Summer is officially here and I hope you guys will have the chance to do something fun, fun, fun!
These beach ball cake pops are a great way to get in the right mindset. I made them a while ago for Target’s blog (A Bullseye View) at the time, but it appears the instructions have since been removed in their site reorganization. So I thought I would update this post I made back then to include the complete how-to instructions. Now they‘ll be handy here if you want to give these cute pops a go.
They are so sweet and simple, and have such strong and graphic visual appeal. They just sing summer. And sunshine. And they make me smile. And they make me wish I was at the pool right now. P.S., if you love summer, you might like these Sunshine Cake Pops, too.
Now, let’s make some beach balls. The full instructions are at the end of this post, but first, here’s a photo play-by-play.
To make cake pops, start with crumbled cake and then mix it with frosting. Easy and so tasty.
The texture will be something like this. You can scoop amounts of the the cake and frosting mixture for even size balls.
And then just roll them by hand. If your cake crumbs are fine, you’ll get rounder, smoother balls which will make for smoother pops when dipped.
This is a good consistency of cake to frosting. The mixture should be moist but shouldn’t feel wet. Once they are scooped you can easily roll them into a smooth ball.
Speaking of consistency, you want your candy coating to be fluid and smooth so that it pours off the spoon instead of plopping. : ) I know. Nice visual, but this is what you want. Not too thick and perfect for dipping.
Once rolled, chill them and then dip them in white candy coating.
To decorate you’ll need some colorful sanding sugar in bright happy colors.
A helpful way to divide the pops into eight equal sections is to use a toothpick to draw or “etch” lines right on the surface.
Use a small brush to apply a thin layer of corn syrup to one of the sections.
Then dip that section in one of the sanding sugar colors.
Use a toothpick to clean up any edges for a more finished look.
Repeat, with each color of sanding sugar.
Add a blue confetti sprinkle to the top and voila – Beach Balls!
You can even display them in a dish filled with light brown sugar or cookie crumbs for sand.
So super cute for a party presentation.
Have a ball this summer and enjoy the perfect bite-size treat.
Beach Ball Cake Pops
What are you doing fun this summer? I’d love to know what you guys are looking forward to in your summer plans because I haven’t done anything fun yet. I’m longing for the pool and rest and adventure and rest and rest. What to do and where to go?
Hope you have a ball this summer!
A version of this post was originally posted on July 9, 2012.