
Fast Food Fun

Brownie Burger Cupcakes & Cookie Fries

Cupcake Buns + Brownie Burgers + Cookie Fries = One Happy Meal!

Or many…

Brownie Burger Cupcakes & Cookie Fries

I can hardly stand how cute these little guys are. You’ve probably seen them around before. I know I have. Cupcakes Take The Cake has featured cute ones. But, they are even cuter in person as I discovered this weekend. Oh my gawd… they just make me want to smile. I switched mine up a little by doing the burger out of brownies. But, you can just as easily make chocolate cupcakes and cut them in thirds to use instead. And if you want more realistic lettuce, tint some coconut (yuck) green.

I really decided to make these when I thought about making a meal out of them for Father’s Day, complete with sugar cookie french fries. I wasn’t sure if they would turn out, but I am so thrilled with the end result. Actually, I think the fries might be my favorite part.

Before I started baking, I made a template for a miniature paper box tray and french fry holder. You can download the 4-page pdf (636 KB) here if you want it. The pdf contains the tray template, french fry holder template (blank & with Happy Father’s Day). It also includes the design for the Happy Father’s Day tissue paper.


I printed the tray template on card stock (heavier weight paper), the french fry template on vellum (semi-transparent paper) and the tissue insert on tracing paper (really thin paper from Canson Art pad).

All three paper weights went through my printer fine – one sheet at a time to be safe. But, if you’re unsure about running the tracing paper through your printer, then just use regular plain white tissue paper.

Cut out the shapes as shown in the picture above with scissors or a sharp blade. Then fold along all the printed lines. Use double-sided tape to secure the flaps. Cut the tissue paper in half and place in the tray print side down.

Now, for the baking. Keeping with the fast food fun theme, I went all mixes on these. That’s right. I said mixes. For the cookies, brownies and the cupcakes. Don’t cringe.

You know I love learning to bake new things from scratch because it’s really empowering and satisfying and it usually tastes better, too. But, before a couple of years ago, I did all my baking from a box and really don’t have a problem using a mix. There, I said it. I feel better now.


So, I picked up several kinds.

The brownies baked first in a 13 X 9 pan. You don’t need any help there.

The cookies came next. I wanted to do rolled sugar cookies and luckily Mrs. Crocker offered some tips on how to convert the mix for better results.


Except I didn’t do the whole floured surface thing. I used parchment paper underneath and on top of the dough. Then I rolled it out with a rolling pin using rubber band spacers attached to ensure an even thickness. This is a really handy trick and so not messy. I got these tips from the book, Cookie Craft. If you want to learn more about rolled sugar cookies, it’s great.

Cookie Dough

See… perfectly even dough and a clean surface.

Here’s where I started experimenting, but it worked out pretty well.

French Fry Cookies

Cut the dough in thin strips with a sharp knife and then a long cut down the center. The varied lengths are fine because you don’t want all your french fries exactly the same size. Remove the alternating strips so it won’t bake into one giant blob. (Reserve dough strips and repeat) Sprinkle sugar on top of the dough. Bake for about 8 minutes at 350 degrees.

These spread more than I had hoped they would for rolled sugar cookies. I know. I know. The mix thing. But, no problem. Just take your knife and cut each “steak fry” down the center for “skinny fries.” Do this right when they come out of the oven. Sprinkle more sugar on top while they are still warm, too. Lightly rub it on to make sure it sticks good.

And voila……

Sugar Cookie French Fries

A big pile of fries. Yum! Try not to eat too many before you serve them. You can’t eat just one. Trust me.

Next up… cupcakes. I made these the next morning to spread out the work.

Boxes, brownies, and fries on one day. Cupcakes and decorating the next.


I baked 24 cupcakes using a yellow cake mix. I also exchanged 1 cup of buttermilk instead of the water. It made them nice and yummy. To test, I greased and floured one 12-cup cupcake tray and used Pam on the second. I wanted my buns to have smooth sides, you know. Well, they came out smooth, but also brown.

You can see what’s coming.

Yes. Yes. I made 24 more cupcakes. This time I used milk instead of water. No reason. Just to try it.

Cupcake Burger Buns

They were good, too. And this time I used paper liners to ensure the right color cupcake bun.

Brownie Burgers

Now it’s time to assemble. Cut each cooled cupcake in half or thirds depending on how tall it is. Cut out 24 circles from the completely cooled brownies and place in between the cupcake bun.
I used my ever so handy graduated circle cutters to do the trick. Size 2″ for uniform burgers.

Then… and this might be the most important thing.

Take a break and dispose of the scraps……


… You’ll figure something out.

Next up. Frostings.


Divide the canned frosting in three bowls. Two can have equal amounts for the mustard and ketchup. The third – a little more for the lettuce. The colors I used to tint were, Wilton Leaf Green, Wilton Golden Yellow, and Americolor Super Red.



Frosting Condiments

To make the red a little deeper, use a tiny bit of violet when you mix. Place each color in a ziploc bag and snip a small tip off one corner.

