
Where I Shop, Part 2

Candy Melts

A couple of weeks ago, I took you on a fun photo tour of Cake Art Party Store ( – a great little cake supply place I visit often. But, what I didn’t show you is all the candy making supplies they have. I’ve bought lots of stuff from them to make cake pops. Most importantly… candy melts. What would I do without these things. They come in 1 lb. bags of dark and milk chocolate as well as tons of colors…

Peanut Butter Candy Melts

… and flavors. Did you know these things come in peanut butter? They also have some mint flavored ones if you like.

White Candy Melts

Now, if the 1 lb. bags aren’t enough for you, then throw a couple of these five pounders over your shoulder. FYI, these are superwhite vanilla coatings, not to be confused with white. Same thing, only brighter. And, if you buy a bunch of white candy melts, then you might even want to try tinting your own. It’s really easy.

Candy Color

Just add a few drops of this stuff to the melted candy coating and color away. Make sure it says candy color, though. Regular food coloring contains water and will mess your chocolate up. I mean it.

Cocoa Butter

100% Cocoa Butter. If I actually knew what I was doing, I would tell you all about how to use this stuff. But, I don’t. The only thing I use cocoa butter on is a sunburn. Besides, it was sitting right next to the candy colors, so I took a picture of it for you.


Gigantic caramel chunks anyone? I’ve never used these, but they definitely catch my eye every time I walk down the candy aisle to get lollipop sticks. Actually, my mouth is stuck together right now just thinking about them.


Ahhhh, sticks! Thank you. Fat ones, skinny ones, paper ones, wood ones, short ones…

Lollipop Sticks

… and long ones!

Lollipop Sticks

Or if you’re afraid of being stickless… bulk ones.


Of course, you’ll want something to stick them in to let your cake pops dry. Styrofoam works great.

Candy Molds

These are the medium peanut butter cup molds I use to make the Cupcake Bites. But, don’t let these limit you…


Check out the endless variety of candy molds. They have them for just about anything. Any occasion, hobby or interest you can think of.

Fish Candy Molds

I’m waiting for when I can use these.

You can really get creative with the molds. Fill them with solid chocolate or add flavored fillings.

Squeeze Bottles

Using squeeze bottles makes it easier to pour chocolate into the molds.


And you can use brushes to paint on the molds with different layers of colored candy melts.

Candy Writers

These are candy writers. They are really handy when you just need a little color and quick.

Just place the tube in a bowl of hot water to melt the candy and it’s ready to use.

They come individually in several different colors.

Candy Writers

Or try out the box set.


Oils. Need some banana cream flavored chocolate? Bubble Gum? Cranberry? How about root beer or mango?

I’ve used the orange flavor before when I made these orange-colored cake pops. The oils are super-strength and pack a bigger punch than normal extracts – so, you’ll just need a few drops.

Paramount Crystals

A lot of people have asked how to make their chocolate thinner. These paramount crystals do the trick. Just add a few pieces at a time to the melted candy coating and stir until they completely disappear. But, you can also use regular old shortening.

Miniature Cutters

Miniature cutters. These are an alternative to the ones I use from Williams-Sonoma to make Cupcake Pops. The flower cutter on the left is the one you want. It comes in this Ateco set #4848.

Cello Bags

Cello bags. These have a bronze/brown tint and they come in lots of sizes. I usually just use small clear plastic treat bags for the pops, though.

Foil Candy Wrappers

Look at these. I’ve never really paid much attention to these foil candy wrappers. I don’t know why. Probably because there’s just too much stuff to look at in this store. But, I definitely want to try them out soon. I’m thinking turquoise! No purple!

Candy Cups
You could wrap some cake balls in foil and then place them in little candy cups. How cute!
Seriously… rock them Roche-Ferrero style.


Or you could place them in truffle boxes. I love boxes. Especially little ones.


More boxes.

Edible Ink Pens

I saved my favorite for last. Americolor edible ink pens. These have made cake pop decorating so much more fun for me. I started out buying these black ones. They come as a 2 pack. I’ve used them to draw eyes and smiles for cake pop faces and also on fondant covered cupcakes.

