Balls”

  1. such fun ! looks like lots of us love our baking divas.
    can’t wait till you hit a town near me.

  2. Please. How did you make the books??

  3. Congrats.
    Great look of all the creations!
    Hugs from Mexico

  4. Hey guys – I’ll try to figure out an easy way to show you how to do this and post something

    Karen –

    Under cake balls in the gray navigation box

    Arantxa – Right now the storefront doesn’t ship internationally.

  5. I LOVE your kind of crazy! It makes me go “squee!” in some sort of manic fangirl way I don’t quite understand yet. When I was first shown your blog, I had to tell my referring friend that I either love or hate her for it, because, ironically, it’s kindof like sugar high,. It makes me feel so crazy excited, but mostly in a way where we start mixing analogies and I’m some sort of overexcited puppy that can’t get anything done, looking all over the place until descending into some sort of asthma attack. That sounds kindof horrible doesn’t it? It shouldn’t. It’s nearly 3am though. Not my most eloquent hour, I’m sure…. You have so much for me to love it can be overwhelming- and I’m not always good at moderation!
    (I still love you for it, of course)

  6. So cute! I love those! I’ll have to try making those for my kids’ parties. We have a Halloween party/bday party every year and also had a Japanese food themed party/bday party in Sept.

    Pumpkin cake balls? Wasabi frosted? Oh the possibilities!

  7. I’m with the rest. The mini-books were so awfully cute, clever, creative!
    You’re inspirational!

  8. The STAR POWER at that signing was HUGE! Wow… I want to know more about those little books!!

  9. Love your cake pops for Ree. Something happened with my feed and your posts weren’t coming through. I think I’ve fixed it now. And for some reason I didn’t realize you were in Atlanta. Shoot. Now I’m really upset because I didn’t get to meet Ree or you! Just kidding. Maybe one day I’ll get the chance.

  10. Dear Bakerella, “Thud” “Inquiring minds want to know” well, me too. I want to know how you did those amazing, teeny, tiny books?

    I’m guessing you used the color copier to shrink them down to size and then past and tape and time to get them into book shape? I’d love it if you managed to take pictures. We’d all love to see it.

    Thanks for all the wonderful creative fun projects. Just wish I had time and patience to do them all. Wait, I don’t have to, I can live vicariously through the pages of your blog.

  11. I have to share… I was given a couple of cupcake books for Christmas that I already had so I had to return them to the store. After returning them it dawned on me that I could use the refund to purchase the Pioneer Woman cookbook. It has some awesome recipes that I can’t wait to try. But what makes this a treasure is the step by step images the author took along with the wonderful story she tells throughout the book.
    Thanks for the introduction to a wonderful cookbook!

  12. Bakerella and The Pioneer Woman together! How amazing. I need to bow down to you for making those little tiny books for those cake balls. Are you going to tell us how you did it?? Please share your secret…

  13. How oh how did you make the tiny books??? I must have these for my wedding???

  14. With very little time and even less brain power to come up with a teacher’s gift this year, I was so happy and lucky I came across this really warm and wonderful idea, Thank you!

  15. Estava eu passeando pelo blog e fiquei encantado com toda a criatividade e amor colocado no trabalho! Mesmo estando aqui no Brasil, fico feliz pór visitar tuas páginas. Muito obrigado por compartilhar seu talento.
    Abraços e sucesso.

  16. SAwww ~ I totally LOVE the mini PW books. You are so talented and thoughtful. Thanks for sharing your book signing experience. i LOVED reading it all and you should totally know you are AWESOME too :)

  17. Okay, those little books are just ridiculous and totally not needed. And precious. And adorable. :)

  18. Those books are so adorable, along with the cake pops. You are so very talented and equally gifted as PW. Give yourself more credit girl.

  19. I’m so sad that I didn’t hunt you down after I got out of the line. I saw you when you arrived then thought you left but obviously you were just surrounded by adoring fans. Maybe there will be a next time. Maaaaybe you’ll have a book signing yourself one day and we can all wait hours upon hours to get your famous signature…

    You never know…

  20. I saw you there, and snuck a picture of you…. I wanted to ask for a picture of us together- but didn’t want to look like a bakerella stalker!! haha
    The cakeballs you made for PW were SO awesome. The little books were great!