Brownie Burger Cupcake

Gently squeeze out the mustard and ketchup first. Then the lettuce in more of a squiggly design. Place the top of the bun on and press gently.

Now for the finishing touch. Brush a very thin layer of water over the top of the bun or either dab a few drops of water on with your finger. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top and they’ll stick.

There you have it.

Brownie Burger Cupcakes

Brownie Burger Cupcakes

Sugar Cookie French Fries

And Sugar Cookie French Fries.

Hamburger Brownie Burger Cupcakes & Cookie Fries

A perfectly sweet meal for Dad’s day or any day.

Brownie Burger Cupcakes & Cookie Fries

And, if you use this template, there’s a blank french fry holder in it. Use it and you can serve these for a family cookout or Fourth of July party.

Brownie Burger Cupcakes & Cookie Fries

People will go crazy for them, don’t you think.

Thick Brownie Burger Cupcake

Man, that’s one good looking burger. So thick … and…

Burger Bite

Tasty, too! Hope you like them.

Now, I’m curious. When it comes to mixes, how do you roll?
Use them? Refuse them? Or improve them?

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1,006 comments on “Fast Food Fun”

  1. These are so cute!

    I use mixes right now because I like the decorating, not the baking from scratch and I'm usually missing one or two things that are needed. I would like to find a way to make them a little more moist, but i'm going to try to substitute the water for milk. Good idea.

  2. So fun, must try your burger & fries!

    Always cookies and brownies from scratch, just 'cause they only take a little longer than a mix, and I have complete control over the ingredients. (Um, control freak much??)

    For years I couldn't make a cake from scratch to save my life, unless it was a poundcake. (I'd doctor the mixes, of course.) But I've been practicing this cake from scratch thing (, and it tastes infinitely better, same with frostings.

  3. this is THE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will DEFINITELY be trying this!!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. wow, these look incredible!!! i definitely would love to try this for my fiance's birthday in a few weeks :)

  5. For cake mix I always use duncan hines butter recipe golden. It comes up so fluffy and moist and tasty every time, no one can tell. And if I need lemon or pineapple or coconut cake for a special request I just dump in a bunch of extract in the butter recipe cake mix and it still comes out perfect. For cookies, if I just want drop cookies I use the betty crocker mix but for rolled sugar cookies I use homemade.

    I have had the same thing happen with the cut-out suggestion on the back of bagged sugar cookies. It happened on Christmas eve, the candy canes and stars looked like blobs. And I couldn't get the icing red either, just deep pink. I was so upset over the fiasco I almost cried in my kitchen.

    And frosting, I really like the flavor of the stuff in the can because I hate buttercream and meringue which is what most homemade frosting is.

  6. I almost always use cake mixes. Recently I have been using Aldi brand and I have to admit they are really good. I always make my frosting and cookies from scratch. Cut-outs are a family tradition. My mom would FREAK if I bought a mix or a tube. LOL!

  7. Oh my! Those are the cutest! Definitely have to try these out. Thanks for sharing!

  8. GENIUS!

    Just found your site…I can see I will not be leaving the computer any time soon…

    And thanks for not making me feel guilty about using mixes! I make my own frosting, but I'm all about the cake mix. I do like to mess with adding stuff to it, but I've never swapped milk or buttermilk for the water – sounds yummy! Then again, if anything I'm usually trying to reduce the calories, not increase them… But something like unsweetened almond milk might be really good! I'm on a roll now… hand me a notebook and a pen! :P

  9. im a college student and I try to bake once a week but most of the time since I'm realllyy busy I go with mixes. i'm really hoping to start to bake from scratch once im done with my studies and have more time! :)

    very cute idea for father's day!!

  10. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are amazing!! These seriously look absolutely fabulous and I'm quite impressed. But now I don't know whether I want dinner or dessert :)


  11. I love to make cakes from scratch. There is a great feeling of accomplishment when I do that. I'm no cake mix snob though. When time is limited and I want cake NOW!, Duncan Hines comes to my rescue! I do improvise it by adding somethings to try and give it a made-from-scratch taste (think Cake Doctor).

    These cake burgers are the cutest! Thanks for sharing your tips. I might just be fixing these for Sunday and I'll be using mixes just like you!

  12. What a great idea! You are so creative. I bet the sugar cookie french fries would be my favorite too.

  13. I never use mixes. They all taste the same no matter what flavor they are or what you do to them. Scratch all the way baby!

  14. You are a genius. I LOVE THIS! Very well done. Thanks for sharing this with us all. Yay!!!

  15. Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing!

  16. i love mixes, taste great an time saving!

  17. I use doctored up mixes all of the time and people say they've never had as good a cake as mine! I do have some scratch mixes in case someone is picky. I am going to try these burgers and fries for this weekend. I love your blog, thanks for sharing!

  18. I Love you, Bakerella, and your lovely creations! =) You inspire me to bake!! (I did the cheesecake two weeks back [thick crust and all] and it was a HUGE hit!) THANK YOU!