Sold out

After buying the black ones over and over, I finally gave in and bought the full set of ten colors. The day I took these pictures they were sold out. Gone. MIA. Sorry.

But you’re in luck.

Since then, I’ve been back and snagged a couple of sets.

And I’m putting them up for grabs. Yay! Here’s what they look like.

Edible Ink Pens

Don’t worry. These are mine. I wouldn’t give you opened ones.

Here’s a few examples of how I’ve used them in the past.

Edible Ink pens at work

And, here are the new ones I am giving away to two lucky winners.

Edible Ink Pens

Enter for a chance to win:
A set of Americolor edible ink pens in assorted colors
  • Just leave a comment on this post and let me know how you would try them out. Cake pops? Cupcakes? Sugar cookies? Potato Chips? Whatever.
  • Leave your comment with a way for me to contact you if you win (either a blog link or email)
  • Deadline to enter is Monday, June 22nd at 6 p.m. (recorded by the time stamp of your comment) TIME’S UP – WINNERS BELOW!
  • Two winners will be chosen at random* and announced Monday evening on this post.

Good luck!

* using the integer generator

And the winners are…
Comment #188 – Brittney
Comment #2153 – Jodi
Yay! I hope you have as much fun with the pens as I have. And I want to see pics of your work!

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3,263 comments on “Where I Shop, Part 2”

  1. I would love to try them on pops and cookies!! That store looks amazing and I would love to find one near where I live.


  2. cake pops. these pens might be the motivation that i need!

  3. I would definitely use them on cupcakes, cookies, and cookie-pops. I've recently been into making rainbow cupcake, but I have a Stepford themed party coming up that could definitely use some fine detailing! Extraordinary. As well, I move in September, so this would be a great way to help me butter up some new friends.

  4. I would try them on birthday cupcakes! :)

  5. I would finally try my hand at cakepops and use these. But I also know I'd love decorating cupcakes with them…I love cupcakes.

  6. I just made my first batch of cake pops last night, so I would try them out on everything! I think I'd want to make little Garfield cake pops. :)


  7. Scrumptious! I think they'd be great on cookies and cupcakes. Any creative cooking actually. Might be cute on a sandwich surface, too!

  8. I would use them on cake pops, cookies, etc.
    They look like a lot of fun!

  9. I would use them on cupcakes for a baking contest.

  10. oooh, i think i'd like to do some cookie work with these…especially since i just started baking. why not jump in with both feet?

  11. Oooh cupcakes or cake pops! I'm about to make cake pops so I NEED these!
    wjunque1 {{at}} inneracts –dot–org

  12. Those would be perfect for the cookies I want to make for my daughter's first birthday party.

  13. I just found your website and I am DYING to try out cakepops. It would be so nice to get these to help me out in my endeavor!! :) or

  14. So far, cupcake pops have eluded me, but i think I could make some wicked cake balls with them!

  15. With those pens, it may have only taken one glass of wine to finish these…instead of the whole bottle :)

    I do a lot of group orders, and those pens would save a ton of time!

    pick me pick me! :)

  16. Your photos of this store make me salivate for one on the left coast! Do you know if there is a similar store in the Northern California area? I'm in Nevada and it's a desert for cakery supplies too.

  17. i would probably try them on sugar cookies and let my kids have fun decorating.

  18. I would use them on the ladybugs I'm doing for my daugther's 4th birthday cake.

  19. I would definitely use them on cupcakes and cakepops! Much easier than trying to write and design with frosting!

  20. I would love to use them on some homemade fortune cookies!!

    thank you for another give away!

  21. i am baking a surprise cake for my friend's baby shower. she always teases me saying i only do cupcakes with frosting so i am thinking of baking a cake, doing some marzipan work on it and it would be LOVELY if i have these pens to make the work look more intricate.


  22. I would try them on a cake. My husband and my grandma share a birthday next month so I'd love to test it out on their cake.

  23. I soooo want to try the Hello Kitty pops & the yellow smiley face ones too. Actually I want to try them all!!!

    I told my boyfriend we need to make a road trip to that store…


  24. On cupcakes for my sister's Bday in August!!!!

  25. Those look awesome! I'd definitely use them on cookies and cupcakes and probably just about everything edible, lol. =)

  26. I would use them on an unbaked pie crust and then see if it came out cool looking once baked!

  27. That store is awesome! I would try them on cakes. I've made some very detailed cakes that I wished I had something other than icing to use… like on my Super Mario Bros cake.

