
Check out these chicks!

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Have you heard of these chicks before? I hadn’t until a few weeks ago. It was really kind of a weird little coincidence. I was in the bookstore picking up Pioneer Woman Cookbooks for a recent giveaway and my eyes locked in on a book called The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen. Loved the title and the design, but because I was over my limit on books for the day, make that month, all I did was thumb through the pages really quickly before I made myself leave.

But then, just two days later I received an email from none other than Serena, one of THE Farm Chicks. Seriously. Out of the blue. Two days later. Does stuff like that happen to you, too? Strange coincidences? It does to me all the time.

(Hmmm… The Pioneer Woman and The Farm Chicks. That’s kinda weird, too. Okay, I’m moving to the country.)

Anyway, it was a really short email message that said she wanted to send me something.

Curious, I said, ok. (I like surprises.)

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And boy was I surprised when several days later I received a package full of all of these sweet, sweet gift tags.

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Some with little cakes.

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And others with sweet messages.

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Plus there were all these fun recipe cards. (Forgive me for the extra blurriness. I was playing with different settings on my camera.)

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Some even had Christmas themes.

I had no idea they had all these cute products plus a cookbook. Impressive.

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Speaking of their book, I had to run out to the bookstore and get it right away.

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Wish I had seen this before trying to make a pie last week. Could have come in handy.

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The Farm Chicks love some pie. And the book has several yummy ones like this.

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Plus, it has fun, do-it-yourself projects throughout. I’ve never made scones, but if I do, I want a scone cozy to go with them. Cozy scones. Yes. I want my scones to be cozy. Adorableness. Cuteness doesn’t quite cut it here.

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Hi Serena. Thanks for sending me all the fun stuff. I love it.

Especially the necklace.

Oh, I forgot to tell you guys about the necklace. Well, it has a cake on the front of it and it’s just darling.


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And, since Serena sent me two of them… well…

Would you like one? Then, we can both look super cute, adorned in cake.

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I’ll even throw in some of my gift tags and recipe cards, too. I’m a sharer.

Enter for a chance to win some fun Farm Chicks stuff
(necklace, recipe cards and gift tags)

Just leave a comment on this post and let me know:

  • What’s your favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas?
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win.
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, November 30th at 7 p.m. ET
  • TIME’S UP!

  • One winner will be chosen at random and announced sometime Monday evening on this post.

Good luck! Now, I’m off to read up about Farms and Chicks. If I’m not back soon, look for me in the country. I’ll be the one lost with lollipop sticks.

And, here’s the winner…
Wow, wow, wow, I am going to need the rest of the year to go through all of your favorites. So many things I like, too… especially fudge and so many that I have never even heard of. You guys should take a look through them if you get a chance and want some ideas for something new. Thank you for sharing. And the winner is… #2670… That’s you Heather. All you have to do to get your prize is send me some of your dad’s Keeflies. Just kidding. But really, I just looked those up and they sound great.


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3,171 comments on “Check out these chicks!”



  2. Cheesecake and cookies! Oh and kettle corn! I love kettle corn!!!

  3. My favorite dessert would have to be homemade Christmas cookies. I love when the frosting makes them soft and decorating them with my kids is the best.

  4. How cute! My family is Dutch and every Christmas we get lots of Stroopwaffles!! YUM! We also get a huge pure chocolate letter of our first initial. I look forward to these every year.

  5. My favorite dessert during the holidays are Chinese Chews. I love their yummy warmness covered with powdered sugar.

  6. My favorite Christmas sweet?

    Well, to be honest, my favorite holiday baked good is the same no matter what the holiday: my mom’s cherry pie. She uses filling from a can, but she always makes the crust herself. It’s a recipe that uses vegetable oil instead of solid shortening, so it’s healthier, and it keeps the crust light and flaky. And, it’s super, super simple (all you need is flour, oil and water) and everyone is always so impressed!