  21. I’m a fan of both Bakerella and PW. You really outdid yourself with the little books on the cake pop sticks! Love it!
    Thanks for sharing your version of the book signing.

  22. LOVE LOVE LOVE those mini books. Would you be so kind to share how you made them? You are a genius!!

  23. Love the mini books, you constantly inpire me! I just send you and e-mail with a picture of what I did today with popcakes!!


  24. What an amazing idea! And I think I would drop everything to go have dinner with PW too.

    I know most everyone has already commented, but I want to mention that my book review site is giving away one of the signed books I picked up at the LA signing. If you know anyone that’s interested in a FREE SIGNED Pioneer Woman Cookbook send them my way! And don’t worry I kept one for myself ;)

  25. What a great idea! I have had these cake balls before, now I know how to make them. They look delicious. Thanks!

  26. sounds like a jolly oollly great time:)
    those mini books are adorable!

    good job!


  27. Just when I think I have seen it all you brighten my day and teach me that the human creativity is beyond our understanding!
    Those little books are amazing!

  28. Hey,

    When will your merch be available for Europe? I so want a Bakerella shirt but the site says you’re not shipping to The Netherlands, which is so sad. I. Want. That. T-shirt.

    Hugs from The Netherlands,


  29. Aw, what I wouldn’t give to meet you and Ree! You guys are the cutest bloggers ever…and your fun posts with stunning photos make reading your blogs such a treat :0) Oh, and I wanted to make a request, if I may – please please pleeeease make cakeballs decorated like little Christmas ornaments! Not just spheres, but bells and stars and other shapes, too. How adorable would that be?

  30. Help. I don’t know what I’m missing but I can’t find your original cake ball recipe. I think it calls for a container of cream cheese frosting and a baked 9×13 cake but I want your step by step.
    Thanks – your index didn’t help me.

  31. You are so creative and artistic! I really admire everything you make. You give me something to aspire too :)

  32. How did I miss you?! I was there and I missed you. :( I am so sad.
    Your tiny books are darling.

  33. Love, love, LOVE the tiny books and cake pops! I spent about 1.5 hours at the signing before my 4 month old melted down and I left with my books unsigned. I looked for you though!

    When are you going to publish your book? Or better yet, host classes on cake ball making?!?!

  34. Those mini books are amazing–just like YOU!

  35. So nice to see you and PW together again. One of the first blog post I read was your visit to PW.
    That was a twofer for everyone that showed up to the book signing.

  36. So tell us how you made the little books…

  37. Did she love the cake pops? I love how you made those mini books -so creative!! She was just in NY this past weekend but couldn’t get to see her. It was the first night of Chanukah and I was up to my elbows in latkes!!

  38. You have such an amazing site, I am so glad that I found it. I am adding it to my blog roll for my friends to see. Love, love how creative you are.

  39. Bakerella – you are truly genius. I can’t get over how creative you are!!!

  40. it’s the attention to detail that makes your little cakes so special! The books are darling and what a great gift!

  41. Oh my gosh. Those are too cute. How do you think up this stuff?!

  42. For one who can barely navigate through email, eBay, and a little on-line shopping, I am completely awestruck by the creative talents of people like you and PW. Those little cookbooks are simply brilliant and truly inspired. Was it a hard thing to do? How are the pages held together? How did you do this? How did you even THINK to do this!!!!?!!!!

  43. Ok, so a friend of mine keeps telling me “I saw this on Bakerella” or “did you see Bakerella today?” Nope, hadn’t seen it but after checking your blog out today I can say I’m officially addicted and how totally cute are these little books. Yes, you may be crazy but I’d be right there with you trying to be a little over achiever on impressing PW! What a fun time for you!