  19. are you some kind of genius or something!? these are awesome! i just brought the stuff to make them and i can't wait! :)

  20. I LOVE cake mixes but have started to tweak them a little bit. I always get compliments on the cakes I bake and am not ashamed to tell them I started with a box of cake mix but added my own little touches. I can't wait to make these for a Fourth of July potluck that we were invited to!

  21. those are ridiculously CUTE! Almost makes me wish I had a kid so I could make those for a birthday party. almost. :)

  22. Those are freaking ADORABLE! I can't believe how realistic the fries look!

  23. Holy cuteness! These are adorable. I think I'll attempt this for the Fourth of July.

    As for mixes, I'm all about 'em! I rarely take the time to bake from scratch, so mixes are a constant in my pantry. Cakes, brownies, cookies–I use them all!

  24. This is way tooo cute! I'm making some this weekend with my 5 year old sweetie!

    I like using doctored up mixes. They taste so good. The Cake Mix Doctor is one of the best books for doctored mixes.

    Bakerella Rocks!…as usual!

  25. These are so awesome! I am going to make them for my Boyfriend's family's Fathers Day party :)

  26. These are incredible, you have such a keen eye for presentation! I'm going to try to make them for 4th of July. Keeping my fingers crossed they'll remotely resemble your masterpiece!

  27. The cutest things ever! Please do hotdogs next. I have been trying to think of a way to do hotdogs…….any ideas? I am a pastry chef and yes at times I will use a mix. Why not? Love your blog, great ideas.

  28. I love to see what you come up with next! I love free printables too. I would like to make these with my 3-1/2 year old grandson.

  29. In a pinch I definitely rely on mixes. I have a few stashed in the top cupboard in case of a brownie emergency. I do tend to make them my own though, by adding nuts or extracts or something.
    I will definitely be using mixes for this recipe, that way I can use my creative efforts for decorating.

  30. I just brought 10 mixes for $10.00…oh where is the modesty?!

    These are sooOOoo cute! You make me smile every time I visit your site!

  31. those are really cute; I always try to stay clear of mixes but they really do come in handy. Do you think I can use a swiss roll mix to make a hot-dog bun?

  32. Ingenious! You've taken the cupcake burger to a whole new level, love it! I do both mixes and scratch. When I'm short on time or serving a bunch of non-discriminating 6 yr olds, I go mix all the way! If the constantly dieting skinny people in my family eat it with reckless abandon then I know it's good- scratch or mix!

  33. LOVE THIS!!! Hope you don't mind, we posted it on our site
    ( with a link to your page.

    Thanks for posting, the hubs will love it!

  34. WOW! Those are so cool!
    I can't use mixes- it takes all the fun out of baking and you can't really say "I made it myself" when a factory has done half the work. The ones you get here tend to taste a bit fake, too :-s

  35. As usual, you have done a SUPERB job ONCE AGAIN!!!
    I love to use mixes and then 'upgrade' them :) I change the texture and flavors and make them more 'personalized' by adding pudding mixes or flavored coffee creamers etc…

  36. What a wonderful idea! They are just too cute. :)

    I have waited for my immigrant visa (Swedish but married to an American) for 10 months, and finally I get to move to my wonderful hubby! We've had a long dinstance relationship for 4 years, and now we can finally be together! Anyway, we're having a big good bye party here in Sweden when he comes to get me – and it happens to be on 4th of July. We thought about having an American-Swedish theme. These burgers will be a fun element on the dessert table, and my hubby will love it! :)

    Thank you so much for a wonderful blog, you have brought me so much inspiration!

  37. Cute! I just made cupcake french fries last week….…I even put them in a fry container! Crazy that I thought of something similar to the famous Bakerella… I like the sugar cookie fry idea though!

  38. Wow, the amazing ideas you come up with cease to end! That is so creative and delicious looking, great job.

  39. Those are so cute!!!! I love them and can't wait to try them.


  40. Oh my goodness what a fun and interesting way of making cake! A true genius, as always, Bakerella!

  41. I would like to be able to follow your blog. Do you have that option set up?

    Oh, and I when it comes to cake and brownies… always mixes!

  42. These are soooo cute!!! I know what I am making for my Dad and Husband! Thanks for posting! Yep, I am a mix girl too!

  43. oh my heck…i can never get over you and your talent…can i just pay you??

  44. These are just too cute!

    I don't have a side of the fence with mixes. Sometimes I like them especially when I'm experiementing on a design, i.e. Ice Cream Cake Cone, but when I make a cake I like to make it from scratch. I don't know why but I do.

  45. You are absolutely amazing! I'm only 13, but this looks so fun and easy that I think I'm gonna make it for my Daddy Father's Day Weekend. :]

  46. Just darling! May have to attempt it.

  47. OMG. I am actually DEAD those are the cutest things I have ever seen

  48. That is adorable beyond words! As far as my opinion on mixes, I'm on the fence. Sugar cookies are pretty much the same no matter how you do them, and most cake mixes are pretty fool-proof but never amazing. However, when it comes to brownies, give me a packet-mix brownie over a homemade one any day!