  7. BUCKEYES! I <3 candy buckeyes! My mom made them every year. And they remind me of home {Go Bucks}!

  8. Thanks for the chance to win!
    My favorite dessert is my mom’s pumpkin torte. Can’t wait until Christmas now!

  9. In our house it’s all about the cannoli!! LOVE your website!

  10. We always have blackberry cobbler for my mom’s birthday (Christmas Eve). I looooove me some blackberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream!

  11. We were just talking with our kids about this around the dinner table tonight. My favorite is Russian Tea Cakes aka Mexican Wedding Cake cookies, my daughters like spritz, my son likes chocolate chip cookies and my husband likes Heath Bit cookies. Yum. Makes me want to start my Christmas baking.

  12. Does Egg Nog count? When I was 10, my appendix ruptured right before Christmas and I wouldn’t eat anything except bacon, pistachios and egg nog! While that may not have created the greatest Christmas memory, I still love Egg Nog!! Plus, my family has always made homemade egg nog – yum!

  13. I LOVE scotcheroos :) So easy to make, yet so sinfully delicious!

  14. My favorite Christmas treat is homemade toffee. Or buckeyes. Or cookies n cream fudge. Or regular fudge. Or white-chocolate-dipped-pretzels. Or…

    Maybe this is why I need to lose weight.

  15. That is a TOUGH one to answer! I love pumpkin pie and we have it at Christmas for sure, but I also adore the homemade caramel popcorn my dear friend makes & gives away. I literally eat it until I am ready to pop myself. YUM!

  16. cranberry cheesecake!! yummy. =)

  17. I love homemade chocolates and caramels at Christmas. I love the cute farmchick tags.

  18. My favorite at christmas is cupcakes because . . . we had a cupcake decorating contest last christmas and had a
    blast! The younger kids as well as the older had so much decorating their cupcake and then of course eating it! My Dad, who is 90, was the judge and of course picked the youngest great gran to be the winner – what sweet memories!!!

  19. As soon as the cold weather comes Im reaching for a nice hot chocolate with whipped cream!!! Oh, and a side of butter cookies is good too. :)

  20. My favorite holiday treat is a bon bon my family calls Martha Washingtons. They are a chocolate covered bon bon with a sugar, coconut and pecan mixture on the inside.

  21. I love a pumpkin roll @ Christmas time. I just can’t get enough pumpkin goodness at Thanksgiving, so we try to carry it into the Christmas season too. Filled with cream cheese and dusted with powdered sugar makes it so yummy!

  22. mmm . . . shortbread. Any kind of homemade shortbread is, hand down, the favourite.

  23. Favorite sweet? There are so many. But, I once had some chocolate truffles to die for!

  24. My fav sweet at Christmas is definitely my mom’s Christmas cookies (iced sugar cookies). So good!

  25. Lace Cookies! Yum Yum Yum

  26. My favorite christmas dessert would have to be gingersnaps from an old family recipe.. it was always the cookie that my mom said was santa’s favorite when I was growing up. Little did I know that my father was santa, needless to say, afterwards I loved them even more.

  27. sugar cut-out cookies decorated all cute for the holidays!

  28. Cream cheese and cherry pie. :)

  29. Raisin pudding and peanut butter pie! Mmmm is it Christmas yet?

  30. My favorite Christmas sweet is spritz cookies. I loved
    my Mom’s and now love baking them. Om nom nom!

  31. Chinese Chews – my mom always makes a huge platter of different types of christmas cookies, and these are always my favourites. What’s better than chewy, brown sugary cookies with raisins, nuts, dried fruit in them.. rolled in sugar?

  32. lots of edible gifts this xmas. those tags would be perfect :)

  33. my favorite dessert during Christmas is shortbread cookies… i keep seeing pictures of buche noel and im sure if i ever tried it it would become a favorite… love the necklace!

  34. Homemade chocolates!! yum-o

  35. My mom always made Italian Pizzelles while watching the Steelers play on this tiny black and white tv that she placed in the kitchen only when she made these cookies. It’s just not Christmas without those Pizzelles!

  36. I love homemade gingerbread cookies around Christmas time. I tend to have to make two batches, two days apart since the first batch never lasts more than two days with my family.