  44. My sister woke me up screaming this morning…”You’re on Bakerella! You’re on Bakerella!” It was so fun to meet you the other night…having it documented on your site for all the world to see is the icing on top of the cake pop! Thanks again – Karen & Emily

  45. Someone else blogged about going to Ree’s book signing and said that you were there. I was SO jealous. I wish I still lived in Lagrange and I would have made the trip to see both of you:)

  46. When is YOUR book coming out? PLEASE work on that because there are so many people I would gift a copy to. It would by far be the BEST GIFT EVER!!! Work on that in all your spare time will ya? ;) Your creations are AMAZING!!
    Happy Baking!

  47. I am so jealous! I love Ree and even thought I am new your blog I love you too :)

    Those little books brought a tear to my eye they were so cute!

  48. I guess this means you’ll have to write your own cookbook and go on a book tour. I know I’ll come out to see you.

  49. I had no idea you are from ATL and had no clue that was you at the signing getting all the attention. I wish I had been nosier and just walked up to the crowd to see who it was. Instead, my sis-in-law and I sat and waited our 5 hours to see PW.
    Are you going to share how you created such tiny cookbooks?

  50. THUD! That’s me hittin’ the floor in amazement! Of course, I shouldn’t be all that amazed, really, this is the BAKERELLA site I’m readin’. Awesome little books!!!

  51. Awesome! You and PW have great ideas all the time!

  52. Today I am undergoing a huge endeavor (well at least for me). I am making Bakerella’s Red Velvet Cake Ball, Brownie Bites, Nutter Butter Bites and Oreo Bites as Christmas gifts!! I’m up to my ears in mini bite size goodness!

  53. You looked like you all had a great time!!!
    those little books are aweasome! i love to do those kinda stuff with paper and cut and paste.
    love you bakerella!

  54. Love this post! The cake balls are the best. Love the litte tiny books you made for them. You didn’t tell us, did PW love them or what, wait, how could she not love them, you made them. I hope PW does a signing near me someday, I would love to meet her and I would love to meet you.

  55. Those little books are so incredible!! It looks like a fantastic book party!

  56. i got to see those tiny sweets sitting there with Betsy and Hyacinth! they were ADORABLE and practically had your name written all over them! got a photo of you too…from afar, didn’t want to get out of line, you know?

    fun times!
    ahem…so when will you be signing books?

  57. Hi dear Bakerella!! You indeed have a lot of fans, as you probably noticed on the signing event! ;-) You also have some international fans, like me!! I have been following your posts for a long time, far far away from you, in Argentina.. You are beyond adorable (not to mention talented), and so are your creations.. I can’t even say anything about those unbelievable, tiny books.. Cuteness overload!!!! :-) I wish the best for you, and Merry Christmas!! Hugs from Buenos Aires.

  58. When PW tweeted that she was off to dinner with you, I was so jealous!!! :) Seriously CUTE and amazing cake balls and toppers!

  59. You are AWESOME … love the teeny tiny books atop the cake balls … I <3 you, Bakerella!!

  60. Wow! That should take a lot of work! You are so creative and you really put effort on this things! Also, I think that those cake balls look like cake-pops upside-down…

  61. ooopppps, forgot to add – it’s all in the details dear!

  62. crazy, NO!!! Love, love, love the little paperback book idea. You see I can’t call you crazy because that’s the same kind of fun thing I would do, so there ya go!

  63. How sweet! What a creative pie pop idea; yes, you are CRAZY and that is what makes this site, I believe, so that Americans with their hair up in towels and 30 minutes until a dinner party can stare at thoes teeny little pages (or the pops, which are cuties by themselves) and go “She did WHAT?!”. So may the crazy cooking live on…and do some signings yourself! Write a new book, or something. That we we can all meet you when you TRAVEL everywhere (bringing a good supply of pops to share with your doting fans, of course :))

  64. I am a HUGE PW fan, and her post linked me here to your blog this morning.

    All I can say is, WOW…you are one very talented baker! I can only imaging how much Ree loved your cake balls and the amazing miniature books!. What an incredible gift!

    You have a new follower! :-)

  65. Great Story! Like I’ve said before – so glad I found your site. You are obviously so talented with great new and inspirational ideas, you absolutely have to do your own book!! I would run to the store to get. The little book/balls are just incredible!! Thanks for all you do.