  28. That store is my vision of heaven. (Count me out for the pens, though. I already have two packages! We use them at my daughters' annual cookie decorating party on gingerbread and sugar cookies iced with royal icing.)

  29. I'm looking to make golf course cupcakes for my dad!

  30. OMGosh I would kill for a set of these! OK maybe not kill but seriously fight! I've wanted some forever for all the cakes/cupcakes that I do and for filling in some details on the candy that I mold from time to time. I just can't bring myself to spend the money though for whatever reason!
    I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win!!!

  31. Cakepops, maybe drawing some elegant baroque designs or cute victorian flowers…

  32. I wish I had a store like that near me…sigh

    I would try them out on cakepops!

    kathrindecker at gmail dot com

  33. I would love to use these on cookies.

  34. I would love to try these on cookies and cupcakes.

    What a cool place to go hangout and take pictures.

  35. I want to win!!


  36. I would use them for cake pops, there are becoming my new favorite treat during my pregnancy!
    ash5213 at yahoo dot com

  37. I would make sugar cookies, and ice them with white, then art attack them!

  38. I would mkae smily faces on my hand and then lick it off =]

  39. I'd use them to decorate cake pops, of course =)

  40. My son loves Fraggle Rock, so I would use them to draw Fraggles, Doozers, and Gorgs on your cupcake pops!

  41. Animal cupcake pops!!!

  42. Oh I LOVED this post. So interesting and SO lucky to have a store like that near you.

    Those pens look so fun. With my 3 small kids maybe a face on a veggie might make them eat them :)

    and definitely to pretty up cupcakes.

    jaesimelessa @ gmail

  43. I am obsessed with cupcakes so I'd definitely try them out on cupcakes of some sort. :)

  44. I've tried the kind you can buy at Micheal's, and they just don't work! I was so mad at Easter! I am about the try the smiley faces, and these would be great

  45. I would use them on cakepops. Love your ideas!

  46. Going to try and make some wedding pops! :)

  47. Cake pops! I tried the Wilton's ones, and wasn't feeling the love. The tip was too pointy and not brushy enough. Bummer!

  48. I've wanted to try those pens but whenever I go get cupcake supplies I never see them. I think I'd just try them on my standard cupcakes before I branched out too much.


  49. Cake Pops for sure. I just blogged my second attempt!!

  50. Oh how I'd love a store like that closer to me!

    I'm sure I'd have to try some cake pops, my kids would love those…or cupcakes, can't go wrong with cupcakes!

  51. It would be dangerous for me to browse that store. LOL! As for the writers I would use them for cake pops.

    I had so much fun making chicks at Easter but I quickly realized they eyes would have turned out better using one of those.

  52. I would use these to write on gum paste.

  53. I actually needed them when I was doing your cake pop chicks! I couldn't find one anywhere!


  55. I'd love to try them out on some cake balls. :-)

  56. I would LOVE to use them on cupcakes, cakes, cakepops, everything. :)

  57. cake pops! I so want to try these out.

  58. I think I would try them on my sugar cookies.

  59. Cake pops, definitely! They're the best :D

  60. I think my 3 year old and I would go crazy with these – trying them on everything, especially cupcakes!

  61. i want to make your garfield set-my 4yr old looooves garfield!

  62. I would like to try to make some of the adorable cupcakes!!

  63. I've been looking for a good set of those for ages! It's so great that you have giveaways. :)

  64. I would use it to decorate cookies. Sounds fun!

  65. I would use them on birthday cupcakes…for my little boy who turns 1 this August.

  66. The bigger question is what wouldn't I use them on! Seriously! Cupcakes, cookies, toast — you name it. I would love a set of these.

  67. Cakepops and cakeballs.

  68. Oooh, I think I'd like to try them out on some sugar cookies…mayhaps a Broadway theme?? FUN!!!

    walkermk at gmail dot com

  69. I'm thinking that sugar cookies would be an easy attempt at using these pens…great giveaway! And thanks for the heads up on the candy store. I'm on the west side of Atlanta, and might have to make a trip!