    I love the “made with love” signs from The Farm Chicks.. Those would go perfect with some Christmas cake pops that I’m thinking of doing when I visit my family for the holidays.

  37. The awesome fruit filled cookies my Maw Maw would make. I forget the name, but so good.

  38. Well, since we do Hanukkah in my house, we do jelly donughts! Yum!

  39. Those giveaways are just too precious!

    I think a classic treat I’m never sick of are what my parents always called “snowballs” (/Russian Tea Cakes/Mexican Wedding Cookies/etc.). But I also wait all year for my pumpkin pie!

  40. I love my mom’s peanut-butter cookies with Christmas colored m&m’s pressed into the top… DELICIOUS!!!

  41. Homemade Sour Cream Sugar Cookies with Icing and Sprinkles!

  42. My boyfriend’s great-grandmother’s peanut patty! It is the best!

  43. I love my grandma’s homemade toffee. So good. It’s making my mouth water as we speak. I hope I win. Let me know at

  44. My latest fave is your mini pumpkin pies! I made them for Thanksgiving and they were a HUGE hit! I may just go make some now….

  45. My favorite dessert is chocolate chess pie made by my mother. I’ve tried to make it many times, but it always messes up!

  46. Hmmm…Seeing as how I am a card carrying member of the Sweets-a-holic club, this is a tough question. But if Hershey Kiss Cookies are on the table, I have to grab at least, oh….3 or 4! Something about peanut butter cookies rolled in sugar with a semi melted Hershey kiss on top makes my heart flutter!

  47. Spitzbuben – almond sandwich cookies with red currant jam

  48. Peppermint Chocolate Bark. I look forward to it every year!

  49. Are you really asking for only one favorite sweet? Well, I love anything that has chocolate in it/on it. I’m starting to like pumpkin pies and I’m anxious to try your recipe! Thanks for sharing your great ideas!

  50. Tiramisu laced with dark rum and topped with loads of chocolate shavings. Yummy! Made mine from a recipe care of Joy of Baking.

  51. So cute! My favorite goody of my mom’s (and she makes MANY) are oatmeal caramel bars. Thanks for being a sharer–we appreciate EVERYthing you share!

  52. Fudge! Got to have fudge during the holiday season.

  53. My absolute favorite is my mom’s Biscochitos – a mexican sugar cookie. But a close second is puppy chow (the chex cereal with pb, chocolate and powdered sugar) – its addicting!

  54. How cute!
    My fave Christmas treat is my husband’s caramel!

  55. Umm…all of the desserts maybe? We make ginger{graham} houses and I decorate them with all of my favorite indulgences – M&Ms, oreo cookies, icing. Yum!
    Oh, and I absolutely LOVE the Farm Chicks. I ran across their cookbook at the library and it’s such a treasure. They’re fabulous.

  56. My mouth is watering right now as I think about Cherry Mash Candy. my mother-in-laws recipe.

  57. How fun! Those are adorable!

    My favorite is peanut-butter balls. I think I have heard them called Buckeyes, but my recipe uses Rice Krispies too. Yum!

  58. Wow, so hard to pick a favorite Christmas treat. I love baklava, russian teacakes, almond stars, sugar cookies, and fudge! If I can only pick five :)

  59. hi bakerella!
    here in argentina we use to bake some thing called Pan Dulce. is like a sweet bread with nuts and glaced fruit.

  60. Totally egg nog!!!! Is there anything better at Christmas time??? Seriously!!! I could do without all of the other yummy, delicious, mouth-watering goodies at Christmas time, but NOT egg nog…no way!!

  61. My Mom’s egg custard pie. She doesn’t make it much, but, she gave me her recipe years ago and now aI can make it too! My dad’s sisters all vie to see who can bring the wildest & most goodies when we all get together for Christmas. That’s fun too. Love the cake necklace. I’ll have to check out Farm Chicks too! Thanks.

  62. Oh my gosh! I have to pick just one? That is just too hard…. I guess I will have to say pecan rolls that are a family tradition, marshmallows dipped in creamy caramel and then rolled in pecans.