  66. Please post instructions for those little books!!!!
    My eight year old daughter is a book-a-holic and would LOVE these cake pops.
    I adore your blog. Keep it up!

  67. What an amazing evening. First, PW walks in (like a ROCKSTAR, I might add). And then moments later, I lean over to Pam (who is a hoot — makes me smile on a daily basis) and go, “I think that’s Bakerella!!!!”

    So fun to hear your stories and insights, see all your fans and stand in that long, long line. Love all the inspiration you bring — looking forward to your book ;)

  68. Those tiny cookbooks are so fantastic!! Inside pages!?!? You’re crazy in a totally awesome way!

  69. Oh how much fun… I wish she was going to come to the PNW… I love the cake balls you made her… sooo awesome.

  70. seriously, that is like THE cutest thing ever… my voice was sooo high pitched when i showed these adorable pops to my hubby… :D.

    Love it! and you!! :D you and Pdubs are my two fave bloggers!

  71. all i can say is wow. pw is awesome. and you are too.. :) but seriously how did you make those itty bitty books!?

  72. Hi there! Totally new to your site but super excited to look around. Confession here…I don’t bake…much…except for your occasional brownie or dump cake. Pathetic, I know. Now why would someone like me visit a blog named Bakerella? Because I’m secretly hoping some of your talent will seep into me through visual osmosis or something. Hey, a girl can dream.

  73. Love you! Love PW! I’ve been cooking right through her cookbook (mashed potatoes, lasagnas, pancakes. . . ). Love your PW mini books. Planning to make my first cake balls/pops this holiday season. Thanks!

  74. What a wonderfully talented person you are! This is great!

  75. you are INSANE! (in the most excellent way) … how CUTE are those BOOKS!!! Brilliant :-)

  76. wow, sounds like it was a great time!

  77. I really enjoyed meeting at the book signing. I blogged about it here:

  78. OH MY HEAVENS!!! I saw the cake balls that night but not the tiny books! They are ADORABLE!! It was great meeting you and love the picture of us!!! Thanks so much for your kindness!

  79. Oh my, those cake pops are too cute!! I envy your patience to make all those little books! Glad you had fun with Ree and at the signing!

  80. I think this is the cutest and sweetest (in every sense of the word) gift I’ve ever seen. She must have loved it.

  81. Oh this is fun! You guys are the best!

  82. tiny pioneer woman cookbook toppers?? you’ve truly outdone yourself this time :) the signing looks like so much fun!

  83. AWESOME gift! And your “Little blog” is not so little! I love it!

  84. OMG!!!! I just had those cake balls and they are to die for and I have been looking for the recipe for days…..I think I just heard the heavens open up and angels sing!!! Thanks!!!! The pics are amazing and really???? just too much time on your hands LOL, but seriously who wouldn’t be so completely honored to have those sweet cake pops for a gift! You rock!!!!

  85. Oh how i wanted to go see the PW when she was in salt lake, but i had a midterm. boo!! she is amazing!!
    And so are you bakerella! i saw you featured in Better Homes and Garden last month! congrats!

  86. Awww man!! those tiny cookbooks!! Pleeeeease tell us how you made them. Seriously! You could sell them. I want one bad!!!! I wish that book tour would come to the Baltimore area. If you write a book, will you come? Love your blog and I, too, have made cake balls, twice!

  87. PW and Bakerella in one place — I can’t believe the world didn’t collapse in a vortex of molten hot gorgeous talent!!!!!

  88. Is that peanut butter icing drizzled over the cake pops? Please tell how you made it!
    These are adorable!
    I don’t have time for tiny books, but I’ll be making these this weekend for my co-workers. I hope you have time to tell how to make the drizzle icing!

  89. That was super cool. Given the holiday season, I always picture a book signing like taking a 100 or more of your closest friends and everyone getting together and making you fill out all of their holiday cards at once. By hand. With special messages.

    It’s craziness! Which is why when I go to signings I try to only bring a book or two (except for that one time with Tamora Pierce).