  70. I want to live in that store! I would like to try them on fondant or cake pops.

  71. i would love to try them out on some sugar cookies or cupcakes!

  72. Ooh, markers! I would use them to make cake pops- specifically if (as my fiance is hoping) we make cake pops with our faces on them as wedding favors.

    hlts11 (at) gmail (dot) com

  73. OOooooo…I think I would make some new fun cake pops – OH the possibilities!!!


  74. Cake pops! I have been meaning to try them for quite some now, what better motivation than fun stuff to help decorate them! :)

  75. I love seeing the pictures from the store and keep saying I need to fly out there for a shopping spree!

    I would so use these markers on my cupcakes though!

  76. I would try them on cakepops! Check out my blog… I made your hamburger cupcakes! They turned out great! Everyone loved them and so did I!

  77. I think cookies would be so much fun to try these out on!

  78. Bakerella-I think that I would try them all, but I have to say that according to my 9 year old, we would HAVE to make the pikachu's first!!!

  79. I'm trying to come up with an idea for wedding favors and I these pens would come in handy for writing on sugar cookies! I can't wait to visit Cake Art Party Store!

  80. I would use them to decorate the matching giant cookies for my best friends' 25th anniversary reception next month.

    cocker.splodie at gmail

  81. Awesome store!

    I would use them on cupcakes for my girls. They would love them!

  82. Cake pops of course!! :)
    michellebshaw at gmail dot com

  83. I'm definitely ready to try some cake pops. I'm thinking baby rattles for a baby shower.

  84. Well, I could think of an adult thing to do with them… *snigger* but considering I have 60th, 16th and 18th birthdays coming up in the next few months, I am thinking of awesome personalised cakes!

  85. The real question is, how wouldn't I try them out.

  86. I would like to try them on my kiddos pancakes & toast! What a fun breakfast surprise!

  87. Oh my boys and I would have such fun with those! I think we'd use them on sugar cookies and cupcakes. I can see them coloring all sorts of things!

  88. I would try them on…EVERYTHING! Well, all possible baked goods, anyway… ;)

  89. Ha! I'd try them on potato chips, only because you mentioned it! Lynn

  90. I love that store! I wish we had one around here…


  91. I think I would have to pitch a tent in that store, 'cause I would never want to leave!

    These markers would make my life so much easier because I simply HATE piping names, birthday messages, any kind of writing whatsoever on cakes. These pens, directly onto rolled fondant is the way I want to go.

  92. I think they would be fun to write notes or doodles on my son's sandwiches with!

    We also like to decorate cookies together….they would be so much fun.


  93. I've never tried these pens, but I would love to! I already have some ideas in my head of what I can do with them

  94. The ones I bought for making my cake pops must be generic or something, because they barely worked. To draw simple eyes on my Easter chicks took like 15 seconds per eye! So I would love to win the "real deal" markers that you use!

  95. I would probably take that as a sign that I need to try some fondant cupcakes and use the markers to decorate.

  96. I vote cake pops! As if I needed an excuse to try them… :)

  97. I would love to try them out on cakepops. I did your Happy Meal for Father's Day. What a huge hit it was…..thanks for all your inspiration. I can only dream about having a store like that to visit! I'm a huge chocolate make at Christmas time……I've never seen so many different colors of candy melts. Here in SK Canada we are very limited with purchasing all these goodies.

  98. this and the part one post make me wish I lived closer and could browse these aisles! onepinkpoppy(at)gmail(dot)com

  99. cake pops…. cupcakes… cookies… cakes… homemade puppy treats…:-)

  100. I'd use those pens on molded chocolate. The kids would go crazy trying them out.

    mmga_kc at yahoo

  101. I'd love to use these on cookies and cupcake pops. How fun! I've been looking for these for a while :)

  102. oh, i love these and have often wanted to buy them at my local cake/candy decorating store. i would probably use them on cookies and cupcakes.

  103. I love those food writers! I call them Food Sharpies! They're just as cool! I used them for my Lost( the tv show) quotes cupcakes!