  63. Homemade cut-out cookies with frosting and sprinkles!

  64. Root Beer Carmels…to die for!
    My grandma (who passed away today actually…miss her already) made the very very best pecan rolls. I’m going to make some this year…in memory of her.

    Tami Madsen

  65. My favorite holiday treat is crepes – my Mom only knows how to do two sweet things, pumpkin pie and crepes; it’s a good thing my whole family loves both!!

    Thanks for the information on The Farm Chicks! Went to the website right away for gift tags!

  66. We have a cookie recipe that was given to me by an old friend called “Grandma Calley’s cookie”…sort of a brown sugar, butter and a pecan on time…it just says Christmas to me.

  67. Plain old chocolate chip cookies. I can never get enough of them. :)

  68. Do I have to choose just one? If so, fudge would probably be my all time favorite.
    I am seriously going to go check out that cookbook. It looks awesome.

  69. Oh for Christmas I would have to say my Grandma Jenny’s English Toffee. She always said it has to be a clear day, not even a chance of rain, for it to turn out just right. She tweaked the orginal receipe by adding a heaping tablespoon of french vanilla instant coffee in there, oh so YUMMY!

    Thanks for all your super give-a-way’s.

  70. I would have to say the sugar cookies we make to leave out for santa.

  71. That is some of the cutest stuff I’ve seen lately! My favorite Christmas treats are hot cocoa and homemade cookies. I like all kinds of cookies, but my favorites are little snowballs made from just browned butter, powdered sugar, and flour. Nuts are nice too.

  72. My favorite sweet at Christmas time is actually one we eat with the main meal rather than as a dessert or anything: ambrosia. Sectioning all those oranges is a special kind of torture, but the result is oh-so-worth it! :)

    I can be reached at the email I’ve provided here, namely maggie dot harrison at gmail :) Thank you so much for the awesome giveaways, and the fabulous entertainment! :)

  73. Growing up our Christmas day breakfast was yummy chocolate cake and cold ham. Weird, but so delicious and a Christmas tradition I’ve continued with my own family.

  74. My favorite sweet is the sweet potatoes that I make – with lots of butter, brown sugar, and pecans. Yum!

  75. Rum cake!

  76. Homemade peanut clusters!! Found an easy recipe years ago and still can’t believe how popular they are.

  77. One year I made homemade ho-hos and they were delish. But I do love a good bowl of traditional Chex Mix too!

  78. My favorite holiday treat is peppermint bark. I just had to learn how to make it after eating an entire tin from Trader Joe’s!

  79. My sister (the artist) makes some adorable and yummy gingerbread men. They’re almost too cute to eat, but then too good not too! I bet you could find a way to make those look cute on a stick. ;-)

  80. I LOVE homemade apple pie, right from the oven at Christmas time.

  81. Oh those gift tags are adorable!! My mom has a “roll cozy” that we just used for Thanksgiving. My favorite Christmas dessert is a Swedish Flop Cake. It’s like a butter crumb coffee cake with a huge layer of yummy butter cream inside. Just thinking about it makes me gain 10 lbs!

  82. I love to make Date Nut Cookies! It was my Grandma’s recipe and one of the recipes I remember my Dad helping us make too. The batter would get nice and thick and my Mom always needed him to finish up the mixing!

  83. My family always makes amazing Peanut Butter Balls that knock me over with a beautiful sugar rush! Love, love, love ’em!

  84. I love making homemade chocolate covered cherries and chocolate covered orange buttercreams. It’s not the Christmas season until I have a stash of them in my fridge!

    mommymelb at gmail dot com

  85. My favorite Christmas sweet is divinity! Thanks for letting us know about this! You rock!

  86. I love it when my mom makes star-shaped sugar cookies. Then we would stack them up, coat them in green frosting, and have little Christmas tree cookies!

  87. Eggnog! Eggnog! Eggnog cookies, fudge, cakes, pudding; you name it, I will eat it TO DEAAATH.

  88. Definitely my Mom’s homemade caramel corn. YUMMY!! Thanks for the chance Bakerella!

  89. Fudge! I love fudge. Mmmmm, now I want me some fudge. :)

  90. This is fresh in my mind because I just sat at my mother’s house copying down Christmas recipes before I flew home today. so…my first pick is definitely Peanut Butter Balls
    Then a tie between homemade toffee and our family recipe for sugar cookies.