  90. Thanks for the fun evening and for linking my blog, your the best. I can believe how cute the mini books were, your talent knocks me over. My sister and I always get called cute so we cracked up when that was what you called us. I heart Bakerella

  91. so SWEET!! Your mini books are amazing! All of you ladies look as sweet as you seem to be.

  92. Wow! I just found a new favorite Blog! You are an inspiration. I’m going to have to come back and wander around like a kid in a Candy Store on your blog when I’ve got some time. Probably tonight! Love, love, love your work and creativity.

    And those PW toothpick/Mini books… Brilliant and Adorable!
    I met PW when she was in So Cal… I blogged about it here:


  93. gorgeous treats, gorgeous photography of said treats. wonderful post about yet another book signing – i bet pw thinks the whole thing is surreal too!

    virtually famous then actually famous!

  94. You are such a funny woman! Those cake balls are adorable. So creative. I’ll bet PW just loved them. Looks like you had a great time!

  95. amazing & so creative! just great!

    i have a question: i am going to recreate the cake pops…am confused…am i adding the the frosting (covered overnight) into the crumbled cake ??
    thanks for a reply!!

  96. Bakerella, get used to it — you are just as much a star as Ree! There are soooo many of us that are addicted to your site and are amazed by what you do. Keep up all your inspirational work and all your fun posts!

  97. I wish I was there. It looked like so much fun. And WOW I love the mini books. You are so crafty.

  98. It’s all I could do but squeal at how absolutely adorable and tiny those miniature books are. I’m absolutely amazed at your creativity, speed and resourcefulness!

  99. You outdid yourself! I luv everything you do. Is there anyway you can show us how you did the Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny Cookbooks………I Would Luv To Make Those Also, Only With A Christmas Picture………

    Thank You.

  100. Those are just too awesome for words! And I love your picture on the PW’s blog!

  101. Holy cow! Those tiny books are amazing! Those pictures look so fun…

  102. Awww, those mini PW cake pops are the sweetest gift for Ree! Its funny, you’ve almost become a celebrity-blogger yourself! Pretty soon, you’ll have a book with all your adorable little creations and people will come flocking to your signings. I know I would!

  103. those are amazing! I geeked out a bit when I saw you drop them at PW’s table! Who has that kind of time?! You are my hero!!!

  104. I screamed when I saw those books on the cakes! You go!!!! You are amazing!!!!!!!!! Did you just sit back and stare at them for like, 14 hours, in amazement? “I made those?!”

    Talent abounds!

    Love you site!

    Kolein – NY

  105. I looooove all your ideas!!!!!!!!!!!! A new post makes my day!!! Please share a tutorial on the mini books !!!!! Your are so talented, thanks for all that you share !

  106. All I can say is– you are the BOMB!

    All bow to the master cake ball and book end –hahahaha–book end—hehehe (ok, I’m done now) maker!

  107. I find it wonderful how PW”s site (and yours) has such impact on us all. It comes from the generosity of spirit.

  108. Oh my Heck!! I LOVE them… this from the girly who used to make lamps for my sisters doll house out of beads and toothpaste lids. :)

  109. OMG!! the cake balls are so cute!…I am so impressed with all the creativity and love that you put in your work! the little books warmed my heart so much that tears came out of my eyes with joy! Thanks so much for sharing your amazing talent and for making me smile today :D

  110. You are amazing!! PW must have loveddd those little balls :) And of course everyone there knew and loved you!

  111. I just love everything you bake or make! And I think that every baker and blogger loves you. Atleast here in Finland people are making cake pops and trying out other things you have made in your blog. I think that your town’s cake and baking store started to sell candy melts just because of you. We didn’t have those before your blog became a huge “celebrity”.Thank you for inspiration ja awesome recipes! :)

  112. oh my good gravy….you are a NUT…look at those little books…how ADORABLE and what a thoughtful gift..You didnt tell us what Ms. pioneer woman said/reacted……i’m sure giddy with delight! so so fun…thanks for sharing.

  113. I was just as excited to meet you as I was to meet PW. Add Betsy and Hyacinth to the mix and it was a little surreal. So much fun Monday night!