  104. I would make cute cupcake faces like your cute cupcakes!!!

    Elizabeth Moore

  105. I'd use them on cupcakes or maybe sugar cookies frosting… yummy!!!

  106. What a cool post. Thanks for sharing. I have never used markers for any of my cupcakes so I would love to try them on a new batch of cupcakes.


  107. I would love to try them out on cupcakes and the cupcake pops. And man, what a cool store to have access to. I am quite jealous.

  108. I bought some other ones when we tried cake pops for my daughter's birthday this spring and they didn't write on the chocolate. So disappointing! We would definately try again if we had better markers. Oh, and cookies too – we could have such fun with them!

  109. That store is amazing. I would love to try the writers on cookies and cake pops.

  110. I would love to use them on sugar cookies! I think I could create some beautiful caligraphy as part of a design.

  111. I would love to try them on anything! I love iced sugar cookies and I think I could get some good are going on those :)

  112. i would use these on round sugar cookies covered in royal icing, let my kids do the drawing, and give them to the grandparents as edible art projects!
    amy fenster brown

  113. I would use them on cookies and cupcakes…with help from my little girl who LOVES to bake like her mommy! :)

  114. I've always wanted to use them for pops!

  115. I would use them on cookies and cupcakes…with help from my little girl who LOVES to bake like her mommy! :)

  116. I would try making cupcake pops…something i haven't tried yet!

  117. I'd love to try them out on cake pops because Wilton ones STINK!!!!!! :) And on fondant of course for writing on banners etc.

  118. OOOOHH!!! I would do the cake pops and use the pens on fondant on cupcakes!!

  119. I have a set but a different brand, I would love to try them out on anything covered in fondant, or covered/dipped in chocolate. What about "tuxedo" dipped strawberries or cherries, to add the little buttons and lapels!

  120. LOVE to try the pens on some new cupcakes I'm working on. I've been taking some baking classes and am always anxious to try new techniques!

  121. i would use these on round sugar cookies covered in royal icing, let my kids do the drawing, and give them to the grandparents as edible art projects!

  122. oh these would come in so handy! we have no such place around here! and I did try the paramount crystals with the wilson and my pops came out perfect! thanks for the tip!

  123. I would definitely try cake pops!

  124. Oh what a great giveaway!
    I think that I would try them out on cakepops. I've seen some great ideas on your blog, but haven't had the guts to try them out!
    Thanks for this chance to win!

  125. I would use them on cupcakes or the cake balls.

    I would love to go to that store, but then I would have to file for bankruptcy.

  126. I want to win them because then I would have an even better reason to start baking more. I would first use them on cupcakes, then probably cakepops.

  127. I would try them out on iced cookies and cake pops. I'm so jealous that you have that store! How amazing that place is!

  128. OOooh, I'd love to try them on ANYTHING that you mentioned. Cake pops, cupcakes, eeeeeverything. LOVE them!!

  129. the options are endless…you could write little notes on your kids food in their lunch box…fun.

  130. I have been shopping since your last post…and saving things because I want to try some of your art! So, my answer is cake pops! Or maybe the cheesecake pops!!

  131. My oldest turns 8 on Sunday. I would use them on cupcakes for his birthday. Where can I find a store like that in California?

  132. That store looks ABSOLUTELY amazing. I'm sure I would lose myself for hours in there.

    As for the pens, I would use them any time possible. I'm always baking something and having them handy, I would probably try incorporating them whenever possible.

  133. If I had a set of Americolor edible ink pens in assorted colors I would begin by using them for my son's baby luau cakepop favors! We are doing an ocean theme luau so would love to have assorted colored sea creatures smiling at the 100+ guests!
    Mahalo nui for sharing your talent and great ideas.

  134. What an incredible store! I would be skipping down the aisles like a kid in a candy shop!
    I am having a play group at my house next month- we are decorating cookies! These would be perfect for the kids to use, instead of icing or gel.

  135. Thanks for the giveaway! You are so generous! I would love these..I think I would mostly do cupcake pops with them, but also would like them for adding detail to candy molds (I could use one right now for some fire hats!!) Thanks!