    Oh and you should make scones, they’re so good when they’re homemade. I use the Better Homes & Garden’s recipe and make it with craisins and lots of chocolate chips. yummy.

  91. I am going to have to say my favorite Christmas dessert is Grasshopper pie. My grandmother used to make it every christmas, and it was delicious!!! A minty filling, chocolatey oreo crust, mmmm. Must be where my love for mint chocolate blizzards come from. Christmas just isn’t the same without it.

  92. all of them! i luv chocolate haupia pie! yummy!

  93. I LOVE cookies during the holidays! It doesn’t matter what kind. I love them all! ;)

    angelilee91@gmail dot com

  94. does egg nog count? i really love all sweets, but anything egg nog flavored is fabulous!

  95. Favorite sweet would be Toblerone!!! Dessert for christmas would be Lemon Meringue Pie….absolutely DELICIOUS!!!!!

  96. red velvet cake. caramels. lots and lots of cookies. pretty much any sweet :)

  97. as a kid – iced cookies! (still yummy); as a grown-up – bon bons!

  98. My favorite holiday treat would be shortbread cookies! LOVE THEM!

  99. My favorite dessert has to be… gingerbread men and women cookies. Fun to decorate and delicious too. Yum!

  100. Molaska cookies, my Grandma’s famous recipe for molasses cookies! The only disappointment this year is, since I’m preggo, I can’t eat any of the dough!!

  101. We have a friend whose wife is Finnish and she makes this awesome sweet bread they share with us every year. It’s got cardamom (sp?) in it. It’s amazing.

    other than that? probably homemade toffee. :)

  102. My absolute fave has to be my homemade peppermint bark. It is so good and a family favorite too. I am definitely not allowed to show up for Christmas without it : ) A very close second would be my Chocolate Chip Gingerbread…YUM!! I will have to run out and get that book now too.

  103. SHORTBREAD COOKIES!!!! Rolled in walnuts with a cherry in the middle… super yummy!

  104. My favorite would have to be the classic chocolate chip cookies that we leave for Santa! Luckily Santa enjoys them too…he always leaves a clean plate!

  105. I would have to say i love butter cookies!! yummy!!

  106. * I love a good coconut cake at Christmas! Coconut cake and homemade toffee are my favorite Christmas treats.

    Loved the blog!

  107. Christmas cookies and anything with mint in it. I adore anything minty!

  108. My favorite sweets to eat at Christmas are my mom’s breakfast items, but my favorite to make are decorated sugar cookies. Each year, I tell myself that it’s too much work but the outcome and giving them to people is always worth the time I put into it. :D Thanks for all your wonderful posts!

  109. I have lots of favorites but my mom’s chess pie is about the best thing ever! She only makes it at Thanksgiving and Christmas so it is one hot comodity!

  110. Chocolate covered pretzel rods! I very rarely make them any other time of the year, but they are so, so delicious!

  111. My grandmother’s chocolate cake recipe is my favorite holiday treat. It is very similar to the chocolate cake recipe that Pioneer Woman posted recently – with the frosting that you pour on while it is hot. I just made your paradise pumpkin pie this week though, and it is a new favorite!!!

  112. My favorite sweet for the holiday season would be some homemade snickerdoodle cookies! *yummm*

  113. My favorite Christmas treat is the candy cane shaped sweet rolls I always make. We love to eat them with hot cocoa.

  114. peanut butter blossoms are totally my favorite christmas treat!!

    i wish that i would have seen that cute book when i was at the bookstore today!

    hnramsey at yahoo dot com

  115. Hmm, that’s tough because I like ALL sweets and desserts. But if forced to choose I’d probably say my mom’s snickerdoodles!

  116. I make these double chocolate chip cookies and drizzle them with melted white chocolate and sprinkle them with crushed up candy canes….oh my goodness, so delicious!!!