    And I love the cake balls with the little books. You’re too much. :)

  114. Now I’m dying. I was supposed to go with Pam, but my daughter had her first chorus concert. Arrggh!

  115. Awe shucks, I made it onto Miss Bakerella’s website! Lovely to meet you the other night!

  116. Of course you’re loved, you crazy lady! I would have died of excitement if I was standing in line next to you!

  117. They are so cute! I dont even know how you managed to make those tiny books. Seriously amazing! Maybe one day I’ll be that creative haha.

  118. That is amazing those little books how the the cakeballs did you do that?!!!

  119. How on Earth did you do that?!

    You are amazing!!

  120. Your talent and patience astound me!!! Could you throw some of your creativity up to TN to me?

  121. Bakerella…you are AMAZING! I cannot believe you made those adorable mini cookbooks. WOW. I’m beyond impressed.

  122. I adore you. Your posts are always so fun to read! And creative, and you make me hungry. And I can’t believe you put those tiny little books on there. Where do you come up with these ideas? You’re adorable!

  123. Hi! My name is Gillian and I work for Cedar Fort, a Publishing Company. We publish tons of cookbooks (you might have heard of 101 Gourmet Cupcakes in 10 minutes). I do the blogs for the company and have started up a recipe blog. I loved all the recipes on your blog- and was wondering if you would like to do a little exchange with me? I could give you a recipe from one of our cookbooks for you to share, and you could share one of your favorite recipes with us. Would you be willing to do that? If you are, my e-mail is I would love to hear from you! Thanks! Great Blog btw!

  124. The attention you got at PW’s book signing doesn’t surprise me at all. I started visiting PW’s site because of posts on your blog. It’s great to see a photo of you two together.

    Love the mini books!

  125. Did she LOVE the cakeballs?! I am just dying to know!!

  126. Brilliant! Is your “bakebook” in the works yet? :)

  127. OK, those tiny little books are absolutely adorable!!!!!

  128. I am so impressed….I tried to make cake balls a few weeks ago and it was a complete disaster. In the end, they were more like amorphous blobs than the picture perfect little balls your creations are!

  129. Oh my gosh, you are crazy and good, crazy good! Those books are so small, you must have tiny hands or something! So cute, love it, so fun to see the two of you together. Bravo Bakerella!

  130. OK – When is your book coming out? Hmmmmm? I would buy it in an instant.

    I just about died when I saw the little books – So much love in those details.

  131. AMAZING..thank you for being my creative muse today..time to get off the computer and create!

  132. It was so nice to meet you Bakerella! And thanks for the tips about the cakepops. You have a fan for life!

  133. what fun! thanks for sharing. plz tell us how on earth you made the fun books. LOVE!

  134. I saw the email in my box and I thought, “I can’t believe it’s Monday and I’m so far off in my days!” I had to really think to figure out if it was Monday or not… You have me well trained.

    Those mini books are unbelievable. Well, I mean… I believe YOU made them… but it would be unbelievable if I did it. Amazing. Your most amazingishest cake ball decor ever. Love it!

  135. WOW… I just happen to find your blog by accident and LOVE it this is exactly what I have been looking for. Thank you so much I love the extra detail that you pay attention to.

  136. Wow! You are definitely a detail queen and so talented! The only problem is that I couldn’t have ever eaten those cake balls. They are too cute! So creative!

    I am glad you chose to go to dinner. The other details of life could certainly wait and now you don’t have to kick yourself for days wishing you had gone.

    The guys and gals of Atlanta definitely received an extra treat meeting both of you at the same event!

  137. HA! I love the mini cookbooks. That is totally like some crazy crap I would do!

  138. what fun! I love the mini PW cookbooks, you’re amazing!!!

  139. aww. i wish i could have been in the presence of you two great woman. I got to meet PW in houston, but I would have loved to meet you too! so now is your turn to do your book/baking tour. haha. j/k

  140. OOPS forgot to mention

  141. Such a cute idea! you are so sweet!
    great to see you and PW together!

  142. Yes, you are crazy;) Can’t wait until we’re all at YOUR book signing. Oh, and of course a book tutorial would be great!