  136. I have just started working with fondant and would use them on cupcakes.

  137. I'd use them on cookies, no cakes, no cupcakes. Oh man I can't decide!

  138. I'd like to use them on cupcakes at a Back to School party!! Fun, fun, fun!!

  139. I would let my kids decorate some sugar cookies. Thanks for all the great ideas.

  140. Well, I have these peanut butter cup and leaf candy molds, and I've always wanted to make peanut "fortune" cups–think of a fortune cookie, but when you unwrap the cup, the fortune is written right on it. Then you can eat your luck! AS for the leaves, I have made numerous attempts at veining them realistically, but to no avail. I'd love to try with pens!

  141. I think I'd have to start out on cupcakes or sugar cookies. And I would need LOTS of practice!!

  142. I would love to try these on anything for my kids… they would love it!!!

  143. Cakepops, cakepops, cakepops!!

    I can't wait :)

  144. I think I'd be more apt to draw designs instead of faces… mycake balls could have designs… *swoon*

  145. i would love to use them everywhere! cookies, cupcakes, popcakes…

  146. I would love to use them on fondant covered cupcakes! So cute :)

  147. I'd try them first on mini-cupcakes. They're my boy's favorite.

  148. This would be a great excuse for me to try making your cake pops!!

  149. so cute!! that store is amazing!

  150. Hmmm, cupcakes spring to mind first, but they look like they'd be lots of fun to experiment with! I haven't tried using fondant yet, so they would be a good excuse to play with that!

  151. If only they could arrive in time for the (gluten-free!)cake pops I want to make for my son's last day of kindergarten on Wednesday.

  152. I'd use them on anything I can get my hands on! The more color on baked goods the better!


  153. What a store!
    I would use the pens for the cake pops first- I keep checking our stores and can't find any here.
    Then I think I would move on to cupcakes.

  154. That store is AWESOME!! I would use them on cupcakes! Have an idea for a friend's birthday! These would be super!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Wii cupcakes!

  155. Those pens are so cool! (as are all the rest of that cool stuff in the pics :)!!!)

    I have never made cake pops…but I would love to!!!

  156. I would use them for details on fondant! ~Melanie

  157. I would love to use those on…everything! by the way I made the Father's Day cupcakes and fries, they were a big hit! thanks for all the inspiration.

  158. Those would be perfect for the cake creation I am making for Tommy's upcoming birthday!! Love those!!

    New here….and I just want to say I LOVE YOUR SITE!! You are incredibly talented….I'm going to have to try to make some cupcake pops one of these days!!

  159. i failed twice using some generic ones, they dried out real fast, I just want to try one more time! on a cake pop for halloween.

  160. I have been reading your blog for awhile and I find myself so inspired. As a matter of fact I am planning a trip down to GA just to go to some of these stores! I would love to win these. I want to try making cupcake bites for my daughter's 2nd birthday and I would use them for that. I like trying to melt chocolate to make decorations to stick in cupcakes so I would use them there too.

  161. If only I had the time to make these darling little creations of yours. Maybe if I had the pens, I would find the time!

  162. I'd probably use them to decorate the cake bites I am making for my friend's bridal shower this week. maybe little brides and grooms and flowers and what not.

    (klutzetort AT hotmail DOT com)

  163. I would use them on the cookies I am making for my son's birthday party. Oh please pick me!!!

    ce613 at hotmail

  164. My daughter won't eat cheese. I'm thinking maybe with faces on it, she would eat cheese.

    I also just made cake pops for the first time last week and they would be greatly improved with fun drawings on them :-)

  165. I've been wanting to make cake pops, I just haven't done it yet. If those pens showed up in my mail box I'd be busting out the cake mix faster than you can say "cake pop" LOL :).

    What a fun post – I wish we had a store like that nearby. So much potential in those aisles!

  166. I would try them on cakes, cupcakes, and cookies, hooray!

  167. Cakepops for sure!!! Pick me,!!

  168. LOVE your cake pops, LOVE THEM. I'd use these fancy pens to finally get around and do my own instead of just drooling over yours in cyberspace!
    Please,, pick ME!

  169. I'd definitely use them for sugar cookies. looks tasty.

  170. I would totally try them out on some cake pops! How fun!!! I would LOVE to go to that store!!!

    sarah8914 at gmail dot com

  171. My 3 year old daughter loves coloring! I would bake a huge batch of cookies and let her color away…. and then after all that fun I would use them for cake pops!