  117. Love your website! Love Sweets too!
    Love the Farm Chicks!
    Fun!! Fun!!

  118. My mum always makes special Christmas cookies!

  119. Good old fashioned fudge… with walnuts. Yum!

  120. Chocolate Peppermint Bark is my favorite holiday candy!

  121. My favorite holiday sweet is cookies – my mom’s original sugar cookie recipe. It wouldn’t be the holidays without it!

    Love the Farm Chicks stuff! Thanks for posting!

  122. Pumpkin pie, with gingerbread as a close second.

  123. My favorite dessert at christmas time is basically, any kind of pie, cherry, apple, banana cream, chocolate cream, apple cranberry nut, apple blackberry….or punkin!

  124. My favorite sweet is homemade cinnamon candy…yummmy!!!

  125. Candy Canes! Something so simple but so special!

  126. My favorite holiday snack is the little hershey kiss cookies. The ones where it’s a little cookie and the kiss on top.

  127. I love a yummy Chocolate Chip Poundcake that I make . . . but I load up and sample ALL the desserts at Christmas!! :)

  128. Chocolate Peanut Butter two tone fudge.

  129. What a fun treat!
    My Fav. has to be my husband’s grandmother’s cut out cookies. This year I get to teach the 4th generation (my daughter) how to make it. Makes me happy just thinking about it. Thank you for offering to share with us. ha ha

  130. Well its not exactly a dessert but I love Starbucks Peppermint Mocha. Yum!

  131. The dessert that really says Christmas to me is a pound cake recipe that I have baked since I was old enough to bake on my own. I eat it other times of the year too. but I absolutely must have my pound cake on Christmas morning. I send one to my parents too.

  132. Gingerbread people. Its not Christmas without it. Though my husband would say fruitcake. Thankfully we make bo

  133. Sugar Cookies with icing…yummy!

  134. My favorite Christmas dessert is Christmas cookies! My mom, sisters and I make them together. The best is when we make stars in all different sizes and it makes a tree out of the stars when you stack them. They are a hit for sure!


  135. pumpkin roll pumpkin roll pumpkin roll
    I think I’ll go make some now.
    PS that necklace would look great on my neck. ;)

  136. It’s a toss up between chocolate crinkles and decorated sugar cookies!

  137. Peppermint bark! Pies, too.

  138. I have so many Christmas treats that I love, but my favorite have to be my nana’s Butterhorns. They’re made with a rolled sour cream dough, cinnamon, nuts and sugar and then wrapped up like cresent rolls. So very delicious and I always remember my nana had a box of them stashed away for us at Christmas. This is definitely the most wonderful time of year!

  139. I’m a sucker for good old fashioned sugar cookies around the holidays – decorated with family of course! There’s nothing more classic…

  140. I love to make snowball cookies! They are shortbread cookies with holiday colored chocolate chips and powdered sugar ‘snow’ on top. They look beautiful and taste fabulous!!

  141. This is such a hard question! There are so many good holiday desserts. I’ve been nostalgic this year for my grandmother’s anise bread, so I will have to say that…I want to make tiny ones to give to everyone at work this year.

  142. Mmmm, shortbread cookies. So rich and buttery, love ’em with a good cup of tea!

  143. Hands down my favorite Christmas treat is my family’s secret English Toffee recipe. It is something I only make around the holidays and it is melt-in-your-mouth delicious. I can’t wait to make my first batch of the season later this week!

  144. Anything sweet. Seriously though, we don’t have an “every year christmas dessert”.

  145. My favourite dessert during the holidays is my grand-mother’s potato doughnuts! They’re just amazing!!

    You can reach me through my blog!

  146. The book design (and the tags) are all so super cute! I love the “baked for you with love” tags, I will have to make some of those this Christmas, since I will probably be giving away lots of baking!

    My favourite desserts are hard to narrow down…. this year I’m making reverse chocolate chip cookies (chocolate cookies with white chocolate chips) and using chopped red and green chocolate wafers instead of the white chocolate chips. I also love this delicious chocolate roll with creamy filling that my aunt makes – the filling is almost the consistency of a cream cheese frosting, but super duper smooth and creamy. So yummy!