  143. Little PW cookbooks transfer your from crazy to positively wacky :P but they are soooooo adorable…. I admire your patience….

  144. How’d you make those teeny tiny books? They are precious! What’d PW think?

  145. Clever personalized gift for PW! Nicely done! It’s all in the details, right?

  146. Oh, I bet you had so much fun! And your amazing gift…those teensy books…Priceless!!!

  147. That is the most precious gift ever! Her heart must have totally melted when you gave her that complete with those tiny liitle books, pure genius!!! I was at that signing too, that crowd was insane!

  148. Awe! I have to say that you & PW are my absolutely favorites! So to see you guys together was a real treat!! I just wish she’d come to Florida.

  149. that’s incredible!
    and insane. ;)

  150. Those are REALLY cute and I bet she loved them! I would have loved to been there in Atlanta to see you both, but I saw PW in Nashville the next night.

  151. I would also love to know how you made those miniature books? It looks like such a great gift idea!

  152. Oh, that looked like SO much fun! And your gift for Ree was wonderful! How on earth did you do those teensy books? What a great idea! I’m just pea green with envy!

  153. I saw your sweet little cake pops and tiny books sitting on the table! Adorable! How could I have missed seeing you? Oh yeah, you were swallowed up with fans having your picture taken! What GREAT night!

  154. tuesday was my birthday and some of my friends from KY (i currently live in AL, army wife) went to see pioneer women in Nashville. i was so jealous i was not able to go. but yesturday i got a package, it was her cookbook signed happy birthday. i took it with me last night when i took the kids to see nutcracker AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.,
    okay onto you. man i would love to spend a day with you watching you do all this. how in the world were you able to make those little books. so stinking cute.

  155. I love you, Bakerella!! Your posts ALWAYS make me smile, and even tear up from time to time. You are amazing — from your unbelievable baking, to your adorable writing to your gorgeous photography. You truly inspire me. Thank you for making my days brighter.

  156. First off…your cake pops with the little books attached..too cute!!! This is why people Love ya! You are having fun with what appeared to be a long lost past time and art…BAKING!!!

    I remember when I was a little girl, I would read and re-read the Betty Crocker & Better Homes Cookbooks and wish I had the ingredients to make the marzipan candies, or the stain glass cookies… LOL I’m still not much of a baker, but I am going to make some version of the cake pops soon, I just look at them and smile!!! I want to have them for my Daughter to take to her German class (they have food day at least a couple days a month!). Even if they are Seniors, she & her friends love goodies!

    Thanks Bakerella for all your inspiration and fun posts!!! I am SO glad I found your site!

  157. Bakerella – you are the coolest! What a fun post to see two of my favorite bloggers come together. You guys should do a cookbook TOGETHER! That would be amazing!!!

    Love your little books, and that you chose dinner. :) Looks like a super fun night!

  158. Oh.My.Goodness! THANK YOU for linking my blog in your post! I had such a great time….you are just the sweetest thing ever!


    Robin :o)

    PS….I’ll give you a dollar if you swap MY photo with the one you posted…..MAN, I didn’t realize my fat rolls could have fat rolls! LOL!

  159. Oh my god, I am famous. I can’t believe I ended up on your blog! Whoo….they will be calling me for my star on the walk of fame any day now….

    It was so much fun to meet you Bakerella! Hopefully Meimi can talk you into a Blythe one day soon!

  160. Those teeny-tiny books are so creative, and very cute!

  161. those tiny cookbooks are so stinkin cute! you really outdid yourself with those!

  162. I’m so glad to be a apart of your ventures and recipes. I’m wedding/event planner and I love your stories. You have such great ideas. Your blog is the best.

  163. I LOVE those little books. What an adorable gift.

  164. You are CRAZY with those tiny cookbooks!

  165. You are a doll! I know Ree just adores you!!

    BUT those cakeballs and cookbook decorations are TRULY SPECTACULAR!!! You are too modest.

    You are the AMAZING and delightful Bakerella!!!