  49. Cute!

  50. Hi,

    We have just added your latest post "Bakerella: Fast Food Fun" to our Food Directory . You can check the inclusion of the post here . We are delighted to invite you to submit all your future posts to the directory for getting a huge base of visitors to your website and gaining a valuable backlink to your site.

    Warm Regards Team


  51. OMG. These are the cutest things ever, ever! My husband thinks I'm crazy because I'm sitting over here crying about how cute they are!

  52. i only use mixes when i am VERY short on time – or making brownies. i have yet to perfect them like Betty!

    LOVE your site :) thanks for the great ideas!!!

  53. OH WOW I had a big goofy grin reading this post and I am just amazed. I can't wait to make them!!

  54. Oh my gosh…this is the BEST idea ever…I LOVE it!!!
    I am so going to send the link to your blog to my sisters.

  55. All of this is completely adorable! My kids would love this! Thanks for the step by step. I have to agree with you- baking from scratch definitely tastes better, but I don't always have time.

  56. AMAZING! I really love your work
    A hug from Argentina!

  57. You are an inspiring clever woman!!! By goodness, you are blowing me away! Here's to women!!!!

    I like boxed cakes if they use very little preservatives….

  58. I love the look of the things you make,I love your blog, You have great taste with decorating and you're very talented, but I'm very disappointed about mixes of any kind. I'm italian, went to high school in the us (senior year, exchange student). Just to make you understand how bad mixed stuff is, i gained 30 lbs in a year, eating half the food i had in Italy, but lots of mixes. Got back in italy i lost it all without dieting. Any kind of food made from boxes can't be good. Oh, I'm a gastronomic sciences student, we study food and wine productions and uses, I'm a big supportes of the slow food theory.

  59. Just to let you know, I have awarded you a Kreativ blogger award because I think you totally deserve it:

    So please click on the link to collect it if you would like (and also to read my comments about your wonderful blog).

  60. These are DARLING!!! My sister and I are going to do them for Father's Day. I wanted a "dessert" to go with them. We're going to do ice cream cone cupcakes and top them with chocolate frosting to look like an old fashioned soft serve ice cream cone!!

  61. I'm not adverse to a mix now and again. Esp. when you are trying out something new, for a test run.

    Also, I love burger cupcakes. I made them once for an art opening and people's reactions were HILARIOUS! But yours have like, a zillion times more awesome quotient because of the "serving suggestion" and fries! How awesome can you get?

  62. oh my gosh, these are THE cutest things i've EVER SEEN! THANK YOU!

  63. Those are too cute!

  64. Oh, and as for mixes – I only use them if people give them to me, or if there is some creation that just can't be made without them. Flour and other supplies are cheaper if I'm going to do a lot of baking, which I always like to do. And I can control exactly what goes in them, so if I want to do gluten free, I can do that. If I want no corn syrup, I can do that. Usually it ends up tasting better to me, too.

  65. Omg. Omg omg omg omg. I love this! And I am so using this the next time I get to make a baked good for an event. The use of cookies for the fries is genius! (I've seen those giant hamburger cakes with a side of fries, but fries made of cake just don't work.)

    And this is just a side note, but I'm happy that you always take so many lovely pictures. Even if I don't try to follow along and make what you're making, it's so fun to look through – reminds me of poking through colorful cookbooks as a kid.

  66. I looove loove loove this! So cute and seems pretty simple to make as well. Thanks for sharing.
    Mixes are sooo my friend! :)

  67. SO freakin' cute!


  69. OMG!! YOU are just AWESOME!AWESOME!AWESOME! no other word to describe your ideas…I am totally making these!

  70. these are so frippin adorable! your creativity knows no bounds…i'm jealous.

    when it comes to mixes, i use them when i'm experimenting (or just in a hurry). otherwise, scratch is the way to go!

  71. These have got to be one of the cutest things I have ever laid my eyes on….my heart is palpating I want to get up and make these right now!

    Brownies are from a mix for me…most cakes however, are from scratch although I will say there are some good cake mixes on the market. Frosting I would never, ever do from a can – I just don't care for the taste or the texture. I am a cake decorator and find it way too thin to work with. It could easily work though for a project like this. I think we all just need to use what works at the moment….sometimes we have more time than others….but I guess that is my age talking – getting more laid back by the moment!

  72. that is too cute!!! and it's perfect for father's day present! as always, you have such yummie creative ideas!

  73. Just another vote for something Gluten-Free created by your amazing mind :) Thanks again for inspiring us to "attempt" to be even a smidgen as creative as you :)

  74. You are simply AMAZING with the designs you think of! I would love to see you feature something using the new Betty Crocker Gluten-Free Cake Mixes for all your Gluten-Free Fans out there :)

  75. Oh my adorable! I love! Do I have time to do this?? No! But SOMEDAY, I will!

  76. Cookies: don't use them
    Brownies: Is there any other way to make them but mixes???

    cakes: Improve them.