  147. It has to be my moms pecan pie. YUM!!

  148. My very phamous Scottish shortbread cookies. The recipe is from my SIL from Scotland. I have made them for many years and have created a great many shortbread cookie addicts!

  149. There are TWO deserts that are definitely Christmas to me. the first being the classic decorated sugar cookie. My mom and I do “Christmas Cookies with Grandmom” where my kids and all my nephews go to her house to decorate cookies and all the boys love it! The other is bite size Pecan Tassies. They look like miniature little pecan pies. We make them for Thanksgiving AND Christmas and we have made it into our little tradition every holiday.

  150. Buttermilk Pie. With fresh whipped cream and raspberry sauce. By far the best dessert I’ve ever had.

  151. My favorite Christmas sweet (for the past few years, anyways) is a double-chocolate chip peppermint cookie. I make a variation or two on it every year. Nothing says Christmas to me like chocolate and peppermint. Yum!

    You can see a blog post about it here:

  152. Super cute stuff, thanks for the info. We make ginger cookies and gingerbread for decorating. Even my adult step-sons get into the act, or feel left out if I don’t leave a cookie or two for them to adorn. I love your site; it is inspiring.

  153. Plain pavlova, covered in sweet whipped cream. Gooey on the inside, crunchy on the outside, perfect for an Aussie Christmas and so much better than boring stolid Christmas cake!

  154. This is one of my favourites – and they feel really festive because of the red cherries and white chocolate!
    White Chocolate Cherry Cookies from Baking Bites

  155. My favorite holiday treat is called pretzolocans. My husband and I made up the name for them. All they are are pretzels with a Rolo on top and a pecan on top of that. They are WAY easy to make. Place the pretzels flat on a baking sheet and put a Rolo on top of each one and stick it in the oven for a couple of minutes to let the chocolate get soft. Then pull them out of the oven and press a pecan on top of each one. Simple and very tasty! The sweet/salty combination is brilliant!!

    It was one of the first treats I made for my husband when we first started dating. He loved them, and we continue the tradition every year!

  156. so cute!! my favorite christmas treat…hmm….i think it would have to be my mom’s red hot apple cider recipe, and then all the cookies that you have to add to the list!!

  157. Every Christmas, my grandmother and I make sfingi (Italian fried puff pastries that can be dipped in honey or sugar). Everyone loves them and we leave them out for Santa instead of cookies! Santa has never left a single sfinge ;-)

  158. Chocolate truffles! They are so rich and indulgent, can be decorated in all kinds of fun ways, and everyone loves them!

    Happy holidays, bakerella! :-)

  159. My favorite dessert changes often, but right now I can’t get enough cookies! I’d bake them daily if I could! :-)

    harrison.jamie @ yahoo

  160. Scottish Shortbread..I eat sooo much of it over Christmas Break it’s almost a bit ridiculous!

  161. How cute are those name tags!

    I love peppermint bark and fantasy fudge. I can’t control myself when those 2 weapons are around. =P

  162. sponge candy! it’s mostly a northern treat, i believe… i grew up loving it in western NY, but now that i live down south, i make for all my friends here and have got them hooked on it.

  163. My newest favorite holiday treat is P.W. Christmas Rum Cake, you must make it if you’ve never had it before… it’s to die for!!!

  164. Pumpkin or pecan!!!! OHHH Pick me please! :O)

  165. Gingerbread men are my favorite!

  166. my fave dessert at Christmas is fruitcake!