  172. wow….those are neat! I would love to give them a try!

  173. My husband's family has a big get-together on the 4th of July. We have an unspoken contest each year to come up with the most unusual, yummy, and/or cutest sidedish or dessert. I start planning about March, although since no one has ever admitted that there is any competition, I didn't just admit that.

    I'm planning cake pops or something similar this year. I have been waiting patiently for one of your stunning and/or adorable designs for Independence Day (not so subtle hint!) so that I can practice beforehand. I'm sure these would be perfect for that!

  174. I've been dying to try making cake pops but haven't braved it yet. I think those cool pens would push me over the edge to try them! :)

  175. On cake pops for sure!!!! That store looks amazing! Next time I'm in GA, I'm tracking it down!!!!

  176. I wondered how you did those perfect little details!!!
    I've got visions of doing cupcakes to look like the kids….and my husband. The pens would be the perfect way to do his spiky hair! And glasses….and insulin pump…!

  177. How awesome! I would try them on sugar cookies or a cookie cake!

  178. WOW!!! I was wondering how you did the faces! I would love them for cupcakes! WIth 3 kiddos in the house, they are always fighting over what belongs to them! How funny to "label" their cupcakes! I also think it would be soo fun for playdates!!

  179. Cupcakes definitely – that store is UNBELIEVABLE! I have never seen anything like it. I bet you have as much fun in there as I do yard sale-ing. :)

  180. I've never used these but so many of your great ideas incorporate them. I love the Wii faces – would be a great party idea. So many choices!!

  181. I am soooo excited about this store. I ordered a the writers on line and used them for the puppy cake pops for my son's birthday this week. Super, huge hit! I can't wait to visit and pick up a variety of candy writers, I use the few colors I could find online to decorate Eggos in the am! Put my name in the hat for the markers!
    Do you know about Fondarific? My sister-in-law from Savannah knows this lady and I hear the product is phenomenal! I have not sampled, I'm just sayin. Fondant that's edible, now that's somethin.

  182. I would use them to make the hello kitty pops for my friends little girls b-day!

  183. I have been loving your blog…and I would love to try the pens. I have made your cake pops several times. Everyone who has tasted them LOVES them!

  184. I would like to try them on cupcakes and the pops! I plan on making the pops in a few weeks for the first time :D.

  185. Oh, awesome!

    I would make some cake pops, maybe for my daughter's upcoming 2nd birthday!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    katie at dekabyte dot com

  186. I would use them for writing on cakes and cake pops. It's so hard (for me) to write with icing in a piping bag.

  187. Woah! Those are great! I would probably used them on cookies or cupcakes. I love baking sweet things!

  188. Hmmm… I bet they would be great on Sugar cookies! Or potato chips… LOL!

  189. i would love to use them on cookies….


  190. Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a new but dedicated follower. I would try these pens out on the pops.

  191. my family is completely in love with "cake cups" as my daughter refers to cake pops… =) so we'd try out some cute new options with these pens…

  192. I would use them on cookies, or better yet, ice cookies and let some kids do the decorating!! What fun!!!

  193. i would use them on character cakes i do with fondant… probably on a fair number of cupcakes too. :)

  194. I would love to try them on everything!! My daughter and I just made cake pops for my department meeting at work (the cake pops were a hit!) but we would have loved to be able to draw on our creations!

    thanks for an always awesome blog!


  195. I would use them here, I would use them there…heavens I would use them anywhere.

  196. what a great post! fun to see all the goodies you have access to.

    i would use these pens to decorate cakepops.

    lundquist.sbne (at) gmail (dot) com

  197. I would use the pens to make my son Henry's birthday cake. He tells me that he wants "dogs" from the Hello Cupcake book, but I don't think I am near that talented. I think I will start out small, maybe do a few cupcake pops with dog faces painted on? Here's hoping I can try them out! :) Thanks for the great giveaway. (

  198. I think my eyes grew twice as large as I looked through your post. The store looks amazing, I only hope to find a place nearly as good near where I live. Haha.

    As for the markers.. I would most definitely use them on cupcakes and cakepops.

  199. I would love to try them out on cupcakes!

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