    I guess it's all three for me.

  77. You are amazing! These are so cute!

  78. I've made these before too but they definitely don't look as good as yours! I battled with the idea of using tinted coconut or icing and the tinted coconut won!! I hate shredded coconut as well but it just looks really real!

    I love your template!

    these were how mine turned out!

  79. You have done it again…what a super cute and clever idea!! Love it and I bet all the dad's out there would, too. Homemade is the best but a mix is easy so why not use it on occasion! Thank you for sharing your awesome ideas with us all!!

  80. if it is not broke, dont fix it… while scratch often is best.. there is a time and place for boxes.

  81. Those are totally cute. I'm having a 4th of July party and that may just be the dessert! Thanks.

    I am a professional cake decorator and I often use doctored cake mixes. I spend my time and energy on decorating the cake. These companies have spent a lot of time, energy and money to test these box mixes to make them turn out great every time! Why reinvent the wheel? Many times a scratch recipe does not turn out exactly as I would like and when it's for a client I just don't have time to remake it.

  82. This idea is so great. Well done

  83. You make everything look so simple!!! I may have to try these…although I know! they won't look anywhere as nicely as your's do!

  84. How clever! These are absolutely adorable..I love your blog!

  85. Love your burger & fries!

    When I want a "baked from scratch" flavor with a cake mix I substitute olive oil for the "regular" oil in the directions and I always use room temperature eggs.

    Also, if you ice the cake while it's still warm it will "lock" in the moisture and be really yummy. Use an apricot jelly glaze, or other flavor, before using the real icing and the icing won't melt. It also adds extra flavor.


  86. These are too cute for words. And they're perfect for the summer months. Love them!

    I'm all about the mixes once in a while. I especially love the duncan hines chocolate chip cookie mix. Yum!

  87. These are adorable! Can't wait to try them. Thanks. Great post.

  88. you are tooooo awesome!

  89. I love this! It's like a mini version of the hamburger cake I made not too long ago! It was so simple but fun :)

    Have a look!

    Great photos as usual Bakerella!


  90. Hi! I absolutely love your blog and wanted to let you know that today I am nominated you for "One Lovely Blog Award" via my blog Love. Obsess. Inspire!

    Thank for all the inspiration!

    L :)

    P.S. Here are my instructions upon receiving the award:

    1) accept the award and post it on my blog with the name of the person who gave it to me

    2) then pass the award on to 15 other blogs recently discovered

    3) contact them to let them know they received the award

  91. Too cute!
    For my family, I bake from scratch. Crazy food allergies require it.

    For parties and/or friends that don't care, I'll use a mix because it's faster and easier.

  92. these are cute. good job!! i use both, made from scratch and box mixes, but i always make my frosting.

  93. OMG, those are so crackin' cute! I'd make them for Father's Day, but he's already requested an apple pie, and I'm going to attempt your PB cup chocolate cake for his b-day the following week.
    I go about 50/50 mix/homemade. I love new recipes, but you just can't beat the convenience (and sometimes final outcome) of a mix.

  94. Those are really cute!

    I don't really like using mixes. I keep a couple on hand for when I have the urge to BAKE RIGHT NOW, and don't want to spend the time going through my cookbooks to pick the perfect thing to make.

  95. Awesome, great job! My 5-year old is standing here telling me what to type. We both love your creativity!

  96. I am SO making these for my son's 13th birthday on Wed. Burgers are his fave. I can't wait to see these done! I have 4 kids and they'll love 'em.

  97. those are just adorable! definitely making them this weekend:)

    I use mixes now and then, if I need something quick. They can be handy in a pinch.

  98. What a great idea! I will have to come up with something to make these for! Thank you!


  100. I love these!

  101. I made burger cupcakes a while back too. People couldn't get over how adorable they were. Though mine were 'cheeseburgers' because I added little processes cheese slices made out of marshmallow fondant:

    My Burger Cupcakes

    I much prefer baking from scratch, but like you I used mixes for my burger cupcakes (except for the frosting and fondant). Mostly to try to speed up the already long process.

  102. You are fantastic, how stinking cute are these guys! I love it!

  103. OMG – these are so ridiculously amazing!! Brilliant!!!!!Keep it up, I love seeing your ideas and tips. Super blog!

  104. thank you so much for sharing this FUN! :) Have a GREAT day!

  105. hi – amazing blogg!
    just wanted to tip you off on a swedish cupcakedecorating photographer;
    Her work is off the charts! Well, you may not understand the swedish, but the cupcake-section is just pics and wonderful.
    keep up the good work!

  106. WOW, how perfect are you? We were planning on making a GIANT hamburger cake for pop's day (in addition to actual burgers for dinner), but now I'll just have to do tiny cupcakes instead :o) And the fries…they look so good! And those templates! I'm going to print some now to play around with since I'm sittin' here all bored at work.