  166. Hi! Such a great post! You are a genius with those mini PW cookbooks……..O.K……….how did you do it???? I am jealous of anyone who is able to bake or cook anything right now. I am in the middle of the longest kitchen renovation in history and am about ready to jump out the window. No oven, no stovetop….NO NOTHING! Hopefully I’ll be back on track soon because now I’ve got a powerful hankerin’ for some cakeballs!

  167. AMAZING! Simply amazing, Bakerella! But I shouldn’t be surprised, you’ve always got something up your sleeve :)

    So cool you guys got to hang out, I SO wish I could’ve been there, Atlanta is my home town :)

    I bet everyone swooned to have not just PW in the house but Bakerella, too?? What a night!

    Hugs to you, lady! Hope you have a VERY MERRY Christmas this year!!

  168. Wow! You really outdid yourself with those tiny PW books! FANTASTIC! I’m sure PW was duly impressed!

  169. Aw, that’s too bad about the camera, but yay! Yay for the book signing and the little books! Those are so adorable.


  171. those mini books….i”m speechless. i can’t even fathom how you made them. i think a tutorial is in order:)

  172. Love those cake balls with the itty bitty PW books attached.
    You are amazing!!

  173. The mini-mini PW cookbooks are way too cute. Crazy though, but quite awesome!

  174. So cute! I love the sheet cake balls.

  175. Now how in the world did you make those tiny books?? Inquiring minds want to know! You are too much!

  176. Oh my goodness, Bakerella you are amazing!! Those tiny books are out of the world! How did you make those them? What program do you use?

  177. Love this! You are very creative! I get so excited when I see that you have posted again! Can’t get enough of your blog!

  178. Bakerella,

    I love you

    Now here is my question





    Hehehe, love ya Bakerella!

  179. OMG! You are TOO creative!

  180. Tiny books idea only from a huge talented person … love it.
    You’re amazing!
    And I felt soooo good now giving a face behind to this blog I love so much!

  181. I can’t handle how cute the little books are. Insanely awesome!

  182. Wow.. Those tiny books are amazing!! How’d you make them??? Fabulous…

  183. Only you would think to do something so personal and so wonderful! Just fabulous!

  184. OMG, these tiny books are very cute…
    You are so creative and talented, you will always surprise me !

  185. You ARE crazy! But the awesome, brilliant kind of crazy :-)

  186. OMG!!! All those mini tyni little books… GENIUS!!! The perfect cake balls for the moment.

  187. Oh my Heavens! Those tiny little books are too stinkin’ cute! You crazy girl I can’t imagine how much time that took, but what an awesome idea! You. Are. Awesome!

  188. Seriously, little teeny tiny ree cookbooks? Where do you find the time to bake AND make teeny tiny cookbooks? Amazing!

  189. Dear Bakerella, Thanks for always making me smile. : ) I love the little books!!

  190. RAD! Those are super cute and clever. What a cute picture of you two. Bunny ears are the best!!!!

  191. Are you kidding me? We “heart” you too, Bakerella! Didn’t you know that you are as much a superstar to us as PW. We “heart” you both for sharing all of your wonderful gifts and talents with us. What you made for PW was simply extraordinary!

  192. OMG! Those teenie weenie books are sooooooo cute!! How thoughtful! :D

  193. Oh my, tiny books! You really go above and beyond! I’m lucky if I can get my cake out of the pan. :)
    Totally amazing.

  194. I LOVE those tiny books!!! You keep surpassing yourself in going over the top! BTW…the girl in the purple(with glasses) is my daughter’s BF from H.S. in CA! So exciting! Small world this blogging world! (I knew she met you, but didn’t think she’d be HERE!)

  195. How fun! I love you both. :-)

  196. How wonderful! You looked like ya’ll had a great time.

    I can’t imagine the time you spent on those *CUTE CUTE* little books! WOW….You rock!

  197. You are beyond amazing!! I can’t believe how much talent you have – keep it up!!

  198. Bakerella, what a fun post! I would be in absolute heaven if I could be in the same room with you and Pioneer Woman. And the little books were adorable. You are one creative gal.

  199. hahaha! you two together are so adorable. those little tiny books were precious too. I love seeing two of my favorite bloggers meet up in “the real world.” As usual, great work!

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