  167. I absolutely love making christmas cookies! They are so delicious and super fun to decorate too!!


  168. Scandinavian inspired rice pudding, what’s yours?

  169. Peppermint ice cream (from Graeter’s in central Ohio!) on top of a warm brownie with some hot fudge sauce.

  170. I have a really BIG sweet tooth, so I love most all of it….but I think my favorite Christmas-time treat is homemade “moose munch!” I use my mom’s caramel corn recipe, then drizzle it with melted Ghiradelli chocolate chips. It is a party in your mouth! Mmmmmmmmmmm. (and a bit more cost effective than Harry & David’s yummy moose munch)

  171. tiger butter…it’s a candy my mom makes..chocolate and peanut butter! so good!!!

    lindsayrosewoods at gmail dot com

  172. Fudge, with nuts. :)

  173. So cute!

    Well, my favorite Christmas dessert is not really Christmasy. My family just makes it at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Derby Pie. A Southern thing. It’s so yummy! :-D

  174. Pumpkin cream cheese dip with Nilla Wafers… so gooood!

  175. Anything peppermint! I love peppermint ice cream. Also my grandma’s homemade candy. YUM!

  176. Adorable stuff from the Farm Chicks. I’ll have to check them out!

  177. Now something else to get hooked on!!! Have been hooked on PW since you shared…so great!

    favorite sweet or dessert at Christmas? pralines – I’m a Louisiana girl!!!

  178. I love peppermint bark and peppermint ice-cream with hot fudge on top……….yummmmmy

  179. I love trying out new recipes for cookies, bars, fudge, etc. The holidays, especially Christmas, gets my creative baking juices flowing!

  180. I love ruggelach cookies and eggnog spice cake! Oh man now I’m hungry.


  181. It doesn’t get much better than a slice of warm apple pie with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!

  182. My favorite Christmas sweet is candy cane cookies:) Have them every year as far back as I can remember!

  183. Anythong peppermint :) yum yum yum

  184. Decorated sugar cookies. Peanut butter blossom cookies. Meringues. Pretty much cookies of all kinds are my favorite holiday treat.

    Loving that scone cozy. Must learn how to make.

  185. I LOVE sugar cookies, absolutely! :)

  186. I dont have an absolute favorite, I make new stuff every year! I love changing it up! But, somehow sugar cookies always make their way to my table.
    On another note, darn these country gals….I cant stop thinking country and since I didnt win a pioneer woman cookbook, well, I had to rush off and buy one, and I bet Ive made 10 things already! 10! Thats just insane….and probably some kind of record…plus, I cant stop daydreaming of my new kitchen in the country…*sigh*!

  187. My favorite Christmas treat is Monkey Bread on Christmas morning!! Mmm, I want some right now!!

  188. My favorite holiday sweets are my Mom’s peanut Butter Blossoms (the ubiquitous peanut butter cookies with candy kisses on top). I am picky about this kind of cookie and often find other people’s too dry or not peanut buttery enough, but I love my mom’s! What cool chicks… I am going to learn more about them now! Thanks!

  189. My favorite dessert at Christmas is homemade chocolate covered toffee. Amazing and totally addictive!


  190. Nana’s Chocolate-Peanut Butter Fudge and a I make Christmas Crunch that has become a new tradition. Is it Christmas yet?

  191. English toffee. Yummy!!

  192. Any pumpkin-flavored treat makes my heart skip a beat this time a year! Pie, ice cream, cookies … it’s all SO good!

  193. I love cobbler. Any kind. Topped with whip cream. It’s the best!

  194. I’m always loving me some pecan pie. And down south we call it “Pee-Can” thankyouverymuch!

    Kim O

  195. My favorite Christmas dessert is frosted sugar cookies from the Betty Crocker cookbook. My aunt would make these every year for our family Christmas dinner. One year she didn’t make them & I was devasted! A few days later, she made a batch & drove 30 minutes to our house to bring me a plate of them! I thought that was so nice of her & I’ll never forget it.

  196. My favorite Christmas goody is sour cream sugar cookies. They’re cookie cutter cookies, but they aren’t super sugary. Yum!!

  197. Hi there!
    I love peanut butter balls (peanut butter, confectioners sugar, rice krispies mixed up and dipped in chocolate and then frozen- insanely good).

    thanks! :)

  198. I love homemade fudge- yum.

  199. Homemade fudge. But only my mom’s recipe – other fudge doesn’t do it for me. And even though it’s my mom’s recipe, she claims that she doesn’t have “the touch” so guess who gets voted fudge-making slave every year? Oh hi, that’d be me!!
    I have no idea what she’s going to do this year, since I just moved most of the way across the country from her.

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