  107. SO CUTE!!!!! I know what I am making for our family picnic in August.

    Love mixes…I don't have a lot of time to spare on hoping something works from scratch.

  108. Beautiful! This is an amazing creation. Any Dad would be lucky to get this little fast food treat!

  109. I actually really like the frosting lettuce..I dont think I would want the coconut on those little guys…

  110. Mixes are fabulous, and I love to use them as a "base" and add my own tweaks to them. There is nothing wrong with a mix.

    How does it feel to be so creative and inspire so many people?!!

    So, seeing as how you really are that creative, maybe you (and your other fabulous readers) can help me out – I need a name for a new singing quartet! I have a contest going on my own blog.

    I would love your input!

    I've added your link to my own blog as well, and also mentioned this post on there. Hope to see you soon!

  111. well well well…
    I guess great minds think alike…

  112. Excuse me but does anything get any cuter than these? Simply darling.

  113. OMG, how stinking cute!

  114. How adorable. They are so cute, I love it!

  115. Valerie- The purpose of parchment paper is to be nonstick, so tape won't help you here- it won't stick either. Once there is weight on it, your paper SHOULD stay in place. It may slide, if the surface your parchment paper is on is wet or very smooth, so leave the cleaning for later. Also, if the side of the paper that touches the counter, or wherever you're working, has flour or confectioner's sugar on it, it will probably slide. But there is really no trick to parchment paper, so if I were you, I'd just buy a different brand!

  116. you are ridiculous with your creativity! i am so impressed! these are super cute!

  117. Unfreakin believable!!!! Bakerella you have outdone yourself. You never cease to amaze me – you are so talented.

  118. I dig the mixes. I usually tweak them a little, extra chocolate, almond extract, lemon juice, whatever… I do from scratch baking for special occasions, but your average Tuesday night when I have about an hour and a half between getting home and putting the girls to bed, mixes are the way to go.

  119. That is SO cute!!!

    I almost ALWAYS make cake from scratch; I LOVE baking…every second of it. Then again, there are many more seconds of it without a cake mix…

  120. I've made a giant burger using a white cake mix and brownie mix for the burger. I decorated with moldable candies for lettuce and tomato.

    For the fries I got a pound cake and sliced it into "fries" and toasted them in the oven. I got fry containers from McDonalds.

    What a hoot. I'm going to try those mini ones though, they look great.


  121. I use all of the above, scratch, mix and semi-homeade (mix with add ins). It depends on the project and what the goal of the end result is. These are super cute!

  122. I do love to scratch bake, but its hard to beat a box mix sometimes.

    Question-I love the idea of using the parchment paper to roll out your cookies, but I tried it and my paper just slid all over the counter. I even tried taping it and the tape wouldn't hold. Any clue as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!

  123. I am loving this!! FInally got the templates printed and saved…thank you so much! Going to buy the vellum today to make the vision complete. I am going to do them for our street dads and present them to them after we complete our Relay for Life Friday night. Thanks again!! Lori in Canada

  124. I guess its sometimes easier to use cake mixes? But i think scratch baking always yields a fresher batch :)I don't mind using cake mixes sometimes though whenever I'm feeling a little lazy and just want an instant sweet pick me upper :))

  125. Isn't that funny, we both did lemon bars on our blog—must be a lemon bar time of the year!

  126. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooo real looking and the labor that went into it!!! :) Well done!!!!

  127. Hi there – these are the best things I've seen all week. I too use mixes – there's no shame in that!

  128. This is the cutest thing ever! I might have to try it sometime soon…

    As for mixes, I love them. And I often add a little something to make them my own! I love to add a bit of ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg to a spice cake mix.

  129. You are amazing!!
    Here in Norway, lots of the colorings and other things you use are banned (we have very strict food laws) but I still get sooo inspired by your pictures!! My to-shop-list for my next US visit just grows and grows…

  130. These are absolutely fabulous! I am going to make them thank u so much!

  131. those are sooo cute!

  132. if i have to focus more on decorating, then i definitely use mixes. they make life soooo much easier. and OMG, this post is awesome! youre awesome!

  133. This is absolutely adorable! I want to do this for Father's Day!

  134. "take a break and dispose of scraps…" now you're talking!!

  135. Use them when it comes to cake but make my own brownies and cookies.

  136. That is such a fun idea! I like them all together and the cookie fries are a great addition! Thank you for linking to the CTTC link..those were MY cupcakes!!:)woot! I'm honored~!

  137. Oh my! This is just so pretty to see, make and eat! You're so creative! I simply love all your works! Goodness!

  138. Wow, thanks so much for sharing! I was planning on making these this week for my husband's work party…and you just made them SO much cuter with the fries bag. I'm going to make one for each person at Robert's work and I can hardly wait!

  139. In a pinch, I always use mixes.
    I love scratch made cakes, but sometimes you need 60 cupcakes for a teacher's baby shower. tomorrow. haha.

    although, I usually jazz up a mix using citrus zest or extracts.

    the burger look awesome. probably making these in the coming weeks with friends.

  140. Cutest things EVER! Now I have to throw a party, just to have an excuse to make these!

  141. These are cute, and looks so yummy!

  142. I feel like more of a "real" baker when I bake from scratch, but I definitely use mixes sometimes and often add extra flavorings or "add-ins" like chocolate chips, nuts, fruit, etc… to give my special touch.

  143. This is just too cute for words.

  144. I love, absolutely love the "burgers and fries" I can't wait to try them out!!!

  145. These are adorable!!! Thank you for sharing.

    I use a mix if I want to and I start from scratch if I want to. :) Just depends on the day. :)

  146. Those are just too freakin' adorable!!! I think I will have to whip some up w/the kiddos for Father's Day!

    As for the mixes… I'd love to be able to say that I "ALWAYS" bake from scratch, but I'd be lying!!! I usually prefer to spend more time on the decorating than the actual baking.

    Plus, the Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix is awesome! I use it all the time! My favorite version is to add white chocolate chips & dried cranberries (Craisins) to it to doctor it up a bit. They come out amazing and no one would ever suspect that I didn't make them from scratch! But shhhhhhh… don't tell!

    Karyn :o)

  147. Those are perhaps the cutest things I have seen since the Hello Kitty cupcake pops!!

    When I bake brownies from a mix, I add chocolate chips or white chocolate or peanut butter chips or whatever.
    Mmm Mmm good!

  148. I don't know how you come up with these!! So cool!!

  149. OOOH yes, when it comes to mixes, definitely use them. Without them how would we have time to decorate? These are adorable.

    Thanks for sharing.

  150. When I use a mix I try to improve it a bit.

    Those are adorable I will be making them this weekend.

  151. Bakerella,
    These are adorable! They look like they're probably tasty too :)

  152. OMG absolutely adorable!!!!

  153. Oh my gosh…I can't even STAND the cuteness! Stop it!

    My kids would LOVE these.

  154. I totally refuse them! I can't stand how sweet the mixes are. I love baking from scratch though. My mother is a fantastic baker and totally made me a mix snob.

    One confession though – I love jiffy cornbread mix made with vanilla soy milk. It's a cheap and quick cornbread that I can't tell came from a box.

  155. These are amazing!

  156. OK…so you are amazing! I knew that already, but this puts you over the edge. Adorable, creative, fun, yummy…I could go on!!!

  157. I love these "meals" :) They are so cute. I need your help though. I am doing a train (Thomas) themed birthday party for my son in a few weeks and I am trying to figure out how I can make cupcake bites or pops into some kind of train treat. Any ideas?

  158. I am totally making these for the 4th of July BBQ. They are way too cute. I almost couldn't believe it when I saw them because I literally just crocheted and gifted a little burger to my niece for her 5th birthday today! Thanks for the great ideas!

  159. Another post that leaves me drooling…

  160. Lyzzie;

    IS AMAZING your work is adorable

  161. These are so cute! I shared these on my blog as well! Thanks so much and hopefully I can help drive more traffic your way!

  162. Very creative :}

  163. Okay, I have to ask. How do you always have such a beautiful solid color background to your pictures?!

  164. I love those.
    I only use box mixes whne I'm craving a sugar hit fast. Otherwise its from crath for me. You guys in America are lucky to have hershey mixes and what not. IN australia we are pretty boring like that.

  165. you are amazing.

  166. You did a beautiful job on those, Angie! I did a really large hamburger cake once- a Krabby Patty for a Sponge Bob Birthday… the mini cup cake ones are perfect.


  167. These are amazing. As a tip, if you don't want your cut outs to spread, pop them in the fridge for 10-15 minutes after you have cut them out and put them on the cookie sheet before baking.

  168. I think you are amazing! Not only do you create beautiful, fun, delicious foods, but you also photograph them artistically and share them freely. Thank you for your generosity! (My cupcake balls didn't turn out as cute as yours, but I'm going to work on it!)

  169. When I do something that is more than just a cake or a cookie (meaning something cute and decorative) I have NO objections to using mixes. I don't try to improve them.

  170. Too, too cute! I can't wait to try these!

    By the way…have you ever considered doing some sort of "baking clinic"?? I didn't realize you were in GA until your post about the baking store in Tucker. Kind of like what you did with the Pioneer Woman. I just think it would be so much fun!!

  171. These are just so cute! Great job Bakerella!

  172. Those are so stinkin' cute! And those french fries actually look real- wow!

  173. oh for sure improve them!! White Almond Sour Cream cake is soo AMAZING! I get so many raves about it. I can't wait to make these burgers for a summer BBQ

  174. Love the idea, so cute! As far as mixes, I use them-especially for brownies. However, for my cakes I add to them. For each cake mix I use I add a 1/2 cup sour cream and a 1/2 small package of instant pudding the same flavor (or vanilla if I can't match the cake mix flavor). They cook the same amount of time and then when they are done I put them on cooling racks for about 10 min. Afterwards I release them from the pans, wrap them in saran wrap and freeze them. When I am ready to ice them I let them defrost for a few hours. This makes the most moist cake I have ever eaten in my life!

  175. Those are DARLING!! where do you come up with all of yor ideas – your amazing. As for mix vs. scratch I do both.

  176. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Those are so stinking cute!!!

    I am a scratch kind of gal, but I if (when) I make these burgers and fries I will for sure use a mix.

    I am going to make them for all the dads I know.

    Thanks so much!!!

  177. Ahhh these are so cute. I want to make them right now. Thanks for the great idea as all of yours are.

  178. I very rarely use mixes… it just feels like cheating to me, at least for cakes.

    I use mixes for stuff like Nanaimo Bars – things I don't know how to make otherwise.

  179. I usually like to bake things from scratch, but when the end result is more for looks(like this adorable burger combo)and there are lots of details to take care of, I say "go for it" and use the mix! Or perhaps you could use a little of both(scratch/mix), which also saves time:)
    I really want to make these for the 4th of July! Thanks for the templates!

  180. This is frigan adorable!!!! Who says cupcakes always have to be girly!!!

    As for mixes, no matter what, every person's batch has some uniqueness to it. My sister bakes with the same brand as our friends, and I swear hers come out the best! (ok so I am biased hehe) but true!

  181. Wow! I am so very impressed. These are awesome.

  182. way to much time on your hands…so worth the outcome though! :)

  183. I made these today! They were so easy!!! Mixes are the only way to go. And the mini burgers came out amazing!

  184. Use 'em baby!!!!!!

  185. This is the coolest thing I've ever, E-V-E-R seen! Thanks for sharing. I'm all for baking from scratch but keep boxed mixes around for when I'm in a time crunch.

  186. You just made my day! I am actually smiling because of food!!
    I am going to give it my best shot of the 4th of July to make these…The kids will scream in delight! Thanks for the inspiration…you are one of a kind! I will post this on my blog too!

  187. Hello!
    Most of the time I bake from scratch, but then sometimes we decide to make a cake,or we want to try something new. (Dad loves cake!)Those times are a good oppertunity to use a mix.
    And you know what? I just might make those little burgers! (Dad loves burgers too!)

  188. These are outstanding! I'll have to try making them for my family, maybe Memorial picnic? I do both, mixes and bake from scratch, depends on my mood, the results I'm looking for and time constraints. Thanks for keeping all of us inspired with your creations from the kitchen:)

  189. Oh Man these are too cute. I love seeing what you create over here.

    Mixes…not so much my thing with cookies but I do like cake mixes from time to time. They are so versatile and fun to play around with.

  190. These are the cutest things ever. I love the way you made them for Father's Day!
    As far as scratch versus mix, I prefer scratch since they tend to taste better. If I had to use a mix to save on time, I would have no problem with it. I don't like all the preservatives in the mixes, but most people don't even notice them since they are so used to everything pretty much having them in it. Now that I have had scratch cakes and cupcakes, it is definitely harder to go back to mixes.

  191. I have never seen these before. They are too stinking cute! I am definitely going to find an occasion to make these. Can't for Father's day. My hubby will be out of state.

    I love adding stuff to my mixes! I always have at least 2 boxes of white mix on hand. And I never make white cake LOL Lately I have been adding strawberry margarita mix to the cake batter instead of the full amount of water. Then I make Lime butter cream to go on top. They are wonderful!

  192. Can't you just live at my house and make me treats all day?;)

  193. These are so cute! I can't wait to make them!
    I use cake mixes a lot- usually doctored up. But when I use them straight I get the most compliments! People love them! I also only use DH brownies- they are for sure the best brownies ever! Even those I doctor sometimes (graham cracker crumbs in the batter with marshmallows on top- yum!)Sugar cookie dough and frosting I always make from scratch.

  194. I don't use mixes unless I'm in a real big hurry. I love baking from scratch and I can totally taste the difference. Super cute. I think i'll make these for Father's day!!

  195. Those are simply amazing! Just in time for my little one's 2nd birthday party as well. We will be serving actual burgers and fries. Just imagine, burgers and fries for lunch and for dessert! hehe.

    I like to bake from scratch, but the odd time, I will use a mix. For a project like this, the mixes would be quite appropriate.

  196. Those are simply amazing! Just in time for my little one's 2nd birthday party as well. We will be serving actual burgers and fries. Just imagine, burgers and fries for lunch and for dessert! hehe.

    I like to bake from scratch, but the odd time, I will use a mix. For a project like this, the mixes would be quite appropriate.

  197. How stinkin' cute is that!!!

  198. The hamburgers are so adorable! I have a friend's bday coming up. I was wondering do you have the french fry holder and bottom tissue in word format to share? In PDF you can't make changes. I so thought putting happy birthday George on the paper goods would be awesome! You could adapt the paper goods to anything and any occasion. Your ideas are very versatile.

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